Toward Building Aesthetic, useful and Readable Tag Clouds for Websites
Jakub Marszałkowski, Łukasz Rusiecki, Maciej Drozdowski and Hubert Naro
Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Piotrowo 2, 60-965 Pozna
n, Poland
Web Page Optimization, Tag Clouds, 2D Packing, Data Visualization, Usability.
Tag clouds provide a graphical method of summarizing content of a text document (e.g. of a web page) with a
set of phrases projected onto a plane. In this paper we consider building aesthetic tag clouds algorithmically for
website use. General design choices in tag-cloud construction are analyzed. State of the art will be outlined
along the lines of these design choices. Special requirements imposed on tag clouds used on web sites are
presented. Rules of beautiful page setting existing in typography are discussed and subsequently applied in
an attempt to quantify aesthetic aspect of tag cloud appearance. The quantification is performed with the
goal of constructing an objective function to be optimized in tag cloud construction. Then, a mathematical
formulation for tag clouds construction is given. Finally, algorithms constructing tag clouds by optimization
are given.
Internet-related problems instigate research in many
areas. One of them is combinatorial optimization.
As examples, consider e-business problems of In-
ternet shopping optimization (Bła
zewicz and Musiał,
2011), website layout optimization for the purpose
of flexible placement of the future advertisements
(Marszałkowski and Drozdowski, 2013). Yet, prob-
ably the most studied area of the research in this field
is Internet advertising scheduling and advertising dis-
play positioning with papers from as old as (Aggar-
wal et al., 1998) to the recent ones like (Ahmed and
Kwon, 2014). Tag cloud construction is also a mat-
ter of solving a combinatorial optimization problem,
however, the objectives are very different than in the
classic combinatorial problems.
Basically, tags are phrases representing or sum-
marizing content of a text document such as a web
page. Tag cloud is a graphical depicting of the tags as
just a set of words/phrases projected onto a plane. An
example tag cloud from Amazon website is shown in
Figure 1. Tags and tag clouds originated from social
websites, but they gained already a wide usage over
the entire Internet. More details on tag cloud usage
and history can by found in (Vi
egas and Wattenberg,
2008). Tag cloud construction also receives growing
interest of the researcher community as shown in the
next section.
In this paper we analyze the problem of construct-
ing tag clouds for use on web pages that are visually
acceptable or hopefully even pleasing. A first step in
tag cloud creation is preparation of tags themselves:
selection, grouping, clustering, weighting, etc. Here
it is assumed that the set of tags is given and their
rendering in two dimensions is studied. Methods of
digesting the text and extracting the tags rest in text
mining area and are beyond the scope of this paper.
The problem of rendering the tags into a tag cloud
is formulated as a combinatorial problem with spe-
cific objectives and constraints. Further organization
of this text is the following. In Section 2 tag clouds in
general and ones for websites are discussed. Design
options and the choices taken in the past are surveyed.
Requirements for tag clouds for web usage and client
side generation are discussed. Section 3 provides a
mathematical formulation of a tag cloud construction
problem, as well as, the first approach to algorithms
solving the problem.
In this section we present results of the research on
tag cloud formation and usability. Then we discuss
requirements for website tag clouds. Finally, the re-
quirements of and status quo in web browsers flexi-
bility are studied.
2.1 State of the Art
In tag cloud construction there are several design
choices determining appearance and usability of tag
clouds. In particular these are:
Marszałkowski J., Rusiecki Ł., Drozdowski M. and Naro
zny H..
Toward Building Aesthetic, Useful and Readable Tag Clouds for Websites.
DOI: 10.5220/0005116302300235
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2014), pages 230-235
ISBN: 978-989-758-043-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: Summary of packing choices in tag clouds (See Section 2 for details).
Cloud 1. Tag ordering 2. Cloud shape 3. Tag shape 4. Tag rotation 5. Vertical alignment
Amazon alphabetical rectangle rectangle none baseline
Kaser packing rectangle rectangle none limited
Kuo alphabetical rectangle rectangle none baseline
Fujimura context irregular rectangle none background
Seifert packing given polygon rectangle none free
Wordle opt. alphabetical irregular font body configurable free
Cui context irregular rectangle none free
Nguyen alphabetical given borders rectangle none background
This paper packing rectangle rectangle none baseline
1. How tags are sorted. Identified choices are: al-
phabetically, by importance, by context, packing-
decided. The latter means that tags may be re-
ordered for better packing quality.
2. Shape of the entire cloud area. Possible options:
rectangular, irregular, other (given polygons, de-
fined borders).
3. What kind of figure the tags are. Options: rectan-
gular boxes, or character body. The former means
that bounding boxes of the tags rendered in some
given font are used. The latter means using the ir-
regular shapes of characters in the given font. This
allows for advanced tag alignment in free spaces
of the letter bodies.
4. Tag rotation: disallowed or allowed.
5. Vertical tag alignment. Identified options are:
sticking to the typographical baselines, limited
by the algorithm properties, free - leading to 2D
packing, forced by tag cloud background.
Results of the outermost design decisions can be
compared in Figures 1 and 2 (cf. the design deci-
sions outlined in Table 1). Let us note that the above
choices resemble variants in combinatorial problems
of packing and cutting. It will be discussed in the
following text. There are also further design-choices
possible. For example, it can be related to the use of
colors or fonts (typefaces, sizes, weights and styles).
We assume that fonts are given as input, coming from
the tag preparation step. Note that use of colors to dis-
tinguish tags may be a bad idea for users with color-
Figure 1: Tag cloud
impaired sight. Hence, we assume that tags are es-
sentially monochromatic (e.g. black) on a contrasting
(e.g. white) background.
Tag clouds construction attract increasing interest
of researchers. (Kaser and Lemire, 2007) submit-
ted an idea of nested HTML tables in order to build
tag clouds well using given rectangular space. (Kuo
et al., 2007) presented application of simple tag cloud
to summarize results of a query over a database. (Fu-
jimura et al., 2008) proposed use of a topographical
map as background to visualize large scale tag clouds
(5000 tags, 10000x10000 pixels). Position of tags is
determined by the map, height on the map reflects
tags importance. (Seifert et al., 2008) worked on fit-
ting tags clouds into polygons, and proposed four al-
gorithms. Out of these four algorithms they chose
ones for best usability and aesthetic parameters. Wor-
dle (Viegas et al., 2009) is probably the best-known
web-based tool for data visualizations in the form of
a tag cloud. It allows to set several parameters like
rotation or sorting, but always justifies tags to shapes
of characters and outputs irregular tag clouds. (Cui
et al., 2010) proposed tag clouds preserving context
using color for visualizing trends. (Nguyen and Schu-
mann, 2010) explored putting tags into shapes resem-
bling maps to achieve geo-tagged data exploration.
The choices made by the authors of the above papers
according to terminology introduced at the beginning
of this section are summarized in the Table 1. Out of
these papers only the first two consider designing tag
clouds for website use.
Figure 2: Amazon tags rendered into a cloud by Wordle.
A few studies verifying effectiveness of tag clouds
and user experience have been conducted. List of
tasks that tag clouds can support: Search, Browsing,
Impression Formation and Recognition/Matching is
given by (Rivadeneira et al., 2007). Out of these, the
last one means verifying whether tag cloud is rep-
resenting particular subject. Note that only Search
is goal-oriented task, while the remaining are rather
free browsing tasks. (Halvey and Keane, 2007) per-
formed simple experiment with time necessary for
finding certain tag, and they found that alphabetical
list is actually faster. They also conclude that users
rather scan than read tag clouds. When testing clouds
obtained from their algorithm, (Seifert et al., 2008)
used a different approach. Namely, they asked users
to point three most important tags and measured the
correctness. Though this seems a better idea for eval-
uating tag clouds, their experiments were strongly re-
lated to their algorithms and give no general insights.
(Rivadeneira et al., 2007) on the basis of their re-
sults, conclude that font size and location affect low-
level memory processes, while layout high-level ones,
such as impression formation. They suggest to fo-
cus on the layout of tag cloud. Research of (Bate-
man et al., 2008) did not tackle the layout matters,
instead font related parameters were tested leading
to conclusions that larger and stronger fonts draw
more users attention, while color although being well
recognized proves difficulties in visualizing impor-
tance. (Lohmann et al., 2009) performed several ex-
periments on performance of certain tasks involving
various cloud layouts. They confirm earlier findings
of (Halvey and Keane, 2007) that finding a specific
tag is fastest with alphabetical sorting and that users
are scanning rather than reading. Yet, their other ex-
periments show that for finding most important tags,
recalling tags, etc. layout plays important role.
The above presented research was focused on
goal-orientated tasks, which are easier to measure, as
opposed to free browsing tasks. However, browsing
is an important application of tag clouds.
2.2 For the Web
In authors’ opinion, tag clouds for websites have to
meet additional requirements. Website space is al-
ways rectangular and scarce so it should be used
wisely. This gives a preference to tag clouds fill-
ing a rectangular envelope well. As websites usually
use column layout (Marszałkowski and Drozdowski,
2013) horizontal size of a tag cloud is fixed, while the
vertical size can be changed, thus moving the com-
ponent below up or down a little. This characteristic
resembles strip packing problems.
A tag cloud for a website should use standard
technologies, making a reasonable trade-off between
fancy looks and the simplicity of the code. This has
two reasons: Firstly, it is a matter of the ease of imple-
mentation. Secondly, not only humans read websites
and making website content available to the robots
is of great importance (see (Marszalkowski et al.,
2014)). Using HTML with JavaScript (JS) and CSS as
simple as possible seems to be a natural decision here.
This simplifies some of the further choices: Though
the use of exact tag shapes or tag rotation are possi-
ble in most modern browsers, they are not standard
and cannot be guaranteed to work perfectly the same
way for every client. Hence, they should be discour-
aged. The same argument can be applied in prefer-
ing the alignment to the baselines over the freedom
of arbitrary 2D packing. Tags on a baseline will be
considered just as line of text by the robots. Taking
into account the results of the studies demonstrating
that users scan lines of the clouds (see Section 2.1),
the use of baselines will make reading tags more effi-
Next we come to the choice of tag ordering. It was
already mentioned that alphabetical clouds perform
worse in the speed of searching compared to lists, so
why to use them? Moreover, alphabetical ordering
significantly restricts flexibility of packing in two fol-
lowing ways. Firstly, since tags cannot be reordered
the only remaining option is to choose where to put a
line break. Secondly, for the same reason use of dif-
fering font sizes must remain limited, as tags of the
smallest font cannot be moved away from the lines
made very tall by the tags of the greatest font size.
To achieve any reasonable visual quality tags have to
be rearranged, i.e. the sequence tags should follow
Our design recommendations are: 1) tags are re-
ordered with packing, 2) minimum waste of the rect-
angular area is desired, 3) tags are rectangular boxes,
4) rotation is not allowed, 5) tags fit between base-
lines (shelves). Although it may seem that in most
cases simplifying choices were made, we end up with
a problem that can be expected to rest in NP-hard
class. Thus, it can be expected that optimum solu-
tions (e.g. in the sense of used area) can be deliv-
ered by exponential-time algorithms. The current rec-
ommendation encompasses bin packing problems or
strip packing which can be solved by use of shelf al-
gorithms, or metaheurisitcs (Burke et al., 2006).
2.3 Client Side
In times of more and more personalized content each
user can get a different set of tags. But there is more
than that to significantly affect packing of the tags.
Namely, clients may have different dimensions (in
pixels) of the same tag depending on the browser,
system and fonts installed. We conducted an exper-
iment into browser font rendering dispersion to verify
our intuitions. We tailored 6 benchmark tags testing
different methods of defining look of text with CSS:
fonts, font stacks, size and weight. A script measur-
ing tag sizes was installed on a production web site
and in course of two days responses from 4201 differ-
ent clients were registered.
Popularity among clients
Distinct dimensions of benchmark tags
Figure 3: Distribution of dimensions of tags over the mea-
sured Internet users.
In the gathered data we identified 112 distinct
sizes for the benchmark tags. The results are shown
in the Figure 3. As could be expected we found
that the distribution of tag sizes follow the power law
(with fit quality R
= 0.9774). Most of users use
browser/systems combinations that render the tags in
less than a dozen of the most popular sizes. On
the one end, the three most popular font sizes are
found on, respectively, 36.61%, 12.21% and 11.19%
of clients. On the opposite end, sizes with less than
1% popularity form a long tail of 101 different val-
ues. More so, tag sizes on mobile devices differ
much more than on standard desktop/laptop comput-
ers (even two-three times). The result lead to a con-
clusion that we have to adjust tag cloud construction
to the tag sizes measured at client side.
Algorithmic building of tag clouds can be moved
to client side by meeting just a few requirements. The
implementation has to use JavaScript (JS). Although
other choices are possible, only JS has sufficient mar-
ket penetration. Moreover, JS works on the elements
in DOM structure preserving readability of the tag
cloud for the robots. A disadvantage is that the algo-
rithm constructing a tag cloud must run in very lim-
ited time, i.e. in th order of tenths of a second. There
is plenty of research showing that users do not want
to wait for downloading web-page content from the
Internet and rendering it, because they quickly lose
interest. An up-to-date survey is given in (Marsza-
lkowski et al., 2014). Since the performance of the
client browser is unknown, the algorithm must stop
when time limit is reached, and give a valid solution.
In this section we formulate tag cloud construction
problem as an optimization problem. What is novel in
this approach is a proposition of reaching back to the
rules of typography, which tell how to typeset read-
able text objects looking good aesthetically. One of
such rules, already introduced for other reasons, is the
use of baselines. Other rule is a desire for good tonal
weight (also known as the typographic color). This
means even distribution of the mass of gray in case of
black letters on white background (Bringhurst, 1996;
Eckersley et al., 2008). A typographer usually has
to squint to asses that. An advantage for building tag
clouds is that this black color dispersion is measurable
and can be included in a mathematical model, which
is rare for the rules of beauty. The tonal weight can
be measured in HTML by reading colors of a pixel in
the canvas element. A canvas would be impractical
for building whole tag clouds, and would contradict
the requirements declared earlier. Luckily, a tag can
be put in canvas, have its tonal weight measured and
recorded. Tonal weights of entire tag cloud, or its sec-
tions, can be calculated from tonal weights of single
tags and their dimensions.
3.1 Mathematical Model
Tag cloud construction problem can be formalized as
a Nonlinear Programming (NLP) optimization prob-
lem as follows. Given is width of a tag cloud W and
a set of tags T = {t
, ...,t
}. Dimensions of a tag i are
and y
. Tonal weight of each tag can be measured
as a sum of tonal weights of its pixels:
b[x, y] (1)
where b[x, y] is the tonal weight of the pixel at a posi-
tion x, y, calculated as:
b = 1
R + G + B
3 255
R, G and B are values of color bytes for the pixel.
Let f
represent the number of the shelf (baseline)
where tag t
was placed, and let m be the total number
of shelves. Let Z
represent a set of tags placed on a
shelf j, i.e.: Z
= {t
: f
= j}. Tonal weight of shelf j
can be calculated from tags on it and its height:
where in denominator we have dimensions of the
shelf: height h
= max(x
), and width W . This
causes that the free space will be reflected in the value
of α. For example, if tags have large differences
in height, or shelf will be under-utilized, and large
empty areas shall result in low value of α
. With the
scores α
of shelves j we construct objective function
quantifying the differences in tonal weights between
W )
In (4) a deviation from the maximal possible tonal
weight is calculated. It follows implicitly from (4)
that if (4) is minimized then also the height of tag
cloud will be minimized. Finally, it is required that
all tags assigned to a some shelves fit the shelves:
< W j = 1, ..., m (5)
Note that in this approach neither shelves ordering
nor tags ordering on shelves matter. These can be re-
arranged after the packing for example to move more
important tags to areas more frequently scanned by
3.2 Algorithms for Tag Cloud
To solve this problem to optimality Branch and Bound
(B&B) algorithm was developed (Lawler and Wood,
1966). Since our problem involves an additional cri-
terion of minimizing the number of shelves, the B&B
algorithm was first calculating the minimum number
of shelves and only then was it minimizing the tonal
weight inequalities with objective function (4). Ob-
viously B&B exponential running time renders it not
usable in practice. It was solving instances of up to
20 tags, in execution times up to 7 minutes. However,
the B&B algorithm is necessary to allow measuring
optimality gap of other algorithms.
Several well known low-level heuristics greedy
like FirstFit (FF), BestFit (BF), WorstFit (WF) (Burke
et al., 2006) were used. Also modified version of the
FF algorithm First Fit Greedy Two (FFG2) was devel-
oped. FFG2 follows a simple idea: when placing an
Figure 4: Example initial results built of tags from Amazon.
element of size x on a shelf, and the space left will be
less than the narrowest remaining element, look for
two elements of sizes nearest to
, and check if the
pair fits better (leaving less waste) than the element of
size x. With the use of earlier sorting of the elements
by width, the checking for these two elements can be
achieved in constant time, and the algorithm has the
overall complexity O(n log n) of FF algorithm. For all
four algorithms their versions using different ordering
of elements were used: decreasing height (DH), de-
creasing width (DW), decreasing tonal weight (DT),
making it twelve algorithms in total.
The algorithms were tested on eight sets of tags
taken from real world websites. The best perform-
ing algorithms were WF (DH and DW) and FFG2
(DT and DH) with a gap from 0.02% to 18.71% to
the result of B&B. This is not really surprising as
WF algorithm is making choices equalizing utiliza-
tion of shelves, and FFG2 should on average pack
slightly better than FF an BF algorithms. An exam-
ple of their results, a cloud built from the same set
of tags from Amazon is presented in Figure 4. Ex-
ecution times were of order of microseconds, which
means that these algorithms can be run many times
as part as some hiper- or metaheuristic algorithm be-
fore becoming noticeable for the user. The highest
observed gaps of over 15% encourage building such
In this paper the idea of constructing aesthetic tag
clouds for websites by algorithmically following rules
of typography was presented and justified. An impor-
tant contribution is inclusion of the typographical rule
of good tonal weight in the objective function. This
metric of quality of text object is easily measurable,
and thus can be included in the mathematical model
and optimized. Such a model was given and work on
algorithms can be performed in future on its basis.
Our experiment showing diversity of sizes for the
same tags on different client caught quite few mobile
devices, and perhaps another experiment for more de-
tailed insight in this area should be performed as a
future work. Also some choices of the parameters of
tag clouds, like for example lack of rotation of the
tags, that was not covered in research to this date,
could have quality of user experience experimentally
verified. Algorithms proposed here were very quick
which opens chances for algorithms for constructing
even better tag clouds in longer time.
The research was partially supported by the NCBiR
PolLux grant (IShOP project).
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