Adaptation to the Unforeseen: Can We Trust Autonomous and
Adaptive Systems?
(Position Paper)
Emil Vassev and Mike Hinchey
Lero – The Irish Software Research Centre, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Keywords: Smart Vehicles, Autonomous Systems, Adaptive Systems, Adaptability.
Abstract: Autonomous and adaptive systems perform tasks without human intervention and are among the most
challenging topics in technology today. Autonomous cars have already appeared on our streets and
unfortunately due to some severe accidents they appear to be not as secure as we had hoped them to be. This
paper tackles the question of how far we can push the boundary towards achieving such behavior and still
provide autonomic operations at least in a certain context with highest safety guarantees to establish trust in
autonomous systems.
Autonomous systems are becoming ubiquitous and
will definitely make it into our daily lives. For
example, autonomous cars are already seen on our
streets and the first severe accidents prove that they
are not as secure as we had hoped them to be. In a
perfect world, autonomous cars would be able to
share the road with other cars, motorists and
bicyclists without any accident. But obviously we
are not there yet. The hope, however, is that robotic
cars, which are great at monitoring other cars, will
be able to identify and avoid any other obstacles on
the road.
This position paper presents the authors' vision
regarding trust in autonomous cars and adaptive
systems in general.
Without much doubt, the term "adaptive" identifies
one of the most challenging topics we currently
explore in technology. It identifies systems with the
property of being able to react to all situations
occurring during its lifetime, both correctly and
reliably and the question arises as to whether such a
behavior is feasible, implementable, or even
2.1 Adaptability
Adaptability is conceptually a product of awareness
and automation, or automation through awareness
(Vassev and Hinchey, 2012). Awareness is about
representing and processing knowledge along with
monitoring, while automation is machine replication
of human operations.
While automation is more or less about
performing a sequence of operations under well-
defined conditions, awareness is the capability that
drives the automation, i.e., it identifies the specific
automation conditions.
Awareness incorporates means by which a
computerized machine can perceive events and
gather data about its external and internal worlds.
Therefore, to exhibit awareness, intelligent systems
must sense and analyze components as well as the
environment in which they operate.
Determining the state of each component and its
status relative to performance standards, or service-
level objectives, is therefore vital for an aware
system. Such systems should be able to notice
changes, understand their implications, and apply
both pattern analysis and pattern recognition to
determine normal and abnormal states. Generally
Vassev, E. and Hinchey, M.
Adaptation to the Unforeseen: Can We Trust Autonomous and Adaptive Systems? - (Position Paper).
DOI: 10.5220/0006390703660372
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2017), pages 366-372
ISBN: 978-989-758-242-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
speaking, a self-adaptation should be automation
performed to fix abnormal states.
2.2 Need and Feasibility
Without any doubt, we believe that adaptability is a
desirable property, but its value really depends on
the system context. No adaptability, partial
adaptability, full adaptability, and controlled
adaptability are different levels or adaptability that
will make it both a desirable and realistic property
for most of the systems today.
Also, when reasoning on the feasibility of this
property, it is important to note that it has both
learning and implementation curves, which along
with the technology limitations also depend on the
thrust in technology. Nowadays, adaptability is a
desirable property wherever human control is not
possible (e.g., deep space exploration) or a quick
reaction is required. For example, to prevent disaster
a fuel pump can be automatically stopped in the
event of leakage in a fuel system. Other examples
where adaptability is not just desired, but even
essential, could be related to deep space exploration
or any case where human control is not possible due
to hazards threatening human lives or due to
inability to provide such control.
2.3 Adaptability and Evolution
Our computers are commonly considered as being
the most adaptive systems mankind has ever
invented and, observing how computers penetrate all
aspects of our lives and take control in almost all
applications, we have to acknowledge at least the
universality of computing equipment. Obviously, the
underlying reason for being adaptive and universal
originates from its very simple basic mechanism to
manipulate numbers in the dual system and the
ongoing minimization technologies for electronic
circuits. However, more important for becoming
adaptive, of course, is the programmability of such
machines using human intelligence and creativity,
and the human’s abilities to master complexity using
mathematics and computer science technologies.
Adaptability through evolution could be the next
level of adaptation where a system evolves to go
beyond its original meaning. Such an evolutionary
adaptation could tackle, for example, safety
properties which are no longer required, because the
related hazards had been permanently removed.
Another example, could be evolution in the
awareness capabilities of the system.
Let’s assume that an AI system is programmed to
self-adapt its hazard identification capabilities to
improve the same or to identify new hazards that
were not originally planned to be tackled. Well, we
will most probably get to the next level of AI where
it evolves and goes beyond its original meaning.
This situation can be addressed as technological
singularity (
Vinge, 1993). Note that the term
singularity has been used in math to describe an
asymptote-like situation where normal rules no
longer apply. For example, an originally
programmed AI can stop detecting specific hazards,
just because its evaluation criteria has evolved, and
these hazards are not hazards anymore. From this
point forward, we will be not that far from the
moment in the future where our technology’s
intelligence exceeds our own.
For example, an email spam filter can be loaded
with intelligence about how to figure out what is
spam and what is not and it will start to learn and
tailor its intelligence to us as it gets experience with
our particular preferences and habits. However, we
may often delete emails that we want to read but do
not want to keep in our email box. This can be
misinterpreted by the spam filter and it can start
filtering these important messages for us.
The term machine learning (ML) is provocative as it
imputes that machines can learn similar to human
beings. In this section we will try to present our
interpretation of ML and how it is connected to
In general, ML is concerned with computer
programs that automatically improve with
experience (Mitchell, 1997). To do so, ML tries to
use a successful past solution and adapts it to a
similar problem, i.e., a sort of reasoning by analogy.
This is a principle that can be found in case-based
reasoning (CBR) systems applied to both simple and
structured knowledge representation (Aamod and
Plaza, 1994). Such a CBR system works along a
cyclic process, by retrieving the most similar cases,
reusing the cases in the attempt to solve the problem,
revising the proposed solution, if necessary, and
retaining the new solution as part of a new case.
ML is perhaps the most advanced field currently
explored for self-adaptation in software intensive
systems. The problem of adaptation through learning
has been a core research issue for a long time. An
Adaptation to the Unforeseen: Can We Trust Autonomous and Adaptive Systems? - (Position Paper)
example of ML connected to adaptability is ML in
dynamically changing environments where the
adaptation is performed through learning and
identification of context changes.
But how does ML distinguish from human
Currently, ML is only possible at a small scale
where self-adaptation is usually related to
formalisms used in Fuzzy Systems, Artificial Neural
Networks, and Evolutionary Computation (Baier and
Katoen, 2008). ML covers both symbolic methods
(decision trees and rules, etc.), sub-symbolic
methods (neural networks, Bayesian networks, etc.)
(Berger, 1985) and has several connections with
traditional statistics (discriminant analysis,
regression analysis, cluster analysis, etc.).
Still, mainly due to its mathematical
underpinning, ML is not biased, i.e., humans can be
biased in their decisions, but ML is strictly
mathematical. Human learning involves different
methods and different sources - their “knowledge
base” has common facts and strictly personal facts.
Experience can be transferred.
In today’s technologies, the term autonomous plays
a major role. It denotes systems which perform their
tasks without human intervention as e.g., automatic
lawn mowers, smart home equipment, driverless
train systems, or autonomous cars. The most
challenging question which comes up when
following the life cycle of the term “autonomy“ is
the potential to construct a system that behaves and
operates similarly to, or even better than, a human
being. Hence, it is reasonable to discuss how far we
can push the boundary towards such behavior and
provide autonomic operations at least in a certain
context with highest safety guarantees, and finally
establish trust in its innocuous operation.
But, will robots ever be able to fully substitute
Our answer is “probably not”. It really depends
a lot on the overall impact, not only technological
but also political that should be expected from a
universal autonomous system that successfully
replaces human beings. Autonomous systems that
will take over the entire traffic control and
transportation—yes, because this will eliminate
hazards related to human errors, e.g., fatigue. But it
is less likely that we will see robots that will ever
replace humans in decision making related to social
organization, for example.
The means to establish trust in autonomous
systems can be roughly described as a twofold
objective based on both boundaries and a technical
1. Establish boundaries or a range of adaptation
— certain properties (e.g., safety) should be
unavoidably held, and thus unforeseen
adaptations that may mitigate such properties,
should not be allowed without change (human
control) in the established adaptation range.
2. Pursue autonomy in a stepwise manner where
autonomy can be gradually introduced: no
autonomy, partial autonomy, controlled
autonomy, and full autonomy. Hence in earlier
stages, autonomy should be used in less risky
4.1 Dominant Role of Autonomy
It is hard to imagine a system being constructed by a
human which adapts itself to all and especially all
unforeseen situations as the term unforeseen
describes circumstances the human himself has not
If we restrict ourselves to some foreseen
unforeseen behaviors which we might be able to
handle, we have to consider a problem of
completeness. Did we cover the whole set of
behaviors or did we omit some of the behaviors?
This, of course, raises questions of complexity as the
number of such situations might be close to infinity
and thus, not foreseeable at all. In order to handle
such complexity, we have to restrict the adaptability
of our systems to a certain context in which we are
able to capture all different behaviors, or which at
least enables us to classify and cluster such
situations. Home environments with a few sensors
only might be such a context as well as autonomous
transportation systems, e.g., smart trains.
Some other contexts in which autonomy could
play a dominant role are contexts where systems
operate in environments that change dynamically,
e.g., space, ocean, weather stations, etc. In such
cases, it is impossible to identify and predefine all
possible behaviors. A solution could be related to the
use of granularity in behavior modeling, i.e., a self-
adaptive system should not handle all the possible
behaviors, but categories (or classes, or clusters) of
possible behaviors. Then, known behaviors shall be
classified and let the learning process cope with
VEHITS 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
The awareness-learning process will be able to
identify a class of behaviors close to the requested
behavior and then pick up a behavior from this class
(a low-level behavior). This could be done in a
probabilistic manner, when the low-level behavior
identification is not possible. Moreover, behaviors
based on combinations of predefined behaviors can
be identified by a reasoner on an input-output basis.
Therefore, scientists vote again for more math
and formalisms in their development but obviously
this is much more difficult than it was to prove a
non-autonomous system correct. Obviously, it is not
just a matter of logic and logical proofs but it has to
incorporate statistical evidence, too, and last but not
least, it has to integrate the physical properties of
such systems, as e.g., acceleration, loss of weight or
the compression of gas under pressure in order to
prepare for adaptability. We assume that in order to
capture autonomicity in a safe and reliable way, we
will see in the near future a convergence of
modeling and development techniques based on
logics, statistics, and numerics.
4.2 Autonomy and Adaptation Cannot
Be 100% Safe
In regards to autonomy and adaptation, the
application of formal methods can only add to
safety. Even if we assume that proper testing can
capture all the autonomy flaws that we may capture
with formal verification, with proper use of formal
methods we can always improve the quality of
requirements and eventually derive more efficient
test cases, and consecutively, a safer autonomy.
Moreover, formal methods can be used to create
formal specifications, which subsequently can be
used for automatic test-case generation. Hence, in
exchange for the extra work put to formally model
the autonomy and adaptability of a system, you get
not only the possibility to formally verify and
validate these features, but also to more efficiently
test their implementation.
It is evident that 100% safe autonomy cannot be
guaranteed, but when properly used, formal methods
can significantly contribute to this by not replacing,
but complementing testing. The quantitative
measure of how much safety can be gained in
autonomy may be regarded in three aspects:
1. Formal verification and validation allows for
early detection of autonomy and adaptation
flaws, i.e., before implementation.
2. The high quality of autonomy requirements
improves the design and implementation of
these requirements.
3. Formally specified autonomy requirements
assist in the derivation and generation of
efficient test cases.
To be more specific, although it really depends on
the complexity of the system in question, our
intuition is that these three aspects complement each
other and together they may help us build a system
that has a considerably higher safe autonomy. This
principle can further emphasize a systems' ability to
autonomously tackle various hazards.
4.3 Correct Adaptations
How do we prove adaptations to be correct and
reliable? And is there a difference between such
proofs for foreseen and unforeseen behaviors?
Adaptations are related to non-determinism and
thus, their correctness proof, if possible, is a tedious
task. Simulation is one solution. Another one is
probabilistic guarantees—probabilistic model
checking is a powerful technique for formally
verifying quantitative properties of systems that
exhibit stochastic behavior (Baier and Katoen,
Probabilistic behavior may arise, for example,
due to failures of unreliable components, dynamic
environment, etc. Unforeseen behavior cannot be
model-checked. It can be eventually simulated (to
some extend) through a random generation of the
simulated conditions and verified via testing.
4.4 Are Autonomous Systems More
Considering their adaptive nature, do we expect
autonomous systems to be more vulnerable against
malicious attacks?
Our definitive answer to this questions is “Yes”.
Moreover, the risk of a successful malicious attack is
extremely high if the parameterization of their
adaptive autonomy is known to the attackers. For
example, attackers can use adaptation to open a hole
in the security firewall (e.g., a new port can be
opened for additional communication link as part of
a self-adaptation behavior) that can be unavoidably
used for malicious attacks.
An eventual solution could be encryption in
communication and why not in autonomy as well.
For example, the autonomy-related knowledge base
shall be encrypted. Moreover, identification of the
autonomy agents shall be required at any level of
Adaptation to the Unforeseen: Can We Trust Autonomous and Adaptive Systems? - (Position Paper)
4.5 Connectivity and Safety of
Autonomous Transportations
Communication and connectivity are two significant
factors that have impact on safety of autonomous
transportation. Autonomous smart vehicles are
connected, so they are able to share data with other
vehicles on the road or with the infrastructure. In
general, both vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) connectivity
and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) connectivity help
to reduce road accidents, and thus increase the
transportation safety. Ultimately, vehicles and road
infrastructure are connected via multiple
complementary technologies of connectivity such as
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, DSRC (dedicated short-
range communications), etc. Wireless vehicular
communication has the potential to enable a class of
safety applications that can prevent collisions and
save lives as well as improve traffic congestion and
fuel efficiency. The effectiveness of these
technologies though is highly dependent on
cooperative standards for interoperability. For
example, DSRC is particularly useful for V2x
communications, because it can support very low-
latency, secure transmissions and fast network
acquisition. It is also considered to be highly robust
in adverse weather conditions (Hill, 2015).
The automotive industry has recognized the
importance of connected cars by pairing up with
other cars and road infrastructure, smart phones, and
other smart devices. Moreover, a swarm of sensors
is used in vehicle internals such as GPS sensors, air
pressure sensors, vehicle speed sensor, steering
angle sensors, and fire detection sensors among
others. In this swarm of sensors, the various
electrical components in a car, known as Electronic
Control Units (or ECUs), are connected via an
internal network. Therefore, a smart vehicle exhibits
extreme connectivity involving both the external
environment and internal ECUs. One of the central
challenges in this connectivity is cyber security.
Unauthorized access to the external or internal
network of a smart vehicle can easily create safety
risks. For example, if hackers manage to gain access
to a car’s Bluetooth or infotainment system, from
there they may be able to take control of safety
critical ECUs like its brakes or engine and wreak
havoc (Toews, 2016).
A contemporary smart vehicle can have over one
hundred ECUs and more than one hundred million
lines of code. Verification of a complex source code
is a tedious task. Further complication is stemming
from the fact that vehicle manufacturers source
ECUs from many different suppliers, meaning that
no one is in control of, or even familiar with, all of a
vehicle’s source code. Production of complex source
code, in particular, increases the security risks and
thus the threat of automotive cyber attacks and
safety hazards.
The example presented here should be regarded with
the insight that “100% safe autonomy is not
possible”, especially when the system in question
(e.g., a self-driving car) engages in interaction with a
non-deterministic and open-world environment
(Wirsing, Holzl, Koch, Mayer, 2015) (see Figure 1).
What we should do though, to maximize the safety
guarantee that “the car would never injure a
pedestrian” is to determine all the critical situations
involving the car itself in close proximity to
Then, we shall formalize these situations as
system and environment states and formalize self-
adaptive behavior, e.g., as self-* objectives (Vassev
and Hinchey, 2013, Vassev and Hinchey, 2014)
driving the car in such situations (Vassev and
Hinchey, 2015).
Figure 1: Self-driving Car Interacts with the Environment.
For example, a situation could be defined as “all the
car’s systems are in operational condition and the
car is passing by a school”. To increase safety in this
situation, we may formalize a self-adaptive behavior
such as “automatically decrease the speed down to
20 mph when getting in close proximity to children
or a school”.
Further, we need to specify situations involving
close proximity to pedestrians (e.g., crossing
pedestrians) and car states emphasizing damages or
malfunction of the driving system, e.g., flat tires,
malfunctioning steering wheel, malfunctioning
brakes, etc. For example, we may specify a self-
adaptive behavior “automatically turn off the engine
when the brake system is malfunctioning and the car
is getting in close proximity to pedestrians”.
VEHITS 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
How can particular modeling techniques,
programming concepts and verification methods
help to construct reliable autonomous systems?
6.1 Structured Autonomy
Formal methods need to be used in both analysis and
code generation. Autonomy requirements need to be
properly handled and then both design and
implementation should consider formalization of
these requirements.
The autonomy part of the system behavior (or
the autonomy) needs to be tackled separately - that's
it, any system has its purpose (objectives) it needs to
follow and functionality that basically supports its
objectives. Autonomy is an extra feature (or layer)
that is often desirable and its implementation should
be definitely separated from that of the system itself.
Autonomy must be structured, implemented, and
eventually verified via proper methods, e.g., ARE
(Vassev and Hinchey, 2014) and KnowLang
(Vassev and Hinchey, 2015). Obviously, the
formalization of well-defined properties (e.g., with
proper states expressed via boundaries, data range,
outputs, etc.) is a straightforward task. However, it is
not that easy to formalize uncertainty, e.g., liveness
properties. Although, probabilistic theories such as
the classical and quantum theories, help us formalize
“degrees of truth” and deal with approximate
conclusions rather with exact ones, the verification
tools for fuzzy control systems are not efficient due
to the huge state-explosion problem.
Note that, testing systems implemented over
probabilistic theories, is also not efficient, simply
because, statistical evidence for their correct
behavior may be not enough. Hence, any property
that requires a progressive evaluation (or partial
satisfaction, e.g., soft goals) is difficult and often
impossible to be formalized for use in formally
verified systems. Here, it seems the right answer is
simulation that will help gain enough statistical
evidence for the autonomy behavior correctness.
6.2 Legal and Warranty Issues
Besides the mentioned technical properties, another,
often neglected aspect are public laws and
regulations the systems have to be conform with.
Adaptation will probably make it more difficult to
handle such non-functional requirements and
requests strict and probably new methods to prove
conformity of adaptations with them. For example,
engineers currently argue that the most severe
obstacles to drive autonomously on our streets are
not of technical but of legal nature and concern
warranty and guilt.
How could we cover legal and warranty issues in
the development and dissemination phases of
We strongly believe that in order to cope with
law and warranty, self-adaptive systems need to be
introduced in a stepwise manner. Laws and concerns
will be changed only if the self-adaptive and
autonomous systems prove to be better than human
If we assume a self-driving vehicle loaded with AI,
it as a subject to uncertainty due to potential
nondeterministic environment it operates on. Often,
this lack of determinism is extended by
requirements, business conditions, available
technology, and the like. Therefore, if we want to
construct reliable autonomous systems (e.g.,
intelligent vehicles), it is important to capture and
plan for uncertainty as part of the system's R&D.
Failure to do so may result in systems that are overly
rigid for their purpose, an eventuality unsafe in their
autonomy and adaptation.
Formal methods can assist in the construction of
reliable adaptive systems. To do so, formal methods
need to be used in both analysis and code
generation. Moreover, autonomy requirements need
to be properly handled and then both design and
implementation should consider formalization of
these requirements. For example, contemporary
formal verification techniques can be very helpful in
verifying safety properties via the formalization of
non-desirable system states along with the
formalization of behavior that will never lead the
system to these states.
This work was supported with the financial support
of the Science Foundation Ireland grant 13/RC/2094
and co-funded under the European Regional
Development Fund through the Southern & Eastern
Regional Operational Programme to Lero—the Irish
Software Research Centre (
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