Factors Influencing Adoption of IoT for Data-driven Decision
Making in Asset Management Organizations
Paul Brous, Marijn Janssen, Daan Schraven, Jasper Spiegeler and Baris Can Duzgun
Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX, Delft, Netherlands
Keywords: IoT, Internet of Things, Asset Management, Data Governance, Decision Making.
Abstract: Organizations tasked with managing large scale, public civil infrastructure are increasingly looking at data to
drive their asset management decision-making processes. The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the creation of
data that can be used to gain further insights into the current and predicted state of the infrastructure and may
help automate the asset management process. Yet, it remains unclear to what extent data from IoT impacts
decision-making in public asset management organizations. The objective of this paper is to explore
implementation factors for adoption of new data sources for decision-making in asset management
organizations. Based on a systematic literature review and case studies in the asset management domain, this
paper derives the current use and expectations of new data sources for decision-making in asset management.
The paper concludes that although recent technological developments have enabled the deployment of IoT
for asset management, the current level of adoption remains low. The inherent complexity of adopting a data-
driven approach to asset management requires an effective data governance strategy to ensure data quality,
manage expectations, build trust and integrate IoT data in decision-making processes.
Many organizations tasked with managing civil
infrastructure routinely store large volumes of data.
More and more, new sources provide this data for
producing and collecting real world data that can be
communicated on the internet, such as sensor devices,
social media, and user-generated data (Barnaghi et
al., 2013). When these resources communicate and
are integrated, many physical objects are able to act
in unison, by means of ambient intelligence (Ramos
et al., 2008). The object becomes a part of a complex
system in which the whole is greater than the sum of
its parts (Miller and Page, 2009). The Internet of
Things (IoT) describes a situation whereby physical
objects are connected to the Internet and are able to
communicate with, and identify themselves to, other
devices (Atzori et al., 2010). For example, this may
include GPS-based navigation applications for
smartphones based on real-time traffic information
shared by other drivers, or real-time weather service
based on the information updated by sensors of users’
smartphones or weather radars and other weather
observation tools (Zhang et al., 2015).
This research takes place in the asset management
domain of large scale civil infrastructure. Asset
management (AM) is important for this industry as
the success of an enterprise often depends on its
ability to use and manage its assets efficiently
(Koronios et al., 2005) and effectively (Schraven et
al., 2011). AM is a discipline for optimizing and
applying strategies related to work planning decisions
in order to effectively and efficiently meet the desired
objective (Mohseni, 2003; Mathew et al., 2008;
Hastings, 2010).
IoT is important to AM because an object that can
communicate digitally also becomes connected to
surrounding objects and data infrastructures. For
example, it is possible to determine the position and
length of traffic jams, and to monitor trends,
variations, and relationships in the road network over
time using smartphone data, networked sensors and
cameras to analyze traffic flow (Brous and Janssen,
2015b). But in order for IoT data to be accepted by
asset managers, a variety of barriers such as trust and
acceptance still need to be overcome (Brous and
Janssen, 2015a). The concept of trust is often used in
various contexts and with different meanings. Trust is
a complex notion which is hard to define, although its
importance in data-driven decision-making is widely
recognized (Sicari et al., 2015).
Brous, P., Janssen, M., Schraven, D., Spiegeler, J. and Duzgun, B.
Factors Influencing Adoption of IoT for Data-driven Decision Making in Asset Management Organizations.
DOI: 10.5220/0006296300700079
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 70-79
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
IoT devices and the communication between these
devices may benefit the management of civil
infrastructures by providing enough quality data to
generate trusted information required to make the
right decisions at the right time (Brous and Janssen,
2015b), helping organizations improve their decision
making capability. However, the quality of this data
has been seen to vary greatly over time (Barnaghi et
al., 2013). Trusted data is regarded as essential to
aiding the decision-making process in asset
management (Haider et al., 2006). Having trusted
data is therefore essential for organizations which
have data driven decision making processes.
IoT data can vary widely in format and
representation, and determining the quality of data is
important to allow asset managers to trust IoT data,
especially in use-case scenarios where the data is
made available by a large number of different
providers (Barnaghi et al., 2013). The satisfaction of
trust requirements is often related to identity
management and access control (Sicari et al., 2015),
and as real world data can be related to people,
privacy and security are also key concerns (Barnaghi
et al., 2013). The challenge is greater when the scale
of the data and the number of different parties that can
access and process the data increase.
It is often assumed that public organizations are
well equipped to handle data, but this is not always
the case (Thompson et al., 2015). The objective of the
paper is therefore to explore conditions and factors
for effective and sustainable adoption of new data
sources for decision-making in asset management
organizations. Data management is complex and it is
difficult to understand and assess the issues
surrounding this process (Grus et al., 2010). It can be
difficult to attribute success or failure of data
management projects to one or more specific factors.
Because data management is complex, there is an
interrelationship between the sociological and
technical dimensions of data management, and it is
difficult to track cause-and-effect relationships
(Brous et al., 2015).
Data management issues often do not arise from
existing business rules or the technology itself, but
from a lack of sound data governance (Thompson et
al., 2015). Data governance has recently received
wide-spread attention from practitioners as
organizations are becoming increasingly serious
about the notion of “data as an asset”. Data
governance is about identifying the fundamental
decisions regarding data that need to be made and
who should be making them (Khatri and Brown,
The methodology used in this research is
described in section two. In section three a systematic
review of literature derives the current potential of
IoT data. In section four, two explorative case studies
of asset management projects in The Netherlands
describe the current uses and expectations of IoT data.
The results of the literature review and the case
studies is discussed in section five. The results show
that IoT data has a variety of potential uses and that
expectations are high, but asset managers remain
unconvinced, and adoption of IoT data for decision-
making in asset management remains low.
Conclusions are drawn in section six.
This article follows the literature review method
proposed by Webster and Watson (2002) and
attempts to methodologically analyze and synthesize
literature regarding the potential uses of IoT data in
asset management. It will advance the knowledge
base of data-driven decision-making in asset
management by deriving the current uses of IoT data
for asset management that can be used by researchers
to focus on important data management issues, and by
practitioners to develop an effective data
management strategy and approach.
There is only limited research on the management
of IoT data, and perceived expectations compared
with the actual usage of IoT data for decision-making
in asset management organizations. The keywords:
“infrastructure”, “IoT” or “Internet of Things”,
“data”, and “use” returned 324 hits within the
databases Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE explore, and
JSTOR. 294 hits were journal articles, 29 were
conference papers and 1 hit was a book. We then
filtered these results and performed a forward and
backward search to select relevant articles based on
the criteria whether they included a theoretical
discussion on the use of IoT data in asset management
decision-making. Based on this forward and
backward search, 30 journal articles, and conference
proceedings were selected and relevant principles
from these sources were listed.
The cases under study occur within the asset
management process of the Directorate General of
Public Works and Water Management of The
Netherlands. The Directorate General of Public
Works and Water Management of The Netherlands is
commonly known within The Netherlands as
“Rijkswaterstaat”, often abbreviated to “RWS”, and
is referred to as such within this research. RWS is the
operational branch of the Ministry of Infrastructure
and the Environment in The Netherlands. It functions
more and more as an agency in which, although RWS
Factors Influencing Adoption of IoT for Data-driven Decision Making in Asset Management Organizations
retains responsibility, the actual management and
maintenance of assets is carried out under contract by
a consortium of engineering companies, construction
companies, banks, etc. The cases have been
anonymized at the request of the participating parties.
Two case studies were chosen. The first was that of
monitoring activities of a large civil structure, in this
case a bridge. The second case was the monitoring
activities of a section of highway in The Netherlands.
The case studies were explorative in method and
descriptive in nature. Unstructured interviews were
held with managers, subject matter experts, and
internal consultants. Internal documentation
concerned with the use and implementation of new
data sources was studied. The expectations and
current use of IoT data sources found in the case
studies were listed. Uses and expectations were then
grouped according to concept and compared with the
evidence from the literature review.
Public infrastructure systems consist of many
different types of assets that could have long life
cycles. Civil infrastructure assets need to be
maintained to ensure their optimal value over their
entire (long) life cycles (Hassanain et al., 2003). We
follow Mohseni’s (2003) definition of AM as being a
discipline for optimizing and applying strategies
related to work planning decisions in order to
effectively and efficiently meet the desired objective.
AM helps public organizations realize value from
assets whilst balancing financial, environmental and
social costs, risks, quality of service and performance
related to assets (ISO 55000, 2014).
As early as 2001 there were already many
software tools for asset management, (Vanier, 2001;
Hassanain et al., 2003; Flintsch and Chen, 2004), and
since then many data formats, data sources and pools
of unstructured data have become available over the
years. The explosive growth in data is due to a
number of different enabling and driving
technologies such as the widespread roll-out of fixed
and mobile internet; the development of ubiquitous
computing and the ability to access networks and
computation in many environments (Kitchin, 2014).
It is expected that IoT will be used in a variety of
ways related both to the real-time measurement and
analyses of data as to trend analysis of historical data
over time (Brous and Janssen, 2015b). The variety of
using IoT enables further understanding of the
conditions and factors for effective and sustainable
adoption of new data sources. Following from that,
we focus on the review of theoretical discussions in
the relevant articles on the varied ways in which IoT
is used.
In information technology (IT) research, an
accepted and suitable way to review literature is
through the distinction of three levels:
strategic/political, tactical and operational (Ackoff,
1971; Ivanov, 2010). This distinction is also
recognized in asset management literature via asset
owner, asset manager and service provider
(Woodhouse, 1997; Volker et al., 2012; CROW,
In correspondence to this distinction, Table 1
summarizes the expected strategic, tactical and
operational uses of IoT found in literature. The review
reveals three expectations of IoT data. First, the
literature expects that it will change performance
measurement of infrastructure services, like applying
statistical learning (Archetti et al., 2015). Second,
IoT data is expected to change the perception of
infrastructure services, like perceiving sudden
changes in temperature by which a fire could be
detected (Hentschel et al., 2016). Finally, IoT data is
expected to change improvement processes, for
example through self-organizing resource planning.
In the next sections, we describe these uses of IoT.
3.1 Expected Strategic Uses of IoT
Decision support services include support for
management at the tactical and strategic levels. IoT
services are knowledge intensive and require
collection of appropriate data contents, data analysis
and reporting (Backman and Helaakoski, 2016). As
such, statistical learning and network science is
expected to play a critical role in converting data
resources into actionable knowledge (Archetti et al.,
Due to increasing stresses on budgets and
personnel as well as increased utilization of civil
infrastructure, public AM organizations increasingly
need to intelligently manage their infrastructure with
fewer resources (Rathore et al., 2016). By managing
and analyzing various IoT data, it should be possible
to create new services to achieve an efficient and
sustainable civil infrastructure (Hashi et al., 2015;
Backman and Helaakoski, 2016). IoT may bring an
improved understanding of complex processes which
is expected to help improve the efficiency of transport
management and infrastructure services, and help
with effective reporting (Kothari et al., 2015).
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 1: Overview of expected uses of IoT data found in literature.
IoT data expected to change
performance measurement of
infrastructure service
IoT data expected to change
perception of infrastructure
IoT data expected to change
improvement processes of
infrastructure service
Strategic use of
IoT data
Decision support services (trend
analysis) (Aono et al., 2015)
Reporting (Backman and
Helaakoski, 2016; Kothari et al.,
Communication of long term
planning and strategic choices
Improve perceived optimization of
services (Sadeghi et al., 2015)
Encourage proactive processes
(Aono et al., 2016)
Encourage self-organization
(Sadeghi et al., 2015)
Determine strategic changes to
Tactical use of
IoT data
Cost management (Archetti et al.,
2015 ; Aono et al., 2016)
Time management (Aono et al.,
Planning (Archetti et al., 2015)
Post-events evaluations (Tao et
al., 2014; Hashi et al., 2015)
Communication of short term
planning and actions (Archetti et
al., 2015)
Improve perceived quality of
services (Archetti et al., 2015)
Public enactment (Tien et al., 2016)
Enable directed procedures
(Aono et al., 2016)
Enable efficient recovery (Tien
et al., 2016)
Control event occurrence (Tao et
al., 2014; Parkinson and
Bamford, 2016)
Improve utilization of existing
infrastructure (Koo et al., 2015;
Hentschel et al., 2016)
Operational use
of IoT data
Improve efficiency of monitoring
(Ahlborn et al., 2010)
Improve quality of monitoring
(Phares et al., 2004; Hentschel et
al., 2016)
Improve operational decision-
making (Neisse et al., 2016)
Improve productivity (Hentschel
et al., 2016)
Communication of operational
activities (Hentschel et al., 2016)
Improve perceived quality of
delivery (Ahlborn et al., 2010)
Improve efficiency of operations
(Zhang et al., 2015)
Improve effectiveness of
operations (Neisse et al., 2016)
Rathore et al., (2016) believe that smart
management of traffic systems with the provision of
real-time information to the citizen based on the
current traffic situation should enhance the
management performance of public AM
organizations. Furthermore, improved granularity of
trend analysis resulting from IoT data may help
public AM organizations in being proactive with
maintenance, reducing the chances of catastrophic
failure (Aono et al., 2016).
IoT may also be used to improve service
optimization through self-organization (Sadeghi et
al., 2015). Self-organizing systems that optimize
themselves with regard to resource availability and
consumption may enable optimization according to
usage and de-centralized long-term support (Sadeghi
et al., 2015).
3.2 Expected Tactical Uses of IoT Data
IoT infrastructure could potentially be used to reduce
costs in terms of time and money (Aono et al., 2016),
as traditional methods of inspecting infrastructure,
such as highway structures and bridges, for damage
are often reactive in nature and require significant
amounts of time and use of costly equipment. Aono
et al. (2016) suggest that an infrastructure monitoring
network could be used to quickly assess damage to
infrastructure so that maintenance procedures could
be directed to areas that need immediate attention. In
this way, IoT may play a significant role in the
channeling and transmission of data through efficient
use of technology (Sakhardande et al., 2016).
IoT is expected to be able to provide users with
information on costs, time, environmental impact and
perceived quality of services (Archetti et al., 2015).
When IoT data becomes available regarding a
particular hazard, there may be opportunities to
control hazard occurrence and recover using these
data sources (Tao et al., 2014; Parkinson and
Bamford, 2016) and trigger analysis with events that
affect measurement, such as repair or maintenance
(Koo et al., 2015; Hentschel et al., 2016). By
specifying events (Tao et al., 2014; Hashi et al.,
2015), it should be possible to obtain a set of data
before and after an event to be used for analysis and
evaluations, taking the effect of the event into
It is also expected that IoT will improve the
utilization of existing infrastructure (Koo et al., 2015;
Hentschel et al., 2016). For example, Koo et al.,
(2015) suggest that an automated system condition
monitoring based on IoT including leak detection can
Factors Influencing Adoption of IoT for Data-driven Decision Making in Asset Management Organizations
optimizing water supply, production, and water
consumption (Koo et al., 2015).
IoT may enable more effective and efficient AM
planning according to variations in user preferences
(Archetti et al., 2015) by providing decision support
functionalities which identify and address criticalities
in civil infrastructure. Archetti et al., (2015) give the
example that commuters may use socially aware and
collective intelligence based on functionalities of IoT
to make individually informed mobility decisions.
But for this to be realized, the collected data must
have significance for operations and services such as
inventory, usage, environmental management, and
events. Also, quality of the information must be
considered with regards to multiple aspects and
dimensions. IoT data should be “fit-for-use”
(Backman and Helaakoski, 2016; Cao et al., 2016).
For example, closures of bridges that are part of major
transportation arteries tend to be major events. These
events often result in “tweets” that point to the same
incident (Tien et al., 2016), which if analyzed
correctly may improve service efficiency and enable
more effective recovery.
3.3 Expected Operational Uses of IoT
In order to keep civil infrastructure such as bridges
safe and functioning, regular inspections to determine
the condition of the asset are a necessity (Ahlborn et
al., 2010; Neisse et al., 2016). For example,
traditional inspections of bridges are usually visual
assessments by trained personnel where all the asset’s
component conditions are observed once every three
to six years, and are summarized into one report
(Phares et al., 2004). After the inspection is done,
asset managers must decide what maintenance
interventions are needed based on these inspection
reports. However, as is shown by Kallen and van
Noortwijk (2005), inspection reports of bridges can
be biased by subjective judgements of the experts or
by lack of information. This can eventually result in
inaccurate statements which may lead to the failure to
perform maintenance or unnecessary maintenance
activities (Phares et al., 2004).
IoT data may make it possible to remotely observe
the condition of objects and thereby enhance the
available information on the condition of public
infrastructure (Ahlborn et al., 2010). IoT data is
expected to allow users to monitor current
environmental conditions affecting the asset. Event
processing should be able to support individual,
complex events if these events are defined by
individual users for localized events (Hentschel et al.,
2016). Examples given by Hentschel et al., (2016) are
sudden increases in sound, light and temperature,
which could indicate a fire or an explosion. Hentschel
et al., (2016) expect that when an event is triggered
alarms could be issued.
Environmental factors such as temperature and air
quality can have significant effects on productivity
(Hentschel et al., 2016). Smart assets may be able to
monitor status parameters, analyze this data and reach
some conclusions, considering at the same time
tensions such as cost and efficiency with regards to
environment preservation (Moreno et al., 2014). As
such, IoT data is also expected to play a role in
increasing public safety and security (Neisse et al.,
2016) through, for example, active road safety,
emergency vehicle warning or collision risk warning.
IoT data is expected to be leveraged for increased
efficiency in various public service applications such
as inspection schedules, public facility management,
urban infrastructure maintenance, intelligent
transportation services, and emergency situation
monitoring (Zhang et al., 2015). By enabling
individuals and organizations to share real time data,
IoT may enable appropriate data services to the
consumers (Kothari et al., 2015). The expectation is
that IoT will be used for key decision making in
operational activities.
Two cases have been studied to identify how the
adoption of IoT data is done by asset management
organizations. The case studies focus on the AM
process of civil infrastructure in The Netherlands. In
the first case we study the adoption of IoT data by a
consortium for the maintenance of a bridge. In the
second case we study the adoption of IoT data for the
maintenance of the road sections of a highway
between two cities in the east of The Netherlands.
4.1 Case 1: Bridge Inspection with a
IoT is expected to enable remote sensing of the
condition of bridges and enhance the available
information on their condition if performed correctly
(Ahlborn et al., 2010). Since limited examples of IoT
adoption for bridge maintenance were known, a
consortium of interested asset management
organizations started a pilot to adopt remote sensing
techniques to assess the condition of a bridge and its
need for maintenance.
For this bridge, new methods of remote
sensing have been tested, in the expectation to pilot
with IoT sensors in the succeeding year to improve
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
the quality of monitoring. For this case, the main
driver for IoT and other forms of remote sensing
appeared to be the lack of accessibility of some parts
of the bridge for visual inspections. For example,
locations above and below the bridge there is no space
for setting up equipment (e.g. scaffoldings, boom
lifters or ladders) such that visual inspector can work.
This way, parts of the bridge remain poorly inspected,
making it harder to physically detect local cases of
bridge deterioration.
In combination with the innovation program
of RWS, the maintenance consortium used the pilot
project to perform inspections with help of a drone
that was equipped with a camera to observe the less
reachable parts of the bridge, thereby increasing the
operation’s efficiency. The drone inspection was also
performed at better reachable parts to compare the
inspection results of the drone against the inspection
results of a human inspector. This comparison gave
new data for the usefulness of adopting IoT data,
since the use of drones during inspection was
relatively new for bridge assessments.
In terms of a strategic use of IoT data, the
consortium judged that the obtained information was
good enough to give a reliable overview of the found
damages at the bridge parts, which were harder to
reach. This shows that the decision support services
and performance report could be based on a more
complete view of bridge data.
In terms of a tactical use of IoT data the
consortium found that the bridge inspection with the
drone resulted in less costs than a human inspection
with the needed equipment to access the areas of the
bridge. Therefore, the adoption of drones results in a
reduction of costs with respect to inspecting a bridge.
On the operational use of IoT data, the
adoption of a drone showed practical constraints. The
drone did not receive a GPS signal under the bridge
deck which prohibited it to follow its predetermined
flight route. Therefore, it had to be steered manually
which made the process of documenting and keeping
record of the locations of the taken inspection
photographs more difficult and time consuming than
expected. Secondly, the damages themselves were
clearly visible but the extent and size were hard to
measure from only the digital images. Thirdly, the
drone had to fly at a minimum distance of 1.5 meters
from the bridge components which resulted in the
incapability of observing the bearings of the bridge
and affected the completeness of the drone’s dataset.
Finally, the bridge had to be closed off for traffic due
to safety regulations.
The consortium concluded that the use of
drones is not ideal for assessing bridges. This
conclusion could be overturned when the practical
downsides of the drone flight are solved.
Nevertheless, the interviewed asset managers still
expect that remote sensing will eventually be able to
compare the actual behaviour of the bridge
components with the expected behaviour at much
shorter intervals, giving asset managers a better
opportunity to construct a more qualitative, efficient
and effective maintenance plan.
Another interesting side-note with regards to
this case of adopting drones for bridge inspections, is
that the consortium has made further plans to
implement a pilot project using IoT sensors that
communicate over a Long-Range Low-Power (LoRa)
network to monitor bridge movements. Robust, smart
wireless sensing systems that are suitable for use in
civil engineering have been developed specially for
this project, as well as the software to analyse and
interpret the data. According to the interviewees,
these new sensing methods should speed up and
improve current monitoring methods.
4.2 Case 2: Highway Connection
Between Two Dutch Cities
An asset management organization under contract in
the East of the Netherlands had the task to increase
the safety of a highway between two Dutch cities. In
addition, the organization had to improve the
connection to surrounding villages. The highway in
the contract stretches for 23 km. The asset
management organization worked under a new
maintenance contract adopted by RWS, but this
contract included no requirements for adopting IoT
data. It is worth noting that this type of contract was
representative for other maintenance contracts in The
Netherlands at the time.
Traditional inspection methods were performed
through annual measurements with an Automatic
Road ANalyser (ARAN) vehicle and visual
inspections. These were the only inspection methods
that RWS, the contracting authority, accepted. Since
the data on performance or its perception could not be
changed with IoT data, the added value could only
come from improving the main inspection method.
Therefore, to be better able to inspect the road the
asset management organization adopted various
additional IoT-based techniques. For example, the
organization chose to use cloud-based service lane
technology to monitor the road. They adopted these
techniques with the intent to enable their inspectors to
add inspections quickly while on location and to help
asset managers to see the information with a better
overview. This case shows that adoption of IoT data
to change the operational efficiency was possible,
despite the contractual requirement.
Still, for the tactical use of IoT data some
limitations remained. The asset management
organization could not yet adopt IoT data with respect
Factors Influencing Adoption of IoT for Data-driven Decision Making in Asset Management Organizations
to making the assessments. This still had to be done
by experts judging the extent to which the
deterioration as inspected and monitored should be
resolved with control measures. As this was still
mostly a manual process these experts defined control
measures while trying to combine the deterioration
overviews of ARAN and the IoT techniques, and by
coupling various road sections to judge the quality
between these. Experts were still needed because
non-condition data had to be included for determining
the appropriate action, eg. scheduled maintenance
tasks, the cost of repairs and cost of a penalties.
At a strategic level, the adoption of IoT data
started to show a conflict of interest between the asset
management organization and the contracting
authority. When a failed requirement was detected,
the contractor was obliged to inform the contracting
authority and notify them of the intended actions. The
contractor ensured there was proof of Quality of
Service, while, at the same time, the contracting
authority also inspected the same section of the road
to check if the used measurements were correct. The
conflict of interest typically surfaced in this case at
the point where assurances were needed to meet
requirements in the contract. On the one hand,
requirements helped the contracting authority
manage the contract, by use of financial
compensations and penalties. On the other hand, the
contractor took the view that requirements could be
handled more flexibly if they were managed
independently. This conflict showed that an asset
management organization under contract did not
choose to adopt IoT technologies because of the
persistence of the contracting authority to use
established methods, thereby missing the expected
benefits of more self-organized and more proactive
highway inspection.
Civil infrastructures such as transport infrastructure
systems present unique opportunities for developing
new applications aligned with IoT and it is expected
that IoT will play a significant role in AM processes
in the future. Civil infrastructure systems provide
many of the services that are critical to the continued
functioning, and security of society (Tien et al., 2016)
and failure of these infrastructures can be
catastrophic. Detecting these damage or failure events
is critical to minimize the negative impacts of these
events, but many of these infrastructures still lack
continuous monitoring to be able to detect these
events (Tien et al., 2016). Bridges, for example, are
generally subject to only three to five yearly
inspections, and very few are instrumented with
physical sensors that would be able to detect damage
that may occur at any time. The opportunities for IoT
adoption are apparent, and expectations appear to be
high. However, adoption of IoT remains low.
Noticeably, current data sources are still largely
provided by expert judgement in combination with
technical devices in specific measurement points,
although a growing role is being played by human
data generated through, for example, social networks
(Archetti et al., 2015). Table 2 below outlines the
conditions and factors found in the cases and
literature, grouped according to elements of data
infrastructures as suggested by Brous et al., (2014).
Table 2: Conditions and factors for IoT adoption in AM.
Conditions and Factors
Human High technical knowledge
Good understanding of data
management processes
Good understanding of data
quality issues
Ongoing training and education
Organizational Clear responsibility for
Availability of best practices to
Positive business cases.
Data Governance:
Clear responsibilities for data
Data Data Governance:
High level of data quality
Alignment of data to AM
Technical Data Governance:
Adoption of stringent security
Availability and adoption of
Adoption of IoT in AM is facing challenges to
integrate data from diverse data sources and to design
applications to support the management of
infrastructures (Brous and Janssen, 2015a). Statistical
learning is thus expected to play a critical role in the
design of representation models and computational
engines needed to turn the data resources into
actionable knowledge (Archetti et al., 2015).
According to Aono et al., (2016), IoT is only
practical if the IoT infrastructure matches the useful
life of the physical asset. But Kothari et al., (2015)
believe that there is still some work required on
building IT infrastructures for supporting the IoT
ecosystem. IoT infrastructures require powerful
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
mechanisms for sensor feed discovery, planning of
feed processing workflow, failure resilience and
system management (Kothari et al., 2015). As seen in
the cases, existing IT infrastructures often do not yet
provide these capabilities, thus requiring high-levels
of manual intervention (Kothari et al., 2015).
Furthermore, although quality of sensor feeds is
critically important, little attention is currently paid to
data quality in most existing infrastructures (Kothari
et al., 2015).
The importance of data quality for IoT
infrastructures and the persisting requirement for
manual intervention suggests the need for instituting
strong data governance procedures as data quality
issues are often do not arise from existing business
rules or the technology itself, but from a lack of sound
data governance (Thompson et al., 2015) and data
quality is often seen as an important metric for data
governance (Brous et al., 2016). Data governance is
the exercise of authority, control, and shared decision
making over the management of data assets. It
provides organizations with the ability to ensure that
data and information are managed appropriately,
aligns the data infrastructures with business
requirements, ensures a common understanding of the
data, and ensures compliancy to laws and regulations
(Brous et al., 2016).
Aligning complex data structures such as
semantics or ontology between different IoT eco-
systems is a complex task and interoperability and
convergence with regards to visibility of processed
data at the level of applications remains an issue
(Mihailovic, 2016). This barrier has hampered IoT
data sharing. According to Cao et al., (2016), sharing
of IoT data will only reach its full potential if data can
be collected by multiple sources such as if people are
able to share their data related to different events by
leveraging the sensing capabilities of their
smartphones (Cao et al., 2016). But some of the data
collected by smartphones may contain sensitive
information such as the location data of the owners.
Compliancy to privacy and security regulations is
imperative. In Europe, the new General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) defines the conditions
under which personal data can be processed,
specifying that consent must be unambiguous. To
provide informed consent regarding the use of
personal data, the citizen must have a clear
understanding on how his/her personal data will be
used by the ICT systems and applications and
especially in the emerging paradigm of IoT (Neisse et
al., 2016).
In addition to the resolution of data quality issues,
data governance may also assist IoT adoption in other
ways as data governance provides both direct and
indirect benefits (Ladley, 2012). Direct benefits of
data governance for business processes can be linked
to efficiency improvements (Hripcsak et al., 2014),
reductions in privacy violations (Tallon, 2013), and
increased data security (Panian, 2010). Indirectly,
data governance also improves the perception of how
information initiatives perform (Griffin, 2010),
improves the acceptance of spending on information
management projects (Thompson et al., 2015), and
improves trust in information products (Otto and
Weber, 2011).
Currently, organisations are experimenting with new
data sources and there is a general expectation that
IoT will provide significant added value to AM
decision making. Organisations can effectively and
sustainably adopt these new data sources in their AM
decision making if the data that is measured can
monitor the important factors of the asset itself.
Adoption of IoT requires an IT infrastructure that can
facilitate the new data sources and requires a good
understanding of the data collected and its quality
aspects. Adoption of IoT needs appropriate
management of the data to ensure compliancy to laws
and regulations. Sound data governance is required to
ensure that IoT can provide trusted data for AM
decision making.
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