Supply Chains Modelling and Simulation Framework
Graph-Driven Approach using Ontology-based Semantic Networks and Graph
Mahmoud Elbattah and Owen Molloy
National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Successful supply chains management has become a
factor for enterprises to achieve and maintain their
competitive advantage. The increasing complexity and
agility of supply chains are sustainably growing
challenges. Simulation provides advantages over
traditional analytical methods in planning and
optimisation of supply chains. This paper presents a
comprehensive framework for the modelling and
simulation of supply chains. A graph-driven
methodology is adopted considering supply chains as
"Big Graphs". The research will utilise semantic
networks, and develop a supply chain ontology to
construct semantic-based models of supply chains. The
framework proposes the use of graph databases for
storing and maintaining complex supply chain models
and ontologies. Furthermore, the framework will
provide automatic generation of simulation models to
help non-simulation experts. The applicability and
validity of the proposed framework will be
investigated within a case study of healthcare supply
chains, during which a specific ontology for healthcare
supply chains will be produced as well.
The research can still be considered in an early stage.
The initial steps included conducting a thorough
literature review concerning: i) Conceptual modelling
of supply chains, ii) Supply chain simulation tools and
iii) Supply chain ontology. Based on the limitations
and gaps exposed in the literature, the paper proposes
a framework for the conceptual modelling and
simulation of supply chains.
The proposed framework aims at the following:
Providing a semantic-based modelling method
for supply chains that is capable of capturing
and describing supply chain knowledge.
Developing generic ontology for supply chains
based on the SCOR reference model.
Developing specific ontology for healthcare
supply chains.
Investigation of the potential advantages of
using graph databases for capturing and
maintaining the knowledge of supply chain
Investigation of the flexibility and scalability
provided by graph database in case of building
complex large-scale supply chain models.
Automatic generation of simulation models
based on high-level conceptual models to help
non-simulation experts easily run and modify
simulation experiments using one of the state-
of-the-art simulation software.
Inspecting the applicability and validity of the
proposed framework in a dynamic industry,
particularly a healthcare supply chain.
The complexity of supply chains continues to grow
due to collaborative planning and connections among
supply network participants. In addition, supply chains
are required to be responsive, agile, lean, scalable, and
flexible with respect to uncertain information.
Simulation is being more and more accepted to be
an important part of the analysis and optimisation
practice of supply chains management. However,
building simulation models for supply chains involves
many challenges.
Firstly, the difficulty of conceptual modelling of
supply chains, involving an abstraction process, used
to capture the essence of a real system into a
simulation model. The literature lacks a common
modelling methodology that can help describe details
of a supply chain and capture essential elements and
Elbattah M. and Molloy O..
Supply Chains Modelling and Simulation Framework - Graph-Driven Approach using Ontology-based Semantic Networks and Graph Database.
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
relationships as well as their dynamics. The need for
such methodology has been acknowledged by
(Gunasekaran, Macbeth, 2000), (Jain, Workman,
Collins and Ervin, 2001), (Min and Zhou, 2002),
(Gunasekaran, 2004) and (Zee, 2005).
Secondly, the shareability of supply chain models
has become an inevitable demand since the model can
be developed and shared across a network of various
and distant participants. Standard supply chain
ontology can help sharing models. However, the
literature lacks what can be considered as a standard
ontology for supply chains, especially for specific
industries like healthcare or perishable goods.
Thirdly, the majority of the simulation tools
produced by academia and industry for supply chains
were mostly designed for simulation experts. Auto-
generated simulation models can be considered as a
more realistic demand due to the highly increasing
complexity of supply chain models, which implies
more time and costs to build simulation models.
Finally, the scalability of supply chain models is a
considerable need, especially for rapidly growing
supply chains. The majority of existing systems rely
on XML to store supply chain models. Although XML
has acknowledged advantages for information inter-
changeability, document-oriented techniques might not
help with model scalability according to (Chatfield,
2009), especially for more complex and large-scale
supply chains.
Since the advent of supply chain management, both
academia and industry have presented a significant
amount of studies and tools for the modelling and
simulation of supply chains. This section reviews the
literature concerning the following areas:
The conceptual modelling methodologies of
supply chains.
The simulation tools of supply chains.
The presented endeavours for identifying supply
chain ontology.
4.1 Supply Chain Conceptual Models
First, the SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference
Model) model, which can be regarded as one of the
most widely accepted reference models for supply
chains. SCOR has been developed and being
maintained by the Supply Chain Council (SCC) Inc.
The SCOR model has been developed to describe the
business activities associated with all phases of
satisfying a customer's demand. The model contains
several sections and is organized around six primary
management processes: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver,
Return and Enable, as shown in Figure 1. (Supply
Chain Council, 2012)
Figure 1: The six major management processes of SCOR.
Many studies adopted SCOR as a basis for building
either abstract or simulation models for supply chains
such as (Jeffrey, Edward, 2003), (Samuel, Sunil,
2005), (Yuh-Jen, Yuh-Min, 2009), (Fredrik, Mirko,
2009) and (Jack, Kincho, 2010). According to
(Fredrik, Mirko, 2009), the advantages of the SCOR
model are:
Providing the modeller with a solution to the
problem of different levels of details in
simulation model since SCOR has predefined
levels of aggregation.
Defining performance metrics for each level.
However, SCOR has been criticized in other
studies. According to
(Guixiu, Frank, 2004), SCOR
does not provide a concrete realisation of a conceptual
framework that can be integrated to a company’s
existing systems. Furthermore, (Chatfield, 2009)
accounted the following SCOR’s shortcomings:
SCOR makes the translation of the supply chain
description into an object-oriented model less
than straightforward.
The descriptions and measurements of SCOR
do not have the content and detail necessary for
building robust quantitative models.
On the other hand, the object-oriented approach
has been also embraced in literature. (Manuel, Hin-
Tat, 2003) used the UML during the object-oriented
development process to analyze and visualize the
design of supply chains. (Biswas, Narahari, 2004)
developed DESSCOM, an object-oriented framework
for supply chains modelling and decision support.
Another object-oriented modelling methodology
consisting of agents, jobs, and flows was developed by
(Zee, 2005).
Supply chains were also modelled in terms of
multi-criteria decision analysis. An ANP-based
(Analytic Network Process) approach was used by
(Ashish, Ravi, 2006) to model the metrics of lean,
agile supply chains. However, the pairwise
comparison required by ANP models can limit the
numbers of decision criteria, which might be an
obstacle in case of modelling more complex supply
A considerable endeavour has been presented by
(Chatfield, 2004) and (Chatfield, 2009) to standardise
the process of modelling supply chains. The study
developed an XML-based language for modelling and
simulation of supply chains, SCML (Supply Chain
Modelling Language). However, XML-based models
can incur some drawbacks. First, since XML is
double-tagged, the file length will increase, as opposed
to files generated by a less strictly designed language
that allows single-tagged elements. Additionally, since
XML files are ASCII text files, the file size, measured
in bytes of storage, will be greater than if the
information were stored as binary data or as another
file structure, which can impose further limitations on
modelling large-scale supply chains.
4.2 Supply Chains Simulation Tools
Three main approaches used for supply chain
simulation are: i) Discrete Event Simulation (DES), ii)
Systems Dynamics (SD) and iii) Agent-Based
Simulation (ABS). However, discrete event simulation
has been largely preferred in literature. Numerous
DES tools for supply chains were produced by studies
such as (Ettl, Feigin, 1996), (Tomoyuki, Tetsuya,
2000), (Richard, David J., 2001), (Edward J., Ali,
2003), (Juqi, Wei, 2004), (Chatfield, 2006).
Agent-based simulation approach has received
growing attention in recent studies. An agent-based
modelling and simulation framework for supply chain
risk management was developed by (Tiffany J., 2012).
(Luis, Sophie, 2011) proposed FAMASS, a framework
for providing a uniform representation of distributed
advanced supply chain planning using agent
technology. (Karam, Erwan, 2010) used an
Operational Agent Model (OPAM) that was
implemented and simulated in a specific agent-based
software architecture.
The Systems Dynamics approach was mainly
adopted within continuous simulation models of
supply chains. For instance, (Patroklos, Dimitrios,
2005), (Vo, Thiel, 2006) and (Sameer, Anvar, 2011)
used Systems Dynamics for simulating the behaviour
and relationships of supply chains, and to determine
impacts such as demand variability and lead-time on
supply chain performance.
Despite the many simulation tools developed in
academic research, they have not been widely
embraced, as evident from the current status and usage
of those tools. Furthermore, the literature lacks
recognition that supply chains are neither completely
discrete nor continuous but a mixture of both,
therefore should be modelled appropriately to reflect
this. The need for constructing supply chain models
with discrete-continuous aspects has been recognised
by (Young, Min, 2002), (Mustafa, Theopisti C., 2007)
and (Dmitry, Alexandre, 2012).
4.3 Supply Chain Ontology
An ontology can provide a formal explicit
specification of shared knowledge, which can offer
practical grounded solutions for designing and
modelling supply chains. However, the adoption of
ontologies in supply chain modelling has been given
little consideration in the literature.
(Fayez, Rabelo, 2005) presented supply chain
simulation ontology based on the SCOR model. The
ontology was developed using Protégé tool and
encoded with the RDF standards.
(Y. Ye, D. Yang, 2008) presented an ontology-
based architecture for implementing semantic
integration of supply chain management. The ontology
was developed with no specific industry focus and
consisted of ten top-level classes: Supply_Chain,
SC_Structure, Party, Role, Purpose, Activity,
Resource, Transfer_Object, Performance and
(Yan, Dong, 2008) developed a supply chain
ontology called Onto-SCM. They utilised the IDEF5
schematic language to visually represent core concepts
and relationships in Onto-SCM. The precise syntax
and formal semantics of Onto-SCM were defined with
Ontolingua, a mechanism for writing ontologies in a
canonical format.
On the other hand, ontologies of general enterprise
modelling were previously used for supply chains
models. For instance, TOVE ontologies by (J. Lin,
M.S. Fox, 1996), Enterprise Ontology (EO) by (M.
Uschold, M. King, 1998) and IDEON ontology by
(Madni, W. Lin, 2001).
Based on the ontology literature, it is believed that
the literature has the following limitations:
Apart from (Fayez, Rabelo, 2005), the ontology
mainly addressed the strategic level of supply
chains, giving less consideration to the tactical
and the operational levels.
Many of the developed ontologies were not built
on a standard basis that can help sustainable
development in the supply chain community.
The ontologies apparently lacked classification
of the defined attributes into continuous and
discrete, which could help build combined
discrete-continuous simulation models.
The literature lacks industry-specific ontologies,
for example in the healthcare domain. Generic
ontologies might not be adequate for describing
more detailed processes at the tactical and
operational levels.
The proposed framework is fundamentally based on a
graph-driven methodology for the modelling and
simulation of supply chains. The methodology
considers the supply chain as a big graph that forms a
complex network of connections. Accordingly, the
methodology utilises the potentials of semantic
networks and graph databases to construct supply
chain conceptual models and ontologies. Figure 2
demonstrates the main components of the framework.
Figure 2: Main components of the proposed framework.
5.1 Supply Chain Modelling Approach
The first principal objective of the proposed
framework is to provide the conceptual modelling
methodology that can effectively describe and capture
the knowledge of supply chains. The modelling
methodology should involve an abstraction process for
determining what part of the real-life system will be
modelled and at what level of detail. Conceptual
modelling was described as the “art” in the science of
simulation according to (Jain S., Workman R., 2001).
The modelling methodology should address two main
Conceptually, how should supply chain
knowledge be represented?
How can the conceptual models facilitate the
shareability of supply chain knowledge?
5.1.1 Supply Chain Big Graphs
The supply chain comprises a virtual complex network
of participants including suppliers, manufacturers,
wholesaler, retailers and customers. The network
participants are connected through upstream and
downstream linkages in the different processes and
activities to produce some service or product.
Apparently, it can be conceivable to consider
modelling supply chains as constructing “Big Graphs”.
Accordingly, the framework adopts a graph-based
method to model and capture the knowledge of supply
chains. Furthermore, graph modelling provides a
suitable form for sharing models with diverse sorts of
experts or decision makers.
5.1.2 Modelling Supply Chains as Semantic
A semantic network is a graph structure for
representing knowledge in patterns of interconnected
nodes and arcs (Shapiro, Eckroth, 1992). The proposed
framework utilises the common graph-based nature of
supply chains and semantic networks to build
semantic-driven supply chain models. Hence, the
supply chain participants are modelled as nodes
(entities) that are interconnected via arcs (predicates)
that can represent properties or relationships. Those
predicates will be explicitly described by ontology.
Figure 3 depicts a simple example of a semantic
Figure 3: Example of a Semantic Network.
Semantic networks have the advantage of being a
declarative graphic representation of knowledge. In
addition, semantic networks can be understandable by
human and machines as well. Various semantic
models have been built based on the concept of
semantic networks, the RDF model for instance.
5.1.3 Supply Chain Ontology
Developing supply chain ontologies is a pivotal
Graph Database
Supply Chain
Conceptual Model
element to provide expressiveness and semantics to
capture comprehensive supply chain knowledge. The
framework adopts ontologies to provide standards of
information, shared vocabulary and conceptualisation
of problem-oriented data for supply chains. The
ontology will consist of two main categories:
i) Generic Ontology:
Initially, the framework will use a SCOR-driven
process to define classes, subclasses, properties, and
instances that can represent the various supply chain
levels. The adoption of the SCOR model is due to
being the most shared and widely accepted concept
within the supply chain community, and it has been
largely used in literature to describe and model supply
A hierarchy of concepts will be driven from the
SCOR processes and performance measures to
describe the taxonomy of supply chain knowledge.
The top level of the ontology hierarchy should
represent primary processes of a supply chain in a
strategic aspect. The generic ontology is based on the
six primary management processes defined by SCOR:
Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return and Enable.
Moreover, a ’Hybrid’ process was added to provide
more flexibility. Figure 4 outlines the main classes of
the generic ontology.
Figure 4: Main classes of the SCOR-based generic ontology.
Further ontology attributes are extracted based on
the performance attributes defined by SCOR. Those
attributes can describe process details at the tactical
and operational levels of supply chains. In addition,
the extracted attributes should be classified into
discrete or continuous attributes. Table (1) presents the
main categories of performance attributes defined by
the SCOR model.
Table 1: The SCOR performance attributes.
Reliability focuses on the
predictability of process outcomes.
Examples: On-time, the right
quantity, the right quality.
The speed at which a supply chain
provides products to the customer.
Examples: cycle-time metrics.
The ability to respond to external
influences such as marketplace
changes to gain or maintain
competitive advantage.
Examples: Flexibility and
adaptability metrics.
The cost of operating the supply
chain processes. This includes cost
of labour, material, management
and transportation.
Example: Cost of Goods Sold.
The ability to efficiently utilise
assets. Examples: Inventory days of
supply and capacity utilization.
ii) Domain Ontologies:
The framework is concerned with covering one of the
gaps in literature accounted for the lack of specific-
industry ontologies for supply chains. Therefore,
industry-specific ontology is developed, healthcare
supply chain in particular.
5.2 Storing Supply Chain Models and
Ontologies using a Graph Database
Based on the graph-driven approach, the framework
utilises graph databases for storing both the supply
chain model and the defined ontology. A graph
database is a storage engine which supports a graph
data model backed by native graph persistence, with
access and query methods for the graph primitives
(Robinson, Webber, 2013).
5.2.1 Storing Supply Chain Models
Graph database can provide a flexible schema to store
and map the nodes and edges of the supply chain
graph. Accordingly, the graph data model of graph
databases can help build and store more complex
large-scale supply chain models. Furthermore, the
graph-based data storage provides a considerable
advantage for model scalability over traditional XML-
based documents.
Generic SCOR-Based
5.2.2 Storing Supply Chain Ontology
Graph database can provide a suitable environment for
storing, maintaining and querying supply chains
ontology due to the following reasons:
Graph database can handle storing complex
ontologies because of the flexible graph-based
Graph database is a schema-less data store,
which is ideal for scalability.
Graph database models are typically faster for
associative datasets.
Graph database provides a robust model to
query ontologies.
The common graph-based manner of graph
databases and the RDF model helps export the
ontology with RDF-based format, which is
important for the model shareability.
5.3 Automatic Generation of
Simulation Models
A tool will be developed that can automatically
generate simulation models. The tool translates the
high-level conceptual models of supply chains into
simulation models ready to run experiments. The
purpose of the auto-generation is to help non-
simulation experts build and modify simulation
models with different scenarios.
5.4 Simulation Software
It is not planned to produce a new simulation tool,
however the framework will work along with one of
the state of the art simulation software. The literature
review included surveying the available simulation
tools provided by academia and industry in order to
select the appropriate tool.
AnyLogic simulation software was selected for
that purpose. AnyLogic was considered for the
The capability of providing a multi-perspective
simulation approach, including Discrete Event
Simulation, Systems Dynamics and Agent-
Based Simulation.
Supporting seamless integration of discrete and
continuous simulations.
Providing Java-based simulation models, which
helps model extensibility.
Providing an extensive statistical distribution
function sets that provide a platform for
simulating the uncertainty inherent in supply
In principal, the framework will present a graph-driven
methodology to address the modelling and simulation
of supply chains. The framework is expected to
provide the following:
Semantic-based modelling of supply chains that
can improve the flexibility of building supply
chain models.
Higher shareability of supply chain models
through visual graph-based models.
Flexibility for modelling complex large-scale
supply chains using graph database.
Generic ontology for supply chains.
Specific ontology for healthcare supply chains.
Classifications of ontologies into discrete and
continuous attributes, which can help build
combined discrete-continuous models.
Flexibility and scalability for developing,
maintaining and querying ontology based on
graph databases.
Helping non-simulation experts by automatic
generation of simulation models ready to run
experiments using one of the state-of-the-art
simulation software.
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