A Solution for Prevention of Selective Dropping and Selfish Attacks in
Opportunistic Networks
Samaneh Rashidibajgan
Department of Computer Science, Rostock University, Albert-Einstein Strasse 22, Rostock, Germany
Opportunistic Networks, Dropping and Selective Dropping Attack, Selfish Attack, Game Theory.
Opportunistic Networks (OppNet) are based on routing messages from a node to another node, from a source
to the destination. There is not a connection to the Internet in these networks and nodes play routers role, So
it is important that all of the nodes participate in the routing protocol. These networks have high potential to
vulnerable against ”Dropping and Selective Dropping Attacks” and ”Selfish attacks”. Some nodes may prefer
to discard some messages in order to save their Battery life, memory space and so on, while they use the
network services. It causes an interruption in the network and makes a high delay for messages. In this paper,
we propose a new method based on Game Theory to prevent these attacks against OppNet, and we will prove
that our strategy is a Nash equilibrium. Also we will discuss that our algorithm is resistance against various
In Opportunistic Networks, there are any fundamental
infrastructures and devices which people carry with
themselves, like their cell phones and tablets, will
save, carry and forward messages from a source to
the destination. There are many attacks against these
networks, which two of them are ”Dropping and Se-
lective Dropping Attacks” and ”Selfish attacks” (Ala-
jeely et al., 2015). Each node in the network has an
important role and acts as a router. If a node discards
some messages without a reason or it will be selfish, it
causes the whole network performance fall down. So
preventing these attacks are very important in Opp-
In ”Dropping and Selective Dropping Attacks”
malicious nodes drop all or some of their received
packets, and the sender could not find that their mes-
sages are discarded. In ”Selfish Attacks”, some nodes
may use network services, but refuse to cooperate
with other nodes to carry and forward their messages.
Some proposed algorithms in the literature for de-
tecting selective dropping attacks are as follows:
In order to detecting selective dropping attacks, a
multi-dataflow topology (MDT) scheme was used in
(Sun et al., 2007). In this algorithm, a network is
divided into some clusters which they have overlap
with each other, so messages are sent from different
paths with redundancies. If a node discards a mes-
sage, other nodes will send it. In OppNet, we don’t
have knowledge about the structure of a network and
nodes are not always online, so this algorithm is not
really useful in OppNet.
Hai and Huh (Hoang and Huh, 2008) proposed a
lightweight detection scheme for Selective dropping
attacks. In this algorithm, each node monitors two
hop neighbors and considers a threshold for them. If
the malicious counter crosses the threshold, then this
node will be introduced as a malicious node and other
nodes will omit it from their neighborhood lists. This
algorithm is not resistance against cheating.
An ant based algorithm was introduced in (Ku-
mari and Paramasivan, 2015) for detecting selective
forwarding attacks. Some ant nodes are used in this
algorithm in order to collect knowledge about misbe-
havior nodes. Then, these collected data are used for
calculating a trust value, and a threshold is used for
detecting an attack.
A repeated continued non cooperative game for
detecting selective discard attacks was introduced in
(Liao and Ding, 2015). In this algorithm, nodes mon-
itor their neighbors in order to find more reliable
neighbors. Authors calculated the best response for
each player in their scheme and then a Nash equilib-
rium for the game was calculated.
Also some algorithms for detecting selfish attacks
are as follows:
COOPON was introduced in (Jo et al., 2013), (Su-
Rashidibajgan, S.
A Solution for Prevention of Selective Dropping and Selfish Attacks in Opportunistic Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006233200300035
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 30-35
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
jitha et al., 2015). This algorithm uses determinis-
tic channel allocation information for detecting selfish
attacks. This approach was designed for cognitive ra-
dio ad hock networks. Authors have used autonomous
and cooperative characters of ad-hock networks in or-
der to increasing the detection reliability.
Kargl and colleagues (Kargl et al., 2004), used
multiple sensors in parallel in order to detecting self-
ish nodes. They have used an iterative probing for
detecting selfish nodes. When a sender does not re-
ceive acknowledgment from a receiver (X
) for a cer-
tain time of t, it will send a probe packet to it. If there
won’t be a reply in a certain time, it will send a probe
packet to X
, and it will continue this process until it
receives an answer or reaches to X
. When it receives
a message from X
, it will find that X
is a selfish
node. There is not stable path between two nodes in
OppNet, so it is impossible to use this algorithm in
In (Mittal, 2015), authors used an agent based
technique for detecting selfish attacks. Every node in
the network works as a monitor module and it checks
its neighbors. Then they judge each node according
to the received information from its neighbors. There
is a probability to receive wrong information from
neighbors in this algorithm.
All of these algorithms are not suitable for Oppor-
tunistic Networks. In OppNet, nodes are moving and
we don’t have a stable path between the source and
a destination. In most of the mentioned algorithms,
authors assumed that they have a clear network struc-
ture while the topology of the network in OppNet is
changed frequently and nods attend and leave the net-
work mostly. So, because of the erratic structure of
OppNet, non of the proposed algorithms can be used
in OppNet.
In this paper, we propose a method for preven-
tion of Dropping and Selective Dropping Attacks and
Selfish Attacks in OppNet without knowledge about
a network topology or density of nodes. Our algo-
rithm is based on Game Theory, and we prove that our
method is a Nash Equilibrium and any node has mo-
tivation to violate it. We define a best strategy which
players will play in a good history and when one of
them disobey from rules (bad history), other players
won’t play with it. In this order, any player could in-
crease its whole payoff by one game violation.
We consider the following assumptions in this pa-
1. We consider an Opportunistic Network with lim-
ited number of nodes (For example a conference
in a department of an university which partici-
pants use OppNet.)
2. Every node has a pair of private and public key,
which it could share its public key with trusted
nodes. When nodes produce a message, they sign
it by their private key.
3. Nodes use a trust function in order to detect
trusted nodes, and they send and receive messages
only with trusted nodes (We consider the trust
structure which is introduced in (Rashidibajgan,
4. When nodes are in communication range of each
other, they should be sure about the trust of other
nodes by using a trust function and then exchange
5. Nodes are moving frequently.
6. After a period of time, a node will visit most of
the nodes in the network
The rest of this paper is organized as follow: we de-
scribe our method in the section two. In the section
three we prove that our method is resistance against
various attacks, and conclude our work in the section
We consider an Opportunistic network which has
some limited nodes, for example a conference which
cellphones of participants are our nodes, and they can
connect to each other via WiFi for sending and receiv-
ing messages. This Opportunistic network could help
participants to find people how have a similar inter-
est field in the science. When nodes are in the com-
munication range of each other, they exchange some
messages and also some parts of their tables, and after
that each one updates its table.
In our algorithm, we have designed some tables
and according to these tables, nodes give score to each
other in the network. We aim to give more scores and
priorities to the nodes which participant in the net-
work, and recognize selfish nodes and selective drop-
ping attacks. Nodes will consider history of other
nodes and decide to play send or discard messages
in the game.
Each node in the network has a delivery table
(DT), and each message and each node has an ID in
the network and we call them MID and NID respec-
tively. When a node receives a message, the ID of the
message (MID) and the ID of the node which directly
delivered this message (LID) and ID of the sender
of the message (SID) are saved in DT (according to
the Figure 1). DT has another column with the name
of NKN, and it saves ID of neighbors how sent this
row of DT to them recently. When a node receives
A Solution for Prevention of Selective Dropping and Selfish Attacks in Opportunistic Networks
Figure 1: Different nodes from a source to the destination.
a message, the next row of the delivery table will be
DT(LID,SID,MID,-). Table 1 shows the structure of
DT. When nodes are in the communication range of
each other, they exchange some parts of their delivery
tables and after that, each node updates its DT. The
process of exchanging and updating NKN field of DT
are done as follow:
1. When a node sends a row of its DT to a neighbor,
adds the NID of this neighbor to NKN. So they
wont send repetitive information to a neighbor.
2. When a node visits the sender of a message (SID)
and forwards/has forwarded this row of the table
to at least n neighbors, it can delete this row in its
3. When there will be new information and a node
dose not have free space in its DT, it can delete
rows according to the first come first out algo-
Table 1: Structure of a DT table in the receiver (RID) node.
Also nodes have another table which they give
score to other nodes in it and we call it Score table
(SC). Score table has two parts: Positive Score (SCp)
and Negative Score (SCn). The structure of SC table
is shown in Table 2. Score tables have two fields of
NID and Score. Nodes after exchanging their delivery
tables, they update their Score tables too.
SCp is updated as follows:
1. If NID of the LID in DT is not exist in the SCp
of a node, it adds ID of this node to the table and
gives one score to it.
2. If NID of the LID in DT is currently in the SCp of
a node, it increases this score by 1.
Table 2: Structure of a SC table in a node.
NID Score NID Score
On the other hand, when they recognize a node is
lying about visiting other nodes (described in section
3), they put ID of this node in the Negative Score ta-
bles (SCn) as follows:
1. If NID of the conflict intermediate node is not ex-
ist in the SCn of a node, it adds this and gives one
score to it.
2. If NID of the conflict intermediate node is in the
SCn of a node, it increases this score by 1.
A node which is in the Negative Score table (SCn)
could not send its messages for (n · score) periods of
time (as punishment) because other nodes refuse to
carry its messages. After passing (n · score) periods of
time, ID of this violate node will omit from the SCn
of nodes, and it could try to cooperate in sending and
receiving data and increases its positive score. Actu-
ally, SCp and SCn are two lists about ID of nodes
which have good and bad history respectively and
their scores. When a node cooperates in the forward-
ing a message or lying, it increases its score in SCp
and SCn respectively. Each table has m rows records
about m nodes with higher scores. Also, nodes which
participate for sending and updating their tables re-
ceive α points as an encouragement (section 3).
These two tables, DT and SC, help nodes to learn
about environment. They can observe each other and
find which nodes are cooperating and which nodes are
violating rules of the network.
We consider two kinds of history for each player
in a game:
Good history: each node assumes that since a
node forward my messages or messages of other
nodes (according to the SCp), I will forward its mes-
sages. In Other words, since a node plays ”Sending”
I will forward its messages and I will play ”Sending”
too. Furthermore, nodes with higher scores will have
higher priority.
Bad history: each node assumes that if a node con-
stantly discards my messages or other nodes’ mes-
sages, I wont accept to carry its messages. when a
node started to play ”Discard” in a period of a game
and its name is in SCn, I won’t forward its messages.
Best Strategy of the Game (ST): each node plays
”Sending” at a good history and plays ”Discard” at a
bad history.
In the following, we will prove that non of the
player can increase its payoff at some histories by one
step Discarding a message. We prove that if the next
period of the game (the next sending message) will
be as important as this game (sending current mes-
sage) and nodes want to continue sending and receiv-
ing messages, they do not have violation motivation.
We consider δ as this dependence of nodes to the fu-
ture. They will know that if they won’t send messages
of other nodes, their messages wont be sent. Nodes
have motivation of violation for increasing their pay-
off, but in the following we will prove that if they vi-
olate the rules of the game, they could increase their
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
payoff only for one period of the game and generally
their overall payoff will decrease.
Table 3: Payoff for different playing games.
Send Discard
Send 1, 1 L, (1 + G)
Discard (1 + G), L 0, 0
According to the Table 3, when both players A
and B in the network, forward messages of each other,
they receive 1, and if both discard messages, they will
receive 0. If a node, for example node A, violates
the rule and does not send messages of B while its
messages will be sent by B, the violator node A re-
ceives 1 +G (1 means its message is sent and G could
be other advantages like saving Battery, memory etc.
which node A gain) and B receives L (it carries and
forwards a message while its message is not sent).
Node A receives an advantage, but only for one period
of the game. According to the strategy of the game, it
wont receive services in the next periods and its total
payoff (u) will fall down, so it won’t have violation
Send t = 1
Send ST
(Send, Send)&t > 1
Discard otherwise
It means that when node A is in the communi-
cation range of another node B, if it is the first time
which they want to send and receive a message, they
play send, and for (t > 1), if the node B played send
in the previous time (t 1), node A plays send in this
period of time (t) and otherwise node A discards node
B’s messages.
, Send
) = 1 + δ + δ
+ δ
+ · · · (1)
0 < δ < 1 (2)
, SendDiscard
) = 1 + G + 0 + 0 + · · ·
| {z }
a node wont have violation motivation if:
, SendDiscard
) u
, Send
1 + G
1 δ
1 δ
1 + G
δ 1
1 + G
The equation of δ 1
is a Nash Equilib-
rium and nobody has motivation of violation this. It is
the state which both players could achieve their high-
est payoff and with violation won’t achieve more.
So nodes with high contributions will receive high
scores and their messages will be accepted with more
nodes, and they have more motivation for accepting,
carrying and sending of messages of other nodes.
when node A has n neighbors, node A can play
this game with them separately.
In this section, we analyze the proposed algorithm
from some perspectives, and we will discuss that our
algorithm is resist against some attacks and it has high
1. We have considered a network with 100 nodes
and evaluated behavior of nodes in two situations:
in a normal network, and in a network with the
proposed structure. Also we assumed that nodes
could remember their previous activities and any
new node was added to the network during this
simulation. We have calculated the performance
of the network according to the following equa-
Performance =
All nodes in the network - Selfish nodes
All nodes in the network
According to the Figure 2, in the proposed algo-
rithm nodes will learn that if they will be selfish,
their messages wont be sent. As a result, they
wont have motivation for violating the rules and
be selfish after some periods of time while in a
normal network around 30 percent of nodes pre-
fer to be selfish.
According to the Figure 3, the proposed algorithm
has better performance, and after a while any node
has motivation for violation.
2. According to the Table 1, when two nodes are in
the communication range of each other and ex-
change their DT tables and one of them finds that
the another node is the sender of one of its mes-
sages, the following items could happen.
(a) both SID and MID are correct and there is not
a problem. Then the source will know its mes-
sage received and this row of the DT could be
omitted from the table of the sender.
(b) SID is correct but MID is not correct. In this
situation the sender declares that the message is
changed or he did not send this message. In this
A Solution for Prevention of Selective Dropping and Selfish Attacks in Opportunistic Networks
Table 4: Summery of different states for a row in a DT.
Sender Message Cause Action
SID X MID X This row can omit from the table -
The SID did not send this message
The message was changed
The sender signs the message with its private key
SID × MID X It dosen’t happen -
The sender is not exist in the network
The message was produced by a fake SID
The LID is suspect to be a malicious node
Time Slot
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Selfish Nodes (Percent)
Usual Network
Network in Proposed Algorithm
Figure 2: Amount of selfish nodes in a normal network and
in a network with the proposed structure.
Time Slot
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Network Performance
Usual Network
Network in Proposed Algorithm
Figure 3: Performance of the network in a normal situation
and with the proposed structure.
case, the source node and LID are suspected to
lying, but also it is possible that other interme-
diate nodes caused this problem. If every node
signs a message with its private key, this prob-
lem wont happen.
(c) SID was not found in the network. It means
whether SID existed and produced this mes-
sage and then left the network, or this message
was produced by a fake NID which never ex-
isted in the network. In both situations, after n
periods of time, the message is not valid any-
more. In this state LID is a suspect node. If
every node be care to accept messages from
the trusted nodes, this option wont happen. So
when they wont visit a sender for n periods of
time (each node will visit most of the nodes in
the network after n periods of time), we can ask
others about this sender, if nobody knows about
this SID, we consider LID as a malicious node,
because it didn’t care to accept a message from
a trusted node or it made a fake message.
the summery of mentioned items are in Table 4
3. Another type of malicious activity relates to the
nodes which disobey to give scores to other nodes
as follows:
(a) a node sends some rows of its DT but it’s neigh-
bor does not update its score table.
(b) a node does not send some rows of it’s DT for
neighbors for updating.
A node may do these activities with the hope that
when others don’t achieve more scores, its score
will increase more than them during the time. In
order to omit this motivation, we give a point to
the nodes which send some rows of their tables
and also we give the scores to nodes which update
their tables. We consider this point as α which
0 < α < 1 , and according to the Table 5, if α will
be higher than the score which a node receives
during time (
), nodes do not have motivation of
discarding some rows of their DT or do not update
their SC tables.
Table 5: Received scores during a period of time for coop-
erated nodes and non cooperated nodes.
update SC don’t update SC
send DT α, α α, (
) α
don’t send DT (
) α, α (
) α, (
) α
When (
) < α, nodes do not have violation moti-
vation. After updating their SC tables, they should
exchange their tables to be sure that update is done
and sign SC of each other with their private keys.
4. A node can receive a message and does not give
a point to LID. In order to prevent this, each node
can know its score, and when it sends a message to
a destination, increases its score and asks receiver
to sign it with its private key. When a node finds
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
that a neighbor didn’t give score to it in its SC, it
can complain and introduce this node as a liar.
5. A node may broadcast a null message with the
aim of receiving more scores. For solving this
problem, when a node receives a null message or
meaningless message, it will consider this SID as
a liar.
In this paper we proposed a new method based on
Game theory. We defined some tables for each node
and gave positive and negative scores to the nodes in
the network. Nodes will receive priority for sending
their messages according to their positive scores and
they make a good history for themselves, and nodes
with negative scores do not have allowance to send
their messages for some periods of time and they will
have bad history. When a node is in the communi-
cation range of another node, it plays sending in the
good history and plays discard in the bad history. We
proved that this strategy is a Nash equilibrium and
non of the players have violation motivation. Also,
we discussed about various attacks against the net-
work according to the various fields of tables and we
proved that our algorithm is resistance against attacks.
Furthermore, we showed that during some periods of
time, nodes wont have motivation to be selfish and
the performance of the network will be in the higher
In our algorithm, we have assumed that the Opp-
Net is implemented in a limited area like a conference
in a department of a university which all of the nodes
are registered in the network, so they can receive pub-
lic and private keys. In a large area OppNet, like a
city, it is almost impossible for nodes to connect to a
third party for receiving public and private keys. De-
veloping a method for sharing a public key in OppNet
and as a result extend our algorithm in a large area is
a part of our work in the future.
Furthermore in this paper, we have considered se-
lective dropping and selfish attacks, but this work can
be developed to detect other attacks. We intend to
study other kinds of attack against opportunistic net-
works and complete our intrusion prevention plan in
the future.
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A Solution for Prevention of Selective Dropping and Selfish Attacks in Opportunistic Networks