Ontology Development for Classification: Spirals
A Case Study in Space Object Classification
Bin Liu, Li Yao, Junfeng Wu and Zheyuan Ding
Science and Technology on Information System and Engineering Laboratory, National University of Defense Technology,
Changsha, P. R. China
Keywords: Ontology-based Classification, Ontology Development, Classification Ontology, Data-Driven Evaluation.
Abstract: Ontology-based classification (OBC) has been used extensively. The classification ontologies (COs) are the
grounds of the OBC systems. It is an urgent call for a method to guide the development of CO, to get better
performances for OBC. A method for developing CO named Spirals is proposed, taking the development of
the ontology for space object classification named OntoStar as an example. First, soft sensing data and hard
sensing data are collected. Then, various kinds of human knowledge and knowledge obtained by machine
learning are combined to build a CO. Finally, data-driven evaluation and promotion assesses and promotes
CO. Classification of space object based on OntoStar show that data-driven evaluation and promotion
increases the accuracy by 4.1%. Meanwhile, OBC is more robust than baseline classifiers with respect to a
missing feature in the test data. When classifying space objects with “size” missing in the test data, OBC
keeps its FP rate, while the baseline classifiers’ FP rates increase between 3.9% and 35.5%; the losing
accuracy of OBC is 0.2%, while that of baseline classifiers ranges from 1.1% to 69.5%.
Recently, Ontology-Based Classification (OBC) has
been paid more and more attentions to. OBC
accomplishes classifications through deducing on
knowledge bases like a human expert, owing to the
ontology’s ability of expressing domain knowledge
and multi-sensor data in a machine-readable format
explicitly (Zhang et al., 2013, Belgiu et al., 2014). In
addition, OBC keeps robustness in the dynamic open
environments (Kang et al., 2015). For these reasons,
OBC has been used extensively. In most OBC
systems, classifications are realized by instance
classification (Gómez-Romero et al., 2015) named
classification ontology (CO). COs are ground of
these systems. They determine the capabilities and
performances of the OBC systems. Therefore, it is
an urgent call for a suitable method to guide the
development of COs, for better performances of the
OBC systems and efficient development.
In the last two decades, many methodologies for
ontology development have been proposed. They
focus on domain problems mainly and have been
validated by the developments of specific domain
ontologies (Suárezfigueroa et al., 2015). Past studies
indicate that it is better to choose a suitable
methodology for the ontology development with
respect to the domain, concerning the efficiency of
the ontology development and performances of the
ontology (Haghighi et al., 2013). In terms of CO
development, previous methods need to be improved
and supplemented. E.g., capabilities of OBC systems
are enhanced by embedding the knowledge obtained
by machine learning (MLK) into ontologies (Belgiu
et al., 2014, Kassahun et al., 2014, Kang et al., 2015,
Zhang et al., 2013). On the one hand, the
performances of OBC systems and efficiency of
ontology development are improved by integrating
MLK. On the other hand, the way to embed MLK
into the ontology needs to be further studied, for a
better combination of MLK and human knowledge.
However, current methods of building CO do not
assess how well MLK and human knowledge are
combined. In addition, MLK is coded into CO by an
one-shot behavior. Thus, further improvements of
CO are not considered. As a result, the performances
of the OBC systems can hardly be further improved.
Therefore, it is still necessary to explore better
constructions for COs.
To address and solve the problems, a method of
developing CO named Spirals is proposed, taking
the development of CO of Space Object (OntoStar)
Liu, B., Yao, L., Wu, J. and Ding, Z.
Ontology Development for Classification: Spirals - A Case Study in Space Object Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0006240002250234
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 225-234
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
as an example. Contributions of this paper include
the following aspects. First, a whole workflow of
developing CO is presented, including the specific
means of acquiring ontological data, how to use
background knowledge, contextual knowledge and
MLK to develop a CO in the first step, and how to
evaluate CO. Second, unordered machine learning
classification rules (CRs) are learned and coded with
Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) (Horrocks et
al., 2004), for comprehensibility and modification of
the ontology. Last, making full use of data for
ontology development, data-driven evaluation and
promotion for CO is proposed to assess how well
MLK and human knowledge are combined and to
improve the ontology further.
2.1 Ontology based Classification
OBC has been applied extensively in the past, such
as emotion recognition (Zhang et al., 2013),
classifying adverse drug reactions and epilepsy types
(Zhichkin et al., 2012, Kassahun et al., 2014),
classifications in remote sensing (Belgiu et al., 2014,
Moran et al., 2017), classifying chemicals (Magka,
2012, Hastings et al., 2012), and etc.
Figure 1: Common architecture of OBC
In most OBC systems, the categories of an object
is derived by two steps. In the first step, namely
ontology development for classification, CO is built
using domain knowledge and MLK. In the second
step, namely representing and reasoning, when data
of the object are imported into CO or some features
of the object are modified, the step reasoning about
CO is started, aiming at finding matches to the
descriptions of the object, and categorizes the object.
Most OBC systems are under the architecture of
Figure 1. The development of CO is a precondition
of realizing an OBC system. Most COs integrate
MLK. However, the effectiveness and impacts of
the integration are not validated. Besides, the one-
shot integration provides no mechanism to improve
CO further. In addition, MLK is only for direct
classification, whose type is so few that it can’t be
used to infer other kinds of information.
2.2 Ontology Development for OBC
2.2.1 Ontology Development
Previous studies for developing domain ontologies
offer experience and references for developing CO.
They specify necessary steps ontology construction
(Casellas, 2011) including acquiring ontological data,
converting data to ontological elements, ontology
formalization and checking. Other formed guidelines
include converting data to ontological elements by
learning (Maedche, 2002) and reusing ontologies
(Suárezfigueroa et al., 2015). However, they do not
provide specific approach to realize the guidelines
for CO. Some applications of OBC also provide
practices and experience for the emerging approach.
E.g., data are pre-processed to extract more features
after obtained (Zhang et al., 2013, Belgiu et al.,
2014). Decision trees are deployed to convert the
data to the ontological elements, by generating CRs
which are used to deduce the more specific type of
the objects (Moran et al., 2017). Concepts and
definitions are formalized by OWL and rules.
Reasoners are used to realize the OBC systems.
2.2.2 Capturing CO’s Knowledge from Data
MLK makes COs more complete. In most COs, it is
learned from structured data for direct classification
and obtained by two ways. One way is capturing the
characterizations of concepts by machine learning as
definitions, e.g., by clustering (Maillot and Thonnat,
2008) and instantiating the qualitative descriptions
of concepts in classification (Belgiu et al., 2014).
Another is learning rules for direct classification,
e.g., rules extracted from decision trees (Zhang et al.,
2013). It is a trend of expressing MLK with SWRL
in COs (Belgiu et al., 2014). Knowledge related to
classifications can be obtained by learning too. It is
not considered in current OBC systems, including
relations between concepts and attributes (Fürnkranz
and Kliegr, 2015, Mansinghka et al., 2015).
2.2.3 Ontology Evaluation
Ontology evaluation is calculating the degree of the
fitness for use, e.g., expressing domain knowledge
(Brewster et al., 2004). According to the evaluation,
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
how the user’s requirements are satisfied can be
estimated. Developers also assesses the developing
ontology for improvement. Methods for ontology
evaluation emerged in the past can be categorized
into four types, including the gold standard-based
evaluation, corpus-based evaluation, the task-based
evaluation and the criteria-based evaluation (Raad
and Cruz, 2015). Meanwhile, criteria for ontology
evaluation are presented (Sánchez et al., 2015).
Manual work in evaluating shall be as less as
possible to make the evaluation as objective and
efficient as possible. However, subjectivity is a
common major limitation to current evaluations
(Hloman and Stacey, 2014). Because every
evaluation can be regarded as a measurement for
the ontology (Brank et al., 2005), subjectivity can
be reduced if every process in the ontology
evaluation can be quantized. On the one hand, it is
thought to be impossible to compare the ontology
evaluation to the evaluations in Information
Retrieval, for precision and recall cannot be easily
used in ontology evaluation (Brewster et al., 2004).
On the other hand, task-based ontology evaluation
and data-driven ontology evaluation are thought to
be more effective methods of evaluation for the
ontology containing MLK (Dellschaft and Staab,
2010). Fortunately, the classification results
obtained by CO containing MLK can be compared
to that obtained by the referred ontology (gold
standard ontology). Thus, the evaluation results can
be obtained (Raad and Cruz, 2015). With the
accumulated labelled data, it is possible to evaluate
the classification by the labelled data, similar to the
data-driven evaluation of domain ontology
(Brewster et al., 2004).
The method for developing CO named Spirals will
be described in this section, taking the Ontology for
Classification of Space Object (OntoStar) as an
example. As its name suggests, Spirals is a cyclic
process which optimizes the knowledge in CO. It
summarizes and provides ways to acquire data for
the developing CO, emphasizes the reuse and share
of existing domain knowledge, addresses the
integration of MLK, and quantizes the evaluation for
CO. The data acquisition in Spirals provides data for
the learning and the evaluation. The evaluation
verifies and validates the developed ontology, and
assesses how the different kinds of knowledge are
running in with each other. The evaluation provides
cues for the further improvement of the ontology.
The whole workflow of Spirals is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The workflow of Spirals.
As shown in Figure 2, there are 9 steps in Spirals as
Step 1, analyzing motivation, scenario and domain
knowledge, including identifying the scope of the
domain, identifying the scenario and requirements of
classification, and identifying the intended users and
use of the classification.
Step 2, acquiring ontological data, such as relational
database of the objects to be classified, documents,
web pages, domain ontologies and experts.
Step 3, extracting taxonomy, including extracting
terminology, identifying concepts and identifying
properties from documents, experts and web pages.
Reusing existing domain ontologies and obtaining
taxonomy from databases by reverse engineering.
Step 4, analyzing ontological data to obtain
knowledge for defining concepts in the taxonomy.
Step 5, obtaining knowledge by machine learning
for CO.
Step 6, adding constraints to concepts in the
taxonomy using MLK.
Step7, representing concepts with OWL and
expressing the learned rules by SWRL to obtain the
formalized CO.
Step 8, representing test data by CO, performing
data-driven evaluation for CO with the aid of
ontology reasoner, including consistency checking,
non-trivial concept validation and verification.
Step 9, learning new CRs for the ontology according
to the evaluation until the performances of OBC
achieve the expectations.
To realize the four common and most important
activities in the abstract methodology for developing
ontology, namely acquiring data, converting data to
Ontology Development for Classification: Spirals - A Case Study in Space Object Classification
ontological elements, formalization and ontology
checking, Spirals proposes acquiring ontological
data from multiple sources, learning unordered rules
for classification and learning rules relative to the
classification, representing concepts with OWL and
expressing the learned rules by SWRL, and using
data-driven evaluation to check CO, respectively.
3.1 Acquiring Data for Developing CO
Ontological data are a basis of developing CO. They
are very important to the learning and evaluation for
the building ontology. Ontological data sources such
as databases, corpuses, web pages, expert knowledge
and domain ontologies, can be used to extract
domain knowledge and learn knowledge about
classification for the developing CO. These data are
from multiple sources, and are obtained by different
ways. But ultimately, they are either from soft
sensing or from hard sensing. Web crawling, human
scouting and analysis are soft sensing. Collecting
data by physical sensors such as Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Spectrometer or Radar is hard sensing.
The major focus of previous hard sensing for
classification is capturing data and extracting
features of the objects themselves. E.g., in
developing COs in (Zhang et al., 2013, Belgiu et al.,
2014), hard sensing data about the objects
themselves are collected by physical instruments of
the specific domain first. Then, features of the
objects are extracted from the hard sensing data
such as shape of the buildings. Finally, feature
selection is applied to reduce the dimension of the
features for machine learning.
Some common features which can be extracted
from hard sensing data are shown in the following.
(1) features of the time and frequency (e.g., peak
alpha frequency, power spectral density, center
frequency, etc.);
(2) statistical features (e.g. standard deviation, mean
value, kurtosis, skewness, etc.);
(3) nonlinear dynamical features (e.g., C0-
Complexity, kolmgolov entropy, Shannon entropy,
the largest lyapunov exponent, etc.).
E.g., when a sequence of Radar Cross Section (RCS)
of a space object is obtained, the statistical features
such as the mean value or the deviation of the
sequence can be computed and used to analyze the
space object.
Because the information obtained by sensors of
the same type is very limited, it is a bottleneck to
increase the accuracy of classification by enhancing
the precision of physical sensors. Expanding the
sources of information to provide more features can
increase the accuracy of classification. Soft sensing
data can not be ignored for this purpose. Firstly, soft
sensing data can be used to describe the objects
more precisely and used in the machine learning.
Secondly, when the soft sensing information is
employed in the representing and reasoning of OBC,
more information about the objects can be inferred.
E.g., in the BIO-EMOTION ontology (Zhang et al.,
2013), more contextual data such as information
about the social environment can be collected for
more accurate emotion recognition.
3.2 Extracting Knowledge from
Reusing the analyzed knowledge from corpuses
helps to construct an initial CO. The knowledge
includes taxonomy and knowledge related to
The structure of concepts is expressed by
taxonomy from specific to general. Knowledge is
expressed by taxonomy in a more concise format
and higher abstraction level (Di Beneditto and De
Barros, 2004), so effective reasoning for OBC is
facilitated. Taxonomies are mostly built by experts.
A set of key features or attributes are the basis of
building taxonomies by experts. The most well-
known taxonomy built by experts is the classical
Linnaeus biological taxonomy (Godfray, 2007).
Taxonomy is used express MLK for classification as
definitions of concepts in (Belgiu et al., 2014), and
used for hierarchical classification in (Ruttenberg et
al., 2015). There are expert-built taxonomies
classifying space objects, e.g., the taxonomies of
artificial space object (Fruh et al., 2013, Ruttenberg
et al., 2015) and the taxonomy in the domain
ontology of space objects (Cox et al., 2016).
Knowledge related to classification includes the
knowledge characterizing the objects, contextual
knowledge and the relations between features. The
knowledge related to classification is described
directly or indirectly in some models such as learned
models, mathematical models and ontologies. E.g.,
characterizations of space objects are learned
(Howard et al., 2015) and are described in models of
space objects (Han et al., 2014, Henderson, 2014)
respectively, relations between the elements of space
object surveillance (Pulvermacher et al., 2000) can
be used as contextual knowledge, and the feature
deduction for satellites (Mansinghka et al., 2015)
learns relations between features.
An initial ontology for space object classification
(OntoStar) containing a taxonomy of space objects
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
and the knowledge related to classification is shown
by Protégé
in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Initially built OntoStar.
The left part of Figure 3 shows part of the
taxonomy of OntoStar which represents concepts
from general to specific. The right part shows
descriptions of the selected concept “RiskDebris”.
E.g., the description “Debris and (size only
xsd:float[>0.01f,<=0.1f])means the range of its
size is (0.01,0.1].
3.3 Learning Unordered Classification
Rules and Background Rules
Related to Classification
As pointed out in Section 2.2.2, MLK plays
important roles in building CO. MLK in current COs
is mainly knowledge used for direct classification.
This kind of knowledge whose form is unordered
rules in Spirals, is called classification rules (CRs).
Besides CRs, background rules related to
classification can also be mined for CO and are
considered in Spirals, which include the relations
between features represented by rules and the rules
related to classification.
3.3.1 Learning Unordered CRs
COs built manually can hardly be perfect. Obtaining
knowledge by machine learning for classification
can further improve completeness of knowledge in
COs. In addition, the enriched descriptions in CO
make OBC more robust. Due to the advantages of
SWRL mentioned in Section 2.2.2, CRs will be
learned in Spirals. There are two types of learned
CRs, decision list (ordered rules) and rules set
(unordered rules) (Han et al., 2011). Because the
SWRL rules in CO are unordered, the learned rules
shall also be unordered. Rules extracted from C4.5
decision trees (Quinlan, 2014) are unordered and are
chosen as the learned rules, because they are easy to
understand and easy to be expressed by SWRL, and
also because an open implementation of C4.5 is
provided by WEKA
The CRs in Spirals are learned hierarchically,
with the guidance of CO. Guided by the hierarchy,
the learning concentrates on a smaller range, and
gains smaller decision trees. The rules obtained by
the learning will be used to deduce the objects’ type
from general to specific corresponding to the
taxonomy in CO. Therefore, when deciding the more
specific type of an object, only rules which deduce
the more specific type of the object from the object’s
known types in the taxonomy will be explored. So
the searching space is expected to be smaller. E.g.,
the following rules expressed in SWRL-style are
learned hierarchically for OntoStar from the dataset
RSODS (details of the dataset will be described in
Section 4).
so:SpaceObject(?S), so:rcs(?S,?R), ?R>7.5,
so:inOrbit(?S,?O), so:GEO(?O)
[Annotations: Source=learn from RSODS by J48,
so:Satellite (?S), so:inOrbit(?S,?O),
so:apogee(?O,?A), 39980f <= ?A <40020f,
so:inclination(?O,?I), 63.4f <= ?I < 63.5f
so:Communication_Satellite(?S) [Annotations:
Source= learn from RSODS by J48,
so:Satellite (?S), so:inOrbit(?S,?O), (not(so:MEO
or so:EllipticalOrbit))(?O), so:owner(?S,?C),
so:inclination(?O,?I), ?I>87.5f,
so:perigee(?O,?P), ?P>765f
so:Reconnaissance_Satellite(?S) [Annotations:
Source= learn from RSODS by J48, Confidence=0.8]
The meanings of the above rules are
comprehensible. E.g., the first rule can be read as: if
an object is a SpaceObject, its rcs is greater than 7.5
and it is in a GEO, then it is a Satellite; the
annotations indicate that the rule is learned from
RSODS by J48 and the rule’s Confidence is 1.0.
3.3.2 Mining Background Rules Related to
Background rules related to classification can infer
more information in OBC. Therefore, they shall not
be ignored. Some background knowledge such as
the relations between features and the definitions of
features, can be learned and mined.
Ontology Development for Classification: Spirals - A Case Study in Space Object Classification
For some important features of the objects to be
classified, definitions can be learned if there is no
specific knowledge about them currently. E.g., the
definitions of orbits are very important background
knowledge in the classification of space objects, but
definition of deep highly eccentric orbit is not clear
when building OntoStar, so the following rule
learned from RSODS by J48 is used to define the
orbit in OntoStar temporarily, instead of leaving the
definition missing.
so:Orbit(?O), so:apogee(?O,?A), ?A > 1261, ?A
> 70157, so:eccentricity(?O,?E), ?E > 0.291845,
so:SpaceObject(?S), so:inOrbit(?S,?O)
so:DeepHighlyEccentric_Orbit(?O) [Annotations:
Source= learn from RSODS by J48,
Confidence=0.9090909090909091 ]
When integrating multiple-source data into CO,
there may be missing data if some sensors are
deactivated. So some features important to the
classification may be missing. At this time, relations
between features play a part in estimating the
missing features from known features, and can get
more accurate values than general methods of data
imputation. When there is no domain knowledge of
inferring features which are always missing, it is an
optional way to learn relations between the features
and other features and use the relations to estimate
the missing features. E.g., the approximate relation
between the feature “rcs” and “size” of space objects
can be discovered by fitting from RSODS, which is
represented by the following rule.
so:rcs(?X,?RCS), swrlb:power(?P,?D,0.5f),
so:SpaceObject(?X), swrlb:divide(?D,?RCS,0.79f),
swrlb:subtract(?S,?P,2.57E-13f) -> so:size(?X, ?S)
[Annotations: Source: learn from RSODS by Fitting,
Background knowledge relative to classifications
can even be learned from ontologies when there are
ontological data. E.g., when multiple-source data of
space objects are represented by the initial OntoStar,
methods like semantic rule mining (Fürnkranz and
Kliegr, 2015) can be deployed to learn relations
between entities and properties in the ontology. An
example of this kind of learned rule is shown below.
so:SpaceObject(?S), so:Organization(?O),
so:owner(?S,?O), so:Organization(?H),
The above rule has its realistic meaning. It can
be read as the following: if the owner of the space
object S is the organization O, and O is a affiliate
of the organization H, then H is also the owner of S.
3.4 Data-driven Evaluation and
Promotion for CO
As addressed in Section 2.1, validations of the
effectiveness of MLK and mechanisms for further
improvement of CO shall be considered. This
requirement can be met by applying evaluation and
promotion to the ontology development. The
problem of evaluating CO is assessing how CO suits
the classification. Accuracy, consistency, efficiency
and completeness are the most important criteria for
evaluating CO, among the eight ones summarized in
(Sánchez et al., 2015), because the evaluation aims
at calculating the influence of CO to the capability
of the OBC system. Consistency of CO can be done
by ontology reasoning. Efficiency is determined by
the ontology reasoning. Therefore, only accuracy
and completeness are discussed in this paper.
Because ontology evaluation is also a kind of
(Brank et al., 2005),
its results can be quantized to be more objective. In
order to reduce subjectiveness and raise efficiency of
the evaluation for CO, data-driven evaluation for CO
is proposed, whose results are quantized. Different
from the data-driven evaluation (Brewster et al.,
2004) for domain ontology which tests the
expressiveness of the domain ontology, the data-
driven evaluation for CO tests CO’s abilities of
classification by comparing the results of OBC to
the labels in the test data. Although the measurement
of CO is obtained indirectly, testing for CO is direct.
There are indexes for evaluating classifications,
such as accuracy, precision, recall, AUC, etc. (Han
et al., 2011). An intuition of ontology evaluation is,
that precision reflects the ratio of correct knowledge
among the knowledge to be validated and verified
(Brewster et al., 2004). The precision obtained in
testing is defined in the following (TP: true positives;
FP: false positives).
Precision is the ratio of the objects of a given
type correctly classified among the objects classified
as this type. The more accurate the knowledge is, the
higher the precision. Hence, precision reflects the
accuracy of the knowledge of a given concept in CO.
The recall of a classifier obtained in testing is
defined in the following (FN: false negatives).
Recall is the ratio of the objects of a given type
correctly classified among the objects which belong
to the given type and have been classified. The more
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
complete the knowledge is, the higher the recall.
Hence, recall reflects the completeness of the
knowledge about a given concept in CO.
Although a test instance classified incorrectly
owes to the lack of correct knowledge, recall can not
be analogized to precision. If there are unclassified
objects, it is uncertain whether there is correct
knowledge to classify the objects (maybe there is
correct knowledge, but it is deactivated in the
reasoning when conflicting with other knowledge).
Despite of this annoyance that recall only measures
one aspect of completeness, there is AUC, reflecting
another aspect of completeness. When the recall of a
given type is very high and AUC is very low, we
know there are unclassified objects. It indicates CO
lacks knowledge to classify the objects.
Accuracy measures comprehensive capability of
the classifier. It reflects both completeness and
accuracy in some degrees. So, accuracy of OBC can
be used to assess the overall ability of CO. The
accuracy obtained in testing is defined in the
following (TN: true negatives; TN: true negatives).
It is indicated by the data-driven evaluation that
how CO needs to be improved. When the precision
of a given concept is low, the knowledge about it is
not accurate. When the recall of a given concept is
low, more knowledge about it is necessary. When
the recall is very high but the AUC is very low, it is
sure that the knowledge about the concept often
conflicts with other knowledge in CO, requiring to
be refined.
The dataset of space objects RSODS which is
derived from the datasets NORAD_Catalog and
UCS_Satellite will be used for the experiments.
NORAD_Catalog describes space objects using the
following attributes/features:
cospar_id, nord_id,
period, perigee, apogee, eccentricity, rcs, amr and
labels. It contains 8071 samples with 3 labels:
Debris, Rocket Body and Satellite. It is used to
analyze orbital distributions of different types of
space objects in (Savioli, 2015), and also used to
derive new features’ data of satellites in
(Mansinghka et al., 2015). UCS_Satellite describes
active satellites with the following attributes/features:
cospar_id, nord_id, period, perigee, apogee,
eccentricity, orbit type, orbit class, longitude, power,
dry mass, launch mass, launch vehicle, launch site,
owner, contractor, users and purposes. The attribute
purposes is treated as the dataset’s labelling attribute.
It contains 1346 samples with 19 labels, and
contains 1267 samples with at least one attribute of
missing value. It is used to describe satellites in
(Ruttenberg et al., 2015). NORAD_Catalog and
UCS_Satellite contain 318 identical space objects.
The two datasets are merged into RSODS, through
left join on the attribute
cospar_id. The 318 identical
space objects in RSODS are labelled the same as
their labels in UCS_Satellite.
RSODS contains 9099 samples. It has 21 types
of space objects which are
Rocket (7.6%), unknown-
Satellite (15.9%), Satellite of specific purposes
(14.8%) such as
Communication Satellite and
Global Position Satellite, and Debris (61.6%). 9020
records in RSODS have at least one missing value.
So RSODS is incomplete. The other 79 records
without missing values in RSODS are all data of
satellites of specific purposes.
OntoStar is initially developed under the
guidance of
Spirals. Concepts and the taxonomy
necessary to the classification for space objects are
specified. CRs and background rules are learned
from RSODS. Data of space objects are imported to
OntoStar using OWLAPI with the form of instances
to learn more semantic rules. An OBC system of
space objects named Clairvoyant is built upon
OntoStar by integrating the ontology reasoning tool
. OntoStar is evaluated by Clairvoyant with
RSODS. Finally, the initially built OntoStar is
further improved according to the evaluation.
Integrating Clairvoyant into WEKA, the indexes
of classifying RSODS can be computed by WEKA.
Ten-fold cross validations (TCV) (Han et al., 2011)
are performed on RSODS using various approaches.
In every validation, data are split into training data
(90 %) and test data (10 %) in the TCV. All MLK of
OntoStar is obtained from the training data. The
baseline classifiers are C4.5 (Quinlan, 2014), SVM
(Keerthi et al., 2006), Ripper (Cohen, 1995),
Bayesian Network (Friedman et al., 1997), Random
Forests (Breiman, 2001) named RF in the table,
Backpropagation Neural Network (Erb, 1995)
named BPNN and Logistic Model Trees (Landwehr
et al., 2005). All the baseline classifiers are set to use
their default parameters in WEKA, except that
RandomForest is setup with 50 trees and BPNN is
setup with 4 hidden layers.
When applying the
data-driven evaluation and
of Spirals to build OntoStar, the training
data are split into data for learning (90%) and
Ontology Development for Classification: Spirals - A Case Study in Space Object Classification
validating data (10%). CRs are then obtained by
C4.5 with confidence factor of 0.25 from the data for
learning. After that, the validating data are used to
test the OntoStar with the CRs integrated. Finally,
the learned CRs of concepts in OntoStar whose
recall or precision in the evaluation are less than 60%
are replaced with more specific rules obtained by
C4.5 with confidence factor of 0.5.
(a) Some common indexes for classification
The results are shown in
Table 1. All the
indexes except accuracy are weighted indexes.
represents the classification based on the
OntoStar containing no learned rules. OBC
represents the classification based on the OntoStar
built without
data-driven evaluation and promotion.
represents the classification based on the
OntoStar built by Spiral.
Table 1: results of TCV on RSODS.
C4.5 Ripper
accuracy 11.0% 86.3% 90.4% 85.2% 91.9%
TP rate 70.9% 88.2% 90.7% 85.2% 91.9%
FP rate 1.9% 3% 2.7% 12.1% 3.7%
precision 78% 87.2% 90.7% 80.0% 91.7%
recall 70.9% 88.2% 90.7% 85.2% 91.9%
AUC 83% 91.6% 93.9% 93.7% 96.6%
T 0.0 1.2
3.9 3.7
RF (50
accuracy 90.0% 90.2% 84.6% 89.9% 90.1%
TP rate 90.0% 90.2% 84.6% 89.9% 90.1%
FP rate 2.6% 4.1% 4.6% 8.3% 3.9%
precision 90.5% 90.1% 81.0% 89.5% 90.0%
recall 90.0% 90.2% 84.6% 89.9% 90.1%
AUC 99.0% 95.1% 95.9% 99.1% 98.5%
T 0.2 3.5
345.6 244.2 3083.2
M: methods; EI: weighted average evaluation index; T:
time for learning (seconds)
It can be seen in
Table 1, that the integration of
CRs into CO increases OBC’s accuracy by 75.3%,
compared to OBC
. Its accuracy increases 4.1%
further by the
data-driven evaluation and promotion,
compared to OBC
outperforms Random
Forests, Backpropagation Neural Network, C4.5,
SVM, Bayesian Network and Logistic Model Trees,
and competes with Ripper.
Robustness with respect to missing feature in
the test data
Although the performances of OBC is not as
good as that of Ripper, it is robust in the presence of
missing features caused by some deactivated sensors
in the open environments. OBC rarely depend upon
any one path. It usually has several different ways to
classify one object, so that there are always other
ways to classify an object if one way fails. This
ability of OBC is obtained by integrating various
kinds of knowledge into CO. In terms of
classification for space objects, the feature “
size” of
space objects is difficult to capture in reality. It is
often missing when classifying the space object. To
mimic this situation, the feature “
size” is set to be
missing in the test data. Results of TCV on RSODS
with “
size” missing in the test data using various
approaches are shown in
Table 2.
Table 2: TCV on RSODS without “size” in the test data.
C4.5 RF (50
accuracy 90.2% 69.0% 88.8% 82.7%
TP rate 90.4% 69.0% 88.8% 82.7%
FP rate 2.7%
47.6% 12.2% 20.8%
precision 90.5%
88.5% 82.6%
recall 90.4%
88.8% 82.7%
AUC 93.8% 86.9% 99% 82.5%
Model Trees
accuracy 86.2%
39.3% 15.1%
TP rate 86.2%
39.3% 15.1%
FP rate
13.8% 25.3% 7.8% 26.7%
precision 86.4%
52.6% 66.7%
recall 86.2%
39.3% 15.1%
AUC 98.7%
68.1% 61.1%
M: methods; EI: weighted average evaluation index
It can be seen in
Table 2 that OBC outperforms
all baseline classifiers. Comparing the result of
Table 2 to Table 1, it can be seen, that a missing
feature paralyze all the baseline classifiers to some
extent, whereas OBC who has failed at some
attempts will find other ways to proceed. When
missing “
size”, SVM and Backpropagation Neural
Network are almost paralyzed, C4.5, Ripper and
Logistic Model lose a lot of performances especially
in accuracies and FP rates, accuracies of Bayesian
Network and Random Forests drop 1.1% and 3.8%
respectively, FP rates of Bayesian Network and
Random Forests increase 11.2% and 3.9%
respectively, while OBC lose a few performances. It
can be seen in
Table 2 that OBC’s accuracy drops
0.2% and its FP rate stays the same.
A method for developing classification ontology
(CO) named
Spirals is proposed, taking the
development of Ontology for Classification of Space
Object (OntoStar) as an example.
Spirals is
composed of a set of activities among which is a
cyclic subsequence of activities. It proposes
acquiring soft sensing data and hard sensing data of
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the objects to be classified, and extracting features
from these data. Then, a CO is initially developed
upon the knowledge base extracted from ontological
data such as corpuses, experts, databases and domain
ontologies. After that, data-driven evaluation is
proposed to evaluate CO and to guide the further
improvement and promotion of the ontology. Data
acquisition, data exploitation, ontology evaluation
and mechanism for ontology promotion are
addressed in
Spirals. Especially, not only in the
phase of learning, but also in the ontology evaluation,
data are made full use of, aiming at enhancing the
efficiency of the ontology development and the
performances of OBC.
OntoStar is developed under the guidance of
Spirals. The OBC system for space object named
Clairvoyant is built upon OntoStar. Experiments
conducted on the dataset of space objects RSODS
show that Clairvoyant is competitive against
baseline classifiers, in terms of
common indexes of
classification and robustness with respect to missing
an important feature. The results also show that
Spirals can further improve the performances of
OBC. One of the main advantages of OBC,
integrating domain knowledge to build the initial CO,
is also OBC’s main disadvantage, because manual
work is required.
Spirals is still in its exploration
and needs further improvements. In the following
Spirals will be extended and applied to develop
more COs to further test its effectiveness. It will also
be further studied for the optimization of its
activities, including expanding the sources and types
of MLK, further investigation of the data-driven
evaluation and promotion of CO.
This work is framed within the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (No. 71371184).
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WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies