A Computational Model for Simulation of Moral Behavior
Fernanda M. Eliott and Carlos H. C. Ribeiro
Informatics, Technological Institute of Aeronautics,
Prac¸a Marechal Eduardo Gomes, S
ao Jos
e dos Campos, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Biologically Inspired Architecture, Artificial Moral Machine, Reinforcement Learning.
The extension of our integration to technologies brings about the possibility of inserting moral prototypes
into artificial agents, no matter if they are going to interact with other artificial agents or biological creatures.
We describe here MultiA, a computational model for simulating moral behavior derived from changes over a
biologically inspired architecture. MultiA uses reinforcement learning techniques and is intended to produce
selective cooperative behavior as a consequence of a biologically plausible model of morality inspired from
a perusal of empathy. MultiA has its sensorial information translated into emotions and homeostatic variable
values, which feed cognitive and learning systems. The moral behavior is expected to emerge from the artificial
social emotion of sympathy and its associated feeling of empathy, based on an ability to internally emulate
other agents internal states.
How to design an autonomous artificial agent able to
socially interact and deal with conflicting tasks that
require emotional guidance to be solved? A com-
putational agent that incorporates artificial emotional
and moral intelligences can lead to ways of producing
consensual action between artificial creatures or both
biological and artificial ones. And then, if we succeed
in developing an artificial moral agent (AMA), would
it be more useful the guidance from an immoral or
moral behavior? In this work, we intend to develop an
architecture that rudimentarily mimics moral behav-
ior (through a simulation of empathy) and test it in a
testbed cooperative game(Wang et al., 2011). Our hy-
potheses are a) if a moral or immoral agent can work
better within an artificial group, and b) if a hybrid
agent that can trigger both moral and immoral behav-
ior might autonomously activate more easily moral
action policies with biological creatures, and immoral
actions otherwise. An artificial agent able to simu-
late a moral behavior may be important in general
social or domestic assignments, e.g. taking the role
of monitoring highly dangerous criminals, people in
quarantine or in other situations, where there are so-
cial dilemmas to deal with. Moreover, the artificial
empathy from a moral system could be used as a re-
source in argumentation-based negotiation in multi-
agent systems (MAS), likewise, it might be useful to
improve the responses to general MAS issues stressed
by (Wooldridge, 2009), such as how to bring up co-
operation in societies of self-centered agents; how
to recognize a conflict and then encounter an agree-
ment; or, as highlighted by (Matignon et al., 2012),
the challenges to coordinate the agents activities in
order to cooperatively conquer goals. In (Dam
1994) there is an explanation of the crucial involve-
ment of emotions during the process of intelligent de-
cision making. Also, through the Somatic Marker Hy-
pothesis, emotion participation in filtering data and
awakening our attention to what matters the most is
stressed. Putting forward the vital role of emotion and
feelings in rational decisions, social emotions such
as sympathy (and its associated feeling of empathy)
are described as taking into account social interac-
tion and homeostatic goals (Dam
asio, 2004). Just as
emotions and feelings aid human being in taking fast
and intelligent decision spending less time and reduc-
ing the computational burden (Dam
asio, 1994), the
simulation of moral behavior (through the embodi-
ment of social emotions and feelings) might produce
relevant results to the computational process of deci-
sion making. In case an artificial computational agent
somehow succeeds in estimating the state of another
agent and acts in response to it, the outcome may
be advantageous. Gadanho (Gadanho, 1999) pro-
posed a bioinspired behavior-based architecture fed
by basic robotic sensor data (obstacle proximity and
light intensity) in the context of a single agent. The
data is translated into sensations, feelings and basic
M. Eliott F. and H. C. Ribeiro C..
A Computational Model for Simulation of Moral Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0005139002820287
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications (NCTA-2014), pages 282-287
ISBN: 978-989-758-054-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
emotions, which represent homeostatic goals that the
agent is supposed to learn to keep above a minimum
level. Influenced by (Dam
asio, 1994), the bioinspired
design of (Gadanho, 1999) includes a simulation of
the Somatic Marker Hypothesis: it helps determin-
ing when learning should take place and if the behav-
ior selection should be reevaluated as new sensations
take place. The architecture was further improved
in (Gadanho, 2002), and finally in (Gadanho and
odio, 2002), (Gadanho, 2003) it received a cog-
nitive system and the acronym ALEC (Asynchronous
Learning by Emotion and Cognition). ALEC inher-
its the biological inspiration from the previous archi-
tecture plus the influence of Clarion (Sun, 1998), an
architecture to model cognitive processes through a
psychological perspective.
Our proposed model uses ALEC as a starting
point, but changes it for simulating moral behavior in
MAS tasks. It will be outfitted with the artificial feel-
ing of empathy the sensitivity to the situation of an-
other agent through a system responsible for sim-
ulating, to a minor degree, mirror-neurons (Dam
2004). The model is called MultiA since it was in-
spired by the ALEC architecture, and will be tested in
the context of more than one agent. We expect that,
by responding to the feeling of empathy, MultiA shall
be capable of producing artificial moral behavior and
choosing cooperative action policies.
1.1 Related Work
According to (Wallach and Allen, 2008) Artificial
Moral Agents (AMAs) require the ability to ponder
diverse options and perspectives to properly perform
under the human moral setting. It is mentioned the ex-
pectation about AMAs not deforming the moral ecol-
ogy and, although that could be a delusive hope, it
would be relevant to add moral freedom to the de-
sign of AMAs, whether or not it is consistent with de-
terminism (even there, ethic behavior would concede
choices with an unpredictable ending). The apprehen-
sion about AMAs behaving negatively is also present
in (Bringsjord et al., 2006), where it is regarded that
deontic logic, thanks to its possibility of formalizing
a moral code, allows the script of theories and dilem-
mas in a declarative mode. That could enable spe-
cialists to analyze and restrict behavior in ethically
sensitive environments, adding matter to the debate
about Lethal Autonomous Systems, as pointed out in
reflections by (Arkin, 2013) and (Asaro, 2012). In
(Bello and Bringsjord, 2012), there is a concern about
including restrictive commands on the machine, and
that those should be related to the moral human cog-
nition. Also, the moral common sense is highlighted
and presented in a modified model (the original is in
(Bello et al., 2007)) of mindreading. From the results,
it is concluded that AMAs need to have something
that resembles a common moral sense to productively
interact with humans.
Computational simulation of moral has also been
considered. To exemplify, we mention three mod-
els. First, the LIDA Model (Wallach, 2010) (Wal-
lach et al., 2010), influenced by the Global Workspace
Theory (GWT) and by the Pandemonium Theory
(Jackson, 1987) for the automation of action selec-
tion. An AMA under LIDA would be designed to be
a practical solution to a practical problem: how to take
into account the maximum possible ethically relevant
information within the time available for selecting an
action. The ETHEL Model (Anderson and Anderson,
2011), whose application field is related to prima fa-
cie duties, was implemented and tested within the no-
tification context: an analysis of when, how often, and
whether to run a notification about a medicine to a
particular patient. Finally, in order to reflect about the
Moral Theory vis-
a-vis the conflict Generalism ver-
sus Particularism, Guarini (Guarini, 2006), (Guarini,
2012) draws insights from (Dancy, 2010): if the moral
reasoning, including learning, could be done without
the use of moral principles. If so, models of artificial
neural networks (ANN) could provide indications of
how to do it, given the fact that ANNs would be able
to generalize new cases from those previously learned
- and do it without principles of any kind. Thereby,
ANNs are modeled to classify and reclassify cases
with a moral purport, being the output (acceptable
or not) an answer to moral dilemmas attached to the
questions kill or let die. According to the author, the
results suggested that the classification of non-trivial
cases from the absence of queries about moral princi-
ples would be more plausible than might be supposed
at first sight, although important limitations suggested
the need of principles. Regarding a reclassification,
which would be an important part of the reasoning
in humans, simulations indicated the need for moral
principles. Both (Wallach et al., 2010) and (Guarini,
2006) underline the value of the Theory of Mind and
cognition into the subject of morality.
1.2 Background
The simulation of moral behavior provided by arti-
ficial emotions and feelings may, as in humans, aid
a computational system to take faster and more in-
telligent decisions, or may prove itself important to
prevent the execution of undesirable actions and for
finding an agreement during the process of decision
making in MAS environments.
Our purpose is to develop an architecture able
to simulate moral behavior during social interaction.
Regarding the exercise of empathy, individuals are di-
vided into three groups: moral, immoral and amoral.
Unpretentiously but in a simple approach, the formers
have the social feeling of empathy properly function-
ing; and the immoral perform actions that somehow
hurt the established moral code of his/her community.
The latter can be interpreted as moral or immoral, de-
pending on his/her social behavior. The amoral is
thus characterized by absence of a mechanism that al-
lows the individual to put himself/herself in the place
of the other, and be sympathetic to his/her circum-
stances. We stress that there is neurophysiological ba-
sis for this classification: according to (Kandel et al.,
2000) the lateral orbitofrontal cortex seems to partici-
pate in mediating empathetic and socially appropriate
responses, thus damage to this area would be associ-
ated with failure to respond to social cues and produce
lack of empathy. The mechanism that allows the ex-
istence of empathy is described in (Dam
asio, 2004)
through the cognitive perspective but, as in (Proctor
et al., 2013) and (De Waal, 2009), on the account of
the emotional standpoint.
In (Dam
asio, 2004) there is the consideration that
the brain can internally simulate certain emotional
states, establishing a ground for emotionally possi-
ble outcomes and emotion-mediated decision making.
There is also the thought that internal simulation takes
place during the process along which sympathy emo-
tion turns into the feeling of empathy. Regarding the
social interaction, this is produced via mirror-neurons
that can, for example, make our brain internally simu-
late the movement that others do while in our field of
vision. That kind of simulation would allow us to pre-
dict the movements that would be necessary to estab-
lish communication with the other, which will have
its movements mirrored. Finally, the internal simula-
tion about our own body could be as well related to
the mirror-neurons. Mirror-neurons were discovered
in the premotor cortex area of macaque monkeys by
(Di Pellegrino et al., 1992), (Rizzolatti et al., 1996).
In (Gallese and Goldman, 1998) there is a reflection
regarding the human aptitude of simulating the men-
tal states from others, and thus understanding their be-
havior, assigning to them intentions, goals or beliefs.
It is suggested that what might have evolved to such a
capacity is an action execution/observation matching
system; also, that a class of mirror neurons would play
its role on that. Moreover, a possible activity of the
mirror-neurons would be to promote learning by im-
itation. It is stressed that there is now the agreement
that all normal humans develop the capacity of repre-
senting mental states from others (the system repre-
sentation oftentimes receives the name folk psychol-
ogy). Finally, there is the consideration that fitness
could be availed from such ability, as detecting an-
other agents goals and inner states can help the ob-
server to predict the other future actions, which can
be cooperative or not, or even threatening.
To summarize, the social emotion of sympathy
feeds the feeling of empathy. But the social emo-
tions benefit from the internal simulation improved
by mirror-neurons that internally mirror the situation
of the other. A possible activity of the mirror neurons
could be promoting learning by imitation. The feeling
of empathy will be less or more intense depending on
the importance of a particular other agent (Dam
2004). Our research and corresponding premises are
being guided by the differentiation of three types of
agents regarding the feeling of empathy: the moral,
immoral and amoral. The three will have different ac-
tion policies, as their social interactions will be guided
by a model that tries to simulate a pattern of morality.
The moral tries not to take advantage from the others;
more than that, tries to cooperate even if that is a good
option only to the other; the immoral takes advantage
from the others more easily and cooperates less often.
The amoral imitates the social behavior of the others.
According to (Dam
asio, 2004) we seek to maintain
negative emotions in low levels and, the positive ones
in high levels. So the purpose of homeostasis would
be to product a state of life better than neutral, to ac-
complish what we identify as well-being. MultiA will
establish its preferences considering its own and peers
well-beings (WB). Dam
asio (Dam
asio, 2004) defined
social emotions using the concept of moral emotions
by (Haidt, 2003), we will do the same while design-
ing the artificial emotions. (Haidt, 2003) explains
emotions as responses to a class of events perceived
and understood by the self and so the emotions usu-
ally provoke tendencies of actions. It is particularly
important to differentiate social emotions from other
emotions: social emotions trigger action tendencies
during situations that did not represent direct harm
or benefit to the self (disinterested action tendencies),
other emotions are more self-centered. Notwithstand-
ing, (Haidt, 2003) also points out that all social emo-
tions are likely to indirectly benefit the self.
The general scheme of MultiA is illustrated in Fig-
ure 1. It is composed by four systems: Perceptive
System (PS), Cognitive System (CS), Learning Sys-
tem (LS) and Decision System (DS). The PS receives
from the environment the current number of neigh-
bors; the reinforcement from the interaction with a
neighbor; and an identifying index of the neighbor.
It then updates its artificial sensations, emotions and
feelings. The CS helps that operation through pro-
viding past data (memories): a history of the agent’s
action selection and preferences. Beyond that, the
CS updates its ANN (called ANN
), which mimics
a mirror-neuron network, thus internally simulating
the neighbor’s current well-being. Therefore, ANN
plays its role on updating the social emotion of sym-
pathy that will feed the feeling of empathy (from PS).
Finally, the agent’s well-being (WB) will be measured
taking into account its current feelings. Through these
feelings, the WB represents how suitable has been
the action selection, taking into account the agent it-
self but also the utility of the neighbor. The empathy
can be more or less stressed depending on this util-
ity and on the sympathy, both feed the empathy feel-
ing which, on its turn, refeeds the social emotion of
sympathy. The latter is also fed by the output of the
. The LS has one ANN for each action, and uses
the Q-Learning algorithm (Watkins, 1989) to estimate
the utility value for the paired current feelings (in-
put space from PS) and action. Each ANN is trained
according to the outcome driven by the execution of
its corresponding action (Lin, 1993), employing the
agent’s well-being as the target value. Thus, the out-
put (Q-value) from an ANN represents the WB that
will result to the agent if, in response to the current
feelings, the agent selects the action represented by
the ANN. Note that as the empathy feeling will be
part of the input space, learning will contemplate a
WB that takes into account the impact of the agent’s
action to the neighbor. The DS will consider the Q-
values acquired from the LS and choose an action:
during the beginning of a simulation, the LS uses a
high exploration rate for the state-action space.
2.1 Experimental Setting
MultiA will be tested and examined in a task and en-
vironment defined by (Wang et al., 2011), where three
network topologies (lattice, scale-free and small-
world) were used as interaction models for a general-
ized version of the Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD) where a
cascading failure effect (due to multiple agent defec-
tions in opposition to cooperation) takes place, with
the aim of simulating the cascading effect of eco-
nomic crises with multiple bankruptcy, or even disap-
pearance of agents in a short time span. The cascad-
ing effect is obtained trough the elimination of agents
(nodes and its connections), and occurs whenever the
agent does not succeed in getting enough (that is,
above its survival tolerance) cooperative actions from
its neighbors. The higher the profit for defecting in
response to the neighbor’s cooperation, the higher is
the probability of spreading the defection strategy to
the network as the agents have the possibility of im-
itating a random successful neighbor strategy. Thus,
because of the cascading node defection process, the
network structure co-evolves with the interactions of
the agents. Due to the elimination mechanism, coop-
eration would become the optimal strategy and ulti-
mately overcome defecting as successive agent inter-
actions take place. Thus, if not all agents are elimi-
nated, a pure state of cooperation can emerge. (Wang
et al., 2011) conclude that a process of cascading fail-
ure may take place when there are defecting strategies
and vulnerable agents, and their results suggest that
rational agents could survive and make profit through
cooperation, naturally solving the social dilemma of
profit versus cooperation.
The option of imitating a random neighbor action
selection will be available to MultiA through the use
of mirror-neurons that internally simulate the neigh-
bor’s well-being caused by the history of action se-
lection. As our goal is to simulate the emergence of
moral behavior from action selection influenced by
the feeling of empathy, it is important to have hy-
potheses that guide the interpretation of the results.
First of all we must reflect about our main inspira-
tion, the human moral behavior: would the human
be a naturally social creature or that condition would
have emerged only for survival? Would the human
be the Z
oon Politik
on from (Aristotle, 50BC), the
bon sauvage from (Rousseau, 1762), or the human
nature would have the tendency to fear all against
all (Hobbes, 1651)? Relating to the moral behavior,
which would be the human universals? Those ques-
tions relate to the origin or maintenance of moral be-
havior, but one more issue which deserves attention
is about the definition of what could be more ade-
quate to model as an artificial moral behavior - es-
pecially as sometimes what one get is not what one
intended it to be. Would it be more convenient to de-
velop a decision process that tends to something more
like (Machiavelli, 1532) or certain attitudes, indepen-
dently of the finality, would be unacceptable? In face
of the vast quantity of information and uncertainty,
if the action selection of an AMA tend to utilitarian
parameters, would it really produce the greatest pos-
sible good for the greatest number of people (Ben-
tham, 1907)? Still remain doubts about what tenden-
cies should be designed in AMAs. The hypotheses
guiding our research are:
1 What kinds of agents will exist? They will be
designed according to three sets of premises: moral
(MA), immoral(IA) and amoral agents (AA). The MA
Number of
Input: Social
Emotions and
Memory. Output:
simulation of the
well-being of the
neighbor p.
Figure 1: The general scheme of MultiA.
strongly cares about a neighbor, even though that may
bring its own elimination. But it also may defect with
the aim of isolating a constantly defecting neighbor.
IA also care about neighbors, but is concerned with
the profit it can get through social attachment: it will
cooperate mostly with its group of IAs, but can decide
to cooperate with others if it is getting isolated (to pre-
vent complete isolation and elimination). Thus, MA
usually cooperates; IA will cooperate (if so) mostly
with some IA and AA can imitate both.
2 For different kinds of agents, what is the mean-
ing of defection? It can be executed by all of them,
the difference is the goal behind that action: if it is
to make profit (IA and AA); if it belongs to an ex-
ploratory phase (MA; IA and AA); if it is to prevent
elimination (MA; IA and AA) or, even, to eliminate
a neighbor from the group (MA; IA and AA). If the
agent can observe and differentiate its neighbors, it
can learn to respond differently to them and to stop
cooperating with defectors. Both IA and AA will iso-
late defectors more easily than MA. Moreover, AA, in
order to survive and keep neighbors, will mirror MA
and IA according to convenience.
3 Relating to the kind of agent, will it lead to rel-
evant difference to the network structure? As MAs
are naturally cooperative, they are supposed to keep
as neighbors IA and AA. Therefore, the final popula-
tion of a moral majority will contemplate a reasonable
number of IAs and AAs. Accordingly, IA, in a soci-
ety of immoral agents, will easily isolate a defecting
neighbor by not caring about it (elimination) and only
about the advantage, if any, of maintaining the neigh-
borhood. Thus, the final population will remain with
a large proportion of cooperative immoral agents, as
the defecting IA will be easily excluded. As the AAs
will imitate a neighbor, they will add uncertainty as
they change strategy.
4 What would we expect from artificial empathy?
Would it be convenient to develop a decision process
that tends to something Machiavellian? If the action
selection of one AMA tend to utilitarian parameters,
would it really lead to the better good for all? What
is best: to maintain a defecting neighbor in order to
not lose it or just eliminate it? Should the AMA be
morally hybrid: immoral towards agents that fail or
delay the task and moral while interacting with living
creatures? As an example, consider artificial agents
having to coordinate activities and priorities in order
to formulate a traveling plan for a human or complete
the task of finding an object in a certain environment,
if one agent from the group stops working or fails, it
might be better to isolate it from the group. This is
a cut off the artificial empathy feeling about that one
agent, so the agent that simulates moral behavior will
have the tendency to cooperate but, if it is required, it
could also act in a different direction.
From the biological basis provided by (Dam
2004), our purpose is to modify ALEC (Gadanho,
2003) to obtain a rudimentary AMA, called MultiA
architecture. Morality will emerge from the action
selection policy (cooperate or defect). The tempta-
tion to defect will have different impact on the agent’s
goals according to its feeling of empathy and the sim-
ulation of mirrors-neurons (supposed to give as out-
put the well-being of the other). On the experimental
setup, defection will represent a way of getting profit
but, also, of isolating someone from the group. Sub-
sequent to the conclusion of the design of MultiA we
consider as future work bringing reputation (Brigatti,
2008) as an influential aspect for moral behavior.
The authors thank CNPQ and FAPESP for the finan-
cial support.
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