Personalized Hotlink Assignment using Social Networks
Christos Makris, Konstantinos Siaterlis and Pantelis Vikatos
Computer Engineering & Informatics Department, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Hotlink Assignment, Personalization, Social Networks.
In this paper, we introduce a novel methodology for personalized website reconstruction. We combine context
and popularity of the web pages and the information of user’s interest from social media. We present an
efficient automatic web restructure placing suitable hotlinks between nodes of the generated website’s graph
using information of social media contrary to previous studies. In addition, our methodology includes an
innovative personalization scheme using a topic modeling approach to texts of users of social media to create
a graph of categories. We evaluate our approach counting user’s feedback about the ordering and relevance of
links to a website.
It is difficult to cover the needs of all users when the
number of pages and categories in a dynamic website
increase. Many websites contain hundreds or thou-
sands of different categories, creating difficulties to
find the page that the user wants degrading the quality
of the website. Also, the amount of information that
is provided by various agents grows rapidly according
to informational needs. The reconstruction of a web-
site based on the fluctuation of web page’s popularity
constitutes a significant factor to enhance websites.
The goal of reconstruction is to reach popular pages
in fewer steps starting from the homepage, improving
the browsing experience. A well-cited methodology
is the use of additional links i.e. hotlinks, that con-
nect popular web pages with its descendants reducing
the distance from the home page. A first approach has
been introduced in (Perkowitz and Etzioni, 2000) and
presents the idea of a modification of the link structure
of the website, minimizing the steps from homepage
to popular pages using hotlinks. However, the unilat-
eral use of popularity as a factor of browsing enhance-
ment might not be efficient due to the fact that differ-
ent users have different needs based on their prefer-
ences. Therefore the introduction of personalization
in the website reconstruction is necessary in order to
provide more targeted information. The extraction of
user’s interest and needs occurs in an explicit or im-
plicit manner. The main drawback of an explicit col-
lection of user feedback that it is not supported by all
users. In many studies, the implicit discovery of pref-
erences is fed by the browsing history of a user e.g.
clicks. An alternative approach is the use of the avail-
able information from social media in which a user
participates. Our study paper examines a method-
ology of website’s reconstruction by the concept of
hotlink assignment from a new point of view. An
algorithm is presented to ameliorate the accessibility
of non-popular pages which however are highly con-
ceptually relevant and recent trend according to so-
cial media, by adding extra links to them from highly
popular pages, resulting to fewer hops from the home-
page. Our methodology uses a local metric to rec-
ognize the accessibility of each web page separately
and the target is its minimization. Our study also de-
scribes an innovative personalization scheme discov-
ering a user’s interest through social media.
The main points of our contribution can be sum-
marized in the following sentences:
We propose a holistic procedure of a website’s re-
A generic scheme describes personalization
through social media.
We formulate a personalized hotlink assignment
We evaluate our methodology through users’ rel-
evance feedback.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 overviews related work, we motivate our re-
search from current challenges and related studies. In
Section 3, we provide an overview of the methodol-
ogy describing each independent task. It is noted we
present the algorithm of personalized hotlink assign-
Makris, C., Siaterlis, K. and Vikatos, P.
Personalized Hotlink Assignment using Social Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006296800710079
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 71-79
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ment in Section 3.4.2. Section 4 provides an overview
of the implementation of the system for modules and
sub-modules respectively and presents a reference to
our experimental results. Finally, in Section 5, we dis-
cuss the strengths and limitations of our approach and
we conclude the paper with an outlook to future work.
Enhancing web browsing experience has gained the
interest of researchers. The concept of assigning
hotlinks to websites has been suggested by Perkowitz
and Etzoni in (Perkowitz and Etzioni, 2000) where a
site is transformed using shortcutting in order to be
browsed efficiently by users. The clairvoyant user
model (Bose et al., 2000; Czyzowicz et al., 2001;
Kranakis et al., 2001) and the greedy user model (Ger-
stel et al., 2003; Jacobs, 2010; Jacobs, 2011; Matichin
and Peleg, 2007; Pessoa et al., 2004a; Pessoa et al.,
2004b) constitute the main methodologies in which
the presence of the hotlinks is known only for the
present node and the whole site respectively. Based
on the clairvoyant model to study (Bose et al., 2000)
has presented the problem of assigning hotlinks prov-
ing that solving the problem to a directed acyclic
graph (DAG) is NP-hard and introducing the upper
and lower bounds on the expected number to reach
leaves from the root (homepage) of a complete bi-
nary tree. Considering the website as a tree, study
(Czyzowicz et al., 2001) shows an O(n
) algorithm
for assigning a hotlink which outperforms greedy ap-
proaches. Studies (Gerstel et al., 2003; Pessoa et al.,
2004a) are focused in the greedy model with running
time exponential in the depth of the tree and thus
polynomial for trees of logarithmic depth and an im-
plementation of this algorithm able to discover opti-
mal solutions for trees as presented in (Pessoa et al.,
2004b). An approach of the natural greedy strategy
achieves at least half of the gain of an optimal solu-
tion. An algorithm of 2-approximation in terms of
the gain has been presented in (Matichin and Peleg,
2007). An improvement to hotlink assignment is pre-
sented in (Dou
ıeb and Langerman, 2005) in which a
linear-time algorithm where dynamic operations such
as node insertion, deletion and weight reassignment
are available. A common feature of all these studies is
that they do not combine the popularity of pages with
information on social media contrary to our study.
Another difference of our approach is that we han-
dle website as a directed acyclic graph contrary to the
assumption that the underlying model is a tree. Also,
we provide a unique personalized reconstructed site
for each user based on hotlink assignment.
Also, the current scientific interests focus on per-
sonalization schemes for search engines, web pages
and information systems. Personalization methodolo-
gies can be summarized in three main categories in
the way that the necessary information is collected i.e.
Explicit, implicit and hybrid. A plethora of web pages
and information systems use explicit personalization
and infer user interest based on predefined categories
that the user should select. For example, the well-
known search engine Google asks users to create a
profile by selecting categories of interests. Contrary
to this technique study (Kelly and Teevan, 2003) ex-
amines the improvement to search accuracy through
personalization using implicit feedback information.
Another proposed method (Matthijs and Radlinski,
2011) collects web usage data e.g. page session, URL
and duration of visit; to discover the preferences of a
user. Also, study (Peng et al., 2012) proposes a struc-
ture of categories (tree) with reference to Google di-
rectory. The category tree is updated through visits of
websites and shows the degree of interest. Also, there
are studies that combine implicit feedback from user
and information of social media interactions. Study
(Carmel et al., 2009) describes the creation of a profile
for each user using social networks for improvement
in web search. Also, study (Zhou et al., 2012) gathers
information from social media and implicitly person-
alizes the search results via query expansion. Further-
more, hybrid personalization schemes combine im-
plicit and explicit methods as study (Noll and Meinel,
2007) presents. Our methodology differs from the
previous ones by using a topic modeling algorithm
to social media text in order to create a graph where
each node constitutes a category of interest and each
weighted link the correlation between categories. The
importance of nodes in terms of ingoing and outgoing
links describes users’ preferences.
A summary of independent tasks that our methodol-
ogy consists of is given below:
Generation of website’s graph. The website is
modeled as a directed graph G(V,E) where nodes
and edges are pages and links of the website
respectively. Each node has a popularity at-
tribute and each edge includes a context-similarity
Extraction of website’s categories. Pages include
semantic information for search engine optimiza-
tion purposes. We extract the category of each
web page and create a list of categories for the
whole website.
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: System Architecture.
Extraction of user’s interest. Our personalization
scheme produces a list of categories derived from
user’s texts in social media. We gather raw texts
that the user posts on social media, then a topic
modeling algorithm produces the topics that are
introduced to a personalized category graph and
the Pagerank algorithm creates a ranked list of cat-
egories indicating user’s top preferences.
Creation of Hotlinks. We use shortcuts for a node
to one of its descendants. The goal is the enhance-
ment of the browsing experience. The distance
between the home page and popular pages is re-
Reconstruction of website. A variation of Pager-
ank algorithm prioritizes pages in terms of pop-
ularity, context-similarity and personal interest.
The existence of new links favors the reconstruc-
tion of the website.
In the following subsection tasks and modules of our
model are described in detail and Figure 1 presents
the system architecture.
3.1 Generation of Website’s Graph
We model the website as a graph G(V, E). Our pro-
cedure uses crawling which is handled by a dedicated
crawler that is developed for the task and that allows
sampling pages and links in a manner that network
properties are preserved and can be used in our mod-
eling procedure. The crawling is oriented to discov-
ering new nodes in a Breadth-First search (BFS) ap-
proach. We introduce an attribute calculating the pop-
ularity of each page/node and taking account a page’s
clicks as well as ranking in the social media trend list.
In addition, we use a term based text similarity ap-
proach to compare all web page pairs. The value of
similarity in each pair is stored in NxN matrix where
N is the number of different web pages.
3.2 Extraction of Categories
In our methodology, we declare that each page be-
longs to one category. For instance, the uses
categories such as news, sports, TV, music to structure
the information. Initially, the task finds the category
of each page using 2 different approaches:
1. Our crawler isolates the semantic information of
the page in order to extract the category of the
page e.g. RDF/XML
2. Topic modeling is performed at the text a web
page contains for the extraction of the topics.
From those topics a category is assigned.
We gather the categories and create a list which is
used in our personalization scheme as it is described
3.3 Personalization Scheme
In this section, our personalization approach is de-
scribed. There are three main approaches to extract a
user’s interests for personalization purposes i.e. Ex-
plicit, implicit & hybrid. Our scheme belongs to
the implicit category using information through so-
cial media in order to determine the user’s preferences
as Figure 2 presents. Our personalization scheme
has been inspired from study (Makris et al., 2008)
in which a graph of categories is used depicting the
current user’s preferences in search engine results in
a query. We adopt the method of using a graph, but
we differentiate extracting topics from the social net-
work. Our methodology extracts this type of infor-
mation via social media and more specifically using
user’s texts e.g. posts, tweets. The rest of this section
is dedicated to explaining in depth the methodology
of our scheme.
First of all, the system can operate as intended given
the fact that:
Personalized Hotlink Assignment using Social Networks
Figure 2: Personalization Scheme.
The user is active on social networks
The user willingly connects his/her social network
account with the system
A time window is defined and during this period texts
are collected constituting the current user’s interest.
The next step is the creation of a supertext for each
user which is refined by a preprocessing module in-
cluding stop-words removal, tokenization and stem-
ming. The outcome of the preprocessing step is a
vector of words that is introduced in a Topic mod-
eling algorithm. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
(Krestel et al., 2009) is used for the extraction of top-
ics. The extracted topics are semantically compared
with fixed categories. This step is necessary to con-
nect the user’s interests with the categories from an
information system; e.g. search machine, website. To
compare a topic with a category, Wu&Palmer metric
(Equation 1) calculates semantic similarity using the
depths of two synsets in the WordNet taxonomies (Wu
and Palmer, 1994; Pedersen et al., 2004), along with
the depth of the LCS (Least Common Subsumer).
wup(s1,s2) =
2 depth(LCS)
depth(s1) + depth(s2)
Each word in the extracted topics is compared to cat-
egories and the category with the maximum similar-
ity is stored in a graph H if it exceeds a threshold
T . Graph H called the category graph, is a complete
graph containing nodes, which are the categories and
weighted links between categories whose weights are
formulated by the Equation 2,
w(e(u,v)) =
) LDAr(t
where t
is the topic k that exceeds threshold T and
belongs to the category u. LDAr(t
) and LDAr(t
constitute the ranking of topic k and l by using LDA
procedure respectively. All topic combinations of the
nodes u,v are used.
For instance, to calculate the weight of the edge
e(1,2) in Figure 2, the ranking of topics Cat 1 and
Cat 2 is extracted and the weight is calculated in the
following manner: w(e(1,2)) =
= 1 +
= 4/3.
The weights in links are updated when a new sample
of texts is mined for a specific user. The proposed per-
sonalization scheme is generic and can be applied to
search engines in order to improve the ranking results.
3.4 Creation of Hotlinks
3.4.1 Hotlink Assignment
The concept of hotlink assignment (Perkowitz and
Etzioni, 2000; Czyzowicz et al., 2001; Bose et al.,
2000; Pessoa et al., 2004a) constitutes a methodology
of websites’ reconstruction, concerning the popular-
ity of the web pages. The goal is the enhancement of
browsing experience, reducing the distance between
the homepage and popular nodes by adding hotlinks
(shortcuts from a node to one of its descendants). Ac-
cording to previous studies, a website can be modeled
as a tree T = (V, E) which V is the set of web pages
and E is the set of links. Each leaf-web page con-
tains a weight representing the popularity of the web
page. We declare that T
is the tree formulated by an
assignment A of hotlinks. The expected number of
steps needed from the homepage to reach a web page
on a leaf is calculated by Equation 3
, pop] =
is a lea f
(i)pop(i) (3)
where d
(i) is the distance of the leaf i from the root
in T
, and pop = {pop
: i is a lea f } is the proba-
bility distribution which derives from the distribution
of popularity weights on the leaves in initial tree T.
The minimization of this equation is the scope of the
hotlink assignment algorithm.
Study (Antoniou et al., 2010) proposes an innova-
tive methodology which not only uses the frequency
of accessibility of popular pages, but also introduces
the context-similarity of websites in the decision of
adding extra links from non-popular pages. We use
the same methodology as it is described in (Antoniou
et al., 2010), however, our approach combines infor-
mation given by social media in order to recalculate
the value of popularity in each node. In our methodol-
ogy a website is modelled as a directed acyclic graph
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(DAG), G(V, E) where |V | = n, i.e. website has n
pages, and each edge has a weight w
(i, j) [0, 1],
which declares the content similarity between pages i
and j. Also each node has a popularity weight pop
In related works (Perkowitz and Etzioni, 2000; Czy-
zowicz et al., 2001; Bose et al., 2000; Pessoa et al.,
2004a; Antoniou et al., 2010), pop
is calculated by
the distribution of clicks in order to split web pages in
POP and NonPOP sets which include the popular and
non-popular web pages respectively. Contrary to this
concept, we consider web pages that have many vis-
its in the past may also be obsolete and outdated and
thus we introduce the information of trending topics
through social media.
Let T T = {tt
} be a set of Top-N trend topics
from social media, ranked from 1 to n. Also C
is the
category of the i
web page. The popularity of the
web page is formed by social media current trends as
the following equation shows:
rankFact = (1 + log
(N rank(tt
simFact = (1 + wup(tt
= rankFact simFact clicks
where wup(tt
) is the maximum Wu&Palmer sim-
ilarity (Wu and Palmer, 1994; Pedersen et al., 2004)
between each trend and the category i, clicks
is the
s web page’s clicks and the rank(tt
) is the rank of
the topic with the maximum Wu&Palmer similarity.
The popularity of a website is increased if and only if
the category has the same or nearby semantic with the
trend and the trend is highly ranked. The lowest value
of pop
equals the number of visits to the web page
The algorithm of hotlink assignment discovers all
paths between a random page (source) of the graph
and a page from the POP set (target). We count the
popularity of a path as it follows:
Path pop
i, j
#in edges
Figure 3 describes the calculation of the path’s popu-
larity. Candidate hotlinks are assigned between Non-
POP nodes, that exist in the path with the maximum
Path pop, and the target node. There are two criteria
that define the final selection of hotlinks. Firstly, we
examine if the distance between the target and source
is reduced. Then, we check the semantic similarity
between target and NonPOP page. The hotlink with
the most semantic similarity is created. The Non-
POP page that is linked with a hotlink is removed
from the NonPOP set and the procedure is contin-
ued until NonPOP set is empty. Then the remain-
ing POP set is split as follows |POP| = |NonPOP| =
|Web pages|/2. The algorithm is described in detail
in Section 3.4.2.
Figure 3: For example, path pop(A, D) =
#in edges
12/3 + 6/2 + 2/1 + 4/1 = 13. Let (A, B,C,D) be the path
with the maximum popularity. Let B be a node from Non-
POP set, creating an edge(red line) the path is reduced by
3.4.2 The Algorithm
In this section, the personalized hotlink assignment is
described in the Algorithm 1. The algorithm is initi-
ated with the input elements of the Table 1.
Table 1: Algorithm’s Variables.
Variable Notion
G(V,E) Website Structure as a graph
userID User’s social media id := j
WC Website’s Categories
Th Threshold
CM Context-Similarity Matrix
pr Preprocessed super text of user j
Categories of Personalization Graph
TR Social media trends
List of topics of User j
(V,E) Personalization Graph
At lines 1 through 5, the algorithm performs the ini-
tialization step and an ordered list of interest is ex-
tracted. The Procedure 1, rank Cat Graph(), is used
to extract the ordered list of categories PR
of each
user j. Internally the procedure uses a preprocess-
ing phase, which includes tokenization, the removal
of stopwords, the extraction of tokens’ lemma, in or-
der to create a supertext of terms ST
pr that they will
be introduced in LDA algorithm. The PageRank algo-
rithm creates the ranking list PR
of categories in the
category graph PG which each node is the website’s
category WC. The specification of nodes and edges’
weight has been described in Section 3.3. At lines 6
Personalized Hotlink Assignment using Social Networks
to 9, the popularity of each node is calculated using
Equation 4. At lines 10-16, the POP and NonPOP
lists are created based on the distribution of popular-
ity in the nodes of the graph G.
Procedure 1: rank Cat Graph().
1: input T h, WC,C
, ST
2: output PR
3: PG
(V,E) = {}
4: T P
5: for each t T P
6: maxSim, cat := findMax(wup(t,WC))
7: if maxSim > T h then
8: C
(cat) = C
(cat) LDAr(t)
9: end if
10: end for
11: for each l C
12: for each m C
13: l,m := t
topic on cat C
14: if l 6= m then
15: V
= V
m l
16: E
= E
17: w(e(m,l)) = Equation 2
18: end if
19: end for
20: end for
21: return PageRank(PG
From line 17 to 32, the algorithm creates the hotlinks
as it is described in Section 3.4.1. A slightly adjusted
PageRank (Aux) is used to rank the nodes of the graph
H combining the incoming links with nodes’ context-
similarity nodes. The similarity between web pages
is called Simetric and is initially equal to
and Aux is equal to 0. We use the following recursive
formula for web page i:
Aux(i) = Aux(i) +
Simetric(v) sim(v,i)
#outgoing links o f v
where In(i) is the incoming web pages to page i,
Simetric(i) =
+(1 q) Aux(i) where q is a
dumping factor and sim(v,i) is the context-similarity
of web pages v and i.
The output of the algorithm is a ranking list of web
pages based on popularity, context-similarity and per-
sonalized information from social media.
3.5 Reconstruction of Website
Algorithm 1 provides a list of links in a descending
order. Our approach uses this information in order to
reconstruct the website.
Algorithm 1: Personalized Hotlinks.
1: input G(V,E), userID, WC, Th, T
i, j
, C
, T R,
2: output H(V,E), R
= {}
3: H = G
4: PR
= rank Cat Graph(T h, WC,C
, PG
5: G
= G
6: for each node G
7: maxSim, rank(tt
) =
findMax(wup(T R, node{
8: w
= Equation 4
9: end for
10: while |PoP| < |G|/2 do
11: maxPOP, maxNode = findMaxWeight(G
12: G
= G
13: POP = POP maxNode
14: end while
15: NonPOP = NonPOP V
16: P
= probabilityDistr(POP)
17: while NonPOP 6= {} do
18: source = chooseRand(G,1/|G|)
19: target = chooseRand(POP,P
20: Path = findMaxPopPath(G, source, target)
21: Path = Path {Path POP}
22: for each node Path do
23: G
= H
24: E
= E
25: if minPath(G
, source, target) <
minPath(G, source, target) then
26: candNodes = candNodes node
27: end if
28: end for
29: y = f indMaxCSim(candNodes,target)
30: E
= E
31: end while
32: R = Aux(H)
We declare that this procedure does not remove
links or nodes from the website. The reconstructed
website is updated when a current time window of so-
cial media crawling occurs or new pages are added to
the website. We denote that changes of user’s inter-
est can be detected by continuous sampling of his/her
social media activity. Also, we introduce the informa-
tion of trending topics through social media in order
to filter web pages that, even if they had many visits
in the past might be obsolete. The restructure starts
from the homepage of the website. The context of the
homepage and the links to other pages remain on the
page. We retrieve from graph H the links of the page
and the new ones (hotlinks) that have been created.
We place the new links based on the ranking list. We
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
traverse the graph using the outgoing links in a
Breadth-First search (BFS) approach. The procedure
continues until the content of all pages and the new
links are placed on the reconstructed website.
4.1 Implementation
We conducted an experimental procedure using rele-
vance feedback from users. The scenario includes the
creation of a web interface in which users are regis-
tered via a Twitter account. If the Twitter account is
active our system gathers the necessary information
(tweets & tweets of user’s friends). Then, a ranking
list of links with title, description and image is pre-
sented. The ranking list is produced using the algo-
rithm of hotlink assignment as it is presented in (An-
toniou et al., 2010). Each user has the ability to read
the description, browse to the provided links and the
obligation to score each page in scale 0-3 according
to his/her interest, where 0 means not interested and
3 means very interested. After submission of scores,
a new list of ranked links is presented based on Al-
gorithm 1. The user acts in the same way as in the
previous stage.
We aggregated news and their links from the
and a graph was created based on this well-
known website. The popularity of each page was re-
trieved from the web-based company Alexa
provides popularity metrics for domains and sub-
We used Twitter to extract the necessary informa-
tion. Our server gathers the recent 100 tweets from
the tested user as well as tweets from the recently
mentioned user’s friends. The selected tweets initiate
the personalization procedure as described in Section
3.3. It is noted that the LDA algorithm is formulated
for 10 topics in user’s supertext. Based on tests that
we selected the average number of tweets and men-
tioned friends was 73 and 34 respectively and the av-
erage number of nodes in the category graph was 24
as Table 3 shows.
Our system was implemented in Python 2.7. We
collected data from users and the users’ friends us-
ing the Twitter API and we performed topic modeling
on the tweets using LDA
. We used NLTK
for preprocessing and content similarity measurement
and networkx
module for graph handling. The web
interface for the evaluation phase was designed with
PHP/HTML and users’ relevance feedback data was
stored on a dedicated MySQL server for post analy-
4.2 Results
Providing a better insight into the quality of our exper-
imental data, Table 2 and Table 3 present the statistics
of the website’s DAG as well as the average tweets
per user and the number of friends we have sampled
Table 2: Hotlink Assignment Graph Stats.
Properties Value
Nodes 1220
Edges 2226
Avg Degree 1.824
Longest Path 15
Table 3: Personalization Stats.
Properties Value
Avg #tweets 73.6
Avg # rel categories 24.3
Avg # of friends 34.2
In Figure 4 we compare the distances from home-
page to random nodes between the context-similarity
based hotlinks assignment as it is presented in study
(Antoniou et al., 2010) and our implementation. We
present the percentage improvement in the distance as
we gradually increase the size of the website’s DAG.
We can consider that our implementation outperforms
and improves the distance by an average of 2%. Fur-
thermore, Figure 5 presents the improvement of rank-
ing on the nodes between our implementation and the
algorithm of (Antoniou et al., 2010). We present the
number of improved nodes increasing gradually with
the size of the website’s DAG. We can see that the
ranking of nodes is improved as we raise the Aux
of nodes relevant to the trending topics from social
media. Our website consists of 1200 nodes and the
algorithm ranks 60 nodes better due to trending top-
ics. Furthermore, we evaluate users’ relevance feed-
back via the normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain
(nDCG) as Equation 7 shows
Personalized Hotlink Assignment using Social Networks
Figure 4: Difference % on improved distance.
Figure 5: Improvement on nodes’ ranking.
= rel
(i + 1)
where, rel
is user’s response in the range 0(not in-
terested) - 3(very interested) for the i
result. The
iDCG is the ideal ranking based on user’s preferences.
We present the nDCG values in Figure 6. We con-
ducted the experiment over 30 individuals
. Each
individual evaluates our methodology for 10 inde-
pendent times. We present the average nDCG value
for each individual and for both implementations in
Figure 6. We consider that our implementation ef-
ficiently targets the user’s interests in comparison to
study (Antoniou et al., 2010). More specifically 83%
of users’ responses declare the provided information
on our methodology depicts their preferences.
Our study deals with the problem of personalization
in hotlink assignment. The first innovation in our
methodology is the use of information about social
media and, in particular, trend topics on Twitter in or-
der to recalculate the attribute of popularity in each
undergraduate students of Computer Engineering and
Informatics Department, University of Patras, Greece
Figure 6: nDCG - Hotlink vs Personalized Hotlink.
node of the graph. It is noted that previous works deal
with the popularity of a web page only with clicks
that pages receive from users during browsing. The
second contribution is the detailed description of a
personalization scheme that handles explicit informa-
tion from raw texts of social media and creates a rank-
ing list of categories describing users’ interests. The
scheme is generic and can be used in implementations
that need personalization such as search engines and
information systems. Also, a new algorithm of per-
sonalized hotlink assignment is described. According
to the experimental procedure, our methodology pro-
vides efficient results in terms of distance between the
homepage and other pages, ranking of web pages and
relevance on users’ preferences.
The main points of our contribution based on the
experimental results can be summarized in the follow-
ing sentences:
We reduce the distance between the homepage
and other popular pages in the graph in a way that
affects the browsing experience due to the fact that
users can reach in fewer steps his/her preferences.
We differentiate the nodes ranking via relevance
of the trend topics on Twitter. The experiments
show that the increase of the number of nodes
is correlated to the number of nodes that are im-
proved in terms of ranking.
We provide a ranking list of web pages that effi-
ciently targets the user’s interests.
As future work, we are interested in examining
the comparison of our methodology in different social
networks such as Facebook and identify the parame-
ters that influence the results of our algorithm. Our
study can capture user’s preferences in a single lan-
guage, however. our plan is to extend our work for
multilingual personalization.
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