Towards Tool Support for Team Awareness in Collaborative
Maria Fysaraki
and Heinrich Hussmann
Department of Psychology, University of Munich (LMU), Leopoldstr. 44, Munich, Germany
Media Informatics Group, University of Munich (LMU), Amalienstr. 17, Munich, Germany
Keywords: Team Awareness, Collaborative Argumentation, Multiple Case Study.
Abstract: Supporting collaborative argumentation in higher education is a challenging task, and raising the awareness
of students on the relational space of their collaboration may be the key to simplifying it. In this paper, we
explore the role of team awareness for enhancing the quality of collaborative argumentation. Ten groups of
master students from Media Informatics (n= 28) participated in a multiple-case study for arguing on ill-
structured problems where they received different team awareness prompts embedded in collaboration scripts
, argued for solving the problems and built argument maps. The initial analysis of the argument maps indicates
that the social awareness script has a moderately higher impact on the quality of argumentation compared to
the behavioural awareness script.
Collaborative argumentation is regarded as a highly
effective instructional strategy for higher education
but it is also linked to big challenges for students who
need to take care of the collaboration dynamics in the
group while struggling with learning how to argue
and arguing for learning at the same time (von
Aufschnaiter et al., 2008). Collaboration scripts can
facilitate the argumentation processes (Stegmann et
al., 2007). When combined with task awareness
support (i.e. information on group members’ prior
and current knowledge) scripts can help students
acquire deeper understanding of domain concepts
(Gijlers et al., 2013). A recent stream of studies has
focused on the facilitation of group awareness and
argumentation scripts with tools in online learning
situations (Tsovaltzi et al., 2014). However, little is
known as to how we can raise team awareness in
collocated collaboration through pedagogical scripts
and combine them with tools for enhancing
argumentation in classroom.
In a first -small scale- study we investigate how
different team awareness prompts influence the
quality of collaborative argumentation when
embedded in a collaborative argumentation script.
To meet this need we created two variations of the
same pedagogical face-to-face macro-script
combining argument scaffold elements with different
team awareness prompts. The first script variation
included behavioural awareness prompts for
informing students about their activities in the group
(i.e. reminders for performing participation check,
performance comparisons and coordination checks)
(Janssen et al., 2011). The second one included social
awareness prompts for informing students about the
functioning of the group as perceived by their
collaborators (i.e. reminders for assigning roles,
keeping an open mind and being friendly in the group,
openly evaluating their performance) (Phielix et al.,
2011). In comparing the different awareness oriented
argumentation script variations over four sessions of
75 minutes each for collaborative argumentation we
want to shed light on the effects of different team
awareness prompts for enhancing (a) team awareness
processes and (b) quality of collaborative
argumentation and (c) the relation between different
team awareness processes and the quality of
collaborative argumentation.
At first, we present the background theories for
the design of the script variations and their link to
tools for collaborative argumentation. We then
continue with the multiple case study design and the
analysis of the argumentation maps and of the post-
study feedback survey. We conclude with a
discussion on the initial findings of the first study and
their connection to the upcoming study on a tool for
facilitating collaborative argumentation with a focus
Fysaraki, M. and Hussmann, H.
Towards Tool Support for Team Awareness in Collaborative Argumentation.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 1, pages 507-512
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
on enhancing awareness of collaboration (under
In order to ground this research within the wider
context of technology-enhanced argumentation, we
present in this section some interesting research
findings on supporting (a) team awareness and (b)
scientific reasoning and argumentation which were
taken into account for designing the awareness
oriented argumentation scripts. Lastly, we explain the
rationale behind combing scripts with an argument
mapping tool for ensuring equal support for building
arguments to all participants in the study.
2.1 Team Awareness Prompts
Beers et al., (2007) indicated that supporting
awareness of students’ activities in the relational
space of collaboration results in improvement in the
quality of collaborative processes (e.g.
communication of concepts) in the content space of
collaboration. Team awareness relates to awareness
of expected behaviors in the group- behavioral
awareness (Janssen et al., 2011), and to awareness of
students functioning in the group as perceived by
their collaborators in the relational space of
collaboration– social awareness (Phielix et al., 2011).
On the other hand, task awareness relates to cognitive
information about the knowledge of group members
on the content space of collaboration (Janssen et al.,
The effects of scripting collaboration and task
raising awareness in collaborative learning settings
have been investigated by Gijlers et al., in 2013. They
experimented with elementary students and provided
them with awareness support and scripting separately.
Afterwards, they compared the students in both
conditions with respect to their ability to facilitate
knowledge construction and discourse quality in a
computer supported collaborative drawing scenario.
Both forms of collaboration support -awareness and
scripting managed to facilitate students’ learning
processes and outcomes.
In this study, we seek to expand the research on
team awareness prompts for collaboration. In our
study, students communicate face to face and the
prompts in the script encourage a desired mode of
The team awareness prompts are combined here
with thought provoking questions and friendly
reminders. Prompts are meant to trigger the
discussion on the group around not only the
information about the individual learner’s context,
but also on the context of the whole learning team
thus supporting the members’ fruitful interaction in
the group on the relational level of collaboration. By
embedding two different sets of awareness prompts
(behavioural versus social) in the same basic script
for collaborative argumentation and comparing them
in the two conditions we want to shed light on the role
of different team awareness prompts in enhancing
collaborative argumentation.
2.2 Scaffold for Argument Building
Most argumentation scripts rely on Toulmin’s model
(Toulmin, 2003) for argumentation, where the
emphasis is on the identification of structural
elements of single arguments (e.g. claims, rebuttals
and backing, etc.). The Toulmin model was used here
as a basis for designing the argument scaffold for both
variations of awareness oriented scripts. Students
were also familiarized with the basics of the Toulmin
model during a training session prior to our study.
Toulmin’s logic provides a useful framework with
which a student can construct and deconstruct an
Taking a step further from the Toulmin’s model
for practical reasoning to the direction of promoting
high-quality forms of argumentation we built on the
eight epistemic activities of scientific reasoning and
scientific argumentation in higher education (SRA) as
defined by Fischer et al., in 2014 for designing the
awareness oriented argumentation scripts. These
epistemic activities include; „problem identification,
questioning, hypothesis generation, construction and
redesign of artefacts, evidence generation, evidence
evaluation, drawing conclusions as well as
communicating and scrutinizing scientific reasoning
and its results”(Fischer et al., p. 29). Regarding this
study we focused on enhancing specific SRA skills
for constructing artefacts, drawing conclusions and
communicating reasoning. We support students in
constructing artefacts and drawing conclusions with
the concise and intriguing problem cases and with the
argument scaffold in the scripts. For facilitating the
communication of reasoning processes, we employ
argument mapping techniques and a software tool in
conjunction with the scripts.
2.3 Argument Mapping and Scripts
Argument maps (also known as argument diagrams)
refer to external knowledge representations that can
help students to structure visually their arguments
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(Scheuer et al., 2013). They allow for increased
clarity and reflection on the strength of one’s
argument by identifying the key components of an
essay or a report. They also contribute towards
making a convincing argument and can be an
effective way to improve general critical thinking
skills. Argument maps can be drawn either on paper
or in sophisticated technological environments and
have some basic theory and visual conventions for
constructing and modifying a map as well as for
communicating its contents efficiently (i.e. arrows
between claims and warrants) (van Gelder, 2013).
Computer-based argument mapping is a rapidly
progressing field in computer supported learning
research has been found to enhance student critical
thinking (Twardy, 2004). Scheuer et al., (2013) have
successfully tested the combination of argument
diagramming and scripted interfaces for having
synergistic effects in promoting high-quality
argumentation. They compared students in an
argument mapping environment with versus without
a script. They found out that scripting could
additionally enhance argumentative quality of the
Taking on their approach, we provide structuring
on the epistemic level via the argument scaffolds in
the scripts and the web based argument mapping tool
Rationale® and combine it with different awareness
prompts for supporting forms of social interaction on
the relational level of collaboration. The Rationale ®
argument mapping tool allows for visualizing and
organizing arguments and supporting or objecting
them with logic and evidence. The use of this specific
system for argument mapping is supported by
literature on computer-supported argument
visualization (Davies, 2009). Moreover, it is in line
with the purpose of this small-scale study for creating
awareness oriented argumentation scripts to be tested
on software tools for collaborative argumentation.
This study employs a multiple case study design (Yin,
2009), in which each of the ten groups of Media
Informatics master students (n = 28, in ten groups of
three or two) is conceptualized as a ‘case’. In a
separate meeting prior to the study students were
trained in the use to the argument mapping tool
Rationale® and practiced arguing for solving ill-
structured problems based on the Toulmin model and
the conventions of the argument mapping tool.
Students’ main task was to argue for and agree on the
best solution to the problem and then transfer their
arguments into a joint argument map using the online
argumentation mapping tool Rationale® while
collaborating (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Example argument map in Rationale®.
At the beginning of each session, students were
provided with the problem case, the task description
and the theory at hand. The problem cases were built
to match the contents of a masters’ class on
"Multimedia-Based Learning Environments" and
dealt with topics such as constructivist theory and
cognitive load of animations (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Problem case script card on “animations and
cognitive load”.
Following, students received help for building
their arguments on the map. The argumentation part
of the scripts was divided in two subtasks and was
presented in two cards with thought provoking
questions for triggering the argumentative
collaboration on them. The cards were also enhanced
with additional argument building help in the form of
sentence openers. Furthermore, counter argument
support and support for creating backup of claims and
bringing examples was included in the cards (see
Table 1). Students had twenty minutes for working
uninterrupted on each subtask from the
argumentation script cards.
Towards Tool Support for Team Awareness in Collaborative Argumentation
Table 1: A script card with argument scaffold for both
Questions: In the context of understanding
„centrifugal force „would you
argue that the animation or the
static picture is better in
reducing cognitive load?
Sentence openers:
One argument against could be:
for example:
Please justify your approach by
means of examples and back it
up with the theory at hand.
Either before or after the students had worked on
the argumentative subtasks, they received cards with
social or behavioural awareness prompts on paper
depending on their condition and they had to discuss
them in the group for five minutes (see Table 2). Half
of the groups argued on ill-structured problems
following the behavioural awareness scripts
(behavioural awareness script condition) and the
other half following a social awareness script (social
awareness script condition). The awareness script
cards included one or two questions for the whole
group and a prompt for discussing them. Some
prompts included also suggestions for coordinating
the group work and friendly reminders for the value
of the prompts. The script cards in the Behavioural
Awareness Script condition prompted students to
perform participation checks and coordination checks
throughout the collaboration, and evaluate the
participation and coordination efforts at the end of
every session. Whereas, the script cards in Social
Awareness Script condition prompted students to
assign roles at the beginning of every session, keep an
Table 2: Examples of cards with team awareness prompts
from both conditions.
Social awareness prompt
card for evaluating
Behavioural awareness
prompt card for
coordination check.
How would you
evaluate your
performance as
writer, reviser or
Discuss this in the
Reassign the roles
amongst you if needed.
Is the problem case clear
to all of you? Discuss any
ambiguities in the group.
Create a plan for the next
steps for solving the
Remember: Achieving a
common understanding
and following your plan
will benefit your
open mind and be friendly throughout the
collaboration, and finally evaluate each other for the
performance of the roles.
The video recordings from the collaborative
argumentation sessions, as well as the argument
maps, produced throughout each session are being
analysed using qualitative methods. Finally, students’
feedback on their experience with the argumentation
and awareness script parts as well as with Rationale®
as collected in post-study survey is analysed
3.1 Preliminary Analysis of Results
For deciding on the level of collaborative
argumentation (low, medium or high,) we coded the
argument maps (element-wise) with respect to criteria
of formal correctness and evidence sufficiency (see
Table 3). The argument maps were examined against
model solutions for each of the ill-structured
problems and with respect to the conventions of the
argument mapping tool. The coding schemas
included the categories of formal completeness (i.e.
one reason with two co-premises, full declarative
sentences) and evidence sufficiency (i.e. correct and
relevant evidence from text, from personal experience
or other scientific sources) of arguments. In the initial
analysis argument maps from the first session were
compared to the ones from the fourth session (20
maps from 10 groups) and examined for any changes
in the quality of collaborative argumentation in the
two conditions.
The quality of team awareness processes is
currently being examined using content analysis
(Krippendorff, 1989). We code for students’
references to the prompts and their application (e.g.
engagement in mutual performance monitoring)
based on video segments from the five minutes before
and after introducing each of the team awareness
prompts to the groups in both conditions.
Table 3: Changes in the levels of quality of arguments
between the first and the fourth session for collaborative
MediumÆHigh LowÆ High
LowÆHigh LowÆMedium
Additionally, we have analyzed qualitatively the
answers of the students from an obligatory but
anonymized post-study feedback survey on their
experience with the argument mapping system and
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the script. With respect to the most and least helpful
awareness prompts in the script of the BAS condition
we observed the following patterns in the answers to
the open end questions. Students expressed
themselves positively about the coordination checks
throughout the collaboration. Creating and following
a plan for the collaboration made them “think about
why we weren't as successful as we wished and
"forced" us to think about how to change it.” The
prompts for running a participation check in the group
received mixed comments. One student stated: “we
did not discuss it much in the group, but it helped me
personally to reflect whether I am rather quiet today”.
Lastly, the prompts for evaluating the participation
and coordination efforts at the end of every session
were not perceived well by the BAS students. e.g. “It
feels wrong to compare yourself to your teammates
while they sit around you”.
Students in the SAS condition gave their own
feedback on the most and least useful awareness
prompts of their script. They commented positively
on the prompt for assigning roles and agreed that “it
gave the collaboration a good structure and everyone
knew what to do or what tasks to push”. However,
they did not refer positively to the prompt for
discussing and evaluating their performance as
writers, revisers or controllers in the group e.g.
reassigning the roles amongst you, if needed -
because the all participants contributed in the same
way to all of the roles.” Furthermore, students often
stated in their answers that the prompts for keeping an
open mind and being friendly throughout the
collaboration helped them “get different minds
Regarding the timing of the appearance of the
prompts, students in both conditions referred to it as
rather disruptive” for the collaboration. The time
assigned for working on the prompts (5 minutes for
each prompt) was found to be “more than enough” in
most cases. Most of students’ statements about the
time assigned for working on the argumentation tasks
were in line with this one: “20 minutes is enough to
sketch out some pros and cons for the argument”. The
students in both conditions were also asked about the
use of the additional argument scaffold provided by
the script. Most students agreed that sentence openers
and the thought provoking questions were helpful to
them but not the counter argument support or the
support for creating backup of claims and bringing
Finally, most students in both conditions reported
positive tendencies for future use of the Rationale®
system. However, many of them criticized the system
for the fact that “only one person can work with the
mapping tool at a same time.
The initial analysis of argument maps from the first
and the fourth session for collaboration between the
two conditions showed that groups in both conditions
increased the levels of formal completeness and
evidence sufficiency of their arguments between the
sessions. A closer look to formal completeness levels
of arguments indicates that the social awareness
script condition (SAS) did moderately better in raising
their FC levels from low or medium to high than the
groups in the behavioural awareness script condition
(BAS). However, the patterns change slightly in
favour of the groups in the BAS condition in the case
of evidence sufficiency levels of arguments when
comparing the two conditions with respect to their ES
levels in the first and the fourth session. When
accounting for both the levels of formal completeness
and evidence sufficiency as an indicator of the quality
of collaborative argumentation, we observe that SAS
condition did better in all groups.
The analysis of the post-study feedback survey
showed that students in the BAS condition liked
particularly the prompts for achieving a common
understanding prior to arguing. However, they
reported feelings of uneasiness when it came to
evaluating the participation and coordination efforts
at the end of every session. In the SAS condition,
students found the prompt for assigning roles in the
group of practical use for organizing the group
workflow but they did not like evaluating their
performance openly in the group. Students’ opinions
on the timings of the script were rather positive. The
argument scaffold was only partially used (i.e.
thought provoking questions). Finally, students
acknowledged the benefits of working with an
argument mapping tool but pointed out the technical
difficulties of working with Rationale® on one
computer in group. Currently, we are working on the
content analysis for the quality of team awareness
processes from the videos.
The moderate improvement in the quality of
collaborative argumentation in the social awareness
script condition indicates that information about the
functioning of the group as perceived by their
collaborators could be more helpful for enhancing
Towards Tool Support for Team Awareness in Collaborative Argumentation
collocated collaborative argumentation in higher
education than information about activities in the
group. A further analysis of the argument maps from
all sessions across conditions may be needed for
explaining the low levels of evidence sufficiency and
highlight the sophistication of students’ arguments
over time. In this respect, the ongoing content
analysis of the group discussions on the different
team awareness prompts might shed light on the
relation between the team awareness processes and
the quality of collaborative argumentation. The direct
feedback of students on the experience with of the
awareness and argumentation script parts in both
conditions will complement the main analysis.
Our expectation from this small scale qualitative
study is to gain useful insights on the importance of
different kinds of team awareness for improving the
quality of arguments. These insights will be used for
creating a balanced awareness oriented CSCL script
for a collaborative argumentation tool (currently
under implementation) in a follow up intervention
study. The goal of this study is to identify how
information about social and behavioral issues of
collaboration can be effectively transformed to
features of a system for collaborative argumentation
mapping (Rationale®). The system will run on
interactive tablet displays and browser technologies
and will aim at facilitating collocated collaborative
argumentation with argument mapping in higher
education settings.
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CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education