Integration of Vehicle Detection and Distance Estimation using Stereo
Vision for Real-Time AEB System
Byeonghak Lim, Taekang Woo and Hakil Kim
Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Korea
Keywords: Stixel, Vehicle Detection, Distance Estimation, Surface Normal Vector, Stereo Vision, Convolutional
Neural Network, Autonomous Emergency Braking System.
Abstract: We propose an integrated system for vehicle detection and distance estimation for real-time autonomous
emergency braking (AEB) systems using stereo vision. The two main modules, object detection and
distance estimation, share a disparity extraction algorithm in order to satisfy real-time processing
requirements. The object detection module consists of an object candidate region generator and a classifier.
The object candidate region generator uses stixels extracted from image disparity. A surface normal vector
is computed for validation of the candidate regions, which reduces false alarms in the object detection
results. In order to classify the proposed stixel regions into foreground and background regions, we use a
convolutional neural network (CNN)-based classifier. The distance to an object is estimated from the
relationship between the image disparity and camera parameters. After distance estimation, a height
constraint is applied with respect to the distance using geometric information. The detection accuracy and
distance error rate of the proposed method are evaluated using the KITTI datasets, and the results
demonstrate promising performance.
Recently, driving safety has become more important
and interest in intelligent vehicle systems has
increased. For this reason, the technology for the
Advanced Driving Assistant System (ADAS) and
autonomous cars has undergone continual develop-
ment. In particular, the demand for Autonomous
Emergency Braking (AEB) systems is increasing as
the Euro NCAP has mandated their installation from
model year 2018 onwards.
Many studies on AEB systems have suggested
technologies using various sensors to find obstacles
and measure the distance to them. Radar and
LiDAR-based approaches achieve good performance
with high quality point clouds. However, these
systems cost thousands of dollars and require
periodic maintenance at least every three years. It is
also difficult for these approaches to distinguish
different types of obstacles. Therefore, studies in
recent years have focused on image sensors using
camera-based technologies. The advantage of a
camera-based approach is that it can obtain detailed
obstacle information so that the proper decision can
be made with respect to the type of obstacle.
Although development of monocular camera-based
ADAS has been attempted, the distance error rate is
too high to be commercialized. A stereo camera is
more commonly used in order to take advantage of
the detailed information available through the
disparity between the two images.
It is difficult to process whole images in real-
time because image processing is a pixel-wise
computation. Thus, the processing time increases
exponentially as the complexity of the algorithm and
input image size increase. We propose a new
integrated object detection and distance estimation
method based on the stereo camera for real-time
AEB systems. The main novelties of our proposed
method are as follows:
We introduce real-time integration for AEB
systems by using algorithmically generated, low
complexity regions of interest (ROIs).
We apply a surface normal vector (SNV)
validation process to minimize errors in the
candidate regions caused by low quality stereo
Lim, B., Woo, T. and Kim, H.
Integration of Vehicle Detection and Distance Estimation using Stereo Vision for Real-Time AEB System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006296702110216
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2017), pages 211-216
ISBN: 978-989-758-242-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Hypothesis ROI generation flow chart (a) Input
image (b) Disparity and V-disparity (c) Removing Ground
(d) Height Constraint (e) Stixel Extraction (f) Stixel
We use a convolutional neural network (CNN)
with efficiently reduced input data for
Many vehicle detection algorithms based on
stereo vision have been developed in recent years.
Vehicle detection using sparse density stereo
matching with image features (Cabani et al., 2005)
and geometry (Chang et al., 2005) was mainly used
in the mid-2000s. Some studies used additional
motion information like optical flow (Franke et al.,
2005) to find differences between the object and the
background. In the late-2000s, mid-level
representation methods (Elfes, 1989, 2013; Badino
et al. 2009; Qin, 2013) appeared and became widely
used. The main approach in these methods was to
design algorithms to cluster pixels into a hypothesis
segments (Barrois et al., 2013; Barth et al., 2009;
Broggi et al., 2010). To overcome the technical
limits of processing only image pixel values, motion
from object tracking has been used and yielded great
progress since 2010 (Danescu et al., 2011; Erbs et al.,
As the parallel processing capability of hardware
has improved, CNN-based visual processing
algorithms have showed outstanding performance in
many visual recognition and detection challenges
(Everingham et al., 2012; Russakovsky et al., 2015).
Figure 2: Stixel clustering.
For this reason, CNN detection algorithm
development has exploded (Ren et al., 2015). A
single shot object detection approach has also
appeared, and revealed the possibility that CNN can
be used in real-time systems (Redmon et al., 2015;
Liu et al., 2015).
The detection and distance estimation modules share
a disparity map extraction algorithm, which accounts
for half of the entire processing time for the real-
time integrated system. Each module uses this
disparity map as needed. The stereo matching
method used for generating the disparity map is a
local matching with low computational cost. The
details of the stereo matching algorithm will not be
covered in this paper because the algorithm can be
replaced as necessary.
The vehicle detection algorithm consists of two
sequential parts. One is the hypothesis ROI
generator based on stixels, and the other is a
classifier based on CNN. In region-based CNN
detection algorithms, blob detection is commonly
used as a region proposal method (Van de Sande et
al., 2013; Matas et al., 2004). However, this usually
requires a lot of time because there are hundreds of
different blobs in an image, and various scales of
blobs should be considered. Therefore, we replaced
this algorithm with our ROI generator, which only
requires a few milliseconds when using a disparity
map, to enable our integrated system to run in real-
2.1 Stixel Hypothesis ROI Generation
The main concept behind our hypothesis ROI
generation is to use a low cost stereo matching
algorithm, though the resulting disparity map quality
VEHITS 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 3: Example of hypothesis ROI generation flow.
is poor. In order to remedy the disparity map errors
caused by low quality stereo matching, we use
surface normal vectors (SNV) to validate the object
candidate regions. Figure 1 shows a flow chart for
the stixel ROI generating algorithm.
The stixel is one of the mid-level representation
methods, which uses an occupancy grid and digital
elevation map (Elfes, 1989, 2013; Qin, 2013). We
borrow the basic concept of the stixel by using the
distance and height information of objects.
Ground estimation is important for extracting a
high quality stixel. Because the stixel is
perpendicular to the ground, the ground information
has great influence on the stixel estimation result.
Here, we assume the ground is flat to simplify the
situation. V-disparity is a graph of the frequency of
disparity values along the v-axis. This is used to
estimate the ground. The dominant line which
represents the ground is estimated using RANSAC,
which is an efficient model estimator. After finding
the ground, we can remove it from the disparity
image and constrain the height. A stixel is obtained
by drawing a line from top to bottom such that the
disparity pixel value is greater than 0. The stixels are
then clustered to generate the object bounding box
ROIs. We adopt the clustering method (Ester et al.,
1996) to cluster stixels into ROIs. This method first
select a seed which is the closest and the leftmost.
After that, the stixels within the radius threshold are
clustered into one object candidate as shown in
Figure 2. We assumed that a car size could not over
2.5 meters.
2.2 Surface Normal Vector Validation
In section 2.1, we introduced the algorithm for ROI
generation. The ROIs obtained through local
matching are not always reliable because of the
disparity error. For example, wet ground and a field
Figure 4: Example of surface normal vector.
that reflects light are incorrectly recognized as
objects as shown in Figure 3. The SNV is applied to
solve this problem. The SNV can be calculated using
the formula below with 3 points, A, B and C, which
lie on the plane of the image as shown in Figure 4.
For this method, the selection of A, B and C
affects performance. Thus, we heuristically select
pixels with the distance interval, double of the
disparity resolution, using the best result from the
experiment to determine value change. We
determine the dominant normal vector by using the
adaptive mean shift. While the original mean shift
searches for the mean value with a fixed kernel
range, the adaptive mean shift uses a dynamic kernel
range. Finally, errors are removed by examining the
direction of the dominant normal vector in the ROI.
2.3 CNN Vehicle Classification
In order to separate the candidate regions into the
foreground and background, we adopt the CNN as a
classifier. Our base CNN network is constructed
using only basic 3x3 convolutional filters (Simonyan
et al., 2014), which are optimized on the NVIDIA
embedded board using their SDK. All fully
connected layers in the final section of the network
are replaced with convolutional layers to reduce
processing time (Lin et al., 2013).
Integration of Vehicle Detection and Distance Estimation using Stereo Vision for Real-Time AEB System
Figure 5: Classifier network model.
We save approximately one-third of the total
processing time by removing the fully connected
layers. For additional performance enhancements in
the detection rate, we applied the residual
connection introduced in (He et al., 2015). Most
CNN detection algorithms use an entire image as an
input to the convolutional layers for computational
sharing. However, in real-world driving environment
images, objects rarely take up a huge portion of the
image. Therefore, we only use the object regions as
inputs. The input image should be resized to 32x32
pixels to form the mini-batches for parallel
processing. Figure 5 illustrates the network model
used for our method.
2.4 Distance Estimation
The distance to objects is estimated from the
disparity information in the ROI. It is determined by
the following formula:
where Z is the distance, f is the focal length, B is the
distance between the two lenses of the stereo camera,
and d is the representative disparity. The
representative disparity is selected as the maximum
value in the disparity value histogram, which is the
shortest distance from the object to the camera.
Figure 6: Result images.
We apply the height constraint again using the
more precise distance to reject objects that are too
tall to be considered.
The detection accuracy and distance error rate were
evaluated using the KITTI dataset benchmark
(Geiger et al., 2012). In order to use the distance
information in the KITTI annotations, we divided
the image set into 3712 images for the training sets
and 3769 images of the validation sets. We followed
the dividing policy used in the paper by (Chen et al,
2015), which considers the correlation between
sequential images. For the CNN training data, we
use the ground truth, the stixel candidate regions,
and random cropped images. We decided that the
threshold for positive sets would be an overlap ratio
with the ground truth above 0.5, and the negative
sets would be any with an overlap ratio below 0.5.
To prove that the performance of our module is
reasonable, we conducted a comparative experiment
on detection rate with SSD (Liu et al., 2015) which
is the representative real-time CNN detection
algorithm. Table 1 displays the average precision
rate for ‘Car’ detection. The precision results for the
stixel with SNV validation is 2.18% higher than that
without SNV validation. In order to analyze the
effect of our separate modules on the precision rate,
we also evaluated detection precision on the ground
truth regions. This result demonstrated the capability
of the CNN classifier and we determined that the
stixel clustering must be improved to achieve better
detection results.
VEHITS 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Table 1: Average Precision Results on Car Class.
Method AP(%)
Stixel + CNN 60.76
Stixel(SNV) + CNN 62.94
Ground Truth + CNN 91.14
SSD 65.20
The distance error rate was evaluated on objects
over 5 m away, and the accuracy was 92.51%.
Because we limit the length of the epipolar line to
search the corresponding points, distances less than
5 m are not reliable.
Table 2: Distance estimation error rate.
Constraint Error rate(%)
> 5 m 7.49
> 0 m 8.33
Processing time was also evaluated across
several platforms to validate the real-time system.
We checked the average processing time over five
iterations. The result on PC is 25 fps, and on the
NVIDIA TX1 board is 11 fps, as shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Processing Time.
Platform Processing Time (ms)
(Titan X/i5 4670)
ROI generator 23
Classifier 16
ROI generator 51
Classifier 39
We introduced an integration of vehicle detection
and a distance estimation algorithm for real-time
AEB systems. Our main innovation is to share
disparity map generation, which is the most time-
consuming algorithm, for both object detection and
distance estimation. To reduce the processing time,
we use local matching, which is fast, but not very
reliable. We alleviate this problem with SNV. The
processing time satisfies real-time requirements on
PC, and almost reaches real-time on an embedded
board, the TX1. The detection performance is
reasonable when compared to the results of other
real-time detection modules.
Through the experimental results, we observed
that the proposed classifier does not fully utilize its
classification capabilities and determined that there
is room for improvement in this aspect. Future work
will include development of an improved stixel
clustering method to enable the CNN classifier
model to be fully utilized. Additionally, the CNN
classifier model can be re-designed to achieve better
performance. Our CNN model has very basic
convolutional layers, which could be replaced with a
state-of-the-art model (Szegedy et al., 2016). We
assumed the ground is flat and is estimated from a
straight line in the v-disparity. However, in the real
world, the ground is not always flat. Therefore, the
estimated line in the v-disparity should be curved to
more accurately find the ground.
This work was supported by the Industrial
Technology Innovation Program, “10052982,
Development of multi-angle front camera system for
intersection AEB,” funded by the Ministry of Trade,
Industry, & Energy (MI, Korea).
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