An Efficient Image Registration Method based on Modified
Application to Color Business Document Images
Louisa Kessi
, Frank Lebourgeois
and Christophe Garcia
Université de Lyon, CNRS, Lyon, France
INSA-Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69621, Villeurbanne, France
Keywords: The Paper Business Documents, Document Image Analysis, NonLocal-Means, Image Registration.
Abstract: Most of business documents, in particular invoices, are composed of an existing color template and an
added filled-in text by the users. The direct layout analysis without separating the preprinted form from the
added text is difficult and not efficient. Previous works use both local features and global layout knowledge
to separate the pre-printed forms and the added text. Although for real applications, they are even exposed
to a great improvement. This paper presents the first pixel-based image registration of color business
documents based on the NonLocal-Means (NLM) method. We prove that the NLM, commonly used for
image denoising, can be also adapted to images registration at the pixel level. Our intuition tends to look for
a similar neighbourhood from the first image I1 into the second image I2 and provide both an exact image
registration with a precision at pixel level and noise removal. We show the feasibility of this approach on
several color images of various invoices and forms in real situation and its application to the layout analysis.
Applied on color documents, the proposed algorithm shows the benefits of the NLM in this context.
Document image processing has received much
consideration in the last decade. Among various
applications, business document recognition (
Y. Tang
et al., 1995
) and forms processing (Casey et al.,
),(Taylor et al., 1992), are becoming a process of
relevant interest, since forms processing systems
with high quality are greatly required in many
business organizations. Generally, a full automatic
reading system of incoming invoices recognizes first
the model of the document by detecting marks in the
pre-printed layout. Then it removes the pre-printed
form to send only added text to the OCR. Finally it
applies the document template to localise the zones
and to index textual information correctly. One
major problem that arises when acquiring business
documents like invoices is that the pre-printed form
is mixed with the added text. It is essential that the
pre-printed background must be removed before to
recognize the added text by an OCR. The separation
between the pre-printed form and added text is also
important to improve the efficiency of the layout
analysis. At the pixel level, the solution of this
problem is referred in the literature (
T.M. Haet al.,
), as form registration (or alignment). Image
registration is the process of finding coordinate
transformations that spatially align two or more
digital images of the same scene taken at different
times, from different sensors, or from different
viewpoints. These transformations come from the
rotation, translation, scaling, even deformation
during images acquisition. In document image
registration, related points are those pixels from
duplicate content and the target is to find the
transformation which can map the duplicate content
to same position, making document recognition
H. Peng et al.,2003) and layout extraction more
Over the years, a broad range of techniques have
been developed for the various types of data and
problems for many applications in computer vision
such as segmentation, object recognition, and shape
reconstruction (
Z.Yang et al., 1999),(Ballard et al.,
1981) and for medical applications (Aitken CL et al.,
) such as tumor detection and disease
localization. Nevertheless, most of works concern
inexact registration which is not accurate at the pixel
level. Thus, rigid image registration at the pixel level
is an ill-posed yet challenging problem due to its
Kessi L., Lebourgeois F. and Garcia C..
An Efficient Image Registration Method based on Modified NonLocal-Means - Application to Color Business Document Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0005315301660173
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 166-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-089-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
formulation as a continuous labelling problem.
Numerous applications in documents imaging
require exact image registration at the pixel level.
Thre are two main common examples. The
separation of the preprint forms from the added text
for business documents and the ink bleed through
removal with the registration of recto to the verso.In
the currently available document registration
algorithms, only global feature extraction (e.g., line
segments and layout knowledge) is sufficiently
accurate to lead to a successful alignment of
document image, although they are still subject to
great improvement for real applications,particularly
with the presence of the noise and the irregular
filled-in information on document page images. For
this reason, we propose the first image registration
approach suited for color document images .It is
based on the NonLocal-Means (NLM) algorithm
modified to separate the pre-printed forms from the
added text. The NLM method averages neighbouring
parts of the central pixel but the averaging weights
depend on the similarities between a small patch
around the pixel and the neighbouring patches
within a search window (Buades et al., 2005).Our
intuition leads to look for similar neighbourhood
from the first image I1into the second image I2and
provide both an exact image registration and noises
removal with a precision at pixel level. In addition,
our method is also applicable to align non rigid
images and tolerate spatial distortions. The impact of
the given contributions is evaluated visually and
quantitatively on digitized business document
database .Interesting results have been thus
The rest of this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents a brief review of related work.
Section 3 proposes a generalization of the NLM
function to cope with exact document registration at
pixel level precision. Results are discussed in
Section4.Finally, conclusions and some perspectives
are given in Section 5.
Form registration has become a hot research topic
for which several papers have bloomed into
publications. The majority of previous work related
to document image registration has been divided into
three categories.
Deskew-based Image Alignment:
research work in the field of skew detection has
given birth to many methods. The majority of them
are designed to detect skew (rotation) angle for
improve the text recognition process. For instance,
(Garris et al., 1996) introduce a method for form
registration, based on the detection of linear features.
(Hinds et al.,
1990) proposed an algorithm that
permits to reduce the complexity of the Hough
transform by the selection of the run- lengths of
connected components rather than selecting the
Hough processing points. The method in (
et al., 2006
) considers some selected characters of the
text which are subjected to thinning and Hough
transform to estimate skew angle accurately.
The method in (Shivakumara et al., 2002) is based
on LRA. In this method, the boundary for each
character in the text line is fixed using boundary
growing approach. The method considers all black
pixels present in the document without segmenting
individual text lines. Linear regression analysis is
used to find the slope of a skewed document using
all pixel coordinate values. Despite its robustness,
this method fails when non-textual region is
encountered in the document. In (L.Najman,2004),
a method based on morphology is proposed, in
which the image is dilated using a line structuring
element of length 64 and later eroded by the same
structuring element of length 512. This method has
mean absolute error of 0.2 and mean square error of
0.25. Although robust, most of skew algorithms are
computationally very expensive and are not
appropriate to an exact image registration at pixel
Feature based Image Alignment: The second
category of methods require matching local features.
In some practical applications, form processing is
simply based on the assumption that the information
contents are in fixed positions. For example,
(Cesarini et al., 1998) presented a form reader
system, INFORMys, which models the document’s
layout by used attributed relational graphs. The
method proposed in (Lopresti, 2000) recognized
characters by using an approximate string matching.
The authors in(Tseng and Chen, 1997) proposed a
form registration method based on three types of line
segments. Registered forms using a line crossing
relationship matrix is proposed in (Fan and Chang,
1998). In (Safari et al., 1997) the authors proposed a
method using a projective geometry method in order
to find coordinate transformation that map an input
document to the principal document. The method in
(Watanabe and Huang, 1997) introduced logical
structure to extract the layout of business cards.
Nevertheless, registration approaches based on
matching local features are sensitive to noise and
misdetection of local features.
Mixed Feature and Layout based Image
Alignment: The third category combines both local
features and global layout information. For instance,
(Peng et al., 2000) proposed to integrate the local
and global document images features for image
matching based on the component block list (CBL).
The work in (Hu et al., 1999) suggested interval
code to describe the spatial layout of document
images. Compared to local feature matching,
methods of the third category often offer
comparatively better matching accuracy, although
for real applications, they are even exposed to a
great improvement. Our study consists of evaluating
the NLM algorithm as the first pixel-based image
registration method suited for color business
documents. The following section details this
In the following, we briefly present a description of
the NLM filter and then we detail the proposed
pixel-based image registration.
The NLM takes advantage on the redundancy
present in most images (Buades et al., 2005).
Document images may contain even more
redundancy than other forms of images. The NLM
filter treats the similarity of a block of neighbouring
pixels to the block centred on the pixel under
assessment s within a prescribed search region. For
the sake of clarity we assume it is a squared patch
whose size is provided in the following section.
A formula describing these filters looks like (1)
N(x(i)) is the centred neighbourhood of the pixel x(i)
and w(i,j) is the weight which measures the
similarity between the neighbourhood N(x(i)) and
N(y(j)). The input pixels are y(j), and the output
result is x(i).N is a window of a fixed size h×h
pixels. The parameter σ controls the effect of the
grey-level difference between the two
neighbourhoods. Thus, when the two
neighbourhoods are significantly different, the
weight is very small, implying that this neighbour do
not contribute in the averaging. Several works have
used the NLM approach for medical applications
(Coupé et al., 2007). Recent work has shown how
this method can be used for video denoising by
extending the very same technique to 3D
neighbourhoods (Buades et al., 2005). It is worth
noting, moreover that there is no previous work in
the literature for the application of the NLM to
register digitized document images with a precision
at pixel level. The NLM was proposed intuitively in
(Buades et al., 2005), (Tomasi and Manduchi, 1998)
and thus it is natural to try to extend it to perform
document image alignment using a similar intuition.
Our intuition tends to look for a similar
neighbourhood from the first image I1into the
second image I2and provide both an exact image
registration with a precision at pixel level and noise
removal. Our expectations are reflected in the
following: (i) We desire a proximity between the
resulted images and the input images - this is the
classic likelihood term; and (ii) we would like each
patch in the image I2 to resemble other patches in
the image I1. However, we do not expect such a fit
for every pair, and thus we introduce weights to
designate which of these pairs are to behave alike.
In this paper the choice of weights depends on the
difference between the neighbourhood among image
I1 and image I2, which means that the proposed
NLM inter-images approach is a smoothing of the
image I2 by using weights calculated from the image
I1. Thus, our method provides both a pixel-based
alignment and a smoothing of the resulting
image I *.
N(I1(i)) and N(I2(j)) are respectively the neighbour-
hood of pixel i in the image I1 and pixel j in the
Image I2. is used to control the amount of
filtering. Figure 1 shows the application of the NLM
inter-images between two images I1 and I2 and the
resulting image I*.
Figure 1: Main principle of the NLM inter-image which
both achieves a registration of I2 on I1 and smooth the
noise of the aligned model. The resulting image I* is the
template I2 aligned to the original I1(I*=I2 aligned on I1).
Figure 2: Difference between the subtraction of the
original image I1 and the template I2 and the original
image I1 and the aligned template I*.
The resulting image I
is a regularized model aligned
to the original image I1
which means that we can
apply a direct pixel by pixel subtraction between the
original I1 and the aligned model I*
Figure 2
compares the direct subtraction between I1and
I2withoutalignment and with the aligned image I
The binarized image I1-I
shows the perfect
registration between the aligned model I
and the
original input image I1.
The main advantage of the NLM inter-images
approach is its flexibility, allowing it to register
complex color document images. In this section, we
present the description of the proposed NLM inter-
images algorithm for aligning business document
images. For instance, we place the original image
Org into the image I1and the blank pre-printed form
corresponding to the model Mod of this invoice into
the image I2. The resulting image I
also named
Amod is the aligned model to the original input
image. Because of the nature of the shape of
characters, the skew angle between the original
image and the template must be reasonably small. If
the skew angle between the two images is large, the
characters of the pre-printed text may become
deformed. The pixel subtraction Org-Amod
generates a noisy colour image with some speckles
around character contours and along dithered parts
frequently used for invoices. Dithered zones appear
as small dots into the resulting image which must be
removed. The noise around contours of characters is
due to the digitization process or to the Jpeg
compression artefacts. A despeckle with a radius of
2 pixels is necessary to clean the resulting images
(L.Kessi et al., 2015). The result image Org-
Amod=TextAddedcolor is a color image which
must be binarized for a layout segmentation. We
take the infinite norm of each pixel which means the
maximum value of the red, green, blue channel to
create a new greyscale image TextAddedgray.
A global OTSU thresholding is applied to the image
TextAddedgray in order to extract the binary
characters of the added texts in the image
TextAddedbinary. The TextPreprintedbinary is
obtained by the binarization of the aligned model
image Amod. The Layout analysis is applied
separately on the binary images of the added text
and the pre-printed text. Algorithm 1 describes the
processing of the invoices.
Algorithm 1: Business document analysis with a model.
Org=input original image to split
Mod = input model image without skew
Org = deskew (Org)
Amod= Aligned Model Mod on the original image Org by
using Non Local Means inter images (2)
TextAddedbinary= OTSUTresholding (TextAddedgray)
TextPreprintedbinary=Binarization (Amod)
TextPreprintedbinary=Despeckle (TextPreprintedbinary)
5.1 Global Performances
In this section, document image alignment using the
proposed the proposed NLM inter images approach
is carried out on a variety of forms and invoices
images. Results are evaluated visually. The NLM
inter-image has two parameters: the standard
deviation of the Gaussian law and h the radius of
search windows to find the similar neighbourhood in
the second image. Parameter is not critical and
depends on the resolution and the noise of the
For 400 ppi images of invoices, with average
colour noise, we choose =20. Corresponding to
this standard deviation, the size of the patches is
55. The search windows radius depends on the
maximum offsets among pairs of pixels between the
two images. Generally with h = 13, most of the
images are correctly registered if the two images
have been coarsely aligned in term of skew and
translation. This means that the maximum offset
between two pixels to register must be inferior to h.
The radius of the search windows must be increased
for larger translation or for larger spatial
deformation. Figure 3 shows the original image (a)
and its model (b). The split process results into two
binary images: the text added (c) and the preprint
text (d). The Layout of the pre-printed text in blue is
displayed in the same image (e) with the layout of
the added text in red.
Figure 4 shows some problems when added text
crosses the line of a pre-printed table. It is the main
drawback of the method. This error appears during
the alignment operation by the NLM inter-images.
Our approach can find frequently similar patches
along table lines into added text, especially if the
colours are similar.
All characters with a distance inferior to the
radius h to the lines of tables of frames, having
similar colours are detected in the aligned model.
The only solution consists to increase the radius of
the patch so that the border of tables cannot be
confused with a piece of the character. With patch
sizes of 77 or 99 the confusion between frames
and table lines with characters is reduced.
Figure 3: (a) The original image Org, (b) Model Image
Mod, (c) Text Added segmented TextAddedbinary, (d)
Segmentation of the Model Image TextPreprintedbinary,
(e) layout segmentation (in blue the Text in the printed
form, in red the added text), (f) the aligned model Am.
Figure 5 shows that our proposition can process
distorted documents as well if the spatial
deformation is under the radius h of the search
Figure 4: (a) The original image Org, (b) Model Image
Mod, (c) Text Added segmented TextAddedbinary, (d)
Segmentation of the Model Image TextPreprintedbinary,
(e) layout segmentation (in blue the Text in the printed
form, in red the added text), (f) the aligned model Amod.
Finally, the separation between the pre-printed forms
and added text simplifies the analysis of the layout,
especially when the added text is not aligned into the
pre-printed form. Without the separation between
the added text and the pre-printed form, the layout
analysis will be too complex (figure 6b). After the
separation between the pre-printed forms, the layout
of the added text can be more easily segmented
(figure 6c).
a) b)
c) d)
Figure 5: (a) Original image Org, (b) Model Image of the
Form Mod, (c) Text Added segmented
TextAddedbinary, (d) Segmentation of the Model Image
Figure 6: (a) The original image, (b) Binarization of the
original (c) the text Added after the separation from the
pre-printed form.
5.2 Evaluation on the Database
We have tested the proposed system on 52 color
images of various invoices and forms in real
situation. Among 52 images we manually found 7
images with some problems when added text crosses
the line of a pre-printed table. Some parts of
characters can be confused with text line at the patch
level. In this case these parts may remain in the
template image. This is the main drawback of the
method. Most errors are justified by the quality of
the document itself where sometimes it can be bad.
We have achieved 86.7 % of correctly aligned
document images.
We have proposed the first pixel-based image
registration suited for color document images
approach. It is based on the NLM inter-images.
Our proposed approach can align non rigid images
with high accuracy and tolerate spatial distortions.
We have applied the proposed algorithm to the
registration of digitized business documents to their
template. We use this image alignment to separate
the pre-printed forms from the added text. The input
images must have a reduced skew and a small offset
in order to be perfectly aligned at pixel level,
otherwise, we have to increase the radius of the
search windows.
This work is granted by ITESOFT for the project DOD.
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