Inference Approach to Enhance a Portuguese
Open Information Extraction
Cleiton Fernando Lima Sena, Rafael Glauber and Daniela Barreiro Claro
FORMAS – Semantic Formalisms and Applications Research Group,
LaSiD/DCC/IME – Federal University of Bahia (UFBA),
Av. Adhemar de Barros, s/n, Campus de Ondina, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Open Information Extraction, Inference, Transitivity, Symmetry, Portuguese.
Open Information Extraction (Open IE) enables the extraction of facts in large quantities of texts written in
natural language. Despite the fact that almost research has been doing in English texts, methods and techniques
for other languages have been less frequent. However, those languages other than English correspond to 48%
of content available on websites around the world. In this work, we propose a method for extracting facts in
Portuguese without pre-determining the types of the facts. Additionally, we increased the quantity of those
extracted facts by the use of an inference approach. Our inference method is composed of two issues: a
transitive and a symmetric mechanism. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that inference
approach is used to extract facts in Portuguese texts. Our proposal allowed an increase of 36% in quantity of
valid facts extracted in a Portuguese Open IE system, and it is compatible in the quality of facts with English
The volume of data available on the Web grows ev-
ery day, and much of this data is accessible in natu-
ral language. The task of extracting relevant informa-
tion from the Web has become difficult for humans
due to the huge volume of data. Considering text
written in natural language, this is even harder to be
automated. In this direction, the Information Extrac-
tion (IE) emerged as a research area to identify rele-
vant patterns in large quantities of textual documents
(Soderland, 1999). The tasks employed by IE were
carried out in specific, homogeneous and previously
established domains. As a consequence, a first chal-
lenge was to scale traditional IE to the Web (Banko
et al., 2007). However, some drawbacks were con-
sidered, such as low coverage of relations and human
intervention for new relations. To overcome such lim-
itations, a new paradigm called Open Information Ex-
traction (Open IE) comes up which extracts informa-
tion freely from texts and scales for the Web (Schmitz
et al., 2012).
About 52% of the content available on websites
are written in English
, while other languages com-
content language/all
plement the list. Approaches such as: TextRun-
ner (Etzioni et al., 2008), WOE (Wu and Weld, 2010),
Reverb (Fader et al., 2011), OLLIE (Schmitz et al.,
2012), ClausIE (Del Corro and Gemulla, 2013) and
Stanford Open IE (Angeli et al., 2015) are exam-
ples of solutions that only act in English texts. Few
initiatives for other languages are proposed, such as
for Chinese, with the CORE (Tseng et al., 2014)
and the ZORE (Qiu and Zhang, 2014) systems and
for French, with (Gotti and Langlais, 2016) sys-
tem. There are also initiatives for systems that per-
form their tasks in different languages such as Ar-
gOE (Gamallo and Garcia, 2015). However, this type
of approach does not deliver impressive results for
languages other than English. Thus, there is an im-
measurable amount of knowledge out of English writ-
ten world that is still unexplored.
The low informativeness of the facts extracted
from Open IE approaches has been emerging as a
challenge. In the sentence, i.e. Itabuna is a city of
Bahia located in the Northeast current methods can
extract information such as: (Itabuna, is a city of,
Bahia) and/or (a city of Bahia, located in, North-
east). However, the fact Itabuna, located in, North-
east could be extracted from a rule of transitive infer-
ence. In the work of (Bast and Haussmann, 2014) this
Sena, C., Glauber, R. and Claro, D.
Inference Approach to Enhance a Portuguese Open Information Extraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0006338204420451
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 442-451
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
problem is addressed. However, they employed only
for English language. Moreover, their work is limited
to the transitive approach to infer. On the other hand,
our approach presents a method for Open IE that i)
extracts facts in Portuguese texts, ii) extracts a large
quantity of relevant facts and iii) proposes an infer-
ence by both transitive and symmetric.
The remainder of this work is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents our proposal in detail and
Section 3 describes how our method is constructed.
In Section 4 we present our experimental method that
aims to define the configurations of our experiments.
Then, Section 5 describes our results comprising our
approach with some related works. We discusses
some of our extractions in Section 6 and we list some
envision trends of this research domain in Section 7.
Open IE is a paradigm that enables the discovery of
facts in a large set of textual documents adjusting to
their size and diversity (Banko et al., 2007). In this
paradigm there is no need for a prior specification of
the facts to be extracted (Fader et al., 2011). For ex-
ample, considering the sentence The table is in the
center of the room. The fact (The table, is in the
center of the, room) would be extracted without the
prior specification of the relation in the center of the
or even the arguments The table and room. The main
features of Open IE are: i) domain independence, ii)
unsupervised extraction and iii) scalability for a large
and varied number of texts (Del Corro and Gemulla,
2013). A fact extracted through Open IE is composed
by the attribute of a relation between a pair of enti-
ties (Faruqui and Kumar, 2015) defined in the form
of a triple t = (e
, rel
, e
, rel
, e
, ..., e
, rel
, e
Where rel
, rel
, ..rel
corresponds to the relations
between the (e
, e
), (e
, e
), ..., (e
, e
2.1 Related Work
The first Open IE system was TextRunner (Banko
et al., 2007) (Etzioni et al., 2008) (Banko, 2009)
which uses a self-supervised approach to train its own
examples of how relationships are expressed in En-
glish. After TextRunner, new other systems emerged,
such as WOE(Wu and Weld, 2010). It also uses self-
supervised learning from heuristic combinations of
attribute values from infoboxes of Wikipedia and their
respective sentences. WOE operates in two modes:
WOEpos which uses Part-of-Speech tagger (POS tag-
ger) and WOEparse parsers using Dependence Parser
(DP). Although WOEparse was more accurate in the
task, the computational cost was 30x higher com-
pared to WOEpos due to the use of a dependency
analyzer. The second generation of Open IE sys-
tems left the stage of learning the patterns that ex-
press relationships. ReVerb (Fader et al., 2011) is the
main representative of this approach that uses syntac-
tic and lexical constraints to extract arguments and re-
lations expressed by verbs in English sentences. One
of the objectives of the method used by ReVerb was
to reduce the number of incoherent extractions (re-
lations without meaningful interpretation, incompre-
hensible) in comparison to its predecessors. Accord-
ing to Tab. 1, we see some examples of incoherent
extractions possibly generated by first generation sys-
tems. This problem occurs because the extractors
trained in the TextRunner and WOE methods take a
set of decisions considering each word of the sentence
to form the relational phrase.
Table 1: Examples of incoherent extractions (Fader et al.,
Sentence Incoherent Relation
The guide contains dead
links and omits sites.
contains omits
The Mark 14 was
central to the torpedo
scandal of the fleet.
was central torpedo
They recalled that Nungesser
began his career as a precinct
recalled began
In Tab. 2 we have examples of extractions with
the omission of useful information. The lexical con-
straint proposed by the ReVerb method has the aim of
reducing this type of error. This type of problem is
occasioned by the improper handling of relations that
are expressed using a combination of a verb with a
Table 2: Examples of uninformative extractions (Fader
et al., 2011).
is an album by, is the author of,
is a city in
has a population of, has a Ph.D. in,
has a cameo in
made a deal with, made a promise to
took place in, took control over,
took advantage of
gave birth to, gave a talk at,
gave new meaning to
got tickets to, got a deal on,
got funding from
Inference Approach to Enhance a Portuguese Open Information Extraction
After Reverb, a new generation of methods began
to use DP between the morphological classes of words
and a set of rules for detecting useful parts in sen-
tences (clauses). An example of this approach is De-
pOE (Gamallo et al., 2012) which supports English,
Spanish, Portuguese and Galician languages and per-
forms its task through three main steps. The first is
dependency analysis, in which each input statement
is analyzed by the multilingual DP tool DepPattern
(Gamallo et al., 2012). Next, the method proposes the
identification of verbal clauses and the determination
of the function of each of them. Ultimately, a set of
rules is applied in the constituent clauses in order to
extract the triples t = (arg
, rel, arg
OLLIE (Schmitz et al., 2012) is another Open IE
system that uses dependency analysis for verbal ex-
tractions, but also proposes extractions mediated by
nouns or adjectives. Clausie (Del Corro and Gemulla,
2013) and CSD-IE (Bast and Haussmann, 2013) use
dependency analysis for the decomposition of sen-
tences into clauses and contextual clusters, respec-
tively. Despite the fact that Open IE still produces
a considerable number of uninformative facts (Bast
and Haussmann, 2014), the inference approach can
enhance those approaches by generating new useful
2.2 Inference
Inference is a mechanism used to deduce the veracity
of a proposition based on its connection with other
propositions already assumed to be true (Schoen-
mackers et al., 2008). The validity and veracity of in-
ference are conditioned to its form and the truth value
of its premises, respectively. Transitivity and sym-
metric are two of the possibilities to infer something.
2.2.1 Transitivity
A sentence has a transitive relation if it follows the
pattern: If A relation B and B relation C then A
relation C. Considering the same example: Itabuna
is a city of Bahia localized in the Northeast. This sen-
tence is classified as transitive because it follows the
pattern: Itabuna (A) is a city of (relation) Bahia (B)
localized in (relation) Northeast (C). As this sentence
follows the pattern and it has a set of true premises it
is possible to infer a new true fact: Itabuna (A) local-
ized in (relation) Northeast (C). With the application
of transitivity it is possible to minimize the problem
of uninformative facts and to increase the amount of
facts extracted in texts.
2.2.2 Symmetry
A sentence has a symetric relation if it follows the pat-
tern: If A relation B then B relation A. For example,
the sentence: Barack Obama is married to Michele
Obama would be classified as symmetric, since it fol-
lows the previous pattern: Barack Obama (A) is mar-
ried to (relation) Michele Obama (B). And Michele
Obama (B) is married to (relation) Barack Obama
(A). As stated that both facts are true, then the sym-
metry is valid. Similar to transitive approach, the ap-
plication of symmetric allows an increase in the ex-
traction of informative facts.
We propose a method for Open IE for texts written
in Portuguese. We have modified the approach de-
scribed in (Fader et al., 2011) and refined our method
through the inference approach. We are interested
in new facts arising from inference, especially the
identification of transitive and symmetric issues. We
divided our method into four-folds: Syntactic Con-
straint, Inference Classifier, Transitivity Constraint
and Symmetric Constraint. In those subsections, we
depicted our workflow by an example and describe
the materials used for the construction of the proto-
3.1 Syntactic Constraint
Most of the relationships expressed in sentences writ-
ten in Portuguese are through verbs as stated by the
authors in (Fader et al., 2011). In Tab. 3 we present
their syntactic constraint. In this way, a relation (rel)
can be composed of a verb; or a verb followed by
a preposition; or a verb followed by a sequence of
words (nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns) final-
ized by a preposition.
Table 3: Syntactic constraint for extract relations in Por-
tuguese texts based in (Fader et al., 2011).
Pattern V|VP|VW*P
V verb particle? adv?
W (noun | adj | adv | pron | det )
P (prep | particle | inf. marker)
After identifying a possible relation in the sen-
tence, the next step is to search for the arguments to
the left of the relation (arg
) and then to the right
of the relation (arg
). The identification of the ar-
guments follows the new syntactic constraint pre-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sented in Tab. 4. These arguments are formed by
noun phrases (NP) that can be composed of a noun,
pronoun or adjective, as well as can be a combi-
nation of noun phrases connected through preposi-
tions. Finally, our method extracts a triple as: t =
, rel, arg
) with the relation and both arguments.
Table 4: The constraints to identify the arguments proposed
in this work.
Pattern B-NP (I-NP)*(B-PP B-NP (I-NP)*)*
B-NP Begin of Noun Phrase
I-NP Middle of Noun Phrase
B-PP Begin of Prepositional Phrase
I-PP Middle of Prepositional Phrase
It is important to take into account the noun
phrases due to more than one noun phrase, even on
the right and on the left of a relation, can exist in a
sentence. For example, in: The movie characters refer
to the Jules Jim movie an extracted fact could be (The
movie characters, refer to, Jules Jim). In this case
we consider that Noun Phrase chunker (NP chunker)
classified Jules Jim and movie as two NP. To address
these cases we add a rule in our algorithm to form
a single argument to the left (arg
) or to the right of
the relation (arg
) through two NP, bound or not by
a preposition. So, our method starts to extract a con-
sistent fact, i.e. (The movie characters, refer to, Jules
Jim movie).
3.2 Inference Classifier
The inference process proposed in our method aims to
establish whether there is symmetry or transitivity in
a set of sentences. This step is done by identifying at
least one of the restrictions presented in Tab. 5. Then
a classifier determines whether the sentence belongs
to the class transitive or symmetric. We manually la-
bel 200 sentences with 100 belonging to the transi-
tive class and 100 belonging to the symmetric class.
We train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm
within these set of sentences with 10-fold cross val-
idation. Our model presented an accuracy of 83%,
sensitivity of 90%, while its specificity was 75%.
3.3 Transitivity Constraint
When a sentence is detected as transitive, it is neces-
sary to determine which type of transitivity to infer
new facts. Table 6 indicates our proposed patterns for
transitivity in a sentence. We emphasize that those
patterns can also be considered in reverse. For ex-
ample, the pattern 1 can also be recognized as arg
LOC arg
. To simplify the presenta-
tion, we show only one of the transitivity orders for
each type.
3.4 Symmetric Constraint
The symmetric is a simple constraint presented in
Tab. 7. Both relational phrases considered symmet-
rical have a verb to be, a complement, and a preposi-
tion. Both inferences (transitive and symmetric) de-
pend on the Syntactic Constraint step to gather the
facts which will infer the new ones. Taking the tran-
sitive approach, it is necessary, at least, to extract two
facts in a transitive sentence. If this does not occur,
our method discards the inference. This problem does
not happen in inference by symmetry. If a sentence is
classified as symmetric and the pattern is detected, a
single fact is enough to be extracted.
3.5 Our Workflow
Our method starts by processing the sentences
through the POS tagger and NP chunker analyzers.
With the words of each sentence labeled, we apply the
syntactic constraint to extract facts in the sentences.
Based on the sentence in Fig. 1 when applying the re-
strictions the following relations are obtained: 1 (is a
city of ) and 2 (localized in). The relation 1 is gathered
from the pattern VW *P, which the relationship begins
with a verb, followed by an article, a noun and ending
with a preposition. While the 2 relation is obtained
from the standard V P, which is a verb followed by a
preposition. After identifying those relations, we use
our new syntactic constraint to identify the arguments
of a relation, i.e. we have the following arguments:
for the relation 1 (Itabuna, Bahia) and the relation 2
(a city of Bahia, Northeast). The 1 argument is de-
rived from the B-NP pattern, which indicates that the
argument is a begin nominal phrase. Since no more
elements are belonging to this syntactic group, it fin-
ishes the execution on catching the only item of the
The argument (Bahia) of the relation 1 is also de-
rived from the pattern B-NP and, for the same rea-
sons as above it is the sole element of the argument.
The argument (a city of Bahia) of the relation 2 is de-
rived from the standard B-NP I-NP B-PP B-NP I-NP.
This pattern indicates that the argument consists of a
nominal phrase initial, followed by a nominal phrase
medium, followed by a prepositional phrase initial,
followed by a nominal phrase initial and ending in
a nominal sentence medium. Finally, the Northeast-
ern argument of the relation 2 is obtained from the
standard B-NP. After identifying all the relations and
Inference Approach to Enhance a Portuguese Open Information Extraction
Table 5: Our patterns for transitive and symmetric features.
Abbreviation Type Pattern
IS-A Hyponymy verb to be art a|an
SIN Synonymous verb to be nicknamed|called|known prep o f |adv as
PART-OF Meronymy verb to be|verb to do part o f
LOC Location verb to be art the complement | verb to be prep in located|situated prep in
SYM Symmetrical verbs verb to be complement prep as|o f art the
Table 6: Our patterns for transitive sentences.
LOC arg
LOC arg
IS-A arg
LOC arg
SYN arg
IS-A arg
SYN arg
IS-A arg
SYN arg
Table 7: Our pattern for symmetric sentences.
SYM arg
arguments in the sentence, the extractions are as fol-
lows: triple 1 (Itabuna, is a city of, Bahia) and triple 2
(a city of Bahia, localized in, Northeast). With all
the extractions, the triples are loaded by the inference
step. As this sentence was classified by our SVM as
transitive, we apply our features and the argument 1
of the triple 1, the relation of the triple 2 and the argu-
ment 2 of the triple 2, formed a new extraction by the
new fact: (Itabuna, localized in, Northeast).
3.6 Materials
We used CoGrOO (Moura Silva, 2013) system as
POS tagger and NP chunker for Portuguese language.
The CoGrOO project is a Portuguese-language spell
checker that has analyzers trained with Brazilian and
European Portuguese. For our classification model,
which determines if the inference is transitive or sym-
metric, we used the caret (Kuhn, 2008) package for
the R language.
As we argued before, evaluating Open IE systems for
languages other than English is a challenge. There is
a need to create new datasets to establish a baseline,
and it is hard work to identify other systems that can
serve as a benchmark for comparing the results ob-
tained. Therefore, we propose a comparison against
two state-of-the-art methods: ReVerb (Fader et al.,
2011) and DepOE (Gamallo et al., 2012). Consider-
ing that both systems made their comparison on En-
glish language, it was necessary to translate our set of
sentences into English to allow the use of those works.
We compare our proposal against ReVerb and DepOE
into two aspects: a) the number of facts extracted and
b) the precision. Our precision measure was calcu-
lated based on the ratio by the total # of valid facts
and the total # of extracted facts (Equation 1). For
each extraction, we classified if the fact was valid or
invalid. This process was carried out by two experts
who evaluated whether the extracted fact was consis-
tent with the sentence.
Precision =
#(valid f act)
#(extracted f act)
To evaluate our method, we propose the construc-
tion of two sets of sentences written in Portuguese.
The first dataset was constructed from sentences re-
trieved from Wikipedia
. Sentences are retrieved ran-
domly, but checking for any pattern (see Section 3)
that indicates transitivity or symmetry. We retrieve
200 sentences with transitivity or symmetry in this
dataset from now onwards called INFER-200. The
second dataset was constructed from the Corpus of
Electronic Texts Extracts NILCS/Folha de S
ao Paulo
newspaper (CETENFolha)
version 2008. This cor-
pus was made up of texts about the most different con-
tents (sports, politics, cooking, etc.). We randomly re-
trieved 200 sentences, and this dataset from now was
called CETEN-200.
We organize our results into two folds. The first
group presents the results obtained for INFER-200
dataset and the second group for CETEN-200 dataset.
The first part of our results aims to analyze our pro-
posal into a maximum scenario, only with transitive
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Part of Speech
Itabuna is a city of Bahia located in the
Tokenizer Part of Speech
Itabuna NNP B-NP
city NN I-NP
of IN B-PP
Bahia NNP B-NP
located VBN B-VP
in IN B-PP
the DT B-NP
Northeast NNP I-NP
Syntactic Constraint
Relations - V | VP | VW*P
Pattern used in relation 1 (is a city of) - VW*P
Pattern used in relation 2 (located in) - VP
Arguments - B-NP (I-NP)* (B-PP B-NP (I-NP)*)*
If size(arg1) = 1 and there is a
nominal phrase on the left Then
identified nominal phrase + arg1
If size(arg2) = 1 and there is a
nominal phrase on the right Then
arg2 + identified nominal phrase
Treatment of particular cases
Transitive Inference - If A->B and B-> C Then A->C
Symmetric Inference - If A->B Then B->C
Itabuna is a city of Bahia located in the Northeast
arg1 rel arg2
Triple 1 Itabuna is a city of Bahia
Triple 2 a city of Bahia located in the Northest
Itabuna is a city of Bahia located in the Northeast
arg1 rel arg2
Triple 1 Itabuna is a city of Bahia
Triple 2 a city of Bahia located in the Northest
Transitive Inference Itabuna located in the Northest
Inference Step
Figure 1: Our workflow.
and symmetric sentences. Within the second part of
our experiments, we evaluate our proposal against the
state-of-the-art work in a fair comparison. To evalu-
ate the impact of our inference proposal we consider
our method in two ways: OurMethod which is an
adapted version of the syntactic restriction of Reverb
for Portuguese and OurMethod+INFER which adds
extracted facts by transitivity and symmetry.
5.1 Evaluation on INFER-200
In the evaluation with only transitive and symmet-
ric sentences, our algorithm extracted 499 facts with
411 considered valid. In Fig. 2, we observed that
OurMethod+INFER is able of extracting more than
double valid facts about ReVerb demonstrating a sig-
nificant superiority in this evaluated dimension. In
Tab. 8 it is possible to observe the precision results of
the evaluated methods. ReVerb has a slight advantage
over our proposal. This trade-off between a high num-
ber of extraction and precision is expected (Buckland
and Gey, 1994). However, the precision of 0.82 gives
our method a satisfactory result.
In Tab. 8 it is possible to observe the precision re-
sults of the evaluated methods. ReVerb has a slight
advantage over our proposal. This trade-off was al-
ready expected due to its adjustments for English
written. However, our precision of 0.82 shows the
effectiveness of our approach.
OurMethod+INFER Reverb DepOE
Extracted Fact
Figure 2: Results of the number of facts extracted by the
evaluated methods in INFER-200. ”+INFER” = our method
with inference.
Table 8: Results of Precision by the evaluated methods in
Our Method
5.2 Evaluation on CETEN-200
From the CETEN-200 OurMethod+INFER algo-
rithm extracted 473 from which 339 were valid
against 373 and 289 of OurMethod. Our method with
inference is extracting the greater number of facts
when comparing with other methods. In Fig. 3 it is
Inference Approach to Enhance a Portuguese Open Information Extraction
possible to verify that our method extracts a relevant
number of valid facts when compared to the other.
OurMethod+INFER OurMethod Reverb DepOE
Extracted Fact
Figure 3: Results of the number of facts extracted by
the evaluated methods in CETEN-200. ”+INFER” = our
method with inference.
In this scenario, our method and ReVerb had a
slight drop on precision as presented in Tab. 9. Only
the DepOE method remained with the same precision
in both datasets evaluated.
Table 9: Results of Precision by the evaluated methods in
CETEN-200. ”+INFER” = our method with inference.
Our Method+INFER
Our Method
Despite the fact that our method had this slight
drop regarding precision measure, it remains accu-
rately compatible with other states-of-the-art works in
this scenario.
The methods developed in Open IE approach extract
facts without previously determining the type of rela-
tion. This freedom rises a problem: incoherent ex-
tractions. In this section, we discuss some of the
extractions obtained by our method and our related
works. We organize this discussion in two parts. In
the first part, we present some sentences and the facts
extracted by our method. In the second part, we com-
pared some facts extracted by our method and other
related works.
6.1 Analysis Concerning our Method
In the following sentence A Igreja Paroquial de Santo
Agostinho a Marvila
e uma antiga obra religiosa
localizada em Lisboa (The Parish Church of Santo
Agostinho the Marvila is an ancient religious work
located in Lisbon) the proposed method extracted the
facts presented in Tab. 10. All the extracted facts were
classified as valid, and the triple 3 was inferred by
Table 10: Example of valid extractions of transitive by our
Triple 1
(A Igreja Paroquial de Santo Agostinho
a Marvila,
e, uma antiga obra religiosa)
Triple 2
(uma antiga obra religiosa, localizada em,
Triple 3
(A Igreja Paroquial de Santo Agostinho
a Marvila, localizada em, Lisboa)
Considering the symmetrical sentence A Zona das
e uma das 3 zonas regionais da Copa Davis
(The Zone of the Americas is one of the three Davis
Cup regional zones) our method extracts the triples
presented in Tab. 11. The two facts extracted were
considered valid. The 2 fact was inferred by symme-
Table 11: Example of valid extractions of symmetric by our
Triple 1
(A Zona das Am
e uma das, 3 zonas
regionais da Copa Davis)
Triple 2
(uma das 3 zonas regionais
da Copa Davis,
e, A Zona das Am
Our evaluation shows that our method extracts a
higher number of valid facts than the others. How-
ever, it is observable that part of the extracted facts re-
mains not coherent. Considering the sentence Chilton
(South Hylton, 16 de setembro de 1918 - 15 de
junho de 1996) foi um futebolista e treinador ingl
que atuava como defensor (Chilton (South Hylton,
September 16, 1918 - June 15, 1996) was an English
footballer and trainer, who acted as a defender) our
method extracts the facts presented in Tab. 12. We
consider the fact 2 as a valid extraction (although it is
uninformative), and the facts 1 and 3 as invalid. Our
method classified this sentence as transitive and per-
formed a new invalid extraction. In this example, our
method failed due to coreference issue(Van Deemter
and Kibble, 1999) (the 1 argument is replaced by
Table 12: Example of invalid extraction with transitive in-
ference performed by our method.
Triple 1
(15 de junho de 1996, foi, um futebolista)
Triple 2
(treinador ingl
es que, atuava, defensor)
Triple 3
(15 de junho de 1996, atuava, defensor)
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
6.2 Analysis of ReVerb against our
Considering the sentence Antonio Nocerino (N
9 de abril de 1985)
e um jogador de futebol italiano
que joga como um meio-campista defensivo (Antonio
Nocerino (Naples, April 9, 1985) is an Italian foot-
baller who plays as a defensive midfielder) in Tab. 13,
it shows a comparison between the facts extracted by
two methods: Reverb and our proposal. In the ex-
tracted triples it is noticed that the ReVerb method
extracted a coherent information different from the
proposed method. Actually, our method was unable
to identify coherent arguments for the relationship.
In this case, we verified that the construction of the
sentence in Portuguese made impossible to extract
a coherent fact. The English and Portuguese lan-
guages present a different set of grammatical rules
and in some cases the syntactic restriction proposed
in (Fader et al., 2011) is not efficient for Portuguese.
Table 13: Example that ReVerb is better than our method.
Our method
(9 de abril de 1985,
e um,
jogador de futebol italiano)
(an Italian footballer, plays as,
a defensive midfielder)
Best fact
Considering now the sentence Canne al vento
um romance de Grazia Deledda (Reeds in the wind is
a novel by Grazia Deledda) in Tab. 14, it shows a com-
parison between the triples extracted by the same two
methods. According to the sentence in question, our
method extracts a valid fact, while ReVerb does not. It
is possible to notice that the process of identification
of the NP made an error in the ReVerb method possi-
bly by an incorrect classification of the morphological
classes that composes the book name. We corrected
this type of deficiency in our method by proposing
new restrictions to identify extraction arguments.
Table 14: Example that our method is better than ReVerb.
Our method
(Canne al vento,
e um
romance de, Grazia Deledda)
(the wind, is a
novel by, Grazia Deledda)
Best fact
Our method
Finally, analyzing the sentence O condado de
e um dos 254 pa
ıses do estado americano
de Texas (Dawson County is one of the 254 countries
of the American state of Texas) in Tab. 15, it shows
another comparison between the facts extracted. We
consider both facts as valid. In this example, ReVerb
extracts more details compared to our method. How-
ever, we believe that both methods were successful on
carrying this kind of task.
Table 15: Example that ReVerb and our method are equiva-
Our method
(O Condado de Dawson,
e um
dos, 254 condados do estado)
(Dawson County, is one
of, the 254 countries of
the American state of Texas)
Best fact
6.3 Analysis of DepOE against our
Given the following sentence End of Time
e uma
usica da cantora americana Beyonc
e gravada para
seu quarto
album de est
udio 4 (End of Time is a song
by American singer Beyonc
e recorded for her fourth
studio album 4) in Tab. 16, it shows a comparison be-
tween the facts extracted by our method and DepOE.
In the facts presented in Tab. 16 it is possible to ob-
serve that DepOE extracted a coherent information re-
garding the sentence. In a different way, our method
did not obtain a coherent fact. This occurred because
the POS tagger used failed to set End of Time (“of
was classified as a verb in Portuguese). As in En-
glish grammar, proper names are not translated into
Portuguese, and the analyzer has made a mistake.
Table 16: Example that DepOE is better than our method.
Our method
(End, of, Time
e uma canc¸
ao da
cantora norte-americana)
(End of Time, is, a song)
Best fact
Considering now the sentence Ione
e uma cidade
no estado dos EU de Oregon, no condado de Morrow
(Ione is a city in the US state of Oregon, in Morrow
County) in Tab. 17, it shows the facts extracted. In
the presented facts, our method extracted a coherent
information while DepOE did not. The information
presented in the fact extracted by DepOE did not cor-
respond to the information contained in the sentence.
Table 17: Example that our method is better than DepOE.
Our method
e, uma cidade)
(Ione, is, state of Oregon)
Best fact
Our method
Finally, analyzing the sentence A Supercopa de
e uma competic¸
ao de rugby em Portugal
Inference Approach to Enhance a Portuguese Open Information Extraction
(The Super Cup Portugal is a rugby competition in
Portugal) in Tab. 18, it shows again a comparison
between the facts extracted by the two methods an-
alyzed. Both facts extracted were classified as valid.
Table 18: Example that DepOE and our method are equiva-
Our method
(A Supertac¸a de Portugal,
e a uma
ao de, rugby em Portugal)
(The super@cup@portugal, is a rugby
competition in, Portugal)
Best fact
This paper describes a method that aims to extract
facts from texts written in the Portuguese language.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time
that inference approach, considering both transitive
and symmetric, is being used to extract facts in Por-
tuguese texts with a large volume of extractions. Our
related works have presented few advances in Open
IE in texts written other than English. The construc-
tion of our method resulted in the following contribu-
We have improved the method proposed in (Fader
et al., 2011) and applied it to Portuguese.
We have created a way of identifying the NP (re-
lations arguments) that increase the informative-
ness of the extracted facts. Our new constraints
allow the union of different NP to get coherent ar-
guments from the facts.
We enhanced the method proposed by (Bast and
Haussmann, 2014) with inference by transitivity
in Portuguese. With our proposal, it was possi-
ble to acquire new useful facts thus improving the
results obtained by our method.
We proposed a new approach to Open IE: infer-
ence by symmetric. This new method of inference
allows the extraction of new facts thus increasing
the number of valid extractions.
We propose a set of restrictions to identify tran-
sitive and symmetric sentences written in Por-
tuguese. Our method uses machine learning with
low supervision to determine whether or not a sen-
tence has an inference feature.
7.1 Future Work
We analyze some of the facts extracted by our method
against other methods of the state of the art. This
analysis allows us to identify in which moments our
method was superior to the evaluated methods. It also
makes it possible to analyze deficiencies in our pro-
posal. A question was identified regarding the prob-
lems generated by the used analyzers (POS tagger and
NP chunker). The errors gathered by the parsers prop-
agated in our method generating invalid facts. The
improvements of such natural language processing
tools are required to the advance of Open IE in Por-
tuguese. Another open question in our method is the
treatment for coreference. Some sentences are writ-
ten with pronouns or writing styles that do not favor
our approach. A new version of our method can en-
sure greater informativeness by replacing occurrences
of coreference with the mentioned entity. Besides, it
was possible to identify that also in Portuguese, a sen-
tence writing style has a strong impact on the method
used. In a case presented in Section 6 it was possible
to verify that the syntactic constraint does not meet
the pattern identified in the sentence. A review of
Portuguese grammar can lead to improvements in the
syntactic constraint proposed by (Fader et al., 2011)
dealing with aspects of Portuguese.
Our method showed a large gain in the amount
of extracted facts, and this naturally leads to a loss of
precision. This trade-off was addressed in the work of
(Fader et al., 2011) by adding the lexical constraint.
Our work focused on the adaptation of the syntac-
tic constraint due to the lack of appropriate resources
for the Portuguese language. A new work is the pro-
posal of a lexical restriction to verify the validity of
the facts extracted to guarantee a greater precision to
our method.
We would like to thank FAPESB and CAPES for their
scholarships to support this work.
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