The Use of a Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Eye Tracking
in Exploitation of Online Advertising Resources
Jarosław Jankowski
, Jarosław Wątróbski
, Katarzyna Witkowska
and Waldemar Wolski
West Pomeranian University of Technology, Żołnierska 49, 71-210, Szczecin, Poland
University of Szczecin, Mickiewicza 64, 71-101, Szczecin, Poland
Keywords: Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping, Online Marketing, Eye Tracking.
Abstract: Current trends in the area of digital marketing and online promotion indicate the increasing role of highly
targeted online advertising. The method of designing advertisements evolved in the direction of one-to-one
communication, which forces to create personalized advertising messages. In the case of interactive media
modelling changes can occur in a dynamic way based on audience and content characteristics. The purpose
of this article is to develop a model supporting the selection of parameters and localization of advertising
content with the use of fuzzy cognitive maps and possibility to perform simulations based on content
selection towards increased efficiency.
Nowadays in marketing different promotional
instruments and measures, with which a company
communicates with the surrounding, are used.
The increase in the importance of interactive
technologies, especially of the Internet
in an organization’s marketing activity, is related,
among other things, to new media, which emerged
thanks to the development of information
technology (Kotler and Postma, 1999). Functions of
the traditional media are being taken over by the
electronic media or their combination in the form of
multimedia. The interactive media with one-to-one
model allows to send an announcement to a recipient
and receive feedback (Hoffman and Novak, 1995)
what is a result of evolution of one-to-many
communication model from traditional media (Rust,
1989). The basic feature, which distinguishes the
electronic media (including the Internet),
is a possibility of employing bidirectional
communication which led to the development
of new communication models (Hoffman and
Novak, 1995). The way of designing advertisements
is moving in the direction of targeting (Goldfarb and
Tucker, 2011), maximizing the level of
personalization with the use of morphing techniques
(Theocharous and Thomas, 2015), usage of ad
recommendation systems (Theocharous and
Thomas, 2015) or the use of characteristics derived
from social network connections (Wan-Shiou et al.,
2006). In the case of modelling an interactive
message, its changes can be dynamic and on the
basis of observations one can systematically
introduce changes in order to compare different
concepts and designs (Theocharous and Thomas,
2015). Assisting decision-making processes
concerning broadcasting a spot is of great
importance to Internet advertising campaigns.
A number of factors make it difficult to choose
a proper criterion for activity optimization.
Presented in this paper approach is based on the eye
tracking and advertising content representation
based on fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM). In modelling
with the use of FCM one needs to take into
consideration the fact that prepared characteristics
are in most cases based on human knowledge.
In order to avoid subjective opinions the paper
proposes the solution which applies eye tracking
to calculate relations between the elements
of and parameters of examined advertising content.
Paper is organised as follows. Section 2 introduces
theoretical background concerning tools used
to construct a model, that is fuzzy cognitive maps
as well as the eye tracking methodology. Section
3 shows authors’ example of employing cognitive
maps in modelling an interactive message
and presents the description of the experiment with
the use of an eye tracker. Section 4 discusses
the achieved results and is followed by Summary.
Jankowski, J., W ˛atróbski, J., Witkowska, K. and Wolski, W.
The Use of a Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Eye Tracking in Exploitation of Online Advertising Resources.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 2, pages 467-472
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Methodological background of proposed approach is
based on a fuzzy cognitive maps as an extension of
knowledge maps first proposed by Robert Axelrod, a
political scientist, in 1976 (Axelrod, 1976). They
were used to present social scientific knowledge. A
fuzzy cognitive map is presented in the form of a
directed graph which can be represented in the
following manner (Froelich and Juszczuk, 2009):
N = [N
- map factor values related to each
other by means of dependencies,
w = {w
}- connection weights assigned to the edges
between nodes x expressed in the form of relation
matrices, where are w
are numbers from the
interval [-1,1]; i,j = 1,….n, n- a number of factors.
Every edge w
is related to a given node N
has an attributed value. The value demonstrates a
kind of relations between factors. If an edge of a
node N
to a node N
has a value of > 0, it means a
positive influence of a factor A on a factor B. If an
edge coming from the factor B in the direction of A
has a negative value, it means that the factor B has a
negative influence on the factor A. When a value of
the edge equals 0, there is no mutual factor
influence. One needs to point out that the weight of
the edge w
. A disadvantage of cognitive maps
was a presentation of relations between factors. The
presentation showed only a kind of connection.
Kosko suggested a change of a method for
determining node connection force (Kosko, 1986)
(Kosko and Postma, 1988). Instead of using marks
only, each edge had an assigned number which
determined the level of connection between
examined factors. Presented values were in the range
of [-1,1]. Consequently, the relations between
the factors could be described by means of fuzzy
terms, such as weak, medium or strong
(Kosko, 1986). The factor value depends
on determining map dynamics with a formula:
 x
where: i,j - factor numbers (i,j = 1, …n); n-
the number of factors; f - threshold number; t -
discreet time, x
- a value of i-th factor ; w
– a value
of edges between a factor x
and a factor x
and Juszczuk, 2009). The construction of a fuzzy
cognitive map is based, to a large extent, on input
date. This methodology uses the knowledge
of indicated subjects to represent their experiences
and behaviour by means of a map. The indicated
way of gathering information is subjective,
therefore, it is necessary to collect possibly
the largest group of experts or to rely on research
which included a broad sample (Sobczak, 2007).
Therefore, in the first stage one needs to gather main
factors which have the most vital influence
on a analysed phenomenon. The factors are chosen
on the basis of the number occurrences. If a factor,
among many independent experts’ opinions, occurs
many times, it ought to be included in the model
(Sobczak, 2007). The next step is to indicate
connections between the selected factors.
The connections need to be indicated on the basis
of real mutual factor interaction. Determining edges
and their direction allows defining interaction force
between them and it is determined on the basis
of experts’ knowledge. Interaction force of a relation
with regard to C
can be described by means of
linguistic variables (Papageorgiou and Kontogianni,
2011). Having assigned linguistic values from a set
T to the edges of the map one can determine
a numerical value to every edge. The fuzzification
of the obtained dependences between the nodes
of the map improves mapping of real relations
between the elements of the researched environment.
The universality of FCM is expressed in its wide
application in various areas. In the literature one can
find examples of its application in solving
engineering (Mohr, 1997), industrial (Stylios
and Groumpos, 2004), military (Kosko, 1988)
or economic problems (Tsadiras and Margaritis,
1999). Cognitive maps can also be adapted to solve
problems related with the optimization of an online
advertising message. The issue of optimization
is concerned with dynamic changes of content
of an advertising message and its multitude.
By applying FCM one can quickly define
the effectiveness of a given combination and choose
the most favourable one. Such an approach
minimizes the time spent on keeping online low-
efficiency advertisements. Furthermore, in order
to minimize human contribution like in surveys
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
in estimating the value of correlation between map
nodes, eye tracking research was conducted. Still,
the approach involves human commitment and his
or her influence on shaping research,
and the approach also assumes that subjective
opinions are excluded. For the sake of the study
experimental websites had been prepared. Every
website contained four elements. Three of them
presented a text with a headline. The content
concerned current events related to e-commerce.
The fourth element showed an advertisement
constructed on the basis of three elements: level
of persuasion based on the colour intensity (P), size
(S) and location (L) on a website. Each feature could
appear in three variants what gave in total 27
combinations of advertisements which are possible
to obtain. Elements of websites with advertisements
were displayed on a 19-inch monitor with
the display resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels to 16
participants. The functioning of the device was
explained to every participant before the experiment.
Every participant’s position was appropriately set
to minimize individual differences in head
placement. After setting a proper angle and
a distance, the calibration process took place. In the
calibration procedure, which was 15 seconds long,
the participant’s task was to observe 9 points
arranged on the screen. After a proper calibration,
the user was acquainted with the procedures during
the experiment. The task involved reading headlines
and first sentences of every paragraph. Every screen
element presenting a website was shown for 15
seconds and then automatically another page was
displayed. The measurement was conducted with the
60Hz sampling rate. In order to measure
participants’ visual activity on every page there were
allotted areas of interest (AOI). Used measured
factors include the number of viewers to the
marketing content (MV), percentage of total time
spent on the website with the focus on advertisement
(MTP), focus time on the marketing content (MT),
time to the first view of the advertising content after
the website is fully loaded (MFV), the number of
repeated visits to the advertising content (MRV) and
the total number of returning visitors (MRVN).
Results for selected variants are showed in the Table
On the basis of data received, a number
of statistical analyzes was performed in order
to identify links between factors of P, L, S. The first
step was a conducted analysis of the correlation
between test components and test results obtained.
At a significance level of 0.05, the strongest
correlations were observed between the number
and location of revisited advertisement (-0.49).
The other element proved to be poorly correlated.
Cluster analysis based on the method of Ward
with a measure of Euclidean distance was used.
Based on the Mojeny rule, it is suggested that level
of division occurs at stage 2. Based on the resulting
graph, it can be determined by ad groups, which have
received similar results as the number of users who
noticed the ad. The best were advertising the group
in which repeated factor was the size of the ad (S)
at level 2, i.e. 250x200. To find out whether
a number is linked to a return visit with elements
of advertising, the obtained data was subjected
to analysis of main factors variance (ANOVA).
The number of ad visits was affected by its size
(F (2,20) = 4.32, p = 0.028). The analysis showed
that the ads, which are medium in size have a greater
impact on the return visit than ads with larger
dimensions. Their effectiveness is about 23% higher.
Based on these results, important factors proved
to be the location (p = 0.003) and ad size (p = 0.014).
The intensity of the colour turned out not
to be significant (p = 0.313).
The data obtained from measurements constitute N
factors containing information about characteristics
Table 1: The values from eye tracking for selected variants.
1-1-1 7 5.2 0.56 3.76 5 1.4
2-3-2 9 7.27 0.46 3.09 1 1
2-2-2 9 7.39 0.67 4.49 5 1.8
1-1-3 8 3.2 0.68 4.51 6 2.7
3-3-1 5 8.14 0.41 2.71 1 1
3-2-1 2 6.75 0.06 0.37 1 1
2-1-2 6 8.68 0.21 1.4 2 1.5
2-3-3 5 8.48 0.66 4.37 2 1.5
1-3-2 5 4.71 1.21 8.06 3 1.7
1-3-3 8 5.72 0.2 1.32 4 1.3
The Use of a Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Eye Tracking in Exploitation of Online Advertising Resources
of an advertisement and its effectiveness.
Independent variables, which can be controlled
in a direct way, are the size, colour and location
of the advertisement. Other information obtained
on the basis of the research by means of the device
are seen as dependent variables whose value
depends on a users reaction. Here is the list of all
variables (nodes): N
- advertisement size (S); N
location of the advertisement on a website (L); N
persuasion based on colour intensity (P); N
the number of visits; N
- time after which
the advertisement is noticed for the first time (s);
- total time in which the advertisement caught
attention (s); N
- percentage share time
of advertisement visits in relation to other content
on the website (%); N
- the number of return visits.
Figure 1: Diagram of a fuzzy cognitive map for the issue
of advertisement content and localisation selection.
The initialisation of map parameters in a relation
matrix was constructed on the basis of the analysis
of parameters obtained from the eye tracking
research and is showed in Fig. 1. The calculated
correlations were used to create connections
between map nodes w
. The matrix based
on the obtained values is presented in the Table 2.
The zero value means that given nodes do not
influence significantly each other.
On the basis of charts of surface adjustment
between individual advertisement elements one can
observe the changeability of effectiveness
of individual combinations with relation to intensity
of each feature. Fig. 2 shows the relationship
between two most essential factors. The surface
chart displays that most effective is the combination
of location on level L=1 and of size on level S=2.
Figure 3 presents the relation between the location
and colour intensity. It turns out that the best results
are achieved for an advertisement placed
on the highest place on a website and for colour
on lever P=2. The location change is responsible
for a drop of users’ return visits. The diversity
of a mutual influence wielded by the size and colour
intensity turned out to be irrelevant.
Figure 2: Surface adjustment Size – Location.
Figure 3: Surface adjustment Colour – Location.
The prepared cognitive map also allows conducting,
in a short period of time, a large number of
simulations for different values of decision
variables. When the defining values
of advertisement elements are introduced
to the model, it is possible to verify the results
of effectiveness which a given combination
of elements is able to achieve. Also, the proposed
model can be used to predict effectiveness results.
When introducing a demanded value to a given node
from N
to N
, one can define which values adopt
independent nodes. This solution enables the
dynamic selection of advertisement content
depending on the desired results. This solution
Table 2: Relation matrix of the discussed map.
0 0 0 -0.27 0 0 0 -0.49
0 0 0 0 0.27 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.27 0 0 0 0
-0.27 0 0.27 0 0 0.30 0.30 0.62
0 0.27 0 0 0 0 0 -0.35
0 0 0 0.30 0 0 0.99 0.40
0 0 0 0.30 0 0.99 0 0.40
-0.49 0 0 0.62 -0.35 0.40 0.40 0
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
seems to be correct given the fact that in advertising
campaigns the demanded effect can be diversified.
Figures 4 - 5 represent selected part of possible
scenarios. Values in highlighted nodes refer
to elements constructing advertising content (Fig. 4 -
5) or a predicted value (Fig. 6 - 7).
Figure 4: Effectiveness results for settings L=2, S=1, P=1.
Figure 5: Effectiveness results for settings L=3, S=2, P=3.
Figure 6: Forecasted values of independent nodes for an
expected value of a node N4 ≥ 8.0.
Figure 7: Forecasted values of independent nodes for an
expected value of a node N8 ≥ 6.0.
Figures 4 and 5 present achievable effectiveness
results of nodes N
. Generated results are based
in full on the values of nodes N
, N
and N
. In both
cases a given list of independent variables generates
a given domain of results. In cases presented
in Figures 6 and 7, FCM was used to predict
the settings of independent variables. The forecast
range of values in both cases is an inequality.
Because of that, the number of generated settings,
which fulfil this inequity, of advertisement content
is higher than one. Other calculations will generate
different element combinations in nodes N
The conducted research also allowed defining
the influence of individual variables on each other.
This illustrates the complexity of the modelled
system of advertising content selection.
The introduced modelling of an interactive message
is an example of using fuzzy knowledge maps
combined with the eye tracking. The presentation
of changeability of features constructing a message
as well as the evaluation of effectiveness of results
obtained in the model makes it possible to have
a wider range of decision support with relation
to deterministic solutions. The obtained results,
because of the possibility of evaluation of their
realization certainty in a changeable environment,
indicate that fuzzy cognitive maps can be employed
in the optimization of planning a transmission
of a certain type of advertisement on the Internet.
They can be applied in strategic planning when
looking for solutions which ensure the best use
of available resources and be the basis for
the evaluation of broadcasting resources from
a point of view of achieved results. In order to test
the universality of the model it is possible to adapt
a similarly constructed advertisement and to check
the correctness of the results generated by FCM.
Adding other nodes with independent values
to the constructed map would enable stronger
personalization of a generated message, what
in consequence would increase the level
of effectiveness.
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ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems