Enhancing Student Engagement via Reduction of Frustration with
Programming Assignments using Machine Learning
Mario Garcia Valdez
, Amaury Hernandez Aguila
, Juan-J. Merelo
and Alejandra Mancilla Soto
Dept. of Graduate Studies, Instituto Tecnologico de Tijuana, Mexico
Geneura Team and CITIC, University of Granada, Spain
Affective Computing, Neural Networks, Learning Analytics.
Learning to program is often regarded as a difficult task. When selecting an appropriate programming ex-
ercise, experienced instructors gauge a student
s affective state and skills to then assign an activity with the
appropriate level of difficulty. This work is focused on the prediction of the affective states of programmers
with different levels of expertise when learning a new programming language. For this, an interactive web-
based programming platform is proposed. The platform is designed to collect data from the students
for data analysis. Current work is focused on the prediction of affective states using non-obtrusive sensors.
Specifically, the aim of this research is to evaluate the use of keyboard and mouse dynamics as an appro-
priate sensory input for an affective recognition system. The proposed method uses feature vectors obtained
by mining data generated from both keyboard and mouse dynamics of students as they work in basic Python
programming assignments, which were used to train different classification algorithms to classify learners
into five different affective states: boredom, frustration, distraction, relaxation and engagement. Accuracy
achieved was around 75% with J48 obtaining the best results, proving that data gathered from non-obtrusive
sensors can successfully be used as another input to classification models in order to predict an individual
affective states.
Introductory programming courses are generally re-
garded as difficult (Robins et al., 2003; Lahtinen
et al., 2005) and there is a common conception that
they often have a high failure rate (Bennedsen and
Caspersen, 2007). Jenkins (Jenkins, 2001) argues that
there are multiple factors involved in this lack of suc-
There is a deep relation with the expectations, at-
titudes, and previous experiences of the teaching
staff and students.
The nature of the subject that involves the learning
of new abstract constructs, syntax and tools.
Groups are often heterogeneous and thus it is diffi-
cult to design courses that are beneficial for every-
one. Many students begin to program when they
are at their first year of university which means
they are tackling a totally new topic that does not
respond to their habitual study approaches.
On the other hand, Dijkstra (Dijkstra et al.,
1989) argues that the subject of programming is very
problem-solving intensive, which means that a high
precision is required because even the slightest pertur-
bation can render a program totally worthless. These
difficulties often frustrate students. Jenkins (Jenkins,
2001; Jenkins, 2002) notes that many students ex-
pect the course to be difficult and come with the no-
tion that they will have to struggle, others may have
a stereotyped image of a programmer, these beliefs
can negatively affect their initial motivation. Dur-
ing the course, novice programmers experience many
emotions, for instance frustration and confusion when
they cannot find a bug in a program, but also joy when
they successfully run a challenging program for the
first time. They can also become bored if they found
the exercises too repetitive or too easy. Learning to
program is a difficult task, where emotions play a sig-
nificant role. Research has gone far to understand the
role of emotion in learning, both in the process and
the outcome; for instance, in e-learning (Kort et al.,
2001; Rossin et al., 2009) and in programming (Ro-
drigo et al., 2009; Jenkins, 2001; Bosch et al., 2013;
Khan et al., 2007).
In these works the emotion of flow/engagement is
Garcia Valdez M., Hernandez Aguila A., Merelo J. and Mancilla Soto A.
Enhancing Student Engagement via Reduction of Frustration with Programming Assignments using Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0006502102970304
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2017), pages 297-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-274-5
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
regarded as the ideal affective state in which students
tend to be most capable of acquiring meaningful in-
formation through the learning process. Flow is de-
fined by Csikszentmihalyi (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990)
as a mental state in which a person performing an ac-
tivity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized fo-
cus, full involvement, and enjoyment. Engagement is
also a positive affect where students are thought to be
more involved behaviorally, intellectually, and emo-
tionally in their learning tasks (Bangert-Drowns and
Pyke, 2002).
In order to promote engagement, instruction is de-
signed with the objective of assigning learning activ-
ities that result challenging to students, but not much
as to frustrate them. For this, experienced instructors
gauge a student
s affective state and then assign an ac-
tivity with the appropriate level of difficulty. How-
ever, recognition of emotions is a difficult task, even
for humans. Instructors often use their social intelli-
gence to recognize students
affective states. In class
a good instructor habitually reads the faces of stu-
dents in the classroom to see if they are confused,
bored or engaged; then decides what to do next. In-
teractive Learning Environments (ILEs) can be en-
hanced if they can offer an automatic perception of
emotions. The recognition and simulation of human
affects are becoming important fields of study, and
many researchers have demonstrated that affect-aware
computers can provide a better performance in assist-
ing humans (Picard et al., 2001). When ILEs embrace
these methodologies and techniques a problem arises.
Sensors must be used to gather data, in order to per-
form the recognition of users
affective states.
In programming courses, students solve program-
ming problems by programming their proposed solu-
tion in a particular language; in order to do this, they
must write the code, some times compile it, and fi-
nally run it to see how it works. While doing this, data
can be collected, all the dynamics of actually writing
the code in the keyboard, errors, corrections, elapsed
time, number of attempts, compiling errors, excep-
tions, among others. Data mining this could bring us a
better understanding of the learning process, and also
a better model to both the selection of the appropriate
content and to evaluate the learner
s competencies. In
this work, a method for the recognition of affective
states through the mining of keystroke and mouse dy-
namics data is proposed. The hypothesis is that stu-
dents can vary the dynamic of keystrokes according
to their affective state when programming. A corre-
lation of the user
s interactions (keyboard and mouse)
with an emotional state, has been established in the
preliminary work by Zimmermann et al. (Zimmer-
mann et al., 2003), but the work experiments where
conducted by asking users to write a predefined mes-
sage, not programming execercises. In order to test
the correlation of keyboard and mouse dynamics and
an affective state when programming, an interactive
web-based programming platform is proposed. The
platform is designed to collect keyboard and mouse
data from the students
ınteraction for data analysis.
The proposed method has three main components: a
JavaScript library to capture keyboard and mouse dy-
namics from a browser-based editor, a pre-processing
step whose output is a feature vector that is sent to the
third component, a classification algorithm. An ex-
periment was conducted where students solved a se-
ries of programming exercises using the web based
learning environment. Using only the data from the
s keyboard and mouse dynamics six affective
states where recognized for each of the attempts at
solving the exercises. Results obtained from the ex-
periment are promising. The affective states recog-
nized include the most common in novice program-
mers according to the study of Bosch, D’Mello &
Mills (Bixler and D´Mello, 2013): boredom, engage-
ment/flow, confusion and frustration. For this experi-
ment four binary classifiers were compared: J-48 de-
cision trees, k-nearest neighbour classifier, feed for-
ward neural network, and a na
ıve Bayes. The out-
put of each classifier determined if the student experi-
enced the affective state during the exercise. In order
to determine what affective states a student was ex-
periencing, an Experience Sampling Method (ESM)
was used by Csikszentmihalyi & Larson (Kubey et al.,
1996). After the students successfully solve a pro-
gramming exercise, they are presented with an ESM
survey that asks what they were feeling during their
solving of the exercise.
The structure of this work is organized as follows:
next Section presents a series of works related to the
proposed method in this paper; Section 3 describes
the proposed method for the recognition of affective
states in a web based learning environment for the
teaching of programming languages; next in Section
4 we explain the experimental evaluation of the pro-
posed method and results. Finally, we draw some con-
clusions about our methodology and experiments.
Affect recognition is an active field of research. Many
methods have been proposed, some require the inter-
vention of the user to fill up questionnaires or forms;
these selections remain static until the user changes
the values. These methods are easy to implement, but
cannot detect dynamic changes. A more dynamic ap-
proach requires the use of sensors to capture affec-
tive states as they change. The context, the environ-
ment and the learning activity determine what kind
of sensors can be used. The most common learning
environment is the classroom, a physical space with
context to facilitate learning. But learning is possi-
ble in a wide variety of settings, such as outside-of-
school locations and outdoor environments these are
sometimes referred as ubiquitous learning environ-
ments, an example of such environments is the work
of Yang (Yang, 2006) in a context-aware environment,
but missing affective information. There are also vir-
tual learning environments such as the one proposed
by Dillenburg (Dillenbourg et al., 2002) where learn-
ers can have avatars, and virtual places where they can
play roles and socialize.
In the general context of learning there have been
some approaches for affect recognition. The work of
Kapoor y Picard (Kapoor and Picard, 2005) uses a
multi modal approach using sensory information from
facial expressions and postural shifts of the learner
combined with information about the learner
s activ-
ity on the computer; the learning activity was solving
a puzzle on a computer. They report using a multi-
modal Gaussian Process approach achieving an accu-
racy of over 86%. Sidney, et al., (Sidney et al., 2005)
enhances the intelligent tutor system AutoTutor with
affective recognition using non-intrusive sensory in-
formation from facial expressions, gross body move-
ments, and conversational cues from logs. The subject
material of that system consisted in lectures of com-
puter literacy.
Elliott, Rickel y Lester (Elliott et al., 1999;
D´Mello et al., 2008) propose the integration of an
affective reasoner with an agent in a virtual envi-
ronment. In this work an agent called Steve re-
sponds emotionally to other agents and interactive
users. The agent simulates his emotions through dif-
ferent multimedia modes including facial expressions
and speech. Affective reasoning agents were used
for training, by putting students in work related sit-
uations. Agents could react to the behavior of stu-
dents, for instance if a student was being careless in
a task and was in a dangerous situation, Steve would
show distress or fear. Also in a virtual environment
the work of McQuiggan, Robison & Lester (McQuig-
gan et al., 2010) extends this line of research by inves-
tigating the affective transitions that occur throughout
narrative-centered learning experiences. The analy-
sis of affective state transitions in this work repli-
cated the findings by DMello et al. (D´Mello et al.,
2008) and Baker et al. (Rodrigo et al., 2009) where
also engagement/flow dominated self-reported affect.
For outdoor environments Shen, Wang & Shen (Shen
et al., 2009) augment a pervasive e-learning platform
with affective recognition. The results about emo-
tion recognition from physiological signals achieved a
best-case accuracy (86.3%) for four types of learning
Bosch, D’Mello & Mills (Bosch et al., 2013) an-
alyzed the relationship between affective states and
performance of novice programmers learning the ba-
sic Python. The results of their study indicated
that the most common emotions students experienced
were engaged (23%), confusion (22%), frustration
(14%), and boredom (12%). It was useful to consider
these results, as it presented evidence of what affec-
tive states need to be targeted in order to obtain less
biased data. Similar to the previous work, Rodrigo
et al., (Rodrigo et al., 2009) observed which affec-
tive states and behaviors relate to student
s achieve-
ment within a basic computer science course. The
authors found that confusion, boredom and engage-
ment in IDE-related (on-task) conversation are associ-
ated with lower achievement. Measuring mood is im-
portant, since it may have an impact on programmer
performance according to Khan, Hierons y Brinkman
(Khan et al., 2007). It may be possible to detect
moods on the basis of information regarding the pro-
s use of the keyboard and mouse, and to in-
tegrate them into development environments that can
improve programmer performance.
There has been very little research reported on
the effectiveness of the use of keyboard and mouse
dynamics as a sensory channel for affective recog-
nition, and the few have not been focused on pro-
gramming. The preliminary work by Zimmerman et
al. (Zimmermann et al., 2003) describes a method
to correlate users interactions (keyboard and mouse)
with an emotional state, measuring different physio-
logical parameters. The work of Vizer, Zhou & Sears
(Vizer et al., 2009) also uses sensory data based on the
time elapsed between each key press, the task given
to users was to write a free-text and used linguistic
features in order to recognize both physical and emo-
tional stress. The results show a classification accu-
racy of 62.5% for physical stress and 75% from emo-
tional stress; authors argue that these results are com-
parable with other approaches in affective computing.
They also stress that their methods must be val-
idated further in other contexts. Moods may have
an impact on programmer
s performance according to
Khan, Hierons y Brinkman (Khan et al., 2007). It
may be possible to detect moods on the basis of in-
formation regarding the programmer
s use of the key-
board and mouse, and to integrate them into develop-
ment environments that can improve programmer per-
formance. They briefly describe a further experiment
that could use keyboard and mouse but only as future
work. There are other studies about the behaviour of
programmers, which are not directly concerned with
affective states but are nevertheless important to their
performance. Eye tracking in computing education is
proposed in the work Busjahn et al., (Busjahn et al.,
2014), and it is also used for assessing learners com-
prehension of C++ and Python programs in Turner et
al., (Turner et al., 2014). Blikstein (Blikstein, 2011)
proposed an automated technique to assess, analyse
and visualize students learning computer program-
ming. Blikstein employs different quantitative tech-
niques to extract students behaviours and categorize
them in terms of programming experience.
Although the use of KD is found in several re-
search works as a biometric measure, its use for iden-
tifying affective states is rare in comparison. Epp,
Lippold & Mandryk (Epp et al., 2011) effectively
used KD in conjunction with decision-tree classifiers
for the identification of 15 affective states. Although
their work was based on fixed text, their technique
to extract a feature vector was an inspiration for the
proposed method in this work. As for free-text KD,
Bixler y D
Mello (Bixler and D´Mello, 2013) present
a method for the identification of boredom and en-
gagement based on several classification models. A
similar situation exists in the case of Mouse Dy-
namics (MD), which is used mainly for authentica-
tion; however, Salmeron-Majadas, Santos and Boti-
cario (Salmeron-Majadas et al., 2014) use both MD
and KD to predict four affective states using five
different classification algorithms. Bakhtiyari y Hu-
sain (Bakhtiyari and Husain, 2014) discuss a method
based on fuzzy models for the recognition of emo-
tions through KD, MD and touch-screen interactions.
For a broad review of emotion recognition meth-
ods based on KD and MD, the work by Kolakowska
(Kołakowska, 2013) is recommended.
The goal of this work is to propose an affective recog-
nition method based on the sensory data provided by
the keyboard and mouse dynamics generated by a
learner as he/she types a programming exercise. A
brief explanation of the whole process is explained
next, details come later. The process starts when the
learner begins to type a program in a browser-based
editor. As she types or moves the mouse the dynam-
ics are recorded. When the learner submits the code to
evaluation, the request includes the sensory data along
with the code and information about the session. In
the server, the code is evaluated in an external vir-
tual machine that provides a sand box to prevent ma-
licious or erroneous code to halt the server. When the
result is ready, it is recorded along with the sensory
data and sent to the preprocessing module. The out-
put is a feature vector, ready for classification. A pre-
viously trained classifier is responsible for the clas-
sification, which outputs the predicted affective state.
The method does not consider other sensory data, but
it could be integrated with other sensory inputs in a
multi-modal approach. Each of the steps is explained
in detail next.
While a student is trying to solve an exer-
cise, a script coded in JavaScript is running in the
background, which captures every keystroke, mouse
movement and mouse button press. Each capture of
these events records a time-stamp in milliseconds (us-
ing the method getTime() of JavaScript
s built-in class
Date) that describes when the event occurred. If the
event is a keystroke, the script captures what key was
specifically pressed, and what type of event occurred,
it can be either a key- down or a key-up event. If it is
an event related to a mouse button press, the key code
of that button is recorded, as well as the type of event
occurred again key-down or key-up. Finally, if the
event was a mouse movement, the mouse coordinates
inside of the web browser are recorded. The script
monitors the mouse position every 100 milliseconds,
and only if the position has changed, it records the
new position. Each time a learner tries to evaluate a
program, all the data generated is sent to the server
along with the code. When the result of the execu-
tion is returned, all records are cleared and the pro-
cess starts again. There is no problem if the user
leaves for a long period of time, because no event
will be triggered. If a user copies and then pastes
the code from another source, this will be recorded.
There is a limitation, only the browser-editor must be
used; this could be a problem for more advanced pro-
grammers needing specialized editors. On the other
hand a browser-based editor with the corresponding
remote execution, does not require the installation of
interpreters or compilers in learners computer. The
code could even be written in a mobile device or any
web-enabled device. Programming exercises are eval-
uated using unit tests; the results of the evaluation are
shown to users. If all tests the program is considered
to be correct. The source code for the Protoboard web
based learning environment including the KD and
MD functions are open source and available as Github
repositories at https://github.com/amherag/keyboard-
mouse-dynamics; the code for the sandbox is also
available in https://github.com/mariosky/sandbox.
The raw data obtained from the script needs to
be preprocessed to obtain a feature vector. Basically,
this pre-processing consists in measuring the delays
between key- down, key-up or mouse-move events
triggered during an exercise. To calculate the aver-
age and standard deviations of these key presses, the
delays between a key-down and a key-up event of
the left button clicks are used. In addition to these
averages and standard deviations of the delays be-
tween keystrokes and mouse button presses, the av-
erage and standard deviations of the number of total
events contained in a digraph and a trigraph are calcu-
lated. These features are proposed and explained by
Epp, Lippold y Mandryk (Epp et al., 2011). Most of
the times, a digraph should contain four events, while
a trigraph six. However, sometimes an individual can
start a digraph or a trigraph before ending the previous
one. These additional features represent these particu-
lar cases, and could be meaningful for the estimation
of a learner
s affective states. Regarding the mouse
movements, the average and standard deviation of the
duration of each mouse movement, and the averages
and standard deviations of the movements in the axes
X and Y are also calculated. Lastly, a final feature is
added to preprocessing of the data. The web tutorial
recorded and included in the feature vector how many
attempts a student required before successfully solv-
ing an exercise. The final feature vector consists of 39
features; these are based on the work of Epp, Lippold
& Mandryk (Epp et al., 2011).
Once feature vectors are obtained from an ex-
periment, the generated dataset is normally used as
training data for a classifier. Researchers of affective
recognition have used a wide variety of classification
algorithms. As a proof of concept four well known
classification algorithms where compared: k-Nearest
Neighbors (k-NN) algorithm, a feed forward neu-
ral network trained with back- propagation, a na
Bayes classifier and finally a decision trees algorithm
for rational data (J-48) (Tan et al., 2006). Experiments
and results will be presented next.
The aim of this research is to evaluate the use of key-
board and mouse dynamics as an appropriate sensory
input for an affective recognition system in a learn-
ing environment for programmers, who interactively
write short programs. An experimental approach was
adopted with this aim: Sensory and quantitative data
was collected from learners as they were enrolled in a
basic course of Python programming. This data was
then pre-processed using the method described ear-
lier in Section 3, and together with the quantitative
data obtained from users, classifiers were trained and
Figure 1: Completed activities and exercises by learner in
ascending order (left) and distribution of emotions reported
validated. The results were then compared and we
arrived to some conclusions regarding the effective-
ness of the method. The goal given to subjects was to
solve as many exercises as they could in a period of
two weeks. There was neither time limit nor a mini-
mum amount of time required for a participant while
trying to solve the exercises or complete the tutorial.
The participants were able to stop and resume their
interaction with the system at any time.
A tutorial was developed to obtain the nec-
essary data using the proposed platform Pro-
toboard, a web-based environment, whose lat-
est version has been released under an open
source license, and can be found online at
https://github.com/mariosky/protoboard. Users log in
to Protoboard by creating an account or by using their
account credentials from the social network Face-
book. The web tutorial begins with three introductory
videos that explain the fundamentals of programming
in Python, and how to use the editor to execute their
code. What follows after these videos, are 13 pro-
gramming exercises that students need to solve in se-
quential order. Exercises are of incremental difficulty.
For this experiment Protoboard was configured to al-
low unlimited attempts to solve each exercise.
A total of 55 volunteers, with no previous expe-
rience in Python, where recruited as a response to
three announcements in a special interest group of
programming students in a social network, but the
fact that they needed Facebook kept some prospects
from volunteering; a subject reported that he normally
creates temporary email accounts to try new web ser-
vices; however, the use of Facebook gave researchers
access to public information about the subjects. Their
ages were in the range of 18 to 30 years. Although no
experience in software programming was needed, as
the web tutorial
s course is of a very basic level, par-
ticipants had different levels of experience, from 0 (8
persons) to more than 5 (22).
In order to determine what affective states a
student was experiencing, the Experience Sampling
Method (ESM) (Kubey et al., 1996) was used. After
the students successfully solve a programming exer-
cise, they were presented with an ESM survey that
asks what they were feeling during their solving of
the exercise. A very brief description is given about
what to do in this survey, followed by statements the
students need to answer according to how they were
feeling. As an example, the statement I was feeling
frustrated is presented, and a student needs to answer
either Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and
Strongly Disagree.
After the two weeks of the experiment, only four
learners completed all of the programming exercises
and 22 did not completed any. Out of the total ac-
tivities available (videos, survey and questionnaires)
only two completed all. Figure 1 shows the number
of exercises and activities completed by each learner.
The participants
ınteraction generated a total of
142 feature vectors one for each successfully com-
pleted exercise. The affective states reported by learn-
ers after completing each exercise was grouped in
three classes: Yes, Neutral and No. The class distri-
bution of the emotions reported is shown in Figure
6. This results show that the most common emotions
were flow/engagement (72%) and relaxation (61%)
while few learners reported distraction (5%), frustra-
tion (8%) and boredom (2%). This distribution is
different from what was reported by D
Mello et al.
(Bixler and D´Mello, 2013) and Rodrigo et al. (Ro-
drigo et al., 2009). Although Flow/Engagement was
also the predominant class, the distribution is skewed
to the first two. There are some possible reasons for
this; first the majority of students had prior experience
in programming, so learning new one is not that prob-
lematic, a second reason could be the freedom users
had to abandon the activities, perhaps frustrated or
bored learners simply quit the tutorial. A high number
of learners (49%) did not completed any exercise and
the once who completed more where also the more
As part of the data mining process a canonical ge-
netic algorithm was used for feature selection with the
following parameters: population size 700, 30 gener-
ations with tournament selection, tournament size was
25% of population size. A uniform crossover with 0.5
probability and mutation of 1/39, and a minimum fea-
ture size of 5. In the end, the subset for the frustration
classifier includes 11 features, and the subset for the
boredom classifier consists of 13 features.
The selected classifiers where implemented us-
ing Rapid Miner, with the following parameters: For
J48 decision tree algorithm a confidence threshold
for pruning of 0.25, with a minimum of 2 instances
per leaf, and 3 folds for reduced error pruning. The
feed-forward neural network used a back-propagation
learning algorithm with two hidden layer of 20 neu-
rons each, with a learning rate and momentum of 0.6,
and was trained for 200 generations.
Table 1 shows the performance of each of the four
classifiers together with the κ coefficients. A 10-Fold
cross validation was used. The accuracies and κ coef-
ficients obtained are close to what is usually obtained
in fixed-text methods, for example, the results pre-
sented in Epp, Lippold y Mandryk (Epp et al., 2011).
In a fixed-text method, subjects are asked to write
specific texts. The results obtained with this method
are satisfactory, considering that learners were writing
a program, a task comparable with free-text writing,
where there is no restriction on what has to be written.
In the case of the κ coefficients, it is usual to see val-
ues below 0.2 in methods involving free-text. In this
case, some values of κ were close to 0.5, is important
to consider the values of κ in these results because the
class distribution is not uniformly distributed. As it is
observed in many works in affective recognition, de-
cision trees normally produce competitive accuracy.
In this case the J-48 classifier obtained an accuracy
of 80.48%, which is marginally better than the others,
and an accepted κ statistic for the kind of problem.
The artificial neural network (ANN) gives the highest
accuracy in the classification of frustration.
The aim of this research was to evaluate the use of
keyboard and mouse dynamics as an appropriate sen-
sory input for an affective recognition system. The
context of use is a learning environment for program-
mers, in particular for learning assignments consist-
ing in writing short programs interactively. An exper-
imental approach was adopted with this objective, by
effectively using the method with real subjects using
the environment.
The proposed method in this work obtained satis-
factory results. It is usual for a classification method
based on free-text to obtain an accuracy and κ mea-
sure below their counterparts of fixed-text; however,
Table 1: Performance of every classifier with 10-fold cross validation. Accuracy (κ).
Affect Na
ıve Bayes J-48 k-NN ANN
Flow/engaged 79.00% (0.50) 80.48% (0.51) 76.14% (0.43) 78.43% (0.45)
Relaxation 71.10% (0.40) 72.57% (0.45) 69.14% (0.37) 71.24% (0.34)
Distraction 70.33% (0.43) 71.00% (0.43) 74.00% (0.50) 72.52% (0.39)
Frustration 74.71% (0.49) 73.86% (0.45) 72.62% (0.42) 78.00% (0.50)
Boredom 74.71% (0.47) 84.57% (0.59) 83.81% (0.58) 76.19% (0.45)
in this work the results obtained were similar to those
works applied to fixed-text dynamics. A possible ex-
planation of this would be the addition of the mouse
dynamics features and the additional preprocessing
performed on the feature vectors. Out of all methods
tested, a multilayer perceptron trained with backprop-
agation, the one tagged ANN in RapidMiner, gave the
best classification results.
While these are promising results further experi-
ments are needed. Other experiments should focus on
novice programmers, but that is left as future work.
This work has been supported in part by: de
Ministerio espa
nol de Econom
ıa y Competitivi-
dad under project TIN2014-56494-C4-3-P (UGR-
EPHEMECH) and by CONACYT PEI Project No.
Bakhtiyari, K. and Husain, H. (2014). Fuzzy model
on human emotions recognition. arXiv preprint
Bangert-Drowns, R. L. and Pyke, C. (2002). Teacher ratings
of student engagement with educational software: An
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