: Optimal Individual Features Extraction for VideoSurveillance
Isaac Mart
ın de Diego, Ignacio San Rom
an, Cristina Conde and Enrique Cabello
FRAV, Face Recognition and Artificial Vision Group, Rey Juan Carlos University, C/Tulipan s/n, M
ostoles, Spain
VideoSurveillance, Re-identification, Kernels Combination, Bag of Features.
A novel method for re-identification based on optimal features extraction in VideoSurveillance environments is
presented in this paper. A high number of features are extracted for each detected person in a dataset obtained
from a camera in a scenario. An evaluation of the relative discriminate power of each bag of features for each
person is performed. We propose a forward method in a Support Vector framework to obtained the optimal
individual bags of features. These bags of features are used in a new scenario in order to detect suspicious
persons using the images from a non-overlapping camera. The results obtained demonstrate the promising
potential of the presented approach. The proposed method can be enriched with future enhancements that can
further improve its effectiveness and complexity in more complex VideoSurveillance situations.
Recognizing people moving through different non-
overlapping cameras, is a challenging problem usu-
ally called re-identification. For example, in an air-
port, if a person is tagged as a suspect, we want
to learn his/her appearace for going after him/her
through all cameras he/she passes. This two step re-
identification problem is called ”tag-and-track”.
Unfortunately, current tag-and-track algorithms are
likely to fail in real-world scenarios for several rea-
sons. On the one hand, different lighting conditions,
points of view between cameras, zoom, camera qual-
ity, etc, can induce serious errors in the matching of
target candidates (An et al., 2013). On the other hand,
most re-identification algorithms approach use the
same descriptors for all people, regardless of intrin-
sic features of each person (see, for instance (Moon
and Pan, 2010),(Martinson et al., 2013),(Li et al.,
2014),(Tome-Gonzalez et al., 2014) ).
In (Moctezuma et al., 2015) a method for human iden-
tification in mono and multi-camera surveillance en-
vironments is presented. Several approaches have
been proposed to measure the relevance of each ex-
tracted feature in order to use a weighted combina-
tion of them. However, the same relevant features and
weights are extracted for all the individuals based on
gobal information from the complete dataset.
A VideoSurveillance system is a combination of hard-
ware and software components that are used to cap-
ture and analyze video. The primary aim of these
kind of systems is to monitor the behaviour of ob-
jects (usually people) in order to check for suspicious
or abnormal behaviours, using the extracted informa-
tion of those objects (physical features, trajectories,
speed...) from a variety of sensors (usually cameras).
INVISUM (Intelligent VideoSurveillance System) is
a project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Econ-
omy and Competitivity focused on the development
of an advanced and complete security system (INV,
2014). The goal of the project is the development
of an intelligent VideoSurveillance system that ad-
dresses the limitations of scalability and flexibility of
current VideoSurveillance systems incorporating new
compression techniques, pattern detection, decision
support, and advanced architectures to maximize the
efficiency of the system. As part of the INVISUM
system a suspect detector process needs to be devel-
In this paper, we propose a novel features selec-
tion process to re-identify target humans in non-
overlapping cameras. We call this system WYA
stands for “Why You Are Who You Are”. The
main idea behind our method is to select, for each tar-
get person in the dataset his/her personal most dis-
criminative bag of features. The approach is designed
to be directly applicable to typical real-world surveil-
lance camera networks. In a nutshell the method per-
forms as follows. First we extract a high number
of features from every person detected in a camera.
Diego, I., Román, I., Conde, C. and Cabello, E.
: Optimal Individual Features Extraction for VideoSurveillance Re-identification.
DOI: 10.5220/0006435400350041
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 5: SIGMAP, pages 35-41
ISBN: 978-989-758-260-8
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
These features are related to color and texture. Then,
a selection of the most discriminative features is per-
formed for each target person in a Support Vector
Machine framework. Then, in other non-overlapping
camera, only these discriminate features are used to
detect the target person. If the set of individuals
in both cameras presents similar global features, the
most discriminative features obtained in camera 1
should be able to detect the target suspicious person in
the second camera. The method has been tested with
several cases of study extracted from the INVISUM
dataset acquired at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
and first described in (Roman et al., 2017).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
2 presents the proposed methodology. The database
collected to test our method is presented in Section
3. The experiments to evaluate the performance of
the method are in Section 4. Conclusions and a brief
discussion about the method and results are presented
in Section 5.
A key issue for human re-identification in real-world
camera network is that each person should be de-
scribed using different discriminative features. In this
paper we propose a method for choosing the most dis-
criminative characteristics for each person. A gen-
eral sequence diagram of the proposed method is pre-
sented in Figure 1.
For simplicity, consider a VideoSurveillance system
with two non-overlapping cameras in two different
scenarios. The method starts detecting persons in the
first scenario. Features of every person are extracted
and stored in a data base from each frame in which
the person is detected. The INVISUM system has
a Behaviour Detector. A person could be tagged as
a suspect, based on the person anomalous behaviour
(anomalous trajectory, presence in a restriced area,...)
or based on security staff information. When a per-
son is detected as a suspect, an alert is generated and
the information is sent to the WYA
process. A set
of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are trained to
detect his/hers discriminative features. To train the
SVM, each frame of the suspicious person is labeled
as +1 and the rest of the people detected is labeled as
1. To extract the most significative bag of features,
a forward process similar to the well-known forward
variable selection used in stepwise regression, is pro-
posed. This approach involves starting with no fea-
tures in the model, testing the addition of each bag
of features using a selection criterion based on the er-
ror of the model, and repeating this process until no
Figure 1: Sequence diagram of the WYA
improves are achieved. In the first step, a SVM is
trained for each bag of features. The global error (our
selection criterion) of each SVM is calculated as the
sum of the false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejec-
tion rate (FRR). The best bag of features, those corre-
sponding to the lowest error, are selected. The optimal
error is set as the best bag of features error. Next, the
second best bag of features are included in the model
given the presence of the best bag of features in the
model. That is, a new SVM using both bag of fea-
tures is calculated. Each bag of features generates a
kernel, and these kernels are combined using a combi-
nation of kernels similar to the presented in (de Diego
et al., 2010). The fused kernel is used to train a new
SVM. If the new error is lower than the optimal error,
then the new best model is the model with the two best
bag of features, and the new optimal error is updated.
This forward process continues until the optimal er-
ror does not decrease. Thus, for each suspected per-
son a set of optimal individual discriminative features
is selected from camera 1. That is, a set of features
SIGMAP 2017 - 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
that best discriminate the suspected person related to
the other people in the database. Notice that most of
the methods presented in the literature (see for instace
(Moctezuma et al., 2015)) calculate the best discrim-
inate features over the complete datasets. However,
calculates the best discriminative features over
each suspicious person. Thus, it is expected that dif-
ferent sets of bags of features will be extracted for dif-
ferent people, regarding their discriminative power.
The aim of any re-identification system is to detect the
suspicious person in the second camera. For each de-
tected person in camera 2, a SVM is trained using the
optimal individual features for the suspicious person
obtained in camera 1. This is, the same kind of fea-
tures are used, but with new kernels calculated from
camera 2 data. Feature space in camera 2 could be
very different than camera 1 due to different lighting
conditions, points of view between cameras, zoom,
etc. However, same kind of features seems to be dis-
criminative. In order to train the SVM, each frame of
the detected person is labeled as +1 and the rest of
the frames are labeled as 1. In this case, the rele-
vant error measure is the false negative rate (FNR):
the proportion of positives that are nor correctly iden-
tified as such. It is expected that this error will be low
for the suspected person (if he/his is present in sce-
nario 2), and it will be high for other detected people.
If this error is lower than a threshold, then an alert
is generated: the target person in scenario 1 has been
detected as suspicious person in scenario 2. Notice
that when the WYA
method returns as optimal fea-
tures a number of characteristics with low discrimi-
native power in camera 1, it is expected that the FNR
error in scenario 2 will be high. That is, if the target
person in scenario 1 has no significative different fea-
tures regarding the other persons in such scenario, it
is unlikely that those features will be able to detect as
suspicious the target person in scenario 2.
In order to evaluate the performance of the WYA
method, we have performed real experiments using
two academic scenarios at the campus of the Univer-
sity Rey Juan Carlos in Mostoles, Spain.
The first scenario is an indoor scene shown in Figure
2. The image covers most of the main hall of a class-
room building. The hall is mainly used to move from
one classroom to other and to enter the building. The
second area of interest is an outdoor scene shown in
Figure 3. The image covers a parking area close to the
classroom building considered in the previous scene.
In Figures 2 and 3 all the INVISUM sensors are pre-
Figure 2: Indoor Scenario and sensors positions.
Figure 3: Outdoor Scenario and sensors positions.
sented. However, for the purposes of the present
work, images from RGB1 camera in scenario 1 and
images from RGB1 camera in scenario 2 are used.
: Optimal Individual Features Extraction for VideoSurveillance Re-identification
Figure 4 shows sample images from these cameras.
The dataset used for our experiments has got more
than 5000 images, from which 40 people were ex-
tracted (18 in the first scenario, and 22 in the second).
For more details on the use of this database, please
contact the authors. For testing purposes, a suspicious
target person (see Figure 5) was considered and used
in both scenarios. Thus, when the WYA
method is
tested using the suspicious target as target person, it
is expected that proper bag of features is going to be
selected in scenario 1. Using such a bag of features, it
is expected that this person is going to be detected as
suspicious in scenario 2. No other people were pre-
sented in both scenarios. Thus, when the WYA
tested using as target person a non-suspicious person
in scenario 1, it is expected that no suspicious person
is going to be detected in scenario 2.
3.1 Features Extraction
The first step for Features Extraction is to detect and
extract the humans presented in each image using
the background substraction method based on Gaus-
sian Mixture of Models (GMM) for object detection.
Then, a set of well-known soft-biometric features is
extracted from each person. In most of the litera-
ture works, few features are considered. However,
we consider a complete set of different feature cat-
egories. These categories are the RGB color space,
the HSV color space, the co-ocurrence matrix (Haral-
ick, 1979), and the Local Binary Pattern (Ojala et al.,
1994). Thus, we have taken into account a total of 222
bags of features. A complete list of the Bag of Fea-
tures considered is presented in Table 1. For instance,
the first six bags of features correspond to the Mean
and Typical Deviation of the channels R,G,B, H, S
and V using the image as source of information. The
next bags of features are related the Mean, Typical
Deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis of each channel of
the Histogram. The next bags of features are related
the Dispersion, Energy and Entropy of each channel
of the Histogram, an so on.
In order to test the performance of our approach, the
method was tested on the 18 detected per-
sons in scenario 1. Thus, the most discriminate fea-
tures for each target person were extracted, and used
to re-identification in scenario 2. The main results
are presented in Table 2. For each target person the
ID of the bags of features selected as optimal for
re-identification tasks using the WYA
method are
shown. In addition, the suspicious person detected
(if any) in scenario 2 when the optimal set of features
was used is presented.
It is clear that the set of bag of features selected de-
pends on each person. In fact, different number of
bags of features were selected in any case. For in-
stance, for person number 1 (the suspicious target
presented in both scenarios), the optimal bag of fea-
tures are: Sum Mean, Sum Std, Sum Entropy ob-
tained from channel R, source SGLD Matrix 90
, and
[Mean, Typical Deviation], channel S, source Image.
In this case, the suspicious target (ID 1) is correctly
detected as suspicious person in scenario 2 with the
information extracted by the WYA
method in sce-
nario 1.
For person number 2 the optimal bag of features are:
[Mean, Typical Deviation], channel G, source Image,
and [Dispersion, Energy, Entropy], channel G, source
Histogram. This information causes that the WYA
detects as suspicious person the ID 1 (the suspicious
target). Thus, an error occurs. To analyze this error
the discriminative power of the bags of features ob-
tained for person number 2 were tested over person
number 1 in scenario 1. As expected these bags of
features were able to discriminate properly the suspi-
cious target. That is, when bags of features number 2
and number 14 are considered individually, they have
a high discriminative power regarding person num-
ber 1. However these bags of features were not se-
lected during the forward selection method proposed
in WYA
. Their discriminative power is very low
when bags of features numbers 5 and 79 are in the
Images of people ID 1 and ID 2 in scenario 1, and
person ID 1 in scenario 2 are presented in Figure 6.
When the WYA
was trained for the rest of the people
in scenario 1, no suspicious people were detected in
scenario 2. That is, the information that best discrim-
inate these persons was not able to detect suspicious
people in a new environment. This is expected since
the bags of features that best discriminate the suspi-
cious target in scenario 1 (labeled as 5 and 79), were
not obtained as relevant bag of features for any other
In this paper, a novel methodology for human re-
identification in multi-camera VideoSurveillance en-
vironment scenarios has been presented. The method,
has been called WYA
: “Why You Are Who You
Are”. WYA
is designed to select the best individ-
ual bags of features for each individual in the dataset
SIGMAP 2017 - 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 4: Sample Images from scenario 1 and scenario 2.
Table 1: Bag of features for R,G,B,H,S, and V channels. Six bags of features in each line in the table.
Id Source Bag of Feature
1-6 Image [Mean, Typical Deviation]
7-12 Histogram [Mean, Typical Deviation, Skewness, Kurtosis]
13-18 Histogram [Dispersion, Energy, Entropy]
19-24 SGLD Matrix 0
[Energy, Entropy, Inertia, Inverse Inertia]
25-30 SGLD Matrix 0
[Correlation 0, Correlation 1, Correlation 2]
31-36 SGLD Matrix 0
[Sum Mean, Sum Std, Sum Entropy]
37-42 SGLD Matrix 0
[Dif Mean, Dif Std, Dif Entropy]
43-48 SGLD Matrix 45
[Energy, Entropy, Inertia, Inverse Inertia]
47-54 SGLD Matrix 45
[Correlation 0, Correlation 1, Correlation 2]
55-60 SGLD Matrix 45
[Sum Mean, Sum Std, Sum Entropy]
61-66 SGLD Matrix 45
[Dif Mean, Dif Std, Dif Entropy]
67-72 SGLD Matrix 90
[Energy, Entropy, Inertia, Inverse Inertia]
73-78 SGLD Matrix 90
[Correlation 0, Correlation 1, Correlation 2]
79-84 SGLD Matrix 90
[Sum Mean, Sum Std, Sum Entropy]
85-90 SGLD Matrix 90
[Dif Mean, Dif Std, Dif Entropy]
91-96 SGLD Matrix 135
[Energy, Entropy, Inertia, Inverse Inertia]
97-102 SGLD Matrix 135
[Correlation 0, Correlation 1, Correlation 2]
103-108 SGLD Matrix 135
[Sum Mean, Sum Std, Sum Entropy]
109-114 SGLD Matrix 135
[Dif Mean, Dif Std, Dif Entropy]
115-120 Histogram of LBP [Mean, Typical Deviation, Skewness, Kurtosis]
121-126 Histogram of LBP [Dispersion, Energy, Entropy]
127-132 SGLD Matrix 0
of LBP [Energy, Entropy, Inertia, Inverse Inertia]
133-138 SGLD Matrix 0
of LBP [Correlation 0, Correlation 1, Correlation 2]
139-144 SGLD Matrix 0
of LBP [Sum Mean, Sum Std, Sum Entropy]
145-150 SGLD Matrix 0
of LBP [Dif Mean, Dif Std, Dif Entropy]
151-156 SGLD Matrix 45
of LBP [Energy, Entropy, Inertia, Inverse Inertia]
157-162 SGLD Matrix 45
of LBP [Correlation 0, Correlation 1, Correlation 2]
163-168 SGLD Matrix 45
of LBP [Sum Mean, Sum Std, Sum Entropy]
169-174 SGLD Matrix 45
of LBP [Dif Mean, Dif Std, Dif Entropy]
175-180 SGLD Matrix 90
of LBP [Energy, Entropy, Inertia, Inverse Inertia]
181-186 SGLD Matrix 90
of LBP [Correlation 0, Correlation 1, Correlation 2]
187-192 SGLD Matrix 90
of LBP [Sum Mean, Sum Std, Sum Entropy]
191-198 SGLD Matrix 90
of LBP [Dif Mean, Dif Std, Dif Entropy]
199-204 SGLD Matrix 135
of LBP [Energy, Entropy, Inertia, Inverse Inertia]
205-210 SGLD Matrix 135
of LBP [Correlation 0, Correlation 1, Correlation 2]
209-216 SGLD Matrix 135
of LBP [Sum Mean, Sum Std, Sum Entropy]
217-222 SGLD Matrix 135
of LBP [Dif Mean, Dif Std, Dif Entropy]
: Optimal Individual Features Extraction for VideoSurveillance Re-identification
Table 2: Most relevant bags of features for each person in scenario 1 and suspicious detected using that information in
scenario 2.
Person ID Bag of Features ID Suspicious Detected
1 5,79 1
2 2,14 1
3 6,167,16 Not Detected.
4 23,168,196 Not Detected.
5 27,122,138 Not Detected.
6 14,85,162 Not Detected.
7 14,175 Not Detected.
8 99,107,196 Not Detected.
9 19,99,211 Not Detected.
10 6,132,36,9 Not Detected.
11 138,63,1,162 Not Detected.
12 102,70,150 Not Detected.
13 146,177,114,112,51 Not Detected.
14 146 Not Detected.
15 112,197 Not Detected.
16 114,5 Not Detected.
17 144,117,93,9,97 Not Detected.
18 112,135 Not Detected.
using a forward selection method in a Support Vec-
tor framework. The proposed method has been tested
over a VideoSurveillance dataset. Overall, the results
have been promising and the proposed methodology
can serve as the foundation for further research.
Future research directions include to apply several
methods for the fusion of kernels information during
the SVM train. In addition, it will be necessary to
test our methodology in additional datasets to show
their relative performance when compared with other
re-identification methods. Besides, It could be added
other features not based on colour and texture, as for
example gate or Gabor features, which are less sensi-
tive to light variations. In (Moctezuma et al., 2015),
it was shown that it is very important to weight the
features according to each scenario. In this paper, we
have shown that it is very important to consider the
features according to each person. These features are
what makes you who you are.
Figure 5: Suspicious target to be detected in scenario 2.
This work is supported by the Ministerio de Economa
y Competitividad from Spain INVISUM (RTC-2014-
2346-8). This work has been part of the ABC4EU
project and has received funding from the European
Unions Seventh Framework Programme for research,
technological development and demonstration under
grant agreement No 312797.
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: Optimal Individual Features Extraction for VideoSurveillance Re-identification