Co-creative Serious Games Design Process using
Nonlinear Storyline Editing
Mika Letonsaari, Jukka Selin and Mikko Lampi
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Patteristonkatu 3, Mikkeli, Finland
Keywords: Serious Game, Virtual Learning Environments, Game Development, Collaborative Development, Unity,
Abstract: Here we present a serious game development process. The process is characterized by the collaboration in
the development by contributors of wide range of skills, including end-users with no special skills in
information technology. The aim of the game is to teach a broad range of information and communication
technology skills as well as general practices required in the working life. For this purpose a rich content
open world multiplayer game has been developed. The game design is highly modular allowing concurrent
and continuous development process. Modular tasks are learning experiences crafted by experts in certain
aspect of target skills. But tasks themselves can be customized easily without special skills. Especially,
interactive non-linear dialogues between user and computer controlled characters inside the tasks can be
created by end-users.
This paper is based on work and research done in an
on-going project Competent Employees for
Digitalizing Work carried out by the Workers'
Educational Association of Finland (WEA) with the
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied
Sciences (XAMK) and the University of Eastern
Finland (UEF). The aim of the project is to enhance
ICT-skills and working life skills of people who
have no or a very low level on ICT-skills
accordingly to the demands required in working life
The target group is people over the age of 30
years who are either unemployed or in transition of
losing their jobs, who have no vocational
qualification, or whose vocational qualification is no
longer coherent with the requirements of work.
Participants with low qualification are at risk of
social exclusion, which can lead to staying
completely outside the labor market. With its
objectives the project will raise the skills,
competences and courage to search for jobs or
further learning possibilities.
The project will create a comprehensive training
which ensures all participants with basic ICT-
competencies and additional learning possibilities in
areas of digital storytelling, digital media, social
skills at work, knowledge of employee rights, social
media, and mobile games. Traditional classroom
teaching is mainly used in teaching, but it is
complemented by an online multiplayer learning
game described in this paper. The game provides
alternative methods of learning and improving
information and communications technology skills
as well as other skills required in today’s work life
such as work ethics, interaction in the workplace and
maintaining learned skills by self-learning.
In this paper we present the methodology of
developing a serious game with high level
collaboration between experts and end-users. The
game is developed with agile and user-centered
methods. End-users are involved throughout the
complete development process.
Collaboration is an important feature because the
end-users often know best the environment where
they will apply the knowledge in practise. In
classroom situation students can ask teacher
questions and clarify their view of the subject. This
is not possible in educational games, unless teacher
assistant is specifically provided. Therefore taking
the end-users as participants already in the
development phase of the game is important.
Furthermore, participation improves motivation and
self-confidence of the target audience as well as
empowers them.
Letonsaari, M., Selin, J. and Lampi, M.
Co-creative Serious Games Design Process using Nonlinear Storyline Editing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006320305820588
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 582-588
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Game Design
The traits of a good serious game design can be
traced back to designing good learning materials and
to efficient teaching methods in general. It can even
be what is it to be a good teacher. The topic is vast
and we only make here a reference to different
learning theories (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2016;
Mayes & de Fretas 2004) and Shulman’s concept of
pedagogical content knowledge (Shulman, 1986).
In a more focused and practical approach we
study the relationship between the subject matter and
the learning process, and how this affects the game
design. Therefore we are interested in theories of
knowledge. In the seminal research by de Jong and
Ferguson-Hessler (de Jong & Ferguson-Hessler,
1996) knowledge is classified by its qualities of
level, structure, automation, modality and generality.
Especially the level and the structure of the
subject matter define the cognitive learning process.
As de Jong and Ferguson-Hessler conclude, these
qualities are not independent: "It is evident from this
discussion that depth [level] and structure of
knowledge are not independent. Only the
introduction of deep elements makes possible the
generalizations and abstractions that are required
for the construction of (problem) schemata and the
building of a hierarchical structure." (de Jong &
Ferguson-Hessler, 1996)
From this we derive terms progressive and
scattered knowledge, or progressive and scattered
skill set in the context of applicable practical
knowledge. Progressive knowledge has both depth
of level and hierarchical structure. Learning more of
a progressive skill set relies heavily on earlier skills.
The hierarchical nature makes learning process a
sequential task.
Skill set can alternatively be formed of skills that
are largely independent of each others and require
little prerequisites. This kind of knowledge or skill
set lacks the depth of level and has simple structure
and can therefore be described as scattered
knowledge or skill set.
For example arithmetics is a highly progressive
skill set. Methods of mathematical expression
manipulation rely on simpler techniques, and
mathematical proofs often use earlier results.
Another common example is learning a language.
The process of expressing complex ideas requires
earlier knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.
Grammatically correct use of language requires the
knowledge of basic grammar rules which are then
completed by exceptions and context dependant
Learning geography or identification of wild
animals are examples of more scattered skill sets.
Scattered knowledge can be organized in groups by
association. For example the identification of wild
animals can be studied according to their
commonness (young children), their ecological
significance (elementary school), or taxonomy
(higher education). But grouping is not a strict
property of the skill set but a chosen arbitrary
method to organize the subject.
No subject is purely progressive or scattered of
course. But this rough division can be seen as a
major component in the serious game design.
Progressive skill set is something that makes
gamification natural as there is implicit progression
in the subject of learning. This progression can give
an increasing challenge to the player which can be
translated into a game engagement.
For a scattered skill set, such natural engagement
by increasing challenge is not available and it must
be created separately. The learning content can for
example be embedded using more traditional
computer games techniques such as storylines or
challenges not directly related to the learning
In this project, the end-users are unemployed or
in transition of losing their jobs with low level
information technology skills. Basic information
technology skills and general working life skills are
the essential learning content of the game. This skill
set is fairly scattered by nature and does not provide
a progressive approach by itself.
We wanted the game development process to be
modular, so an episodic structure (Baranowski et al,
2008) of game was chosen. The constructed game
world is an open world game world. This means that
player has a great freedom in exploring the game
world (Juul, 2002). In this world player can find
tasks. Tasks are small minigames concentrating on
certain subject of the learning (Van Geit et al, 2015).
Access to tasks is controlled by rule based system,
which makes it possible to create progression. In this
way the structure of the game resembles the subject
matter of learning.
2.2 Technology
We chose the Unity game engine (Unity 3d Website.
2016) to be the technology of choice for the game
project. Unity is used because of its multi platform
capabilities and popularity. It can support all most
common device platforms, including game consoles,
smartphones and tablets.
Unity game engine is also used in the
Co-creative Serious Games Design Process using Nonlinear Storyline Editing
information technology department computer game
development courses which allows us to enable
participation of more advanced students to the
project. Permissive licensing allows anyone to install
and use fully usable software on any computer.
License will restrict only notable commercial
The game will be released with an open source
license, as is appropriate for a publicly funded
software development project. This allows us to
utilize resources with open licenses.
An extensive study of suitable open license 3d
world models was carried out (Letonsaari, 2016).
There is significant amount of open license 3d
models, including real buildings and even sizeable
parts of real cities. However many of these models
are not suitable to be used in game engines without
modifications. For example models for city planning
often do not have textures. Automatically generated
3d models on the other hand often do not scale well
but loose detail.
The user interface of the game utilises an open
licence 3d city model from the centre of the city of
Mikkeli, Finland. This was largest available textured
3d city model. It is constructed with 3d primary
objects with photographed textures attached to them
and is highly compatible with 3d game engines. An
overview of the city model is presented in figure 1.
Figure 1: The Open 3D City Model from the centre of the
city of Mikkeli, Finland (in Unity editor).
The city model works in the game as the framework
of the UI. The players walk to different educational
events in the gamified city model. As an example
they can enter an interactive job interview by
opening a door of a building in the city model. The
user interface to the city with player character and
minimap is presented in Figure 2.
For the 3d character customization we use open
source Unity add-on Unity Multipurpose Avatar,
UMA (UMA 2 Website, 2016). UMA is a platform
for dynamically modifiable avatars and allows users
to create a playing character they enjoy to play. This
Figure 2: The user interface (UI) of the game.
increases the engagement of the game and makes
characters distinguishable for multiplayer purposes.
The open 3d game world allows multiplayer
participation to the game. Players can see each
others and communicate in the game world. For
multiplayer functionality we use Unity Networking
(UNET) technology which is an integrated part of
Unity game engine.
2.3 Collaboration with End-Users in
the Game Development
End-users in this project are people with low level
information technology skills attending to a course
on basic training on using computers. Therefore
collaboration should require minimal amount of
technical knowledge from the end users.
A non-integrated method of collaboration with
end-users and experts is to collect stories, use-cases
and ideas before the development process and
integrate the knowledge to the development process
(All et al, 2013). Experts and end-users can also
operate in software testing and validation and
provide feedback to developers (Bossavit & Parsons,
2016; Cosma et al, 2015).
Simple integrated method for co-operation with
low skill level participants in the game development
is often implemented by enabling editing visual
components of the game. Users may be able to
modify characters by customizing physical attributes
and for example by choosing the clothing and
accessories. There may be possibility to edit the
game world with graphical editors such as level
editors. Graphical editing of characters and the game
world is an engaging activity as the results are easily
recognizable in the game. Graphics are easily
separated from the game logic and require very little
understanding of the game design.
Here we wanted deeper and more conceptual
involvement of end-users. To this end, a
participation method for creating dialogs between
player and computer controlled characters was
SGoCSL 2017 - Special Session on Serious Games on Computer Science Learning
developed. Dialogs between player and computer
controlled characters are important plot devices.
Interactive computer controlled characters create
another, social dimension to the game world, even if
computer controlled characters work with seemingly
simple logic. By letting end-users to create dialogs
we let them to retell the story with their own voice.
This is not only an engaging activity, but lets user to
understand game logic more deeply.
The idea here is to let end-users to create dialogs
for several different types of interaction: how to
communicate with a random encounter person, in
job interview with the interviewer, or with your
boss, coworker or customer in different working life
situations. The player can choose good or bad ways
to interact and feedback is given accordingly.
Planning these interactions makes the end-user to
consider different aspects of the situations. Subject
of the dialogs can of course be changed to
accommodate the target user needs.
To create dialog for a game, it must be coded
into computer understandable format. Writing can be
done with free form, and coding can be done
manually. There also exists automated tools for
writing dialogs which provide speed for the
workflow and save manual work. In this project we
use open source software Twine, which is a tool for
writing interactive non-linear stories (Klimas, 2016).
Stories or dialogs generated with Twine can be
easily integrated into Unity game engine using
UnityTwine addon.
Writing a passage or single part of the dialog
with Twine is not different than filling a form in web
browser. Passage window is shown in Figure 3.
Each passage has title and passage text. It is also
possible to add tags to the passage.
Figure 3: Editing a passage of a nonlinear story in Twine.
Links to other passages are marked with double
brackets. These work quite similar as HTML links.
When text, as shown in Figure 3, is written, Twine
automatically creates new passages using the names
of the links text, here “Yes, I do.”, “No, I don’t” and
“Maybe”. The link name can also be changed to
something more convenient using an arrow notation
as shown in the last link.
Linked passages are shown as a directed graph in
the story editing mode of Twine, as shown in the
Figure 4. The story or dialog structure is clearly
visible. User can move passage boxes and edit them
by using doubleclick. User interface is very intuitive
and Twine has been used for a writing workshop for
children (Davis, 2013).
Figure 4: The story structure in Twine. Interactive
passages and possible transitions create an easy to
understand visual representation of the story structure.
Figure 5: User generated game content inside the game.
The story file must then be imported to Unity using
the UnityTwine addon, which generates a C# script
from the Twine code. When generated script is
Co-creative Serious Games Design Process using Nonlinear Storyline Editing
connected to a Unity scene, the dialog script can be
played in 3D game world as seen in Figure 5.
A process for developing a serious game was
developed in this project. The project is interesting
in that the game is created by many contributors of
diverse fields. It takes the learning subjects and ideas
from the experts in information technology and
working life. These are implemented in a game
world with latest gaming technology by university
students supervised by computer game programming
Open source materials and components are used
to create a rich game world. Depth is created to the
game by enabling the end-users to collaborate with
game development in creating interactive dialogs
between the player and computer controlled
characters. The complex process is summarized in
Figure 6.
The game and development participation has
been piloted with a group of students attending to
Figure 6: Flowchart of the process for developing a serious game used in this project.
SGoCSL 2017 - Special Session on Serious Games on Computer Science Learning
the basic information technology and working life
skills course. The target group for the course was
people over the age of 30 years who were either
unemployed or in transition of losing their jobs, who
had no vocational qualification or whose vocational
qualification were no longer coherent with the
requirements of work.
The course had 14 participants in this group and
their age distribution in ten year cohorts is given in
Table 1.
Table 1: Test group age distribution.
Age group (years) Percentage of participants
from 36 to 45 23 %
from 46 to 55 31 %
from 56 to 65 46 %
For each participant, a questionnaire was sent
before the start of the course. Out of 14 participants,
13 answered the questionnaire (n = 13).
All of the participants did have an access either
to a computer, a tablet computer, or a mobile phone.
And almost all had access to an Internet connection.
All participants had mobile phones and 69% had
Internet connectivity on their phone. 85% of the
participants had a computer with Internet
connection. 61% of the participants had a tablet
computer, but only 64% of the tablet computers had
Internet connection.
Relevant to the development of the learning
game, participants’ previous experience with
electronic games was surveyed. None of the
participants had any experience with console
gaming, including hand held consoles, downloaded
games, or multiplayer online games. Participants did
have some experience with single player computer
games with 42% of the participants, mobile gaming
with 34% of the participants, Facebook games 20%
and other games played with Internet browser 25%.
At this phase, only qualitative testing was
performed. Participants with little experience with
gaming were given opportunity to try the game. The
game did not have any tasks, but was a open world
city, where player could learn character control
(walking, running, jumping) and explore the world.
It was recorded by observation and interviews
that the game was user friendly and had low learning
curve due to responsiveness and logical operation.
All participants quickly learned how to move around
in the game using the keyboard. Participants were
fascinated with the possibility of exploring the city
they already knew in real life.
Participation to the game development generated
excitement amongst the participants.
Figure 7: Testing the game in a classroom environment.
Games are used in many kinds of learning tasks and
in education. They provide an engaging activity
which can be directed into learning activitíes.
Usually these games have a certain well defined
domain and they are created using traditional
software development methods.
In this project our goal was to develop a
computer game to teach some basic information
technology and working life skills to adult students.
The topic is informal and not well defined. We have
therefore developed a flexible method for game
creation. In this method participants of very different
skill levels can contribute to the development
process: minigames or tasks can be created by
advanced users who can use Unity game engine.
Anyone without specific skills can participate by
creating dialogs to interaction between players and
computer controlled characters.
Co-creation in the game development is a way to
create rich content. It is not one or few developers
who create the game content, but expertise of end-
users is taken into account. This expertise can be
surprisingly important as end-users have often the
best knowledge on what working environment the
skills will be applied in practise.
The game development process is also
educational itself. In this project some participants
are information technology students and some
students learning basic computer skills. For both the
game creation process is an integral part of the
learning. Analyzing and designing the learning
subject in game development gives new insights and
provides deeper understanding of the subject.
The end-product is richer in the sense that it is
less conventional than when produced with
traditional methods. This is an alternative method of
game development and can be considered to have
similarities with crowdsourcing. Several fields such
as open source software or Wikipedia we can see
Co-creative Serious Games Design Process using Nonlinear Storyline Editing
that crowdsourced content can sometimes as
desirable as, or even superior to professional or
commercial efforts. These differences may not be
clearly quantifiable but qualitatively accounting for
a wider range of use-cases.
The next step after this pilot study is to explore
further possibilities of co-creative game
development. We have seen lately a great success in
popularity of serious games. This has happened due
to more advanced tools for computer game
development, more accessible playing platforms
such as laptops, tablet computers and smartphones,
and raise of the popularity in online gaming.
As more online learning possibilities, and wider
range of serious games is required, serious game
development processes will gain more importance.
Methods of co-operative development for non
information technology professionals should
therefore be developed and tested.
The computer game developed in this project
will be released as an open source software later in
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