Energy and Cost Considerations for Single Board Computers Usage in
Citizen Science Scenarios
Pedro Verdugo, Joaqu
ın Salvach
ua and Gabriel Huecas
Grupo de Internet de Nueva Generaci
on, DIT, ETSIT, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Citizen Science, Green Computing, Energy Efficiency, Single Board Computers.
The rich availability of single board computers as an expansion of the traditional embedded system provides a
low cost, easily managed, execution ready and scalable entry-level infrastructure, resulting in a new comput-
ing paradigm termed as Fog Computing. Simultaneously, the current expansion of Citizen Science initiatives
along with the generalization of IOT projects precludes the need for individually managed, low complexity
data processing systems, generating a new user-oriented ecosystem that has come to be defined as the Edge
Cloud. In this document the authors will briefly study the adequacy of the current user-grade SBC hardware
offerings to cover the needs set by the Citizen Science paradigm, starting by studying current Citizen Science
projects in order to define the aforementioned set of specific requirements, and subsequently analyzing the
hardware selection and provisioning process given the current non-enterprise user-grade supply for SBC com-
puters, taking special consideration to power usage and total cost of ownership factors from a green computing
The main goal of Citizen Science is to achieve an
increase of citizen participation and involvement in
scientific research. This user-based research needs to
be supported by a cost-driven, energy-conscious and
flexible hardware infrastructure. A raise in the pop-
ularity and availability of Single Board Computers
(from now on, SBCs) sets these systems as possible
candidates to host Citizen Science projects. In order
to verify the adequacy of the SBC infrastructure ap-
proach to Citizen Science projects, we will begin by
briefly studying the history and current state of the
Citizen Science paradigm, then we will identify the
required needs for a common Citizen Science project,
and finally we will study the current SBC hardware
offerings capacity to fulfill the discovered needs.
1.1 The Citizen Science Paradigm
Widely understood as the collaboration of volunteers
in the scientific process, since Silvertowns’ seminal
paper (Silvertown, 2009), Citizen Science has been
proven a valuable method to deal with otherwise
unattainable wide-scoped projects.
The number of samples and observations required
to obtain significant results for some areas of knowl-
edge, such as the biology(Kelling et al., 2015) and
biochemistry (Kawrykow et al., 2012) fields, makes it
impossible to resort to traditional expert data gather-
ing and categorizing techniques, whereas motivated
and loosely trained private individuals can provide
sufficient research data with quality standards com-
parable to those attained by trained experts.
Illustrating the previous point, most common Citi-
zen Science projects to date have been focused on data
collection via Crowdsourcing, defined as the gather-
ing of data and interactions from a wide variety of
users and sources in a distributed fashion(Panchariya
et al., 2015), leaving the processing side to field ex-
perts and data scientists. This traditional data chain
for Citizen Science projects (Newman et al., 2012)
sets typical collaborator tasks as data collection and
data transcription whereas typical data scientist tasks
include problem definition, data cleanup, data analy-
sis, data processing and results dissemination. Taking
into consideration the previous point, it is not strange
that the most commonplace current concern in Cit-
izen Science projects is the increase of the involve-
ment and motivation of the individual volunteer in all
aspects of the scientific process, widening the collab-
orator’s scope of influence, interaction and participa-
tion for all the defined stages. This participation can-
not be unbound; to warrant observation quality there
Verdugo, P., Salvachúa, J. and Huecas, G.
Energy and Cost Considerations for Single Board Computers Usage in Citizen Science Scenarios.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS 2017), pages 35-40
ISBN: 978-989-758-266-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
are available widely studied and defined participation
protocols, as seen in (Sprinks et al., 2017).
In order to set the desired characteristics for a sus-
tainable citizen-driven hardware infrastructure, in the
next section we will summarize the most popular cur-
rent Citizen Science initiatives.
1.2 Current Citizen Science Projects
The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network
Computing (BOINC) is a widespread middleware
system for distributed processing, which hosts a va-
riety of projects and enjoying a long lifetime (Ander-
son, 2004). Some of the disadvantages of BOINC in-
clude the need to port code to run in heterogeneous ar-
chitectures, as well as the common dependency man-
agement and user authentication issues.
The BOINC based SETI@home project is the
most long lived of the herein presented (Korpela
et al., 2015), but continues to grow and refresh
its experiment set as shown by the CASPER child
project (Werthimer, 2015), where FPGAs and dedi-
cated GPUs are used to increase processing power.
Also based on the aforementioned BOINC
project, Asteroids@home (
Durech et al., 2015) aims
for the reconstruction of asteroid shapes based on vol-
unteer processing power, and, as commented above,
must include binaries with native support for all com-
mon operating systems.
The Folding@home project has also had a long
running trajectory (Beberg et al., 2009), and presents
a robust infrastructure based on machines with dedi-
cated roles. However, it seems to have decreased in
growth, at least in the academic environment related
to our context of study.
The GROMACS project (Abraham et al., 2015),
is an active and impressive attempt at generating par-
allellizable algorithms for chemistry application in a
local environment. With over 2 million lines of code,
it requires a compilation toolchain for supported plat-
A mix of available resources from GROMACS
and Folding@home is possible as shown in (Lawrenz
et al., 2015), combining fast local resources with pos-
sibly abundant remote ones.
We can also note the existence of independent
Crowd Computing efforts, as illustrated in (Kovacs
and Lovas, 2014), also commonly based on the
BOINC platform and thus suffering from its limita-
Once the advantages and shortcomings of the
given projects are known, in the next section we will
abstract from them a set of desirable characteristics
for a common Citizen Science infrastructure.
Table 1: Single Board Systems.
Name Processor Price ($)
ODroid-C1+ Cortex-A5 37
ODroid-U3 Cortex-A9 59
Beaglebone Black Cortex-A8 55
Banana-Pi BPI M2 Cortex-A7 39.50
Banana pi BPI-M3 Cortex-A7 75
Hummingboard-i1 Freescale GC880 70
Minnowboard Max Intel Atom 99
Raspberry Pi 2B Cortex-A7 35
1.3 Detected Citizen Science Hardware
The focus of our current work is the generation of
a simple, cheap and flexible enough environment
and infrastructure to allow individuals to set up, use
and obtain immediate results for their own science
projects, while also enabling the sharing of data or
processing power in distributed endeavors. The study
of the initiatives presented in the previous section lets
us detect a series of common defining factors needed
to achieve our goal of a user-level autonomous hard-
ware environment, that will be detailed below:
Initial Cost: The environment component cost
should be flexible enough to warrant any desired
level of initial user economical environment.
Efficiency: The components should be as less
energy wasteful as possible, following the green
computing paradigm. Thermal considerations and
power usage will be of paramount importance,
and will also reflect on the accumulated running
Simplicity. The integration of the environment
components should be as simple as possible, not
requiring complex hardware setups or custom
equipment. For that purpose, when given the
choice we will opt for common solutions.
Flexibility. The system should be as scalable as
required for the user needs from a physical view
as well as price-wise. Related to the previous
point, the system components should be easily in-
terchangeable and of widespread availability.
Taking into consideration the resulting factors from
the previous section, the use of single board systems
PEC 2017 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing
Table 2: Hardware Specifications.
Board CPU DMIPS RAM Net Power
Name Family Cores GHz Single Total Mb Mhz Mbps W-Full W-Idle
ODroid-C1+ Cortex-A5 4 1.5 1570 6280 1024 900 1000 2.31 0.73
ODroid-U3 Cortex-A9 4 1.7 1780 7120 2048 900 1000 4.25 1.75
Beaglebone Black Cortex-A8 1 1.0 2000 2000 512 600 100 2.44 0.42
Banana-Pi BPI M2 Cortex-A7 2 1.0 1270 2540 1024 432 100 2.01 0.43
Banana pi BPI-M3 Cortex-A7 4 2.0 1270 5080 2048 480 100 2.35 1.32
Raspberry Pi 2B Cortex-A7 2 0.9 1180 2360 1024 900 100 2.25 1.15
is obviously a reasonable choice to increase the sim-
plicity and flexibility of our setup, as shown on the
excellent performance comparison given in (Lencse
and R
as, 2015). In Table 1 we will update the men-
tioned table to detail some of the current user grade
SBC offerings.
Table 1 moves us to consider the idea of using
ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) based architecture,
which has recently been proven to be a cost-oriented
viable alternative to the traditional x86 architecture as
shown in Keipert (Keipert et al., 2015). These ideas
have already been successfully taken to practice in the
OLPC project as illustrated in Gahire (Gaihre, 2015).
Restricting our selection to ARM architectures, we
can now proceed to compare individual board charac-
teristics, always taking into consideration the restric-
tions for our particular goal.
2.1 CPU Comparison
For starters, table 2 details the number of cores and
work frequencies along with the different ARM fam-
ilies for each of our SBCs of interest.
These different values assert the need to compare
the CPU performance for each board across different
processor families and frequencies. For that purpose,
we will use the Dhrystone tool, which lets us obtain an
standardized MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Sec-
ond) value independently from the processor family
or architecture, allowing simpler inter-system com-
The results shown in table 2 are mostly self-
explanatory, but we can note how the Cortex-A9 sys-
tem seems to have the better score at raw processing,
surprisingly closely followed by the older A5 archi-
2.2 RAM Comparison
RAM size and I/O throughput is of high importance
in data-oriented environments. This may probably be
the biggest flaw of the current board offerings. As OS
and applications will have to share the meager mem-
ory space, there will constantly be a lack of fast access
RAM, and maybe pagination issues.
Table 2 shows how the Odroid-U3 system seems
to be the best technical offering, noting the use of
LPDDR3 technology, a standard in mobile applica-
2.3 Network Comparison
Given the common use cases for our system we can
expect very high network I/O throughput between lo-
cal machines and also with remote systems, making
cabled ethernet a desirable item.
Table 2 shows that the ODroid family takes the
lead here with an integrated 1Gbps ethernet NIC.
2.4 Storage Comparison
In table 3 we will very briefly consider the storage ca-
pacities of the different boards, with the parameter c
corresponding to the class of the used microSD card.
This class corresponds directly to the speedup over
a reference 1MBps transfer speed, and given the cur-
rent exponential cost of higher than 10-class microSD
cards will be the main practical limitation to our data
transfer capabilities.
Table 3: Storage Specifications (Mbps).
Name Interface Read Write
ODroid-C1+ microSD c c
- eMMC 250 90
ODroid-U3 microSD c c
- eMMC 250 90
Beaglebone Black microSD c c
Banana-Pi BPI M2 SD c c
- SATAII 300 300
Banana pi BPI-M3 SD c c
- SATAII 300 300
Raspberry Pi 2B microSD c c
There is also room to notice the eMMC interface
provided by the ODroid family, again inherited from
the mobile industry and comparable in transfer speeds
Energy and Cost Considerations for Single Board Computers Usage in Citizen Science Scenarios
ODroid C1
ODroid U3
Banana M2
Banana M3
Raspberry 2B
DPJ (Mb/J)
ODroid C1
ODroid U3
Banana M2
Banana M3
Raspberry 2B
DPS (Mb/s)
ODroid C1
ODroid U3
Banana M2
Banana M3
Raspberry 2B
EDP (s/Mb)
Figure 1: DPJ, DPS and EDP.
to SSD technology. The high cost and dedicated na-
ture of such a solution, precludes us from further con-
The Thermal Design Power (TDP), or thermal de-
sign point, has been historically used to generate
power usage metrics(Hennessy and Patterson, 2012).
Being defined as the maximum amount of heat gener-
ated during typical computer operation (Gough et al.,
2015), this concept results inadequate as a measure of
a full system processing power.
The work of Hennessy clearly states that any use-
ful metric for computer power must necessarily be
tied to energy usage, and introduces the following
Data Processed Per Second (DPS): data pro-
cessed by the system in a given time (in our case,
one second).
Data Processed Per Joule (DPJ): amount of data
processable by the system with a given energy
budget of 1 Joule.
Energy-Delay Product (EDP): As introduced by
Horowitz(Horowitz et al., 1994) in the transistor
performance environment, and adapted by Laros
III(Laros III et al., 2013), defines the time taken
by the system to output a given amount of data for
a fixed energy budget.
Thus, from a thermal and power usage standpoint, we
can refer to the equations provided by Malik (Malik
and Homayoun, 2015), used to transform the power
values in table 2 into the more useful metrics given in
Figure 1.
In Figure 1 we can appreciate how the ODroid
family has the highest DPJ rate, mainly due to the
high core speeds. These speeds, along with the ele-
vated MIPS previously remarked, are also responsible
for the DPS measurement. The EDP graph from Fig-
ure 1 shows us the price to pay for both previous high
figures: an elevated EDP signifying that the ODroid
family is not as energy-efficient as its lower-power
The most common tool for complete cost calculation
is the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) metric, as pre-
sented in Martens (Martens et al., 2012). For the sys-
tem under study, we will refine the previous formulas
with multinode extended considerations as developed
by Barroso (Barroso et al., 2013).
To begin with, the terms of interest will be de-
n: Number of boards (7)
t: Runtime (5 years)
: Provisioning Cost per node ($37)
: Total Electricity Cost per node ($ To be de-
: Electricity Cost per hour (0.11 KWh)
: Full Power Usage per node (2.3W)
: Idle Power Usage per node (0.73 W)
U : Usage Factor (0.15% (default) / 0.95% (high))
The main cost formula is obtainable by means of the
following equation:
(Cpi Cei) (1)
Where C
can be expanded as follows:
Ce = t Ch (U P f + (1 U ) Pi) (2)
PEC 2017 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing
0 1 2 3 4 5
TCO ($) U=0.15
Figure 2: Accumulated Results per Year for Regular Usage
0 1 2 3 4 5
TCO ($) U=0.95
Figure 3: Accumulated Results per Year for High Usage
The results obtained from applying the given val-
ues to the previous formulas can be seen in figures
2 and 3, and show that even for a low number of
boards and very high usage factors the provisioning
costs (red) are constantly higher than the yearly accu-
mulated costs (green), indicating that for the present
selection a 100% full time use would still be profitable
in the long run.
Based on all the previous points, it seems clear that
the ODroid family provides superior CPU and net-
work performance, with medium RAM and storage
technology. Between both studied offerings, the U3
board is undoubtedly the best technical choice from
a mere energy-based standpoint. Nonetheless, taking
into consideration the initial provisioning cost objec-
tives, the C1+, at half the cost of the U3 board, covers
all our requirements in a more reasonable fashion.
In the authors’ consideration the system choice as
presented accomplishes the goals set in the introduc-
tion, as detailed below:
Cost Oriented: Technical preferences are given a
secondary plane in order to focus on flexible user
Simple: Minimal software/hardware knowledge
is needed to deploy the infrastructure. As a final
user, and depending on the project of choice, no
previous expertise is required.
Scalable: Growth complexities are reduced by
ensuring the use of lightweight infrastructure
Efficient: As shown in the previous power and
cost studies, the proposed hardware infrastructure
warrants near-optimal resource usage for a mini-
mal initial inversion. For high workload scenar-
ios, efficiency increases.
A note for future deployment could be that even if
the current software offerings simplify the develop-
ment of collaborative infrastructures, the worldwide
expansion of Citizen Science still needs a more com-
monplace point of entry for the casual private user.
Mobile platforms seem to be optimally placed for that
role(Panchariya et al., 2015), and as such, should be
given the utmost importance when considering the
given infrastructure interactions.
To summarize the innovations introduced by the
presented proposal:
It adopts an inclusive view from several seem-
ingly distant state of the art knowledge fields,
as current Cloud Computing offerings are given
the main focus in industry and academic-oriented
works(Penzel et al., 2015)
It subsequently reasons that the main point of in-
terest for the individual Citizen Science user can
be more clearly focused in IOT, Edge Computing
initiatives(Kido and Swan, 2014) providing a di-
rect application and immediate results.
Finally, it expresses an integral solution oriented
to give the individual enthusiast, volunteer or ca-
sual user a simple opportunity to take active par-
ticipation in the scientific process with very low
entry-point costs.
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PEC 2017 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing