Blended Learning in Multi-disciplinary Classrooms
Experiments in a Lecture about Numerical Analysis
Marcelo Barros
, Antão Moura
, Laurent Borgmann
and Uwe Terton
Systems and Computing Department, Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campina Grande, Brazil
University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus, Koblenz, Germany
University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, Australia
Keywords: Blended Learning, Gamification, Real-life Experiments, Multicultural Classes, Numerical Analysis,
Abstract: Numerical analysis (NA) is a core, compulsory discipline in most scientific, particularly engineering
undergraduate programs. Teaching numerical analysis to students with diversified backgrounds and
different abilities of learning (visual, aural, read/write kinesthetic learners) is challenging because of its
interdisciplinary nature and modelling requirements. Such a challenge in turn, can lead to low success
indicators (related to but not limited to student performance) at both whole-class and per-student levels.
Negatively affected indicators include subjective (e.g. satisfaction with the subject) and objective ones (e.g.
lower overall grade average and absenteeism from class). This paper reports on efforts made at the Federal
University of Campina Grande (UFCG) in Brazil to favorably change such indicators. The efforts involve
applying blended learning (BL) together with gamification procedures to motivate students to engage more
deeply in the learning of numerical analysis. As a consequence, it is expected that the other performance
indicators will also be positively impacted. Data for a set of success indicators have been collected since
2007 at UFCG. A total of 25 classes encompassing close to 1,500 students and other professionals using the
approach in different application domains – including chemical, electrical and civil engineering,
environmental studies, security services, health services – have been observed. Collected evidence indicates
the BL/gamified procedures improve results over conventional face-to-face only classes. This positive
evidence suggests that “soft skills”, typical of social sciences (as opposed to the “hard skills” of numerical
calculus) as well as interdisciplinary subjects – particularly those that is crossovers of computer science and
design or culture or music – may also benefit from such an approach, particularly in multicultural
The co-existence of diverse interests, assumptions,
patterns of thinking, backgrounds, knowledge levels,
skills, and tools students in a class bring forth and
use while attempting to conceive, develop and apply
a solution to a problem. This solution may require
building a model, i.e., a simplified abstraction of
relevant aspects of reality – and selecting and/or
adjusting methods for solving the model. Of
particular interest here are mathematical problems
that cannot be solved exactly due to computational
complexity or lack of closed-up formulae. Solving
such problems approximately is the subject of
numerical analysis (Burden and Faires, 2010).
Numerical analysis (NA) is a mandatory subject
in almost all science and engineering courses at
university level. NA classrooms are usually made up
of students from subject areas as different as Health
Care and Civil Engineering and could thus be
termed “multi-disciplinary” because the students are
used to very different approaches to problem-
solving. A NA multi-disciplinary classroom has
interests in diverse problems originating from real-
world situations in several scientific and engineering
application domains. The disciplinary of
participants' backgrounds and the diversity of the
subject matter can turn teaching NA into a
challenging task with sometimes undesirable yet
frequent psychological effects such as lack of
motivation, decline of engagement in group work
and failing performance among students.
Barros M., Moura A., Borgman L. and Terton U..
Blended Learning in Multi-disciplinary Classrooms - Experiments in a Lecture about Numerical Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0005409001960204
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 196-204
ISBN: 978-989-758-108-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Conventional, face-to-face NA didactics tend to
emphasize the application of numerical methods to
generic mathematical problems with no explicit
linkage to real-world, professional scenarios of
interest to the students. This tendency, also observed
in other calculus subjects (Thome et al., 2014), only
compounds shortfalls in NA learning outcomes.
NA´s applicability (usefulness in real-world
situations) and scope (most if not all science and
engineering fields use it) make its teaching and
learning important and worthy of attention.
We suggest that blended learning/gamification
combined with modelling of real-life phenomena,
activities on the Web and face-to-face sessions may
improve NA didactics and student engagement and
performance. We use “gamification” here with the
same meaning as that provided in (Werbach &
Hunter, 2012; Deterding et al., 2013), that is, the
ancillary use of game mechanics and game design
techniques in non-game contexts (e.g., in an NA
Blended learning (BL), in its simplest and initial
form, refers to the integration of online and face-to-
face-instruction (Bersin, 2004; Graham, 2006). BL
experiments have since evolved to deal with richer
blending options and have become frequent in
particular in many university and other higher
education courses (Garrison and Kanuka, 2004;
CSEDU, 2010-2014; see also Section 2). Little
attention, however, has been devoted to NA courses.
Notable and recent exceptions include: the work
(Mrayyan, 2013)
reports on the performance of 45
students when video lecture notes are blended with
conventional classes; and, (Cepeda, 2013) blends
regular classes with online and mobile materials for
engineering students whose performance was
observed over three years. However, additional
experiments with other blended resources (e.g.,
gamification) and a more comprehensive coverage
of application domains with more students are still
needed. This paper contributes to the discussion with
such additional experiments.
Experiments did run with conventional learning
and the suggested BL, gamified approach (detailed
in Section 3) applied to NA lectures in 25 classes
encompassing almost 1,500 students and
professionals from different application domains,
including chemical, electrical and civil engineering,
environmental studies, security services, health
services, at the Federal University of Campina
Grande (UFCG), Brazil.
The general research question (RQ) of interest
with these experiments is (see also Section 4):
Can there be evidence that the suggested BL
approach for multi-disciplinary NA classrooms
addresses shortfalls of conventional face-to-face
Here, we assume that statistically significant
evidence may consist of (1) increased motivation by
students; (2) increased student engagement; and (3)
improved test scores. (Evidential statistics collection
and analysis are carried out in Section 5.)
A positively answered RQ could signal that other
multi-disciplinary classrooms – particularly those
that deal with crossovers of computer science and
design or art or music – may also benefit from the
suggested BL approach. (Section 6 concludes the
paper by discussing whether a similar BL approach
could facilitate the acquisition of “soft skills” or
"transferable skills" – the core of art studies and
social sciences – as opposed to the “hard skills” in
the core of NA.)
This paper directly relates to BL and gamification
research efforts in higher education courses with
multicultural audiences. Although experimentation
with BL is on the rise in all fields of education, the
work of Drysdale et al., (2013) indicates that much
of it is carried out at the university level. The
analysed works in (Drysdale et al., (2013) – over
200 graduate dissertations and theses on BL – relate
to this paper in the sense that in one way or another
they investigate the benefit of BL-programs over
traditional face-to-face programs. Gamification was
use as a means to add the important factor called joy
which can enhance the level of engagement
(Nielsen, J. 2002).
For instance, subjective outcomes such as
learning effectiveness, cost effectiveness,
institutional commitment, student satisfaction,
faculty satisfaction, etc. were described (Moore,
2005); another study noted that students preferred
BL classes compared to traditional classes in the
following areas: “(a) accessibility and availability of
course materials; (b) use of web-based or electronic
tools for communication and collaboration; (c)
assessment and evaluation; and (d) student learning
experiences with real-life applications” (Arano-
Ocuaman, 2010). These two works parallel ours in
the choice of (some) performance indicators and BL
course design aspects (web tools and real-life
applications). The work (Caputo, 2010) considers
calculus; ours, numerical calculus.
Graham (2013) outlined opportunities for
research exploring the link between satisfaction data
and specific blended learning methods (besides
accessibility, opportunity costs, cost effectiveness,
and psycho-social relationships), which is also done
here for NA students and in (Miyazoe and Anderson,
2010) for English as a foreign language (EFL) in a
university in Japan. The BL EFL considered three
different online writing facilities (forums, blogs and
wikis). A mixed-method evaluation of BL EFL was
applied with survey, interview, and text analysis
used for triangulation. Section 4 ahead also uses
triangulation but with questionnaires, peer reviews
and NA exams.
The inclusion of online and offline game aspects
and simulation in our proposal of a BL approach for
NA can be said to have been influenced by the
VITAE approach (Fox, 2009). Some works in the
literature use games to provide an engaging, self-
reinforcing context in which to motivate and educate
players (serious games) (Kankaanranta and
Neittaanmki, 2008). Other works simply try to
engage users with work through fun (Castellani et
al., 2013). The bibliography on gamified education
indicates that gamification aspects facilitate learning
and working in professional and business
environments in general (cf. proceedings of CSEDU
2010-2014). Intrinsic motivators such
as achievement, responsibility and competence are
motivators that come from the actual performance of
the task or job, which can be facilitated through a
game. Those motivators trigger intrinsic interest of
the work, in our case the learning of mathematical
procedures. Extrinsic motivators on the other hand
such as scores, promotion to the next level, positive
feedback, are designed by the game desigfner to
nurture interest and to keep the lerener gamer in the
state of flow. As described by Csikszentmihalyi, M.
(2014). Aaron Delwiche (2006) argues that games
such as massively multiplayer online games
(MMOs) are living, breathing textbooks that provide
students with first-hand exposure to critical theory
and professional practice and therefore ideal to
enhance the teaching and learning experience. Not
much, however, has been published on applying
gamification to NA teaching contexts.
Our proposed BL approach also took into
consideration some of the "Harvard Consortium
Calculus principles", namely: motivate by practical
problems ("the way of Archimedes"); chose topics
which interact with other disciplines; and, favour a
completely example-driven approach and natural
language (plain Portuguese in our case) over formal
Our analysis of face-to-face NA instruction
shortfalls correlates well with that of (Mrayyan,
2013) but we consider a much longer observation
period, larger student population and a BL
experiment encompassing more NA topics.
The Blended Learning in Numerical Analysis
(BLIN) project developed tools and modules are
oriented towards students in engineering and
informatics curricula and applied them to over 600
students (USI, 2008). Although BLIN seems
interesting and useful, we found no information on
its results. Development efforts were also reported in
(Cepeda, 2013) where the aim was to simulate /
integrate several numerical methods in order to
mathematically analyse complex engineering
problems. It might be a good experiment to blend
the resulting tools of these works with existing
resources of our proposed BL approach.
The BL approach proposed in this paper
contributes to existing BL research by illustrating,
complementing or extending most of the works
briefly reviewed here.
The proposed BL, game-based approach for students
of a numerical analysis course in a university in
Brazil is detailed here in order to ascertain how the
approach will: i) motivate and prepare students,
regardless of their backgrounds, to absorb and apply
NA concepts, methods and tools to solve real-life
problems of their application domains; ii) help to
reduce their aversion to the subject; and, iii) improve
their grades in the subject compared with face-to-
face instruction.
Intended NA learning outcomes cover
proficiency with numerical methods (Burden and
Faires 2010) for: determining roots of functions;
solving systems of equations; interpolation and
curve fitting; numerical integration; and error
analysis for each method. Students´ proficiency is
checked through game achievements (accumulated
“knowledge currency”) and by conventional exams.
The proposed BL gamification approach is
simple and consists of making groups of up to six
students; identify problems of interest to persons and
institutions in the real world that can be solved
through numerical methods. For instance, if one had
a model (e.g. a multivariate function) for thefts in a
city, and if all model variables were kept fixed but
for the number of police officers, how big should the
police force be for thefts to drop by 40%? (The
solution is obtained from the police size roots of the
function.) Problem enunciation and model building
are carried out with the assistance of invited, real-
world application professionals (such as an expert on
crime and police work).
Problem and solution identification activities are
carried out by each group of students according to
missions they receive in a Role-Playing Game
(RPG) (Kim, 2014) called N-able. Activities take
place in three spaces: i) the physical space of the
classroom used for intra- and inter-group, lecturer-
mediated communications, including face-to-face
classes and exams; ii) a virtual space in the Web
(“Mathville”) that serves to synchronize and support
N-able´s activities, including mandatory Web
lessons (also available but optional to face-to-face
classes); and, iii) the real-world surroundings of the
students´ living spaces. Students move between
spaces as they are exposed to a sequence of
situations during four months according to
gamification strategies that include missions,
challenges, deterministic and random rewards (e.g.,
the right to ask the tutor whether an answer to an
exam question is correct), peer reviews of tasks,
tutorials, knowledge money (e.g., to buy extra time
for task completion) and progressive game levels.
N-able situations are created within a story
where a “MathWizard” (the NA lecturer) coaches,
rewards or penalizes other characters (played by
students in each group) as they strive to become
heroes. Missions are short, 5-step journeys during
which, students: i) always depart from the classroom
(The Council of Wise Persons - CWP) where they
are assigned missions and are motivated to pursue
them by the MathWizard; ii) go through the Village
of Reachable Knowledge (VRK) in the world of
Mathematics (a collection of five online
environments, one for each of the learning outcomes
that in turn, defines a level of the game) where they
face challenges that include reading and production
of multimedia content that help them understand and
share knowledge about NA; iii) wander in their own
(real-world) city where they identify, model and
solve problems using NA (e.g., the theft modelling
problem) and face challenges to motivate other
group members and to convince experts from other
areas (cultures) to help them; iv) return to VRK to
publish their group´s feat of heroism (problems-NA
solutions) and to evaluate other groups’ feats; and,
finally, v) return to the CWP where they present
their work to the MathWizard, to other groups and to
invited, participating experts. Although details of the
story change to reflect seasonal, cultural or class´
preferences, basic game-structuring elements, such
as those in (Campbell, 1949), and alternate reality
aspects as in (McConigal, 2011) to create alternative
social experiences around every day spaces, are
maintained. Heroism is achieved by finding a NA
solution to a problem that affects individuals, or
society as a whole – as in the above theft-reducing
modelling example. During the journey, all players
develop the ability to manage the multicultural
knowledge as advocated in (Girard, John P., and
JoAnn L. Girard, 2011).
Modelling activities are simplified by validating
functions using proportionality of influencing
factors, i.e., sensitivity analysis (Saltelli et al., 2008).
This allows students to abstract from formal
mathematical demonstrations and to concentrate on
the most relevant aspects of identifying cause-effect
relationships of real-life cases and on the application
of numerical methods to solve them.
The N-able RPG was implemented on the
Moodle learning management system (LMS) with
graphical and animation add-ons developed with
several image editing software and game engines
such as Construct2 and RPGMaker. The LMS was
integrated into an RPG development platform
because the N-able methodology needs to create a
hero experience (hero´s journey) in collaborative
learning under the supervision of the NA lecturer.
Properly supporting such an experience by just using
a conventional game engine is rather difficult if not
impossible. Moodle was chosen for its open source
code that facilitates the integration of add-ons.
Further, it offers a range of facilities and resources
for people who play MathWizards to instigate
potential heroes to explore knowledge made
available in the virtual scenarios as well as in real
life. Resources include forums, wikis, blogs,
synchronous and asynchronous communication
tools, and facilities for uploading files with real-
world-challenge-overcoming proof. In addition, such
an integrated system allows for the continuous and
automatic logging and evaluation of players’
contributions or other actions (e.g., access to games,
completion of activities), peer evaluations,
accumulation of quantitative indicators (game
money, awards, grades, badges) and even, the
elicitation of attitudes in written tasks by
differentiating between connected knowledge (CK)
and separate knowledge (SK) (Galotti et al (1999).
(While players with higher CK tend to enjoy
learning, cooperate more easily and build on others’
ideas, SK players tend to be critical and to
polemicize more frequently. They may therefore be
coached appropriately, in order to reduce intra-group
friction). These integration and combinations may
make the proposed N-able RPG an innovative tool
for multicultural professional education and
knowledge management.
The success factors of the resulting BL, gamified
course for NA relate to the students´ capacity to: i)
isolate a problem (question) in a real-professional or
personal-life situation and quantitative human and
natural factors which influence the problem (i.e.,
students should be able to model the real-world by
means of quantitative variables); ii) establish
proportional and inversely proportional
mathematical relations between these factors (i.e.,
build coherent, linear and non-linear equations and
models); and, iii) produce and apply numerical
methods to solve the resulting equations/models.
Players collect or lose points (“knowledge
currency”) as they achieve or fail to achieve success
in assigned activities, which increase in complexity
at higher game levels.
Evaluation of the proposed BL, gamified approach
for NA as compared to that of face-to-face lectures
involved 1,478 students at UFCG, Brazil, in 25
classes from 2007 to 2014. All students were taught
the same program with the same learning objectives.
The same lecturer taught and assessed both BL
gamified & face-to-face using the same criteria. To
reduce eventuality of a bias towards BL a large
number of classes and students were considered.
Face-to-face students totaled 552 in 9 classes; the
remaining 926 BL students composed 16 classes.
Students were mainly, but not exclusively, from
engineering undergraduate programs: agricultural,
chemical, civil, electrical, environmental, food,
materials, mining, etc. Professionals who assisted
the N-able RPG groups had varied backgrounds,
such as food safety, health services, public health,
and security. Face to face students have the same
challenge situations (isolate, modeling and solve a
problem) and scheduling to home study but the
problem is proposed by the lecturer, the activities
(lectures and assessments) are performed in the class
and knowledge are mainly constructed by
interactions between lecturer and coleagues, with no
contributions of characters from the two (virtual and
real) worlds of the game.
Experiments were designed to objectively
compare the NA proficiency and engagement of BL
students against the expected, “typical behavior” of
their face-to-face counterparts. Here we assume that
this “expected, typical behavior” is provided by the
average for each of the objective indicators of the 9
face-to-face classes in the experiments.
The experiments also call for students to
subjectively evaluate their overall experience with
the adopted NA lecturing approach (either face-to-
face or BL).
4.1 Objective Indicators
The objective analysis focuses on grades as
representatives for NA proficiency and class
attendance and subject dropouts as proxies for
student engagement. Objective indicators are:
µ - mean of students´ grades over all 9 face-to-
face classes; it is used as the expected mean of
BL students in corresponding H
- mean of students´ grades in BL class k =
1, 2, … 16; it is used as the k
observation for
this indicator in Chi-square calculations. (µ
the average of all µ
σ – average standard deviation of students´
grades over all 9 face-to-face classes; it is used
as the expected standard deviation of BL
students´ grades in corresponding H
- standard deviation of students´ grades in
BL class k = 1, 2, … 16; it is used as the k
observation for this indicator. (σ
is the
average of all σ
A more effective BL NA course should yield µ
µ and possibly, σ
< σ – meaning in this last case
that BL students show more homogenous
proficiency with less grade scattering around the
And as an engagement indicator, we define:
η – overall mean fraction of failing face-to-face
students per class (includes dropouts, failures
due to insufficient grades and excessive
absenteeism); it is used as the expected failing
fraction of BL students in corresponding H
- fraction of failing students in BL class k
= 1, 2, … 16; it is used as the k
for this indicator. (η
is the average of all η
Similarly, if the BL approach motivates more
students to follow through with the NA course, one
expects η
> η.
4.2 Subjective Indicators
Subjective evidence data collection was carried out
by structured questionnaires available to the
students. Questions attempted to determine the
average satisfaction level of the students with the
adopted NA lecturing approach. Given “satisfaction”
is highly subjective, we attempted to obtain an
indication of its level from respondents’ perception
of each NA lecturing approach´s contribution to:
a) Grades.
b) Understanding and use of concepts.
c) Engagement in course activities.
d) Help colleagues with activities.
e) Work in a multicultural environment.
f) Having fun during the course.
Respondents could offer their answers on a 5-
point Likert scale (Uebersax, 2006): 1- Very little 2-
Little 3- Neutral 4- Much 5- Very much.
φ was defined as the mean and ψ as the mean
standard deviation of the satisfaction level overall 9
face-to-face classes. One may thus write:
φ = 1/6
Eq. 1
ψ = 1/6
Eq. 2
where φ
and ψ
for i ϵ {a,b,c,d,e} are the mean and
standard deviation, respectively, for the values of the
answers in Question a,b,c,d,e and f above over all 9
face-to-face classes.
One may define and write equivalent equations
to 1 and 2 for φ
and ψ
likewise for the overall 16
BL, gamified classes. (We leave this out, in the
interests of brevity.)
The basic tool for data collection from BL
students is the N-able´s game platform itself since it
offers evaluation instruments for the indicators (e.g.,
login/event counters and the structured
questionnaires) – some of which are implicit in the
gameplay while others are explicit in the highest
game level. Face-to-face students may answer the
questionnaire on the Web or during the written, last
formal exam.
4.3 Research Questions and H
The Research Questions (RQs) which the objective
evaluation experiments are designed to answer take
the following general form: Are there statistically
significant differences between the objective
performance “indicator x” of the BL, gamified NA
students and that of face-to-face students?
Here, “indicator x” refers to one of the indicators
in section 4.1, i.e., x ϵ { µ
, σ
, η
} and each of
these is to be compared to its face-to-face
counterpart µ, σ or η, respectively.
Thus, the corresponding underlying Null
Hypothesis (H
) for each objective “indicator x”
takes the form: There are no statistically significant
differences between the objective performance
“indicator x” of the BL, gamified NA students and
that of face-to-face students. In the experiments, H
will be tested using p-values (Nuzzo, 2014) and will
be rejected if p 0.05. A rejected H
implies a
positively answered RQ.
In contrast to the objective indicators, subjective
indicators are essentially, “impressions” concerning
satisfaction with a given lecturing method, i.e.,
indications are attributed depending on the
respondent´s feelings, personal preference and even,
state-of-mind. Hence, it seems appropriate to discuss
and interpret the subjective results, rather than
offering a more formal statistical analysis.
Therefore, the RQ for the case of the subjective
indicators is more loosely presented as: Is there
evidence that the BL, gamified approach offers a
more satisfying student experience than the face-to-
face alternative? Answering this RQ omits null
hypothesis testing. Rather it is done by comparing
’s to φ
’s (and ψ
’s to ψ
’s) for i ϵ {a,b,c,d,e}
in order to lead to comparisons of φ to φ
(and ψ to
) and then check for gains in favor of the
proposed BL, gamified approach for NA.
Face-to-face classes varied in size from 47 to 80
students with a mean of 61.33 students/class.
Populations of BL classes varied from 26 to 83 with
a mean of 57.88. Classes were offered in the
morning, afternoon and in the evening. All face-to-
face classes but one were at night; out of the 16 BL
classes, 7 were at night. Class hours did not seem to
perceptibly affect performance results.
5.1 Objective Results
Grade intervals were from 0.0 to 100 (perfect score).
Minimal passing grade at UFCG is 50.0. Students
who are absent from a quarter of classes and other
programmed official activities fail the course. The
face-to-face classes’ “typical behavior”, as given by
the triple (µ, σ, η), was observed to be: µ = 64.3, σ =
20.3 and η = 27.43%.
Results for the BL students are plotted in Figures
1 and 2. The face-to-face corresponding indicator for
typical behavior is inserted in each figure for
comparison purposes.
Figure 1 plots and compares the average grade
(top solid line) for each of the 16 BL classes (µ
for k=1,2,…,16) against the overall mean (broken
line) of the 9 face-to-face classes (µ = 64.3) – one
can see that the BL approach offers higher grade
averages throughout; it also plots and compares the
standard deviations (underlined, solid line in the
bottom) for each of the 16 BL classes (σ
k=1,2,…,16) against the overall average standard
deviation (underlined broken line) of the 9 face-to-
face classes (σ = 20.3). Here, the BL approach
shows lower standard deviations for class grades.
From the values in Figure 1, one can calculate
that, for the case of the grade average of BL
students, p 0.05. This value for p indicates that H
is to be rejected and that there are in fact,
statistically relevant differences in favor of the BL,
gamified approach. Similarly, for the standard
deviation: the corresponding H
is also rejected since
p 0.05. For the case of NA lectures, BL
approaches not only increase the class grade average
but they also tend to homogenize attainment of
learning outcomes, as a lower spread of grades
(smaller standard deviation on the average)
Figure 1: µ
vs. µ and σ
vs. σ, k=1,2,…,16.
Figure 2 plots and compares the fraction of
students who fail the NA courses (the solid line is
again, for BL).
Figure 2: η
vs. η, k=1,2,…,16.
Figure 2 also leads to p 0.05, indicating once
again that H
be rejected. This figure tells us that the
BL, gamified NA lectures have the added benefit of
motivating students to participate in class activities
more consistently. When the fraction of failures is
broken down into its 3 component types, the
advantage of the BL, gamified approach over face-
to-face NA lectures become clear: failures due to
failing grades, 3.05% vs. 14.07% on the average
overall; failures due to absenteeism, 3.99% vs.
9.73%; and, failures due to dropout, 3.63% vs.
3.06%. Here, BL has a slight higher dropout rate. A
possible reason for this is that BL requires more
effort to take part in activities (see also Section 5.2).
The overall BL advantage may be because it is more
fun or because it is more attractive and challenging,
because it promotes “cross pollination” with other
cultures, as the subjective results seem to suggest.
Table 1 summarizes overall comparison results.
Table 1: Face-to-face vs. BL/gamified averages.
Face-to-face BL, gamified
Mean class grade µ = 64.3 µ
= 79.6
Grade Std. Dev. σ = 20.3 σ
= 14.6
Mean Fraction Fail η = 27.43% η
= 10.10%
5.2 Subjective Results
Figure 3 shows and compares the averages and
standard deviations for the answers to each question
provided by the face-to-face and BL/gamified NA
classes, i.e, the figure compares φ
’s to φ
’s and
’s to ψ
’s for i ϵ {a,b,c,d,e} (please refer to
sections 4.2 and 4.
Figure 3: φ
, φ
, ψ
and ψ
for i ϵ {a,b,c,d,e}.
Figure 3 provides evidence that on average, one
can expect the proposed BL, gamified NA lecture to
have higher-valued satisfaction components
(questions a to f of Section 4.2) than its face-to-face
alternative, i.e., φ
, ∀i ϵ {a,b,c,d,e}. The BL
approach is clearly superior when students consider
its contribution to work to be carried out in
multicultural settings. Indeed, for question e, the
difference in means is +1.50 in favor of BL, a full
50% gain over that of the face-to-face lecture (and
over a full 50% reduction in the mean standard
deviation). Note however, that the means for
question f (having fun with NA classes) are close
(4.01 vs. 4.27) and that the mean standard deviation
of the BL approach is actually less favorable
(higher) than that for the face-to-face classes (0.13
vs.0.25). This may challenge the natural expectation
of more fun in a BL, gamified class: the actual,
additional effort of participating in a RPG and in
online studying and reporting activities is likely to
increase the time allocated to learning the subject.
(This may also explain BL’s higher proportion of
dropout students.) The evidence supporting that
however, should be the subject of more
Overall, the mean satisfaction level for the face-
to-face NA lecture comes out as φ = 3.60 < φ
4.43, i.e., the satisfaction level of the BL, gamified
approach is 23% higher on the average. (The overall
mean standard deviation is also 34% better, i.e.,
lower.) These results provide clear evidence in favor
of a positive answer to the research question: for the
considered subjective experiments, the BL, gamified
approach proposed in this paper leads to higher
satisfaction levels of the participants, i.e., they have
a better learning experience.
Teaching Numerical Analysis (NA) in face-to-face
classes has typically yielded mixed results in terms
of success indicators (students’ grades and
motivation). An alternative, BL and gamification
approach was described in this paper as applied to
NA lectures at UFCG in Brazil. This paper has
presented the results of a seven-year effort that
collected data and evidence on the learning
effectiveness from close to 1,500 students and 25
classes, of which nine were face-to-face and served
as reference for “expected results”. The pilot courses
were designed with game-based blended learning
components in the hope of favorably changing
success indicators. Results of the BL, gamification
classes were significantly better,–both in objective
(better grades and lower absenteeism) and subjective
(satisfaction with the lectures) terms. As such, the
paper contributes to the existing knowledge of BL
applications, by offering data from long-running
experiments with BL (and serious games).
The results, so far, are restricted to engineering
NA students working in settings at UFCG.
Experiment was geared towards a NA course for
engineering students at UFCG which may limit
application of conclusions. But results seem to
indicate that BL and gamification may indeed help
with other science and technology courses. Also, in
this work step the aim was evaluate the integrated
impacts (grades and satisfaction) of the two
combined dimensions of the approach (BL and
Could we attune BL and gamification
dimensions to improve the approach in order to
achieve learning objectives? Could these
encouraging findings in the subject area of "hard
skills" possibly be transferred to so-called "soft
skills" (or "people skills", or "transferable skills")
such as leadership, team work, or intercultural
awareness? Would the less specific, but also more
complex subject matter of "soft skills" perhaps allow
educators to create even more complex, captivating
and intriguing story-lines than the model building
for the "theft vs. police officers" ratio (see point 3
above)? Perhaps the officer who can quickly and
reliably calculate that in order for thefts to drop by
40%, New York City needs 11.543 new permanent
staff, can be proud of their numerical skills.
However, this "solution" may be too simple for
contemporary challenges and unlikely to be put into
practice. A colleague with better-trained "soft skills"
is likely to find a more complex solution, which
does not involve massive recruitment.
In the light of changing requirements in the work
place where in almost all sectors "soft skills" have
become more relevant than specific knowledge of
the product and market or "hard skills", it is time to
explore the full potential of blended and game-based
learning. If the same levels of objective and
subjective improvement could be demonstrated for
"soft skills", blended and gamified learning could
enter the domain of social and communicative skills.
Further studies and a truly international approach to
teaching "soft skills" with a blended and game-based
learning approach promises to generate useful and
much-needed didactic advice for the future of
This work is partially supported by the ClipCult
Project of the Paraíba State R&D Foundation
(FAPESQ), the Brazilian Ministry of
Communications and UFCG. Comments and
suggestions from anonymous reviewers are also
gratefully acknowledged.
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