Classifying Security Threats in Cloud Networking
Bruno M. Barros
, Leonardo H. Iwaya
, Marcos A. Simplicio Jr.
, Tereza C. M. B. Carvalho
as M
and Mats N
Escola Polit
ecnica, Universidade de S
ao Paulo, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden
Ericsson Research, Stockholm, Sweden
Cloud Networking, Cloud Security, Security Threats, Security Taxonomy.
A central component of managing risks in cloud computing is to understand the nature of security threats. The
relevance of security concerns are evidenced by the efforts from both the academic community and technolog-
ical organizations such as NIST, ENISA and CSA, to investigate security threats and vulnerabilities related to
cloud systems. Provisioning secure virtual networks (SVNs) in a multi-tenant environment is a fundamental
aspect to ensure trust in public cloud systems and to encourage their adoption. However, comparing existing
SVN-oriented solutions is a difficult task due to the lack of studies summarizing the main concerns of network
virtualization and providing a comprehensive list of threats those solutions should cover. To address this issue,
this paper presents a threat classification for cloud networking, describing threat categories and attack scenar-
ios that should be taken into account when designing, comparing, or categorizing solutions. The classification
is based on the CSA threat report, building upon studies and surveys from the specialized literature to extend
the CSA list of threats and to allow a more detailed analysis of cloud network virtualization issues.
The current concept of cloud computing evolved
from technologies such as distributed computing and
resource virtualization, enabling the utilization of
shared computing infrastructures for delivering soft-
ware, platforms and infrastructures to different cus-
tomers over the Internet. Nevertheless, cloud com-
puting has other particular requirements such as (Mell
and Grance, 2011): on-demand provision of the com-
puting resources; broad network access to config-
ure and request computing capabilities; resources are
pooled to be used by multiple customers in a multi-
tenant model; the resources should be elastically pro-
visioned and released; and delivered services should
be transparently measured for managing and billing
purposes. This new model of delivering computing
power takes advantage of economies of scale, allow-
ing cloud providers to deliver services for a reason-
able cost to several institutions and companies. It also
brings advantages to customers, who can pay only for
what they consume instead of obliging them to pur-
chase, install and maintain their own equipment.
Unfortunately, however, the advantages brought
by the cloud are also accompanied by threats and se-
curity vulnerabilities that discourage its full adoption
by many companies.An example is the need of iso-
lating resources, data and communication within the
cloud. Public cloud systems utilize a multi-tenant ar-
chitecture, in which customers should only ”see” the
cloud resources assigned to them, as if they were the
sole user of the infrastructure.
Virtualization technologies play a crucial role in
enforcing this isolation, given that they are the main
building block in provisioning the customers’ infras-
tructure, including virtual machines (VMs) and vir-
tual networks (VNs). Additionally, a virtualization
solution(s) should ensure not only that the VMs op-
erate with isolated resources, but also allow network
traffic monitoring and the creation of secure network
domains. For this reason, enabling SVN in the cloud
computing is currently a subject of intense research
(Sun and Hu, 2012). Many of the existing propos-
als rely on open network virtualization solutions such
as Open vSwitch for defining virtualized network ar-
chitectures with security features (Hao et al., 2010;
Cohen et al., 2013), inserting security modules in-
side VMs and virtual switches (Basak et al., 2010;
M. Barros B., H. Iwaya L., A. Simplício Jr. M., C. M. B. Carvalho T., Méhes A. and Näslund M..
Classifying Security Threats in Cloud Networking.
DOI: 10.5220/0005489402140220
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2015), pages 214-220
ISBN: 978-989-758-104-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Barjatiya and Saripalli, 2012), or creating hypervisor-
based network controllers (Mattos and Duarte, 2013).
Nonetheless, it is often hard to clearly identify all
the threats and vulnerabilities that are addressed by
the different network virtualization solutions. Indeed,
there is a myriad of issues that can be targeted, such
as ensuring traffic isolation, preventing sniffing and
address spoofing, as well as detecting and mitigating
Distributed-/Denial-of-Service DoS/DDoS and man-
in-the-middle attacks (Hao et al., 2010; Basak et al.,
2010; Barjatiya and Saripalli, 2012; Cohen et al.,
2013; Mattos and Duarte, 2013). However, it is not
always the case that solutions proposed in the liter-
ature explicitly analyze their (in)ability to cope with
each of the existing threats, even if they are truly able
to prevent them. This makes comparing and evaluat-
ing these solutions a difficult task.
Aiming to address this lack of uniformity in the
treatment of network virtualization security propos-
als, this paper presents a threat classification for
SVNs, describing threat classes and attack scenar-
ios that should be taken into account when design-
ing, comparing, categorizing or evaluating solutions.
This classification is based on technical reports from
cloud standardization organizations such as European
Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA,
2013), the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA, 2013),
and National Institute of Standards and Technol-
ogy (NIST, 2011), as well as on scientific papers
that reviewed problems in this area (Chowdhury and
Boutaba, 2010; Pearce et al., 2013). Given the broad
scope of the security challenges described in these re-
ports, they do not (intend to) provide a framework
to evaluate security issues directly related to network
virtualization in cloud computing. Therefore, the
classification proposed herein aims to fill part of this
gap by focusing specifically on the technical issues re-
lated to virtual networking in the cloud environment.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 reviews the security threat classification
for cloud computing proposed by CSA (CSA, 2013).
Section 3 presents our proposed threat classification,
which builds upon the CSA work. Section 4 then dis-
cusses, by means of examples, different cloud virtual
networking attacks from each threat category, show-
ing the coverage of the proposed classification. Sec-
tion 5 presents the conclusion and future work.
With the widespread adoption and popularization of
cloud-based systems, considerable effort has been
made to identify and classify security threats in this
environment. Some relevant examples include the
security guidelines for cloud computing provided by
the ENISA (Catteddu, 2010; ENISA, 2013), the CSA
(CSA, 2013), and NIST (NIST, 2011).
Among these documents, the CSA “Notorious
Nine” report (CSA, 2013), which identifies important
threats that may occur accidentally or intentionally in
cloud systems, is of especial interest: it provides a
clear view of the most relevant security threats when
deploying and consuming cloud services, ranked ac-
cording to the industry perspective. Therefore, the re-
port highlights the main security aspects that need to
be taken into account by cloud providers for ensur-
ing trust in their services. It is important to notice,
however, that (CSA, 2013) is intended as a general
guideline of relevant security aspects, not focused on
networking issues. Nonetheless, given its importance,
it can be seen as an interesting starting point for iden-
tifying relevant cloud networking threats, which is ex-
actly the approach adopted in this document. Next,
we present a classification method for indentify secu-
rity threats in cloud networking, built upon the CSA
classification for cloud security threats.
CSA “Notorious Nine” (CSA, 2013) and similar-
purpose reports (CSA, 2011; ENISA, 2013; NIST,
2011; Gonzalez et al., 2012) are important sources
of information about cloud security threats. However,
their main goal is to give a high level description of
potential problems, not on providing a fine-grained
analysis of how each of the many threats identified
apply to specific scenarios (e.g., virtual networking).
On the other hand, there are works in the literature
that investigate SVNs in more depth, such as (Chowd-
hury and Boutaba, 2010; Schoo et al., 2011; Natara-
jan and Wolf, 2012). Unfortunately, since their goal
is to survey solutions and to identify challenges in the
area, they fail to provide a reusable classification of
the virtual networking threats described. Given the
relevance of threat modeling to identify security re-
quirements (Myagmar et al., 2005), those works are
not ideal for the task of comparing and evaluating
different security proposals in virtual networking or
guiding the design of comprehensive solutions for the
most relevant threats. Aiming to bridge this gap, next,
we build upon the CSA “Notorious Nine” threat re-
port for deriving finer-grained threat classification fo-
cused specifically on SVNs.
3.1 Extending Current Classifications
For the purpose of building the proposed classifi-
cation, the CSA “Notorious Nine” threats were de-
composed into more specific menaces. The result-
ing finer-grained list, containing specific attacks and
countermeasures, was then analyzed aiming to iden-
tify threats that could be associated to virtual network-
ing security issues. The aggregation of the identified
threats according to their characteristics then lead to
the general categories presented as follows.
Before we present the proposed classification,
however, it is important to emphasize that attaining
the right level of abstraction is a considerable chal-
lenge when trying to create a comprehensive view of
virtual networking vulnerabilities in the cloud. Aim-
ing to be both concise and comprehensive, our ap-
proach in the proposed classification involves two
main requirements: (1) threats should have a detailed
enough description to effectively help guide the de-
velopment of innovative solutions; and (2) the number
of threat groups should be small enough to allow the
classification to be applied to the analysis and com-
parison of common solutions. These requirements
have an obvious trade-off: a large number of threat
classes may lead to an overly detailed classification,
but a reduced number of threat groups may lead to a
high level description that may be vague and less use-
ful to comparative studies. As a result, our classifica-
tion proposes a reduced number of categories without
ignoring important aspects of virtual networking.
In addition to those basic requirements, we con-
sidered the different attack scenarios within the cloud
environment, i.e., who the attacker is and who is being
attacked. In each scenario, we then try to identify the
different threat classes to reflect the concerns already
evidenced in the literature.
3.2 Threat Scenarios
The first is the Cloud Provider Network, which in-
cludes all the cloud provider private network re-
sources connecting all the data center infrastructure
that allows the cloud service provision. The second is
the Public Network, which comprises the public In-
ternet that allows users to access the cloud services.
Both networks are illustrated in Figure 1. We have
limit our scope to threats in the Cloud Provider Net-
work, to identify security issues related only to the
cloud computing paradigm and to its technological
mechanisms. We can identify three attack scenarios
involving different entities of the cloud:
1. Tenant-to-Tenant. Threats related to attacks pro-
moted by a legitimate tenant targeting another le-
gitimate tenant. Such attacks are usually per-
formed by exploring vulnerabilities of the cloud
provider network infrastructure
2. Tenant-to-Provider. Threats related to cloud vul-
nerabilities that allow a legitimate tenant to dis-
rupt the operation of the cloud infrastructure, pre-
venting the cloud provider from delivering the ser-
vice in accordance with the service level agree-
ments established with other legitimate tenants.
3. Provider-to-Tenant. Threats related to vulnera-
bilities in the cloud provider infrastructure, which
allows malicious insider attacks from employees
and other agents with direct access to the cloud
Figure 2 illustrates these three attack scenarios in
the network context previously mentioned. Despite
the interest of provider-to-tenant threats, for the pur-
pose of this research we consider a reliable cloud
provider, focusing our efforts on the tenant-to-tenant
and tenant-to-provider threats.
3.3 Cloud VN Threat Categories
Following the method and the requirements discussed
in Section 3.1, we identified five general classes of
virtual networking security threats, described as fol-
lows. For each class, we also present the CSA-related
threats and the virtual networking attacks obtained
from the decomposing process described in Section
3.1. We note, however, that the inclusion of new
threat classes to this classification should be consid-
ered a matter of continuous work, following new dis-
coveries in the field of cloud security.
1. Physical Isolation. Covers all the vulnerabilities
related to the physical resources of the underlying
network infrastructure being shared by multiple
tenants. Attacks in this class are normally related
to capturing and to analyzing data collected from
shared resources, but can also involve the exhaus-
tion of resources from shared hardware.
2. Logical Isolation. Covers all the vulnerabilities
directly related to situations in which logical re-
sources (e.g., vCPUs, vLANs and vSwitches) are
not adequately isolated, allowing tenants to access
each other’s networking capabilities. Attacks of
this class can exploit vulnerabilities in the cloud
Figure 1: Complementary networks in cloud environments.
Figure 2: Security attack scenarios in cloud VNs.
virtualized network functions and network man-
agement modules.
3. Authentication. Covers all the vulnerabilities re-
lated to inadequate authentication, which allow at-
tackers to mask their real identities. This can be
accomplished by exploiting authentication proto-
cols, acquiring credentials and/or key materials by
capturing data traffic, or via password recovery at-
tacks (e.g., brute force or dictionary attacks).
4. Authorization. Covers all the vulnerabilities re-
lated to authorization problems, allowing granting
or scaling rights, permissions or credentials to or
from an unauthorized user. The attacker can ex-
ploit a vulnerability in the cloud platform autho-
rization modules, or even in the victim computer,
to create or change its credentials in order to ob-
tain privileged rights. Similarly to attacks that ex-
ploit authentication threats, authorization threats
can lead to the leakage of confidential data and
access to management modules.
5. Insecure APIs. Covers all the threats related to
failures, malfunctions and vulnerabilities in APIs
that compose the cloud system. Attacks of this
class try to exploit insecure interfaces for access-
ing or tampering with services running in other
tenants or cloud administrative tools. This may
lead to data loss/leakage, as well as to cause un-
availability of services.
3.4 Correlation with CSA Threats
Table 1 summarizes the correlations between CSA
threats and the network threat categories herein pro-
posed. Analyzing this table, one can notice that
CSA threats related to shared technology vulnera-
bilities, data breaches, and DoS are the most fre-
quently related to network vulnerabilities. Therefore,
they should be the main focus of SVN-oriented solu-
tions, considering both tenant-to-tenant and tenant-to
provider attack scenarios, as discussed in more details
in the next section.
Table 1: Correlation of proposed categories and threats with
CSA notorious top nine threats.
Category Threat Examples CSA Top 9
Side-channel attack DB,
Physical Guest-hoping attack DoS,
Isolation Resource exhaustion STV
Physical man-in-the-middle
Man-in-the-middle DB,
Logical Sniffing DoS,
Isolation Port scanning STV
Replay attacks
Spoofing DB,
Compromised-key attack ASH,
Password-based attacks STV
Software exploitation DB, MI,
Phishing ACS, STV
Insecure APIs
API exploitation
Code and Package injection
Abbreviations: data breaches (DB), Denial-of-Service (DoS),
shared technology vulnerabilities (STV), account or service
traffic hijacking (ASH), malicious insiders (MI), abuse of
cloud services (ACS), insecure interfaces and APIs (IIA).
This section correlates the threat scenarios discussed
in Section 3.2 with the classification proposed in Sec-
tion 3.3, presenting threat examples for each pro-
posed category in both Tenant-to-Tenant and Tenant-
to-Provider scenarios.
4.1 Physical Isolation
Such attacks can be perpetrated if the attacker’s VM
is sharing the same host machine or physical network
node as the victim’s VM. In this scenario, the attacker
can engage in: a side-channel attack, subjecting confi-
dential traffic to cryptanalysis; use DoS/DDoS attacks
to exhaust or to bring physical network resources
down; or to gather information about the services run-
ning in the target machine. Sniffing is one of the most
common attacks: attackers attempt to access informa-
tion from other tenants or cloud provider network by
reading packets going through the physical NICs.
Threat Examples on Tenant-to-Tenant Scenario.
1) Side channel: An encryption algorithm used by
tenants is subject to cryptanalysis based on timing at-
tacks. 2) Guest hopping: The attacker inserts a VM in
the same host of the victim to exploit shared network
components in subsequent attacks. 3) DoS/DDoS: Ex-
haustion of network resources shared by tenants in-
side the same host.
Threat Examples on Tenant-to-Provider Scenario.
1) Sniffing: By monitoring physical network inter-
faces an attacker may intercept provider management
data. 2) Side channel: An encryption algorithm used
by a provider is subject to cryptanalysis based on tim-
ing attacks. 3) DoS: Amplification attacks performed
from inside the cloud, possibly combined with ad-
dress spoofing can flood provider network infrastruc-
4.2 Logical Isolation
The cloud provider should ensure isolation of re-
sources among its customers, which includes virtual-
ized network components that compose the cloud log-
ical network and the tenants virtual networks. Tenant-
to-tenant attacks involves breaking this logical isola-
tion, allowing a malicious tenant to get access vic-
tim’s resources. This sort of attack can lead to data
leakage, malicious use of other tenants’ resources,
and/or disruption of network services.
A malicious tenant may also exploit virtual net-
work resources, controllers and other services pro-
vided by the cloud provider. Some examples involve
the use of port scanning and network reconnaissance
mechanisms, so that the attacker can get access to
privileged information, such as the network topology,
list of virtual networks, or configuration messages.
Also, a malicious tenant may use the cloud infras-
tructure to deploy botnets for launching DoS attacks
against the cloud infrastructure, its tenants or any ex-
ternal targets.
Threat Examples on Tenant-to-Tenant Scenario.
1) Port scanning: The attackers scans open ports and
running services in other tenant VMs. 2) Network
reconnaissance: Protocols for network configuration
and identification can be exploited to discover other
virtual networks and/or network topologies pertaining
to other tenants (e.g., using ARP requests) 3) Sniffing:
Sniffing and/or man-in-the-middle attacks due to the
lack of isolation between virtual networks. 4) Mal-
ware (worm): Malicious software that can replicate
itself through and between tenant virtual networks.
5) Botnets: Use the cloud infrastructure to deploy bot-
nets, in which groups of VMs running malicious com-
puter programs target other tenants and shared net-
work resources.
Threat Examples on Tenant-to-Provider Scenario.
1) Network reconnaissance: Use network reconnais-
sance mechanisms to discover other network topolo-
gies, VNs, and services. 2) Malware (worm): Ma-
licious software that can replicate itself through the
provider network infrastructure from a compromised
tenant virtual network. 3) Botnets: Use the cloud in-
frastructure to deploy botnets, targeting shared net-
work resources and network controller nodes. 4) Re-
play attack: replication of control messages that can
impair network services and cloud operations (e.g.,
instantiating duplicated VMs)
4.3 Authentication
Attacks that exploit authentication vulnerabilities can
be performed either in Tenant-to-Tenant and Tenant-
to-Provider scenarios. In both cases the attacker
may exploit the authentication protocols by means of
compromised-key (e.g., leakage of key material infor-
mation) and/or password-based attacks (e.g., dictio-
nary and brute force attacks). Also, the authentication
and identity management modules can be exploited to
force authentication threats. In the case of Tenant-to-
Tenant scenario, the attacker wants to gain access to
the victim’s virtual networks. In Tenant-to-Provider
scenario, the attacker may gain access to the whole
network services and/or controlling modules, affect-
ing the whole cloud.
Threat Examples on Tenant-to-Tenant Scenario.
1) Credential replay: By capturing and replaying a
user’s credential. 2) Spoofing: The malicious tenant
masquerades as another tenant by falsifying data and
thereby gaining illegitimate access to resources.
Threat Examples on Tenant-to-Provider Scenario.
1) Credential replay: The replay of a user’s credential
might allow impersonation of a cloud administrator.
2) Spoofing: The malicious tenant performs a DNS
spoofing attack, inserting bogus data into a DNS name
server cache database and causing the name server to
return an incorrect IP address.
4.4 Authorization
In this case, the attackers try to escalate their privi-
leges in the system. Since network privileges in the
cloud usually make sense only with respect to the
cloud provider, authorization attacks are reasonable
only when we consider Tenant-to-Provider scenario.
For instance, a malicious user may fake its creden-
tials to acquire administrative roles, authorization to
other customers services, or to gain access to services
out of contract.
Threat Examples on Tenant-to-Provider Scenario.
1) Network Reconnaissance: A legitimate tenant can
escalate its privileges to run network reconnaissance
scripts in the cloud network infrastructure, discover-
ing the cloud provider network topology and using
this information for promoting more precise attacks
against the network resources. 2) Cloud Exploit Kits
(Malware-as-a-Service): Malicious software hosted
inside cloud provider infrastructure and available to
other tenants to attack the provider services through
its network resources. 3) Network Programmability:
The attackers try to escalate their privileges to get ac-
cess to program APIs of the network devices (e.g.,
OpenFlow API).
4.5 Insecure APIs
Attacks to APIs can affect a broad range of cloud
modules, e.g., those responsible for resource alloca-
tion, authentication and identity management, stor-
age, or accounting. The network modules deployed
in VMs, as well as controller, computing and network
nodes, are usually distributed along the cloud infras-
tructure. Therefore, the APIs used for network vir-
tualization and configuration may be target of attacks
and vulnerability exploitation. For instance, attacks
based on code injection techniques may exploit com-
puter errors caused by processing invalid data, under-
mining cloud services and databases. This category
of attack may target either Providers or Tenants.
Threat Examples on Tenant-to-Tenant Scenario:
1) Code injection: The attacker performs SQL injec-
tion using a network controller API (e.g., Neutron) to
erase a tenant data from the cloud network configura-
tion database.
Threat Examples on Tenant-to-Provider Scenario:
1) Code injection: The attacker performs SQL injec-
tion using a network controller API (e.g., Neutron) to
modify (parts of) the network configuration database.
The wide variety of threats related to cloud comput-
ing network virtualization makes it difficult to com-
pare or to categorize existing solutions focused on se-
curing virtual networks. This paper proposes a threat
classification for cloud virtual networks built upon
the “notorious nine cloud computing top threats” of
CSA. Moreover, the presented classification allows a
more detailed view of the network threats discussed
in cloud computing literature. This finer-grained ap-
proach makes it easier to identify the technologies
that might be used to solve different security issues
in cloud networking, facilitating the analysis and de-
sign of security solutions.
As future work we plan to employ this threat clas-
sification in a literature review of cloud networking
security solutions. The result expected is a compre-
hensive literature survey that allows not only com-
paring existing solutions, but also the identifying the
gaps and challenges in cloud networking security.
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