Possibilistic WorkFlow Nets for Dealing with Cancellation Regions in
Business Processes
Leiliane Pereira de Rezende
, St
ephane Julia
and Janette Cardoso
Computing Faculty, Federal University of Uberl
andia - UFU, Uberl
andia - MG, Brazil
DMIA Department, Institut Sup
erieur de l’A
eronautique et de l’Espace - ISAE, Toulouse, France
WorkFlow Net, Possibilistic Petri Net, Cancellation Features, Reset Arcs, Process Monitoring.
In this paper, an approach based on WorkFlow nets and possibilistic Petri nets is proposed for dealing with
the cancellation features in business processes. Routing patterns existing in business processes are modeled
by WorkFlow nets. Possibilistic Petri nets with uncertainty in the marking and the transition firing are used
to deal with all possible markings when cancellation behaviour is considered. Combining both formalisms, a
kind of possibilistic WorkFlow net is obtained. An example of a simplified version of a credit card application
process is presented.
Organizations are increasingly using Workflow Man-
agement Systems (WFMS) to reduce costs and im-
prove the performance and efficiency of important
business processes (BP). BP represent the sequences
of activities that have to be executed within an organi-
zation to treat specific cases and to reach well defined
goals (van der Aalst and van Hee, 2004). In the field
of systems engineering, modeling plays a key role for
understanding and controlling the behavior of the cor-
responding systems. WFMS are used for the model-
ing, analysis, enactment, and coordination of struc-
tured BP by groups of people (van der Aalst, 2000).
A workflow process corresponds to the automation of
a business process, in whole or part, during which
documents, information or activities are passed from
one participant to another for a particular form of ac-
tion, according to a set of procedural rules (Members,
Many researchers, such as (van der Aalst, 1998)
(van der Aalst and van Hee, 2004) (Soares Passos
and Julia, 2009), have indicated the Petri net theory
as an efficient tool for the modeling and analysis of
WFMS’s. In particular, an acyclic Petri net model
used to represent a BP, the so-called WorkFlow nets
(WF-nets), was proposed in (van der Aalst and van
Hee, 2004). When considering the WF-nets, the main
The first author received CAPES Scholarship - Proc. n
property that has to be proven to guarantee the cor-
rectness notion of the process model is the soundness
property (van der Aalst and van Hee, 2004).
An important concept in WFMS is cancellation
when the execution of some activities may lead to
the termination of other activities in certain circum-
stances (van der Aalst et al., 2003). Cancellation can
be triggered by either a customer request (e.g., a cus-
tomer wishes to cancel a purchase) or by exceptions
(e.g., an order cannot be processed due to insufficient
information). In general, cancellation results in one
of two outcomes: disabling some scheduled activities
or stopping currently running activities (Wynn et al.,
In order to model cancellation in a process model,
reset nets were proposed. They are Petri nets extended
with special arcs (reset arcs) that can clear the tokens
in selected places, i.e., everything is removed from
these places for a particular instance (Dufourd et al.,
1998). Reset nets have a natural application in busi-
ness process modeling, where possible cancellation
of activities needs to be modeled explicitly, and in
WFMS where such process models with cancellation
behaviors have to be enacted correctly (Wynn et al.,
The reset nets are apparently an innocent exten-
sion of Petri nets but they have rather dramatic con-
sequences. Simple questions such as reachability be-
come undecidable for reset nets with more than two
reset arcs (Araki and Kasami, 1976) (Dufourd et al.,
1998) (Dufourd et al., 1999) (Hofstede et al., 2010).
Rezende, L., Julia, S. and Cardoso, J.
Possibilistic WorkFlow Nets for Dealing with Cancellation Regions in Business Processes.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 2, pages 126-133
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
Consequently, the soundness property is also unde-
cidable for reset WF-net as proven in (van der Aalst
et al., 2009). This shows that, although cancellation
regions form a very useful modeling construct, in-
creasing the expressive power of Petri nets, they com-
plicate to a certain extent the process of verification of
workflow models (Verbeek et al., 2007). Considering
this, Wynn et al., in (Wynn et al., 2009), proposed a
set of reduction rules for workflow nets with reset nets
to facilitate the verification of workflow models. The
inspiration for such rules came from earlier reduction
rules for Petri nets without reset arcs. Typically, a
reduction rule will decrease the number of elements
under consideration by removing certain transitions
and/or places in the net while preserving some inter-
esting properties (Verbeek et al., 2010). However, a
reset arc can never be abstracted entirely from a re-
set net. That is, if a net contains reset arcs, it is not
possible to obtain a reduced net without any reset arc
(Wynn et al., 2009). In addition, model translations
normally introduce lots of “dummy” transitions that
do not correspond to real events.
Note that it is far from trivial to express the de-
sired behavior without reset arcs given that, to re-
move them, all possible markings should be consid-
ered, making the process model completely unread-
able and intractable (van der Aalst et al., 2009). Tak-
ing this into account, an approach based on WF-nets
and on possibilistic Petri nets is proposed to deal with
all possible markings when the reset arcs are disre-
garded through the use of pseudo-firings. In particu-
lar, a kind of possibilistic WorkFlow net will be de-
fined to consider, even without being explicitly enu-
merated, all the possible cancellation situations dur-
ing real time execution of the process model. In ad-
dition, such an approach will preserve the decidabil-
ity of the good properties of the model, such as the
soundness property, given that the reset arcs are not
consider in the process model.
The remainder of this paper is as follow: in section
2, the definition of WF-nets and soundness property
are provided. In section 3, an overview of possibilis-
tic Petri nets is given. In section 4, the possibilistic
WorkFlow net is presented and a simplified version
of a credit card application process illustrates the ap-
proach. Finally, section 5 concludes this work with a
short summary, an assessment based on the approach
presented and an outlook on future work proposals.
A Petri net that models a workflow process is called a
WorkFlow net (WF-net) (van der Aalst and van Hee,
2004). A WF-net needs to possess the following prop-
erties (van der Aalst, 1998):
It has only one source place, named Start and only
one sink place, named End. These are special
places, such that the place Start has only outgoing
arcs and the place End has only incoming arcs.
A token in Start represents a case that needs to be
handled and a token in End represents a case that
has been handled.
Every activity t (transition) and condition p
(place) should be on a path from place Start to
place End.
As previously mentioned, an activity can be asso-
ciated to a transition in a WF-net. However, in or-
der to explicitly indicate the beginning and the end of
each activity in execution, two sequential transitions
plus a place to model an activity is used. The first
transition represents the beginning of the activity, the
place the activity, and the second transition represents
the end of the activity (Wang et al., 2009).
Figure 1: WorkFlow net model of an activity.
As shown in figure 1, transition B represents the
beginning of an activity execution; E represents the
end of the activity execution. Place A
represents the
activity in execution. From a reachability analysis
perspective, figure 1 can be reduced to a single transi-
tion, which represents the entire activity execution as
a single logic unit.
Soundness is a correctness criterion defined for
WF-nets and is related to its dynamics. A WF-net is
sound if, and only if, the following three requirements
are satisfied (van der Aalst and van Hee, 2004):
For each token put in the place Start, one and only
one token appears in the place End.
When the token appears in the place End, all the
other places are empty for this case.
For each transition (activity), it is possible to
move from the initial state to a state in which that
transition is enabled, i.e. there are no dead transi-
A method for the qualitative analysis of WF-nets
(soundness verification) based on the proof trees of
linear logic is presented in (Soares Passos and Julia,
2009) and another based on a reachability graph is
presented in (van der Aalst et al., 2011).
Possibilistic WorkFlow Nets for Dealing with Cancellation Regions in Business Processes
Possibilistic Petri nets are derived from Object Petri
nets (Sibertin-Blanc, 2001). As characterized in the
approach presented in (Cardoso, 1999), a possibilis-
tic Petri net is a model where a marked place corre-
sponds to a possible partial state, a transition to a pos-
sible state change, and a firing sequence to a possible
behavior. The main advantage in working with pos-
sibilistic Petri nets is that they allow for the updating
of a system state at a supervisory level with ill-known
information without necessarily reaching inconsistent
A possibilistic Petri net model associates a possi-
bility distribution Π
(p) to the location of an object o,
p being a place of the net. Π
(p) = 1 represents the
fact that p is a possible location of o, and Π
(p) = 0
expresses the certainty that o is not present in place p.
Conventionally, a marking in a possibilistic Petri net
is then a mapping:
M : O × P {0, 1}
where O is a set of objects and P a set of places. If
M(o, p) = 1, there exists a possibility of there being
the object o in place p. On the contrary, if M(o, p) =
0, there exists no possibility of there being o in p. A
marking M of the net allows one to represent:
A certain marking: each token is located in only
one place (well-known state). Then M(o, p) = 1
and p
6= p, M(o, p
) = 0.
An uncertain marking: each token location has a
possibility distribution over a set of places. It can-
not be asserted that a token is in a given place,
but only that it is in a place among a given set
of places. For example, if there exists a possi-
bility at a certain time of having the same ob-
ject o in two different places, p
and p
, then
M(o, p
) = M(o, p
) = 1.
A possibilistic marking will correspond in practice
to knowledge concerning a situation at a given time.
In a possibilistic Petri net, the firing (certain or
uncertain) of a transition t is decomposed into two
Beginning of a firing: objects are put into out-
put places of t but are not removed from its input
End of a firing: that can be a firing cancellation
(tokens are removed from the output places of t)
or a firing achievement (tokens are removed from
the input places of t).
A certain firing consists of a beginning of a firing
and an immediate firing achievement. An uncertain
firing (or a pseudo-firing) that will increase the un-
certainty of the marking can be considered only as
the beginning of a firing (there is no information to
confirm whether the normal event associated with the
transition has actually occurred or not). To a certain
extent, pseudo-firing is a way of realizing forward de-
The interpretation of a possibilistic Petri net is de-
fined by attaching to each transition an authorization
function η
defined as follows:
: T {False,Uncertain, True}
where x
, ..., x
are the variables associated with the
incoming arcs of transition t (when considering the
underlying Object Petri net).
If o
, ..., o
is a possible substitution for x
, ..., x
for the firing of t, then several situations can be con-
t is not enabled by the marking but the associated
interpretation is true; an inconsistent situation oc-
curs and a special treatment process of the net is
t is enabled by a certain marking and the inter-
pretation is true; then a classical firing (with cer-
tainty) of an object Petri net occurs;
t is enabled by a certain marking and the interpre-
tation is uncertain; then the transition is pseudo-
fired and the imprecision is increased;
t is enabled by an uncertain marking; if the inter-
pretation is uncertain, t is pseudo-fired;
t is enabled by an uncertain marking and the inter-
pretation is true: a recovery algorithm, presented
in (Cardoso et al., 1989), is called and a new com-
putation of the possibility distribution of the ob-
jects involved in the uncertain marking is realized
in order to go back to a certain marking.
Concepts concerning possibilistic Petri nets will
be illustrated through a practical example in section
As pointed out in the introduction, cancellation is an
important concept in WFMS’s, which captures the in-
terference of an activity in the execution of others in
certain circumstances. In order to elaborate such a
concept, in (Dufourd et al., 1998), reset arcs were in-
troduced into the process model, thus allowing for an
increase to its expressive power and to cancel the ex-
ecution of the activities that belong to cancellation re-
gion. However, reachability and, consequently, the
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
soundness property are undecidable for Petri nets (or
WF-nets) with reset arcs.
To consider the concept of cancellation, such that
the reachability and soundness property continue de-
cidable, a model of the process based on WF-nets and
on possibilistic Petri nets is proposed. Such a model,
through the use of pseudo-firings, will then be able
to deal with several markings that must be considered
when the reset arcs are not considered.
The notions of cancellation activity and cancel-
lation case can be generalized to the notion of the
cancellation region, whereby an arbitrary region of a
workflow specification can be subjected to a cancel-
lation action (Wynn, 2006). In the model proposed
in this paper, if an activity belongs to a cancellation
region, its beginning and end transition will have a
certain and uncertain interpretation attached to each.
However, if an activity does not belong to a cancella-
tion region, its beginning and end transition will only
have a certain interpretation attached to each. The cer-
tain interpretation is related to the beginning and end
conditions of an activity and the uncertain interpreta-
tion to a cancellation event. Note that if the process
model has more than one cancellation region, the un-
certain interpretation will be a disjunction of the can-
cellation events related to each region.
To illustrate the approach, a simplified version of
a credit card application process, presented in (Wynn
et al., 2009), will be used. The process starts when
an applicant submits a credit card application (with
the proposed amount). Upon receiving an application
(ra), a credit clerk checks whether the submitted ap-
plication is complete (cc). If not, the clerk requests
additional information from the applicant (rmi) and
waits (WT) until this information is received (ri) be-
fore proceeding. At the same time, a timer is set (to)
so that if a certain period elapses before requested in-
formation is received, another request for information
is sent again. For a complete application, the clerk
first checks the requested loan amount (cla). It is then
followed by additional checks to validate the appli-
cants income and credit history. Different checks are
performed depending on whether the requested loan is
large (pcl) or small (pcs). The validated application is
then passed on to a manager to make a decision (md).
In the case of an acceptance, the credit card approval
activity can start (sa). The applicant is notified of the
decision (na) and, at the same time, he/she is asked for
his/her preference on any extra features (wef). The
applicant can choose extra features such as rewards
program or secondary cardholders (cf) before a credit
card is produced and delivered (dcc). This indicates
the completion of the approval activity (ca) and the
process ends. For a rejected application, the applicant
is notified of the rejection (nr) and the process ends.
An interesting feature of this process is that an ap-
plicant can request to cancel an ongoing application
(ON) at any time after it was received (ra) and before
the manager makes a decision (md), i.e., the activities
cc, rmi, ri, to, cla, pcs and pcl belong to a cancel-
lation region and the activity pcr is responsible for
capturing the withdrawal of an ongoing application.
The possibilistic WF-net with objects in Figure
2(a) depicts the credit card application process. The
symbol < c > is an object belonging to the class
“Credit”, as well as variables x and y, and all the
model’s places. Each transition has an interpretation
and an action attached to it defined by the designer.
The interpretation is used to manage the occurrence
of each event in the system by imposing restrictions
on the firing of transitions. An action is an applica-
tion that involves some specific methods applied on
the attributes of the formal variables associated with
the incoming arcs, allowing for the modification of
some specific attributes of the object < c >. How-
ever, in the process model presented in this article,
the actions will not be described given that they do
not interfere in the understanding of the approach.
Knowing that the activities cc, rmi, ri, to, cla, pcs
and pcl belong to a cancellation region, their begin-
ning and end transitions will have a certain and uncer-
tain interpretation attached to each of them. All the
other activities (ra, pcr, md, nr, sa, na, we f , dcc, c f
and ca) will have only a certain interpretation. Table
1 shows the authorization functions (η) for each tran-
sition belonging to the possibilistic WF-net shown in
Figure 2(a). The certain and uncertain interpretations
attached to each transition by the authorization func-
tion are respectively represented by the columns with
the subscription true if and uncertain if ”. The
false interpretation is not represented in Table 1, but it
is evaluated as true when the certain and uncertain in-
terpretations are evaluated as false at the same time or,
otherwise, it is evaluated as false. Finally, if a transi-
tion does not have an uncertain interpretation attached
to it, the space concerning the uncertain interpretation
in Table 1 is empty.
The conditions used in the interpretation of the
transitions correspond to the following interpreta-
begRA”, begCC”, begRMI”, begRI”,
begTO”, begCLA”, begPCS”, begPCL”,
begMD”, begNR”, begSA”, begNA”,
begW EF”, begDCC”, begCF and begCA
represent, respectively, the beginning of the
execution of the activities ra, cc, rmi, ri, to, cla,
pcs, pcl, md, nr, sa, na, we f , dcc, c f and ca;
endRA”, endCC”, endRMI”, endRI”,
Possibilistic WorkFlow Nets for Dealing with Cancellation Regions in Business Processes
(a) Credit card application process
modeled by a possibilistic WF-net.
(b) The uncertain marking obtained
after the pseudo-firing of B.ri and
(c) The uncertain marking obtained
after the pseudo-firing of the transi-
Figure 2.
endT O”, endCLA”, endPCS”, endPCL”,
endMD”, endNR”, endSA”, endNA”,
endW EF”, endDCC”, endCF and endCA
represent, respectively, the end of the execution
of the activities ra, pcr, cc, rmi, ri, to, cla, pcs,
pcl, md, nr, sa, na, we f , dcc, c f and ca;
cancel” represents the request of an applicant to
cancel an ongoing application.
Considering the process model represented in Fig-
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Authorization functions of the transitions.
true if uncertain if
(B.ra) = x.begRA
(E.ra) = x.endRA
(B.pcr) = cancel
(E.pcr) = cancel
(B.cc) = x.begCC ¬cancel cancel
(E.cc) = x.endCC ¬cancel cancel
(B.rmi1) = x.begRMI ¬cancel cancel
(B.rmi2) = x.begRMI ¬cancel cancel
(E.rmi) = x.endRMI ¬cancel cancel
(B.ri) = x.begRI ¬cancel cancel
(E.ri) = x.endRI ¬cancel cancel
(B.to) = x.begT O ¬cancel cancel
(E.to) = x.endTO ¬cancel cancel
(B.cla) = x.begCLA ¬cancel cancel
(E.cla) = x.endCLA ¬cancel cancel
(B.pcs) = x.begPCS ¬cancel cancel
(E.pcs) = x.endPCS ¬cancel cancel
(B.pcl) = x.begPCL ¬cancel cancel
(E.pcl) = x.endPCL ¬cancel cancel
(B.md) = x.begMD ¬cancel
(E.md) = x.endMD
(B.nr) = x.begNR
(E.nr) = x.endNR
(B.sa) = x.begSA
(E.sa) = x.endSA
(B.na) = x.begNA
(E.na) = x.endNA
(B.we f ) = x.begW EF
(E.we f ) = x.endW EF
(B.dcc1) = x.begDCC
(B.dcc2) = x.begDCC
(E.dcc) = x.endDCC
(B.c f ) = x.begCF
(E.c f ) = x.endCF
(B.ca) = x.begCA
(E.ca) = x.endCA
ure 2(a), an object in the place md indicates that the
application was validated and passed on to a manager
to make a decision, thus disabling any request on the
part of the applicant to cancel it. However, an object
in the place pcr indicates that the application received
a request for withdrawal and, consequently, all activ-
ities that belong to the cancellation region must be
stopped if they are currently executing or disabled if
they are scheduled.
If the applicant does not request the cancellation
of the application, all the transition firings will be cer-
tain and all the markings will be precise. However, if
the applicant makes a request for cancellation, some
pseudo-firing will have to occur until that the transi-
tion E. pcr is enabled by a uncertain marking and the
process can be canceled correctly.
The general behavior of a WFMS based on pos-
sibilistic WF-net models will be based on the possi-
bilistic token player, given by the activity diagram in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Possibilistic token player algorithm.
To illustrate a possible cancellation request, let us
assume that the activities ra, cc and rmi have already
been executed, i.e., the transitions B.ra, E.ra, B.cc,
E.cc, B.rmi and E.rmi have already been fired with
certainty. If the applicant requests the cancellation of
the application, i.e., the condition “cancel is true, the
following scenario will occur:
the transition B.pcr is enabled by a certain mak-
ing and its interpretation is true (η
(B.pcr) =
true). Then, B. pcr is fired with certainty, i.e. the
object < c > is removed from the place ON, a new
object < c > is produced in the place pcr and the
actions associated to the transition (when they ex-
ist) are executed;
the authorization functions (η
) attached to
transitions B.cc, E.cc, B.cla, E.cla, B. pcs, E.pcs,
B.pcl, E.pcl, B.rmi1, E.rmi, B.ri, E.ri, B.to, E.to
and B.rmi2 are all evaluated as uncertain. How-
ever, only the transitions B.ri and B.to can be
pseudo-fired as they are the only ones enabled by
the object < c >. Then, both B.ri and B.to are
pseudo-fired and, consequently, copies of the ob-
ject < c > are produced in the places ri and to,
respectively. Note that the object < c > is not
removed from the place W T (uncertain marking)
(Figure 2(b));
considering the new marking, the transitions E.ri
and E.to are enabled by an uncertain marking and
the interpretation attached to them is uncertain
(E.ri) = η
(E.to) = uncertain). Then,
they are pseudo-fired and copies of the object
< c > are produced in the places w
and w
, re-
considering the evolution of the marking, the
following transitions B.cc, B.rmi2, E.cc, B.cla,
E.cla, B.pcs, B.pcl and E.pcs will be pseudo-
fired given that the interpretation attached to them
is uncertain, therefore, they will be enabled by an
uncertain marking. Consequently, copies of the
object < c > will be produced in the places cc,
rmi, w
, cla, w
, pcs, pcl and w
, respectively;
Possibilistic WorkFlow Nets for Dealing with Cancellation Regions in Business Processes
the transitions B.rmi1, E.rmi and E.pcl are
enabled by an uncertain marking and the
interpretation attached to them is uncertain
(B.rmi1) = η
(E.rmi) = η
(E.pcl) =
uncertain). However, such transitions cannot be
fired due to the existence of the object < c >
in their output places (rmi, W T and w
, respec-
tively) which, through their definition, prohibit
the pseudo-firing as explained in (Cardoso et al.,
the actual marking of the process model is shown
in Figure 2(c). For this marking, the transi-
tion E.pcr is enabled by an uncertain mark-
ing and the interpretation attached to it is true
(E.pcr) = true). This situation occurs
because the applicant requested the cancellation
of the application and all activities between ra
and md must be canceled or disabled. Conse-
quently, to go back to the certain marking, the
recovery algorithm, presented in (Cardoso et al.,
1989), is called. Such an algorithm will achieve
the pseudo-firing of the transitions E.pcs, B.pcs,
E.cla, B.cla, E.cc, B.cc, E.ri and B.ri and can-
cel the pseudo-firing of the transitions B.pcl, B.to,
E.to and B.rmi2. After the execution of the recov-
ery algorithm, the transition E.pcr can be fired
with certainty given that it is enabled by a cer-
tain marking and its interpretation is true. There-
fore, allowing for the execution of the actions at-
tached to it and thus, finalize the cancellation re-
quest and the workflow process (only the place
end is marked at the end of the cancellation). Note
that no action attached to a transition pseudo-fired
is executed, even if its firing is achieved.
Through the use of pseudo-firings, a firing se-
quence is defined, which will transform the mark-
ing until the object < c > is localized in the place
. Then, the process can be finalized with success
through the certain firing of the transition E.pcr af-
ter the execution of the recovery algorithm. The ex-
istence of this firing sequence is guaranteed by the
soundness property, which ensures that there does not
exist dead transitions in this WF-net.
In this article, a possibilistic WorkFlow net model was
presented with the purpose of dealing with cancella-
tion features in business processes. Combining the
routing structure of WF-nets and uncertain reasoning
of possibilistic Petri nets, the authors presented an
approach that is able to treat the cancellation events
through of the use of pseudo-firing, which give a de-
scription of a set of possible markings that are all
reachable markings of the underlying WF-net. Such
an approach was applied to an example of a simplified
version of a credit card application process.
Other studies that deal with the problem of cancel-
lation use reset arcs in the process model. Such arcs
have as a consequence the loss of decidability over
some important structural properties, such as reacha-
bility. To avoid this loss, other works proposed tech-
niques for reducing the size of the net and conse-
quently the quantity of reset arcs. However, a reset
arc can never be abstracted entirely from a reset net,
consequently, the structural properties continue being
undecidable. In addition, lots of “dummy” transitions
that do not correspond to real events can be introduced
to the process model. Comparing these studies with
the approach presented in this paper, the main advan-
tage is that, as the reset arcs are not used in the process
model, the decidability of the structural properties of
the model, such as soundness property, are guaran-
teed. Furthermore, all the scenarios that correspond to
a cancellation situation are considered during the real
time execution, even without being explicitly enumer-
ating in the process model.
As a future work proposal, the quality of this ap-
proach should be explicitly validated through a kind
of experimental approach that allows for the program-
ming of transition pseudo firing. It would seem that
the CPN Tools software resources (Beaudouin-Lafon
et al., 2001), developed by the computing science
group of Aarhus University in Denmark, allows in
particular for the use of complex function calculus as-
sociated with the model’s arcs. This should be able to
program in a simple way some of the basic behaviors
of a possibilistic token player implementing cancel-
lation scenarios. In addition, it will be interesting to
model and test a larger business process with more
than one cancellation region.
The authors would like to thank Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior
(CAPES), Fundac¸
ao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado
de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) and Conselho Nacional
de Desenvolvimento Cient
ıfico e Tecnol
ogico (CNPq)
for financial support.
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
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