Contribution to Automatic Design of a Hierarchical
Fuzzy Rule Classifier
Cristhian Molina
, Vincent Bombardier
and Patrick Charpentier
Université de Lorraine, CRAN, UMR 7039, Campus Sciences, BP 70239, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, 54506, France
CNRS, CRAN, UMR 7039, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France
Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Keywords: Feature Selection, Fuzzy Associative Rules, Pattern Recognition, Fuzzy Rule Classifier.
Abstract: In this paper, two ways for automatically designing a hierarchical classifier is checked. This study deals
with a specific context where is necessary to work with a few number of training samples (and often
unbalanced), to manage the subjectivity of the different output classes and to take into account an
imprecision degree in the input data. The aim is also to create an interpretable classification system by
reducing its dimensionality with the use of Feature Selection and Fuzzy Association Rules generation. The
obtained results over an industrial wood datasets prove their efficacy to select input feature and they are
used to make some conclusions about their performance. Finally, an original methodology to automatically
build a hierarchical classifier is proposed by merging the both previous methods. Each node of the
hierarchical structure corresponds to a Fuzzy Rules Classifier with selected inputs and macro classes for
output. The leaves are the outputs of the classification system.
In this paper, we propose a contribution to the
automatic design of a fuzzy hierarchical classifier,
working in a specific industrial wood context.
As presented in many classification reviews
(Gordon, 1987), classification in image processing is
done based on the characteristics of a bunch of
features, arranged as a vector (input features)
extracted from the image of a product in order to
classify it in a certain group (output classes).
In classification systems, many factors are
considered to evaluate their results. In most of cases,
systems are considered efficient because they have a
certain level of accuracy, even if they have some
restrictions like their computational complexity, or if
they present difficulties in order to be applied. This
implies that their profitability will depend on the
application context. Thus, as says the “ugly duckling
theorem”, a classification system depends on the
application context.
In our wood industrial domain (Bombardier
2010), these constraints to be considered principally
The leak of training data, often unbalanced
regarding the output classes.
The subjectivity of the classification, which is
done by an operator.
The fuzziness of the output classes, which are
often not disjointed.
We will also improve the interpretability of the
model given by the classification algorithms.
However, many of them work as a black box, hiding
the actual process from the user, or are so complex
that their comprehensibility is out of limits.
In (Bombardier 2010), is shown that the Fuzzy
Sets Theory seems to be one of the best techniques
to deal with the subjectivity of the system and its
non-disjointed output classes. Additionally, the
recently application of fuzzy rule-based systems in
pattern classification tasks (Nakashima, 2007) and
their ability to work with few learning data sets
(Wang 2008) appears like the best way to deal with
almost all the limitations presented above. Finally,
the desired interpretability of the system can be
achieved either with the creation of a hierarchical
structure of fuzzy rule classifiers (Bombardier
In (Horng 2009) it has been mentioned that
hierarchical methods are computationally intensive
when both, the size of the data set and the number of
classes are large.
Molina, C., Bombardier, V. and Charpentier, P..
Contribution to Automatic Design of a Hierarchical Fuzzy Rule Classifier.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2015) - Volume 2: FCTA, pages 150-155
ISBN: 978-989-758-157-1
2015 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
There are in literature, principally three ways to
reduce the complexity of a classification system, as
defined before:
to reduce the number of features, which
naturally leads to the reduction of the number
of rules in the system;
to reduce the number of features per rule,
keeping the most “interesting” ones under
certain criterions;
to create a hierarchical classification system, in
order to simplify each decision level with the
creation of different macro classes.
So, in this paper, we propose to check the first
two ways in order to contribute to the third one.
In section 2, we will provide their definitions,
with advantages and disadvantages, discussing their
theoretical efficiency. In section 3 we will show
some experiments and their results, in order to
present the actual efficacy of feature selection
processes and draw some conclusions about their
2.1 Feature Selection
Feature Selection step is a pre-process that chooses a
subset of the initial features. There exist many
potential benefits in feature selection mentioned in
(Guyon 2003). Among others, it facilitates the
visualization and comprehension of the data, reduces
the training and utilization time of the classification
method, and challenges the dimensionality in order to
improve the accuracy of the classification.
Langley divided the features selection methods,
taking into account the presence or absence of a
classification algorithm in the process. These two
categories are known as “filter” methods and
“wrapper” methods (Langley 1994).
“Filter” methods select a subset of features, from
the dataset in a classification process. In
consequence, their computational cost is low, which
facilitate their application. This type of methods is
independent of the classification algorithm and
hence, the chosen subset can be used in different
classifiers, without influencing the classification
rate. As showed in (Liu 2014), the most used
criterions in this kind of methods, take into account
the data structure and the information that the spatial
distribution contains. (Ferreira 2012), (Guyon 2003)
use the dependence between the features and output
classes (or correlation). (Liu 2014), (Zhang 2002)
and (Zhao 2013) consider both, the interclass
distance and the homogeneity of the elements in the
same class in order to preserve the internal structure
of data. This kind of criterions are well adapted for
treating high dimensional problems, and considering
that it is not our primary objective, we will not focus
our attention on this kind of methods.
“Wrapper” methods use a classification
algorithm to measure the efficacy of the selected
subset, generating a combinatorial problem (NP-
Hard) with a big computational cost (Ferreira 2012).
These characteristics make Wrapper methods less
efficient for working with high dimensional
problems. The utilization of a classification
algorithm in the selecting process creates a subset
with a high discriminative power, but this power can
only be guaranteed for the used classifier (Guyon
2003). The most used criterion in this kind of
methods is the misclassification rate, generating a
big number of tests of every subset in order to
achieve an optimal classification, as in (Li 2004) (De
Lannoy 2011), where SVMs are used as the trained
(Pudil 1994) introduces the Sequential Floating
Search Methods (SFSM), probably one of the most
known feature selection techniques, and our primary
reference in feature selection processes. Within
SFSM we can distinguish forward methods (SFFS)
and backward methods (SFBS), as the most known
and used Wrapper methods.
(Kira 1992) presents another reference method,
called Relief. It works in a statistical way, searching
the features which are statistically relevant. This
method acts dividing the entire group of instances
into positive instances and negative instances taking
into account the neighbourhood of each training
sample. After this, it upgrades the weight of each
feature, calculating the relevance based on the
information given by each feature in the before
mentioned process. Finally, a feature will be
considered as important, if its relevance is over a
(Chen 2012) also defines an interesting feature
selection method, combined with a fuzzy rule
extraction for classification. In this, the author
creates a modulator, modifying the membership
function of every feature, measuring their influence
in the creation of distance based fuzzy rules. With
this, it attempts to create a fuzzy clustering method,
using only in those features that have the most
relevant influence to the classification rate, forcing
the created modulator to work as a “gate”, which
Contribution to Automatic Design of a Hierarchical Fuzzy Rule Classifier
remains closed for every feature until they prove that
their influence is remarkable.
(Schmitt 2008) propose a really interesting
feature selection method which deals with our
context. The Choquet integral is used to select the
more suitable features, according to their capacity
with respect to it. Also, in this method, they measure
the importance of the different decision criterions
according to Shapley indexes, which measure the
contribution of a decision criterion to the final
decision, and Murofushi indexes, which measure the
interaction power between two indexes, discarding
negative feedback. This method works as an
iterative algorithm, discarding weaker features in
order to keep good recognition rates.
In (Grandvalet 2003) an automatic relevance
determination of features in kernelized SVM is
presented. Here, relevance is measured by scale
factors defining the input space metric, and the
features are selected by assigning zero weights to
irrelevant features.
2.2 Reducing the Number of Features
per Rule
Fuzzy association rules can be considered as an
indirect way of reducing the dimensionality of a
problem, showing the existing relationships between
different elements present in a dataset (Han 2006).
Basically, given a number of features, is possible to
create a defined number of rules, combining all
features, and measure the efficacy of each rule
according to certain criterions such as Support and
Confidence Zhang 2002).
FARC-HD is a classification method which uses
fuzzy association rules in its process (Alcala 2011).
Each rule is built in a hierarchical way, combining
all possible features and their fuzzification terms,
considering a restriction in the premise part. After
this process, the Support and the Confidence of each
rule are calculated in order to keep the most relevant
set of rules for the classification process.
FURIA is an algorithm which is used to create a
set of fuzzy rules for classification processes (Huhn
2009). This algorithm has a learning phase, where it
creates the initial set of rules for each class, using a
One Against All (OAA) strategy, in order to learn
how to separate the current class from all the others.
These methods work in a similar way, creating a
bunch of rules in order to cover all the possibilities,
and afterwards they apply a selection process, to
keep the most important ones. As the result, they
create a suitable set of rules for classification
The above mentioned property is the principal
difference with a classical fuzzy rule set algorithm
such as (Ishibuchi, 1992), where all the possibilities
are covered and the lacking of a selection process
implies the creation of a set of rules that becomes
not understandable.
The structure of a set of Fuzzy Rules can be
described as follow. Given N training patterns, xp=
(x1, x2, …, xm) p= (1, 2, …, n) belonging to S
output classes, where Xpi represents the i-th feature
i= (1, 2, …, m) of the p-th training pattern, each
fuzzy rule will have the following structure:
ℎ =
Where Rj is the label of the j-th rule, x= (x1, …,
xm) is a feature vector with a dimension m, A
is a
fuzzy label, Cj is a class label j= (1, 2, …, s).
In a classical approach the system will cover all
the possible combination of rules, in order to have
no “empty space” in the classification phase.
Considering that N is the number of features and
Card(Tv) the number of terms in which the feature V
is divided, the number of rules is:
Number of Rules =
In fuzzy associative rules for classification, we
appreciate the same structure as any classification
rule but their efficacy is measured as follows:
Where |N| is the number of transactions in the
transactions set T, µA(xp) is the matching degree of
the pattern xp with the antecedent part of the fuzzy
rule. With these measures, the methods perform the
mentioned selection process.
In this section a series of experiments are proposed,
testing the contribution of feature selection
processes applied in a similar context to which our
work is immersed, to improve the interpretability of
a system. For the classification process, FARC-HD
will be used, which includes the creation of fuzzy
association rules, allowing us to extrapolate the
obtained results, merging the classic feature
FCTA 2015 - 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications
selection methods with the dimensionality reduction
propositions given by fuzzy association rules.
3.1 Dataset
It is important to clarify that despite of the
explanations given for the dataset, specifying the
classification purpose and the context in which the
dataset is immersed, for privacy issues, the
considered features will remain with a generic name,
without explaining their significance for the
industrial environment.
The dataset used is from a company which takes
place in the industrial environment of wood. The
associated process to this dataset, named Wood, is in
charge of finding, within a set of defined features,
those that represent in the best possible way the
output classes, which correspond to wood
singularities. The process is performed considering
the aspects of the context, such as non-balanced data
and the complexity of the field, represented by the
imprecision of wood recognition approaches,
depending on the specificity and characterization of
the measures. The aim is to obtain a good accuracy
level using as little features as possible, because of
real time constraints. The obtained model is wished
to be interpretable in order to create a knowledge
model of the system.
Within the technical specifications, the Wood
Database has 20 input features, 9 output classes and
around 250 training patterns. These previously
provided specifications make the set of rules created
by the classic classification systems (SVM, KNN,
Neuronal Networks, etc.) too large, and that in
general the rules to be non-interpretable.
3.2 The Used Classifier FARC-HD
FARC-HD is a fuzzy association rule-based
classification method, based on three stages to
obtain an accurate and compact fuzzy rule set
(Alcala, 2011). First, it limits the order of the
associations in the association rule extraction
process, performed by a basic hierarchical decision
tree. Secondly, it considers a subgroup discovery
process, based in a weighted relative accuracy
measure, used to select the most interesting rules
before a genetic postprocessing process for rule
selection and parameter tuning is performed by a
genetic algorithm.
As we mentioned before, the aim of these
experiments, is to merge the effects of traditional
feature selection processes with the ability of
creating a compact fuzzy association rule set,
proposed by FARC-HD.
3.3 Experimental Methodology
The methodology will be divided in two parts,
selection of Features and classification using those
parameters combined with FARC-HD. Within the
used feature selection methods (see section 2.1), we
will find SFFS, SBFS (Pudil, 1994) and RelieF
(Kira, 1992), also we will use our own Fuzzy Rule
Iterative Feature Selection method (FRIFS)
(Schmitt, 2008), the Modulator Gate Method
(MGM) (Chen, 2012) and SVM method
(Grandvalet, 2003).
Feature selection processes performed by each
method were applied separately to the dataset. This
way, each method provides a set of the most
“important” features according to their own
As the aim of the entire process lies in to prove
the efficiency of feature selection in the creation of
an interpretable descriptive model, we have focused
our experiments in providing a general idea of the
most useful features in the dataset. So, the results of
feature selection processes have been analyzed
considering the frequency of appearance of each
feature within the different subsets.
For the second part of the experiments, the
application of FARC-HD method leads to different
subsets of preselected features, used separately. It
includes them directly into the classifier and in
combination, to perform the data-crossing process
mentioned before, considering then only the most
frequent, or “important” ones in the classification
process. Within the iterations of the classifier, we
have employed the “leave one out” strategy, in order
to determine empirically the relevance degree of
each selected feature, measuring the obtained
accuracy in each step.
Additionally as a new experiment, we have
tested the efficacy of a possible “feature selection
process” within the rules selection mechanism
performed by FARC-HD when keeping the most
interesting association rules. In order to filter the
most interesting features, we select them regarding
the utilization patterns of each feature in the
different rules created by FARC-HD. We assume
that the most used features are the most important
ones. This way, we will be able to prove or disprove
the following hypothesis: to keep the most important
rules, implies to keep the most important features in
Contribution to Automatic Design of a Hierarchical Fuzzy Rule Classifier
3.4 Experimental Results
In Table 1, the different sets of features selected by
the different feature selection methods applied on
Wood are presented.
In Table II the performance and the analysis of
the classifier FARC-HD in the dataset Wood is
shown, where we have the following parameters:
1. #Features stands for the total number of
features used in the process.
2. #UF stands for the number of used features in
the created rules.
3. #R stands for the average number of rules.
4. #C stands for the average number of conditions
(or features) in the premises of the rules.
5. TRA stands for the average classification
percentage obtained over the training data.
6. TST stands for the average classification
percentage obtained over the test data.
The best global result for each one is stressed in
boldface in each case.
Table 2 clearly shows that the efficiency of the
system, in terms of accuracy, increases using less
features than the 20 original features. It also shows
that using “the most important rules” created by the
fuzzy association rules system, some features are
discarded, not being used in the classification
process (it uses only 16 out of 20). Using less
features also improves the number of rules in the
system, from 25 using all features until 15 or 16,
depending on the case, using less features. As we
mentioned before, the reduction of the number of
rules increases the interpretability of the system, but
here we have to consider also the number of
conditions in each rule, to achieve the
understandability of the rule. In fact, Table 2 shows
that using in average, 2.5 conditions per rule, we can
achieve the best accuracy of the system, which is an
acceptable number of conditions in order to draw some
conclusions about the behavior of the system.
In the other hand, with the data-crossing
performed between the different subsets of features,
and the utilization rates given by FARC-HD, we can
also show that the reduction of dimensionality
performed by the feature selection methods, and the
reduction of dimensionality performed by fuzzy
associative rules are from different nature. This
means that if we apply a reduction of the number of
rules via the application of fuzzy association rules, it
does not necessarily mean that the most important
features, according to the state of art feature
selection methods, are going to be considered.
Likewise, the application of feature selection
processes on a dataset, does not assure that the rules
created by the system are going to be interpretable,
given the nature of regular fuzzy rules creation
Table 1: Selected Features by different Feature Selection Methods applied to Wood Database.
C4 SM-Axis SM-Axis Area LR_RE LR_RE SM-Axis
C3 DX/DY DX/DY DX/DY SM_Axis SM_Axis Area
C1+C3 LR LR LR Area Area DX/DY
SM_Axis C1 C1 C1 DX/Dy DX/DY C1
LR C4 C1+C3 C4 C1 C1 C4
Area_Rate C1+C3 C1+C3 C3 C3 C1+C3
Orient C1+C3 C1+C3
Table 2: Results obtained by using different Feature Selection Methods.
Dataset #Feature #UF #R #C TRA TST
Wood 20 16 25 2.68 0.984 0.729
FRIFS 6 6 16 2.25 0.968 0.756
FRIFS HS1 5 5 16 2.25 0.896 0.742
FRIFS HS2 6 6 15 2.6 0.96 0.77
SBFS 8 8 16 2.625 0.968 0.772
SFFS 8 8 16 2.625 0.968 0.772
SVM 6 6 20 2.45 0.964 0.772
MGM 4 4 15 2.533 0.876 0.718
FCTA 2015 - 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications
In this paper, we have tested two ways to contribute
to the automatic creation of a hierarchical
classification system: reducing the number of input
variables with feature selection methods and
reducing the number of rules with the use of fuzzy
associative rules. With the execution of some
experiments, we have noticed the power of the
dimensionality reduction in order to improve the
interpretability of a system.
That is why, we think that both ways for
reducing the dimensionality need to be merged or
included simultaneously in a classifier, increasing
the benefits provided in the separated scenario. The
proposed methodology is based on feature selection
process to reduce dimensionality, and fuzzy
association rules creation to have a hierarchical
structure in order to be able to divide the process in
sub processes with different macro classes.
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Contribution to Automatic Design of a Hierarchical Fuzzy Rule Classifier