Imagery Ability and Imagery Use in Triathletes’ Strategic Mental
Rehearsal Practices
Akihiro Fukunaga
and Fumio Mizuochi
Graduate School of Literature and Social Sciences, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
Studies in triathlon research are often seen in the field
of physiology, such as that of Ishihara et al. (1996) on
exercise intensity and estimating energy expenditure
in Olympic-distance triathlons. However, there
appears to be no psychological research available
focusing on mental rehearsal and imagery ability in
A triathlon is a competition demanding a high
level of endurance, being a combination of three
disciplines; swimming, cycling, running, and the
transitions in-between the race components. In
addition, because athletes need to contend with
external factors such as the weather, flow of the tide,
wind direction, and other triathletes, mental rehearsal
may be a factor that could affect competitive
performance. Therefore, strategic practice of an
appropriate type of mental rehearsal may be an
essential part of an athlete’s pre-race psychological
This study explored the relationship between
triathletes’ imagery ability and what types of imagery
they used in their strategic mental rehearsal practices.
2.1 Participants
A total of 62 members of three university triathlon
teams who had experience participating in a triathlon
participated in the study. The sample consisted of 52
men (mean age: 20.0 ± 4.0 years) and 10 women
(mean age: 20.3 ± 2.7 years).
2.2 Survey Items
Participant profile
Name, gender, age, years of triathlon experience
Questions concerning mental rehearsal
Whether they used mental rehearsal; usual imagery
content; when and how often each day; during what
periods; how often during those periods; for what
events; and, when practiced pre-race.
Japanese Sport Imagery Questionnaire (JSIQ)
We used the JSIQ (Ito, 2013), the Japanese version of
the SIQ developed by Hall et al. (1998), to assess the
athlete’s use of cognitive and motivational imagery.
The JSIQ evaluates the use of types of imagery using
subscales for Motivational Specific (MS), Cognitive
Specific (CS) and Motivational General-Arousal
(MG-M) imagery. The MS subscale assesses use of
imagery associated with specific goals and ideal
outcomes for goal achievement. The CS subscale
assesses use of imagery associated with skill
improvement and perfect execution to develop skills.
And, the MG-M subscale which assess use of imagery
concerning coping with and taking control of
challenging situations to increase confidence.
Mental Imagery Experience Diagnostic Test
This questionnaire was developed by Takano et al.,
(1996). It consists of 21 items to assess four imagery
ability factors: Kinesthetic Sensation, Performance,
Surroundings Visualization, and Emotions.
2.3 Procedures
Based on the participants’ responses to whether they
strategically practiced mental rehearsal, they were
assigned to either a “mental rehearsal” (MR) group or
“no mental rehearsal” (NMR) group. We then used
unpaired t-tests to test for significant differences in
mean scores between these two groups for both the
JSIQ and MIEDT subscales. We further divided the
participants into “high-scoring” and “low-scoring”
groups for each MIEDT subscale according to
whether their scores were above or below the mean.
We then used unpaired t-tests to test for differences
in the mean scores for the JSIQ subscales between
these two MR groups. The significance level was set
at 5%.
Fukunaga, A. and Mizuochi, F..
Imagery Ability and Imagery Use in Triathletes’ Strategic Mental Rehearsal Practices.
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
3.1 Imagery Ability and Imagery Use
in the MR and NMR Groups
A significant difference was found between the MR
and NMR groups in their scores for the JSIQ’s MS
and CS and MG-M subscales with the MR group
being higher for each (Fig. 1). The CS result
suggested that many of the athletes used cognitive-
type imagery in their strategic mental rehearsal
practices. On the other hand, in the free responses to
the question regarding mental rehearsal content there
were no reports of rehearsing corrections in moves or
how to cope/what to do when there was an accident
or when they were overtaken by a competitor, for
which cognitive-type imagery would be effective.
Figure 1: JSIQ subscale scores - MR and NMR groups.
Figure 2: MIEDT subscale scores - MR and NMR groups.
There were also significant differences in the
mean scores for the MR and NMR groups in the
MIEDT’s Performance, Surroundings Visualization,
and Emotions subscales, with the MR group having
higher scores for each. The athletes who strategically
practiced mental rehearsal pre-race appeared to have
higher imagery ability in all aspects except in
Kinesthetic Sensation, for which no significant
difference was shown in the subscale scores. Looking
at Fig. 3, within the MR group, compared to the low-
scoring group for Kinesthetic Sensation, the high-
scoring group had a significantly higher CS subscale
score, showing that many of those participants were
using cognitive-type imagery. In other words,
notwithstanding the fact that athletes able to clearly
imagine kinesthetic sensation tended to frequently
use cognitive type imagery, in these triathletes’
strategic mental rehearsal practices, it was not a
necessary condition for doing so.
Figure 3: JSIQ subscale scores for high- and low-scoring
groups in Kinesthetic.
Figure 4: JSIQ subscale scores for high- and low-scoring
groups in Performance.
Figure 5: JSIC subscale scores for high- and low-scoring
groups in Surroundings Visualization.
Furthermore, in addition to the MR group having
significantly higher scores in the MG-M subscale,
scores in the Emotions subscale (Fig 2) were also
significantly higher. However, no comments
regarding emotions were seen in the answers to the
question on usual mental rehearsal content. Moreover,
even though many MR athletes scored higher on
emotional imagery ability and frequently used
motivational- type MG-M imagery, there appears to
have been less of a tendency to use the motivational-
type MS imagery associated with goal achievement
or confidence.
Figure 6: JSIQ subscale scores in high- and low-scoring
groups for Emotions.
3.2 High- and Low-scoring in Imagery
Ability and Imagery Use
The high-scoring MR group for the Emotions
subscale (Fig. 6) had significantly higher scores in the
motivational imagery types MS and MG-M. Being
able to practice mental rehearsal with emotional
imagery may have facilitated the use of motivational-
type imagery associated with goal achievement and
confidence. Furthermore, the high-scoring MR group
for Kinesthetic Sensation had significantly higher
scores in the CS and MG-M subscales (Fig. 3) and the
high-scoring group in Surroundings Visualization
had significantly higher scores in the MS and MG-M
subscales (Fig. 5). Thus, among the university
students who strategically practiced mental rehearsal,
those who scored higher in the Emotions, Kinesthetic
Sensation and Surroundings Visualization subscales
could be expected to use motivational imagery for
specific goal achievement and general confidence
Ishihara, K., Aoki, J., (1996). Exercise intensity and
estimating energy expenditure in Olympic-distance
triathlons. Japanese Society of Physical Education
meeting, 47275.
Ito, S., (2013). Utilization of the image function of the
sports player: Development of Japanese edition SIQ
and the effect to the mental practice. Nihon University
graduate school master thesis.
Hall, C., Mack, D., Pavio, A., and Hausenblas, H. (1998).
Imagery use by athletes: Development of the Sport
Imagery Questionnaire. International Journal of Sport
Psychology, 29:73-89.
Takano, S., Nakagome, S., Tsuchiya, H., Takahashi, K.,
(1996). Making of the state diagnosis test of the image
experience that assumed an ideal competition
accomplishment scene a problem. Japan sports
psychology association research announcement book of
abstract, 22.