Bringing Scientific Blogs to Digital Libraries
Fidan Limani
, Atif Latif
and Klaus Tochtermann
ZBW - Leibniz Information Center for Economics, Kiel, Germany
South East European University, Faculty of Contemporary Sciences and Technologies, Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia
Digital Libraries, Scientific Blogs, Semantic Web.
Research publication via scientific blogging is gaining momentum, with an ever-increasing number of re-
searchers accepting it as their main or complementary research dissemination channel. This development has
prompted both scientific bloggers and Digital Libraries (DL) to explore the potential of streamlining these
resources along DL collections for increased and complementary user selection. In this paper we explore a
methodology for achieving the integration of DL and a blog post collections, together with some use case
scenarios that demonstrate the values and capabilities of this integration.
Web 2.0, or the ”read-write” Web, has enabled richer
levels/channels of engagements/expression with the
audiences. This, in turn, has stirred publication initia-
tives that find them practical in terms of networking,
collaboration, ease of publication, (unofficial, peer)
reviewing from the community, etc. In the case of
scientific blogging, for example, authors can easily
share their research work with the community, even
as the research develops, whereas readers are able to
provide continuous feedback to it. (Burgelman et al.,
2010) report on ”Science 2.0” development as en-
abled by tools and changing research behavior prac-
tices, featuring increased number of authors, publica-
tions, and data available to consume, reuse, and com-
ment by the community. In another study, (Mahrt and
Puschmann, 2014) find ”a dual role of blogs as chan-
nels of internal scholarly communication as well as
public debate” among the motivations for scientific
blogging. Furthermore, the same study finds that sci-
ence bloggers especially value the community feed-
back on their posts an additional explanation for the
development and acceptance of ”Science 2.0” from
the research community.
Traditional publication repositories have already
moved on to embrace the benefits of Semantic Web
technologies. Projects that structure and represent
Digital Library (DL) repositories as machine-readable
and link them up and make them available to the
Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud are pretty common.
According to the ”State of the LOD Cloud 2014 re-
publications take the second largest data set
on the LOD. The Library of Congress Linked Data
offering standards and vocabularies used by
the library; the British Library’s LOD initiative
; the
Swedish National Library Open Data project
ing bibliography and authority data; German National
Library of Economics EconStor LOD project
; are
just some of the LOD projects from the domain of DL
As scientific blogging is getting more contribu-
tions and prominence in the research community, we
see major benefits from putting its publication con-
tributions to use in different scenarios and environ-
ments. In this work we focus on (i) Integrating them
with the more traditional DL publication archives, and
(ii) ”Porting” them on the Web of Data for supporting
current and future applications scenarios.
2.1 Motivation
After many requests from the scientific blogging com-
munity, the German National Library of Economics
Limani, F., Latif, A. and Tochtermann, K.
Bringing Scientific Blogs to Digital Libraries.
DOI: 10.5220/0006295702840290
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 284-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(ZBW) is considering the opportunity of extending
its repository by including scientific blog posts from
the domain of economics and offer it to its users
alongside the standard research publications. Science
bloggers seek to make the most of DLs’ dissemina-
tion channels and reach higher audience and visibil-
ity, whereas DLs seek to complement their collections
and increase their value offer to its users. In the face
of increasing scientific blog contributions and adop-
tion in the scientific workflow, this is the single most
important motivation for this study.
2.2 Use Cases
Following are the main use cases that motivated our
(i) Heterogeneous data integration: Blog collec-
tions do not adhere to a standardized metadata struc-
ture and often rely on different vocabularies from the
ones adopted by DLs. In a situation like this, a user
interested in resources in both DL and scientific blog
resources would have to query these collections sep-
arately, using the different vocabulary terms. Thus,
there is an opportunity to alleviate this situation and
combine these collections in a uniform ”query space”.
EconStor, our DL of choice, metadata are already
structured and represented in RDF. As a framework,
this representation is well equipped to handle combi-
nation of heterogeneous resources.
(ii) Semantic annotation of blog posts: More and
more resources are being published as LOD, benefit-
ing both publishers and consumers of those resources.
Making their resources machine-understandable en-
ables publishers increase the audience reach, includ-
ing additional (re)use from software agents. On the
other hand, LOD publishing enables consumers to
(re)use these resources in new scenarios not covered
originally by publishers. A final and important note
at this point: in case scientific blog post publishers
are interested in making their content available in this
way, they should not face or be concerned with any
technological barriers in the process.
(iii) Dataset profiling: Linking scientific blog re-
sources with relevant entries in external collections
and knowledge bases (KB) indexed using different
controlled vocabularies (CV) thesauri and classifi-
cation schemes, in our case – is another value-adding
step for the end user. In this way, depending on the
external resource(s) it links to, we provide different
”profiles” for every blog post in our collection, en-
abling a more elaborate and rich (search) experience
to the user. The user potentially benefits from related
resources coming from different disciplines eco-
nomics, social sciences, or agriculture, in our case;
retrieve additional information (and context) from a
KB such as DBpedia; include relevant resources from
a German-specific or international, multilingual col-
lection; etc.
(iv) Dataset analysis: Summarizing datasets by
offering useful statistics as exploration tips for users
is quite important. This especially holds for large
datasets that could prove challenging for users to
comprehend (e.g., identifying resources of certain
features, closer to their area of interest). Highly com-
mented/discussed blog posts (expressed via user com-
ments, shares, etc.), the most featured/covered sub-
jects in the collection, ”trending” subjects for a given
period of time (based on the number of blog posts
for a given subject), top contributing authors (or ”ex-
pert groups”) per subject/topic (based on the number
of blog posts that an author has for a given subject),
or, in the context of aligned CVs of different (linked)
datasets, relevant publications by authors in external
KBs, are just some of the available analysis options.
A lot of diversified but concrete research work has
been done on mapping relational data (RDB) to graph
representation, as well as publishing and integrating
heterogeneous collections, including social web data.
(Auer et al., 2010) present common motivations for
representing RDB in Resource Description Frame-
work (RDF) data model; the use cases for integrating
RDB with structured sources or existing RDF on the
web (Linked Data) correspond to a great extent with
our motivation for this work. Motivated by semantic
annotation of dynamic web pages and mass genera-
tion of LOD data, (Spanos and Mitrou, 2012) survey
the proposed approaches for mapping and integrating
RDB content to/with that published as LOD, whereas
(Powell et al., 2010) demonstrate fusing library and
non-library data from disparate resources, relying on
RDF as a common data model and using graph-based
analysis and visualization to generate useful informa-
tion on the resulting data.
Some contributions focus on reusing and en-
riching social (user generated) content from exter-
nal resources, such as LOD Cloud, for example:
(Holgersen et al., 2012) in their research consider
bibliographic-related data (in the form of comments
and ratings for books); (Hu et al., 2013) focus on
social content from publication submission and re-
view process of a journal, in the form of review-
ers’ comments, editors’ decisions, author replies, etc.;
whereas (Passant et al., 2010) reuse collaboratively-
built knowledge in the enterprise, contained in differ-
Bringing Scientific Blogs to Digital Libraries
ent fragmented information resources and represented
across heterogeneous data formats in an enterprise
(Yoose and Perkins, 2013) survey the LOD adop-
tion in libraries and report important and increas-
ing number of LOD projects that ”free” library re-
sources from specific library representation formats
and enrich them with relevant resources from the
LOD Cloud datasets. In a concrete implementation
example, (Latif et al., 2014) go through both concep-
tual and practical aspects of publishing an Open Ac-
cess (OA) repository as Linked Data.
In this work we integrate library and non-library
resources a DL and a blog post collection. A blog
post is not pre-related or referring to any DL publica-
tion; bloggers write on any topic they deem important,
regardless of the DL repository publications.
This section details the applied methodology, includ-
ing the dataset selection, (pre)processing, modeling
and conversion, as well as enrichment from other re-
sources. You can find more details pertaining to sec-
tion 4.1 and 4.2 in our previous work (Limani et al.,
4.1 Dataset Selection
In order to support our use cases, the dataset selection
contains a DL repository and a blog post collection.
A final component, a thesaurus, is also presented here
for contextual information.
(i) DL repository: EconStor
is an open access
publication platform for the domain of economics and
related fields. It supports the publication dissemina-
tion for many institutions, as well as provides its col-
lection metadata to other academic repositories. At
the time of writing, it holds more than 123 K confer-
ence papers, proceedings, research reports and work-
ing papers.
(ii) Scientific blog collection: The Wall Street
dataset holds over 40 K blog posts from the
domain of economics. In our previous work we anno-
tated this collection with STW thesaurus terms (see
section 4.2 for details) to make it terminologically up
to par with the EconStor collection.
(iii) The standard thesaurus for economics
with about 6.000 descriptors (both in German and
English) is a rich vocabulary, primarily covering the
domain of economics. STW is used for annota-
tion/indexing and retrieval operations for EconStor
publications. Moreover, it is aligned with other CVs
(thesauri, classification systems) and has relations to
a KB (DBpedia).
4.2 Dataset (Pre)Processing
In order to bridge the ”terminology” gap between the
heterogeneous datasets and for identifying the impor-
tant metadata elements of blog post to our experiment,
we conduct:
(i) Automatic indexation: Having the DL dataset
collection annotated with STW thesaurus terms de-
termined a similar take on the blog post collection an-
notation. As described in our previous work, (Limani
et al., 2016), we used MAUI
for the automatic anno-
tation of every blog post from the WSJ collection with
the STW as a vocabulary of choice. This is an impor-
tant decision as it enables several benefits: bridges
the terminology gap between DL and blog post col-
lections; generates semantic annotations for the blog
post collection without involving the author/blogger
at all; does not require complex integration rules or
application of ontology mapping techniques to termi-
nologically ”cross” from one collection to the other.
(ii) Blog post metadata of interest: Blogs tend
to differ in the vocabularies they select to anno-
tate their collection, although they usually have com-
mon (to not say standard) metadata elements in their
blog posts. In our case, besides the usual blog post
metadata, such as author, title, content, and publica-
tion date, we also retained comments for each blog
post. Some social web features such as ”shares” and
”tweets”, although present in the data set, were left
out of the current research analysis for future studies.
4.3 Dataset Modeling and Conversion
This part covers three activities that complete the
dataset modeling and conversion process, including:
(i) selected vocabularies for the blog post collection,
(ii) technical details of mapping the blog post col-
lection from a relational database to RDF; and (iii)
EconStor and blog post collections merge for a uni-
fied query space, available for querying and explo-
ration via an HTTP server for RDF data.
(i) Blog post vocabulary selection: Despite the
Web 2.0 nature, blog posts reflect the common meta-
data that a DL publication has, such as post title,
publication date, content, terms describing the post;
whereas also having some additional aspects that
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Classes (colored in blue) and properties modeling a blog post instance.
are inherent to them, such as user-generated feed-
back (blog post comments and other Web 2.0 ”fea-
tures” like shares, tweets, etc.). The key vocab-
ularies selected for modeling blog post collections
are SIOC
(and SIOC Types module) and the Dublin
Core Metadata Initiative
; the former covering es-
pecially well the user-generated content, whereas the
latter the typical publications metadata. Figure 1
shows an example representation of a blog post in-
stance (see below) with a single comment and subject
keyword (”Marketing”, in this case). One of the key
parts of the modeling refers to blog posts and related
comments, with SIOC Types BlogPost and Com-
ment classes used for the blog post and their com-
ments, respectively. The default D2RQ mapping for
the entity that covers the keywords used to annotate
every blog post completes the instance modeling.
(ii) Mapping relational data to RDF: The DL col-
lection is represented as RDF triples, whereas the sci-
entific blog post collection is stored in a relational
database. To bring both collections into the same
model, we used the D2RQ platform
to generate
RDF data representation of the blog post collection.
This required mapping the relational database tables
and columns to RDF classes and properties based on
the vocabularies identified beforehand. With it, both
datasets are combined via their common data model
(iii) Unified query space over datasets: There is
an important thing to mention at this point: since both
collections use the STW thesaurus to annotate/index
their resources, this eliminates need for any ontology
alignment between the two datasets for the use case
scenarios. Furthermore, this implies a closer connec-
tion between the datasets and renders them more in-
tegrated (at a vocabulary level) than just two datasets
sharing the same representation (RDF, in this case).
This condition enables us to address the combined
datasets as being part of a single ”information space”;
and we can solely rely on STW terms to search re-
sources in both datasets. Both collections are loaded
as a single dataset in a SPARQL endpoint, Apache
Jena Fuseki
, each being part of a named graph
within the single dataset (econstor and wsj, re-
In this section we represent several use case scenar-
ios implemented from integrating the DL repository
and the scientific blog post collection that directly
address the motivation for this paper. Although DL
users are not expected to know SPARQL in order to
search the collection, by exploring some query sce-
narios, we want to demonstrate that this collection can
serve as a data store on top of which we can build
Bringing Scientific Blogs to Digital Libraries
Figure 2: Results illustration in a SPARQL server.
a standard user interface for search that users under-
stand (keyword-based search, in the same way they
use a search engine or search a document in their com-
(i) Search across the ”unified query space:” The
user searches for publications related to the subject of
”technology transfer” in EconStor and WSJ datasets.
As mentioned earlier, there are several types of publi-
cations archived in EconStor, but, in this case, the user
is interested in research papers (i.e., swc:Paper),
published since 2014. The search returns four results
in total, with three results coming from the EconStor
dataset and one coming from the blog post collec-
tion. This just demonstrates the possibility for the
user to search across two different datasets described
with the same thesaurus term(s), and receive publica-
tion results from corresponding datasets (treating the
datasets as if they are one source of information).
(ii) Retrieve relevant blog posts from the collec-
tion: This scenario is related to the previous one: the
user initially searches the DL collection (i.e., Econ-
Stor) and selects a publication that she wants to fur-
ther examine. We search the blog post collection for
additional publications that could be of interest to her
based on the STW term(s) that describe the publica-
tion she is currently reading. The user searches for
(swc:Paper) publications from EconStor that cover
the subject of ”Human capital”, published from 2014
and onwards. The user selects the publication titled
”Labour market integration, human capital formation,
and mobility” from the result list. Using the same
STW term (”Human capital”) that describes the se-
lected publication, gives us 1 blog post from the WSJ
collection, titled ”Q&A: Golub Capital’s David Golub
on GE Capital’s Divestiture”, as well as 7 other posts
described with the ”related” STW term ”Human re-
sources” that could further complement user’ reading
experience (Figure 2 shows part of the retrieved re-
sults in Apache Jena Fuseki). This further empha-
sizes the role that the (STW) thesaurus can play in
providing alternative results for the user by using its
structure, such as via ”narrow”, ”broad”, or ”related”
(iii) Search the scientific blog post collection
alone: In another scenario, the user searches for the
newest blog posts covering a certain subject. During
this scenario, the user can decide to factor in the num-
ber of comments that a blog post has, i.e. the post that
stirred the most feedback/discussion on a given sub-
ject, or explore the most used STW terms from the
collection, in order to have a better understanding on
the variety of blog posts that constitute the collection.
Let’s see how these two search strategies work for our
blog post collection:
Highest number of comments: This search, fil-
tered by posts published from 2015 and on, lists the
following top 3 blog posts with the highest number of
comments: ”Facebook Plans a ’Dislike’ Button, but
Only for Empathy, Zuckerberg Says” with 18 com-
ments; ”Microsoft Expected to Unveil Next-Gen Win-
dows Phone and Surface Tablet” with 12 comments;
and ”Alabama Judges ’Reprehensible’ Conduct Mer-
its Impeachment, Judiciary Says”, the last post stress-
ing a judicial misconduct by a judge, with 8 user com-
ments from the blog readers.
The most featured blog posts by STW term: This
is an attempt to mimic ”topic trending” in the blog
post collection – showing the extent to which certain
subjects are covered (via posts) in the blogging com-
munity. In our case, searching for the most used STW
terms in the blog post collection results with the top 3
most used terms ”Enterprise”, ”Personalization”, and
”Share”. This provides some hints to DL users about
the most represented/covered subjects from the blog
post collection, in case they want to use that informa-
tion to guide their exploration of this collection.
– A combination of the two: Having identified the
most used STW terms, the user can further explore the
most commented on blog post from a popular subject,
which with regards to our blog post collection results
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
to combining posts on the subject of ”Enterprise”,
”Personalization”, or ”Share” (as discussed above),
and blog posts that attracted the most attention in the
blog community (the top 3 blog posts listed above).
The key benefits relate to the automatic indexing and
semantic annotation of the scientific blog post collec-
tion, its integration with the DL collection in a unified
(in terms of querying and resource description via the
STW thesaurus) dataset, as well potential data profil-
ing and analysis operations. Following are the em-
phasis on these aspects:
(i) Semantic annotation and representation of blog
post collections: Having the DL collection published
as LOD dictates the methodology of blog post collec-
tion integration with the DL. Without any effort from
the bloggers’ side, we have modeled and represented
this collection in the same way as the DL collection
thus making them part of the same ”model” (RDF,
in this case), and automatically indexed it (based on
the STW thesaurus) thus bridging the terminology
gap between these different resources and integrating
them at a terminology level.
(ii) Integration of (originally) heterogeneous col-
lections for a seamless and unified ”query space”:
Meeting DLs interest to include heterogeneous re-
sources – blog posts from the same domain, we have
integrated the latter and made it available as a re-
source collection to the former. The users of the DL
library, as shown with our queries over the result-
ing dataset collection, are able to retrieve relevant re-
sources via different scenarios.
(iii) Data profiling and analysis (both indirect
benefits from relying on STW for indexing the blog
post collection): STW’s alignment with other the-
sauri, classification systems, and external KBs en-
ables us to enrich the user search experience by link-
ing up scientific blog posts of interest to the user
with external, related resource collections. More-
over, we are able to provide useful information
about the dataset to the user, such as ”trending” top-
ics/subject for a given time period, the most popular
topic/subject, or the blog posts that sparred the most
debate with the users. For more details, see the imple-
mented use case scenario implementations from sec-
tion 5 of the research paper.
In this paper we have addressed a Digital Library
requirement by integrating non-library resources a
scientific blog post collection and making it avail-
able to its users as a complementary content in their
search operations. In doing so, we have pre-processed
the non-library resources in order to bring them up
to par (vocabulary-wise) with the DL practices (as-
signing STW terms, in this case); modeled them ac-
cording to the DL collections representation (RDF, in
this case) by selecting a set of suitable vocabularies
(and corresponding classes and properties); and fi-
nally converting them from a relational database to an
RDF representation using the D2RQ platform. Fur-
thermore, in order to support the use case scenarios,
we loaded both the library and non-library datasets
on separate named graphs of a single dataset on a
SPARQL server.
One of the future work task is to develop a pro-
totype, hence enabling evaluation scenarios with the
users. Currently, in order to query the unified dataset
implies knowledge of SPARQL, which is not a skill
that common DL users should have in exploring a DL
Another research follow up direction is that of
analysis that would bring more value to the user
(search) experience in view of the newly-added blog
post collection, such as publications similarity based
on the STW thesaurus structure and graph representa-
tion properties, to name a few.
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WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies