Structuring Multicriteria Resource Allocation Models
A Framework to Assist Auditing Organizations
Vivian Vivas
and Mónica Duarte Oliveira
Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico (CEG-IST), Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Planning, Budget and Finance, Comptroller General of the Union, Brasilia, Brazil
Keywords: Audit Planning, Multicriteria Evaluation, Portfolio Decision Analysis, Problem Structuring, Resource
Abstract: Multicriteria resource allocation models have been reported in the literature to support decision makers in
selecting options/projects/programmes. These models are particularly important in public contexts in which
resources are limited and there is an increasing demand for transparency and accountability in spending.
Despite the potential of these models to promote an effective use of scarce resources, there is little organized
and integrated research on how to structure them. In this paper we propose a framework with techniques and
tools to support the structuring of multicriteria resource allocation models, so that these models have a
potential to assist organizations in evaluating and selecting audit and control actions; and we provide
illustrative examples on to apply these techniques and tools in the context of the Comptroller General of the
Union, the Ministry of the Brazilian federal government responsible for helping the Brazilian president
regarding the treasury, federal public assets application and the government's transparency policies.
Brazil is a large country that has in place
governmental programs that reach all its territory, and
in which the public spending of federal funds is
audited by the Ministry of Transparency, Supervision
and Comptroller General of the Union (CGU).
Similar to public auditing organizations in other
countries, the activities of the CGU integrate actions
of corruption prevention, fraud deterrence, public
accounting, comptroller, ombudsman activities and
increased transparency in management. In a time in
which the country is going through a severe economic
crisis, CGU has a key role in promoting transparency
and accountability in public spending.
Since resources are scarce, CGU public managers
must choose the set of projects to be executed with
the available budget, considering costs and expected
returns. This is a resource allocation situation well
recognized in literature and, in this context, the use of
multicriteria decision analysis concepts and tools can
become useful and necessary.
Several multicriteria models for resource
allocation have been reported in literature to support
decision-makers in managing portfolios, taking into
account of costs, benefits and risks (Liesiö et al.,
2007; Phillips and Bana e Costa, 2007; Lourenço et
al., 2012; Oliveira et al., 2012). However, there is
little indication in the decision sciences and
operational research literature on how to structure
such type of problems in an integrated and organized
manner (Montibeller et al., 2009). Proper structuring
is required for building models that can effectively
assist decision-makers.
This paper aims to fill this gap by proposing a
framework to structure multicriteria resource
allocation models (MRAM) in the context of auditing
organizations. Specifically, the framework defines
procedures and methods that can help to structure
MRAM with a potential to improve the internal
processes of organizations that have budget
constraints and perform audit and inspection actions,
such as in the CGU. The remainder of the paper is
structured as follows. The next section outlines
broadly the multicriteria resource allocation problem
and key approaches set out in the literature to address
those problems. Then we suggest a set of techniques
and tools for the structuring MRAM and provide
examples of its application for the auditing context.
The paper ends with discussion of some relevant
issues and directions for future research.
Vivas V. and Duarte Oliveira M.
Structuring Multicriteria Resource Allocation Models - A Framework to Assist Auditing Organizations.
DOI: 10.5220/0006189503210328
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2017), pages 321-328
ISBN: 978-989-758-218-9
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 General Definition
The multicriteria resource allocation problem is
characterized by the selection of attractive projects
(portfolio) to be financed under the presence of a
limited budget and of other relevant constraints. So,
the prioritization and/or selection of options aims at
generating portfolios of projects – which entail
multiple benefits, costs and uncertainties – that offer
the best overall value for a given budget. Clearly, the
analyses of portfolios will depend on how the
organization’s decision-makers values distinct
project benefits and risks, as well as on the costs
required by those projects and by context constraints.
As these benefits are usually multi-dimensional (e.g.,
losses recovery, strategic fit, social responsibility,
safety etc.), this is a multicriteria problem.
The multicriteria resource allocation literature
suggests two main modelling approaches that can
inform the prioritization and/or the selection of
projects and that can be used by the CGU: the
optimization approach (Bana e Costa and Soares,
2004; Liesiö et al., 2007; Lourenço et al., 2012;
Oliveira et al., 2012) and the prioritization approach
(Bana e Costa et al., 2006; Phillips and Bana e Costa,
2007), which we now briefly describe.
2.2 The OPTIMIZATION Approach
Following Oliveira et al. (2012), the performance
of each project in the benefit criterion can be
measured by a level in the respective descriptor, with
partial value 
). Under an additive structure
(which requires the respect for mutual independence
conditions), the value of the overall benefit
of the
project , with
represent the weight assigned to
criterion , can be determined as:
> 0( = 1,,)
Considering each project has
>0and cost
is the total of available resources, and as
=1, if
the project is included in the best portfolio and 
otherwise, we have:
 :
, = 1,,.
The best project portfolio will be found by solving
this optimization problem. Additional constraints can
be considered.
Following Bana e Costa et al. (2006), the
prioritization approach can be applied in six steps, in
which the first three steps are similar to the
optimization approach but also necessary: 1. List the
projects; 2. Use a multicriteria value model, as
Equation (1), for instance, to determine the added
expected benefit
, if the project is financed; 3.
Define the cost
of each project, equal to the amount
of financial support funding; 4. Calculate the benefit-
to-cost ratio (
) of each project; 5. Rank the
projects from the highest to the lowest benefit-to-cost
ratio; and 6. Go down the list, choosing projects until
the available budget is depleted.
A variant of this prioritization approach is found
in Phillips and Bana e Costa (2007), that use the
Equity, a software for portfolio analysis, which
enables a classification of projects within an
organizational structure logic. Specifically, the funds
can be spent on different levels in various
organizational units or functions, called areas. In each
of the areas , the options are evaluated based on
criteria of benefits and risks , resulting in ×
scales. For a given criteria is assigned a within
criteria weight
. The total value of each option
and the benefit-cost ratios are:
The options are ranked from highest to lowest
. The Equity structure can also be used within
an optimization approach, although requiring a more
sophisticated optimization model.
Several decision support tools assist the
implementation of both approaches, being that the
case of PROBE - Portfolio Robustness Evaluation
(Lourenço et al., 2012), RPM - Robust Portfolio
Modelling (Liesiö et al., 2007, 2008; Vilkkumaa et
al., 2014) and the resource allocation module of M-
MACBETH (Bana e Costa et al., 2012; Hummel et
al., 2017).
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
2.4 Auditing Context
Both the prioritization and optimization modelling
approaches can be useful for assisting decision-
making processes of auditing organizations, as
directly or indirectly shown by distinct studies:
Bradbury and Rouse (2002) point out that the audit
risk assessment is an essential part of the audit
planning process. As the authors explain, numerical
risk scores for each audit unit, together with
materiality, can be used as the basis for the audit
resource allocation. In turn, some studies have
presented models to allocate internal auditing time
and others auditing resources to projects (Krüger and
Hattingh, 2006; Mohamed, 2015), using the
optimization approach.
Prior to the use of these models, one needs to
structure the multicriteria resource allocation model.
I.e., to build such a model it is necessary to get all the
information pertaining on models, which means
defining the organizational areas, audit units, project
options, costs, measurement criteria of benefits, risks,
synergies and interdependencies between projects
and other necessary factors (Friend and Hickling,
2005; Keeney, 1992; Montibeller et al., 2009), as well
as to understand who should participate in model
construction and whom the model is expected to
assist. Such structuring will show whether an
optimization or a prioritization approaches should be
used, and whether these approaches need further
development (note this is not the focus of this article).
We herein propose a framework with techniques and
tools to help defining and structuring MRAM to assist
auditing organizations. Departing from the work
presented by Belton and Stewart (2002), the proposed
framework, shown in Figure 1, is able to generate
background information to build MRAM. Note that
applying the propose framework will require the use
of technical tools and concepts, as well to involve
decision-makers into participatory processes (for
instance, to build a multicriteria value model), i.e., the
adoption of a socio-technical process (Phillips and
Bana e Costa, 2007). In this article, we focus on the
techniques, rather than on the social process.
Each stage of the framework must generate
relevant information to building the model in a
structured way. The choice of which tools to use
depends on the context of the problem being
addressed, on which tools best fit the organizational
culture, and on the user's familiarity with those tools.
Figure 1: Framework to assist the structuring resource
allocation models.
3.1 Problem Identification
The first step is to identify the type of decision
problem and understand the different perceptions of
the actors relevant for the decision. Auditing
organizations commonly need to choose the control
actions to be performed by audit teams, taking into
account the audit risks and available resources. Is this
a prioritization problem? Is this a ranking problem? Is
this about project selection with budget constraints?
Or, moreover, does project selection involve possible
conflicts of interest? The identification of the decision
problem type is a key factor for MRAM.
In this step we suggest the use of structuring tools
for problem definition, such as those cited by Franco
and Montibeller (2011): cognitive mapping, dialog
mapping, Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), group
model building.
As explained by Eden (2004), a cognitive map is
a graphical representation of thoughts in a network
shape containing nodes and arrows whose direction
implies causality. It is a powerful tool to capture
different aspects of the problem to be addressed and
is helpful to clarify people’s ideas and perceptions.
Another tool is Dialog Mapping that seeks to build
common understanding for wicked problems, which
are ill structured and complex and can lead to
different views and solutions depending on different
stakeholders’ perceptions. A diagram or map is
shown in a shared display with use of a conversational
grammar called IBIS, Issue Based Information
System, that represents the moves in a conversation
as questions, ideas (possible answers to the question),
and arguments (pros and cons to the ideas) (Conklin,
Soft systems methodology (SSM) is an approach
for dealing with problematical messy situations. Its
Structuring Multicriteria Resource Allocation Models - A Framework to Assist Auditing Organizations
Figure 2: Mapping key concerns for developing an inspection program cycle with a means-ends objectives network.
use is recommended when divergent views on the
problem definition exist. It is an action-oriented
process of investigation in which users learn their
way from finding out about the situation and what can
be done to improve it (Checkland and Poulter, 2010).
In turn, a Group Model Building is a data analysis
method from a group of decision makers. The
dynamic patterns and relationships between key
factors discussed by the group are portrayed to talk
and analyse, resulting in new insights and possible
new strategies or scenarios (Richardson and
Andersen, 1995).
In addition, Friend and Hickling (2005) have
presented the Strategic Choice Approach (SCA) that
is useful to support the creation and definition of the
problem in uncertain contexts.
Following Keeney's (1992) guidelines, one can
also frame a decision situation by structuring the
strategic, fundamental and mean objectives through
means-ends relationships. Giving an example on
auditing context, CGU performing an inspection
program in states and municipalities, in order to
assess the expenses incurred by these entities
involving federal funds. The scope and entities to be
inspected are chosen based on indicators divided into
four dimensions: Control, Transparency, Economic
and Social Development and Materiality.
Figure 2 illustrates the means-ends network for
the CGU problem described. The main objective of
an inspection cycle is to define the control actions
(projects) that will be performed, within the available
resources, which means defining auditing scope,
auditees and measure expected returns/impacts. The
map highlights key issues of the decision problem,
namely the value system organized in a means-ends
network. In fact, visual tools are useful to define and
clarify the problem may be relevant in this step.
Once the problem is defined, as Franco and
Montibeller (2011) well emphasized, it is necessary
identify which aspects or particular decisional
element of the decision problem will be evaluated in
the model to be built. However, before that, we need
to identify the key actors involved in the process.
3.2 Stakeholders Identification
The next step seeks to identify the key stakeholders
and analyse their power and influence on the decision
context. Bryson (2004) presents an array of
techniques useful for stakeholders’ identification and
analysis and which grouped into four categories,
which should be used in this step: organizing
participation; creating ideas for strategic
interventions; building a winning coalition around
proposal development, review and adoption; and
implementing, monitoring and evaluating strategic
interventions. The author highlights five stakeholder
identification and analysis techniques to helping
organize participation: a process for choosing
stakeholder analysis participants; the basic
stakeholder analysis technique; power versus interest
grids; stakeholder influence diagrams; and the
participation planning matrix. He lists six additional
techniques to creating ideas for strategic
interventions: bases of power and directions of
interest diagrams; finding the common good and the
structure of a winning argument; tapping individual
stakeholder interests to pursue the common good;
stakeholder-issue interrelationship diagrams;
problem-frame stakeholder maps; and ethical
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
analysis grids. The author also considers three
techniques for proposal development review and
adoption: stakeholder support versus opposition
grids, stakeholder role plays and policy attractiveness
versus stakeholder capability grids. And, finally,
presents policy implementation strategy development
grid for the last category.
From these techniques, we can highlight grouping
the stakeholders in the matrix power/interest,
proposed by Mendelow (1981), in which is possible
to perceive how communication and relationships
between stakeholders can affect the model structure
and its implementation. Figure 3, for instance, helps
to understand differences in power and influence of
key stakeholders in the CGU inspection program.
Figure 3: Power-interest matrix applied to an inspection
Ferretti (2016) shows that, under the existence of
a plurality point of views, one needs to understand
these differences, which requires the framework steps
that follow.
3.3 Goals and Values Identification
Once the problem and the stakeholders are identified,
one needs to have an understanding of the goals and
values of the stakeholder(s). We can underline the
concept of decision framing presented by Keeney
(1992) which points out that values are used for
evaluation and should reflect the decision-makers
objectives. He highlights that there are two distinct
types of objectives, the fundamental objectives and
the mean objectives. While the former features an
essential reason for the interest in the decision
situation, the mean objectives are just a way to
achieve them. As the author also emphasizes,
structure objectives give the basis for any use of
quantitative modelling and the fundamental
objectives hierarchy can indicate the set of objectives
over which attributes should be defined.
A structuring tool widely used in decision analysis
is the value tree, which displays the family of key-
concerns in a tree form and offers a useful visual
overview of the main objectives in different levels of
increasing specification (Bana e Costa, 2001; Bana e
Costa et al., 2004). In Figure 4 we present a value tree
with the fundamental objectives to be attained with an
inspection action. For instance, the “Management
Continual Improvement” objective is concerned with
the assessment of the inspection program's objective
component in terms of efficiency and technical
quality as well as the agreement on the entities and
the areas to be audited.
Figure 4: Value tree for an inspection action built with M-
At this stage, it is also important to look for the
alternative’s costs and identify the measurement
criteria of alternative performances (expected
benefits). One can make use of the framework for
structuring options and areas and criteria presented in
Montibeller et al. (2009). The authors propose two
approaches to structuring criteria, based on Keeney’s
concepts: Alternative-focused thinking (AFT), which
criteria are defined from the characteristics that
distinguish options and Value-focused thinking
(VFT), where the evaluation criteria should reflect the
organization’s values and strategic objectives.
3.4 Alternatives Identification
The identification of decision alternatives, which in
auditing context means the identification of audit
projects that will be evaluated, is an important step in
the structuring process and can be performed through
different techniques / tools.
In organizations segregated by pre-defined areas,
where the initial set of project options is relatively
stable, it can be used the AFT above described, in
which, after problem definition, the projects are
identified and, then, the values (criteria) to consider
in the evaluation are specified. In turn, on the VFT,
organizational values and goals are initially set. The
options are then created thinking on how to achieve
these goals (Keeney, 1992).
Another useful tool presented by Howard (1988)
is the strategy-generation table. It shows how a total
Structuring Multicriteria Resource Allocation Models - A Framework to Assist Auditing Organizations
strategy can be specified by combination of options
under several dimensions, called strategy themes.
In turn, one may apply analysis of interconnected
decision areas (AIDA) technique, present in Strategic
Choice Approach (Friend and Hickling, 2005), that
allows visualization of the compatibilities and
incompatibilities of options within a problem focus.
One can still make use of cognitive map to
explore/identify decision alternatives (Eden, 2004).
Montibeller and Belton (2006) proposed the causal
map, which can also be used to identify and agree to
a set of potential strategic options. As the authors
highlight, a causal map is a network of inter-linked
concepts (ideas) which tries to represent the discourse
of a person through means-ends structure, whereby
decision options are means of achieving the decision-
makers’ goals.
In the CGU inspection case, since the projects to
be evaluated depend on the definition of the federal
state to be inspected and the audit scope, we can map
the set of options surrounding the inspection program
to gain a better understanding of the issues, their
interrelations and perceived implications to the model
to be built.
3.5 Uncertainties Identification
An analysis of which uncertainties are key for the
evaluation of options and for the allocation of
resources is required. To exemplify, uncertainties
may be related with the budget, with the measurement
of options performance and with the
importance/weight of objectives.
Vilkkumaa et al. (2014) make a Bayesian
modelling of uncertainties, to be considered in the
selection of project portfolios. There is still another
classification in Strategic Choice Approach to
identify the uncertainties relating to the working
environment, related to the guiding values and related
to the choices in related agendas (Friend and
Hickling, 2005). Thus, different uncertainty types
may require different analysed with the prioritization
and/or optimization modelling approaches.
In the auditing context, as highlighted by Krüger
and Hattingh (2006, p.62), we can mention that “risk
is seen as a measure of uncertainty and is linked to
the possible loss in an audit area — uncertainty in
achievement of business objectives. The possible loss
in an audit area will depend on specific
characteristics and these characteristics are termed
audit risk factors. Examples of well known and
frequently used risk factors include complexity of
operations, financial implications, recent changes,
time since last audit, etc.” – these issues should be
discussed for each context and have naturally an
impact on the MRAM to be developed.
In the CGU example, a relevant audit risk factor
to be considered in the model may be related to the
uncertainty in estimate the project (control actions)
values to be included in the inspection program
3.6 Constraints Identification
It is also necessary to identify constraints that may be
relevant for the allocation of scarce resources to
competing projects. For instance, there may be
resources/budget restrictions, synergies between
projects or interdependencies between projects.
At this stage, in a brainstorm session/focus group,
one can use VFT to elicit the main constraints
involved in the decision problem by equations
(Keeney, 1992). AIDA can also help with Option
Bars that bring the incompatibilities that can be
translated into equations to be added to the value
model used (Friend and Hickling, 2005).
In the CGU case, it is important to consider the
following constraints:
Budgetary. Identify financial cost of each control
action and prioritize projects within the available
budget, so as to be accounted for in equation (3).
Logistical. The distribution of teams available for
each control action needs to be accounted for (e.g.,
equipment, vehicles, and special displacements).
the amount of resources consumed by
the project and
the total available resources . It
has been:
Context. Projects of entities identified as
vulnerable should be positively discriminated. Be the
corresponding project to the federal entity identified
as vulnerable, one should have:
3.7 Interactions between the Stages
To complete the structuring process, one cannot apply
the framework without considering the joint analysis
of different framework stages, as these are key to
select and/or develop MRAM. Table 1 summarises
techniques and tools included in the proposed
framework. The diagonal includes techniques and
tools previously described, and the remainder cells
provide tools that can assist more complex analyses.
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Table 1: Selection of techniques and tools that can assist structuring (crossing framework stages).
Stakeholders Goals and Values Alternatives Uncertainties Constraints
Stakeholder Power-
interest Grid
Stakeholder Visualization
Influence Map
Negotiation Analysis
Drama Theory
Drama Theory
Goals and
Negotiation Analysis
Drama Theory
Value Tree
Decision framing
Fundamental Objectives
Value Tree
Causal Map and
Conflict Dissolution
Drama Theory
Value Tree
Causal Map and
Multicriteria Decision
Analysis (MCDA)
Cognitive Map
Strategy Table
Bayesian modelling
Risk Factor Analysis
Focus group
For instance, different stakeholders (single,
multiple, group) can lead to different goals and values
and can generate different sets of alternatives and
In this situation, it may be useful to apply conflicts
dissolution modelling techniques to have an
understanding for possible win-win solutions, which
are often used for evaluation models but can be
adapted to the structuring context. (Bana e Costa et
al., 2001; Edwards et al., 2007)
As implications for resource allocation models,
we can cite:
Multiply stakeholders: Preparation of a
cognitive map to every stakeholder, analysis of
common and divergent characteristics.
Conducting focus group/brainstorming sessions
for the preparation of an aggregated map (Ferretti,
2016). The use of bargain negotiation/drama
theory (Edwards et al., 2007; Rosenhead and
Mingers, 2001) can be useful.
Group of stakeholders: The necessity for using
techniques conflict dissolution in brainstorming
session/focus group (Bana e Costa, 2001; Bana e
Costa et al., 2001; Salo, 1995).
Regarding uncertainties, it may be related to the
objectives and values, since the weights of the criteria
might influence the project consequences - in this
case robustness analysis and impact measurement can
be used.
Thus, the result to be presented will be determined
by the whole process and possibly different MRAM
may emerge. Therefore, the modelling approaches
presented in Section 2 may need to be enhanced and
developed for the context.
This paper combined decision making techniques and
tools to support the structuring of multicriteria
resource allocation models for the auditing context, in
an attempt to aid stakeholders involved in the auditing
decisions and which are pressured and charged for
transparency and accountability in public spending.
The application of the framework requires
thinking about which decision-makers and
stakeholders should be directly involved in each
framework stage, together with a
facilitator/consultant, an analyst, an recorder and/or
others necessary roles in the process (Richardson and
Andersen, 1995). This is necessary so that decision-
makers will have confidence in MRAM results.
For future research, it is relevant: to extend the
concepts and techniques to be used in the distinct
framework stages; to systematically apply the
framework for well-defined decisions at CGU and in
other real-world auditing contexts; and, to measure
the added value of using the framework.
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ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems