Architecture for Privacy in Cloud of Things
Luis Pacheco, Eduardo Alchieri and Priscila Solis
Department of Computer Science, University of Bras
ılia, Brazil
Privacy, Security, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Cloud of Things.
A large number of devices are connected to the internet through the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, re-
sulting in a huge amount of produced data. Cloud computing is a computing paradigm currently adopted to
process, store and provide access control to these data. This integration is called Cloud of Things - CoT and
is useful in personal networks, like residential automation and health care, since it facilitates the access to
the information. Although this integration brings benefits to the users, it introduces many security challenges
since the information leaves the user control and is stored at the cloud providers. Particularly interesting, in
order for these technologies to be adopted, it is important to provide protocols and mechanisms to preserve
the users privacy when storing their data in the cloud. In this context, this paper proposes an architecture for
privacy in Cloud of Things, which allows the users to fully control the access to the data generated by the
devices of their IoT networks and stored in the cloud. The proposed architecture enables a fine grained control
over data, since the privacy protocols and controls are executed at the IoT devices instead of at the network
border by a gateway, which also could represent a single point of failure or a component that could impair the
security properties of the system once it is compromised by a successful attack.
The recent advances in the miniaturization of elec-
tronic components and in the wireless communica-
tions enabled the advent of the Internet of Things
(IoT). In the IoT paradigm, the most diverse things
(devices) of our everyday lives are connected to the
Internet, bringing a lot of benefits to the popula-
tion (Chui et al., 2010). It is foreseen that the con-
nection of billions of things to the Internet that will
provide the most diverse types of information to the
users (Sundmaeker et al., 2010).
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are composed
by several small devices that have a processing unit,
a sensor that enables the interaction with the phys-
ical world and an antenna for wireless communica-
tion (Akyildiz and Vuran, 2010). WSNs are seen,
among other technologies, to enable the Internet of
Things. Mostly WSN devices have constrained size
and energy source, therefore the network stack must
have a low processing cost. Several network proto-
cols, covering all network stack layers, were proposed
for WSN. The IEEE 802.15.4 Standard (Group, 2006)
covers the Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Con-
trol (MAC) layers, it was released in 2006 and up-
dated several times until now. This standard is cur-
rently used by most WSNs. However, protocols for
the upper layers are very fragmented, with different
proposes for different application areas, many times
requiring translation in order to communicate with the
Internet, which usually is achieved by the use of a
gateway (Zhu et al., 2010; Nadeem et al., 2013).
However, the Internet of Things can be greatly
benefited by the direct communication among WSNs
or any IoT device with the Internet (without the use of
a gateway), because the user can access the informa-
tion coming from the devices directly (Granjal et al.,
2015). Currently, there are several studies whose ob-
jective is to adapt Internet protocols to WSNs, such as
6LoWPAN (Kushalnagar et al., 2007), a standard that
compresses and encapsulates IPv6 (Deering, 1998)
headers to fit in IEEE 802.15.4 frames, and Con-
strained Application Protocol (CoAP) (Shelby et al.,
2014), which is a message exchange protocol for con-
strained devices and networks and, since it is very
similar to HTTP, it is very simple to translate mes-
sages from one standard to another.
The IoT limitations (e.g., storage and process-
ing) can be mitigated by the use of Cloud Comput-
ing paradigm. These technologies complement each
other, since IoT devices generate an huge amount
of data and the cloud is able to provide resources
to store and process it. This combination, called
Cloud of Things (CoT), is currently being widely
Pacheco, L., Alchieri, E. and Solis, P.
Architecture for Privacy in Cloud of Things.
DOI: 10.5220/0006357504870494
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 487-494
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
studied (Aazam et al., 2014; Botta et al., 2016).
The Cloud Computing paradigm can complement
the IoT paradigm in several ways, since the cloud
is able to store, process and present the data gener-
ated by the IoT devices. Applications can utilize the
virtually unbounded cloud resources to process and
present information acquired from the IoT devices
and stored in the cloud. Other cloud computing fea-
tures are also beneficial for the IoT, such as the scal-
ability inherent to the cloud and the increased secu-
rity once the access control is performed in the cloud,
which has appropriate computational power to exe-
cute this task.
Although this integration brings huge benefits, it is
important to provide protocols and mechanisms to en-
sure the security properties and, particularly interest-
ing in the case of personal IoT networks, to preserve
the users privacy when storing their data in the cloud.
In this context, this paper proposes an architecture for
privacy in Cloud of Things, which allows the users to
fully control the access to the data generated by the
devices of their IoT networks and stored in the cloud.
The proposed architecture enables a fine grained con-
trol over data, since privacy protocols and controls are
executed at the IoT devices instead of at the network
border by a gateway, which also could represent a sin-
gle point of failure or a component that could impair
the security properties of the system once it is com-
promised by a successful attack.
The remaining of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 discusses the main related works.
Section 3 details the proposed architecture for privacy
in Cloud of Things, specifying the mechanisms and
protocols necessary to allow the users access control
over the data generated by their IoT devices. A de-
tailed discussion about the proposed architecture is
presented in Section 4. Finally, this work is concluded
and future works are presented in Section 5.
The cloud computing service based approach can be
extended to enable the integration with Internet of
Things, in a way the features from the IoT can be
offered as services in the cloud. As an example, a
multitude of weather sensors can upload its data to
the cloud, where a cloud service provides a easy and
secure way of access to this data by the most varying
user types. Several studies proposed the integration of
IoT and Cloud Computing to provide services like this
one in an infrastructure called Cloud of Things. The
IoTCloud (Fox et al., 2012) is an open source plat-
form that utilizes the cloud to facilitate the manage-
ment of IoT devices, while Nimbits (Sautner, 2016)
offers a solution where IoT data is collected and pro-
cessed in the cloud. Since the Cloud of Things in-
volves many new elements in the process, it also in-
creases the complexity of the security solutions that
must be adopted (Roman et al., 2013). In personal IoT
networks, the storage of user data in the cloud brings a
privacy problem since now the data is outside the user
control sphere and therefore could be used for matters
that the user does not approve. In order to preserve the
user privacy, the data must by handled only by entities
previously authorized by the user. In this sense, the
SensorCloud project (Eggert et al., 2014) facilitates
the implementation and utilization of privacy features
in the Cloud of Things architecture. SensorCloud im-
plements a cloud based platform which integrates sen-
sor networks to the Internet. A layer based architec-
ture is proposed where WSNs connect to the cloud
through trusted points (gateways) that are responsible
for both (i) communication with the cloud and (ii) se-
curity enforcement. The architecture does not specify
the sensor network inner functioning, such as its pro-
tocol stack, it only defines the entities and protocols
starting from the gateway.
The User-driven Privacy Enforcement for Cloud-
based Services in the IoT (UPECSI) (Henze et al.,
2016) extends the SensorCloud platform, it imple-
ments a privacy wise user-developer integrated solu-
tion. A Privacy Development Language (PDL) was
conceived to facilitate the development of privacy
wise cloud services, with the PDL the developer can
provide detailed information about how the data is
handled by its application. This feature is then used
by the user to allow/deny the features of the appli-
cation based on its privacy wishes. The security be-
tween IoT networks and the cloud is achieved by
a multi-layered architecture where Privacy Enforce-
ment Points (PEP), that are gateways at the border of
the IoT, are responsible for security and privacy en-
forcement. This architecture enables the users to dy-
namically change the Privacy Policy (PP) according
to their wishes, which enables a great level of control
around their data stored on the cloud.
The Privacy Enforcement Point is the last entity
on the user control sphere, since it is not a constrained
device (as the IoT devices), it can apply robust secu-
rity mechanisms, such as the use of Transport Layer
Security (TLS) (Dierks, 2008) in the transport layer.
According to the privacy policy set by the user, the
PEP determines the data that can leave the user con-
trol sphere, and to which services the data can be sent.
The data sent to the cloud is encrypted with a sym-
metric algorithm and the key is periodically changed,
enabling the revocation of access to a given cloud ser-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
vice when desired. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is
used to encrypt the symmetric key for each authorized
cloud service. Finally, the encrypted data is sent to
the cloud platform and the encrypted keys are sent to
their respective cloud services. This scheme enables
the protection of the users data stored in the cloud,
giving access only to previously authorized cloud ser-
vices, not even the cloud platform can access the data.
That way that the cloud platform and the cloud
services handle the user data are also privacy require-
ments. For example, the definition of the duration and
the location where the data can be stored (Henze et al.,
2013a). The UPECSI architecture uses Data Handling
Annotations (Henze et al., 2013b) to enforce such re-
quirements, these annotations are sent along with the
data to the cloud platform indicating how the data is
supposed to be handled. The previously mentioned
PDL also generates data to enable auditing and mon-
itoring of the cloud services by the cloud platform.
This work extends the UPECSI architecture (Henze
et al., 2016) by specifying the mechanisms and pro-
tocols necessary to enable the direct communication
of IoT devices with the cloud. By enabling the IoT
devices with a network stack capable of direct com-
munication with the Internet, it is possible to transfer
the security and privacy enforcement responsibilities
from the Privacy Enforcement Points (gateways) to
IoT devices. Therefore this work also proposes the
PEP removal, although a gateway could still be used
for protocol translation or other tasks that do not re-
quire privileges over the data.
The proposed approach brings at least the follow-
ing advantages: (1) it improves the fault-tolerance of
the system since it removes the gateway, which is a
single point of failure, from the architecture; (2) it
improves the security of the system since it removes
a component that is responsible for all security tasks
and, consequently, could impair the security proper-
ties of the system once it is compromised by a suc-
cessful attack; and (3) by executing the security and
privacy enforcement at the IoT devices, it is possible
to implement a fine grained control over the data since
each device could adopt a different security policy.
The UPECSI architecture covers a wide range of
aspects of the Cloud of Things, from the development
of a cloud service to the communication protocols be-
tween the border of the IoT network and the cloud
platform. Since this work focus on the IoT devices
communication schemes, what does not involve this
area is not mentioned in the remaining of this section,
such as the PDL mentioned in Section 2. A given
user can have several IoT networks under his or hers
control. The user binds the IoT devices to the cloud
platform, consequently the data generated by them is
stored in the cloud. The authorized cloud services can
then process the stored data and present it to the user.
A Trusted Third Party (TTP) audits and monitors the
cloud services, provides standard privacy policies (in-
tended to naive users) and executes some other secu-
rity tasks discussed later on this section.
The IoT devices store data they generate in the
cloud according to the Privacy Policy. To respect this
policy, it is possible that some data (1) can not be sent
to the cloud, (2) can be sent encrypted, or even (3)
can be sent without any encryption processing. Af-
terward, privacy requirements are held by the cloud
services since they have the keys necessary to access
only the data they are allowed to access. The re-
maining of this section describes the communication
schemes defined in the proposed architecture.
3.1 Binding of IoT Devices to the Cloud
Users must first register an account in order to use the
cloud service. After this, users can then bind their
IoT devices to store the generated data. The bind-
ing process is achieved by using the OAuth 2.0 proto-
col (Hardt, 2012), which is an open source and secure
authorization protocol. After the binding process, the
IoT devices can upload its data without the possessing
of the users credentials.
The OAuth 2.0 protocol requires a secure com-
munication in order to provide real secure authoriza-
tion. In the Internet this is achieved by the use of the
TLS protocol, which is used together with TCP. Since
TCP cannot be used in IoT networks another solution
must be employed. This area is currently under ac-
tive research and there are already many proposals for
security in IoT transport layer. Particularly interest-
ing, an adaptation of the Datagram Transport Layer
Security (DTLS) (McGrew and Rescorla, 2010) is
being studied by the DTLS In Constrained Environ-
ments (DICE) working group (Tschofenig and Fos-
sati, 2016). This work does not define a protocol for
secure communication, but requires the usage of one.
The user can bind one device at time or multi-
ple devices at once. The process of binding multiple
devices at once is only achieved when using a gate-
way, in this way all IoT devices will share the same
identification, and thus the user will not be able to
Architecture for Privacy in Cloud of Things
Figure 1: Binding Scheme.
uniquely configure each device. OAuth’s Authoriza-
tion Code Grant permission is used, this permission
type requires user intervention only at the setup phase.
After authorized, devices can upload data to the cloud
without caring the user credentials.
Figure 1 presents the binding process for one de-
vice at time, that is executed as following: 1 the user
starts the process as the Resource Owner by enter-
ing device’s binding web page; 2 the device requests
an Authorization Code for the cloud platform; 3 in
order to receive the Authorization Code, the user is
redirected to a login page; 4 after successfully receiv-
ing the user credentials, the cloud platform sends the
Authorization Code to the device; 5 in possession of
the Authorization Code, the device requests an Ac-
cess Token to the cloud; 6 the cloud platform delivers
the Access Token.
At the end of the binding process the device has an
Access Token that must be attached in every data sent
to the cloud, and the cloud platform has the device’s
identification. The process is the same when binding
multiple devices at once, the only difference is that at
the end the gateway sends the received Access Token
to all devices, that is why, by using this method, the
user cannot identify which device generated a specific
data. After binding all devices, the user could create
logical networks at the cloud platform in order to eas-
ily manage them.
3.2 Privacy Policy Enforcement
A Privacy Policy (PP) defines whether some data can
be stored in the cloud, the way it is stored (encrypted
or not) and what is done with the user data by a cloud
service. Different from common Privacy Policies,
where the user can only accept or deny all of it, in
our architecture the user can change it over the time,
in this way the user can assume real control over the
data it sends to the cloud. A cloud service provides
an interface for users to see what data is used and for
what purpose, the users can enable or disable specific
features in order to restrict the access to their data.
As example, users could enable or disable their loca-
tion monitoring by a given cloud service, according
to their privacy desires.
The Privacy Policy is enforced every time an IoT
device sends data to the cloud. The enforcement is
done by the IoT device itself. The update process of a
Privacy Policy is as follows: 1 the user updates the PP
trough the cloud service interface; 2 the cloud plat-
form send the updated PP to the Trusted Third Party
(TTP), which audits the information and generates a
Privacy Configuration (CP); 3 the TTP sends the new
CP to all devices that provide data to the cloud service
and needs to update their policies.
3.3 Data Access Control
After binding devices to a cloud platform and setting
specific Privacy Policies for the authorized services,
it is necessary to ensure that IoT data is stored and
accessed only by authorized entities.
Data access control is achieved by a cryptography
scheme. As in the binding process, the communica-
tion between IoT devices and cloud must be secure,
which is achieved by a proper transport layer protocol
(this subject is further discussed in Section 4). The
IoT sensitive data is encrypted before being stored in
the cloud (no-sensitive data could be stored without
encryption), preventing access even by the cloud plat-
form. The keys necessary to its decryption are stored
in a key depot also in the cloud platform.
Before sending data to the cloud, an IoT device
must filter it according to the Privacy Configuration,
deciding if data must leave the user control sphere.
The data then is encrypted with a symmetric algo-
rithm, the key used by the algorithm is, encrypted
with the public key of the authorized cloud service.
In case there are more them one cloud service autho-
rized to access the same data, the symmetric key must
be encrypted once for each service. The data is stored
only once in the cloud platform.
The symmetric key is updated regularly, prevent-
ing new services to access data stored previously to
its authorization or revoked services to continue to
access data. Past keys remain in the cloud, enabling
access to data previously stored when desired.
Cryptography operations can significantly de-
crease the IoT network lifetime. To mitigate this
scenario we propose two different approaches to en-
sure data access control: in the first one the IoT de-
vices manage cryptography keys (Section 3.3.1) and
in the second one these keys are managed by a Trusted
Third Party (Section 3.3.2). In the following these
approaches are presented and a discussion about the
costs and benefits of each of them are further pre-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sented in Section 4.
3.3.1 Keys Management by IoT Devices
Figure 2 presents the approach where the device it-
self is responsible for generating symmetric keys, en-
crypt them with the cloud services public keys and
send them to the key depot in the cloud platform.
This approach is intended for IoT devices that
have enough computational and power capabilities to
execute the following tasks (Figure 2) without signif-
icantly decrease their lifetimes: 1 receive public keys
from cloud platform; 2 periodically generate symmet-
ric keys; 3 encrypt each new symmetric key once for
each authorized cloud service; 4 send the encrypted
symmetric key to the key depot; 5 send encrypted data
to the cloud platform.
Figure 2: IoT Device key Management.
3.3.2 Keys Management by a Trusted Third
Figure 3 presents the second approach, where a
Trusted Third Party (TTP) is responsible for some
tasks related to data access control, relieving the con-
strained devices from some costly tasks.
Figure 3: TTP key Management.
This approach is useful for devices with con-
strained capabilities, where the tasks shifted to the
TTP would significantly reduce the communication
delay and increase their lifetimes. This approach has
the following steps (Figure 3): 1 TTP: Receive ser-
vices public keys from cloud platform; 2 TTP: Pe-
riodically generate symmetric keys; 3 TTP: Encrypt
each new symmetric key once for each authorized
cloud service; 4 TTP: Send the encrypted symmet-
ric key to the key depot; 5 TTP/IoT Device: Securely
send the symmetric keys to the IoT devices; 6 IoT
Device: Send encrypted data to the cloud platform.
3.4 Flexible Privacy Policies
The data control scheme provided by the proposed ar-
chitecture enables only previously authorized entities
to handle the user data in the cloud. However, in some
exceptional situations, it is convenient to decrease pri-
vacy requirements in order to allow new entities ac-
cess to data. As an example, when a health moni-
toring IoT network detects an emergency, it could be
more beneficial to the user if any medical personal
could have access to his data, increasing the chances
of getting assistance.
In order to attend the scenario above described,
this work proposes the use of Flexible Privacy Poli-
cies (FPP), which are secondary PPs only enabled
when a given event is detected. The user must pre-
viously set the thresholds that will trigger the FPP,
which can be based on IoT network generated data
or even in external events. FPPs are created following
the same scheme as common PPs (Section 3.2).
Figure 4: Flexible Privacy Policy Activation.
Figure 4 shows how FPPs are activated. The
scheme is similar to regular access control for com-
mon data, but in this case the public keys used to
encrypt symmetric keys are generated by the TTP
and cloud services can access user data only after
the FPP activation. The FPP processing has the fol-
lowing steps: 1 TTP receives services public keys
from cloud; 2 TTP generates symmetric keys (used by
IoT devices to encrypt their generated data) and pub-
lic/private pair keys (used by the TTP itself to manage
the data access), as follows: Symmetric keys, Pub-
lic/private key pair for each cloud service that will be
grant access; 3 TTP securely sends (using a transport
layer security protocol as discussed at Section 3.1)
Architecture for Privacy in Cloud of Things
the symmetric keys to IoT devices; 4 TTP sends the
symmetric keys encrypted with the public key (gener-
ated at previous step 2) to the key depot; 5 IoT device
sends encrypted data to the cloud; 6 IoT device de-
tects an event that activates the FPP; 7 IoT device sig-
nals the TTP; 8 TTP sends, through the key depot, the
private key to the cloud service that must gain access
to data, this private key is encrypted with the service
public key (received at step 1).
In order to prevent access to data generated after
FPPs are deactivated, the public/private key pair must
be recreated and new symmetric keys must be en-
crypted with new public key. The FPP scheme heavily
relies in TTP, since IoT devices have a intrinsic unre-
liable nature.
This section presents a discussion about aspects re-
lated to the proposed architecture. Firstly, the direct
communication among IoT devices and the Internet
is depicted, mainly the end-to-end security related to
it is discussed. Afterward, a discussion regarding the
schemes developed by this study is presented, indicat-
ing its limitations, advantages and disadvantages.
4.1 Direct Internet Communication in
IoT Devices
An important aspect of the proposed architecture is
the utilization of equivalent Internet protocols in IoT
devices, providing the ability of direct communi-
cation between devices and cloud. Based on UP-
ECSI (Henze et al., 2016), this work transfer the Pri-
vacy Enforcement Point features to the IoT devices,
adapting those features according to IoT devices con-
strained nature. Although devices communicate di-
rectly with the cloud, a gateway could still be used for
translating protocols. For example, the IEEE 802.15.4
packet size is 127 bytes but many Internet protocols
have headers and messages that would use much of
this size, leaving very little room for application data
(e.g., IPv6 header has a minimum of 40 bytes).
UPECSI defines communication schemes only be-
tween the gateway and the cloud, this work proposes a
secure architecture between IoT device and cloud, re-
garding only the application layer. However, here we
discuss security in transport layer, since it is a topic
currently being widely studied. Security in Link and
Network layers in IoT, although still with much room
for improvement, can be considered more mature,
since the IEEE 802.15.4, 6LoWPAN and RPL (Win-
ter, 2012) are already consolidated standards.
The overhead introduced in the processing and
message exchange caused by security protocols, spe-
cially in cryptography operations, is the main barrier
for its implementation in Internet of Things. Internet
security protocols use Public Key Infrastructure (Sa-
lomaa, 2013), that uses two keys for each entity.
Creating and exchanging these keys are expensive,
thus many IoT security protocols admits they are pre-
allocated in devices beforehand. This work assumes
that communications take place in a secure channel.
Although there are already many proposals (Sethi
et al., 2012; Hummen et al., 2014; Tschofenig and
Fossati, 2016), the IETF is still working to define a
standard for constrained device networks.
4.2 Proposed Architecture
This section discusses the schemes proposed in this
work, first a discussion about the binding protocol is
presented, indicating its benefits and possible difficul-
ties of its implementation in IoT devices. Afterward,
we discuss how the Privacy Policy is enforced by IoT
devices, taking account of its constrained characteris-
tics. The data access control scheme is also debated
since it is the architecture protocol that most adds
load to devices. Finally, the Flexible Privacy Policy
scheme is discussed.
4.2.1 Binding Scheme
The load that the binding scheme adds to the network
can be neglected, since it is performed only once by
each network device. As stated, this scheme could
also be executed by a gateway, as in UPECSI, but in
this case all devices would share the same Access To-
ken. This feature speeds up the binding procedure, but
decreases the data access control granularity, since all
devices will be bound to the same cloud services, i.e.,
these services will have access to all data from the
The OAuth 2.0 assumes a secure channel is used
for communication, since it does not provide relia-
bility for exchanged messages. In order to provide
device specific binding, the user must access an in-
terface provided by each device (step 1 at Figure 1).
This kind of service should have an optimized imple-
mentation, in order to prevent too much load to the
constrained devices.
4.2.2 Privacy Policy Enforcement
The Privacy Policy Enforcement is performed as in
the UPECSI architecture, but instead of being exe-
cuted by the PEP (gateway) it is executed by each
IoT devices. Updating a Privacy Policy is achieved
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
through the respective cloud service, usually done
by a web interface or smartphone application. This
scheme only introduces the reception and enforce-
ment of Privacy Policies by the devices. The reception
is unlikely to occur very often and the enforcement is
implemented by simple conditional statements. Con-
sequently, these steps does not significantly increase
the devices load.
4.2.3 Data Access Control
User privacy requirements are guaranteed by using
cryptography. Private data is stored encrypted in
cloud platforms, and only authorized cloud services
have the key to decrypt it. This method provides data
access only to allowed entities. As already discussed,
cryptography operations can be expensive for IoT de-
vices. Although IoT devices must encrypt data go-
ing to the cloud, some operations could be relieved
by shifting them to the Trusted Third Party. In this
approach the key management is performed by the
TTP, leaving the IoT devices only with the tasks of
receiving keys and encrypting data. This scheme is
recommended for IoT networks where devices have
constrained resources.
IoT devices can be responsible for managing sym-
metric keys, excluding the TTP from the process.
This method is more expensive to devices, which
must execute tasks with high computational costs:
symmetric key creation, asymmetric encryption of
symmetric keys and sending encrypted keys to ser-
vices. The encryption of symmetric keys is periodic
and performed once for each service authorized to ac-
cess the respective data, which means that these op-
erations can be quite expensive if there are many ser-
vices. This method must be used with cautious, if the
number of services and the periodicity of symmetric
key generation is high it can potentially compromise
the IoT network lifetime and responsiveness. The ad-
vantage of using this method is that the TTP will not
have the keys necessary to access data, therefore de-
creasing the surface of attack for the network.
In both schemes data will be encrypted twice,
once in the transport layer, by a protocol that ensures
a secure channel, and once in the application layer,
by the architecture proposed in this work. The en-
cryption performed at the application layer is always
necessary, since that is how data is stored in the cloud
platform. Consequently, to prevent data from being
encrypted twice, it is necessary to remove the encryp-
tion at the transport layer. The messages sent by the
devices contain the application encrypted data and the
Access Token, which now must be protected at the
application layer. This can be achieved simply by se-
curely sharing a key between cloud platform and IoT
device before it needs to send data. This process could
be done at the end of the binding process, which al-
ready uses a secure channel. In this way, IoT devices
can encrypt the Access Token with this shared key
and send both data protected, the Access token and
the devices generated data.
4.2.4 Flexible Privacy Policy
Flexible Privacy Policies were proposed to increase
the architectures adaptability. This scheme enables
the user to define boundaries, where some cloud ser-
vices can begin or stop to have access to private
data. This is specially useful in exceptional situa-
tions, where it is more beneficial to give up privacy
then keep it.
Since the main purpose of FPPs are exceptional
situations, it may be the case where the IoT device it-
self ceases functioning, in this case it is only possible
to activate the FPP by an external agent. To ensure the
proper behavior in this situation the TTP is responsi-
ble for enforcing the FPP, managing keys and granting
access to services when necessary. This method adds
much more reliability to the scheme.
The load introduced by this feature is only related
to triggering the FPP by signaling the TTP when a
FPP must be activated, thus requiring very lower re-
sources for a very useful feature.
The Internet of Things and Cloud Computing inte-
gration certainly brings many benefits for applica-
tions, since while the first generates a huge amount of
data, the second has the power to store, process and
present it, including solutions for big data. Security
is an extremely relevant aspect in this integration. In
personal networks the user privacy must be specially
dealt with, since private data leaves the user control
sphere when stored in the cloud.
In order to prevent or at least mitigate this prob-
lem, this work proposed an architecture where users
have more control over access to their data when up-
loaded to the cloud. This architecture enables a fine
grained control over data, since the privacy protocols
and controls are executed at the IoT device, not at the
network border by a gateway.
The proposed approach introduces more load at
devices, which could impact the network performance
and lifetime in scenarios where the devices have lim-
ited energy source such as WSNs. However, many
IoT devices have unlimited energy and, consequently,
this is not a constraint. As future work we intend to
Architecture for Privacy in Cloud of Things
define scenarios and evaluate the performance of the
proposed solutions.
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work is partially supported by CNPq (Brazil) and
RNP/CTIC (Brazil) through projects FREESTORE
(457272/2014-7) and EUBrasilCloudForum, respec-
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems