A Multicriteria Evaluation of Hybrid Recommender Systems:
On the Usefulness of Input Data Characteristics
Reinaldo Silva Fortes
, Alan R. R. de Freitas
and Marcos Andr
e Gonc¸alves
Computer Science Department, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Computer Department, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, Brazil
Recommender Systems, Information Filtering, Hybrid Filtering, Collaborative Filtering, Content-based
Filtering, Meta-feature.
Recommender Systems (RS) may behave differently depending on the characteristics of the input data, en-
couraging the development of Hybrid Filtering (HF). There are few works in the literature that explicitly
characterize aspects of the input data and how they can lead to better HF solutions. Such work is limited to
the scope of combination of Collaborative Filtering (CF) solutions, using only rating prediction accuracy as
an evaluation criterion. However, it is known that RS also need to consider other evaluation criteria, such as
novelty and diversity, and that HF involving more than one approach can lead to more effective solutions. In
this work, we begin to explore this under-investigated area, by evaluating different HF strategies involving
CF and Content-Based (CB) approaches, using a variety of data characteristics as extra input data, as well
as different evaluation criteria. We found that the use of data characteristics in HF proved to be useful when
considering different evaluation criteria. This occurs in spite of the fact that the experimented methods aim at
minimizing only the rating prediction errors, without considering other criteria.
Recommender Systems (RS) (Jannach et al., 2010;
Ricci et al., 2011) have gained significant attention
over the past decades due to information overload re-
garding the items available to users. There exist sev-
eral RS approaches proposed in the literature. The
most commonly known ones are Collaborative Fil-
tering (CF), Content-Based Filtering (CB), and Hy-
brid Filtering (HF). Knowing that each approach has
strengths and weaknesses, HF has as core principle to
combine such strengths while minimizing the weak-
nesses, regardless of the type of combination and ap-
proaches exploited (Burke, 2002; Burke, 2007).
In search for more effective results, some authors
started to exploit alternative sources of information as
additional features to obtain a more profitable combi-
nation. In particular, two works (Bao et al., 2009; Sill
et al., 2009) have developed HF methods using char-
acteristics of the input data (hereinafter meta-feature)
as additional features. These meta-features are de-
signed to measure some implicit characteristics of the
input data, such as the amount of data (e.g., number of
ratings), temporal relations (e.g., number of different
dates on which a user has provided ratings) and rela-
tionships between items (e.g., number of items with
high similarity with a particular item).
Those solutions focus mainly on the combination
of CF approaches. Perhaps even more importantly,
they focus on the analysis of only one dimension of
the problem: the rating prediction accuracy. However,
the literature in RS has recognized that several aspects
are important for recommendation besides prediction
accuracy, especially those based on ranked lists, such
as relevance, novelty and diversity. Despite their sim-
ilarities, a comparison of these works was not found
in the literature.
To summarize, despite the diverse behaviors, few
RS make use of meta-features, exploiting a limited
number of alternatives regarding the exploitation of
different approaches and various facets of the problem
(i.e., different evaluation criteria). Thus, this work
provides some novel contributions to this field by per-
forming an extensive experiment on the use of meta-
features in HF. We evaluate solutions considering a
large number of alternatives in order to better under-
stand the impact of the use of meta-features in RS in a
multicriteria analysis. In particular, we try to answer
the following research question: are the meta-features
really useful for HF when considering different eval-
Fortes, R., Freitas, A. and Gonçalves, M.
A Multicriteria Evaluation of Hybrid Recommender Systems: On the Usefulness of Input Data Characteristics.
DOI: 10.5220/0006315406230633
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 623-633
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
uation criteria?
In our empirical analysis we answered the re-
search question observing that the use of meta-
features in HF solutions proved useful when con-
sidering different evaluation criteria. As a conse-
quence, we can highlight the need to deepen the re-
search in this area in future works, developing new
multi-objective methods that use meta-features to ob-
tain better results taking into account several objec-
tives simultaneously. We also observed a distinct be-
havior for all experimented datasets when comparing
the different RS approaches, confirming that the algo-
rithms are influenced in different forms by the input
data characteristics and that HF remains not omnipo-
tent despite the improvements obtained with the use
of meta-features.
The main contributions of this work are:
A comprehensive analysis of the impact of meta-
features in HF solutions, considering many alter-
natives and aspects of the recommendation prob-
The definition of a set of meta-features which cov-
ers the main characteristics of CF and CB input
The definition of an effective experimental strat-
egy for the evaluation of methods that use meta-
Making available the datasets used in the experi-
ments composed of the original data and the addi-
tional processed data
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
reviews related works. Section 3 presents the for-
mal definition of meta-features and the algorithms ex-
plored. Section 4 presents the resources, settings, and
the experimental strategy applied. Section 5 discusses
the experimental results. Finally, Section 6 concludes
the paper.
In this section we review related works, starting with
studies regarding the importance of the input data
characteristics and the use of different evaluation cri-
teria. Thereafter, we deal with works concerning the
use of meta-features in HF solutions to improve rec-
ommendation results.
(Breese et al., 1998), (Herlocker et al., 2004), and
(Gunawardana and Shani, 2009), compared the pre-
dictive accuracy of various CF methods, in distinct
Available at http://www.decom.ufop.br/reinaldo/
domains. In their results, they highlighted that the
best algorithm depends on specific factors, such as
application domain, the number of users, items, and
ratings, and the rating value scale. (Adomavicius
and Zhang, 2012) investigated the impact of rating
meta-features on CF algorithms. The strategy applied
was based on a sampling procedure, selecting sam-
ples with different metric values. They conclude that
rating meta-features may, in fact, impact the CF ap-
proaches’ accuracy, underlining that a bigger rating
space size and higher data density produces a posi-
tive effect, while a larger standard deviation incurs in
a negative effect.
(Herlocker et al., 2004) also observed that another
important factor is the evaluation objective, consid-
ering that, in some cases, the goal is to improve the
accuracy in predicting ratings. In others, it is how
the system influences the users’ satisfaction. (Mc-
Nee et al., 2006) highlighted the importance of user-
centric evaluation instead of just accuracy. Accord-
ingly, some authors developed methods to increase
the diversity of the recommendations (Ziegler et al.,
2005; Zhang and Hurley, 2008) and some recent
works apply optimization techniques to address mul-
tiple goals simultaneously (Ribeiro et al., 2014; Zuo
et al., 2015; Geng et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2016).
The best two teams in the Netflix Prize made use
of Weighted HF. Among these works, (Sill et al.,
2009) proposed the Feature-Weighted Linear Staking
(FWLS). They combined a variety of meta-features
calculated from the available ratings and several
purely CF algorithms using standard linear regression
methods and evaluating the results according to the
prediction accuracy.
(Bao et al., 2009) proposed another Weighted
HF strategy using meta-features the STacking Rec-
ommendation Engines with Additional Meta-features
(STREAM). Although the authors report the explo-
ration of CF and CB, the use of content is restricted
to the users’ and items’ neighborhood definition, pre-
dicting the ratings based on CF approaches. They
concluded that the use of different meta-features
reached similar prediction accuracy as those obtained
using only the number of ratings.
To summarize, the aforementioned works demon-
strate that RS are somewhat influenced by meta-
features and its use in HF was effective to produce
better prediction accuracy and the importance of con-
sidering different criteria. However, all of them have
limitations regarding the use of meta-features, the RS
strategies used and the evaluation criteria applied. In
this sense, we believe that we provide the most com-
prehensive evaluation reported so far to better under-
stand how RS behaves regarding all these aspects.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
A key issue in the present work is the definition of
meta-features capable of characterizing the input data
and the selection of algorithms that help find the an-
swer to our research question. Thus, this section de-
scribes the meta-features and algorithms explored in
this work in three subsections. Subsection 3.1 de-
scribes the meta-features. Subsection 3.2 presents the
Individual algorithms used to build the input features
for HF solutions. In Subsection 3.3 the HF strategies
are described.
3.1 Meta-features
To define the meta-features, some issues must be ob-
served: (i) in CF, the input is a rating matrix mapping
the user satisfaction about items. Additionally, the
date and time definition of ratings can be provided.
Thus, the characteristics would be related to the num-
ber of ratings involved, the distribution of their val-
ues, and their date definition; and (ii) in CB, the in-
put is a set of items’ attributes that can be defined by
structured and unstructured data and a set of preferred
items by users. Thus, the characteristics would be re-
lated to the volume of the content available and simi-
larity measures calculated for such contents.
We exploit a set of meta-features able to charac-
terize the input data regarding all aforementioned as-
pects related to CF and CB approaches in a broad
scope but with a minimal number of meta-features.
Table 1 lists the meta-features, their types and short
descriptions. Formalization and details are given be-
The computation of the meta-features was formal-
ized to get a set where each value is related to an el-
ement in Equation 1. Table 2 lists the meta-features
and their mathematical definitions for the Equation 1
MF(Σ, δ, σ) =
(δ (σ
(D))), e D
where: D is the input data; σ
is a selection function
applied on D for the element e, which can be a user
or an item; δ is a measure calculated for the selected
subset of the input data; and Σ is a function, which
might be count, average, logarithm, etc., calculated
for each element e.
COUNTSIZE aims to quantify the size of the con-
tent available. It is based on the number of tokens (i.e.
processed words) extracted from the textual attribute
COSINE, DICE, and JACCARD aim to quantify
similarities between the element e and other ele-
ments, using of the Cosine Similarity (Baeza-Yates
and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999), the Dice Coefficient (Adar
et al., 2009), and the Jaccard Index (Baeza-Yates and
Ribeiro-Neto, 1999) as similarity measure, respec-
tively. The Dice coefficient is originally used by
(Adar et al., 2009) to compute the differences between
two versions of the same document over time. We
use it to compute the differences between the content
from two different elements.
ENTROPY aims to quantify the cohesiveness of the
element’s content via the Entropy measure (Bender-
sky et al., 2011). Low values indicate a tendency for
the content to cover a single topic.
LOGQTDR aims to capture a notion of the amount
of ratings available via the logarithm of the number of
ratings (Sill et al., 2009).
PCR (Proportion of Common Ratings) aims to
capture a notion of the size of the neighborhood via
the concept of users in common and items in com-
mon. Users in common are those who ranked the
Table 1: Meta-features. Types: (I) Content; (II) Number of ratings; (III) Rating values; (IV) Rating dates.
Acronym Type Short Description
COUNTSIZE I Number of indexed tokens from content.
COSINE I Average of Cosine Similarity calculated for pairs of users’ or items’ content.
DICE I Average of Dice calculated for pairs of users’ or items’ content.
ENTROPY I Average of Entropy calculated for individual users’ or items’ content.
JACCARD I Average of Jaccard calculated for pairs of users’ or items’ content.
LOGQTDR II Log of the number of ratings.
PCR II Percentage of users or items in common.
PR II Percentage of the number of ratings.
GINI III Gini Index calculated for the rating values.
PEARSON III Pearson’s Coefficient of Variation calculated for the rating values.
PQMEAN III pq-mean Index calculated for the rating values.
SD III Standard deviation calculated for the rating values.
LOGDATER IV Log of the number of distinct rating dates.
PRDATER IV Percentage of the number of rating dates.
A Multicriteria Evaluation of Hybrid Recommender Systems: On the Usefulness of Input Data Characteristics
same items that a user ranked and items in common
are those that were ranked by the same users who
ranked an item.
PR (Proportion of Ratings) also aims to capture a
notion of the amount of ratings available, as well as
LOGQTDR. The difference is that it is not logarith-
mic, but a percentage.
GINI, PEARSON, PQMEAN, and SD aim to cap-
ture the rating values distribution, using the Gini In-
dex (Hurley and Rickard, 2009), the Pearson’s Coef-
ficient of Variation, the pq-mean metric (Hurley and
Rickard, 2009), and the Standard Deviation, respec-
LOGDATER aims to capture a notion of time
about the ratings via the logarithm of the number of
distinct dates in which a user gave ratings or an item
received ratings. Σ is the logarithm, δ is the number
of distinct dates, and σ
consists of the selection of
the ratings’ dates for the element.
PRDATER (Proportion of Rating’s Dates) also
aims to capture a notion of time, as well as LOG-
DATER. The difference is that it is not logarithmic,
but a percentage.
We evaluate different combinations of attributes
for all content meta-features in preliminary experi-
ments and due to the correlation between their val-
ues we used all attributes in the final experiments pro-
duced in this work.
3.2 Individual Algorithms
The Individual algorithms used in this study were
named as: (i) CF: purely CF algorithms and those
using CB strategies to measure similarities, but a rat-
ing prediction is made using CF strategies; and (ii)
CB: purely CB algorithms.
The set of CF algorithms explored in this work are
provided by the MyMediaLite (Gantner et al., 2011),
including most of the state-of-the-art techniques, such
as K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), Matrix Factorization,
Singular Value Decomposition, and Asymmetric Fac-
tor Model (AFM).
A CB algorithm was implemented using Apache
Lucene (McCandless et al., 2010). The algorithm per-
forms the indexing of the items’ content, building the
user profile from their known preferred item’s con-
tent, and returning a list of ranked items defined by
the similarity scores from user’s profile and item’s
content. Thus, this algorithm does not perform rating
3.3 Hybrid Strategies
There are many strategies for hybridization (Burke,
2002), but the few works that make use of meta-
features, are focused only on the Weighted strategy. In
a Weighted HF system, a final score is obtained from
a numerical combination of a set of features. The pur-
pose of such system is to define weights to be applied
to the features that minimize the prediction error.
Three weighted hybridization strategies were ex-
plored, the descriptions and equations which describe
how the features are constructed for each strategy are
shown below. Let S be the set of individual recom-
mender scores and M be the set of meta-features ex-
tracted from the input data:
Hybrid Recommender (HR): does not make use of
meta-features, the features are defined using only
the Individual Algorithms’ scores.
s | s S
Table 2: Meta-features’ mathematical definitions for Equation 1.
Acronym Function Σ Measure δ Selection σ
COUNTSIZE Average Number of tokens Content from element e
COSINE Average Cosine similarity Content from elements
DICE Average Dice coefficient Content from elements
ENTROPY Average Entropy measure Content from element e
JACCARD Average Jaccard index Content from elements
LOGQTDR Logarithm Number of ratings Ratings from element e
PCR Percentage Number of elements in common Elements in common
PR Percentage Number of ratings Ratings from element e
GINI The δ value Gini index Ratings from element e in ascending order
PEARSON The δ value Pearson’s Coefficient of Variation Ratings from element e
PQMEAN The δ value pq-mean Ratings from element e
SD The δ value Standard Deviation Ratings from element e
LOGDATER Logarithm Number of distinct dates Ratings dates from element e
PRDATER Percentage Number of distinct dates Ratings dates from element e
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
STacking Recommendation Engines with Addi-
tional Meta-features (STREAM): defined by
(Bao et al., 2009), the features are built by the
union of scores and meta-features.
m |∀m M
s |∀s S
Feature-Weighted Linear Stacking (FWLS): de-
fined by (Sill et al., 2009), the features are built
by products of scores and meta-features. The idea
is to capture the nonlinear relationship between
scores and meta-features in the process of build-
ing features, enabling the use of linear learning
methods to obtain good results consuming less
time and resources, since nonlinear methods are
m · s | m M s S
The learning methods explored in this work to ob-
tain the weights are: (i) Linear: Ridge Regression,
Bayesian Ridge Regression, and Linear Support Vec-
tor Regression; (ii) Nonlinear: Random Forest and
Gradient Boosted Regression Trees. These methods
are available in Scikit-Learn (Pedregosa et al., 2012).
For FWLS only the linear learning is applied.
Basically, the difference between all the three
strategies is the building of features. Thus, the com-
parison of HR with STREAM and FWLS will be used
to answer whether the meta-features are useful for HF.
The choice to use both STREAM and FWLS strate-
gies was motivated by the fact that they have never
been compared before and can have distinct behaviors
for the different datasets and meta-features combina-
A key issue in RS experimentation is the choice and
production of the resources and in the definition of an
efficient strategy to build significant results to make
reliable conclusions. This section presents the re-
sources and experimental design in four subsections.
Subsection 4.1 presents the datasets. Subsection 4.2
describes the evaluation metrics. In Subsection 4.3
the scenarios experimented are defined. Finally, Sub-
section 4.4 describes the experimental strategy.
4.1 Datasets
The datasets used in the experiments are: Bookcross-
ing (Ziegler et al., 2005), Jester (Goldberg et al.,
2001), and Movielens (1M) (Herlocker et al., 1999).
Table 3 lists some characteristics of these datasets.
From Bookcrossing we have used only the explicit
ratings and the rating values were normalized in the
range of [0.0, 1.0] for all datasets to make the results
These datasets were selected because of their par-
ticular differences, such as application domains, num-
ber of elements, rating scales and sets of content. This
aspects allows the evaluation and discussion of the re-
sults from diverse perspectives and make the conclu-
sions more valuable.
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
We exploit a variety of evaluation criteria able to mea-
sure different aspects of recommendation including
rating prediction errors and the quality of the list of
recommended items (ranking measures). The rank-
ing measures can be categorized in three classes: rel-
evance, novelty, and diversity. All evaluation metrics
explored are summarized in Table 4. See (Gunawar-
dana and Shani, 2009; Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto,
1999; Vargas and Castells, 2011) for details.
To compute the evaluation metrics, we used the
RankSys (Vargas and Castells, 2011). We im-
plemented RMSE using resources supplied by this
framework. To define the topics considered in a-
NDCG and to calculate the items distance in EPD and
EILD we used the books’ language and category for
Bookcrossing, the movie’s genres for Movielens, and
the jokes’ text content for Jester. Parameter α for a-
NDCG was set at 0.5. The items considered relevant
were those which received normalized ratings at least
0.67 for Bookcrossing, 0.60 for Jester, and 0, 75 for
Movielens. These values are around the upper 40%
Table 3: Datasets used in the experiments.
Name Domain
Bookcrossing Books
(1 to 10)
Books’ language, category, description, and editorial
review (collected from Amazon).
Jester Jokes
(-10 to 10)
Jokes’ text content.
Movielens Movies
(1 to 5)
Movies’ title, genre, and plot (collected from TMDb
or IMDb) and users’ age, gender, and occupation.
A Multicriteria Evaluation of Hybrid Recommender Systems: On the Usefulness of Input Data Characteristics
of the possible original integer values in each rating
scale (e.g. value 4 in the range 1 to 5). This strategy
was chosen to provide the same scale over the original
data for the relevant items definition.
4.3 Experimental Scenarios
Three different scenarios were defined to build the
STREAM and FWLS features (Section 3.3): (S1) Us-
ing all meta-features; (S2) Selecting meta-features by
computing the Spearman correlation value between
pairs of meta-features, and whenever the absolute
value is greater or equal to 0.8, the one that has the
lower Coefficient of Variation is excluded; and (S3)
Using only PR, due to the (Bao et al., 2009)’s asser-
4.4 Experimental Strategy
The experimental strategy is a k-folded cross-
validation procedure composed of the process shown
in Algorithm 1. The first task (line 1) performs the
selection of the k folds applying a stratified random
sampling based on the number of users’ ratings. Then,
using the same sampling strategy, a percentage p of
the data from each modeling data is selected (lines 2
to 5) to perform the algorithms tuning (p = 0.05 for
Jester due to the number of ratings).
Next, the tuning of the Individual algorithms (line
6) is performed using the irace (L
nez et al.,
2016). Irace defines parameter settings and calls a
nested cross-validation (i.e., within the own training
set) procedure provided by the MyMediaLite. Irace
performs the parameters’ tuning for all selected tun-
ing sub-samples simultaneously, selecting the set of
Algorithm 1: Experimental Strategy.
Input: data, k=5, p=0.2, rs
Output: evaluation metrics values
1: samples kFoldSampling(data, k)
2: tSamples {}
3: for t in {1..k} do
4: model samples[{1..k}-{t}]
5: tSamples.add(SubSampling(model, p))
6: indAlgs TuningIndividuals(tSamples)
7: scores {}; meta {}
8: for t in {1..k} do
9: for v in {1..k}-{t} do
10: valid samples[v]
11: train samples[{1..k}-{t, v}]
12: scores.add(RunInd(indAlgs, valid, train))
13: meta.add(CalcMetaFeatures(train))
14: metaSel SelectMetaFeatures(meta, rs)
15: hfAlgs TuningHF(tSamples, scores, metaSel)
16: scores {}
17: for t in {1..k} do
18: test samples[t]
19: model samples[{1..k}-{t}]
20: meta CalcMetaFeatures(model, metaSel)
21: sc RunInd(indAlgs, test, model)
22: scores.add(sc)
23: scores.add(RunHF(hfAlgs, test, sc, meta))
24: return CalcEvaluationMetrics(scores)
parameter values which best fit for all sub-samples.
For CB, preliminary experiments showed similar be-
havior for different configurations. Thus, to reduce
time, we used a configuration with the Lucene’s De-
faultSimilarity and all content attributes.
Then, the tuned Individual algorithms scores and
the meta-features are computed (lines 7 to 13). For
each of the ve folds, one fold is fixed to be used as
testing in future task (line 18), and among the remain-
ing folds (line 9), one is used for validation (line 10)
Table 4: Evaluation metrics. Types: (I) Rating prediction errors; (II) Relevance; (III) Novelty; (IV) Diversity.
Acronym Type Description
RMSE I Root Mean Squared Error measures differences between predicted and known ratings.
Precision II Measures the proportion of retrieved items that are relevant.
Recall II Measures the proportion of relevant items that are retrieved.
NDCG II Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain measures the relevance of recommended
items considering their position.
EPC III Expected Popularity Complement measures the novelty considering the popularity of
the items, then it measures the ability to recommend items from the “long tail”.
EPD III Expected Profile Distance is based on the notion of novelty for the target user, i.e. the
distance of the recommended items to the items in the user profile.
EILD IV Expected Intra-List Distance measures diversity based on the distances between rec-
ommended items.
a-NDCG IV Alpha-NDCG is an adaptation of NDCG that takes into account the diversity of the
recommended items, which is defined by the categorization of items in topics and in
setting a degree of the importance for diversity.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and the others are used for training (line 11) in differ-
ent combinations.
Next, the selection of meta-features (line 14) is ac-
complished for the running scenario rs as defined in
Section 4.3. Then, the Weighted HF strategies param-
eters tuning is performed (line 15). The HF’s features
are built from the Individual algorithms’ scores and
meta-features processed before according to the defi-
nitions given in Section 3.3, considering only the tun-
ing sub-samples. For this tuning process the random-
ized parameter optimization provided in the Scikit-
Learn (Pedregosa et al., 2012) is used.
Finally, the last task consists of the computation
of scores for the testing set and the analysis of results
(lines 16 to 24). First, the selected meta-features are
calculated for the modeling data (line 20). Next, the
scores of the tuned Individual and HF algorithms are
processed (lines 21 and 23). Finally, the evaluation
metrics, described in Section 4.2, are calculated to
perform the final analysis of the results (line 24). Such
results are obtained by averaging each evaluation met-
ric for each user in Top-K lists of recommendations
(we explored varied values for K, and as expected,
with the growth of K the statistical differences from
results decrease. In Section 5 we present the K = 5 re-
sults). For comparison purposes, the Bootstrap Con-
fidence Interval (Efron and Tibshirani, 1986), is com-
puted with 95% of confidence.
In this section, the results are presented and discussed
in order to provide an analysis of the solutions in the
three datasets and to obtain an answer to the following
research question: are the meta-features really useful
for hybridization when considering different evalua-
tion criteria?
The experimental results are presented in three
subsections. Subsection 5.1 shows an overall analysis
considering all experimented solutions. In Subsection
5.2 the analysis is based in the best ranked solutions
concerning each solution category being compared.
Finally, in Subsection 5.3 some discussions about the
results are presented.
5.1 Results Overview
As discussed before (Section 4.1) the three datasets
are very diverse, making it difficult to execute all In-
dividual algorithms in some cases. As an example,
for Bookcrossing the kNN methods were not executed
due to the large number of users and items, and for
Jester users’ kNN and AFM methods were not exe-
cuted due to the large number of users and ratings.
Figure 1 shows the heat maps of the evaluation
metrics rankings for all solutions. For Bookcross-
ing we can observe many ties in all metrics except
in RMSE and a great result for CB solution. This re-
sult can be explained by the number of ratings, users
and items, i.e. there are many users and items and
few ratings composing a much sparse scenario, dam-
aging CF and HF, since their features are built with
CF scores. However, the items’ content is not scarce,
favoring CB.
For Jester we can observe an opposite behavior. It
is possible to identify best results for CF and HF solu-
tions (with an apparent advantage for CF) and worse
result for CB. Again, the behavior can be explained
by the dataset characteristics. Jester has few items
and many ratings, favoring CF. However, the content
is limited only to the jokes text, damaging CB and HF,
since their features are built with CB scores.
Finally, Movielens showed a different behavior
from the other two datasets. HF shows the best re-
sults, despite not being better in all metrics. Again,
the explanation can be done by the dataset’s charac-
teristics. Indeed, the dataset did not evidence benefits
for CF or CB. The number of ratings, users, and items,
and the content available seems to be balanced when
compared with the other two datasets, which may fa-
vor HF.
5.2 Ranked Solutions Analysis
To produce a multicriteria evaluation we ranked the
solutions using the sum of the Fractional rankings (“1
2.5 2.5 4”) of each criterion. Table 5 shows the solu-
tions chosen for all datasets.
For Bookcrossing, confirming the results
overview, CB was best ranked, being placed first for
all ranking measures. Only for NDCG and a-NDCG
we can observe ties with other solutions, showing
similar results when the position in the ranked list is
considered. The most expressive CB results are in
EPD, EILD and Precision, proving great performance
for the three types of criteria (relevance, novelty,
and diversity). Analyzing the other four approaches,
it is observed a close contest, FWLS and HR were
basically affected by the third place in EPC. Again,
the dataset’s characteristics explain this result, there
are many users and items, few ratings, and many
item’s content.
For Jester, CF was the best ranked solution but it
was not the winner for all measures. CF showed better
results for RMSE and relevance measures and worse
results for novelty and diversity. The CF winner was
A Multicriteria Evaluation of Hybrid Recommender Systems: On the Usefulness of Input Data Characteristics
(a) Bookcrossing
(b) Jester
(c) Movielens
Figure 1: Heat maps of rankings for all solutions. We show the Standard competition raking (“1 2 2 4”) for better visualization.
The x-axis labels shows the RS strategy and the number of the algorithm or variation.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the items’ kNN. This result can be explained by the
large number of ratings and low number of items, so,
all items have many ratings, favoring items’ kNN.
For Movielens, HF was best ranked in relation to
CF and CB. FWLS was best ranked due to a more reg-
ular performance, being in the first place for RMSE
and relevance measures and in the second place for
novelty and diversity measures, demonstrating an in-
tense competition.
Finally, analyzing only HF for all datasets to an-
swer our research question, we can observe that when
there are no ties, FWLS and/or STREAM are bet-
ter than HR in all criteria except for a-NDCG, prov-
ing the utility of meta-features in hybrid RS solu-
tions when considering different evaluation criteria.
The a-NDCG metric evaluates the diversity consid-
ering the ranking position, which may indicate that
the use of meta-features did not promote diverse items
on the top of the recommendations. Considering the
scenarios, S1 was best ranked for Bookcrossing and
Jester, and S3 was better for Movielens, which may
indicate that the meta-feature selection used was not
useful and the (Bao et al., 2009)’s assertion is not
universal. Finally, comparing FWLS and STREAM
we can observe that STREAM was best ranked only
for Bookcrossing, showing that FWLS really obtains
good results spending less time and resources by us-
ing nonlinear methods.
5.3 Discussions
The experimental results showed distinct behaviors.
For a context in which we have a sparse rating ma-
trix and a rich content available (i.e. Bookcrossing)
Table 5: Best solutions from each RS strategy. For FWLS and STREAM we show the scenario in parentheses. For evaluation
metrics we show the Dense raking (“1 2 2 3”) of the solutions in parentheses for better visualization. The best solutions are in
bold. There are no RMSE results for CB, since it did not produce rating predictions. For comparison purposes we applied a
5-folded cross-validation procedure and computed the Bootstrap Confidence Interval (Efron and Tibshirani, 1986) with 95%
of confidence (Section 4.4).
Solution RMSE Precision Recall NDCG EPC EPD EILD
A Multicriteria Evaluation of Hybrid Recommender Systems: On the Usefulness of Input Data Characteristics
we observed advantage for CB. On the other hand, in
a context in which we have a high number of ratings
and poor content available (i.e. Jester) we observed
that the best choice is to use a simple CF method.
However, when the context has a more balanced num-
ber of ratings and items’ content (i.e. Movielens), HF
proved to be the best option. These results reinforce
the relevance of the input data characteristics, as dis-
cussed in previous works, and the need to evaluate all
possible solutions to make good choices, since HF re-
mains not omnipotent, despite the improvements pro-
vided by meta-features. It is important to mention that
HF can be improved with feature selection possibly
changing the best choices.
Concerning the main objective of this work, which
is to identify if the use of meta-features is really use-
ful for hybridization when considering different eval-
uation criteria, we can observe that, for all datasets,
the FWLS and STREAM were better ranked than the
HR solution. This observation is useful to show the
utility of the meta-features to improve the HF results
for different evaluation criteria. It is worth mention-
ing that all hybrid methods experimented aim only to
minimize the rating prediction error, without explic-
itly considering other criteria.
The definition of useful meta-features depends
on the application domain and the available solu-
tions (Bao et al., 2009). Thus, the results we found
in this work are useful to draw some conclusions
and to guide the application in other domains and/or
resources encouraging the use of meta-features to
improve recommendation results. We believe that
the use of multi-objective methods using the meta-
features as additional input data can produce great re-
sults, promoting intriguing research possibilities for
future works.
In this work, we made a comprehensive analysis of
the use of meta-features (the input data character-
istics) in Hybrid Filtering Systems using different
approaches and strategies over a variety of evalua-
tion criteria. We explored Collaborative Filtering,
Content-Based, and three weighted hybrid strategies.
We defined a diverse set of meta-features used as ad-
ditional input data into two of the hybrid strategies.
These meta-features are able to capture different char-
acteristics of the data, both in relation to the ratings
provided as well as the content of the items.
Our main objective was to analyze the behavior
of hybridization when using meta-features to improve
results according to multiple evaluation criteria. In
our experiments we observed that the use of meta-
features was useful to improve some criteria without
significant degradation of others as well as to high-
light the importance of exploring different alternatives
to achieve better results.
Many possibilities can be explored in future
works. First, we can explore feature selection to im-
prove the hybrid results. Second, we can evaluate
the impact of each meta-feature to better understand
their significance in final results. We can also explore
meta-features extracted from individual algorithms,
such as risk sensitivity, to further improve the hybrid
results. Finally, the most relevant issue, we can ex-
plore multi-objective methods that take into account
many objectives simultaneously, other than rating pre-
diction accuracy, to obtain even more expressive re-
This work was partially funded by projects InWeb
(grant MCT/CNPq 573871/2008-6), MASWeb (grant
FAPEMIG/PRONEX APQ-01400-14), and TerraLab
(grant CNPq 481285/2012-1), and by the authors’ in-
dividual grants from CNPq and FAPEMIG.
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