KM and KA in International Coooperation
Lesson from the K-Link project in Central Asia
Gianluca Colombo
, Alessio Vertemati
, Emanuele Panzeri
, Eva Grolíková
and Philipp Reichmut
Siris Academic S.L., Av. Francesc Cambó 17, 9th floor B, 08003 Barcelona, Spain
Palacký University Olomouc, Křížkovského 8 771 47 Olomouc, Czech Republic
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Central Asia, International Cooperation, Organizational Development, Search
Engine, Knowledge Artifact.
Abstract: The K-Link initiative concerns a Knowledge Management (KM) solution for Central Asian institutions com-
mitted to Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and Natural Resource Management (NRM) projects imple-
mentation in the framework of international development cooperation. It supplies a technical solution based
on the use of a distributed network in which all data and information remain stored on each institution’s server
and can be accessed from each institution’s website without the need to create a central hub. One of the main
issue regarding the sharing of documents in the Central Asian context actually regards motivations for sharing.
In fact the trigger for information sharing in Sustainable Land Management in Central Asia is given by the
management of information. This principle verified and tested with the participant institutions led to the res-
olution to design and implement a specific Document Management System (K-DMS) in order to allow end
users to get to know the sharing features of K-Link as special cases of more general information management
ones. The K-DMS represents computer-based environment for the production and sharing of knowledge arti-
The K-Link initiative concerns a Knowledge Man-
agement (KM) solution for Central Asian institutions
committed to Sustainable Land Management (SLM)
and Natural Resource Management (NRM) projects
implementation in the framework of international de-
velopment. It has been financed by GIZ GmbH and
implemented by SIRIS Academic S.L; it started on
December 2013 and ended up with a running pilot on
June 2015. Before going through the K-Link project
in details and showing how it is promoting knowledge
artifacts production, a survey on both general and spe-
cific background conditions which motivate KM ini-
tiative in Central Asia in the framework of interna-
tional cooperation need to be taken into account.
All five Central Asian states along with Azerbai-
jan were one of the poorest in the former Soviet Un-
ion. And when they became unexpectedly independ-
ent in 1991, they faced three large negative shocks:
the end of central planning, the dissolution of the So-
viet Union system, and hyperinflation. At first the
shock in all Central Asian countries caused the fall of
output, and increased their poverty and inequality but
each country faced it differently. The newly inde-
pendent states emerged from the USSR with similar
economic systems and some similarity in economic
structure (Brill Olcott, 1998). However, by the
twenty-first century their economies differentiated
but not their political systems, for all of them had es-
tablished super-presidential systems with concen-
trated power and weak legislatures (Pomfret, 2006).
The level of economic growth in Central Asian coun-
tries also proportionally reflects the number of Inter-
net users (IWS, 2014). The Global Information Tech-
nology Report (Dutta, Geiger and Lanvin, 2015)
ranks Tajikistan 62
, Kazakhstan 69
and Kyrgyz-
stan 111
out of 143 countries in terms the capacity
for innovation (to what extent do companies/organi-
zations have the capacity to innovate). And the same
report ranks them 90
, 74
and 119
respectively in
terms of impact of ICTs on new services and products
(to what extent does ICT enable new business mod-
els). Unfortunately data for Uzbekistan and Turkmen-
istan were not included in the report. Based on this
information it could be stated that (1) although the In-
ternet penetration rate is not in all states as high as it
could be, it is growing steadily, (2) in all states there
is better capacity for innovation as well as for impact
Colombo, G., Vertemati, A., Panzeri, E., Grolíková, E. and Reichmut, P..
KM and KA in International Coooperation - Lesson from the K-Link project in Central Asia.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 421-428
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of ICTs on new services and products than in one
fourth of other countries in the world. Hence this sit-
uation can be used as a basis for usage of new tech-
nologies (ICTs etc.) for capacity building in Central
Asia. According to Rondelli (2014) all actors (i.e. re-
searchers, NGOs and institutions) in Central Asia
have difficulties accessing knowledge, for even after
years of study part of the existing data still escapes
their attention. And (reflected) knowledge (e.g. best
practices) itself contains the ability to change the
learning (to develop capacities) of individuals, groups
or society as a whole. Therefore a Knowledge Man-
agement approach to academic-practitioner and prac-
titioner collaboration is one of the most effective
ways in order to bridge the research-practice and
practice-practice gap that is hindering the develop-
ment of efficient problem-solving strategies.
These are the general motivations in which a KM
initiative in Central Asian is necessarily framed. Re-
garding the specific motivations, this leaded the K-
Link project implementation, some additional re-
marks on KM needs in Sustainable Land Manage-
ment (SLM) need to also be considered.
Especially as Kyrgyzstan is one of Asia’s most
sparsely wooded countries, with a forest cover of only
4-5%. Despite that fact, the world’s largest connected
natural fruit and walnut forests are to be found in the
south of Kyrgyzstan (Jalalabad and Osh Region).
They are considered the origin of many domesticated
fruit and nut varieties; the in-situ conservation of
these wild varieties is of global importance. Those
forests are located at an altitude of 1,100 – 1,800
m.a.s.l. and are inseparably connected to the adjacent
biodiversity rich highland pastures (1,800 – 3,400
m.a.s.l.), in terms of their ecology and usage. At the
same time, the forests form a significant basis for ru-
ral livelihoods and have important regulating func-
tions for the downstream regions, e.g. for the water
regime. The soils are important carbon sinks, thanks
to their thick humus layers.
Degradation processes, induced by unsustainable
resource use (firewood extraction, one-dimensional
concentration of the management on nut harvesting,
wood pasture), result already in a significant reduc-
tion of the water retention capacity of the forests. The
forest stand has changed in its structure and has been
reduced in its diversity. The harvests have decreased
considerably harming the natural resilience of the for-
ests. The negative impacts on the forests as well as
the surrounding ecosystems are additionally exacer-
bated by the already perceived adverse impacts of cli-
mate change. The pressure on the forest resources in-
creases steadily due to high levels of population
growth. Uncontrolled settlement development leads
to a fragmentation of the forests (Borchardt et al.,
2011; Swetnam et al., 1999).
Acknowledging the unique nature of the forests, a
high variety of research on biodiversity and the breed-
ing of new varieties of nuts and fruits was conducted
already in Soviet times. After the independence of
Kyrgyzstan namely Kyrgyz, German and Swiss re-
search institutes did intensive research on the region,
covering ecologic as well as socio-economic and
management aspects.
Simultaneously, a multitude of steps to align the
Kyrgyz forest sector towards multi-functional for-
estry and to include the local population in the man-
agement were undertaken within the scope of the
Swiss KIRFOR Programme from 1995 to 2009. The
walnut forests in the south of Kyrgyzstan were a pilot
area for the implementation of participatory forest
management approaches. This project has undoubted
accomplishments, however, fundamental reasons for
the degradation of the forests prevail and new have
occurred respectively. A very important reason for
the degradation of the walnut forests is the unsolved
issue of overgrazing of near to forest pastures and the
unfinished reform of the pasture sector in Kyrgyzstan.
NGOs, State Agencies and Academics with the sup-
port of the GIZ Regional Programme on Sustainable
Use of Natural Resources in Central Asia are cur-
rently testing appropriate approaches for a better
management of pastures in South Kyrgyzstan.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2
Knowledge Management issues are framed with re-
spect to the central Asian international cooperation
needs. In section 3 the K-Link project is presented
and discussed. In section 4 the K-Link is discussed
taking into account the Knowledge Artifact design
principles. In section 5 Conclusions and future direc-
tions are presented.
Knowledge management platforms in its many forms
can be used both to improve the way organizations
communicate and to disseminate knowledge inter-
nally as well as externally. Generally, it could be said
that even after many years of KM use most of the or-
ganizations are not yet taking maximum advantage of
what new knowledge management systems and tech-
nologies have to offer (UNICEF, 2008). To do so the
organizations should focus on sustainability, it means
to decide on which areas their organizations need to
KITA 2015 - 1st International Workshop on the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and
focus on, and how much effort, time and financial re-
sources they are willing to invest.
The field of international cooperation in Central Asia
is not so different from other regions it is just specific.
Its specific functioning and all involved actors are de-
scribed in detail bellow.
International Implementing Agencies. like GIZ is -
are normally requested by donors - in the case of GIZ
the German Federal Ministry of Economic Coopera-
tion and Development [BMZ] - to elaborate project
proposals on biodiversity preservation and poverty al-
leviation in Central Asia. Over the last decade large
amount of projects have been focused on the walnut
forests of Southern Kyrgyzstan.
In order to fulfil the request of Donors, implanting
Agencies usually send a mission to the rural areas
(e.g., walnut areas).
For their respective preparation as well as for compil-
ing the project proposal according to the donors for-
mat and standards the implanting agency mission nor-
mally uses manifold different documents (Donors
policy papers, implanting agencies country strategy,
scientific papers on the project area, documentation
and best practices of other projects in the region, etc.)
The NGOs involved into the project proposal and fu-
ture implementation are already approached during
the project finding mission by the implementing
agencies in order to develop a proposal for a training
concept for local land users to enhance the pasture
management in and around the area of interest (e.g.,
the walnut forests).
The selected NGOs have a long standing experience
in developing trainings in the field of pasture manage-
ment and sustainable land management in general. In
order to develop an approach NGOs usually retrieve
and study different kinds of documents.
Academics. e.g., University of Central Asia, which is
well connected to the international Agroforestry Cen-
ter (ICRAF) - are also involved into the process.
Many valuable data and publications originating from
Soviet times are actually stored in the institutions li-
brary. Many Universities in Central Asian have in-
deed established a wide national and international re-
search cooperation network.
Based on that wealth of knowledge and contacts, re-
searchers of the university in cooperation with re-
search fellows from the EU Universities normally
prepare a research project on monitoring the dynam-
ics of biodiversity and condition of the target rural ar-
eas. An analytical study and baseline of the currently
existing conditions is thus compared with historic
data and later with monitoring data at the mid and end
of the planned donors financed development project.
Normally also private companies take part into the
process. The companies are looking for two things:
firstly for new markets and export schemes (tax and
tariff arrangements; standards; laws; experiences of
nut producers in other countries). Secondly they are
also committed to find out innovative schemes to con-
nect them with huge importing companies on the in-
ternational markets.
The State Agencies have of course a huge interest in
an improvement of the current situation in SLM (e.g.,
walnut areas). This is due to the importance of the for-
ests and water resources for the global efforts to pre-
serve biodiversity. Accordingly to it, the State
Agency highly welcomes the initiative of Donors to
launch projects in that area. However, State Agencies,
which are the political implementation partner of the
planned projects, are aware of many other projects,
which have been implemented or are under imple-
mentation there. In order not to double and to coordi-
nate the new project with the others, the State Agen-
cies are trying to compile an overview of past and pre-
sent development projects for any specific area of in-
terest (K-Link, 2015).
According the above reported surrounding conditions
and stakeholder needs, in the context of the K-Link
(2015) initiative by Knowledge Management is
meant the adoption of technologies to the support of
reliable resources detection, organization and sharing
among stakeholders working in SLM and NRM in the
specific area on international cooperation in post-so-
viet countries. By “reliable resources” is here meant
documentation regarding statistics, best practices,
valuable past experiences of projects implementation
(both positive and negative), scientific reports and de-
liverables. All these information sources mainly re-
gards projects proposal building, implementation,
monitoring and results that normally are spread into
unstructured documents owned by single institutions,
i.e. State Agencies, NGOs, Implementing Agencies
and Academics all over Central Asia. The main re-
quirement K-Link was expected to cover was, in other
words, the stakeholders’ need to speed up the process
of information access (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-
Neto, 1999) and to reduce the information entropy
provided by popular Web search engines. According
to the requirements analysis carried out with the client
and the stakeholders, three main constraints should
have been also be taken into account:
KM and KA in International Coooperation - Lesson from the K-Link project in Central Asia
- to enable sharing while respecting ownership of
data and information,
- to support information management without im-
posing a single model for organizing the re-
sources (documents and data) and
- without forcing end users to share.
The K-Link supplies a technical solution to this prob-
lem, based on the use of a distributed network in
which all data and information remain stored on each
institution’s server and can be accessed from each in-
stitution’s website without the need to create a central
hub. Plugged into pre-existing content management
platforms that run at the end-users institutions side,
K-Link extends those systems with information re-
trieval, management and sharing features. On the one
hand by applying state of the art content-based search
engine to the parsing of local documents repositories,
the K-Link offers a palette of services aimed at sup-
porting users in information discovering and access-
ing. On the other hand the peer-to-peer software ar-
chitecture enables end-users to share information
with the networked institutions (or members of the in-
stitutions) without forcing them to use a central hub
while respecting the freedom to decide what to share,
with whom and when. Six institutions have been in-
volved into the K-Link Pilot, namely one academic
placed in Bishkek-Kyrgyzstan – the University of
Central Asia (UCA), two NGOs one from Kyrgyzstan
and the other one from Kazakhstan – Camp Alatoo
and Ecomusem, the State Agency of Kyrgyzstan on
Forestry Management, an Implementing Agency
ICARDA and one private company from Kazakhstan
that is CAREC.
3.1 The Peer-to-Peer Architecture
The K-Link architecture has been engineered to be
modular and extendible to better fit the changing re-
quirements and the different environments where the
system would be integrated, while enforcing its dis-
tributed aspects.
The K-Link system is composed by two main
components, namely the Core and the Adapters com-
ponents: the K-Link Core (or in short KCore) compo-
nent represents the heart of the distributed network
and it is in charge of the document analysis and the
text search features. The Adapters components are
specific pieces of software that allow third-party Con-
tent Management Systems to be integrated with the
K-Link system.
The KCore can be identified as a node in the dis-
tributed K-Link network and represents the entry
point for the document textual analysis and the full-
text search features; most of such functionalities are
exposed via dedicated Application Programming In-
terface (API) by using the RESTful paradigm. A
KCore is responsible of the following aspects:
Multi-format document indexing;
Text and Geographical analysis and extraction;
Document metadata extraction;
Full-Text search (with document filtering and
grouping capabilities);
Secure API invocation with authentication and
role-based permissions;
Distributed network management, or-chestra-
tion, scalability and information sharing;
K-Link network status and components health-
Furthermore, the KCore has been designed to be able
to support both the local institution “private” and the
distributed (or “public”) document search. Particular
attention has been used to secure a complete separa-
tion of the two ‘private’ and ‘public’ collections: the
two set of document are, in the KCore, represented by
two different search engines where the functionalities
related to the ‘private’ documents collection is not ac-
cessible from the distributed network, this to avoid
any private document data leaking.
The K-Link Adapters are specific pieces of soft-
ware that allows a Content Management Systems
(CMS), or other pre-existing document management
software owned by the participant institutions, to ac-
cess and interact with the K-Link services, by using
the exposed KCore’s APIs. An adapter is specific to
a particular CMS: the K-Link project provides the
adapters for the most common Open Source CMSes
(Drupal, Wordpress, ModX). Additional adapters can
be subsequently implemented by following the freely
available KCore APIs specification, and the source
code of the currently available adapters.
3.2 From Information Retrieval to
One of the main issues regarding the sharing of doc-
uments in the Central Asian context actually regards
the following motivations: why should someone in-
vest time for uploading and documents into an infor-
mation sharing system? What is the benefit of shar-
ing? After one year spent in discussing and negotiat-
ing with Central Asian stakeholders on these topics,
we realized that the trigger for information sharing in
Sustainable Land Management in Central Asia
(SLM) is given by the management of information.
In other words, the sharing of information is a
consequence of the management of information, not
vice versa. This turns the question of information
KITA 2015 - 1st International Workshop on the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and
sharing into a problem of the organizational develop-
ment of the participating organizations, their internal
information workflows and knowledge management
processes. It is a consequence of the fact that the in-
formation to be shared is about something that is rel-
evant to the organization’s own practices, mission
and purpose, and that this purpose for most organiza-
tions includes generating, processing and distributing
knowledge as part of their mission.
Depending on the nature and degree of profes-
sionalism of the organization, the link between its
mission and its intrinsic motivation to engage in in-
formation sharing as part of its internal information
management strategies can take different forms. It is
important to see this as a question of organizational
development, as K-Link was commissioned by a de-
velopment organization (GIZ) that engages in sup-
porting the development of third-world countries. In
this setting, the organizational development and over-
all professionalism of NGOs as well as Government
institutions tend to be suboptimal, and there exist lit-
tle if any professional knowledge management ap-
Introducing K-Link and providing capacity build-
ing for it therefore has direct impacts on the
knowledge management approaches in these organi-
zations. Most of the participating organizations are
supposed to engage in knowledge processes as part of
their mission; e.g. NGOs should engage in research,
participate in professional discourse with their peers
and/or inform the public, and government institutions
should be transparent and accountable and provide
clear policy information pertinent to its thematic sec-
The experience with introducing K-Link has
shown that the introduction of KM instruments even
in developing country settings has significant impacts
on how organizations approach questions of KM as
part of their general management and operating strat-
egy. Through embedding the management and shar-
ing of information into the everyday workflows of the
organization, the organization can do a significant
step in professionalizing its own practices. In the con-
text of K-Link this systemic change is now observa-
ble in several of the participating organizations.
The principle of sharing as a consequence of in-
formation management – verified and tested with
both the client and the participant institutions – led to
the resolution to design and implement a specific
Document Management System (K-DMS) so to allow
end users to get to know the sharing features of K-
Link as special cases of more general information
management ones (Kwasnik, 1991)..
The analysis of the basic features of the DMS (and
their requirement analysis) has been conducted by
taking into account a set of use cases discussed with
the NGOs (which represent the key providers of com-
petences for any project implementation in SLM do-
main) and then extended to all the other stakeholders.
The requirements analysis lead to the identifica-
tion of two main requirements:
Req1: The need of exploring the available docu-
mentation on current projects so to gather the in-
formation needed for writing the NGO history
and reporting the on-going projects:
Req2: Documents are potentially uploaded and
edited by multiple persons or working groups
and a version tracking is somehow required to
handle the process of document creation.
An important remark on the nature of the working
groups is reported here (quotes from the technical
documentation produced during the requirements
analysis and knowledge acquisition campaign carried
out with stakeholders.): “In case the project is trans-
disciplinary (contribution from two or more working
groups in a more or less balanced ratio – usually
there is one working group in the lead), or in case the
project manager is not a coordinator of a working
group, the project file is stored on the server on the
working group level”. This circumstance brought to
an additional requirement:
Req3: Some documents and/or entire projects
need a way to be shared between working groups
or need to be categorized in multiple working
Furthermore, “[...] What is really relevant here is that
the technical proposal is normally realized as a re-
finement of the preliminary baseline that is on its turn
arranged by taking into account previous base lines
documentation and technical proposal regarding
similar projects. [...]“. This process points out that:
Req4: the management must be able to access an
organized set of material and to search into them
to better find the documents they need.
Many NGOs in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan use a
central server that can be accessed through the insti-
tution internal network to store documents. On the
server they have started to organize the reports on the
mitigation of conflicts among farmers. The next pas-
sage is extracted from the use case document: [...]
“They are now trying to migrate the reports into the
server, but reports are in Kyrgyz and at normally only
a subset of reports are translated into Russian and/or
English. Once the translation has been done, they are
KM and KA in International Coooperation - Lesson from the K-Link project in Central Asia
uploaded into the server. Mediators decide what re-
port is to be translated according to its relevancy. But
moderators often do not have access to the server be-
cause most are from outside (e.g. university). In ad-
dition these reports are stored on the personal lap-
Thus, the project implementation normally involves
external experts as key-contributors of the reports,
which don’t have the access to server.
Req5: The main service here is to provide a con-
trolled access to the documents repository and
management, hopefully limited to specific shared
folders, so to allow mediators and moderators to
access the documents and the report writers to
upload documents and share or notify its availa-
bility to the other persons involved.
According to the above mentioned analysis the fol-
lowing main services have been decided for the K-
Link DMS:
1. Controlled Document Upload and Viewing:
the document upload, editing and management
experience must be controlled by a form of au-
2. Collections of Documents: the way to overcome
the limitation of folders based approach for or-
ganizing the documents. Collections can be la-
belled (eventually importing a taxonomy) so to
enrich the documents descriptors and enhance
the documents retrieval. By using the label con-
cept it is possible to categorize documents in
multiple collections. Two main types of collec-
tion have been designed:
a. Personal collections: used by the user to fasten
the access of the documents;
b. Institutional collections: used to represents the
current working groups’ organization.
3. Groups: Users can be grouped into sets so to fa-
cilitate the share of documents to the stakeholders.
4. Share Documents and Collections: the mecha-
nism through which users are enabled to share
one single document (or a collection of docu-
ments) with other users of the DMS. Document
owners can further define which documents can
be accessed by other DMS users participating
into specific projects.
5. Document sharing is intrinsically performed in-
side the involved institutions by using email at-
tachments, with this feature we would like to re-
duce the need of the email communication and
the confusion created by the multiple versions of
that email communications.
6. Document Version Tracking: enables to upload
new versions of the same document.
7. Document Naming Policy check: the feature co-
vers the need of forcing all the produced docu-
ments (or files) to respect the naming convention
established by the institution.
8. Bulk Import of documents: allows users to mas-
sively upload and index existing documents from
the local institution document storage, such as
their hard-drives, into the DMS.
Figure 1: Hierarchy of the main page of the K-Link DMS.
KITA 2015 - 1st International Workshop on the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and
9. Starred: The feature which allows to mark (and
subsequently filter) documents through a favour-
ite set.
10. Make Document Public: allows end-user to pub-
lic a document into the K-Link Network.
Furthermore, different types of users have been de-
fined to better manage the differences in roles and
permissions on which set of actions they can (or can-
not) perform on the documents and collections. This
feature has been widely discussed with both the client
(GIZ GmbH) and the stakeholders. Actually the dif-
ferent permissions over the documents (ability to up-
load, share and organize) reflect the typical organiza-
tional structure of the NGOs, implementing agencies
and research institutes we interviewed in Central
As we work in Central Asia the Multilanguage topic
is important. The interface is automatically localized
based on the user’s language, both configured or re-
quested by the browser. The documents could contain
any language supported by the search engine compo-
nent. User generated content is actually considered in
the original language only.
A usability study is planned and will be initially
conducted over 10 users. Moreover, we will add an
A/B testing mechanism to the DMS implementation.
Initially, the K-DMS was conceived to provide insti-
tutions with an easy way to upload documents and
consequently to feed the K-Link network and trigger
its adoption. Later on, it evolved beyond the needs of
documents uploading in the direction of an infor-
mation management and project management system.
Even more, after the first release while tuning the K-
DMS features, it emerged from stakeholders the need
to be supported in the decision making process for
documents structure organization and conceptualiza-
tions. Thus, the K-DMS started to be re-designed to
cope with the need of mediating the process of infor-
mation conceptualization within SLM communities
of practice.
The established hierarchy of the elements in the
page is showed in Figure 1.
The first header row (1 in Figure 1) is reserved to
show the search form and to show the global naviga-
tion (3), which includes the user profile link. Some
users might not see other pages in the global naviga-
tion other than the current page; this is caused by the
fact that the global navigation is subject to the user
permissions. The second header row is half divided
into the navigation breadcrumbs (2) and the page re-
lated actions (4). The page content is divided into
80% for the main page area (5) and 20% for the doc-
uments navigation sidebar. The first part of the docu-
ments navigation sidebar (6 in Figure 1) is reserved
to show macro documents organization like the
shared, the starred and switch between K-Link pub-
licly available documents and institutional docu-
ments. The second part of the document navigation
sidebar (7) shows the documents Collections.
Collections have been introduced instead of fold-
ers to organize documents. Collections can be per-
sonal or institutional. Personal collections are visible
only to the user that has created it, while the institu-
tional collections are visible to all the users of the in-
stitution that can manage documents. To better distin-
guish between personal and institutional collection a
colour-coded band has been introduced in addition to
the full and empty tag icon, respectively for personal
and institutional collections.
To interact with the collections a contextual menu
was introduced. The concept of Collection is wider
than the folder concept.
A Collection is a logical group of documents that
might not be directly mapped to a single folder on the
file system. A document can be pertaining to more
than one Collection at the same time, while this is not
possible when using folders without duplicating the
document. To organize the documents in collections
the user interaction is based on the drag and drop of
the document, or the selected documents, to a collec-
Recalling Knowledge Artifact as discussed in
(Cabitza et al., 2013) the definition adheres to the K-
DMS through which different representations of same
sets of information may be allowed and orchestrated
(Kreiner, 2002).
The principle of representational locality (Cabitza
et al., 2013; Váncza and Márkus, 1993) responds to
the need of not imposing an exogenous language or
notation to a community of users. The introduction of
collections exactly responds to this requirement inas-
much as users were already adopting folders to organ-
ize and share documents.
The principle of representational openness, that
means that “a computer-based system should allow
for the introduction of new symbols and signs to
cover the need to represent either portions or aspects
of the reality of interest that were previously, possibly
rightly, disregarded.”. The supplying of labels and
symbols (e.g. stars) whose semantic is completely
user dependent has been done exactly to respect the
representational openness.
KM and KA in International Coooperation - Lesson from the K-Link project in Central Asia
Finally, the principle of autonomy in managing levels
of underspecification has been realized by the distinc-
tion of collections into personal and institutional, by
which different degree of specification and granular-
ity may be freely choose by different users collabora-
tive working on the organization of the same set of
The paper has discussed the K-Link project and its
role as promoter of KAs. In the framework of Inter-
national Cooperation addressed by the project, KM
initiatives usually clashes against cultural and politi-
cal barriers, which hinder collaborative forms of
working from being implemented. According to the
requirements analysis carried out with the stakehold-
ers, the way to overcome these bottlenecks was to fol-
low the prescription of conceiving the K-Link solu-
tion according to the general requirements for the de-
sign of a computer-based system acting as a KA. The
decision to implement the approach by integrating the
services provided by the application a distributed con-
tent-based search engine with information manage-
ment features provided to each end-user institution
proved to work well. In addition, the framework of-
fered by the International Cooperation gives to KM
initiatives focused on KA promotion a new applica-
tion domain for experimenting KA as trigger of or-
ganizational development services.
In this respect the K-DMS has been mainly envi-
sioned to create a platform powerful enough to enable
new services.
Actually the design of Collections feature in the K-
DMS is expected to be the starting point for supplying
end users with bottom-up and collaborative concep-
tual modelling services based on the original folders
structure enhanced with a logical layer.
The main actions planned to consolidate K-Link as
knowledge artifact promoter are here:
To test topic models techniques (TP) for identi-
fying clusters of “conceptually connected” docu-
ments inside the search results so to detect a) the
evolution and distribution of interests along the
Communities of Practice that take part into the
Klink network b) the detection of core indicators
in the field on Sustainable Land Management for
these Communities c) the arrangement of new
facets to support end users in filtering the search
To use the results of the previous test to support
the modelling of decisional processes. In this di-
rection the integration of tools like Moki is under
study (MK);
To extend the collaborative features with chat
and annotation systems.
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KITA 2015 - 1st International Workshop on the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and