Conceptual Mapping of the use of Non-Traditional Processes in
Engineering’s Higher Education
Cleber A. Pereira
, Paulo Oliveira
and Manuel J. C. S. Reis
Federal University of Maranhão, Imperatriz, Brazil
INESC-TEC/Department of Engineering, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
IEETA/Department of Engineering, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
Keywords: Conceptual Mapping, Engineering Education, Engineering and Computer Tools.
Abstract: In this paper, we shall present a study on the tools most often used as a support in the teaching of engineering
in higher education. We seek to assess which are the current practices and identify the main tools used in the
teaching of electric and computer engineering, highlighting the curricular units in which they are being used.
We seek to contribute towards the improvement of the results obtained in higher education curricula in
engineering. The methodology used is based on a literature review together with the systematization and
presentation of the findings through a conceptual mapping. The results present a conceptual mapping of the
courses in which positive experiences were reported through the adoption of non-traditional teaching
processes. We concluded that both the initiatives that have resorted to new technologies in engineering
degrees, as well as reports of similar experiments in international publications on this topic are both reduced
and ad hoc. Initiatives such as this may contribute towards an improvement of the implemented teaching
processes in engineering.
Several solutions have been developed with new
technologies in order to contribute towards an
improvement of the teaching-learning process in
higher education and, according to Thomaz et al.
(2009) these can skilfully be adapted to the students’
needs and be used by the teaching staff.
Specifically, in engineering degrees (Benitti,
2012, Corter et al., 2011, Cortizo et al., 2010,
Fabregas et al., 2011, Garrison and Kanuka, 2004,
Méndez and González, 2010, Tiernan, 2010), these
solutions have proved to enhance students’
performance and they will be the main topic of
discussion in this study.
Several solutions were tested in these curricula.
For instance, in the automation and robotics
curricular units, by resorting to blended-learning (Jara
et al., 2011), in the teaching of JAVA programming
language (Alonso et al., 2009), in curricular units on
introductory studies to programming by using active
learning following the recommendations suggested
by the Bologna Declaration (Fernandez et al., 2011),
in mathematics tests (Macedo-Rouet et al., 2009), all
of them presenting efficient results in terms of the
students level of learning and performance, when
compared to face-to-face teaching.
In the control engineering courses, literature has
reported advancements in the use of remote
laboratories, although there are still some pedagogical
shortcomings that need to be overcome (Dormido et
al., 2008, Gomes and Bogosyan, 2009, Gomes et al.,
2007, Jara et al., 2009, Lazar and Carari, 2008).
Several methodologies, from other fields of
expertise, have been implemented in engineering’s
higher education teaching, namely, “Case Study”,
“Grounded Theory”, “Action Research”, “Problem-
Based Learning” and “Narrative Analysis” (Case and
Light, 2011). In this list is also included “the
Systematic Literature Review” methodology
(Borrego et al., 2014). Some of the texts cited in this
paper use some of these methodologies in
This paper seeks to identify the main tools used in
the teaching of engineering, specifically in electrical
and computer engineering, and the curricular units in
which they are being implemented. It will also seek
to identify the best current practices. The main
internal motivation for this research is to contribute
towards the improvement of the results obtained in
Pereira, C., Oliveira, P. and Reis, M.
Conceptual Mapping of the use of Non-Traditional Processes in Engineering’s Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0006311903080314
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 308-314
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
engineering degrees offered in universities. The
methodology used is based on a literature review
together with the systematization and presentation of
the findings through a conceptual mapping. This
study may contribute towards the improvement of the
teaching processes used in engineering.
Benitti’s (2012) study has made a systematic
literature review of the scientific productions
published between 2000 and 2009. The studies were
selected from the use of the following keywords:
“robotics”, “school” and their variations. The
databases used were: IEEE Xplore; ACM Digital
Library; ScienceDirect; SpringerLink; ERIC; and
Wilson Education. After a categorized selection of
197 articles, Benitti filtered, selected and analysed the
ten studies regarding the teaching processes that have
resorted to experiments with robots. As a result,
(Benitti, 2012, p. 988), the following engineering
courses were assessed: Computer programming,
geospatial concepts and engineering/robotics from
the studies by Barker and Ansorge (2007); Nugent et
al. (2008); Nugent et al. (2009); and the course
Systems and Computation (Sullivan, 2008). In these
studies, involving non-traditional methods, Benitti
(2012, p. 986) has identified the main skills
developed in students and has cited them according to
each author’s respective works: thinking skills;
science processing skills (Sullivan’s, 2008)
evaluation of solution, hypothesis generation,
hypothesis testing and control of variables, problem-
solving approaches and teamwork (Nugent et al.,
Tiernan (2010) has conducted an experiment with
91 students from industrial automation, for a period
of four years, seeking through the incorporation of
hardware linked programming to increase their
interests in research. By observing and recording the
students’ interest in a graphical-based computer
language for programming control and data
acquisitions, the LabVIEW software. During this
study, the software was used to describe and simulate
physical phenomena by using a mathematical model.
The software allows for the creation of applications
in a short amount of time without the need to have a
deep knowledge of programming languages. The
results have shown that the students’ experiences with
LabVIEW with associated hardware have increased
their interest and enthusiasm for the subject of
industrial automation.
2.1 Experiments using Blended-
Learning (BL)
Garrison and Kanuka’s (2004) article opens this
section because it offers a classical discussion on the
transformative potential of BL in the context of the
challenges of higher education. It presents the
potential of BL as a support for learning and it
discusses the need to rethink and restructure the
learning experience through its transformative
potential. Twelve years after it was written, its
premise “The academic benefit, evidence, and
competitive advantages are clear; only the will and
commitment remains. Blended learning can begin the
necessary process of redefining higher education
institutions as being learning centered and facilitating
a higher learning experience” (Garrison and Kanuka,
2004, p.104) confirms that BL is consistent with the
values of the traditional Higher Education institutions
and it has the proven potential to significantly
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the
learning experiences.
Cortizo et al.’s (2010) study presents an
application of Mechanical Couplings (MC)
developed for Mechanical Engineering students, by
using the BL approach. This tool allows students to
view simulations of coupling assembly, to access
databases on the technical characteristics of the
different types of couplings, to calculate and chose
the correct coupling for a specific application of
power drive between machine shafts and to perform
self-evaluation examinations. Cortizo et al. (2010)
have performed a detailed experimental analysis in
order to quantify the existing learning differences
between the traditional mode and through the use of
BL. The results showcase that the use of the MC
application, together with BL has increased the level
of knowledge of the students in the experimental
group, who have achieved the highest average mark
in the test. The results of the experiment have shown
that the solution has reduced the level of difficulty
when compared to the traditional mode (Cortizo et al.,
2010, p.1018) and it has increased the level of
knowledge of all the students (Cortizo et al., 2010,
p.1018), thus it can be evaluated as a useful tool in the
pedagogical teaching of mechanical engineering.
Méndez and González (2010) highlight the
ample use of BL in the teaching of courses on process
control in Electrical Engineering curricula. The study
is carried out within this scenario and it includes a
reactive element and a fuzzy logic based controller.
This controller was designed to regulate each
student’s workload, according to his/her activity and
performance. The non-traditional methodology
Conceptual Mapping of the use of Non-Traditional Processes in Engineering’s Higher Education
combines the traditional face-to-face classes with the
on-line resources: Modular Object Oriented
Development Learning Environment (Moodle), a
Content Management System (CMS) and the
ControlWeb simulator (Méndez and González, 2010,
p.857). The pedagogical results of the use of this
methodology, based on the students’ feedback, attests
to its efficiency in terms of learning degree,
satisfaction, motivation and performance in the
2.2 Experiments in Interactive Virtual
or Remote Laboratories
In engineering, undergraduate curricula, practical
activities demand laboratory experiments. Laboratory
experiments are fundamental towards the acquisition
of the necessary skills in the specific courses, and
these experiments may reinforce and deepen the
conceptual understanding of the content. Therefore,
next we will be presenting studies by Corter et al.
(2011), Fabregas et al. (2011) and Jara et al. (2011).
When assessing if these critical experiments can
be effectively performed remotely, or by
computational simulation, in an experimental study
carried out throughout many years, Corter et al.
(2011) assessed the learning results through processes
performed in three types of laboratories. The students
performed hands-on operations, remote-based
operations and operations based on practice
simulators. The results suggest that the work with real
data, instead of simulated data, may lead to higher
levels of motivation. They also suggest that learning
with computer mediated technologies can be
improved through a careful design and coordination
of individual and group activities (Corter et al., 2011,
p. 2054). In summary, Corter et al.’s (2011)
experiment has concluded that the new technologies
applied in remote and simulated laboratories may
effectively contribute towards the enrichment of the
understanding of the teaching of conceptual
Fabregas et al.’s (2011) study describes, through
a teacher’s orientation, how to transform a local
laboratory in a remote interactive laboratory (RL) to
be used in the teaching of courses in automatic control
systems. A university in Spain has used two software
tools: Simulink for the control area and Easy Java
Simulations (EJS), an authoring tool that allows for
the creation of interactive applications in Java without
demanding special programming skills from the
students. The study highlights its intention of
providing a pedagogical approach to teachers, in
order to facilitate the creation of remote laboratories.
The reported results were pedagogically positive.
Mainly, no statistical measures were used to
specifically evaluate the performance and variance of
the variables in the results.
Jara et al. (2011) have confirmed the
improvements in the learning of robotics and
automatics when the teaching in the classroom is
supported by laboratories with adequate experiments.
In order to minimize the high costs of equipment there
are several low-cost and flexible solutions developed
in order to achieve a better cost-benefit relation and
in order to allow for an effective teaching. Virtual and
remote laboratories are part of this group of solutions.
The study presents an experimental teaching based on
a BL method, by using a virtual and remote robotic
laboratory, the RobUAlab and another empirical
assessment of its efficiency without BL. The
RobUAlab offers a virtual environment which allows
the student to perform experiments with a simulated
robot arm, with the capacity to interact in its
simulated workspace and, with tele-operational
functions to execute the programmed task in a real
robot, identical to the simulated one (Jara et al., 2011,
p.2453). The students experiment in a set of exercises
in the face-to-face classes and, later, they will access
the experimentation environment to finish them
remotely in the RobUAlab. The results from the
evaluation of the proposed educational methodology
attest to its efficiency in terms of the students learning
and performance outcomes.
2.3 Experiments in Electrical and
Computer Engineering
We begin this section by highlighting the
aforementioned studies that were conducted
throughout the undergraduate curricula of electrical
and computer engineering: the study by Corter et al.
(2011), on the different types of remote and simulated
laboratories; Méndez and González (2010) that
highlights the use of BL on the topics of process
control. In the Computer Engineering curriculum,
Sullivan (2008) performed an experiment with 26
students by using observational and experimental
methods to measure the thinking skills and the
science processing skills in solving problems in the
robotics course. The pre/post test results revealed an
increased understanding of the systems.
A recent study by He et al. (2015) has researched
the impact of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) on the
electrical engineering students conceptual
understanding and compared it with the traditional
face-to-face classes. The experiment was performed
on 55 students. The participants completed pre/post
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
tests on the topics covered in the study and a learning
assessment research. The results suggest that the
participants with a PBL learning got double the gain
than that of a traditional learning.
Fernandez et al.’s (2011) experiment is
highlighted in a pilot case-study in an introductory
programming course in the undergraduate degree on
Computer Engineering, based on an active learning
strategy. The initiative tests the effect of the
application of the principles of the Bologna
Declaration in adopting teaching methods with
student-centred methodologies. It is understood that
the use of student-centred instructional strategies,
such as active learning, is an excellent initiative with
positive results. Nevertheless, the negative effects of
these kinds of actions will be discussed in the
following section.
2.4 Obstacles and Challenges
In the Electrical and Computer Engineering curricula,
the combination of methodologies and hybrid tools
have been discussed and have presented favourable
results, mainly, from the students’ motivational and
performance point of view.
The use of the term “hybrid” has been typically
associated to the combination of the on-line and face-
to-face instruction components (Garrison and
Kanuka, 2004). In Ward (2004) and Lindsay’s (2004)
rhetoric, in studies with homonymous titles, they refer
to this term as “the best of both worlds”. On the other
hand, in a study performed on the discipline “Society
and Technology”, based on time, Verkroost et al.
(2008) note that there aren’t clear and comparative
proportions between on-line time and face-to-face
time that allow for the definition of the BL, and its
implementation might undergo several variations.
Therefore, Verkroost et al. (2008) discuss the need for
an effective balance in the use of BL in learning.
Fernandez et al. (2011) by performing an
experiment in the introduction to programming
courses in the Computer Engineering curriculum,
discuss the difficulties that both the professors and the
students have in adapting to the teaching methods set
in the Bologna Declaration. The results have shown
good results for the students. However, it highlights
that the teaching system in the engineering curricula
is not fully ready to support the new instructional
process and it may still undergo several adaptations.
In an experimental study by Bowen et al. (2013),
performed with 605 students from the same course in
six public universities, random trials were used. The
results have shown that a hybrid instruction hasn’t
presented a statistically significant advantage when
compared to a traditional instruction. Actually,
students in the hybrid format have reported that they
have spent 0.3 hours more per week, than students in
the traditional format. This difference means that the
students in the hybrid format would spend about 18
percent more of his time studying than the students in
the traditional format. The next section presents a
conceptual mapping of the courses that used support
tools in the traditional teaching of engineering
A hierarchy diagram was chosen to visually
represent, in statements, the significant links between
the discovered concepts. This is a conceptual map
widely used in knowledge management studies and it
can be understood as a two-dimensional diagram,
whose main function is to display concepts
hierarchically organized and the relations between
them. The connection lines represent the relationship
between concepts (Moon et al., 2011). The computer
software used to create the conceptual map was Cmap
Tools Knowledge Modelling Kit.
This is a methodological tool which uses
assimilation theory to determine what the student
knows or what he/she discovered during the literature
review (Cañas et al., 2000, p. 1-2).
A recent study by Hagemans et al. (2013)
describes the experience of students who visualized
the conceptual map and overcame students who had
only conducted a descriptive analysis. Results show
that using conceptual maps helps to improve learning
and to discover connections between concepts (Wake
and Dysthe, 2007; Arnab et al., 2015; Rawson et al.,
2015; Dias et al., 2015; Alonso et al., 2009).
Based on the findings discussed throughout this
paper, a conceptual mapping of the non-traditional
teaching processes applied to the teaching of
engineering was created (Figure 1). Based on the
mapping it is possible to identify the courses in which
there were reports on the experiments and the main
methodologies used. The systematic vision offered by
figure 1 makes the analysis process of the scenario of
new teaching processes in engineering more dynamic.
The eight main categories were mapped because
they present positive results through the use of non-
traditional teaching processes. It should be noted that
the six main non-traditional teaching processes used
were associated to the courses. The limited amount of
courses found in the literature when compared to the
total volume of courses in a curriculum programme
should also be noted.
Conceptual Mapping of the use of Non-Traditional Processes in Engineering’s Higher Education
Figure 1: Mapping of the non-traditional teaching processes applied in engineering.
By analysing these reports on experiments applied in
engineering, none of them mentioned that they were
formally institutionalized processes. Therefore, we
can conclude that the outcomes from the presented
experiments result from individual initiatives by the
teachers of the courses, and not from teaching
patterns discussed and institutionalized in
engineering curricula pedagogical projects.
The conceptual mapping of the courses and
teaching processes, has allowed us to present the
findings in a systematic manner. Since the analysed
literature has shown a tendency for individual
initiatives reported in Electrical and Computer
Engineering, we have chosen to nominally cite each
unit reported in the map. Nevertheless, it is evident to
the reader, that the systematic vision of the mapping
leads to a diagnosis in which there would be a
possibility of a grouping of the courses by affinity
and/or similarity of contents. For example, it should
be noted that the two first courses shown in figure 1,
Computer Programming and JAVA Programming,
are both in the computer programming area, and there
are two others that could be grouped since they
belong to one great area: automation and control. In a
way, these findings allow us to understand that the
effective number of courses that are resorting to new
technologies or new processes, based on what has
been published internationally, has been a limiting
factor in engineering.
The challenges to engineering curricula for the
consolidation of these actions are still big, since it is
clear that there are difficulties that transcend the
classroom environment: the teachers need proper
training and they need to “buy the idea” of changing
from teaching-centred methods to student-centred
methodologies; the courses and institutions need to
institutionalize these methodologies in their
pedagogical projects and bear the burden of its
adaptation and implementation; it is also clear that
most engineering curricula have laboratory
limitations due to their high implementation and
maintenance costs. Therefore, initiatives in the use of
virtual or remote laboratories tend to emerge as a
means of meeting the students’ needs with their
limited resources and, therefore, they are not created
with the sole purpose of improving teaching
Adapting engineering curricula to the teaching
methods set in the Bologna Declaration, places the
responsibility of this adaptation on both the courses
and the Higher Education Institutions. The adoption
of student-centred active learning methodologies is
still challenging for the traditional teachers and the
process of creating a new culture is always lengthy
and it needs monitoring. It is up to the engineering
curricula (and courses) to be prepared to support the
new instructional context and the various adaptations
that arise from it.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Regarding the limitations of this paper, we could
not detail the multiple associations and combinations
used in the hybrid teaching methodologies described
here. Nevertheless, this analysis could uncover
functional synergies that may lead to better practices
to be implemented in engineering and which can
become potential topics for future research.
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CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education