On the Power Consumption of Cryptographic Processors in Civil
Abdulhadi Shoufan
, Hassan Alnoon
and Joonsang Baek
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Advanced Technology Consultancy L.L.C, Emirates Advanced Investment Group L.L.C, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Civil Drone Security.
In this paper we analyze the security requirements of civil microdrones and propose a hardware architecture
to meet these requirements. While hardware solutions are usually used to accelerate cryptographic operations
and reduce their power consumption, we show that the latter aspect needs to be reviewed in the context of
civil drones. Specifcally, adding cryptgraphic hardware to a flying device increases its weight and, thus, the
power needed to fly this device. Depending on the relative weight of the added cryptographic processor, the
computational power advantage of the hardware solution may be undone by the additional hadrware weight.
This aspect is analyzed for the proposed hardware solution.
Unmanned aerial vehicles have long been used for
surveillance in homeland security. Due to their high
costs, however, the effectiveness of UAVs in civil ap-
plications has always been under discussion. This cir-
cumstance contributed to the development of lower-
cost platforms in form of quadrotors or multirotors,
which we refer to as civil microdrones (CMD). The
absence of mechanical linkages to vary the rotor blade
pitch angle, the usage of multiple rotors and the im-
provements in the algorithms that controls its ad-
vanced electronic systems and sensors has allowed
CMDs to be of small-size and easy to fly, control, and
maintain. Due to their ability to interact with the envi-
ronment in close proximity safely, CMDs are gaining
an increasing attention in different civil application
areas (Quaritsch et al., 2008). In environment mon-
itoring CMDs use sensors and cameras to collect in-
formation that is difficult to be obtained by helicopters
because of space or cost reasons. An example for this
application area is monitoring the woods, desert, an-
imals, and agriculture. Disaster management is an-
other application area where CMDs can give a quick
overview of the size and the grade of a disaster caused
by flooding, earthquake, or fire. Based on this infor-
mation an efficient plan for rescue activities can be
defined and implemented. Especially in the surveil-
lance and law enforcement areas CMDs are receiv-
ing an increasing acceptance to observe restricted ar-
eas, state borderline, pipelines, private properties, or
public events for detecting suspicious actions and pre-
venting terrorism.
Commercial CMDs are penetrating and the im-
portance of these devices was recognized by the
governments of many countries. Several research
projects were supported by governmental and non-
governmental funding sources: USICO (Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle Safety Issues For Civil Operations)
is a European project that dealt with the operation
and the safety of UAVs, e.g., for collision avoidance.
CAPECON (Civil UAV Application & Economic Ef-
fectivity of Potential Configuration Solution) is an-
other European project, which aimed at the specifi-
cation of civilian applications for the UAVs. A major
aspect of this project is the integration of large-scale
UAVs into the air traffic control system.The design of
a distributed control system for cooperative detection
and monitoring using heterogeneous UAVs (Gancet
et al., 2005) was the subject of the project COMETS
funded by the European Union, too. µDrones is an-
other European project which focuses on microdrones
for autonomous navigation for environment sensing.
The purpose is the development of hardware and soft-
ware modules to ensure flight stability, navigation, lo-
calization, and robustness to unexpected events. Sev-
eral topics related to networked UAVs were investi-
gated at the Aerospace Controls Laboratory at MIT
(How et al., 2008). These include sensor network de-
sign, adaptive control, and model predictive control.
Shoufan A., Alnoon H. and Baek J..
On the Power Consumption of Cryptographic Processors in Civil Microdrones.
DOI: 10.5220/0005273402830290
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP-2015), pages 283-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-081-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Starmac is a project at Stanford University (Hoffmann
et al., 2004), which works on autonomous collision
and obstacle avoidance and task assignment forma-
tion flight using both centralized and decentralized
techniques. Additionally to these projects, an enor-
mous amount of individual research papers can be
found in the literature that address different topics
such as specific control systems (Chiu and Lo, 2011;
Dierks and Jagannathan, 2010; Voos, 2006) and ob-
stacle avoidance approaches (Minguez and Montano,
2004; Yuan et al., 2009; Zsedrovits et al., 2011).
With all this attention to the functional aspects of
this new technology, the consideration of security as-
pects is still very limited. When it comes to security,
the CMD should be considered from two points of
view: as a threat and as a target. CMDs are consid-
ered as security threat because they can be used for
mischievous or criminal activities. With the versa-
tile technical possibilities, the drones can be abused
to spy on unaware individuals. Privacy and civil lib-
erty advocates have raised many doubts about the le-
gitimacy of facial recognition cameras, thermal imag-
ing cameras, open Wi-Fi sniffers,license plate scan-
ners and other sensors. For example, the researchers
at the London-based Sensepoint security firm showed
how to equip a drone with a software program called
Snoopy that allows the vehicle to steal data from sur-
rounding mobile devices searching for a Wi-Fi net-
work. The researchers successfully demonstrated the
ability of the Snoopy application to steal Amazon,
PayPal, and Yahoo credentials from random citizens
while the drone was flying over their heads in the
streets of London. Not only individual’s privacy and
security seem to be threatened by the CMD technol-
ogy but also commercial, industrial, and governmen-
tal sectors. Recently, a drone was used to leak behind
the scenes footage of the filming of the new Star Wars
movie series without the authority to be able to do
anything about it. The penetration of new commercial
products such as DroneShield, that help detect spy-
ing drones based on acoustic noise or radio signals
is a clear evidence for the seriousness of these con-
cerns. CMDs, however, can themselves be an attack
target. The principal risks are represented by the pos-
sibility that criminals and cyber terrorists can attack
unmanned aerial vehicles for several purposes such
as hacking or hijacking.
The paper deals with the CMD security from this
latter point of view and provides an in-depth analy-
sis of the CMD communication security. Based on
this analysis a hardware-based solution is proposed
to obtain the required performance for cryptographic
functions. The solution is investigated with respect
to power consumption and compared with a software
solution. This investigation shows that the cryptopro-
cessors advantage of low power consumption is sup-
pressed in this application because of the additional
power that is needed to carry and fly the additional
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents the security vulnerabilities and threats of
civil microdrones. Section 3 describes the proposed
hardware solution and Section 4 gives some imple-
mentation details. In Section 5 we analyze the perfor-
mance and the power consumption of the developed
prototype. Section 6 concludes the paper.
This section describes the vulnerabilities of CMDs
and the attacks they are exposed to. The security re-
quirements are then defined and supporting technical
solutions are discussed.
A CMD is a remote-controlled flying platform. As
a communication system the CMD is exposed to dif-
ferent passive and active attacks with specific impacts
as summarized in the following:
1. Control Data Manipulation: Control data ma-
nipulation is perhaps the most critical active at-
tack on a CMD. Sending fake control commands
by an attacker may be motivated by one of the fol-
(a) Dislocating the CMD: When CMDs are used
for surveillance and law enforcement purposes,
then people under surveillance, who may be
criminals, may work against that by trying to
fly the CMD away from the monitored area.
(b) Physical Theft (Hijacking): Some commer-
cial microdrones are highly expensive and can
fly to far distances. Having it under control,
an attacker may fly a CMD to a desired place
where she or he can steal it physically. The
physical theft may also be motivated by the in-
tention to tamper with the device to disclose
cryptographic keys or secret data.
(c) Damage to Persons and Property: Due its
light weight, a CMD can fly with high speeds.
A malicious attacker may use this feature to
steer a CMD and cause it to collide with high
momentum with an arbitrary or certain target.
In addition to the risk of person’s injury and
damage to property, such attacks may cause
major legal liability problems to the CMD
owner or to his or her insurance provider.
2. Replay Attacks on Control Data: Adversaries
may record control data and resend it later to mis-
use the CMD. This kind of attack works even if
control data are protected against manipulation.
3. Denial-of-Service Attacks (DoS): CMDs are
power-critical microcontroller-based systems.
Any computation overhead causes additional
power consumption and shortens the flying time
of the CMD. An attacker may use this vulnera-
bility to flood the CMD with faked or replayed
commands and, thus, impair the availability of the
CMD. Even if the CMD is able to identify these
commands as fake or replay, e.g., using a verifica-
tion process, this approach demands considerable
computation power and time. In extreme cases,
such a DoS attack may cause the CMD to be
completely engaged in the authentication process
until the CMD battery is fully discharged. Note
that flooding the CMD with faked or replayed
commands, as treated in this paper, can be
regarded as a DoS attack on the application
layer. DoS attacks in wireless networks on lower
layers such as the physical layer (jamming) and
the MAC layer are well-studied in the literature
(Pelechrinis et al., 2011; Bicakci and Tavli, 2009)
and out of the scope of this paper.
4. Information Theft: The bird’s-eye view pro-
vided by the CMD is attracting professional pho-
tographers to take high-quality pictures or record
videos from the sky. As a rule, these pictures or
videos are sent to the ground station not only to
save the memory usage on the CMD but also for
the photographer to control the picture taking or
the video recording. Obviously, such data may
be of high value and under copy right. Sending
the data in plaintext opens the way for adversaries
to record and distribute the data at low cost and
to cause considerable financial loss to the profes-
sional photographer. Understandably, information
theft may be exercised in many other CMDs’ ap-
plication areas with different motives.
5. Information Manipulation: Information data
sent by the CMD may be used for critical pur-
poses. For instance, pictures taken in surveillance
and law enforcement applications may be used as
means of evidence. Also, the success of a res-
cue plan for disaster management may rely on the
picture taken by the CMD. Obviously, any manip-
ulation of these data including replay attacks may
cause severe problems.
The severity of the described attacks depends on
the application area and its data criticality. For in-
stance, CMD’s used by traffic police to inspect a car
accident area blocked by a traffic jam may pose a low
risk because of the randomness of both the location
and the time point of such a use case: The probability
of the presence of an active attacker at the location of
a random accident, at which a CMD is used, is fairly
low. In contrast, CMDs used against organized crime,
such as drugs’ smuggling, are assumed to be at high
security risk. This is because organized criminals are
expected to be able to perform sophisticated attacks.
Based on the later analysis of CMD vulnerabilities
and potential attacks, the following security require-
ments can be defined:
1. Confidentiality of information and control data
communicated between the CMD and the ground
2. Integrity and authenticity of information and con-
trol data
3. Resistance to replay-attacks
4. Resistance to denial-of-service attacks
5. Tamper resistant key management on the CMD
These security requirements can be met by differ-
ent technical solutions as detailed in the following.
2.1 Data Confidentiality
Depending on the application, remote control data
(Upstream), information data (Downstream), or both
should be encrypted. For CMD communication the
AES algorithm is selected with a key length of 128
bit (Daemen and Rijmen, 2002). AES in its native
operation mode (Electronic Code Book (ECB)) re-
sults in the same ciphertext block if the same plain-
text block is encrypted, which presents a security
risk. To avoid this, the Cipher Block Chaining mode
(CBC) can be used. CBC encryption provides con-
fidentiality against Chosen Plaintext Attack (CPA),
which is a strong but essential requirement for secure
symmetric-key encryption (Katz and Lindell, 2008).
2.2 Data Integrity and Authenticity
To enforce Data Integrity and Authenticity we used a
message authentication code scheme (MAC) that uses
a symmetric key. A MAC scheme can be either pro-
prietary, hash-based, or block-cipher based. We chose
to use CBC-MAC which is block-cipher based MAC
scheme so that is can share the same AES core used
for encryption due to hardware resource constraints.
The high similarity between the MAC scheme and
the CBC-mode of encryption is essential for the de-
sign of a compact cryptographic engine as will be de-
tailed in 3.1. Note that message authentication code
uses AES in encryption mode only in both the sender
and receiver sides of communication. MAC also im-
plicitly provides data integrity, as any change in the
message will result in a different MAC value.
2.3 Resistance against Replay-attacks
Even encrypted and authentic messages may be cap-
tured by an attacker and replayed at a later point of
time. Replayed data passes the authentication pro-
cess successfully on the receiver side. Therefore, to
detect replay attacks additional information is added
to the message, which enables the receiver to verify
the freshness of the message. The additional infor-
mation can be a nonce (number used only once), time
stamp, or a sequential number. In CMD communi-
cation, we propose using sequential numbers against
replay attacks, as these numbers can be deployed for
additional purposes, specifically to detect packet loss
and to restore the packet order.
2.4 Resistance to DoS Attacks
DoS attacks are versatile and can be carried out on
different network layers. Countermeasures are usu-
ally specific to one or small number of attacks and
operate on specific layers embedded in firewalls, net-
work routers, switches, etc. As noted previously, we
focus on a DoS on the application layer by assum-
ing that the attacker is able to flood the CMD with
fake or replayed commands to affect the availability
of the vehicle. In CMD communication, command
authentication and the replay attack countermeasure
play a detective and a preventive role in the defense
against DoS attacks. First, the CMD keeps track of re-
ceived commands and periodically determines the ra-
tio of non-authentic commands and replay commands
to the total number of received commands. If this ra-
tio becomes higher than a specific value a DoS attack
is assumed. Second, command authentication and the
replay attack countermeasure perform a primary fil-
tering of DoS commands. This means that the system
components that follow the authentication process are
preserved from the DoS effects. Using authentication
to mitigate (not eliminate) DoS attacks is deployed in
the IPSec protocol suite, for instance.
2.5 Tamper-resistant Key Management
Key management is a challenging task that addresses
key generation, key exchange, key storage, key up-
date, and key revocation, in general. The following
paragraphs describe how the proposed key manage-
ment scheme works for CMD communication.
2.5.1 Key Generation
The encryption and authentication keys are generated
by the ground station based on the key generator spec-
ified in ANSI X9.17 which is a key management stan-
dard for financial institutions published by the Amer-
ican National Standard Institute (NIST, 1985). This
key generator relies on the block cipher 3DES but can
use any other block cipher. In our case we use AES,
as it is already available for other security functions.
2.5.2 Key Exchange and Storage
Key exchange and key storage are usually treated sep-
arately. In our case they are related due to the used
hardware platform. As will be seen later, we use
an FPGA to run the security functions on the CMD.
The used FPGA is SRAM-based, which means that
the configuration data must be loaded to the FPGA at
each start. The configuration data is stored in a small
external configuration memory mounted on the same
board. Thus, a permanent key storage on the FPGA is
impossible. Furthermore, storing the keys in the con-
figuration memory as a part of the configuration data
poses two risks. First, if the attacker gets physical ac-
cess to the CMD she or he can temper with the mem-
ory chip to extract the key. Furthermore, the attacker
may analyze the configuration data while transferred
from the memory to the FPGA to obtain the key.
To avoid these risks we propose the following sim-
ple scheme. Before each flight, keys are generated by
the ground station and written to the FPGA by wire.
Wireless submission is improper as radio data can be
intercepted by adversaries. The keys are stored in
dedicated registers inside the FPGA. These registers
can only be read by the cryptographic engine and has
no read interface to outside. Writing the keys to the
FPGA by wire may appear to cause an operational
overhead. However, flying a CMD is always preceded
by a setup phase. The proposed key exchange ap-
proach can be seen as a step in this setup phase.
2.5.3 Key Update and Revocation
Updating symmetric keys is recommended to enhance
security. The idea is to reduce the amount of data en-
crypted with the same key to limit the damage, if the
key is compromised. Usually, symmetric keys are up-
dated for each new message or for each new commu-
nication session. For the CMD we propose updating
the encryption and the authentication keys for each
flight. The new keys are generated according to stan-
dardized key management algorithm (ANSI X9.17)
and sent to the FPGA by wire as described in the pre-
vious paragraph.
Figure 1: General Architecture of the Secure CMD System.
The registers used to store the keys are provided
by a reset input that can be activated by a special com-
mand from the ground station. The CMD operator can
submit this command in emergency cases when she or
he loses control over the CMD for any reason.
The general architecture of the CMD system given
in Fig. 1 consists of three main components: The
remote control, the CMD, and an extension module
connected to the CMD that embeds the cryptographic
The hardware architecture that secures the CMD
communication is depicted in Fig. 2. The architecture
comprises a cryptographic engine; the on-chip JPEG
encoder , which on its part embeds a camera con-
troller; a video streamer and the control data receiver
to manage the data communication; A Digital-2-PPM
converter, which receives the digital control data ex-
tracted from the upstream packet and converts it back
into a PPM signal (Pulse Position Modulation). In the
following sections the different components of this ar-
chitecture will be explained with special focus on the
Cryptographic Engine as it provides the core of the
security solution.
3.1 Cryptographic Engine
The Cryptographic Engine is the central part of the
hardware architecture. The authentication key and the
encryption key are written to the corresponding reg-
isters during the CMD setup. The Cryptographic En-
gine serves the video streamer and the control data
receiver. It expects from these modules an interme-
diate MAC value, a plaintext block, and a ciphertext
block. The particular module indicates its need for
data processing by sending a start signal, the cryp-
tographic module also decides which module will be
served next using a ”fairness scheme” that was de-
veloped to prevent the data-intensive video streamer
Figure 2: General Architecture of the FPGA Hardware Sys-
from occupying the cryptographic engine for a long
time at the cost of the control data receiver. In the
idle state the control data receiver are given priority
over the video streamers. This is necessary because
the control data include some information for video
3.1.1 Processing Video Streamer Data
Video data are prepared and sent by the CMD. Before
sending the data, the Cryptographic Engine (CE) pro-
cesses the video data in two stages for encryption and
authentication. First, the Cryptographic Engine re-
ceives the video data block to be encrypted and either
the ciphertext block of the previous block or the en-
cryption initialization vector (IV). Secondly the Cryp-
tographic Engine is fed with the encrypted video data
block and either with the intermediate MAC value or
with the authentication initialization vector.
3.1.2 Processing Control Data
Control data are sent to the CMD by remote control.
The CMD processes the control data in two stages be-
fore sending it the Microdrone. First, in the authen-
tication stage the Cryptographic Engine receives the
data block and either the intermediate MAC value or
the authentication initialization vector. Secondly, in a
decryption stage the encrypted data block and either
the previous encrypted control data block or the en-
cryption initialization vector.
3.2 Remote Control Data Receiver
The Control Data Receiver receives control data from
the communication controller in form of a 384-bit
packet that is compound of three 128-bit blocks. The
first block represents the encryption initialization vec-
tor IV
which is not encrypted but authenticated by
the ground station. The second block is the con-
trol block that includes the actual control data in en-
crypted form. The third block is the MAC value of
the first two blocks. These data are sent to the Cryp-
tographic Engine for authentication and to decrypt the
control data block.
3.3 Video Streamers
Control data are sent from the ground station at a low
rate according to the PPM scheme. In contrast, video
data are sent continuously at high rate. One image
occupies many packets. The size of the packet relies
on the used communication module.
Each video packet includes an 128-bit encryp-
tion initialization vector IV
(or the last ciphertext
block), a variable number of 128-bit video ciphertext
blocks, a 128-bit encrypted status block, and the 128-
bit MAC value of the entire packet.
The Video Streamer receives the byte-wise from
the communication controller through a first-in first-
out memory (FIFO). Using a shift register, 16 bytes
of these data are concatenated to construct a 128-
bit data block. In addition to the video data, the
Video Streamer constructs and appends a status block
to each downstream packet. The VS controller also
exchanges control signals with the Control Data Re-
ceiver, the Cryptographic Engine, the communication
Module, and the JPEG Encoder. Data is processed
according to a developed abstract finite state machine
which is responsible for creating the different block
of encrypted data according to the stream.
3.4 Digital-2-PPM Converter
The used remote control generates a PPM frame with
a length of 22ms. For each control channel a rectan-
gular pulse is produced, whereas the pulse width is
proportional to the control value. The minimum and
the maximum width is 0.7ms or 1.5ms, respectively.
The minimum distance between each two succeeding
pulses is 0.4ms. The remaining time of the 22ms is
used as a start signal.
The CMD receives all the channel data at once
embedded in the control block inside the control data
packet. The PPM signal is generated using different
counters. The first counter has a fixed preset value
that depends on the clock frequency to produce the
start pulse. The second counter produces the control
pulse. It has a variable preset value to produce time
values between the minimum and maximum width of
a PPM pulse. The preset value of this counter is the 8-
bit digital value of the corresponding control channel.
The third counter produces the pause periods which
vary between 1.8 and 0.4 ms.
3.5 Other Components
The FPGA hardware includes a communication mod-
ule and a JPEG encoder that includes a controller for
the camera. The JPEG encoder was adopted from
(Krepa, ) and adapted to suit our design.
To evaluate our solution a complete system prototype
was implemented. The system prototype consists of
a remote control, a personal computer, and a micro-
drone extended with a security module.
The microdrone was prototype as a quadro-
tor based on the Next-Generation Universal Aerial
Video Platform (NG-UAVP). The NG-UAVP is “a
community-driven open source project to build a
modern autonomously flying multicopter” (ANG-
UAVP, ). The NG-UAVP has a special focus on
expandability and configurability with a proprietary
near real-time operating system and a hardware ab-
straction layer that enables the platform to support
different hardware types and configurations. The NG-
UAVP uses three microcontrollers for data acquisition
and preparation on the sensor’s board and for flight
The quadrotor is extended with the security mod-
ule and a camera module. The camera used is the
TCM8240MD from Toshiba with an image resolu-
tion of 640x480 pixel, a frame rate of 30 FPS, and
a color depth of 24 bit. One of the selection criteria
of this camera was its small size of 6x6x4.5 mm. The
camera has an Inter-Integrated Circuit (I
C) interface
for configuration and delivers pixel data over an 8-bit
parallel interface along with two lines for vertical and
horizontal synchronization.
The security module is compatible with the other
NG-UAVP boards. It contains mainly a communica-
tion module, an FPGA, and a flash memory for pro-
gramming the FPGA. The used communication mod-
ule (from the company Avisaro AG) is connected to
the FPGA through a serial peripheral interface (SPI),
which allows a maximum data rate of 2.8 MBit/s.
As an FPGA we use Spartan E from Xilinx. Im-
age processing demands large memory size. The
used open-source JPEG encoder works on 8x8-pixel
blocks. However, data is read from the camera row
by row. Thus, for the JPEG encoder to start, at least
seven rows and the first 8 pixels of the 8-th row must
Table 1: Image Parameters used in the Prototype Implemen-
Parameter Value Unit
Image resolution 640x480 pixel
Color depth 24 bit
Frame size before encoding 7372800 bit
Compression ratio 15 %
Frame size after encoding 491520 bit
No. AES blocks per frame 3840 block
be read first. With 640 pixel per row and 24-bit color
depth a minimum memory space of (7 640 + 8)
24 = 108 kbit is required. To increase throughput, the
JPEG encoder uses pipelined processing of 16 rows
which demands a total memory usage of 163.840 kbit.
Additional memory space is required for the encoder
output buffer, for the AES Sboxes, and for the input
and output FIFOs of the video streamers.
Instead of using external memory for data storage
we decided to use the largest member of the Spartan E
family. By this means, the design is kept simpler and
data are transferred synchronously between the dif-
ferent FPGA components, which is essential for the
performance. The FPGA works at 50 MHz clock fre-
quency that is supplied by an external oscillator. The
FPGA is configured using a SPI serial flash PROM
(Programmable read-only memory) from Atmel.
The hardware prototype was tested for the data given
in Table 1. The raw frame size results from multiply-
ing the image resolution by the color depth. Through
encoding, the frame size is reduced 15 times. The en-
coded frame is divided by 128 to get the number of
AES blocks that need to be processed for one frame.
Table 2 shows a comparison between the hardware
solution and a comparable software solution run-
ning on the drone microcontroller ARM7 LPC2148
clocked at 60 MHz. The comparison metrics are the
timing, the power consumption, and flight time.
With respect to timing, the developed FPGA
solution provides an approximately 20-time higher
throughput than the software solution. The software
solution only achieves a frame rate of 3.2 fps, which is
clearly below acceptable rates for live feed, and there-
fore fails to deliver a moving picture.
With respect to power, the consumption of the
hardware solution exceeds the consumption of the
software solution by 3.356 watts. This amount com-
prises three components:
1. The power consumption of the FPGA chip as
provided by the Xilinx Xpower Analyzer (0.22
2. The measured electrical power consumed by the
FPGA board exclusive of the FPGA chip (0.64
3. The mechanical power needed to raise the addi-
tional weight caused by the FPGA card (2.5 watt).
This value was determined using a commercial
calculator as detailed below.
By comparing the pure computational power con-
sumption, the FPGA with 0.22 watt is superior to the
software solution that consumes 1.8 watt on ARM7
LPC2148. This is in line with the general understand-
ing of FPGAs as power-efficient alternatives to soft-
ware. This is valid even when we compare with the
power consumed by the entire FPGA board (0.64 +
0.22 = 0.88 watt).
In this application, however, we have to consider
the power needed to carry the weight of the FPGA
board. Apparently, this part is significant and it con-
tributes to shortening the flight time by almost 1.5%.
The latter figure is based on the voltage and the ca-
pacity of the battery used in our model. These are 14
volts and 2300 mAh, respectively.
Note, however, that the actual impact on the flight
time should be considered in the light of the required
throughput. The advantage of the software solution
is only valid when 3.2 FPS or less are required. As
stated before, this rate is not sufficient for motion pic-
To determine the power needed to carry the FPGA
we used eCalc which is a commercially available
online tool that provides calculations for electrically
driven remote controlled devices (Mller, ). The ven-
dor states that the calculation accuracy is 10%. eCalc
provides four different tools for RC model calcula-
tion: propeller airplanes, multicopters, ducted fan air-
planes and helicopters. eCalc can be used for free
however with limited capability in terms of supported
models and components as well as provided output
data. For our calculations we used the commercial
edition of eCalc to be as specific as possible in the
data entry.
The paper presented a security analysis for civil mi-
crodrone communication. Based on this analysis
technical solutions were proposed, implemented us-
ing an FPGA platform, and embedded into a self-
constructed quadrotor. The hardware solution shows
Table 2: A HW-SW Comparison of the Image Coding (Encryption and Authentication).
Compared Value Software Hardware Unit
Time needed to encode one JPEG frame 100 14.4 msec
Time needed to encrypte and authenticate one JPEG frame 209.6 1.54 msec
Time needed to encode, encrypt and authenticate one JPEG frame 309.6 15.9 msec
Throughput 3.2 62.8 fps
Measured prone power consumption while hovering 220 223.36 watt
Estimated flight time under maximum possible throughput 9.03 8.89 minute
as expected a clear throughput advantage when com-
pared to a similar software implementation. In con-
trast, the power consumption of the hardware solu-
tion exceeds that of the software alternative due to the
extra weight of the FPGA board. It can be assumed
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crodrones that need to meet security requirements.
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putational power, as a rule, and are expected to fail
to support cryptographic functions. While enhanc-
ing these vehicles with cryptoprocessors can solve the
performance issue, the relative weight of the addi-
tional hardware can significantly worsen the power
consumption of the device and thus its flight time.
The specification and the modeling of this aspect is an
interesting research question that will be addressed in
future work.
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