On the Claim for the Existence of “Adversarial Examples”
in Deep Learning Neural Networks
Costas Neocleous
and Christos N. Schizas
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering,
Cyprus University of Technology, 30 Archbishop Kyprianou Str., 3036, Limassol, Cyprus
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, 1 University Avenue, 2109, Nicosia, Cyprus
Keywords: Deep Neural Networks, Adversarial Examples, Feature Distribution in Neural Networks.
Abstract: A recent article in which it is claimed that adversarial examples exist in deep artificial neural networks
(ANN) is critically examined. The newly discovered properties of ANNs are critically evaluated.
Specifically, we point that adversarial examples can be serious problems in critical applications of pattern
recognition. Also, they may stall the further development of artificial neural networks. We challenge the
absolute existence of these examples, as this has not been universally proven yet. We also suggest that ANN
structures, that correctly recognize adversarial examples, can be developed.
In a recent paper that has been presented by a team
of researchers from Google, Facebook, New York
University and the University of Montreal (Szegedy
et al., 2014) at the 2
International Conference on
Learning Representations in April 2014, two
debatable and counter-intuitive properties of deep
neural networks were claimed. In the authors own
words (hereby quoted in italics), these are (bold
letters indicate the most important points):
CLAIM #1: On the distribution of semantic
…Generally, it seems that it is the entire
space of activations, rather than the
individual units, that contains the bulk of
the semantic information
CLAIM #2: On the existence of adversarial
…we find that applying an imperceptible
non-random perturbation to a test image, it
is possible to arbitrarily change the
network’s prediction. These perturbations
are found by optimizing the input to maximize
the prediction error. We term the so per-
turbed examples “adversarial examples”…
and elswhere,
… we found that adversarial examples are
relatively robust, and are shared by neural
networks with varied number of layers,
activations or trained on different subsets of
the training data. That is, if we use one
neural to generate a set of adversarial
examples, we find that these examples are
still statistically hard for another neural
network even when it was trained with
different hyperparemeters or, most
surprisingly, when it was trained on a
different set of examples.
…Our main result is that for deep neural
networks, the smoothness assumption that
underlies many kernel methods does not hold.
Specifically, we show that by using a simple
optimization procedure, we are able to find
adversarial examples, which are obtained by
imperceptibly small perturbations to a
correctly classified input image, so that it is
no longer classified correctly. This can never
occur with smooth classifiers by their
…The above observations suggest that
adversarial examples are somewhat
universal and not just the results of
overfitting to a particular model or to the
specific selection of the training set.
Neocleous C. and N. Schizas C..
On the Claim for the Existence of “Adversarial Examples” in Deep Learning Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0005152503060309
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications (NCTA-2014), pages 306-309
ISBN: 978-989-758-054-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this position paper we attempt to evaluate and
critically appraise the two claims made by Szegedy
et al., henceforth referred to by the abbreviation
The SZSBEGF2014 researchers used a large, but
not exhaustive, range of different artificial neural
network (ANN) structures to study the properties
they claim that exist. However, all of them were of
feedforward (FF) topology. The structures studied
ranged from simple to complicated ones, such as the
deep NN paradigms (11-layered MLFF network).
They have also done numerous tests on well-
known machine learning databases. Namely, on the
Mixed National Institute of Standards and
Technology database (MNIST) and on the ImageNet
database. They also did simulations on image
samples from YouTube.
Considering their findings, we will present some
supportive and some counter-supportive arguments
to either claim.
The SZSBEGF2014 authors claim that, following
numerous studies on a diverse set of artificial neural
network structures, they had found that “…it seems
that it is the entire space of activations, rather than
the individual units, that contains the bulk of the
semantic information…”.
That is, the various semantic factors are encoded
in a distributive manner in a multitude of artificial
neuronal units rather than in specific single artificial
units (neurons).
This is in contrast to the prevailing theory that
suggests that the activation levels of individual
hidden layer neurons correspond to expressions for a
meaningful feature.
In natural/biological neural networks, it is well
established that different parts of the brain process
different afferent signals. There is a hierarchical
structure, and different modules specialize on
processing specific tasks. Thus, there exists
specificity of function that seems to happen in
modular manner, where groups of neurons, operate
in concerted manners. They process information in a
distributed manner. So, within modules, the
information is distributed and we cannot attribute
specific semantics to specific single neurons.
Based on the previous comments, we propose
that the SZSBEGF2014 claim concerning the
semantic distribution, is correct within the context of
activations of single artificial neurons belonging to a
neural subsystem (module). Different modules
however, can specialize in processing certain
features that are associated to semantic attributes.
It is however difficult, and possibly impossible to
precisely identify the functionality and boundaries of
such modules, and hence the specific attributes they
process. It could be that the distribution properties
that we presume that exist in groups of neurons in a
module, also exist for groups of modules in a larger
It is appropriate to point that the SZSBEGF2014
researchers have done their simulations only on
feed-forward neural structures. But the brain is
highly dynamic, having a vast number of local and
remote feedbacks.
The SZSBEGF2014 researchers claim that they
found blind spots in the process of generalization of
feedforward ANNs. Indeed, they say that by
“…applying an imperceptible non-random
perturbation to a test image, it was possible to
arbitrarily change the network’s prediction…. If
this is universally true, then we have here a case
where the network generalization is deficient.
This hypothesis and the associated claim has
been tested by the SZSBEGF2014 researchers
through the systematic generation of specific images
(cases) that they called "adversarial samples". That
is, even though they were very similar to some other
samples (having imperceptible differences as seen
by a human eye and brain), they were not correctly
Basically, the SZSBEGF2014 researchers
developed an optimization algorithm that, starting
from a correctly classified image, tries to find a
small perturbation of this that drives the output of
the network to a wrong classification. The
phenomenon is a case where starting from slightly
different initial conditions, the network gives a
diverse output.
If this is true, we have a serious situation where
feedforward network classifications, and more
specifically the deep neural network paradigms, fail
to generalize. They lead to false classifications, and
thus – for crucial applications – may result to severe
repercussions, that may even lead to human deaths.
It is pointed here that such phenomena have been
well established in engineering and science, as for
example in some dynamic-chaotic systems that are
highly sensitive to initial conditions. In these, a
small perturbation of the initial conditions could
drive the system to totally different extremes
As pointed, this second claim is a counter-
generalization observation, which may have a
profound negative impact on the development of
ANNs, especially for critical applications such as in
critical medical diagnostic and other systems such as
in autonomous/driverless cars and other vehicles, in
crucial google glass applications, in salvage
operations, in critical/sensitive military applications,
Here are some more specific examples that may
make one think twice before relying on feedforward
ANNs for decisions:
A self-driving/autonomous car that uses an
ANN (e.g. deep neural network) does not
recognize a human standing in front of the
car. It may interpret the road as clear,
resulting in highly risky and dangerous
situations for pedestrians.
An ANN that is used in a critical medical
diagnostic operation that misclassifies as a
false positive a specific cancer image or
medical signal.
An ANN that is used in military operations
and misclassifies a building as having
terrorists that should be bombed!
A prisoner convicted to death penalty, where
the realization of this verdict depends on
his/her IQ being above a certain threshold,
which had been wrongly established by an
ANN (e.g. case of Ted Herring in Florida
State, USA).
An interesting issue that comes to mind is
whether such “blind spots” also exist in biological
neural networks. We know that certain blind spots
(static or dynamic) have been observed, e.g. the
attentional blink (Marois et al. 2000; Neokleous et al
2009). This occurs in a large number of individuals.
That is, it has a high statistical significance, but it is
not universal. That is, we may speculate that some
biological neural networks express a uniformly blind
Even though, for most people, the brain has an
impressive capacity to recognize images in diverse
orientations, lighting conditions, deformations,
modifications, perturbations etc., may occasionally
make wrong classifications, generalizations,
interpretations. It can even properly identify words
in the well-known Cambridge University
observation, popularized by the following extract:
“The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid,
aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod
are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat
ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl
mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe”.
If it is a fact that the biological brains may
misclassify, misinterpret, miscalculate and
misunderstand, then this creates numerous legal,
ethical, and philosophical questions.
Concerning the claim for the existence of
adversarial examples, we suggest the following
a) This is a premature claim. The
SZSBEGF2014 researchers have tested a
large number of ANN structures, but they
were all of feedforward topology. They did
not say whether they have also tested
recurrent structures (dense or sparse). How
could we know whether similar behavior
occurs in artificial neural structures that
have recurrences? We know, for instance
that biological neural networks, and more
profoundly the human brain, are highly
recurrent structures. Thus, more
investigation into this issue is needed.
b) Even though one can conduct extensive
simulations on diverse networks, there will
still be gray areas, unless one manages to
prove in a coherent - preferably
mathematical formalism - that the blind
spots are universal to all network structures.
So, here is a new research field for
exceptional theoreticians!
c) Considering the cases of blind spots in
biological neural recognizing systems such
as the human brain, one can observe that
these blind spots are not universal. Indeed,
one can find human brains that correctly
identify images that they were erroneously
mislabeled by a large population. Thus,
there may be ANNs that can correctly
identify adversarial examples. It is rather a
matter of finding these networks.
In any case, as it is, it should make us very
cautious in building critical applications in which
ANNs are embedded, e.g. in medical diagnostic
systems for critical diseases.
Indeed, this issue may hold back the development
and application of ANNs, analogous to the Minsky
and Papert effect that held back developments back
in the 1960s.
Adversarial examples, if exist in a universal and
absolute manner, can be serious problems in critical
applications of pattern recognition. They may also
stall the further development of artificial neural
networks. However, their absolute existence has not
been proven. Nor have they been verified in
recurrent neural structures. We believe that
appropriate ANN structures that correctly recognize
adversarial examples, can be found, developed and
The Cyprus University of Technology.
The University of Cyprus.
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Minsky M., Papert S., 1972, Perceptrons: An Introduction
to Computational Geometry, (2nd edition with
corrections, first edition 1969), The MIT Press,
Cambridge MA.
Neokleous K., Avraamides M., Neocleous C., Schizas C.,
2009. A neural network model of the attentional blink
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