Real Time Color Codes in a Classroom
Position Paper
Laura Dzelzkaleja
Riga Technical University, Faculty of E-sudy Technologies and Humanities, Kronvalda str.1, Riga, Latvia
Riga Technical University, Cesis Affiliate, Piebalgas str.3, Cesis, Latvia
Keywords: Colour Codes, Classroom Management, Learning Analytics, Learning Evaluation.
Abstract: This paper is a next step after establishing a new system for real time classroom and virtual learning process
evaluation. In a previous paper a theoretical system from three colour codes was established: red for "have a
problem", yellow for "work in progress" and green for "job done". The hypothesis is that Colour code usage
improves learning process evaluation, teacher’s reaction ability and learning pace. An experiment was
conducted to test the hypothesis and the Colour code method in a real learning environment. In this paper first
experimental results in a real classroom are analysed and discussed. Experiments took part in the first grade
(7-8 years old children) and in the fourth grade (10-11 years old children) in Latvia. The results suggest that
there are less and lower implementation barriers for the children in these age groups as thought before, and
children are eager to use the new tools and mostly aren’t bothered by the extra effort needed to remember to
use the system tools. The biggest challenge seems to be in the teachers’ side - in adjusting the flow of the
learning process and start using the system in advanced mode for data gathering. Another conclusion from
this is that the colour code system is easier adopted in vocational education and for teachers and trainers that
work with changing learner groups. Teachers and learners would benefit also because the colour code system
serves as a good tool for changing teachers’ tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge which can benefit in
knowledge sharing and operationalization. Another interesting conclusion was that the colours in the colour
tool need to be complemented with graphical or other colour independent pattern to use with people with
colour blindness. Overall it is now clear that the system works and the next step can be taken to test the method
in the computer based learning environment.
Key focus for organizations today is production and
distribution of information and knowledge, in what
has been termed the Knowledge Age (Soares, 2013).
Especially important it gets in the education field
which is all about knowledge.
The epistemological dimension distinguishes
between tacit and explicit knowledge. Tacit
knowledge is subjective, deeply based in personal
experiences. Tacit knowledge is understood to be
more sensitive to space (Howells, 2012) as it is
acquired through interaction, demonstration,
imitation, performance and shared experiences
(Schmidt, 2015). On the contrary, articulated or
explicit knowledge is objective and can be untied
from the situation by which it was acquired. This
knowledge is related to the rational, theoretical, and
scientific activities in a positivistic sense. These
characteristics make explicit knowledge easier to
express and transmit than tacit knowledge (Martı´n-
de-Castro, 2008).
Possibility to evaluate and improve the learning
process is getting more and more topical. It is spoken
a lot about educational system and change of
paradigms. New and digital age based educational
paradigms are emerging (e.g., connectivism
(Siemens, 2005)). But the question about how to
found out, what improvements are needed in the
learning process and content, is still actual.
It is always hard to make changes in the existing
system, especially in such an inert system as
education. And change is difficult, complex, and
risky because it has unintended side effects. Effects
of change ricochet through systems via interactions
between its parts (Mitra, 2008). That is why people
are intuitively rather cautious with any kind of change
in the educational field because the consequences are
Dzelzkaleja, L.
Real Time Color Codes in a Classroom - Position Paper.
DOI: 10.5220/0006357201600165
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 160-165
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
often not observed right away and too much other
systems depend on the educational system to
experiment with education blindly, since knowledge
is the chief resource in our economy (Drucker, 2000).
Analysis on a situation can be one of the
observational results’ processing cases. In the
analysis of a situation, the same as in observation, a
set goal is needed about what exactly is analysed –
action, psychical phenomenon, teacher’s or students’
behaviour (Šteinberga, 2011).
Pedagogical experiment definitely is one of the
best research methods in pedagogical psychology. A
specific characteristic of an experiment is a particular
pedagogical or psychological method, manner or
shape usage in an experimental group that are
different form the ones used on every day basis. As a
result, a comparison is derived between students’
satisfaction rates, assessment and self-evaluation
using experimental and traditional methods. The
interpretation of the results gives and information
about method utility, about further research etc.
(Šteinberga, 2011).
In the classroom learning process the speed of
completing tasks differs from child to child. Some
children complete the tasks fast and start to get bored
or talk to each other; others need bigger teacher’s
attention and have more questions; some just work
slower. To make teacher’s work in a class more
effective and the teacher could react faster to the
needs of every learner, the author proposes this new
In this way students’ exhausting need to keep their
hands raised for a long period of time is reduced. The
raised hand also doesn’t allow to use the time
efficiently and start completing other tasks while
waiting for teacher’s assistance. Another gain that is
predicted is teacher’s possibility to react operatively
and decide about extra tasks. Furthermore, the usage
of Colour codes forces the pupil to be more
responsible about his/her learning process and to
evaluate his/her work process. On the other hand,
teacher can evaluate the overall process in the class
and identify problem situations and unclear tasks
Raising hand is considered to be inefficient
method to follow the learning process successfully. A
more sophisticated learning process division is
needed as opposed to the two states of hand (“hand
raised” and “hand down”). There are also situations,
when students are ashamed to raise hand because it
attracts to much attention and/or causes a sensation of
student’s “failure” to understand is revealed to the
teacher and fellow students which consequently
causes a sensation of shame.
Author proposes to use the Colour code method to
reduce the problems connected with raising hand and
communication with teacher in an efficient way. But
there are be certain setbacks to implement the method
– as all new things the method integration into
existing learning process and content demands extra
cognitive resources form both students and teachers;
it is important to understand about amount of extra
effort needed and is it small enough to overcome it.
There is also a risk that method won’t work because
of other reasons. The hypothesis is that Colour code
usage improves learning process evaluation, teacher’s
reaction ability and learning pace. An experiment was
conducted to test the hypothesis and the Colour code
method in a real learning environment.
The experiment took part in the November –
December of 2016 in the Cēsis town (<20 000
inhabitants) in Latvia. The town profile is low
industrial activity and rich culture and history
heritage, in recent years different creative industries
2.1 Colour Code Method
A new approach, presented in the authors previous
paper (Dzelzkaleja, 2016) for continuously
evaluating learning process in real time was
presented. In this paper the method is further analysed
with the data gained form the first experimental
In all cases (school, adult, non-formal distant or
blended learning environment) the main principle of
the method is as follows: there are three colour codes
which are used by learner to show teacher the
progress in every moment of the learning process.
Proposed cardboard tool is shaped as a triangular
prism with each of the three prism faces representing
one of the three codes. The codes are defined as
“Red” is used to show that the task is not clear or
difficulties have appeared during the process and
an assistance is needed (in the form of teacher or
some extra learning materials);
“Yellow” is used whenever the task is being done
and everything is clear – no need for assistance;
“Green” is used when the task is done.
In the case of using colour tools in a classroom
environment every child is provided with a tangible
Real Time Color Codes in a Classroom - Position Paper
colour code tool. In the most simplified way code
(and thus progress) changes are not recorded
digitally, and provides teacher with a visual real time
information without any external data analysis. The
simple tools were used in the experiment described in
this paper.
These tangible non-digital tools are meant to be
put on a desk for a teacher to see a one face of the
prism. Children turn the face accordingly to any
changes in their learning state. And teacher is able to
quickly evaluate the class in every moment of the
lesson and react accordingly.
In the non-digital code tool version it is not
possible to get a lot quantitative data, but teacher can
observe process characteristics and analyse learning
materials accordingly, but still a teacher’s subjective
view remains in the conclusions. The next upgrade
offered by the Colour code method would be
introduce a digital code tool for every learner. In this
case a lot of quantitative and tangible data would
gather in the database continuously, and data sets
allow to make personalised learning interface for
every learner and teacher as well. The data gathered
for digital tools would give a possibility to introduce
benchmarking and compare students, as well as give
every student an objective external view of his/her
learning process.
Making the digital code design, it is important to
maintain the possibility for the teacher to see real time
codes in the classroom. In case of distant learning, the
codes should be installed so that the learner could
click on the appropriate colour on the screen
conveniently in every moment of the learning
2.2 Experimental Group Description
During the experiment, the method was introduced in
a primary school environment. Since the possible
target group for method implementation is very wide
– from children to adults and from classroom to e-
study environments, author decided to scale down the
target group to primary school for this particular
experiment as method reality check.
The author of the paper observed lesson process
in 1
and 4
grades that mostly corresponds to 7-8
years old children and 10-11 years old children with
23 children in the 1
grade and 24 in the 4
. Teacher
introduced the children with tools before the
observations: in two lessons in the 4
grade and in
three lessons in the 1
Each pupil has a separate desk, making four desks
in six rows. Pupils sat by height – shorter ones in the
front rows and taller in the back rows.
The author observed during math test in each
class. Tests were to be filled by writing (not oral) and
consisted of a paper sheet with a few
exercises/questions that need to be solved. The tests
were identic for the whole class and each pupil filled
the test independently from other and at their own
pace. Each math test lasted for one academic hour (40
minutes) and at the end of the lesson pupils had to
hand in the filled tests.
2.2.1 Observations
The code tools were in a box and every pupil took a
tool and put on the desk before the lesson. Teacher
wrote the meaning of codes on the blackboard: yellow
= I’m working, green = I’ve finished, red = I don’t
understand. This approach was the tool integration
interpretation of the teacher. When the teacher saw
that children are finishing the tasks, she wrote on the
blackboard which tasks are to do next and where to
find them.
The biggest part of the 4
grade students turned
the yellow side of the tool for the teacher to see. A
small activity in code tool usage was observed in the
beginning of the lesson, when children had some
qualifying questions about the tasks in the test. In the
end of the lesson the activity increased – both because
of some questions and because of finishing test.
Table 1: Main experiment parameters and observations.
Parameters 1st grade 4th grade
Children in the lesson 23 24
Lesson type
Math test
Math test
Max red at the same time 8 4
Minutes of red maximum
(range 1-40)
Max green at the same time 6 7
Minutes of green maximum
(range 1-40)
35-37 30-36
Children count that raised
6 2
Cases of raising hand 12 2
Cases of forgetting to take
the code tool
2 0
If we compare 1
and 4
grade students, there were
some differences observed. In the 1
grade students
switched the colour codes more, because they needed
teacher assistance more often. 4
graders used colour
tool to attract teacher’s attention and almost didn’t
raise their hands, but some of the 1
graders forgot to
use the colour tool and still raised hands. This
happened for one of the two reasons: either children
went impatient because teacher didn’t react to the red
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
code as quickly as they wanted and seemed to worry
weather teacher is noticed the red colour at all; either
children had forgotten about colour tool and, when
remembered about the code, put the hand down
quickly and turned the code tool.
Most children from the 4
grade didn’t have any
need for teacher’s assistance, so there was little action
with the red code. Most action was observed in the
third part of the lesson when children were starting to
finish the tasks and turn the green colour. In the 1
grade in contrary there was a lot of red colour usage
during all lesson. There were some students in the 1
grade that didn’t need any assistance (and thus red
code) at all, but the proportion was small, and those
were also the ones to finish the test quickest (and turn
the green colour). Overall it was observed that
younger children have more questions and confusion
about tasks, and need teacher’s assistance more,
which is normal situation, and the younger also
struggled more using the codes.
Despite the fact that children were introduced to the
Colour codes only recently, they accepted and used
the code tool remarkably naturally. From the
interview with the teacher, it was discovered that after
the scientific observations in the class has ended,
children in the next lessons were so used to the tools,
that many of them took the tool form the box even
without teacher saying anything about using them.
That means that children get used to the tool indeed
fast and the usage of the codes comes quite natural
and without big cognitive load. This is with
consistency of the hypothesis in the author’s previous
paper introducing the Colour code method concept.
In the 1
grade it was observed that children
needing the teacher’s assistance more, also were the
ones raising the hands and forgetting to use or turn the
colour codes the most. That shows evidence of
children having trouble to understand the tasks also
need more time to adapt to the Colour code method.
It seems that for those children Colour code method
could be of more cognitive load while adapting to it.
This information need to be taken into consideration
when introducing the method.
The observations also showed that especially for
younger children the way of introducing the Colour
code method is important. In the 1
grade it was a
common situation that 6-8 children had turned red
colour to the teacher and start to fidget impatiently
and worriedly, some start to raise hand because think,
that teacher haven’t noticed the red colour (which is
sometimes right) if teacher doesn’t come right away.
In this case, when a “jam” is formed, a previous
preparation is of great importance.
If the teacher tells children what to do, if she/he
doesn’t come right away, unnecessary stress among
the students can be avoid. One solution to this would
be telling the children to proceed with other tasks
until the teacher will come and help. In this way
children are not wasting the time on waiting and
worrying. In such a way students are also developing
a skill to work not only linearly, but also plan their
time and make a decision about the order of
completing the tasks to gain the maximize the output.
Another solution to lower the stress about teacher not
coming is to introduce a system of addressing
students in row so that in every moment every student
can predict when teacher is coming and avoid a
situation when teacher doesn’t notice the code or
helps first the ones that are closer and not those who
are waiting the longest; children are tended to react to
this kid of “injustice” feeling hurt and thus adding to
the stress levels.
Colour code method usage gives teacher a way to
see differences in children behaviour because of
change of seat and task type. The codes show the
change in more objective and quantitative way than
intuitive way used so far. Teacher can subsequently
faster identify the characteristics of a learning group
and individuals that need more attention. Teachers
mostly learn these things without any tools working
with the same group daily, but the Colour code
method helps to do it faster and more objective –
possibly before teacher has developed subjective
conclusions about the learners, which can be false.
The Colour code method will help teachers to
bring out the tacit knowledge, formulating the process
in the class quantitatively and making the results
more transparent and understandable for others in this
way improving knowledge sharing. Afterwards the
newly gained explicit knowledge about the learners’
behaviour allows to combine the tacit knowledge with
the explicit brought by objective tools like Colour
code method. In this way perceptions about learning
process become more profound and objective.
This approach is especially important in the
knowledge intensive processes (KIP), and such is an
educational system and learning processes within this
system. Data gained from the Colour code method
may not mean the same in different environment, for
example, in schools in different countries. Spatial
distribution crucial in the way knowledge is made and
transferred. Cultural, historical and political
differences can have a significant effect on the results
(Schmidt, 2015).
Real Time Color Codes in a Classroom - Position Paper
The experimental observations also suggested that the
risk of using the codes intentionally misleadingly or
not using at all is not very relevant in the age group
of 7-11 years old that corresponds to primary school
in Latvia. The cultural and spatial characteristics and
learning culture could be influencing factor for
mentioned risk and would be advisable to observe
learners from other cultural, historical and
geographical backgrounds for more valid results.
From the theoretical research, experience so far and
the experimental data, in can be said with certainty
that method is applicable in wide range of the learners
– from kindergarten children to the adults and distant
learners, and that is because the method is simple,
doesn’t require any particular user knowledge or
skills. The effectiveness of the method is largely
dependent on the teacher that implements the method,
analyses and react on the data brought by the colour
tools. Children that have more difficulties in
understanding the tasks, also need more adaptation
time to the Colour code tool.
Teachers and learners would benefit also because
the colour code system serves as a good tool for
changing teachers’ tacit knowledge to explicit
knowledge which can benefit in knowledge sharing
and operationalization. This approach is especially
meaningful in the Knowledge intensive processes,
and educational system can be perceived as one.
Overall in the experiment it was observed that
younger children (1
grade) had more questions (code
“red”) than older (4
grade) and consequentially 1
graders turned the codes more often. 4
graders also
didn’t forget to use the codes while 1
sometimes raised their hands instead of using the
code either because of forgetting about the code or
getting impatient after turning red code to the teacher
and not receiving the attention as fast as they wanted.
The codes in their simplest (not digitalized)
version are relevant to use for bigger groups than 10,
because small groups don’t require so much resources
to understand the dynamics. In a case of big groups,
the size of the colour tools builds relevance as well,
because there is a need of teacher seeing the codes
clearly from several meters away.
In accordance to E. Eriksen (Wallerstein, 1998)
classification children from six to twelve-year age
(which correspond to primary school age) need to
learn to make a choice between initiative and guilt.
Since Colour codes are connected to a degree of self-
initiative and self-regulation, it is highly possible that
the method could contribute to the development of
age appropriate psyche development.
From a teacher’s feedback the author concluded
that colour codes need to be complemented to some
graphical symbols or other colour non-attached codes
that allow to use the method also for people with
colour blindness. It needs to be taken into
consideration since as many as 8 percent of men and
0.5 percent of women with Northern European
ancestry have the common form of red-green colour
blindness (NEI, 2015), and 99% of all colour-blind
people are suffering from red-green colour blindness
(Colblindor, 2016). In the computer based learning
the colours could be complemented with shapes:
diamond shape for red as the figure represents a static
situation with a possibility of activity and movement;
circle for yellow since this figure gives an impression
of smoothness, movement and process; square for
green since this figure gives an impression of stability
and completeness.
After observations and based on the experience, it
was concluded that the Colour code method would be
very useful in the vocational, non-formal and distant
education field where teacher mostly meet with their
audience for a short period of time or very rarely to
be able to understand the group dynamics and
individual needs properly. From this situation may
suffer both: teachers because of the high stress levels
and need to be flexible and agile all the time as well
as learners that get a poorer learning experience and
teaching/mentoring quality. The Colour code method
can contribute to solving these problems because:
It helps to frame learning event and defines a few
basic rules already at the beginning. Some
framework is necessary to remove stress levels
connected with learners not understanding the
learning process goals and learning management
process. This framework is especially important
for the learners with sensing mode that
corresponds the temperament of artisans and
guardians (Keirsey, 1998), that desire concrete
experiences, structure, and sequential learning
(Stokes, 2001).
It helps react to learning process without guessing
so much and without a need to build experience of
being able to “read” the group.
It decreases the cases of someone dropping behind
the learning flow if raising hand (or similar
activities) to attract teacher’s and/or other
learners’ attention is too resource intensive. Not
willing to raise hand can occur from low self-
esteem two cases: (a) “my question/confusion is
not relevant enough to bother others with it” and
(b) “what will others think”, as well as from
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
unconcern about the learning process and its
results, basically, low learning motivation. These
issues can be decreased with the Colour code
method since it requires very little effort to change
colours and inform teacher, and it is done in a very
discrete manner without driving big attention
from others. When time resource is limited, and in
the vocational and non-formal education it is
especially true, teacher doesn’t have possibilities
to resolve learners’ emotional and personal
problems (if only it is the goal of the event), and
need to concentrate on the deliverables. And
teaching in the most convenient and comfortable
way for the students lowers negative stress levels,
which hinder the knowledge building and sharing.
It can be concluded with certainty that system
works and the next step can be taken to test the
method in adult educations and computer based
learning environments complementing learning with
differently shaped and coloured process evaluation
buttons - codes.
The author would like to thank the teacher Marita
Dzene who was so kind and agreed to try out the
method, observe the lessons and give a feedback on
the Colour code method. Thanks also to teacher
Loreta Juškaite and Jānis Kapenieks for a feedback.
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Real Time Color Codes in a Classroom - Position Paper