A Real-time, Automatic Target Detection and Tracking Method for
Variable Number of Targets in Airborne Imagery
Tunc¸ Alkanat, Emre Tunali and Sinan
Image Processing Department, ASELSAN Inc. Microelectronics, Guidance and Electro-Optics Division, Ankara, Turkey
Real-time Target Detection, Multiple Target Tracking, Temporal Consistency, Data Association, Target
Probability Density Estimation, Adaptive Target Selection.
In this study, a real-time fully automatic detection and tracking method is introduced which is capable of
handling variable number of targets. The procedure starts with multiple scale target hypothesis generation in
which the distinctive targets are revealed. To measure distinctiveness; first, the interested blobs are detected
based on Canny edge detection with adaptive thresholding which is achieved by a feedback loop considering
the number of target hypotheses of the previous frame. Then, the irrelevant blobs are eliminated by two
metrics, namely effective saliency and compactness. To handle the missing and noisy observations, temporal
consistency of each target hypothesis is evaluated and the outlier observations are eliminated. To merge data
from multiple scales, a target likelihood map is generated by using kernel density estimation in which weights
of the observations are determined by temporal consistency and scale factor. Finally, significant targets are
selected by an adaptive thresholding scheme; then the tracking is achieved by minimizing spatial distance
between the selected targets in consecutive frames.
Multiple target detection and tracking has significant
importance for many applications, including recon-
naissance and surveillance in which the major goal
is to reveal trajectories of the targets throughout the
scenario. Considering the recent developments, many
electro-optical systems are in need of full automa-
tion for achieving this task. Therefore, many multi-
tracking algorithms include two fundamental stages
as the automatic, time independent detection of tar-
gets; and association of the detections in the temporal
space. Although there exists many research on the
subject (Berclaz et al., 2011; Niedfeldt and Beard,
2014; Andriyenko and Schindler, 2011), problem re-
mains to be challenging mainly due to unknown and
changing number of targets; noisy and missing obser-
vations; interaction of multiple targets. Moreover, all
these challenges are needed to be solved in a time ef-
ficient manner for real-time applications.
The outstanding target detection concept can be
interpreted in different ways and many interest point
detection techniques can be used as a starting point
to determine such objects on an image. In the lit-
erature, there exists numerous interest point detec-
tion methodologies based on blob detection (Lowe,
2004; Bay et al., 2008), corner detection (Harris and
Stephens, 1988; Rosten and Drummond, 2006) and
edge detection (Canny, 1986; Prewitt, 1970; Sobel
and Feldman, 1968). Rather than searching for cor-
ners or blobs, defining the outstanding object from the
contrast is a better choice for our application since we
are not only interested in cornered or blob-like struc-
tured objects. In this sense, usage of edge detectors
yields better generalization and among edge detec-
tions methods Canny edge detection shows its supe-
riority due to its ability of generating closed contours
by merging weak edges with the strong edges around
their vicinity. Furthermore, the low computational
cost of the Canny edge detector also allows the us-
age of pyramid structure in order to respond targets in
different scales without introducing any restriction for
real-time processing which is one of the major goals.
Another important aspect of the detection phase
is determining the number of targets dynamically
since the selection of predetermined number of targets
would be problematic. To be clearer, if the number of
targets is smaller than the expected number of targets,
the system is forced to introduce insignificant targets
to the track list. Likewise, in the scenes having higher
number of significant targets than the expected, some
of the significant targets will be ignored. To deal with
Alkanat T., Tunali E. and Öz S..
A Real-time, Automatic Target Detection and Tracking Method for Variable Number of Targets in Airborne Imagery.
DOI: 10.5220/0005298400610069
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 61-69
ISBN: 978-989-758-090-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Sample outputs of the proposed solution demonstrating successful tracking for variable number of targets.
the unknown, changing number of targets and develop
an unsupervised approach, a target selection proce-
dure is also introduced.
Temporal association of detections is the funda-
mental problem of multi-target tracking. Despite ex-
istence of many detection methodologies, none of the
detection methods can provide robust detection re-
sults to be used in the data association stage. To
be more precise, detections may be misleading from
time to time and the outlier data should be handled
while achieving the data association. For this purpose,
one of the most popular and well studied method is
Kalman filtering (Kalman, 1960) which deals with
the outliers by achieving a compromise between the
probabilistic model of the target motion and the mea-
surement. Although this methodology is effectively
used in many applications (Tsai et al., 2010; Ra-
makoti et al., 2009), requirement of the predetermined
motion model becomes a significant restriction. Us-
age of particle filters (Ristic et al., 2004) can address
some of the limitations of the Kalman filters by ex-
ploring multiple hypotheses; however this results in
an increased computational complexity. Other widely
used techniques for the association problem are joint
probability density association filters (JPDAF) (Fort-
mann et al., 1980) and multiple hypothesis track-
ing (MHT) (Reid, 1979). The JPDAF actually uses
soft data assignment by considering the probability
of a measurement belonging to more than one track
which results in a single hypothesis for summariz-
ing all the previous measurements. The main limita-
tion of JPDAF is the assumption on number of targets
which is stated to be fixed. Hence, it is not capable of
handling targets entering/leaving the scene. In MHT,
this problem is solved by integrated track initiation.
Association algorithm of MHT is a hypothesis based
brute force implementation which aims to generate all
possible hypotheses and requires high computational
load. Moreover, MHT also requires a large memory
space to be used; since the different hypotheses from
previous frames are kept in the memory. Instead, the
proposed method obtains measurements with a pyra-
mid structure and benefits from motion heuristics to-
gether with a probability density estimation method-
ology which is designed for merging measurements
from different levels of the observation pyramid. The
density estimation method is based on Parzen win-
dowing (Parzen, 1962), and benefits from a weight-
ing scheme to tolerate missing and noisy observations
with low computational cost.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The
proposed target detection and tracking method is ex-
plained in Section 2, the conducted experiments are
analyzed in Section 3, and finally the study is con-
cluded in Section 4 where discussions are made.
The multiple target detection and tracking method
proposed in this paper consists of 4 main steps: First,
target hypotheses are generated for different scales
based on distinctiveness and compactness assump-
tions of target model, then temporal consistency of
each target hypothesis is calculated for both reject-
ing outliers and compensating missing detections in a
time efficient manner. By using these consistent target
Figure 2: General overview of the proposed solution.
hypotheses, from each scale of the observation pyra-
mid, a target likelihood map is generated represent-
ing the target existence likelihood at each pixel. Fi-
nally, outstanding (relevant) targets are selected form
the likelihood map by using an adaptive thresholding
scheme and selected targets are associated in consec-
utive frames to reveal their trajectories.
2.1 Target Hypotheses Generation
To achieve automatic target detection, each target
candidate fulfilling some preliminary requirements
should be further analyzed to decide whether it is a
relevant target or not. The target candidates are re-
ferred as target hypotheses and generated at each scale
of the observation pyramid, obtained by downsam-
pling the original frame, separately. Therefore, for
both hypotheses generation and selection, some as-
sumptions are made to describe the target model.
The first assumption is the distinctiveness assump-
tion stating that target candidates should be distinctive
from their surroundings. Actually, this assumption
is made based on human visual attentional system in
which robust saliency detection mechanisms provide
focus of attention to the salient regions pre-attentively
for further processing. Again similar to human vi-
sual system, the distinctiveness is measured by the
intensity difference. Most of the saliency detection
methods are founded on the same principle; however
saliency detection in global scale (by considering the
whole scene) would generally require high process-
ing time which may not be suitable for real-time ap-
plications. Since the computational complexity is one
of the key issues, target hypothesis generation proce-
dure starts with edge detection which is a simple way
of detecting contrast between neighboring pixels. For
edge detection, Canny edge detector is preferred for
both its low computational complexity and capability
of generating closed contours by merging weak edges
with the strong edges around their vicinity. After em-
ploying Canny edge detection, morphological closure
(to increase probability of generation of closed con-
tours) and filling operations are performed on edge
map to obtain the possible target blobs. The impor-
tance of filling operation becomes more prominent
when a possible target has a layered structure, hav-
ing nested closed contours inside the target as in Fig.
3 in which an inner loop is detected due to the reflec-
tion of the daylight. In such a scenario, detection of
the complete vehicle is more preferable than detec-
Figure 3: Effect of filling on a target with layered contours
Figure 4: Flowchart for target hypotheses generation
tion of the spot as a separate target; and filling the
closed contours inherently yields the selection of the
outer most closed contour since both the inside of the
spot and the vehicle are filled. After morphological
operations, centroids of the resulting filled blobs are
obtained by using connected component analysis.
Usage of static thresholding in Canny edge detec-
tion can be problematic since different scenes may
have different contrast spans. Therefore, while a static
threshold can satisfactorily detect targets in scenes
having high contrast, it may fail to disclose any edges
in scenes having low contrast in which targets are
still visible to the human visual system. Since the
aim is to detect relatively high intensity differences,
a dynamic thresholding scheme is applied in which
Canny thresholds are adjusted dynamically with a
feedback loop, Fig. 4, whose input is the target hy-
pothesis count from the previous frame. To achieve
dynamic thresholding, high threshold of the Canny
is simply decreased/increased with a certain amount
if the target hypothesis count is less/higher than the
desired number of hypothesis. In this manner, dy-
namic thresholding provides another advantage which
is keeping the number of blobs and thus targets within
a limit.
Although edge detection reveals regions with rela-
tively high contrast from its surroundings, it can only
give some insight about the distinctiveness level of
the target. To mathematically represent distinctive-
ness of the target candidates, a new metric referred
as effective saliency is introduced based on a saliency
detection methodology (Wei et al., 2012) in which the
saliency problem is tackled from a different perspec-
tive by focusing on background more than the object.
Although there are various saliency detection algo-
rithms (Hou and Zhang, 2007; Achanta et al., 2009;
Cheng et al., 2011), the main motivation of using
this method is its capability of extracting a saliency
map with low computational cost. However, usage
of this technique is restricted with the boundary as-
sumption which is the reflection of a basic tendency
that a cameraman does not crop salient objects in the
frame. Thus, the image boundary is assumed to be
background. Satisfying the assumption, the salient
regions are determined by identifying the patches
with high geodesic distance to the image boundaries.
For the calculation of geodesic distance, definitions
of (Wei et al., 2012) is followed and the image is
divided into vertices which are composed of inner
patches P
and background nodes (B, image bound-
aries). Hence, two types of edges: internal edges,
connecting all adjacent patches; and boundary edges,
connecting image boundary edges to the background
node are obtained (ξ = (P
, P
is ad jacent to P
, B|P
is on the image boundary)). Then, the
geodesic saliency of a patch P is calculated by ac-
cumulating edge weights (intensity differences) along
the shortest path from P to virtual background node B
in an undirected weighted graph as given in Eqn.1,
Saliency(P) = min
, P
, P
) ξ
In our case, the boundary assumption of (Wei
et al., 2012) is fulfilled by calculating saliency map
from the image patches that are co-centered the blobs
obtained from Canny edge detection and that encap-
sulate objects with their immediate surrounding. Ac-
tually, selection of the image patch is the first step
of calculating effective saliency metric. After calcu-
lating the saliency map, a binarization threshold is
obtained by using Otsu’s thresholding (Otsu, 1979).
Then, the effective saliency (E
(t)), is calculated for
each blob as in Eqn. 2 where dominant components
(D.C.) represent the pixels whose saliency values are
greater than the binarization threshold and S
(x) is
the saliency map obtained for each blob. High dis-
tinctiveness is a significant sign of a possible target,
hence candidates that do not have a certain level of
distinctiveness are eliminated.
(t) =
. (2)
Another assumption that is made for target model
is the compactness assumption. Since the Canny
edge detection reveals not only edges of the objects
but also edges belonging to structural details in the
scene, some of the detected blobs must be eliminated.
Therefore, a further selection procedure is applied to
the blobs satisfying the distinctiveness assumption.
To achieve the task, the compactness metric is used
which is actually nothing but a scalar specifying the
proportion of number of the pixels belonging to blobs
to the area of the minimum sized bounding box encap-
sulating the blob. Using this feature, the targets hav-
ing degraded from rectangular shape are eliminated.
This procedure is illustrated in Fig. 5. The remaining
blobs satisfying both distinctiveness and compactness
assumptions are referred as target hypotheses and fur-
ther processed to find out their temporal consistency.
Figure 5: On left, original image. On right, blob mask of
the original image with relevant targets, inconsistent targets,
blobs violating compactness, blobs violating distinctiveness
marked with green, white, red and blue, respectively.
2.2 Temporal Consistency Evaluation
by Blob Matching
Although Canny edge detection is one of the sim-
plest methods for contrast detection; it is vulnera-
ble to noise and consequently becomes a source for
noisy observations. More precisely, Canny edge de-
tection may fail to provide closed contours, yielding
missing observations in some frames or can produce
artificial closed contours due to noise. Generation
of faulty observations is a common problem and in
some well-known techniques (Kalman, 1960; Fort-
mann et al., 1980), solution is based on probabilis-
tic model on target behavior. However, this would
be over-restricting for our problem since dealing with
moving cameras generally result in complex motion
patterns. Thus, for rejection of outliers and handling
missing data, proposed method identifies an observa-
tion point as a target hypothesis if and only if the ob-
servation point keeps its presence for multiple frames.
In other words, temporal consistency of a target is
assured based on a scoring scheme in which higher
score of a target hypothesis represents higher reliabil-
The proposed scoring scheme is applied at each
frame and starts with associating newly generated and
existing target hypotheses. At first, for each new tar-
get hypothesis, existing hypotheses are searched in a
neighborhood to satisfy the motion heuristic known
as maximum velocity, (Yilmaz et al., 2006). Usage
of such a simple model is both less restricting and
requires much less computational load compared to
other motion models. Existence of a match is de-
cided by minimizing the norm of vectors that con-
tain spatial distance and mean intensity difference of
a new hypothesis to existing target hypotheses within
the neighborhood. If match is found, the score of the
matched existing target is increased. After matching
all new target hypotheses, the score of the remaining
(unmatched) existing target hypotheses are decreased.
Then, unmatched new target hypotheses are consid-
ered as possible new targets entering the scene and
initial scores are assigned according to their similarity
Figure 6: Proposed scoring scheme
to the target model description which is measured by
the effective saliency metric. After adding new target
hypotheses to the existing target list and adjusting the
scores, target hypotheses list is reconstructed by elim-
inating the ones that below the score threshold. Fol-
lowing the scheme, the missing observations for lim-
ited number of frames would be tolerated since they
are still considered as target hypotheses until their
scores go below the threshold. In a similar fashion,
the observations that are generated due to noise will
also be eliminated within a limited number of frames
since they are not persistent. On the contrary, new
targets entering the scene will be considered as target
hypotheses given that they are consistent. The pro-
posed scoring scheme is summarized in Fig. 6.
2.3 Target Likelihood Map Generation
An important problem introduced by Canny edge de-
tector is the false partitioning of a single object into
multiple closed contours which is due to a failure
in detecting the outermost contour of an object as a
closed contour. This problem would result in mul-
tiple target initialization for a single object and ap-
pears more frequently for large sized objects due to
the nature of the edge detector. Obviously, usage of
the data provided by each scale of the pyramid to-
gether would definitely decrease the occurrence rate
of the problem. Actually merging the data of different
scales can be considered as a probability density es-
timation problem whose solution identifies the target
likelihood map representing the existence probability
of a target at each pixel.
Since no prior information exists about the target
probability distribution, estimation is preferred to be
achieved based on a non-parametric approach. To
achieve this task, kernel density estimation (Parzen
window method (Parzen, 1962)) is employed in which
normal distribution is selected as the kernel function.
Normal distribution is preferred assuming that effect
of a target hypothesis on neighboring pixels yields a
normal distribution whose peak is located on the cen-
troid of the target hypothesis. In this manner, the
variance of the normal distribution will determine the
distance between the centroids of different target hy-
potheses to be merged.
To generate the target likelihood map, different
from classical Parzen windowing, data is weighted
with respect to its significance that is defined by
two scalars which are temporal consistency and scale
weights. Since the significance of a target increases
with its temporal consistency, consistency weight
) is obtained by the score whose calculation is ex-
plained in Sec. 2.2. Therefore, while decreasing the
effect of mis-detected hypotheses from one scale of
the pyramid, the weights of the corresponding target
hypotheses are increased at the relevant scale yielding
better localization. The second scalar, scale weight
) is designed to select the importance of different
scales of the pyramid. Since the partitioning occurs
generally for the large objects; to compensate the er-
roneous data, detections obtained from lower resolu-
tions (downsampled by a higher factor) are weighted
proportional to the downsampling factor. The formal
definition of the target likelihood for each pixel (x, y)
is given in Eqn. 3,
P(x, y) =
· w
· exp
· w
· exp
where (x
, y
) is the locations from the set of target
hypotheses H.
2.4 Target Selection and Tracking
Once the target likelihood map is obtained, target
selection becomes nothing but a threshold selection
problem which determines the lowest probability in
the target likelihood map that will be considered as a
target. Although the simplest solution is to use static
threshold; dynamic thresholding is preferred due to
the utilized scoring scheme applied to the target hy-
potheses. To achieve the task, the dynamic threshold-
ing methodology proposed by (Aytekin et al., 2014)
is followed which is designed to reveal distinctive in-
tensity falls on a given image. This method analyzes
the relationship between the local maxima of input
image and the threshold is calculated using weighted
Figure 7: From top to bottom and left to right: Target hypotheses at scale 1 (original image), target hypotheses at scale 2 (2x
downsampled), target hypotheses at scale 3(3x downsampled), original image, and generated target likelihood map. Masks
for each scale are resized for visualization.
average of local maxima. Obviously, the critical
part is to obtain the appropriate weights. To calcu-
late the weights, first, the local maxima are detected.
Then, they are sorted in descending order to form a
vector (LocalMax
). The weights are obtained
by calculating the normalized laplacian of this vec-
tor since higher laplacian represents distinctive falls.
This methodology fits well to our problem since dis-
tinctive falls indicate splits between different target
hypothesis groups having similar likelihood values;
so it achieves successful separation of distinctively
more significant target hypotheses. The formal def-
inition of the weighting procedure is shown in Eqn. 4
and 5.
T hr = LocalMax
), (4)
( f ) =
( f ) min
( f )
( f )
( f ))
. (5)
After selection of the target hypotheses as relevant
targets, the tracking is simply achieved by matching
the relevant targets from consecutive frames just by
minimizing spatial distance.
The proposed method was tested for two different as-
pects: Detection and tracking capabilities. For the de-
tection part, success is defined as detecting all true
targets while rejecting non-target background clutter.
Thus, to examine the detection performance, two suc-
cess measures, which are false discovery rate (Eqn. 6)
and true positive (Eqn. 7) rate, are used together.
FP + T P
, (6)
T PR =
T P + FN
. (7)
Another important task that should be achieved is
tracking of the detected targets. Despite existence of
multiple targets in each scenario of the VIVID dataset
(VIVID, 2005), the ground truth is only provided for
the primary target. Due to lack of ground truth data
for secondary targets, we followed the same proce-
dure used in (Bolme et al., 2010). Thus, the track-
ing performance of the proposed method was evalu-
ated by manually labeling the results as good track-
ing; tracking had drifted off center, or lost. A track
is described as good track when the track center is
within the object; labeled as drifted track when the
track center is located outside of the object bound-
ary and a track stated to be lost whenever track gate
ceases its existence in the presence of the target. One
exemplary illustration is given in Fig. 8 for good and
drifted tracks respectively.
For the experiments, the VIVID dataset is pre-
ferred due to the challenges on each scenario includ-
ing out of plane rotation, pose variation, occlusion,
low contrast, existence of similar targets in the vicin-
ity and defocusing. Since the algorithm is designed to
be used with single band images (especially for IR),
Figure 8: Examplary outputs showing the drifted track, on
left, and successful track, on right.
Figure 9: Sample result on VIVID dataset. Top row, columns 1-2: Scale changes. Top row, columns 2-4: Defocusing. Bottom
row, columns 1-2: Different motion patterns, changing number of targets. Bottom row, columns 3-4: Occlusion.
the 3-channel sequences of the dataset are converted
to grayscale. However, extending the scheme to RGB
requires nothing but replacing edge detection phase
with an RGB compatible version.
For each scenario, effective saliency and compact-
ness thresholds were set to 0.7 and 0.4, respectively.
The variance of the normal distribution that was used
to generate target likelihood maps was set to 0.15 and
a three-level pyramid structure was used: 1
processing original image, 2
level processing orig-
inal image downsampled by 2 and 3
level by 3.
Since optimum number of scales depends on the span
of expected target size, minimum number of scales
should manually be selected considering the applica-
tion. Likewise, shape and window size of the morpho-
logical operator should also be selected accordingly.
In the testing procedure, a 5x5 circular shaped opera-
tor is used.
In Figure 9, some of the important findings of the
experimental results are demonstrated. The first two
images of the first row illustrates the success of the al-
gorithm against scale changes which is achieved with
the usage of pyramid structure. Remaining images
of the first row demonstrates the behavior of the pro-
posed method in case of missing observations. In
this scenario, the target detection fails for a while
due to defocusing of the camera. Despite the missing
observations, tracks are continued without breaking
and the targets are again well localized after refocus-
ing of the camera. However, one should note that a
false alarm is generated after the defocusing since the
Canny threshold is automatically adjusted to tolerate
the low contrast. The importance of the selection of
a simple motion model (maximum velocity) is illus-
trated on the first two images of the 2
row. If a re-
strictive probabilistic motion model was used, some
of the targets having different turning angles would
be lost. Moreover, these sub-figures also visualizes
the success in handling varying number of targets. Fi-
nally, last two images of the second row visualizes
the major weakness of the proposed algorithm which
is the incapability of occlusion handling resulting in
track losses.
Table 1: Performance results of proposed method for detec-
tion and tracking on VIVID dataset (in percentage %).
False Detection
Rate (FDR)
True Positive
Rate (TPR)
egTest01 0.626 94.098 98.651
egTest02 10.521 77.188 99.440
egTest03 18.127 74.124 88.631
egTest04 4.676 83.203 81.478
Total 8.487 82.153 92.050
The results of the experiments are summarized in
Table 1. According to the results, target selection
scheme can detect 82% of the targets with an ac-
ceptable FDR of 8.5% . Moreover, 92% of the
detected targets were tracked successfully, meaning
that the window was not drifted off of the center of the
object. In addition to the detection and tracking per-
formance of the proposed method, another important
aspect is the computational load. The proposed solu-
tion was tested using un-optimized C++ code running
on a single core of an Intel i5-3470 3.2GHz CPU and
was able to run at a minimum rate of 30.12fps and an
average rate of 35.63fps for maximum 256 target hy-
potheses at each scale of the pyramid. Note that, the
frame-rate can further be improved by using parallel
processing or advanced optimization techniques.
The results show that it is possible to have both
detection and tracking with a sufficient quality and
low computational cost using the proposed method.
More importantly, the results imply that it is possi-
ble to achieve an acceptable tracking performance by
simply using spatial distance minimization of mea-
surements with an appropriate detection scheme.
In this study, a multi-target detection and tracking
method designed for real-time systems is introduced.
The experiments showed that the proposed algorithm
achieves a sufficient true positive rate with a rela-
tively low false discovery rate on the utilized test sets.
Moreover, it is also seen that, usage of a successful
detection scheme reduces the complexity of tracker;
and even with the simplest association scheme, a suf-
ficient tracking performance can be obtained.
Usage of the designed algorithm introduces many
advantages including time efficiency, scale-invariance
and adaptability to changing number of targets in the
scene. Moreover, the algorithm requires no super-
vision which makes it a suitable option for electro-
optical surveillance and reconnaissance systems. On
the other hand, the algorithm is shown to have some
disadvantages. Although the proposed method can
achieve tracking with high frame rates, it has no
mechanism for occlusion handling which decreases
the performance. Another significant disadvantage of
this algorithm is caused by the target hypothesis gen-
eration method: Canny edge detection method may
fail on low contrast scenes despite its dynamic thresh-
olding scheme since edge detection may fail in low
As a future work, we plan to employ tracklet
concept to increase the performance of the proposed
method on the scenes where frequent occlusions are
present. Also we plan to work on the target hypothe-
ses generation scheme to make the proposed method
invariant to the properties of the input imaging system
yielding increased robustness and reliability.
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