Athletes Preparation based on a Complex Assessment of
Functional State
Zinaida Kuznetsova
, Aleksander Kuznetsov
, Ilsiyar Mutaeva
, Gazinur Khalikov
and Anna Zakharova
Naberezhnye Chelny Institution of Educational Technologies and Resourses,
Nizametdinova street, Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia
Institute of Physical Education, Sport and Youth Policy, Ural Federal University, Mira Street, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: Middle Distance Runners, a Functional State, Physical Working Capacity, a Psychofunctional State, Heart
Rate Variability, the Correlation Analysis, the Factorial Analysis.
Abstract: Modern training of middle distance runners is characterized by significant increase in loading intensity
owing to strengthening of the sports competition. Absence of the athletes’ functional state complex
diagnostics complicates the process of training and competitive loadings planning which can lead to failure
in adaptation. Middle distance runners functional state assessment is considered in the article. Methods of
functional diagnostics: polymyography, HR variability with active orthostatic test, research of physical
working capacity (PWC170 test), the express -diagnostics of a functional state by Dushanin's method and
the "Reaction to Moving Object" (RMO test). Research material. Physical working capacity is estimated by
means of the PWC170 test, a psychofunctional state by the "RMO" test, an assessment of neuromuscular
system by "Rehabilitation and diagnostic RDK-2 complex", an assessment of HR variability was done with
active orthostatic test. Results. Complex diagnostics of the runners’ functional state and its further complex
assessment by means of the received indices were carried out. The runners’ functional state improvement in
the experimental group from the 1st to the 3rd investigation phase is observed. The correlation and factorial
analysis of the indices is carried out, the model scale of a functional state assessment is developed.
Training is recognized as a process which prepares
an athlete for the highest possible level of
performance. Training of elite athletes is a versatile
and multi-factorial process of effective use of the
whole combination of factors, including selection of
means, methods and conditions, innovation
technologies, ensuring proper adaptation effect on an
athlete and the appropriative means for control of
the level of their readiness for sport activity.
As the sport training attempts to lead the athletes
to their genetics upper limits it must provide an
appropriate stimulus for adaptation. The analysis of
scientific-methodological and specialized literature
revealed that middle-distance running is
characterized by the significant growth of the
volume and intensification of training loads. Their
further increase can result in failure of adaptation,
overtraining and pathological changes of the body
functional systems (Konovalov, 1999; Wilmore,
Costill, 2001; Makarova, 2002). The above-stated
promotes the conclusion that management of
athletes training lacks information on the integrated
assessment of body's functional state.
In this regard, complex assessment problem of
sportsmen functional state is very interesting.
Control and assessment of functional readiness as a
multifactor system has to be carried out in a complex
of making main components (motor, the energy, the
neural dynamic and mental).
Thus, we determined the purpose of our research
– development and experimental justification of
track and field runners method on middle distance
on the basis of the functional state complex
Research Organization. The research was
conducted on the basis of Povolzhskaya State
Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism
laboratory. Middle distance runners total of 30
people (15 athletes in the control group and 15 in the
experimental group) took part in this research.
The research was conducted in 3 stages.
Kuznetsova, Z., Kuznetsov, A., Mutaeva, I., Khalikov, G. and Zakharova, A..
Athletes Preparation based on a Complex Assessment of Functional State.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2015), pages 156-160
ISBN: 978-989-758-159-5
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
For definition the functional state of the athletes we
used several methods and means (hardware and
software systems (HSS)):
- for definition of physical working capacity we
used the Test PWC170.The investigated exponents:
absolute maximal oxygen consumption (VO2),
relative maximal oxygen consumption (relative
VO2), index PWC170, PWC170 relative (PWC170
rel.), assessment of the recovery period;
- for definition of psychofunctional state we used
the test «Reaction to a moving object» (RMO) on
device “Activatsiometr AC-9K”, created by U.A.
Tsagarelly (Russia). The parameters: accuracy of
RMO, tendency of RMO to lag (ten. RMO to lag),
tendency of RMO to advance (ten. of RMO to adv.),
variation range;
- for definition of the heart rate variability (HRV)
indicators with an active orthostatic test (AOT) we
used electrocardiograph Poly-Spektrum-8/EX and
software Poly-Spectrum-Rhythm. Determined: heart
rate at rest (HR), indicators of spectral analysis(ТР
total power, %VLF – very low frequency, %LF –
low frequency, %HF – high frequency),stress index
(SI), coefficient K30:15.
- the level of athletes functional state with the
help of device «D&K-Test» by S.A. Dushanin’s
method. Indicators of: anaerobic metabolic capacity
(ANMC), aerobic metabolic capacity (AMC),
overall metabolic capacity (OMC), power of
creatinephosphate source of energy supply, power of
glycolytic source of energy supply (PGL), power of
aerobic source of energy supply (PASES), HR on
the threshold level of anaerobic metabolism (HR
TLAM) were determined.
- for definition of the neuromuscular system
(NMS) functional state we used HSS “Rehabilitation
and diagnostic system RDK-2” and the method of
polymyografiya, which was created by Y.V.
Visochin (Russia). Indicators were defined: speed
arbitrary intension of relative (SAIr), coefficient of
maximum of relative arbitrary power (CMVPr),
speed of arbitrary relaxation (SAR), integrated
parameters: the functional state of the muscles
(FSm), the functional state of the neuromuscular
system (FSnms), the functional state of the central
nervous system (FStcns).
We conducted mathematical and statistical
analysis of the data.
The complex diagnostics functional state of the
middle and long distance runners has been
conducted in the first stage of our research. At the
first stage of the study PWC170 tests with physical
load were fulfilled in order to determine the level of
physical working capacity. There were no significant
differences in physical working capacity between
two groups. In the control group (CG) PWC170
equaled 1397,6±30,27 kgm/min, and relative
PWC170 was 20,25±0.29 kgm/min/kg; in the
experimental group (EG) they equalled 1376±30,27
kgm/min and 20,32±0.42 kgm/min/kg respectively
(the differences were insignificant: р=0,658,
р=0,889). VO2 max values in both of the groups
were similar. In the CG VO2 max and relative VO2
max were 3,67±0,07 l/min and 53,85±0,43 ml/
(kg*min), in the EG – 3,59±0,07 l/min and
53,63±0,68 ml/ (kg*min), respectively (р=0,429;
The rate of recovery is a principal and almost
absolute index to estimate adaptation to load and
fitness level. The recovery dynamics during a 5
minute period was determined. In both of the groups
recovery processes were similar, and difference was
insignificant (р>0,05). The heart rate (HR) in the CG
recovered as follows: 1st minute – 118,27±1,42
bpm; 2nd min – 101,07±1,58 bpm; 3rd min –
92,93±0,83 bpm; 4th min – 92,80±0,73 bpm; 5th
min – 88,27±0,44 bpm. In the EG HR changed as:
1st min – 117,93±1,49 bpm; 2nd min – 100,53±1,35
bpm; 3rd min – 94,93±1,0 bpm; 4th min –
91,60±0,92 bpm; 5th min – 88,00±0,98 bpm.
The athletes’ psychofunctional state was
determined by the RMO test (Table 1). In the CG the
accuracy of RMO amounted to 18,95±0,87 ms; the
tendency of RMO to lag – 22,11±0,80 ms; the
tendency of RMO to advance – 19,24±1,1 ms; the
variation range – 68,67±3,22 ms. In the EG these
RMO values were 17,03±0,86 ms; 22,89±0,97 ms;
21,06±0,83 ms; 69,33±3,16 ms, respectively (the
differences were insignificant, р>0,05).
The heart rate variability (HRV) technique is
applied to estimate regulation of physiologic
functions, of general activity of the regulation
mechanisms, of heart neurohumoral regulation, and
of the relation between sympathetic and
parasympathetic systems of involuntary nervous
system. In our study a modification of this technique
with active orthostatic test (AOT) was applied. In
the CG the HR value in rest equaled 62,13±2,10
bpm; the results of HRV spectral analysis were the
Athletes Preparation based on a Complex Assessment of Functional State
Table 1: The test «Reaction to a moving object» indicators.
Accuracy of RMO, ms 18,95±0,87 17,03±0,86
The tendency of RMO to
lag, ms
22,11±0,80 22,89±0,97
The tendency of RMO to
advance, ms
19,24±1,1 21,06±0,83
The variation range, ms 68,67±3,22 69,33±3,16
following (Table 2): total spectral power (TP, ms
) –
3144,07±138,36 ms
, percentage of variations in
very low frequency in the total power (%VLF) –
33,86±1,54%, percentage of variations in low
frequency in the total power (%LF) – 26,18±1,02,
percentage of variations in high frequency in the
total power (%HF) – 36,83±1,42, stress index (SI) –
83,86±3,80 c.u., current FS – 10,47±0,47 points. In
the EG these values equaled 61,47±1.81,
3286,73±167,27 ms2, 35.82±0.98%, 28,13±1,42%,
37,47±1,19%, 84,24±2,87 c.u., 10,07±0,41 points,
respectively. The differences in all these values
between two groups were insignificant (p>0,05).
At the first stage of HRV with AOS all values
were uniform (р> 0,05): HR was 81,20±1,98 bpm;
the results of HRV spectral analysis: TP –
3107,33±111,90 ms2, %VLF – 43,26±1,53%, %LF
– 38,03±1,63, %HF – 19,66±0,91; К30:15 –
1,14±0,03 c.u.. In the EG these values were:
78,87±2,49; 3100,80±131,33 ms2, 42,73±1,50%,
37,33±1,91%, 18,02±0,59%.
Thus, at the first stage of the study differences
between the CG and the EG were statistically
insignificant, and both groups were uniform.
Table 2: Heart rate variability at rest.
HR, bpm 62,13±2,10 61,47±1.81
TP, ms
3144,07±138,36 3286,73±167,27
VLF,% 33,86±1,54 35.82±0.98
LF, % 26,18±1,02 28,13±1,42
HF, % 36,83±1,42 37,47±1,19
SI, c.u 83,86±3,80 84,24±2,87
The FS level and athlete’s body reserve (Table 3)
were determined by S.A. Dushanin’s technique
which enables to estimate the FS without invasive
methods, and to get an approximate representation
of the main parameters of aerobic and energetic
The results at the first stage were uniform for
both groups (р>0,05). In the CG we obtained:
anaerobic metabolic capacity (ANAMC) –
85,22±4,53%, aerobic metabolic capacity (AMC) –
241,17±6,93%, overall metabolic capacity (OMC) –
322,45±8,99%, power of creatinephosphate source
of energy supply (PCSES) – 31,99±0,97%, power of
glycolytic source of energy supply (PGSES) –
30,73±0,64%, power of aerobic source of energy
supply (PASES) – 68,96±1,23%, HR on the
threshold level of anaerobic metabolism (HR
TLAM), that characterizes the energy supply of
muscles by ATP aerobic synthesis, – 168,98±1,65
bpm; FS parameters: integral – 29±0,67 points,
current – 28,29±0,73 points, operational –
19,87±0,34 points. In the EG the results were as
follows: ANAMC – 85,59±4,35%, AMC –
240,84±6,09%, OMC – 323,77±6,63%, PCSES –
32,03±1,55%, PGSES – 30,53±0,84%, PASES –
69,40±1,38%, HR TLAM – 169,31±1,65 bpm, FS
parameters: integral – 29,13±0,32 points, current –
28,93±0,40 points, operational – 20,07±1,03 points.
Table 3: Functional state level and athlete’s body reserve
(S.A. Dushanin’s technique).
ANAMC, % 85,22±4,53 85,59±4,35
AMC, % 241,17±6,93 240,84±6,09
OMC, % 322,45±8,99 323,77±6,63
PCSES, % 31,99±0,97 32,03±1,55
PGSES, % 30,73±0,64 30,53±0,84
PASES, % 68,96±1,23 69,40±1,38
HR TLAM, bpm 168,98±1,65 169,31±1,65
The FS of neuromuscular apparatus were determined
by the polymyography. At the first stage of study
both of the groups showed similar results (р>0,05).
In the CG the rate of relative arbitrary tension
(RATr) was 6,31±0,30 kgf/kg×s, the coefficient of
relative maximal arbitrary force (CMAFr) –
6,95±0,37 kgf/kg, the rate of arbitrary relaxation
(RAR) – 4,42±0,27 1/s, the FS of muscles (FSm) –
10,05±0,28 c.u., the FS of neuromuscular system
(FSnms) – 8.56±0,43 c.u., the FS of central nervous
system (FScns) – 4,90±0,27 c.u.. In the EG these
parameters equalled 6,58±0,25 kgf/kg×s, 7±0,54
kgf/kg, 4,3±0,22 1/s, 10±0,92 c.u., 8,51±0,75 c.u.,
4,94±0,29 c.u., respectively.
The special training level was estimated by
means of 800m and 1500m runs, ten jumps, 60m
run, standing long jump. At the first stage of the
study both of the groups showed similar results
(р>0,05). In the CG the following results were
recorded: 800m run – 2,07,5±0,01 min, 1500m run –
4,11,3±0,03 min, ten jumps – 22,26±0,86 m, 60m
run – 7,92±0,16 s, standing long jump –
246,53±5,68 m. In the EG the results were as
icSPORTS 2015 - International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
follows: 800m run – 2,06,8±0,02 min, 1500m run –
4,12,1±0,03 min, ten jumps – 22,28±0,69 m, 60m
run – 7,90±0,18 s, standing long jump –
247,87±6,27 m.
Identified indicators allowed to conduct a
correlation analysis of the obtained data. Analysis
helped us to establish significant correlation between
the registered data in the research period. However,
this action represents complexity for analyze large
number of indicators. It is necessary to select the
major components, which influence studied object,
in this case, the functional state.
Multivariate statistical analysis methods (cluster,
factor, component, pattern recognition and
multidimensional scaling) allow classification of
objects on a large set of attributes to study their
structure. Methods of factor (component) analysis
decide this problem.
On the basis of factor analysis, we presented the
characteristic components. Factor analysis allowed
to select five components, which characterize the
structure of the athletes functional state. Amount of
contributions in all components was 65,29%, the
proportion of unaccounted factor was 34,71%.
The I structural component of the functional state
was interpreted as by us "functional productivity".
This component is the largest, its share in total
dispersion accounted for 19.23%. It includes some
indicators of physical working capacity (absolute
and relative indicators of PWC170), MOC,
parameter VLF and with a lower load factor
accuracy of RMO, the functional state index of the
neuromuscular system (correlation coefficient 0,52,
0,62, 0,60, respectively).
The share of the II structural component of the
functional state was 13.5% of the total variance. The
united indicators of resting heart rate (r = -0,70) and
indicators of the test "Reaction to a moving object" -
the tendency of the reaction to a moving object to
lag and variation range (r = 0,72 and 0.77,
respectively). With a smaller load factor in this
group included the index of the autonomic nervous
system parasympathetic division activity (% HF),
stress index (r = 0,51 and 0.54, respectively) and a
negative correlation - performance in run 1,500 m
and 10 jumps (r = -0,54 and -0.52, respectively).
This component can be interpreted as the
"economization of recovery processes."
The III structural component of the functional
state (weight factor 12,35%) – "the indicators of
central regulation". It united indicators in running
for 800 m (r=0,81), indicators TP (total spectral
power) (r=0,69), with a negative correlation entered
power energy supply glycolytic source (PGL), long
jump from the space and index central nervous
system functional state (r=-0,68; -0,59 и -0,52
The IV structural component (11,14%) is
"efficiency of metabolic processes" against weak
loads factor loadings attract attention of overall
metabolic capacity (r=0,82), aerobic metabolic
capacity (r=0,61), power of creatine phosphate
source of energy supply, power of aerobic source of
energy supply (r=0,62; r=0,62 respectively), HR on
the threshold level of anaerobic metabolism
The V component of the structural functional
state was interpreted by us as "the neuromuscular
system functional state" has a share of total
dispersion 9,07%. The largest factor loadings in the
component entering indicators of speed
arbitrary intension introduce in athletes weight and
the functional state of the muscles (r=0,80; r=0,63
Allocated components describe the significance
of physiological systems and make the largest
contribution to the change in the functional state.
Conducted factor analysis allow to estimate the
functional state in summary form, structural
indicators which are average statistical. Owing to it,
we have developed estimation scale for every
indicator, which enters into the component analysis
structure. For construction of a 10-point estimation
scale, we used the scale intervals. Proceeding from
this, it is possible to calculate the total score of
indicators group and its arithmetic meaning value,
which characterizes every component.
The model values of the group and the level of
the components athletes functional state the factual
values development in the structure are shown on
the figure 1.
Figure 1: Average group models and factual values of the
athlete functional state structure components development.
Athletes Preparation based on a Complex Assessment of Functional State
Technique of complex assessment includes a
comprehensive diagnosis of an athlete of functional
state, revealing its most significant components, also
the estimation of every indicator functional state
scale, which allows to value the structure of the
factorial analysis. It is allowed to compare the main
group model values and factual values of the
runner’s functional state structure development
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icSPORTS 2015 - International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support