A Framework for Small Group Support in Online Collaborative
Combining Collaboration Scripts and Online Tutoring
Aleksandra Lazareva
Department of Global Development and Planning, University of Agder, Gimlemoen 25, Kristiansand, Norway
Keywords: Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Collaboration Scripts, Online Tutoring, Learning
Management System (LMS), Technology-mediated Learning (TML) Model.
Abstract: Many learners experience difficulties engaging in collaborative learning activities online. Computer-
supported collaborative learning (CSCL) scripts have been implemented to support online learners.
Collaboration scripts have shown much potential in facilitating students’ general collaboration skills.
However, reported effects of collaboration scripts on domain-specific knowledge acquisition have been less
positive. In this paper, I suggest an alternative framework for supporting CSCL learners by combining
collaboration scripting and online tutoring. While collaboration scripts can facilitate the acquisition of
general collaboration skills, the online tutor is capable of monitoring and assessing small groups’ progress
and providing them with suitable content-specific prompts. The role of the online tutor is also important in
terms of establishing social presence in the online learning environment. In order to develop the conceptual
framework, I present experiences from an online collaborative learning course. I support the discussion by
student insights collected through surveys and a focus group interview.
Collaborative learning is a result of a continued
attempt to reach and maintain a shared
understanding of a concept (Roschelle and Teasley,
1995). Collaboration may happen spontaneously, but
usually this is not the case (Strijbos, Martens, and
Jochems, 2004). Lack of prior knowledge about
collaboration makes it challenging for students to
engage in crucial processes of an effective
collaboration setting (Fischer et al., 2013).
In addition to predicting the interaction and
impact of multiple factors in a computer-supported
collaborative learning (CSCL) environment,
researchers attempt to directly influence the flow of
collaborative learning (Dillenbourg, 2002), by
providing specific support. Kopp et al., (2012)
specify that there are two methods to support online
collaborative activities: providing certain structures
in the learning environments or moderating the
collaborative learning process during the process
itself. An example of the former is CSCL scripts,
and of the latter online tutoring. Collaboration
scripting has shown much potential in facilitating
interactions among learners. However, there is a
number of unsolved challenges in relation to the
design and implementation of collaboration scripts.
This paper presents a framework for small group
support in CSCL contexts that combines CSCL
scripting and online tutoring.
The paper reports on 2,5 years of experience
from a tutor-supported online collaborative learning
course. The paper presents a holistic view of the
CSCL environment created, and discusses how the
learner support functions in this. The discussion is
complemented with data collected through student
surveys and interviews. Thus, the paper seeks to
address the following question: How can CSCL
scripting and online tutoring be combined to provide
small groups with support for cognitive, meta-
cognitive, and social processes?
The paper is structured as follows. The next
section discusses related literature, followed by an
outline of the methods applied for the empirical
research. Next, the experiences from the online
collaborative learning course are presented. The
preliminary framework for learner support is
discussed. The final section presents conclusions and
implications for future research.
Lazareva, A.
A Framework for Small Group Support in Online Collaborative Learning - Combining Collaboration Scripts and Online Tutoring.
DOI: 10.5220/0006325802550262
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 255-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A collaboration script is a set of instructions
prescribing how students should form groups, how
they should interact and collaborate and how they
should solve the problem” (Dillenbourg, 2002, p.
61). A variety of collaboration scripts and their key
functions have been discussed in the literature
(Dillenbourg, 2002; Kobbe et al., 2007; Kollar et al.,
2006; Weinberger, 2011). Collaboration scripts can
be introduced in both face-to-face and computer-
mediated conditions (“CSCL scripts”).
A recent meta-analysis by Vogel et al., (2016)
demonstrates that collaboration scripts have a strong
positive effect on collaboration skills, but a small
effect on domain-specific knowledge acquisition.
Studies have reported on absent or even negative
effects of scripting on domain-specific knowledge
acquisition (Stegmann et al., 2007; Weinberger et
al., 2005). It has been demonstrated how a script can
limit learners’ reflective thinking (Weinberger et al.,
2005). Providing too much structure can also lead to
learners choosing not to follow the script due to the
cognitive load (Popov et al., 2014).
Instead of imposing a lot of structure on
learners’ activities, scripts can be particularly
effective when they promote knowledge about
argumentation (Noroozi et al., 2013).
The effectiveness of collaboration scripts has
also been found to depend on learners’ internal
scripts, that is, their prior knowledge on
collaboration (Kollar et al., 2006; Kollar et al.,
2007). The adaptive way of scripting has been
discussed as the optimal solution fading the script
out over time or providing scripting only when
necessary (Rummel et al., 2009). Fading would be
optimal in case it is “adapted to the learner’s current
state of development of internal script components”
(Fischer et al., 2013, p. 63). Therefore, in order to
provide an adequate level of scaffolding, it is
necessary to evaluate learners’ current needs.
Online tutoring is another way to provide
support to online students. Normally, tutors do not
really teach; instead, they guide students through the
activities planned by the course teacher (Goold et
al., 2010).
Berge (1995) categorizes a tutor’s tasks into
pedagogical, social, managerial and technical.
Kopp et al., (2012) mention three large groups of
collaborative learning activities which need to be
supported by the online tutors: content-specific
cognitive activities, social activities, and meta-
cognitive activities. These classifications can be
viewed together (see Table 1).
In this paper, I aim to explore the potential of
combining collaboration scripts and online tutoring
in order to ensure sufficient and adaptive support for
CSCL learners.
Table 1: Roles of the online tutor aimed at supporting
content-specific cognitive, social and meta-cognitive
collaborative learning activities.
(Berge, 1995)
(Kopp et al., 2012)
Monitor progress;
provide feedback and
Promote open and
inclusive learning
Help students plan and
coordinate activities
In order to develop a conceptual framework for
small group support in a CSCL environment, I
discuss observations from an online collaborative
learning course through the lens of the technology-
mediated learning (TML) model (Gupta and
Bostrom, 2009). I support the discussion by insights
from student surveys and a focus group interview.
3.1 Course and Participants
The context is a one-year postgraduate online
collaborative learning course run by a Norwegian
university. The course focuses on online pedagogy
and design of online courses. By February 2017, two
cohorts have completed the course (N=54) and the
third cohort (N=24) is currently taking the course.
The course is international and has involved
participants from Europe, central Africa, Asia, and
Latin America. Educational background and age of
the participants also vary. As the course is targeted
at specific groups in partner universities, some of the
participants may be familiar with each other before
starting the course. In addition, there is a one-day
face-to-face kick-off session organized locally for
groups located in Norway and central Africa.
The scope of the course is 20 ECTS credits.
Students are assigned in small (5-6 members) cross-
cultural groups where they work throughout the
semester. The first cohort was not facilitated by the
online tutor. The online tutor support was introduced
in the second round of the course, and the author of
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the paper has been involved in this role up to the
present moment. Implementation of collaboration
scripts in the course is discussed in Section 4.3.2.
The main learning platform is a university
learning management system (LMS) with standard
3.2 Student Perspective
In this paper student insights are used in order to
build a comprehensive framework for learner
support in CSCL. Student insights were collected
from representatives of all three cohorts:
Student survey of the 2
cohort administered in
the end of fall semester 2015 (N=14);
Focus group interview with African participants
from the 1
and 2
cohorts carried out in the end
of spring semester 2016 (N=14);
Student survey of the 3
cohort administered at
the start of spring semester 2017 (N=9).
Selected excerpts from the surveys and the interview
are included in the paper in order to complement the
3.3 TML Model
The experiences from the online collaborative
course and the results of the empirical data
collection are presented based on the TML model
(Gupta and Bostrom, 2009). The model is based on
two premises. First, external structures are designed
to reflect the spirit of the system (i.e., the specific
way of how the participants are expected to act).
Second, the participants (i.e., learners) interact with
the system and adapt its features according to their
interpretation of the spirit. Importantly, the TML
model focuses on the learning process, during which
the students are expected to appropriate the
The model is used in the paper as a lens for
understanding the interplay of core elements in a
CSCL environment holistically. In the next section, I
discuss each of these elements, following the
propositions of the TML model and referring to the
experiences from our course. Most attention is
focused around the learning process and support
mechanisms integrated in this (see Figure 1).
4.1 Spirit
The spirit of the system is driven by the learning
goals and epistemological perspectives (Gupta and
Bostrom, 2009). The epistemological perspective of
the collaborative learning course discussed in the
paper is socio-constructivist, where learners are
active in advancing their knowledge through the
shared processes of discussion and argumentation.
Meta-cognitive learning goals become as important
as cognitive goals, since students are expected to
learn to reflect, question and argument in addition to
obtaining content-specific knowledge.
4.2 Learning Method Structures
The structures are implemented in the learning
method dimension, which includes the aspects of
information technology, learning techniques and
team (Gupta and Bostrom, 2009).
4.2.1 Information Technology
Jeong and Hmelo-Silver (2016) have identified
seven core affordances of technology to support
collaborative learning. Collaborative technologies
should allow students to (1) engage in a joint task,
(2) communicate, (3) share resources, (4) engage in
productive collaborative learning processes, (5)
engage in co-construction, (6) monitor and regulate
collaborative learning, and (7) find and build groups
and communities.
The LMS has proved to be an appropriate
technology for online collaboration. Students
actively use the platform to work collaboratively.
All discussions in the LMS run asynchronously by
means of text. The asynchronous mode of
communication ensures flexibility for students from
different parts of the world to participate, which is
crucial in this context. Moreover, asynchronous
discussions make learning visible and help students
reflect (Serçe et al., 2011).
However, some student feedback has also
suggested that synchronous channels for
communication need to be provided to some extent:
We never had a clear time we could discuss more
synchronously” (survey of the 2
A Framework for Small Group Support in Online Collaborative Learning - Combining Collaboration Scripts and Online Tutoring
Figure 1: Small group support framework (dashed line) in the context of the TML model (Gupta and Bostrom, 2009).
4.2.2 Learning Techniques
CSCL courses often deal with fuzzy learning
techniques which encourage the learners to explore,
discuss and negotiate with each other, which is also
the case in the course discussed in this paper.
Constructing meaningful tasks having variant
solutions is crucial for learners to have a productive
collaborative discussion.
4.2.3 Team
The team dimension in the TML model includes
several components which are especially important
in collaborative learning.
Positive interdependence refers to each group
member not being able to succeed unless the other
team members succeed. This way, each peer’s
contribution benefits the rest of the group (and vice
versa) (Kreijns et al., 2003). I have observed that
positive interdependence may not have been
promoted sufficiently in our course environment, as
a large part of the assessed work is done
Individual accountability refers to each of the
group members being responsible for doing his or
her share of the common task (Kreijns et al., 2003).
One of the problems in the CSCL context is that the
external observer (i.e., tutor) does not always have
the full overview of the group’s activity. While it is
possible to provide feedback to the group,
identifying the contribution of individual
participants becomes challenging.
Team feedback refers to students reflecting on
how well the team is performing (Gupta and
Bostrom, 2009). In the course discussed in this
paper, participants are encouraged to share
reflections after completion of each module on their
group’s forum. These reflections concern individual
and group learning processes.
Goal emphasis refers to students focusing on
accomplishing team goals (Gupta and Bostrom,
2009). An effective strategy used in this course is
the “group contract” which students are required to
agree upon in the beginning of the process. A
standard template of the contract can guide students
in specifying the aspects necessary for successful
collaboration. Goal emphasis is crucial for students
in building a common ground before starting the
collaborative process. Students commented on the
usefulness of the group contract in the surveys and
interview, for example, The group contract that we
made at the beginning of the course helped us to
work together” (survey of the 2
The support and development refer to promoting
students’ understanding and sustaining effective
interactions respectively (Gupta and Bostrom, 2009).
In collaborative learning, students prompt each other
and build on each other’s understanding in order to
advance their knowledge. In addition to acquiring
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
content-specific knowledge, students need to be able
to argument, discuss and negotiate. While some of
the participants may have more advanced
collaboration skills, other members may require
more support and scaffolding. I focus on the support
techniques in the next section.
4.3 Learning Process
During the learning process students are expected to
actually appropriate the learning method structures.
According to the TML model, learning process
includes appropriation, process scaffolds, and
individual differences (Gupta and Bostrom, 2009). I
complement the framework with content-specific
cognitive scaffolds and social scaffolds.
4.3.1 Appropriation
If structures are well-designed, better appropriation
is expected to lead to better learning outcomes
(Gupta and Bostrom, 2009).
In this course, the structures have generally been
appropriated the way it was expected. Student
groups settle with the shared understanding of how
the tools are to be used. However, the results of the
focus group interview reveal that students
sometimes had to switch to alternative
communication channels due to the access issues.
Moreover, the focus group interview revealed
that a significant number of participants had felt
uncomfortable as they had experienced challenges
when navigating in the LMS in the beginning of the
course. These participants confessed that if not for
the help of their peers and tutors, they would have
most likely given up at the early stages of the course.
4.3.2 Process Scaffolds
If the learning method has well-designed structures,
scaffolds will influence the faithfulness of learning
method appropriation. According to the TML model,
appropriation of the learning method structures is
facilitated by the meta-cognitive (i.e., promoting
individual reflection on learning), procedural (i.e.,
promoting effective use of available resources and
tools), and strategic (i.e., helping students plan and
analyze) scaffolds (Gupta and Bostrom, 2009).
I have observed that scaffolding is important on
both macro (i.e., the course) and micro (i.e., the task)
levels. In this course, scaffolding on the macro level
is implemented through a detailed overview of the
course structure. Such scaffolding fosters students’
awareness as they have a clear idea of how the roles
will be rotated and activities distributed throughout
the course (Weinberger, 2011). Tutorials on the use
of the tools are provided in the course environment.
Scaffolding on the task level was not provided
for the first two cohorts. I then observed that
participation in the beginning of the course was
rather limited as students seemed insecure about the
necessary steps to be taken and their timing. It also
took time for the tutor to evaluate students’ levels of
participation to provide prompts. Moreover,
throughout the course students often spent too much
time (even with tutor’s intervention) on specifying
their course of action. The collaboration scripts were
implemented in selected activities for the latest
cohort. Collaboration scripts facilitated role division,
and students generated more questions to peers
aimed at building shared understanding of concepts.
In addition, they had a clearer course of action and
the overall amount of coordination was reduced.
4.3.3 Content-specific Cognitive Scaffolds
In the survey of the 2
cohort, the students were
asked to rank the four roles of the online tutor
(Berge, 1995) in order of importance for them (see
Figure 2).
Figure 2: Roles of the online tutor ranked by students.
The pedagogical role was considered most
important, which emphasizes the importance of tutor
participation in the process of content-specific
knowledge acquisition.
In addition, students from the 2
cohort were
also asked to choose from one to five specific
functions of the online tutor which they experienced
as most beneficial for them (also the “other” option
was provided, but was not chosen) (see Table 2).
The most frequently chosen options demonstrate that
students especially appreciated the pedagogical and
managerial role of the tutor.
A Framework for Small Group Support in Online Collaborative Learning - Combining Collaboration Scripts and Online Tutoring
Table 2: Students’ responses about tutor’s functions (“P” –
Pedagogical, “S” Social, “M” Managerial, “T”
Explaining aspects of the course content
Providing additional materials
Pointing out the areas for improvement
Providing feedback after the task
Providing guiding questions
Providing individual support
Encouraging your participation
Acknowledging your work
Promoting social interactions
Helping to handle conflicts in the group
Guiding you through the course structure
and assignment requirements
Reminding you of the deadlines
Helping you to use the technology
Too much tutor intervention may result in students
only addressing the tutor’s requests instead of
developing their own line of discussion (An et al.,
2009). I have observed students having different
opinions about the frequency of tutor’s
interventions. For example, the survey of the 3
cohort suggests that the cohort is somewhat less
dependent on the online tutor’s involvement
(possibly due to a higher number of students having
experience in online collaborative learning).
4.3.4 Social Scaffolds
Reflecting on earlier research (Kopp et al., 2012;
Remesal and Colomina, 2013; Sung and Mayer,
2012), it is crucial to include social processes as one
of the learning process dimensions in CSCL.
Learners should be able to share opinions freely in
order to relate to and benefit from each other’s
knowledge. Online tutoring has been demonstrated
to be able to promote social presence (Lazareva,
2017; Sung and Mayer, 2012).
Generally, the students perceive the course
environment as open and supportive: I felt that my
views were never ridiculed at any time, so it made
me free to say whatever I wanted to say(survey of
the 2
cohort); […] all members were very
courteous and civil to one another (survey of the
cohort). However, it was also mentioned that
there was little personal communication in the
platform: “My group interactions were strictly on
the academic discussions we were meant to handle.
There was very little sharing of personal experiences
and it was too little for me to learn about my peers
or my tutor(survey of the 2
4.4 Individual Differences
Last but not least, it is important to mention that
individual differences can influence learning
outcomes by affecting the faithfulness of learning
method appropriation (Gupta and Bostrom, 2009).
Although multiple aspects can be discussed in this
section, I will underline two of them: (1) cultural
background and (2) previous experience in online
collaborative learning.
Generally, students have been reporting positive
experiences regarding the cross-cultural
collaboration as they have perceived it as enriching.
However, some of the students have reported on
differences in approaching the tasks, for example:
[…] while we would initiate a conversation about a
topic by conveying our own thoughts and feelings on
a subject, very often they would write a big article
about the subject where they talk about the views of
other people on this subject, complete with a list of
references(survey of the 3
I have also observed how differences among
students in terms of experience in online
collaborative learning have influenced the quantity
and quality of participation in discussion forums.
Naturally, experienced learners are more proactive
and master the features of the LMS more efficiently.
5.1 Outlining the Framework
Synthesizing research on online tutoring and CSCL
scripting and complementing it with our experiences
from running an online collaborative learning course
made it possible to suggest a framework for small
group support in the CSCL setting (see Figure 1).
The framework addresses facilitation of content-
specific cognitive, meta-cognitive and social
learning processes in students. The TML model
(Gupta and Bostrom, 2009) used as a lens to develop
the framework considers the interplay of crucial
dimensions in a CSCL environment as a whole. It is
important to ensure that all the elements are present.
If not, this may impede the collaborative learning
process in ways that cannot be effectively addressed
by the online tutor or collaboration scripts.
Meta-cognitive learning processes can be
facilitated by CSCL scripts. Instruction by scripts
implies specific behavior from students. The scripts
here make concrete prompts on how to act and take
care of role rotation to ensure equal participation.
Scripts also help students reduce process losses by
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
grouping them, distributing tasks among the group
members and setting the time frames. Too much
effort paid to the coordination activities may impede
the socio-cognitive processes (Weinberger, 2011).
Scripts decrease students’ uncertainty about the
organization of the course in general, procedures in
separate tasks and use of the tools.
However, as Vogel et al., (2016) discuss,
students acquire effective collaborative learning
skills when they are repeatedly supported by scripts
so that they have time to internalize effective
Content-specific cognitive processes can be
scaffolded by the online tutor. Students’ different
opinions on the amount of tutor interventions
underline the importance of support being adaptive.
It is vital for the tutor to monitor how much support
students need to provide appropriate scaffolding.
A positive social atmosphere is an important
aspect in effective CSCL, which should not be taken
for granted. In online environments students may
experience lack of social connection with each other
due to the text-based nature of communication (Sung
and Mayer, 2012). The online tutor can help students
avoid the feeling of loneliness in an online
environment (Kopp et al., 2012). The social role of
the tutor is therefore included into the framework.
Relatively small amount of survey and interview
respondents is the main limitation of this paper.
However, I have considered student reflections from
each of the three cohorts to create a wider picture of
the course design, its advantages and drawbacks.
5.2 Implications for Further
Improvement of the CSCL
Reporting on the course experiences through the
TML model makes it possible to reflect on
implications for further improvement:
Complementing the asynchronous learning
environment with opportunities for synchronous
communication may be beneficial. This would
also facilitate more off-task interactions (Serçe et
al., 2011);
More emphasis should be put on the group
dimensions (as opposed to individual) in order to
enhance positive interdependence;
Implementing peer assessment techniques may
be helpful in order to ensure individual
Implementing collaboration scripts should start
from the very beginning of the course and allow
students to gradually internalize the effective
Moreover, the role of peers and tutors should not be
underestimated in the beginning of the course when
the online environment is being introduced. Many
novice participants may require additional guidance.
The paper has discussed an approach for combining
collaboration scripting and online tutoring in the
overall design of a CSCL course in order to ensure
support for learning processes in small groups. This
approach is transferable to similar contexts and does
not require specific software for its implementation.
The discussion also signals several areas where
work remains to be done, such as facilitating
collaborative interactions across cultures and
developing assessment techniques that would ensure
positive interdependence and individual
It has previously been questioned whether
experienced tutors develop their approach based on
daily practice or whether they have a theoretical
basis for more profound reflection (Kopp et al.,
2012). Developing a more systematic view on
providing content-specific and social scaffolds is
important in order to introduce concrete guidelines
for online tutors. In the same way, future research
should look into guidelines for educators in terms of
designing collaboration scripts to support meta-
cognitive learning processes in small groups.
I would like to thank the research participants for
their valuable input, and my supervisors Bjørn Erik
Munkvold and Oddgeir Tveiten for their guidance
and comments on the paper.
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