Model of Radical Changes and Introduction of Discrete Production
Management System
Evgeny Abakumov
Department of Information Technology, All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Moscow, Russia
Department of Applied Phisics, National Nuclear Research University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute),
Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Instrument-making Industrial Production, Production Plan, Organizational Changes, John Kotter’s Model.
Abstract: This article describes the information system of the discrete type production management and its
implementation using the model of radical changes by J. Kotter. The need for organizational changes is caused
by the necessity of a deep transformation of business processes of discrete production in the light of significant
changes in the modern information technology. These changes offer great opportunities for improving the
efficiency of enterprises in their main area of activity. However, the resistance of the staff changes makes it
necessary to find solutions to overcome it.
Discrete production, when serial and pilot production
are combined, as well as wide range of products, has
a number of features in terms of automation. These
features include the need for dynamic change of
production plan based on the changes in
documentation and terms of delivery of components
and materials; the need for management decision-
making under conditions of uncertainty at various
levels of management; the need to improve the
efficiency of production process and implementation
of operational management systems. The emergence
of modern concepts and systems in the area of
information technology, especially the Internet, of
items and systems for supporting management
decisions opens up new horizons for improving the
efficiency of processes. Note that the complexity of
business has significantly increased in the recent
years, and the rate of these changes is also increasing.
Information technology can help manage the
complexity of business or bring additional
complexity, which can be caused, inter alia, by the
behavior of the staff while performing the new
solutions in the field of management (Mocker, 2015).
Features of organizational behavior in case of
need for using of new information technology require
the application of modern concepts of performing
organizational changes. These concepts include both
classic ones, like the model by Kurt Lewin and
Canter, and more modern, such as the model by John
Kotter (Kotter, John P, 1996, 2014). Thus, today the
problem of efficient transformation of processes
using modern information technology lies, inter alia,
in the area of using technology for conducting
organizational changes.
Considerable attention is given in present-day papers
to virtual organizations and respective support for
transformation of organizations into virtual form
(Thimm, 2008). However, organizational difficulties
and specific features of organizational behavior of
emerging market participants lead to the necessity of
maintaining processes at classical enterprises and
nondecreasing relevance of MES class systems
implementation. The European countries discuss the
issues post-implementation stage of using
information systems (Hasheela, 2015).
Discrete manufacturing requires a series of
information solutions. Consider one of the levels of
information systems of this type: job of foreman and
workers directly. The purpose of the information
system is operational planning, information support
of foreman concerning the distribution of
Abakumov, E.
Model of Radical Changes and Introduction of Discrete Production Management System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006349004830486
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 483-486
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
manufacturing tasks throughout the work centers, and
collection and accounting of feedback from working
stations on implementation of the production process.
The transition from manual data processing to
information systems that involve the information on
the status of equipment causes considerable
difficulties for the manufacturing staff, which
manifests itself in resistance to the introduction of the
system. This resistance is expressed in erroneousness
input of information, intentional damage to the
monitoring equipment, blackmail concerning
impossibility of performing the manufacturing
functions using the system. The complexity of the
implemented business process increases not only due
to modification caused by the need to respond to
external changes, but also due to disturbances caused
by the organizational behavior of its members. Thus,
it is needed to manage the process of change in the
implementation and development of information
management system and to reduce the influence of
organizational behavior through the use of change
management techniques. Undoubtedly, this is not the
only factor and a number of other aspects has been
considered by the author previously (Abakumov,
2014, 2015)
Change model by J. Kotter contains a number of
stages: creating a sense of urgent need for change;
establishing a group of people to manage changes;
developing vision and strategy, communication for
communicating the information; authorizing to
achieve quick results; consolidating the gains, and
new approaches in the corporate culture. This article
describes a case study on management of
organizational change in large companies in the
implementation of the production management
system on the lower level of production process
management at the stage after the implementation of
a common resource management system.
The production area in question has the following
parameters: there are about 20 workers and 1
foreman, they maintain more than 50 pieces of
equipment in shifts. Manufacturing automation is a
resource-demanding task that requires coordinated
work of a group of analysts and programmers, which
number is limited to the enterprise staff. In addition,
necessary condition for successful implementation of
the automated system (AS) is also a desire and
readiness of the employees to work with the
automated system. Besides, for the AS operation it is
often required to modify business processes.
Figure 1: Operations dispatching.
Due to all above-said an iterative approach was
applied to the AS development, i.e. the automated
system modules were developed and implemented by
turns. Implementation of one module and connection
of users to it led the latter to understanding and desire
to transfer to the next stage of automation
(automation of new functions and processes);
implementation of the following module led to
practicability and readiness for the development of
the next one.
Overall flowchart of the process covered
information system shown in Figure 1. At the last
stage production scheduling during calculating and
optimizing the schedule using the criterion of
minimum time of batch traceability in the shop, or the
criterion of maximum productivity of a group of
working centers of different types, feedback on the
production status was obtained from the equipment
with programmable control. And in case of an
uncontrolled shutdown of equipment or work without
load, the system required to manually input the reason
for the shutdown within 5 minutes after stopping.
The list of reasons was determined based on the
principle of clear responsibility of the of appropriate
services for fixing it: e.g. problems with materials
should stimulate the response of the planning
structure and affect its key performance indicator;
problems with the equipment must be tied to the
repair service, etc. Previously, there was no duty of
the workers to put marks in the information system,
this function is performed by the foreman. The system
was set up, and the operation rules were explained.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The dominating response of 90% of workers was the
opposition to the system, because they did not
understand the need for further action. The
implementation team together with the management
of the department demonstrated the statistics of the
shop performance, gave the instructions to increase
the shop productivity by 20% without using the
system, and explained the allocation of responsibility
for the overall result between all the repair and
support services.
This work was consistent with the first stage of
model by John Kotter: creating a sense of absolutely
urgency of change. At the second stage, the foreman
of the shop was replaced by a person who shared the
benefits of implementing the system, then the
communications of the result of the system
introduction were continued: the operating principles
were conveyed, as well as the staff evaluation based
on the results of the system, and the transparency of
actions to counter the system was explained. During
the first week of the system operation there were
frequent equipment malfunctions for unknown
reasons, and when IT service staff came, the
malfunctions disappeared. Nevertheless, the
production scheduling information was monitored by
the production managers and individual interviews
with the specific staff members were conducted
devoted to capabilities of the system and transparency
of action.
Quick results in information transparency and the
possibility of identifying the time and place of each
batch of products at the working centers demonstrated
the capabilities of the system. Note that the actions of
the staff were performed within the business process
supported by the information system, and other
results of their work were not accounted in the
performance of the shop, and therefore not paid. The
number of reasons for shutdown minimized to the
number of services, which should respond. If the
reasons for shutdown were not indicated for more
than 5 minutes, the workers were fined.
Strengthening of the achievements was
demonstrated by the results of improved shop
performance and the application of the information
system as a production culture element. In general,
despite the fact that the change model by Kotter
relates to organization in general, it can be applied
to modify individual production shops using the
information technology.
The following of the scientific statements can be
1. Model of radical changes by Kotter can be
applied not only to enterprise-scale
organizational changes in general, but also to
changes at local production shops.
2. The introduction of information technology for
production scheduling and monitoring of the
production process causes the organizational
resistance of the staff. This resistance
complicates the processes in the organization,
bringing additional uncertainty into the
dynamically changing environment of business
3. At individual shops, the strategy development
stage should be performed prior to a clear
understanding of the results of implementation
by the involved parties.
The main practical result is the application of the
method of radical changes to improve the
effectiveness of implementing the discrete production
automation systems.
The main resolved issues are:
Upgrade of the discrete production
management system at the ERP post-implementation
Implementation of the production
management system that accounts for the feedback
from the equipment and the production staff,
More than 50 pieces of equipment and 20
members of the production staff felt the impact of the
organizational changes methodology to improve the
shop performance,
Application of the Kotter method at the local
production shop reduced the system implementation
time by 20-30% (typical time of 1÷2 months).
The paper describes the application of radical changes
model by Kotter for implementing discrete
production information management system at the
shop level. The reduction of the system
implementation terms is demonstrated by using
organizational change management technique.
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