Russian Sub-Word Based Speech Recognition Using
Pocketsphinx Engine
Sergey Zablotskiy and Maxim Sidorov
Institute of Communications Engineering, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany
Russian, LVCSR, Sub-words.
Russian is a synthetic language with a large morpheme-per-word ratio and highly inflective nature. These
two peculiarities increase the lexicon size for Russian automatic speech recognition (ASR) by tens of times in
comparison to that for English covering the same out-of-vocabulary (OOV) rate. The employment of sub-word
units is a widely spread state-of-the-art approach to reduce the abundant lexicon and lower the perplexity (PP)
of the language model. The choice of sub-word units affects the accuracy of the entire speech recognition
system, its performance as well as the complexity of the spoken phrase synthesis. Here, different recognition
units are investigated using pocketsphinx-engine while recognizing the vocabulary of several million word
forms. A designed text normalization approach is also briefly presented. This rule-based algorithm allows
keeping diverse Russian abbreviations and numerals in the language model (LM) and avoiding the statistics
distortion. The approach is directly applicable and useful for Russian text-to-speech translation as well.
Similarly to the other Slavic languages Russian is
highly inflective with a large morpheme-per-word ra-
tio. Five basic parts of Russian speech (a noun, a
verb, an adjective, a numeral and a pronoun) are in-
flected according to different grammatical categories:
6 cases, 3 genders, etc. There are no articles or aux-
iliary words at all. Each word has its own meaning.
All the grammatical information is embedded into the
word itself by the use of grammatical affixes. For
example, “oni prygajut (they jump), “oni prygali
(they were jumping), “on prygnut (they will jump),
“oni prygnuli (they have jumped). A lot of various
prefixes form different meaning nuances of one ba-
sic word. For instance, “on igral” (He was playing),
“on doigral” (He has stopped playing), “on vyigral”
(He has won), “on proigral” (He has lost) and many
The above mentioned language peculiarities re-
sult in an abundance of word forms. For example,
the verb “delat”’(to do) has more than 100 differently
spelt word forms. The vocabulary of 2.3 million word
forms used in this study corresponds to 130 thousand
lemmas only.
Up-to-date non-server ASR systems handle the
lexicon size of several hundred thousand words, if the
real time factor (RTF) is expected to be less than 1
using a standard PC. Such an abundant Russian lexi-
con sophisticates the employment of the full-word N-
gram approach owing to the excessively large compu-
tational time and the necessity of huge statistical data
collection. A significantly larger amount of textual
data is also required due to the very relaxed word or-
der constraints in Russian. Even the subject and pred-
icate have no predefined position in the sentence or
may be omitted completely in a grammatically cor-
rect sentence. Although, some word permutations are
meaningless or do not sound naturally.
There are different approaches in literature ad-
dressing the same problem for Russian and other
highly inflective or agglutinative languages. The
common way to reduce the lexicon is the employment
of sub-word units. In (Byrne et al., 2000; Arsoy et al.,
2009; Karpov et al., 2011) morphemes are used as
the smallest linguistic components having a semantic
meaning. The syllables (Xu et al., 1996; Shaik et al.,
2011) are often chosen from the speech production
point of view. Different statistically derived units and
units appended by their pronunciation are exploited as
well (Shaik et al., 2011). In some cases the algorithms
are even able to recognize the OOV-words as the com-
bination of sub-words (Bisani and Ney, 2005). Each
type of unit has its own advantages and drawbacks.
For Russian and many other languages the number of
syllables is significantly smaller than number of mor-
Zablotskiy S. and Sidorov M..
Russian Sub-Word Based Speech Recognition Using Pocketsphinx Engine.
DOI: 10.5220/0005148008400844
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ASAAHMI-2014), pages 840-844
ISBN: 978-989-758-040-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
phemes for the same full-word dictionary. However,
the major challenge and the source of SR errors is the
word synthesis out of recognized syllables, since they
are mostly smaller in size.
To make the choice of proper Russian sub-words
easier, the comprehensive comparison of different
units is presented in this paper from the SR perspec-
tive. All experiments are conducted under the same
conditions for comparison to be fair.
We also briefly describe here data used for acous-
tic (AM) and language modeling. A special issue
is the preprocessing of texts. Particularly, the han-
dling of abbreviations, Arabic and Roman numerals,
is worth noting, since their inflection mostly depends
on the context and grammar and is not the trivial task
for Russian.
Since the basic idea of this study is a fair compar-
ison of different sub-word LMs, all the phonemes
(senones) were trained only once. The same set of
phonemes and corresponding HMMs were used in
each experiment for all sub-word units. Pronuncia-
tion dictionaries were built in a way, that the pho-
netic transcriptions of concatenated sub-words coin-
cide with the corresponding full-word transcriptions.
That was done by modifying a grapheme-to-phoneme
converter provided by the Laboratory for Speech and
Multimodal Interfaces of Russian Academy of Sci-
ences (Kipyatkova and Karpov, 2009). The tool ap-
plies around 100 phonetic rules and requires two
dictionaries: an emphasis dictionary and a ”jo”-
dictionary. The former is essential, since stressed
vowels are differently pronounced (e.g. letter ”o” is
spellt as phoneme ”o!” if emphasised and phoneme
”a” otherwise). Stressed vowels often alter the neigh-
bouring sounds as well. The latter dictionary is re-
quired, since in written Russian letters ”jo” are usu-
ally replaced by ”je” causing pronunciation ambigu-
The ISABASE-2 (Bogdanov et al., 2003) corpus
used in our work is one of the largest high-quality read
speech corpora for Russian.
The lexical material of the speech database con-
sists of 3 non-intersecting sets:
R-set: 70 sentences chosen by linguists to cover
all phonemes at least three times.
B-set: 3060 sentences for training.
T-set: 1000 sentences for testing.
The sets B and T were chosen from newspaper ar-
ticles and internet pages of different domains. Some
sentences were taken without adaptation while some
of them were pruned in order to be mostly no longer
than 10 words. The result sets provide the sufficient
allophone coverage.
Sentences from the sets R and B were spoken by
100 speakers: 50 male and 50 female. Each speaker
has uttered all 70 sentences from R-set and 180 sen-
tences from B-set. For any two speakers B-subsets
either coincide or do not intersect at all. Therefore,
each sentence from the R-set was spoken by all 100
speakers and each sentence from the B-set was pro-
nounced by several male and female persons.
The test set was uttered by other 10 speakers: 5
male and 5 female. Each of them read 100 unique
sentences from the T-set.
All speakers were non-professional speakers liv-
ing in Moscow and having mostly the Moscow pro-
nunciation type.
Every utterance is presented as a separate Wav-file
(22050 Hz, 16 bit) along with its information file. The
information file includes the following:
Speaker personal information: sex, age, educa-
tion, place of birth and residence, etc.;
Textual transcription of the utterance;
Expected phonetic transcription;
Data from experts (phoneticians): actual utterance
transcription and estimation of the speaker’s ac-
cent type.
The total duration of speech is more than 34 hours
including 70 minutes of the development and test ma-
For acoustic modelling the sphinxtrain (Carnegie
Mellon University, 2012) tool was utilized. Features,
extracted from an acoustic signal are 13 MFCCs, their
first and second derivatives. 40 Mel-filters were ap-
plied in the frequency range from 130 till 6800 Hz.
20 different AMs were trained on the whole training
set and tested on the development set to find the op-
timum number of senones (tied states of triphones)
and Gaussian mixture components. The best found
parameters for Russian AM are 2000 senones and 16
Gaussians in one mixture.
The phoneme set consists of 48 sounds: 1 silence
phoneme, 18 plain and 18 palatalized consonants, 6
stressed and 5 unstressed vowels (unstressed ”o” does
not exist).
The largest available digital text sources are usually
scanned or typed books, newspaper archives and in-
ternet articles. The most of texts, especially from
newspapers, comprise a lot of abbreviations and num-
bers. For less inflective languages it does not pose any
challenge and they can be easily substituted by full
words performing some minor grammatical adapta-
tion. For Russian this substitution turns into a multi-
step procedure involving morphological and syntacti-
cal knowledge. Such sentences could be simply omit-
ted, like it is often done for Russian SR. Unfortu-
nately, this leads to the undesired statistics falsifica-
tion and the model poorly represents almost all the
numbers and abbreviations in diverse contexts.
The algorithm of the text pre-processing (Zablot-
skiy et al., 2011b) was implemented by the authors as
a single Perl-script invoking the morphological tool
“mystem” (Segalovich, 2003) which is even able to
estimate precisely enough morphological properties
of words absent in its dictionary. At the moment of
writing the script consisted of 14 thousand lines of
very compressed scripting language code. Two real
examples taken from the script’s log-file are presented
in Fig 1.
Arabic Numerals
Old: V predelah 1,5 tys. t.
New: V predelah pol utor a tysjach tonn
(no more than 1,5 thousand tonn)
Arabic Numerals
Old: Na 1,5 tys. t.
New: Na poltor y tysjach i tonn
(for 1,5 thousand tonn)
Figure 1: Automaitic number-to-text transcription.
The algorithm was applied for the texts of Maxim
Moshkov’s library (Moshkov, 2012) and the archive
of “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” newspaper (
It takes about 12 hours to process 1Gb of plain texts
on a single Intel
2 Duo PC. The result texts
were processed by the SRILM toolkit (A. Stolcke and
Abrash, 2011) to estimate the back-off 3-gram LMs.
Two smoothing techniques (Good-Turing discounting
with Katz back-off smoothing (Chen and Goodman,
1998) and Kneser-Ney smoothing (Kneser and Ney,
1995)) were applied resulting in different WER (up to
2% absolute difference) on the same development set
using same AMs. Therefore, due to the limitation of
space, final results in Table 1are only shown for the
smoothing techniques which correspond to the better
performance on the development set. Mostly it is the
Kneser-Ney smoothing.
The recognition of sub-word units was performed by
the pocketsphinx recognizer (Carnegie Mellon Uni-
versity, 2012). All the possible conditions for dif-
ferent sets were unified to make the honest compari-
son. The number of sub-words is determined by split-
ting of the available phonetic dictionary (2.3M word
forms). This implies, that all the built systems are
able to recognize the words from this lexicon. How-
ever, due to the different size of units, the systems
may recognize different number of OOV words. In
Table 1 the recognition results for development and
test set are presented.
Table 1: Speech recognition results for various LMs.
LM, Lex. OOV
type size (%) (%) (%)
Development set
SylBE 36k 0 31 21.9 68.4
SylE 32k 0 33 22.6 67.9
MrphPA 193k 0.04 118 26.8 55.9
MrphA 217k 0.11 149 47.4 89.7
MrphS 397k 0 166 51 88.9
Test set
SylBE 36k 0 31 25.4 74.7
SylE 32k 0 33 26.7 74.4
MrphPA 193k 0.06 118 32.9 64.7
MrphA 217k 0.09 149 51.9 92.1
MrphS 397k 0 166 53.6 95.6
Here, the following abbreviations are used. SylE
- is the syllable LM with the words’ last syllables
marked by e”. Since the number of syllables in Rus-
sian words is large on average and a 3-gram LM is
used, the SylBE model is tested as well. The only dif-
ference to the previous LM is the presence of marker
b” appended to the words’ first syllables. MrphA
and MrphPA are morpheme LMs which morphemes
were determined according to a morphological dic-
tionary. MrphPA is a ”prefix+stem+affix” model, Mr-
phA has only affix markers. MrphS is a pseudo-
morpheme LM which lexicon consists of sub-words
extracted by the Morphessor tool (Creutz and Lagus,
2005). 86% of words were split into 2 parts only.
However, a lot of words were divided into the larger
number of parts (up to 7). No changes were applied to
the default settings of Morphessor and corresponding
morpheme division. SWER stands for the sub-word
ER. The RTF for syllable LMs is 0.58, for morpheme
LMs - 0.45 and for MrphS LM - 0.49.
As can be seen, the best sub-word recognition ac-
curacy was achieved for syllable LMs, since the lexi-
con size is relatively small and each Russian syllable
consists obligatory of one vowel which usually pro-
nounced longer and is easier to recognize. However,
after straight-forward word synthesis the ”base+affix”
MrphA LM turns to be the best choice for very large
vocabulary Russian ASR despite of high perplexity
(PP). It’s also worth mentioning, that OOV-rate on the
development and test sets was non-zero for morpheme
LMs only. Other LMs were able to find the appropri-
ate sub-word units to cover the unknown words. In-
teresting result is that the inclusion of prefixes into
the morpheme LM decreases dramatically the recog-
nition accuracy. This is explained by the small size of
prefixes on average and by the fact, that lots of Rus-
sian prefixes do not include vowel sounds. The same
explanation is valid for MrphS LM: the vast amount
of small sub-words without vowels in the model.
In this study different sub-word LMs were compared.
The language and acoustic training were conducted
under the same conditions, using the same textual and
speech material. The ”stem+affix” morpheme model
outperformed significantly other LMs being an opti-
mum trade-off between the number of sub-words and
their size. Relatively low recognition accuracy is ex-
plained by the highly inflective nature of Russian and
conforms with the results of other state-of-the-art re-
search for Russian SR (Karpov et al., 2011). The
word forms of one lemma in Russian sound often very
similar making them hard to distinguish even for a
human listener. Quite relaxed word order constraints
complicates the statistical modeling of word inflec-
The graphone LMs (Shaik et al., 2011) were
not investigated in this study. However, they could
achieve the better recognition accuracy for Russian
and should be tested in the future. As shown in (El-
Desoky et al., 2009) it is better for sub-word LM to
not decompose the N most frequent words. In our ex-
periments all the decomposable words were split into
parts that resulted in the low WER but this was done
on purpose to compare the LMs under similar condi-
As shown in our previous work (Zablotskiy et al.,
2011a), it is possible to concatenate the sub-words
even without any markers using the genetic global
search algorithm capable to correct some SR errors.
However, for this algorithm to work the relatively
small SWERs are required. From this perspective, the
syllable LM is the most suitable for Russian LVCSR.
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