LEADER EU Program and Its Governance
A Fuzzy Assessment Model
Luca Anzilli, Gisella Facchinetti, Giovanni Mastroleo and Alessandra Tafuro
Department of Management, Economics, Mathematics and Statistic, University of Salento,
via per Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy
EU Agricultural Programs, Leader, LAG, Governance, Fuzzy Systems.
In regard to the LEADER program (European Union initiative for rural development), in the paper the authors
propose a model for assessing the governance system of Local Action Groups (LAGs) in terms of structure,
decision making processes and principles that ensure a clear and transparent activity thus creating significant
value for the community. Governance, in particular, is a highly important theme when it evaluates the impacts
of LEADER measures: if the quality of their governance is high, they could contribute to make the rural
development process more efficient in each region of EU. The empirical literature on this subject is not well
developed and the authors hope and expect that this new assessment model will produce important ideas for
making governance of the LAGs more effective. It is based on a Fuzzy Expert System and here are presented
results for Puglia (Italy) LAGs.
In this paper the authors propose a fuzzy inference
system (Siler and Buckley, 2005; Castillo and Al-
varez, 2007; Leondes, 1998; Pedrycz and Gomide,
2007) to face the governance evaluation of an impor-
tant European Union initiative for rural development
called LEADER Program. LEADER (“Liaison Entre
Actions de D´eveloppement de l’
Economie Rurale”,
meaning “Links between the rural economy and de-
velopment actions”) is a local development method
which allows local actors to advance an area by using
its endogenous production potential. The LEADER
approach forms one of the four axes of Rural
Development Policy (http://enrd.ec.europa.eu/enrd-
static/leader/en/leader en.html). LEADER projects
are managed by Local Action Groups (LAGs). Each
project must involve a relatively small rural area,
with a population of between 10,000 and 100,000.
LEADER has three objectives (Brinkerhoff, 2007;
Brinkerhoff and Brinkerhoff, 2011; Kersbergen and
Waarden, 2004; Koppell, 2010):
to encourage experiments in rural development;
to support cooperation between rural territories:
several LAGs can share their resources;
to network rural areas, by sharing experiences and
expertise in the development of rural areas by cre-
ating databases, publications and other modes of
information exchange.
Moreover, as some 14% of the population in the EUs
predominantly rural regions suffers from employment
rates of less than half the EU average and there are ar-
eas of low per-capita GDP, much can be done to help
create a wider variety of better quality jobs and an im-
proved level of overall local development, including
through information and communication technologies
(ICT). Every LAG is made up of public and private
partners from the rural territory and must include rep-
resentatives from different socio-economic sectors.
They receive financial assistance to implement local
development strategies, by awarding grants to local
projects. They are selected by the managing author-
ity of the Member State, which is either a national,
regional or local, private or public body responsible
for the management of the programme. In this paper
we focalize our attention to the LAG Governance as
it is a highly important theme when we want evalu-
ate the impacts of LEADER measures. Many studies
have highlighted quantitative outputs - such as diver-
sification into activities, total volume of investments,
a number of micro-enterprises which are supported or
created, a number of projects which are financed, a
number of beneficiaries which are supported, and a
large number of jobs which are created but these indi-
cators will provide a limited insight. For this reason, it
Anzilli, L., Facchinetti, G., Mastroleo, G. and Tafuro, A..
LEADER EU Program and Its Governance - A Fuzzy Assessment Model.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2015) - Volume 2: FCTA, pages 121-130
ISBN: 978-989-758-157-1
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is important to supplement the quantitative indicators
with qualitative indicators which provide information
on the multi-dimensional character of LAGs gover-
nance. By combining the information it is possible to
assess how the functioning of LAGs governance sys-
tem contributes, directly or indirectly, to achieve the
desired outcomes such as the development of a rural
area. The evaluation of governance can involve an as-
sessment of both the process (how it is functioning)
and the outcomes (impacts on the rural area). The au-
thors have tried to evaluate the LAG governance sys-
tem in terms of structure, decision making processes
and principles that ensure a clear and transparent ac-
tivity and create significant value for the community.
We have adopted a series of drivers that will con-
tribute to the setting-up of a conceptual framework for
the evaluation of LAG governance. It should be clear
that good governance is an ideal which is difficult to
achieve in its totality. A number of variables have
a significant impact on what constitutes good gover-
nance. The structure of the conceptual framework is
readable as a tree and starts with three key aspects that
form the first level of branches. They are:
the nature of members of the partnership (actors);
the principles that guide the collaboration and the
involvement of the partners in the decision mak-
ing process (decision making);
the accountability and transparency of LAG’s ac-
tivities to the stakeholders (transparency).
Within the wider analysis of governance there is a
clear need to focus on the tree macro sectors we have
fixed before. The actors concept is the fruit of an ag-
gregation of the role and the interest shown by Public
Administration and the corporate bodies of the firms
involved. Looking at decision making we have to con-
sider even the synergy between stakeholders, conflicts
of interests and the independence. For transparency
we have to look to internal monitoring and internal
evaluation, transparencyand accountability (Lowndes
and Skelcher, 1998; Shaoul et al., 2012). For each of
these aspects it is important to develop a set of indica-
tors which are the key aspects of the second level. The
indicators may help to uncover further aspects of good
governance due to their fine detail. Each indicator al-
lows the evaluators to determine how close they are
to meeting the standards. The combination of these
indicators can be used to provide an estimate of the
governance of each Local Action Group. To reach
this goal we propose a Fuzzy Expert System (FES)
for several reasons. The problem to propose a LAG
Governance evaluation is a Multi-Attribute Decision
Making (MADM) problem. In fact there are several
aspects we have to take into account to have an aggre-
gated evaluation. The several inputs, that aggregated
offer the final value, hail from a questionnaire that a
research group of University of Salento has submit-
ted to members of several LAGs in Puglia, but this
tool did not provide a satisfactory result. For this rea-
son we propose this different method. The study we
propose is a multidisciplinary problem. Persons and
experts of different areas of expertise are necessary
to focalize all the attributes that this type of evalu-
ation involves. The classical method to elaborate a
questionnaire is a simple statistical average, while the
rules buildings of a FES need of a strong collabora-
tion between mathematicians and researchers of LAG
Governance. As last aspect, a FES may involve qual-
itative and quantitative information. In this way the
experts, more easily, may present their judgements in
a verbal form. We know that this type tool is born
for engineering applications while only few results we
know in economics, finance, management and social
sciences fields, but we think that its potential is so
wide to offer the possibility to expand its action areas
(Anzilli et al., 2013; Lalla et al., 2008; Magni et al.,
2001; Addabbo et al., 2007; Addabbo et al., 2009;
Lalla et al., 2005; Magni et al., 2004; Forte et al.,
2003). In Section 2 we present Leader and LAGs
characteristics in Section 3 we define a LAG gover-
nance and what it is necessary for its evaluation. In
Section 4 we present our model based on a Fuzzy Ex-
pert System. In Section 5 we present our results and
in Section 6 the conclusions.
LEADER program acts as a catalyst in spreading a
new form of territorial governance that can be seen
as a system of interdependence and interaction among
various stakeholders in order to meet the challenges in
public action (OECD, 2013, p.241). In the LEADER
model, local entities play a key role in rural devel-
opment, reflecting the emphasis that the EUs policy
has towards local potential development, program-
ming, partnership and subsidiarity principles (West-
holm et al., 1999; Bache, 2007; Commission, 2012;
Jacoby et al., 2014; Batory and Cartwright, 2011).
In line with these principles, a distinctive feature
of LEADER is the local public-private partnership
called Local Action Group (LAG) which is in
charge of coordinating the design of the local devel-
opment strategy as well as its implementation through
the engagement of endogenous, material and intangi-
ble resources, to produce sustainable local develop-
ment. Partnership processes play a central role in the
emergent culture of governance which is now receiv-
FCTA 2015 - 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications
ing a great theoretical attention. The adoption by the
local authority of a model of policy making focused
on public-private partnership is now at the base of the
processes of growth and competitiveness of each re-
gion so much so that as (Jones, 2000) argued – the
partnership has become a key component for address-
ing substantive issues of governance at local levels.
Local governance requires, therefore, the interaction
of different players and involves civil society organi-
zations and the private sector in partnership with gov-
ernment for the setting of priorities, the adoption of
policies and the allocation of resources. A process of
this type reflects the interdependence among the part-
ners: this means that the partnership becomes nec-
essary because no entity can achieve its goals with-
out a significant degree of support from the others
(Emerson et al., 2012). Through these networks, gov-
ernments seek the co-operation of partners from the
private sector and civil society in the pursuit of var-
ious objectives, from stimulating economic develop-
ment to promoting social cohesion. Following this
organizational system, the territory is administered
on the basis of a bottom-up programming approach,
which involves all entities of the territory and recon-
ciles the interests of all stakeholders at different level
(Stephenson, 2013).
The membership of the strategic LAG will reflect the
aims of the LEADER Initiative regarding the involve-
ment of community representatives. So it is necessary
to have a balance of statutory, private and community
representation. LAGs need to be balanced and repre-
sentative of the area, genuinely locally based and to
have an accepted structure and method of operation.
It is therefore understandable that the local partner-
ship will be more successful in this task, if the varied
representation of local parties is well mirrored in the
composition of the deliberating and decision-making
bodies. A LAG should include both public and private
partners, and should be well-balanced with represen-
tation from all existing local interest groups, drawn
from the different socioeconomic sectors in the area.
Article 62 of Regulation (EC) No. 1698/2005 stated
that at the decision making level, the economic and
social partners, as well as other representatives of the
civil society, such as farmers, rural women, young
people and their associations, must make up at least
50% of the local partnership. In the LEADER world,
the 50% limit for public partners in the decision-
making bodies of the LAG has brought forth various
solutions. In fact, there is no general recipe and all
depends on the specificities of the socioeconomic and
governance context. Partnership within governance is
not a static principle but it is a subtly changing con-
cept. There is no general rule on the formal set up
of a LAG. It should be a juridical entity of its own
right, but it can take on the form of a no-profit or-
ganization as well as that of a limited business com-
pany. This should be handled with a maximum of
pragmatism and adaptation to local circumstances. In
a partnership, an important role should be played by
local and territorial entities e.g. municipalities or
regional government although their presence, some-
times, is only formal and not substantive. Related to
this aspect, a real problem is the limited competence
skills that characterize the administration managers of
the Public Administration (PA), especially regarding
the level of knowledge of EU programs or the un-
derstanding of the LEADER approach. Closely re-
lated to these aspects is the degree of interest in joint
and synergistic programming by the PA that, in many
cases, can depend on the interest expressed by the
politicians. There are some cases in which the pri-
vate and no-profit members of a partnership declare
to find difficulties in creating and maintaining a rela-
tionship with the PA and, in other cases, they point
out the opportunity available in activating new forms
of organizational coordination.
Governance is a highly important theme when it eval-
uates the impacts of LEADER measures (Tafuro,
2013). Many studies have highlighted quantitative
outputs - such as diversification into activities, total
volume of investments, a number of micro-enterprises
which are supported or created, a number of projects
which are financed, a number of beneficiaries which
are supported, and a large number of jobs which are
created but these indicators will provide a limited in-
sight. For this reason, it is important to supplement
the quantitative indicators with qualitative indicators
which provide information on the multi-dimensional
character of LAG’s governance. By combining the
information it is possible to assess how the function-
ing of LAG’s governance system contributes, directly
or indirectly, to achieve the desired outcomes such as
the development of a rural area. The evaluation of
governancecan involvean assessment of both the pro-
cess (how it is functioning)and the outcomes (impacts
on the rural area). The authors have tried to evaluate
the governance system of LAG in terms of structure,
decision making processes and principles that ensure
a clear and transparent activity and create significant
value for the community. We have adopted a series of
LEADER EU Program and Its Governance - A Fuzzy Assessment Model
drivers that will contribute to the setting-up of a con-
ceptual framework for the evaluation of governance
of LAG. It should be clear that good governance is
an ideal which is difficult to achieve in its totality.
A number of variables have a significant impact on
what constitutes good governance. The structure of
the conceptual framework incorporates nested dimen-
sions and their respective component. The examina-
tion of the governance process is based on three key
aspects of the first level. They are:
the nature of members of the partnership;
the principles that guide the collaboration and
the involvement of the partners in the decision-
making process;
the accountability and transparency of LAG’s ac-
tivities to the stakeholders.
Within the wider analysis of governance there is a
clear need to focus on the whole partnership concept,
to consider not only the issues of the formation, mem-
bership, and power relations among partners, but also
the principles that guide collaboration and the degree
of involvement of the partners in the decision-making
process and the importance of reporting LAGs activi-
ties to the stakeholders. For each of these aspects it is
important to develop a set of indicators which are the
key aspects of the second level. The indicators may
help to uncover further aspects of good governance
due to their fine detail. Each indicator allows the eval-
uators to determine how close they are to meeting the
standards. The combination of these indicators can be
used to provide an estimate of the governance of each
Local Action Group.
3.1 The Principles that Guide the
Collaboration and Degree of
Involvement of the Partners in
Decision-making Process
Since governance is the process by which decisions
are implemented, an analysis of governance focuses
on the principles (i.e. collaboration and degree of
the involvement of the partners in decision-making
process) that have been set to make and implement
the decisions and on the procedures to guide the de-
cision body in decision-making (i.e. how decisions
have to be submitted for approval, modified, agreed
upon; etc.). Governance establishes how the power is
distributed among the members and the influence ex-
erted by each member in the course of decision mak-
ing. When we talk about participation, on the one
hand, we mean the degree of involvement of each
member in the decision making process, but on the
other hand, it is fundamental to consider the existence
of a great synergy among the main stakeholders in
the phases of design and implementation of the ini-
tiatives. By governance, in fact, we mean the selec-
tion of the activities that the LAGs partnership intends
to realize, the role of each member in the implemen-
tation of needed projects, the control of the resources
available, and how the output is distributed among the
participants. Rural policies that follow the LEADER
approach should be designed and implemented in a
way best adapted to the needs of the communitiesthey
serve. One way to ensure this is the implementation of
public consultation processes by which all local stake-
holders are invited to take the lead or participate in
the choices made and, above all, sustaining consulta-
tions and dialogues among the stakeholders. In this
way the objectivity of the decision making process is
guaranteed. At this point, we also have to reflect on
the particular difficulties emerging from the presence
of multiple members in the partnership. In this situa-
tion, heterogeneousinterests and powerof local stake-
holder coexist: which is the source of complexity in
the choice of objectives that the LAG should fix; and
this is also a cause of conflicts of interest that some-
times may create delays in decision-making, as it of-
ten happens, for example in the case of the appoint-
ment of the Technical Management Group. Another
feature of the decision-making process is its indepen-
dence. The accountability and transparency of activ-
ities to stakeholders. Accountability is a key require-
ment of good governance, while transparency refers
to the free flow of information on government pro-
cesses, decisions, requirements and reports (Shaoul
et al., 2012). It allows stakeholders to know what is
happening and to participate meaningfully in various
ways. All stakeholders, in fact, want to know how
well a governance system supports the achievement
of established goals and they also want to see how the
results achievedcompare with the effort and resources
used in obtaining the objectives. For this reason it is
important that some mechanisms of internal monitor-
ing and self-evaluationexist in the LAG and that these
mechanisms are used to ensure the monitoring of dif-
ferent aspects, such as the effectiveness and appropri-
ateness of the work done by the Steering Committee,
the effectiveness and efficiency of animation activities
or, in general, the effectiveness of the LAG in produc-
ing the best possible results using the resources in the
best possible way. To understand and monitor insti-
tutions and their decision-making processes it is im-
portant to have direct access to all relevant informa-
tion. The transparency of information and of the de-
cision making process - including procedures of con-
sultation and participation - are tools used to promote
FCTA 2015 - 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications
nonarbitrary and responsive decisions. Transparency
is built on the free flow of information and is based
on the existence and use of mechanisms to guaran-
tee all the stakeholders an adequate access to infor-
mation in terms of quantity, quality and completeness
regarding the governing bodies, the management pro-
cess and results, the allocation of tasks, the budgeting
of the use of financial resources, to verify the achieve-
ment of goals and the accountability of each decision
or result. A system of accountability is important not
only to explain what has been done in the past, but it
is fundamental to identify the necessary changes and
corrective action to plan the future activities of LAG.
The analysis produced in the following paragraph can
be considered as the result of a pilot study on the gov-
ernance of the LAGs operating in Puglia (Italy). The
reasons that led us to choose Puglia’s LAGs are essen-
tially two: 1) Puglia is the Italian region that has the
highest number of partnerships of this type. In fact,
there are 25 and they are evenly distributed through-
out the region. The number of LAGs in Puglia is
by far the highest compared to other regions and, in
percentage terms, they represent 12.76% of the to-
tal of Italian LAGs (no. 196); 2) Puglia, more than
any other region in Italy, has devoted a considerable
amount of community resources – nearly 300 million
euro – to a wide assortment of interventions and ben-
eficiaries with the aim to facilitate the process of en-
dogenous developmentthat will make the economy of
the rural areas more dynamic and productive.
4.1 Methodology Approach
Our aim is to evaluate the LAG’s governancein Puglia
region. This problem may be red as a multiattribute
decision making problem (MADM) In fact it is the
aggregation of several macroindicators as structure,
decision making processes and principles that ensure
a clear and transparent activity thus creating signifi-
cant value for the community. As every MADM prob-
lem there are three main frameworks in which we
may work: the multiattribute value theory (MAVT),
outranking approaches and interactive methods. We
present a method of the first type and in particular
a decision support system. The advantage of this
proposal is its visibility, the comparability of differ-
ent scenarios, the explicit choices of decision makers
and an easy way to rank different scenarios. Usually
its aspect is a decision tree that is built in a “bottom
up” procedure. The higher point is the output. Then
we have a first level of description by several macro-
indicators that experts have identified and so on till
the last leaves of the tree that are the initial inputs. In
this case we start in a different way as we have at our
disposal the replays of a survey submitted to members
of several LAGs in Puglia by a group of researcher of
University of Salento. In this situation the initial in-
puts are offered by the questions present in the survey.
The further aggregationsare obtained by the necessity
to give a meaning to the aggregate variables (see Ta-
ble 1). The instrument we propose is a Fuzzy Expert
System (FES) (Bandemer and Gottwald, 1995; Bo-
jadziev and Bojadziev, 2007; Kasabov, 1996; Piegat,
2001; Siler and Buckley, 2005; Castillo and Alvarez,
2007; Leondes, 1998; Pedrycz and Gomide, 2007).
FES models are cognitive models that, replicating the
human way of learning and thinking, allow to for-
malize qualitative concepts. It uses blocks of rules to
translate the experts judgments that, usually, are made
by numerical weights. The experts in charge of cod-
ifying the model’s operating rules make choices that
are visible and manifest in each step for the construc-
tion of the model. It contains an inferential engine
to reach a final evaluation. We have proposed this
instrument as we have not sufficient data to use data
mining methods, while we have experts of the gover-
nance sector disposable to help our work. The survey
questionnaires are given in a linguistic way and the
use of fuzzy logic has seemed the more fitting.
4.2 Construction of the System
The implementation of the fuzzy expert system in this
case has been divided into nine stages (Von Altrock,
1) Analysis of available data
2) Initial interview with experts to define the inputs
and factors for their aggregation
3) Construction of the decision tree
4) Subsequent talks to define the range and the
blocks of rules
5) Technical choices: aggregators and defuzzifying
6) Selecting complete data from the survey replies
and first output
7) Comparison with reference cases and calibration
8) Calculating new output: if there is no validation of
the result by the experts it returns to the previous
9) Analysis of the output.
LEADER EU Program and Its Governance - A Fuzzy Assessment Model
Figure 1: Input’s database.
Aggregating the 26 selected inputs in the corre-
sponding variables (see Figure 1), the model assumes
the configuration of a tree: the 26 inputs find aggre-
gation in 14 intermediate outputs which in turn are
the inputs of further aggregates up to the final output.
This output is the evaluation of the governance of the
LAGs, expressed as a ranking of the LAGs and ana-
lyzed according to the factors Actors, Decision mak-
ing process and Transparency. These in turn are the
results of the subsequent factors.
The construction of the model is then modular.
The evaluation is developed in successive steps (anal-
ogous to the decision-making process of individuals)
along the branches of the tree until you get to the
trunk: the input variables through intermediate out-
put variables leads to the final output of the model.
Figure 2 translates in a detailed way Table 1 using
the software fuzzyTECH (Von Altrock, 1996). The
experts that have contribute to build the system have
found the system result coherent with their previous
opinion. No other data are available and so we have
not had the possibility to test the system more times.
4.3 FES Mathematical Structure
In a fuzzy rule based system, the experts represent
their knowledge by defining the rules to describe the
characteristics of the risk assessment for each factor.
The input variables are processed by these rules to
generate an appropriate output. A fuzzy rule-based
system can be formalized as follows.
Suppose we have p inputs x
,... , x
and one output
y, with x
and y Y. The fuzzy representation
of input variable x
is performed by associating to it
a number k(i) of linguistic labels, that is k(i) fuzzy
sets, we say A
,... , A
, defined by the membership
functions µ
: X
[0,1] for j = 1, . . . ,k(i). Simi-
larly, the output variable y is described by k(y) fuzzy
sets B
,... , B
defined by the membership func-
tions µ
: Y [0, 1], with j = 1,...,k(y). The rule-
block is characterized by M rules where the m-th rule,
with m = 1, . . . , M, has the form
: IF x
is A
and . . . and x
is A
THEN y is B
Here the fuzzy set A
,... , A
} is the linguis-
tic label associated with i-th antecedent in the m-th
rule and B
,... , B
} is the linguistic label as-
sociated with the output variable in the m-th rule. We
assume that Mamdani implications (MIN) are used,
the fuzzy intersection operation (AND) corresponds
to the PROD operator, the fuzzy union (OR) corre-
sponds to the MAX operator, all rules which have
the same term in the rule conclusion are aggregated
using the BOUNDED SUM. Using the technique of
activation degree, given the crisp input values x
,... , x
) X
, for each rule m = 1,...,M
we compute the firing level (or degree of activation)
) as
) =
For each j = 1, . . . , k(y) we consider the set M
{1, . . . , M} of all rules which have the term B
in the
rule conclusion. Thus {1, . . . , M} = M
··· M
and M
0 for j 6= . We define γ
= γ
) as
the BOUNDED SUM (or Łukasiewicz t-conorm) of
all rules which have the term B
in the rule conclu-
sion, that is
= min{1,
Then we define B
(y) = min
, y Y.
The final output B
is obtained as B
, that
(y) = max
(y), y Y.
FCTA 2015 - 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications
Table 1: The factors for the evaluation of governance - Output of the Model.
3rd level factors 2nd level factors 1st level factors Output
Corporate bodies
Governance of
Relationships with
Public Administration
Role and interest
shown by Public
Professional competences
Synergy between Stakeholders
Decision makingConflicts of interests
Internal Monitoring and Self Evaluation
TransparencyInternal information flows
Transparency and accountability
Accountability’s system
Figure 2: Layout.
To translate the fuzzy output into a crisp value, we
employ as defuzzification method the Center of Max-
imum (CoM).
4.4 Variables and Blocks Of Rules
We now present the description of an input variable
and a rule block present in the previous layout. The
variable we choose as example is “PartnersMeet”, i.e.
% of private actors within the Assembly, shown in
Figure 3. Its granulation is made by four terms, “in-
sufficient”, “low”, “medium”, “high”, that translate
the experts opinions. Even the ranges of the four gran-
ules is fixed by experts.
Figure 3: Membership functions of “PartnersMeet”.
Following LEADER aim that requires a high per-
centage of private enterprise either in “PartnersMeet”
or in “BoardofDirect”, we have built the rule-block
in which “PartnersMeet” and “BoardofDirect” enter
LEADER EU Program and Its Governance - A Fuzzy Assessment Model
Figure 4: Governance’s quality ranking of the LAGs.
Table 2: Rules of the Rule Block “Corporate bodies”.
PartnersMeet BoardofDirect CorporateBodies
insufficient very low
insufficient very low
low low low
low medium medium low
low high medium high
medium low medium low
medium medium medium high
medium high high
high low medium high
high medium high
high high very high
producing an evaluation about the “CorporateBodies”
reliability. In fact we may observe that the first rule
says that if the percentage of private enterprise is “in-
sufficient” whatever the assessment of “BoardofDi-
rect” is, the evaluation about CorporateBodies” is
very low. Similarly happens for the second rule. The
linguistic attributes of the CorporateBodies” are de-
scribed by six terms in an increasing way, from the
“very low” till “very high”.
This paper applies fuzzy logic tools to creating a gov-
ernance rating for the different LAGs present in a re-
gion. This ranking is present in the ”output” column
of the table shown in Figure 4 in which the interme-
diate values divided in three levels are also showed.
The usefulness of this method is demonstrated by the
ease by which it highlights the formation of the out-
put and by the way in which it allows to identify, very
quickly, the critical issues and strengths that charac-
terize the governance of the single LAG. In this way,
the LAGs will not only be benefited from knowing
the rate of their governance, but they can implement
a program for increasing variable where the rating is
For example, although two LAGs - Terra d’Arneo
e Daunia Rirale - have the same level of output rel-
ative to the intermediate variable ”decision-making
process” (DecMakProcess), a less detailed reporting
of the LAG (Terra d’Arneo) was more than offset
by the best composition of the shareholding structure
(CorporateBodies: 81.6 vs 15.5) and by the interest
shown by the PA in the LAG’s activities (PAsRole:
91.1 vs. 78.6). These values help to raise the level
of the variable ”Actors” (91.3 vs. 47.1) and allow to
place the LAG “Daunia Rurale” in the fourth position
preceded by the LAG “Terra d’Arneo”. This means
that “Daunia Rurale” has to improve its shareholding
structure, and that Public Entities must cooperate with
more interest in the decision making process of the
FCTA 2015 - 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications
To date, there is still no framework for the assessment
of local governance, and the priority is to endorse a
combination of normative principles that will guide
it. Governance concerns the structures, processes,
rules and traditions through which decision-making
power that determines actions is exercised, and so ac-
countability is manifested and accomplished. Due
to partnerships’ dynamic, changing and evolution-
ary nature, governance of the LAGs evolves over the
partnerships lifecycle. For this reason it is neces-
sary to be sensitive to the diversity of existing part-
nerships and to their changing, dynamic nature, es-
pecially when developing appropriate processes and
mechanisms. A framework is proposed for the as-
sessment of the governance of such partnerships even
if effective governance evaluation is a difficult goal
to achieve. This occurs because there are many key
aspects that have to be considered: composition of
the LAG’s bodies, participation of the different enti-
ties, the decision-making process, legitimacy, trans-
parency, accountability, ...For this reason, the frame-
work identifies a relatively small number of dimen-
sions (First Level Key Aspects) within which compo-
nents (Second Level Key Aspects) can work together
in a positive interactive way which leads to good re-
sults. The results from this survey suggest a few ar-
eas where policy makers and researchers can improve
on. The following are some recommendations to con-
(i) the framework offers a conceptual map by which
to examine the various dimensions, components
and element of good governance. It is important
to pay attention to the elements within the de-
cision making process and, in particular, to the
shared motivation for joint action that can stimu-
late a shared perspectiveof the strategic directions
to take;
(ii) the model shows that good governance is based
on the reliability of the LAG’s decision-making
processes that can stem from the synergies among
different members that adhere to the partnership
although they have different interests;
(iii) transparency and accountability are considered
important though many LAGs have not imple-
mented a valid system to acquire information to
understand not only what has been done in the
past. These activities are fundamental in identi-
fying the necessary changes and corrective action
needed to plan the future of the LAGs.
All these informations are obtained even thanks to the
instrument we propose. The effectiveness of the FES
lies in some aspects like the multiattribute, multidis-
ciplinary and fuzzy aspects of the problem. As we
have said, structured ways to evaluate the governance
of these EU projects at local level are not present.
This may be one starting point to due LAG institution
of a common way to be evaluated. This evaluation,
we think, should be necessary even in the direction to
supply other resources, in the future, using the merit
as decision making criteria.
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