Semi-Cave as an Example of Multimedia Dedicated to Study the
Impact of Audiovisual Environment on Human Psychophysiology
Dariusz Sawicki
, Agnieszka Wolska
, Mariusz Wisełka
Jarosław Żukowski
Michał Sołtan
and Wojciech Związek
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Theory of Electrical Engineering,
Measurements and Information Systems, Warsaw, Poland
Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB), Warsaw, Poland
Image Recording Solutions, Warsaw, Poland
Keywords: Multimedia, Virtual Environment, Immersive VR, CAVE.
Abstract: Cave (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) is an example of a multimedia installation that allows
perceiving virtual reality (VR) in its best form. The aim of the work is to present a cave solution defined for
specific applications. The low-budget concept called SEMI-CAVE has been proposed in order to study the
impact of audiovisual environment on human psychophysiology. This approach enables to create virtual
indoor or outdoor workplaces, with reference to many aspects of human psychophysiology like wellbeing,
fatigue, mood and alertness. Virtual environment allows taking into account any visual factor or element
important in real workplaces. One of the rarely considered is glare, which is also intended in the research.
Overview of known and applied VR solutions and analysis of their properties allowed selecting a solution
adjusted to specific expectations and requirements. On the other hand, according to VR taxonomy, we have
proposed solution which can be treated as the new form of VR realization – unusual combination of well-
known CAVE and CAVE2 designs. The first stage (closed part) of project realization is presented in the
1.1 Motivation
The virtual reality (VR) has become one of the most
interesting and, at the same time, the most important
achievements of computer science in recent years.
The VR technique is most often used in computer
games and various forms of entertainment.
However, many areas of science can be shown,
where the use of VR techniques not only speeds up
the study, but also facilitates them or sometimes
simply allows conducting the research.
The proposed realization – SEMI-CAVE – is an
example of multimedia laboratory of modeling
lighting scene, images and sounds. It is one of the
laboratories which were built in the scope of project
Tech-Safe-Bio, which was realized in recent years in
Central Institute for Labour Protection - National
Research Institute (CIOP-PIB). The objective of the
Tech-Safe-Bio project was to construct the
infrastructure and to equip the scientific laboratories
group functioning in the structure of CIOP-PIB with
modern research equipment. This action was
necessary to create the potential for high quality
advanced research in line with strategic national and
European research programmes (TECH-SAFE-BIO,
2015). The new building with the wide range of
bot, L., DeFanti, T., Brown, M., Jeong, B., Jagodic,
Centre for Research and Development on Work
Processes and Safety Engineering. The state-of-the-
art laboratories are adjusted to conduct interdiscipli-
nary research focused on protection of health and
safety of workers among others in the scope of:
impact of physical environment on workers and
design of workplaces using virtual reality techniques
and computer simulations which are attached to
research area planned in SEMI-CAVE laboratory.
1.2 The Aim of the Article
The main aim of this paper is to present the
realization of multimedia SEMI-CAVE laboratory as
Sawicki D., Wolska A., WiseÅ
Cka M., Å
zukowski J., SoÅ
Ctan M. and ZwiÄ
Ezek W.
Semi-Cave as an Example of Multimedia Dedicated to Study the Impact of Audiovisual Environment on Human Psychophysiology.
DOI: 10.5220/0006497601030110
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2017), pages 103-110
ISBN: 978-989-758-267-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a specific VR installation developed for the study
the impact of audiovisual environment on human
psychophysiology in the interdisciplinary research.
The project involves the combination of properties
of known solutions type CAVE and CAVE2, not
previously used in such a scale.
The first virtual environment as a CAVE (Cave
Automated Virtual Environment) prototype was
built in 1991 (Cruz-Neira, et al., 1992). The number
of publications concerning only different technical
solutions of VR has exceeded 20 per year for many
years (Kim, et al., 2013). Many review articles have
been published (Kim, et al., 2013, Zhou, et al., 2009,
Muhanna, 2015), according to which few basic
categories of technical solutions for VR could be
2.1 CAVE
The first CAVE installation displays images in rear-
projection system on three walls, ceiling and floor. It
was built as a cube of 2.1 m side length. But in the
reality the whole installation occupied much more
space, because of outer projectors and support
structure (Cruz-Neira, et al., 1992). Later on six
walls cube appeared but also realization of two walls
(Nichols and Petel, 2002), four walls (CAVE
Automatic) and five walls (Sony 4K) are known.
Contemporary, the most expanded solution included
projection on 15 side walls, floor and ceiling
(DeFanti, et al., 2009). Different image resolutions
of the range from 1024x768 (Juarez, et al., 2010) to
6000x4096 pixels were applied for single wall image
(CAVE Automatic). There are also CAVE solutions
based on sphere (Fernandes, et al., 2003), or mixed
solutions where the sphere is inside the cube
(Mazikowski and Lebiedź, 2014). Apart rear-
projection the inside CAVE projection on the walls
is also used (Jacobson and Lewis, 2005). It gives
opportunity to get CAVE of much more space at the
comparable dimensions of all installation.
The main problem of all CAVE solutions is
complicated graphical representation. The special
attention is paid on image stitching (Sajadi and
Majumder, 2011) and quality dependency on angle
of observation and observer’s position (CAVE VR,
The most important applications of big CAVE
installations are vehicle simulators (flight, car, etc.)
which allow almost completely limit the risk of
accident during the tests or training (Muhanna,
2015). CAVE is also implemented in contents
presentations for advertising and marketing purposes
(Sony 4K), entertainment and education. It is also
worth mentioning about medical applications,
patients immersed in virtual reality can, for example,
fight phobias (Emmelkamp, 2004).
In the wrong designed CAVE installations the
user could feel strong and long lasted vision
disorders. On the other hand, even in properly
designed CAVE, people could have sense of
isolation, disorientation, frustration, or even panic
(Nichols and Petel, 2002).
2.2 CAVE2
According to technological development the
projectors were exchanged to LCD monitors. This
solution (CAVE2) gives both possibility of
considerable reduction of installation space and
achievement of considerable higher image resolution
(Febretti, 2013). But the visibility of small space
gaps between screens constitute the main
disadvantage of that solution. It could make difficult
immersion into virtual reality (Leigh, et al., 2007,
Krumbholz, et al., 2005), especially in small
The chosen CAVE2 solutions make easy the
leading of training (Leigh, et al., 2007) and monitor
the processes and events (Lambda Table) (Leigh, et
al., 2007, Krumbholz, et al., 2005). The extension of
multimodal interaction could make these solutions
efficient for medical applications (3D Visualization)
and interdisciplinary applications, which use
computer technologies (Febretti, 2013).
2.3 Binocular Head based VR
The lowest space virtual reality is technical solution
based on helmet or head mounted display (HMD)
(Melzer and Moffitt, 1997). It is VR realization in a
form of local view which is available individually
for each participant thanks to special glasses which
displays images for left and right eye separately.
There are several products (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift,
PlayStation VR), commercial available of that
solution. These devices are equipped in additional
sensors for head position identification (Muhanna,
2015, Spec Comparison). The cheapest solution,
especially popular in recent years, is smartphone
usage as a display of binoculars (Review: VR BOX
II, Samsung: Gear VR). This is most commonly
used for computer games.
The basic advantage of HMD is fully indepen-
dence from complicated installation construction.
HMD could be used in any place and only needs the
computer with adequate software. In comparison to
CAVE it is huge costs reduction. On the other hand
this solution requires additional equipment (e.g.
gloves) and doesn’t allow to fully sensory and
motion identification with VR environment.
Additional problem is related with motion sickness,
related to labyrinth dysfunction (Davis, et al., 2015).
In the beginning it seemed that HMD would
displace CAVE solutions for financial reason. But it
hasn’t happened. Nevertheless HMD solutions are
currently often used. Among professional
applications the most important are education and
training (especially military) (Muhanna, 2015,
Castaneda and Pacampara, 2015), and robot control
(Kot and Novák, 2014).
Having the spectrum of virtual reality technical
solutions as well as related costs of theirs realization
we had to consider the best solution to achieve the
main goal – virtual reality dedicated to study the
impact of audiovisual environment on human
psychophysiology. Virtual reality and created this
way virtual environment which allows users
performing different tasks in a specific audiovisual
environment that he or she is familiar with or not.
The approach which enables us to create sounds and
visualization of different indoor or outdoor places,
workstations, interiors of different colors and
furnishings etc. That way we can create the light
scenes, images and related sounds that could
influence the human psychophysiology with
reference to: wellbeing, comfort, fatigue, relax,
mood and alertness. Taking into account the great
importance of spectral light distribution on human
circadian rhythm, fatigue, mood, mental
performance and efficiency the virtual environment
will be used for many studies concerning those
aspects. It should be possible to adjust visual
environment to the users’ needs, preferences and
health. We expected to create the virtual
environment as one of new method for visual
environment forming and study its influence on
people. A change of real visual environment to carry
out research on its influence on human is not
possible or very expensive. Creating in virtual
environment an apparent visual environment of real
places allows avoid that.
One of the planned applications of virtual
environment is creation of unique laboratory for
extended glare investigation. Virtual reality should
enable to put inside the programmable glare sources
and create different background luminance or the
images of real working environment. The studies
concerning objective and subjective glare evaluation
with participation of healthy people or people with
different visual impairments let us to develop
methods of glare evaluation and verify actual glare
Our virtual reality could be possibly great tool
for managers / employers that want to prepare
workplaces for their subordinates. With a help of
virtual environment we can now not only look at
visualization on the screen, but as well "enter" inside
the workplace we want to create. Or even invite the
team to see and consult our idea first in VR – before
we prepare the finished project.
Virtual reality will be used to create an exact
environment in order to test different abilities that
users possess such as: reaction time, creativity,
ability to logical thinking etc. While they complete
multiple tasks inside of virtual environment, their
execution time, approach and abilities of problem
solving can be registered and marked. Based on that
information we can distinguish properties of task
and individual behaviour.
The installation of virtual environment should be
equipped with simple and intuitive mechanism of
control. Simple control panel that allows staff to
change scene quickly, to view, for example,
panoramic pictures. In the future such mechanism
could be further enhanced and upgraded in order to
allow better and easier control over shown content
while also increasing interaction level and
immersion of participant inside of room. This way
organization of hardware and application should be
today open enough that it cannot block
developments in the future.
Virtual reality is not just images. Sound
information is also very important. The project
should include a good sound system that correlates
acoustic impressions with visual impressions and
ensures consistent interpretation of the proper spatial
directions in both cases. At the same time, it is worth
noting that regardless of spatial sound system, the
project must include the possibility of simple
communication between staff and participants of
Safety of participants should be guaranteed by
monitoring cameras. Continuous display of what is
happening inside the room allows staff to react
within seconds on any unexpected or dangerous
The expectations and plans related to virtual reality
presented in paragraph 3 were the starting point to
choose the best category of installation in a limited
financial budget. Firstly the solutions which use
binocular head based VR were rejected, because
they don’t give the opportunity of teamwork with
eventual using the real working equipment (like
office accessories) in VR room. At the same time
actually there is no possibility to obtain very high
level of luminance using those technical solutions of
VR. This way it would not give us a chance to do
studies on glare in that virtual environment, what
was one of our expectations from VR. It made us to
choose CAVE category of virtual environment.
One of the arguments in favor for choosing the
type of virtual reality was the need of relatively big
dimensions of the room (VR space). The cube of
wall size length of 2.5 m to 3m like in a CAVE with
rear-projection – was dedicated for one person
staying inside. Enlargement of the VR room leads to
increasing the size of all solution, even if special
projectors of short focal length would be used. On
the other hand the glass floor would increase the
costs significantly without possibility to put any test
stand on it.
In result of considerations of different solutions
the decision of realization the CAVE environment
with direct – inside projection was made. It is related
to compromise between big space inside for
experiments and lack of image on floor and ceiling.
That way we worked out the concept of SEMI-
CAVE, with display images on four walls. This
solution has got also disadvantages. The main was
the necessity of increasing the number of projectors,
what is related to geometrical problems with
stitching images. It was assumed that our virtual
reality will be realized in a room of dimensions:
8.6m x 4.3m and the minimum height of image will
be 2.8m. Such room sizes seem to be a reasonable
compromise between the simulations of the working
environment and the immersion benefits of the
virtual environment.
An independent analysis was carried out for
possibility of glare simulation. Known solutions
(Clear, 2012) give the opportunity to study only
Table 1: The comparison of different VR realizations and our proposition (SEMI-CAVE).
inside (front)
VR space (room size) Very small Any size (cost) Any size (cost) Any size Any size (cost)
The whole installation size Very large
(like VR space)
(a little bigger
than VR space)
Depend on
(like VR space)
Mixed realisation
(e.g. VR background + real
- + + + + - - + +
Team working
- + +
- -
(only in VR)
Feeling of participant,
- - - - - - -
Possibility of development,
NO YES Difficult NO YES
Glare simulation NO NO
Cost Very high Medium High Low Medium
single glare source influence on human perception.
And don’t give the possibility to take into account
the luminous environment in any working
environment. To make it possible in virtual reality it
is necessary to see the image consistent with the
image of working environment and at the same time
the glare sources of real luminance (at the level of
million cd/m
) should appear. This solution is not
possible in a standard CAVE and HMD. We
assumed to introduce to the room new semi-
transparent wall to display on it the image from
projector. At the same time beyond that wall the
special designed programmable panel with LED
sources of very high luminance will be placed. As a
result the observer inside the CAVE would
experience environment similar to the real working
environment (image form projectors) and glare
(LEDs light beam through the semi-transparent
wall). The analysis of available semi-transparent
screens and LEDs showed the possibility of correct
realization of that solution. Unfortunately because of
the high costs of that solution the realization of that
idea will be carried out at the next stage. It is worth
to notice that proposed solution combines features of
The comparison of different VR realizations and
set of basic properties of our proposition (SEMI-
CAVE is presented in Table 1.
In the implementation the following assumptions for
the SEMI-CAVE system were adopted:
Room 8.6m x 4.3m x 6m, with internal
Minimum image height: 2.8m.
Additional room (control room) adjoining the
Projection: providing a shadow-free approach,
assuming that participant with a height of
1.7m can be in minimal distance of 1m to the
image (to all four walls of the room).
5.1 Installation and Projection
The assembly of all components was realized using
a truss suspended to the ceiling and stabilized to the
walls of the room. The truss design was based on
modular elements that have been chosen to ensure
the load capacity and stability of the structure and
deflection resistance for the whole of the planned
installation. The truss has been placed at a height of
3.8m. Projectors, sound system, lighting fixtures and
intercom with voice communication system to server
room have been installed on the truss (Figure 1).
Six projectors with the following parameters
were selected for displaying images: brightness at
level of 4000 lm ANSI, WUXGA resolution
(1920x1200), LCOS matrix. The LCOS matrix
minimizes image pixelization. The projector has
Figure 1: Arrangement of projectors in the room.
built-in edge blending mechanism. Short throw
optics with Lens Shift and Keystone Correction in
two directions made it possible to obtain the
expected shadow free area of work (Figure 2). The
transmission of the image from the computer in the
control room was realized in the HDMI technology.
The location of the projectors at a distance of 2.45m
from the wall provided a 4.3m x 2.8m image. One
projector for shorter walls and two for longer walls
were installed.
Figure 2: Arrangement of projectors against walls -
providing the right work area.
The audio system was implemented in 5.1
surround sound. Speakers were chosen to ensure
proper listening in the VR room. The HiFi amplifier
and other control elements were placed in the
control room.
There are two subsystems complementing the
installation. The voice communication subsystem
(intercom) based on four ball speakers arranged to
provide a uniform level of sound and the visual
monitoring subsystem based on two cameras
displaying a real-time image on a 22"monitor in a
control room with the possibility of data recording.
5.2 Computer System
The SEMI-CAVE computer system consists of two
computers connected by standard 1Gb Ethernet
network. Operation carried out by computers was
distributed functionally, therefore, only
synchronization tasks are realized via Ethernet. The
first computer generates images and displays them
over the projectors. It is a computer based on 2 Intel
Xeon processors, with 64GB RAM and SSD Hard
The heart of the computer are three high
performance graphics cards GTX980 4GB Strix OC
connected via SLIs bridge. Each card supports two
images (two projectors). GTX980 cards have been
selected for configuration, although they are not
supported by nvidia's standard multi-monitor
projection software (Mosaic). This means that, using
them, it is not possible to display and synchronize 6
images simultaneously. So, this solution does not
support our project.
Nvidia is forcing customers to purchase
significantly more expensive graphics cards that are
not more efficient but are compatible with the
corresponding software standard. We had to solve
this problem. A special shader driver has been
Figure 3: Alley from the Warsaw Saski Garden in SEMI-CAVE. View of the entire laboratory.
developed that allows displaying and synchronizing
images. Our driver allows effectively displaying and
synchronizing 6 images from GTX980 cards. This
solution made it possible to make the full use of the
equipment in SEMI-CAVE laboratory. The purpose
of the second computer is to support the audio
subsystem and to manage additional functions.
Figure 4: Alley from the Warsaw Saski Garden in SEMI-
CAVE. The garden lamp in the corner of the laboratory.
The project of the multimedia SEMI-CAVE
Laboratory required an analysis of needs on the one
hand, and implementation possibilities on the other.
Hence, a review of the state-of-the-art solutions was
essential to make proper decisions. For the purpose
of this paper, it has been supplemented by
contemporary publications. The results of the
analysis of existing solutions, spatial possibilities
and the budget indicated the necessity of developing
a low-budget concept called SEMI-CAVE. The first
stage of SEMI-CAVE installation has been built and
despite some limitations (image height max 2.8 m,
no ceiling and floor display) it meets our
expectations. The proposed solution is an unusual
combination of well-known CAVE and CAVE2
designs – never before practiced together in such a
The laboratory was initially launched in the end
of 2015. The first work involved calibration and
geometry support. As part of the experiment, a
method of acquiring images for viewing with the use
of photographic equipment. Obtained images and
impressions of viewers have confirmed the
correctness of the concept (Figures 3 and 4) in terms
of image display. At the same time the initial
experiments confirmed sufficient immersion into
virtual reality.
The new display subsystem supporting the used
graphics cards has been developed. The used
projectors combine the images in edge blending
technology. This solution gives excellent results at
the initial stage of display. However, to provide full
control over the geometry of the merged images, the
new blending subsystem is currently being
developed. It will provide not only the control of the
geometry at the single pixel level, but also control
over color and luminance of stitched parts. On the
other hand, we are currently working on creating VR
so that it will be possible to define a specific scene
and working conditions for the future research.
In the future, first of all, we plan to attempt to
obtain financing in the form of a grant. This would
allow building a semi-transparent wall with a set of
high power LEDs and thus complete the second
stage of the project. This would give the opportunity
to conduct research related to simulation of glare
and also conduct many other works with an
extended user interface.
This paper has been based on the results of a
research task carried out within the scope of the
fourth stage of the National Programme
"Improvement of safety and working conditions"
partly supported in 2017–2019 within the scope of
research and development --- by the Ministry of
Science and Higher Education / National Centre for
Research and Development. The Central Institute for
Labour Protection -- National Research Institute is
the Programme's main coordinator.
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