Exploiting Social Debates for Opinion Ranking
Youssef Meguebli
, Mouna Kacimi
, Bich-li
en Doan
and Fabrice Popineau
SUPELEC Systems Sciences (E3S), Gif sur Yvette, France
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Opinion Ranking, Opinion Mining, Topic Aspects Extraction.
The number of opinions in news media platforms is increasing dramatically with daily news hits, and people
spending more and more time to discuss topics and share experiences. Such user generated content represents
a promising source for improving the effectiveness of news articles recommendation and retrieval. However,
the corpus of opinions is often large and noisy making it hard to find prominent content. In this paper, we tackle
this problem by proposing a novel scoring model that ranks opinions based on their relevance and prominence.
We define the prominence of an opinion using its relationships with other opinions. To this end, we (1) create a
directed graph of opinions where each link represents the sentiment an opinion expresses about another opinion
(2) propose a new variation of the PageRank algorithm that boosts the scores of opinions along links with
positive sentiments and decreases them along links with negative sentiments. We have tested the effectiveness
of our model through extensive experiments using three datasets crawled from CNN, Independent, and The
Telegraph Web sites . The experiments show that our scoring model achieves high quality results.
1.1 Motivation
Media platforms, like CNN
and ALjazeera
, deliver
the latest breaking news on various topics about ev-
eryday events. Moreover, they provide the possibility
to write opinions about any published article and en-
gage in discussions with other users. Typically, these
opinions are unstructured making it hard to catch the
flow of debates and to understand their main points of
agreements and disagreements. Thus, there is a need
for organizing users’ opinions to (1) have a better un-
derstanding of the main issues related to each topic
and (2) facilitate the participation to debates and thus
increase the chance of acquiring new opinions. Figure
1 shows an example of how users’ opinions could
be organized. The opinions are organized based on
their aspects, meaning the main points of the discus-
sions around “Boston Bombing”, such as Immigra-
tion Reform, Border Control, and Employers Perse-
cution. The idea is that if a user cliques on an aspect
(or searches for a new aspect), he gets all related opin-
ions. Opinions are ranked based on their prominence
Immigration Reform
Border Control
Green Card
Employers Persecution
Reform Cost
Figure 1: Illustration of users’ opinions organization.
and are tagged with the color red if they have a nega-
tive sentiment, otherwise they are tagged with a green
color, as shown in Figure 1. In this way we can have
a better idea about the aspects and the sentiments ex-
pressed in users’ debates.
1.2 Contribution
Our work aims at organizing user’s opinions in news
media platforms to facilitate their access, understand
their trends, and provide a valuable source for en-
Meguebli Y., Kacimi M., Doan B. and Popineau F..
Exploiting Social Debates for Opinion Ranking.
DOI: 10.5220/0005081702500260
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 250-260
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
riching articles content. The result of this work can
be useful for many applications including news rec-
ommendation, and the assessment of public opinion
polls. However, this task can be very challenging
since user generated content is a free source of infor-
mation which can be subject to a lot of noise. There-
fore, we focus on how to select high quality opinions
about the different aspects of a given topic. The novel
contribution by this paper has the following salient
1. We propose a novel scoring model for opinions
based on their relevance to a given topic aspect
and their prominence. We define the prominence
of an opinion based on how subject it is to replies
and discussions, and the expertise of users react-
ing to it.
2. We model users’ debates as a directed graph of
opinions where links can be either positive or neg-
ative representing agreements and disagreements
between opinions
3. We propose a new variation of the PageRank al-
gorithm which handles both positive and negative
links between graph nodes. The idea is to boost
opinions scores along positive links and decrease
them along negative links
4. We test our approach by running experiments on
three datasets crawled from, CNN, Independent,
and The Telegraph Web sites. The results show
that our model achieves high quality results, par-
ticularly for highly popular and highly controver-
sial topics having a large amount of user debates
Our proposed approach goes beyond existing
opinion ranking techniques in several ways. First, de-
termining prominent opinions about daily life topics
is much more complex than identifying helpful prod-
uct reviews as suggested in prior work (Hong et al.,
2012; Kim et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2008; Tsur and Rap-
poport, 2009; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al., 2009).
Second, unlike existing approaches, we define user
expertise not only based on explicit ratings, but also
on implicit ratings the user gets for his actions. This
is due to the fact that explicit ratings suffer different
kind of bias (Liu et al., 2007) such as the winner cir-
cle bias, where opinions with many votes get more at-
tention therefore accumulate votes disproportionately,
and the early bird bias where the first opinion to be
published tends to get more votes. Third, none of the
existing approaches takes into account implicit ratings
provided by users’ debates and exchange of opinions.
In our work, we take into account the relationships be-
tween opinions and their replies, which we call nested
opinions, propagating the sentiments along those re-
lations to compute the final score of an opinion.
Ranking opinions has received attention, in the past
few years, driven by the need of automatic annotation
of product reviews. The proposed approaches focus
on how to find helpful product reviews (Hong et al.,
2012; Kim et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2008; Tsur and Rap-
poport, 2009; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al., 2009).
These approaches assign a helpfulness score to each
review, based on past interactions in the system, and
return to the user a ranked list of reviews. Different
parameters have been exploited to rank reviews. Kim
et. al., (Kim et al., 2006) exploit the multitude of user-
rated reviews on Amazon.com, and train an SVM re-
gression system to learn a helpfulness function. This
helpfulness function is then applied to rank unlabeled
reviews. Danescu et. al., (Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
et al., 2009) show, through extensive experiments,
that social effect is a significant factor for measuring
helpfulness. The social effect is based on the relation-
ship of one user’s opinion to the opinions expressed
by others in the same setting. More precisely, the re-
lationship of a review’s star rating to the star ratings of
other reviews for the same product. Tsur et. al., (Tsur
and Rappoport, 2009) identify a lexicon of dominant
terms that constitutes the core of a virtual optimal re-
view. This lexicon defines a feature vector represen-
tation. Reviews are then converted to this represen-
tation and ranked according to their distance from a
”virtual core” review vector. Liu et. al., (Liu et al.,
2008) show that the helpfulness of a review depends
on three factors: the reviewer’s expertise, the writing
style of the review, and the timeliness of the review.
Based on those features, they propose a nonlinear re-
gression model for helpfulness prediction. Hong et.
al., (Hong et al., 2012) start from the assumption that
user preferences are more explicit clues to infer the
opinions of users on the review helpfulness. Thus,
they employ user-preferences based features includ-
ing information need, credibility of the review, and
mainstream opinions.
The approaches described above use different fea-
tures to define the helpfulness of a review ranging
from its content and the expertise of its author to the
preferences of users. However none of them takes
into account the relationships between the reviews,
meaning the debates that users engage into to discuss
a given product. In our work, we take into account the
relations between opinions and all the reactions they
got from users including implicit and explicit feed-
backs. Then, we propagate the sentiments along those
relations to compute the final score of an opinion. Ad-
ditionally, unlike the approaches described above, we
define user expertise from the implicit ratings he gets
for his actions.
Another research problem that is directly related
to our work is opinion mining, also called sentiment
analysis. This problem has been studied in the past
few years (Dave et al., 2003; Wilson et al., 2004;
Ding et al., 2008) exploiting two main directions: (1)
finding product features commented on by reviewers
and (2) deciding whether the comments are positive
or negative.
As stated in (Ding et al., 2008), most classifi-
cation methods follow two approaches: (1) corpus-
based approaches, and (2) lexicon-based approaches.
Corpus-based approaches find co-occurrence patterns
of words to determine the sentiments of words or
phrases, e.g., the works in (Turney, 2002). Lexicon-
based approaches use synonyms and antonyms in
WordNet to determine word sentiments based on a set
of seed opinion words (Ding et al., 2008; Dragut et al.,
2010). Some of these approaches perform sentiment
classification at document level (Dave et al., 2003;
Lin and He, 2009; He, 2010; Bespalov et al., 2011;
Gao and Li, 2011; Lin et al., 2011; Amiri and Chua,
2012) where a sentiment orientation is assigned to the
whole document. In contrast, other approaches ad-
dress sentiment classification at sentence level (Ding
et al., 2008; Jia et al., 2009) so various sentiments can
appear within the same document.
The opinion mining techniques described above
focus on how to classify opinions depending on their
sentiments and most of them use product reviews as
test cases. In our work, we adopt a document-level
classification using a recent open source api and ap-
ply it on opinions about general topics.
We consider a query Q(u, q
), issued by a query
initiator u, as a set of keywords q
that describe
one or several aspects related to a given news article.
The goal is to retrieve high quality opinions that sat-
isfy the user query. Result opinions should contain
at least one of the query terms and be ranked accord-
ing to a query-specific opinion score. Additionally,
we propose to boost or decrease the score of an opin-
ion based on the reactions of users to it. Users of-
ten start debates around a given opinion by providing
feedbacks, supportive opinions, opposing opinions, or
complementary ones. We capture the impact of these
reactions around the opinion by introducing the con-
cept of prominence. Both relevance and prominence
scores are used to rank opinions that best match the
user query. Formally, we define the score of an opin-
ion O about a news article, given a query Q, as fol-
Score(O, Q) = αRel(O,Q) + (1 α)Pro(O)
where Rel(O, Q) reflects the relevance of opinion O
to query Q, Pro(O) reflects the prominence of opin-
ion O, and α is a parameter used to balance the two
components of the model.
3.1 Opinion Relevance
To compute the relevance of an opinion to user query
about a news article A, we use BM25 (or Okapi) scor-
ing function given by:
) = IDF(q
f (q
, O).(k
+ 1)
f (q
, O) + k
.(1 b + b.
Where f (q
, O) is the count of term q
in opinion
O, |O| is the length of opinion O, avgol is the aver-
age opinion length in the collection of opinions about
news article A, k
= 1.2 and b = 0.75. IDF(q
) is the
inverse document frequency weight of the query term
which is computed as:
) = log
) + 0.5
) + 0.5
where N
is the total number of opinions about a news
article A, and n(q
) is the number of opinions about a
news article A containing term q
. Thus, the relevance
score of an opinion is given by:
Rel(O, Q) =
3.2 Opinion Prominence
An opinion might trigger reactions in the news plat-
form and thus becomes the starting point of a de-
bate. We call this kind of opinions seed opinions. A
seed opinion can get replies from other users, then
these replies get other replies and so on forming a de-
bate. We call an opinion replying to another opin-
ion a nested opinion. Based on these patterns, we
model the structure of a debate as a graph of opinions.
More specifically, we use a directed tree where the
root represents a seed opinion. Each non root node is
a nested opinion that replies to its parent. Leaf nodes
are nested opinions that do not get any reply. Fig-
ure 2 shows an example of a debate structure. Edges
are directed from children to parents where each link
can be either positive or negative reflecting the sen-
timent the child expresses for its parent. Note that
seed opinion
nested opinion
Figure 2: Debate Graph.
to get information about the sentiment orientation of
nested opinions we have used Alchemy API
. Using
the debate graph, we compute the prominence of each
opinion based on the number and quality of its incom-
ing links. The underlying assumption is that promi-
nent opinions are likely to receive many positive links
from other opinions while less prominent ones are
more likely (i) to receive more negative links or (ii)
not to receive any reaction. To this end, we adopt
the PageRank Algorithm to compute the prominence
scores of seed opinions as described in the next sec-
tion. Note that nested opinions do not take part of
the results because considering them as independent
components risk to be meaningless. A nested opinion
is answering another opinion, so getting it as a single
result would be like looking at a part of a discussion
without knowing why it started and what is exactly
about. Thus, we return to the user only seed opinions
since they are certainly self contained, and we use the
nested opinions to compute the final score of their re-
lated seed opinions. When the user is interested in a
seed opinion, then he can click on it to have access to
the debate that includes all related nested opinions.
OpinionRank adopts the same principle of PageRank
Algorithm that models user behavior in a hyperlink
graph, where a random surfer visits a web page with
a certain probability based on the page’s PageRank.
The probability that the random surfer clicks on one
link is solely given by the number of links on that
page. So, the probability for the random surfer reach-
ing one page is the sum of probabilities for the ran-
dom surfer following links to this page. It is assumed
that the surfer does not click on an infinite number of
links, but gets bored sometimes and jumps to another
page at random. Formally, the PageRank algorithm is
given by:
B" C"
Figure 3: Example of OpinionRank.
PR(A) = (1 d) + d
+ ... +
where PR(A) is the PageRank of page A, PR(T
) is the
PageRank of pages T
which link to page A, C(T
) is
the number of outgoing links of page T
, and d is a
damping factor which can be set between 0 and 1. As
we can see, The PageRank of page A is recursively
defined by the PageRanks of pages which link to it.
The PageRank of a page T is always weighted by the
number of its outgoing links. The weighted PageRank
of pages T
is then added up. Finally, the sum of the
weighted PageRanks of all pages T
is multiplied with
a damping factor d which reflects the probability for
the random surfer not stopping to click on links.
We propose OpinionRank which adapts the
PageRank algorithm to the requirement of our ap-
proach. Looking at the debate graph, we note that
an opinion has only one outgoing link because it an-
swers exactly one opinion. Thus, all C(T
) are set to 1.
Additionally, links between opinions can reflect either
positive or negative sentiments showing an agreement
or a disagreement between opinions. Thus, a positive
incoming link for page A should increase A
s PageR-
ank, while a negative incoming link should decrease
s PageRank. However, including subtractions will
violate the properties of the probability distribution
and give non trivial interpretation for the behavior of
the random surfer. Thus, we propose to compute two
OpinionRank scores for each opinion A: (1) a score
that reflects the probability that the surfer reaches A
following positive sentiments for A and (2) a score
that reflects the probability that the surfer reaches A
following negative sentiments for A. Formally, we de-
fine the OpinionRank Algorithm as follows:
(A) = (1d)+d
) +
(A) = (1d)+d
) +
where OR
) and OR
) are the OpinionRanks
of opinions P
which have a positive link to A. Simi-
larly, OR
) and OR
) are the OpinionRanks
of opinions N
which have a negative link to A.
(A) reflects the probability of reaching A follow-
ing positive sentiments and OR
(A) reflects the prob-
ability of reaching A following negative sentiments.
As shown in figure 3, reaching A can be done via
opinions B and E that agrees with A or via opin-
ions C and D that disagrees with A. The intuition is
that what agrees with B and E consequently agrees
with A and what disagrees with C and D consequently
agrees with A. Thus, OR
(A) is computed as the sum
of OR
(B), OR
(E), OR
(B), OR
(E). Similarly,
what disagrees with B and E consequently disagrees
with A and what agrees with C and D consequently
disagrees with A. Thus, OR
(A) is computed as the
sum of OR
(B), OR
(E), OR
(B), OR
Typically, PageRank assumes a probability distri-
bution between 0 and 1. Hence, the initial value for
the score of each page is
where N is the total num-
ber of pages in the graph. In our setting, we assume a
non uniform probability distribution where the initial
score of each opinion is a function of the number of
feedbacks it receives from users. The intuition is to
boost opinions receiving positive feedbacks and pe-
nalize those receiving negative feedbacks. In news
media platforms, an opinion can receive two kinds of
feedbacks: like and dislike. Thus, for each opinion O
we set the OpinionRank score for positive sentiments
) =
and the OpinionRank score for nega-
tive sentiments OR
) =
where L
and D
are the
number of likes and dislikes for opinion O
, and F is
the total number of feedbacks for all opinions about
the news article of interest. By walking through the
debate graph the dislikes of an opinion can be transi-
tively considered as likes for an opposite opinion and
vice versa. Thus, we divide by the total number of
feedbacks to avoid that probabilities go beyond 1.
When we compute for an opinion O the Opinion-
Rank for positive sentiments and the OpinionRank
for negative sentiments, its prominence score can be
computed by:
Pro(O) = OR
(O) OR
The prominence score gives more importance to opin-
ions receiving many positive reactions and few nega-
tive reactions.
seed opinion
nested opinion
Figure 4: User Graph for a given Topic T.
We propose an extension to the OpinionRank Algo-
rithm that weights the impact of an opinion based on
the confidence of its provider. For a given news ar-
ticle of topic T , the intuition is to give more impor-
tance to opinions provided by users with high con-
fidence in topic T . To this end, at the initialization
step, for each opinion O related to topic T we mul-
tiply its OpinionRank scores by the confidence of its
provider on topic T . The key question here is how
to compute user confidence. The confidence repre-
sents the expertise of a user on a given topic. Comput-
ing user confidence in social networks have been ad-
dressed in many studies (e.g. (Akram Al-Kouz, 2011;
Zhang et al., 2007a)) based on different measures in-
cluding posts content, groups, and relationships be-
tween users. However these techniques have specific
assumptions to their applications which make them
hard to adapt in our work. For this reason, we use
a simple and intuitive way of computing user confi-
dence based on the reactions the user receives for his
provided contents. A user can provide different types
of content including seed opinions, nested opinions,
or feedbacks. Each of the seed and nested opinions
belongs to a given topic and might receive reactions
from other users. We represent the actions and the re-
actions a user performs within a given topic T by the
graph shown in figure 4. To compute the confidence
of the user, we first compute the prominence score for
each of its provided opinions. Then the confidence
of the user is computed as the sum of the prominence
scores of all the opinions he provided within topic T .
Formally, user confidence is given by:
Note that user confidence is normalized over the max-
imum user confidence value Max
in Topic T .
Table 1: Datasets Statistics.
#News articles #Users #Seed Opinions #Nested Opinions #Feedbacks
CNN 40, 334 753, 185 12, 516, 409 23, 389, 867 80, 585, 030
Telegraph 40, 136 151, 813 7, 096, 741 11, 822, 323 122, 895, 681
Independent 10, 408 62, 171 747, 665 1, 411, 996 14, 445, 661
6.1 Experimental Setup
6.1.1 Datasets
We have crawled three datasets of Web News from
, The Telegraph
, and Independent
, which
have a social service allowing users to communicate,
discuss around topics, and perform a variety of rat-
ing actions. The choice of these datasets was based
on their rich content of opinions and the possibility
to get information about all actions and feedbacks
of users allowing us to have a complete implemen-
tation of our model and validate our approach. Note
that we could not implement our approach on any of
the opinion datasets available in the literature, such
as TREC datasets (Gerani et al., 2010; Zhang et al.,
2007b; Santos et al., 2009), due to their lack of infor-
mation about user reactions and the relations between
direct opinions and nested opinions. We have crawled
40, 334 articles from CNN, 40, 136 articles from The
Telegraph, and 10, 408 from Independent. We
have extracted all direct opinions related to these ar-
ticles together with their nested opinions, and feed-
backs. For each user who provided opinions, we have
extracted his activities and the feedbacks he received
for them. More statistics about these datasets are
shown in Table 1.
6.1.2 Baselines
We used two baselines from the literature to assess
the effectiveness of our approach. As a first baseline,
we choose BM25 (or Okapi) scoring function to com-
pute the score of each opinion, and most importantly
to highlight the impact of prominence score. As a
second baseline, we use the RevRank technique (Tsur
and Rappoport, 2009), an opinion ranking model. The
idea of this work is to use the dominant terms as indi-
cators for the key-concepts with respect to a specific
news article, in order to compute a helpfulness score
for each opinion. For example, the terms election or
Obama are usually very frequent in the opinions about
a video of Obama presidential campaign. However
their contribution to the helpfulness of an opinion is
limited as they do not provide the user any new in-
formation or any new insights beyond the most triv-
ial. On the other hand, terms like foreign policy and
government are not as frequent but are potentially im-
portant, therefore the scoring algorithm should allow
them to gain a dominance score. The process of iden-
tifying dominant terms is done in two stages. First we
compute, for each news article, the frequency of all
terms that appear in its related opinions. Each term
is scored by its frequency, thus frequent terms are
considered more dominant than others. Second, we
re-rank the resulting terms by their frequency in the
British National Corpus (BNC). RevRank technique
(Tsur and Rappoport, 2009) is independent from the
query, thus relevant opinions might end up having a
low rank if the query terms are unimportant in the
BNC corpus. For this reason, we have excluded the
query terms from the process of defining dominant
terms. In fact, for each news article a and query term
, we select the d most dominant terms to define a
feature vector representation of opinions containing
term q
. We refer to the feature vector having 1 in all
of its coordinates as the core vector (CV
) related to
the query q
. Each opinion O of news article e con-
taining the query term q
is mapped to V
, a feature
vector representation such that a coordinate k is 1 or
0 depending on whether or not the opinion O con-
tains the k
dominant term. Based on the feature vec-
tor representation of opinions and CV
, we define the
helpfulness score of an opinion O as follows:
Hel p(O, q
) = b(O, q
) ×
p(|O|) × |O|
Where b(O, q
) equals to 1 if the opinion O contains
the query term q
and 0 otherwise, V
is the dot
product of the representation vector of opinion O and
, |O| is the length of the opinion O, and p(|r|) is
a penalization factor equals to f
if |O| < |
O| and 1
otherwise. The penalization factor f is needed to pe-
nalize opinions that are too short while the penaliza-
tion for an excessive length is already given by the
denominator |O|.
We have experimentally chosen f = 3
Table 2: Precision and NDCG values per DATASET
P@10 P@20 NDCG@10 NDCG@20
ORel 0.610 0.624 0.816 0.798
RevRank 0.708 0.645 0.844 0.797
Rel+ Pro 0.771 0.737 0.800 0.799
Rel+ Pro (Conf) 0.801 0.772 0.836 0.832
ORel 0.665 0.674 0.811 0.804
RevRank 0.789 0.704 0.862 0.844
Rel+ Pro 0.839 0.807 0.858 0.848
Rel+ Pro (Conf) 0.851 0.835 0.870 0.858
ORel 0.694 0.652 0.843 0.832
RevRank 0.773 0.710 0.879 0.866
Rel+ Pro 0.794 0.760 0.849 0.825
Rel+ Pro (Conf) 0.805 0.778 0.854 0.831
6.1.3 Evaluation Metrics
To compare the results of the different methods, we
use two quality measures: Precision at k (P@k) and
Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG).
The P@k is the fraction of retrieved opinions that are
relevant to the query considering only the top-k re-
sults. It is given by:
P@k =
|Relevant Opinions topk Opinions Results|
Additionally, we compute NDCG to measure the use-
fulness (gain) of opinions based on their (geometri-
cally weighted) positions in the result list.
NDCG(E, k) = Z
(1 + i)
where Z
is a normalization factor calculated to make
NDCG at k equal to 1 in case of perfect ranking, and
rel(i) is the relevance score of an opinion at rank i.
In our setting, relevance scores rel(i) have three dif-
ferent values: 2(very relevant), 1(relevant), and 0(not
6.2 Strategies Under Comparison
We evaluate the effectiveness of our scoring model by
using different strategies. For each news article, we
rank its related opinions using the following strate-
Relevance (Rel). Results are ranked using the BM25
scoring as described in section 3.1.
RevRank. Results are ranked based on RevRank
technique as described in section 6.1.2.
OpinionRank (Rel+Pro). Results are ranked based
on relevance and prominence computed using the
OpinionRank algorithm described in section 4.
User-Sensitive OpinionRank (Rel+Pro(Conf)). Re-
sults are ranked based relevance and prominence
computed using the User-Sensitive OpinionRank al-
gorithm described in section 5
6.2.1 Setup
Finding a good set of queries is not an easy task since
users might be interested in searching opinions on dif-
ferent aspects of a given news article, depending on
their personal context and interests. Thus, we have
conducted a user study with manual query selection
and assessment. The task was carried out by 30 hu-
man assessors who where researchers and students
not involved in this project. We have asked our hu-
man assessors to choose news articles of interests and
suggest queries related to them according to their in-
terests. This process resulted in 206 queries posed on
206 topics from the three datasets. More precisely,
we have tested 108 queries on CNN, 70 queries on The
Telegraph and 28 queries on Independent. For
each query, we have applied the strategies described
earlier and got the top 20 results for each strategy. We
have shown the pool of all results to our human asses-
sors who evaluated them according to the following
guidelines: (1) an opinion is considered non relevant,
and gets a score of 0, if it does not give a comment
related to the query, (2) an opinion is considered rel-
evant if it contains information about the query. In
this case it gets a score of 1, (3) an opinion is con-
sidered very relevant if it is relevant to the query and
provides additional information that was not given by
the news article itself such as new view point, new ar-
guments, or references to more information about the
query topic. In this case it gets a score of 2. The as-
sessment is done without having any idea about the
adopted strategy.
Table 3: Precision and NDCG values for Relevance-based Ranking per category.
Precision NDCG
P@10 P@20 NDCG@10 NDCG@20
Rel 0.612 0.625 0.798 0.790
RevRank 0.768 0.656 0.907 0.890
Rel+ Pro 0.862 0.815 0.892 0.889
Rel+Pro (Conf) 0.875 0.837 0.902 0.895
Rel 0.587 0.556 0.857 0.813
RevRank 0.668 0.571 0.849 0.828
Rel+ Pro 0.687 0.646 0.761 0.750
Rel+ Pro (Conf) 0.737 0.696 0.832 0.813
Rel 0.742 0.725 0.812 0.813
RevRank 0.814 0.760 0.852 0.836
Rel+ Pro 0.814 0.817 0.858 0.845
Rel+ Pro (Conf) 0.821 0.835 0.863 0.861
Rel 0.621 0.683 0.797 0.794
RevRank 0.757 0.681 0.859 0.830
Rel+ Pro 0.866 0.821 0.860 0.853
Rel+ Pro (Conf) 0.872 0.846 0.869 0.862
Rel 0.667 0.645 0.789 0.772
RevRank 0.739 0.611 0.845 0.747
Rel+ Pro 0.791 0.746 0.812 0.805
Rel+ Pro (Conf) 0.803 0.775 0.861 0.803
6.3 Results and Analysis
6.3.1 Results
The overall results on the three datasets are shown
in Table 2. We can see that our approach almost al-
ways outperforms the baselines by an improvement
of 3 13% in terms of precision, and 2 4% in terms
of NDCG. This shows that the prominence compo-
nent of the model plays an important role in improv-
ing the satisfaction of users. The datasets CNN, and
The Telegraph have very similar performances while
Independent is slightly worse regarding NDCG val-
ues. The reason is that Independent dataset does
not contain a lot of user reactions, which makes the
prominence component weaker. Additionally, it is the
dataset with less queries which makes it very sensi-
tive to outliers. It is also observed that User-sensitive
OpinionRank improves the effectiveness of Opinion-
Rank algorithm. Therefore, including user confidence
to compute prominence scores gives better results for
opinion ranking. One explanation is that opinions
given by experts have more relevance and impact than
opinions given by novice users. To have a more in-
sightful analysis, we looked at the topic of news arti-
cles for 193 queries falling into 5 categories: Business
(33 queries), Media (32 queries), Living (34 queries),
Opinions (40 queries), and Politics (54 queries). Our
results by category are shown in table 3. For all cat-
egories, our strategy almost always improves the two
measures of Precision and NDCG. It is also notewor-
thy to say that the gain varies with the topic of the
news article. For example, in the Politics category the
Precision@10 increases from 73.9% using RevRank
technique to 80.3% using our User-sensitive opin-
ionRank model and the NDCG@10 improves from
84.5% to 86.1%. By contrast, for the Living cate-
gory, the absolute improvement is of 0.8% in Preci-
sion@10, and 1.1% in NDCG@10.
The average of precision values, for all categories,
shows a gain between 0.8% to 18%. For NDCG,
we have a slight improvement as compared to the
RevRank baseline. However, the gain can be much
higher for many individual queries. Examples are
shown in table 4. For instance, considering the query
Osama bin laden death, the precision was raised
from 50% using RevRank technique to 100% using
our User-sensitive OpinionRank approach, and the
NDCG from 73.9% to 98.1%. Similarly, we improve
the precision of the query US gun control and suicide
from 60% to 100%, and the NDCG from 85.8% to
92.2%, giving high quality results.
To have a concrete idea about the results of our ap-
proach, we take our motivation example of the news
article Boston Bombing and we retrieve the top5 opin-
ions about the topic by using (1) relevance only and
(2) relevance and prominence. We can see, in Fig-
ure 5 that both result lists are relevant, however using
Table 4: Individual Precision and NDCG values for Relevance-based and Insightfulness-based Ranking.
P@10 NDCG@10
Rel+ Rel+ Rel+ Rel+
Rel RevRank Pro Pro(Conf) Rel RevRank Pro Pro(Conf)
Titan workers problem 0.65 0.65 0.85 0.95 0.681 0.805 0.977 0.988
Italy election Europolitcs 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.95 0.816 0.939 0.979 0.985
School overspend 0.55 0.6 0.55 0.65 0.756 0.823 0.780 0.882
Kevin Hart arrest 0.4 0.45 0.75 0.85 0.808 0.825 0.746 0.981
Rennard sexual scandal 0.45 0.55 0.8 0.85 0.749 0.708 0.788 0.785
antibiotics resistance 0.75 0.8 0.9 0.95 0.876 0.961 0.955 0.962
Osama bin laden death 0.45 0.5 0.9 1.0 0.733 0.739 0.960 0.981
Gun control and suicide 0.6 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.779 0.858 0.637 0.922
Job plans US candidates 0.65 0.65 0.8 0.85 0.619 0.776 0.935 0.942
Russian Chechen War 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.85 0.695 0.673 0.767 0.920
the prominence score returns more opinions that bring
new insights about the topic which is clearly an added
6.3.2 Discussion
The experimental results show that our model al-
most always outperforms the native rankings of opin-
ions by a significant margin. In some cases, how-
ever, the gains are small and generally depend on
the category type. One explanation to this behav-
ior is that topics of Business, Opinion, and Politics
are usually very popular, gossip appealing, contro-
versial, and daily life subjects. Examples include,
Gun control and suicide, Kevin hart arrest, and Ital-
ian election Euro-politics. Due to the large number
of opinions and discussions in these categories, the
prominence score improves the overall performance
of our model. By contrast, the other categories, such
as Living, generally contain topics that are not very
controversial and consequently generate less debates
and discussion between users (e.g.,School academies
overspend). Consequently, our model is less effective
in some categories, which is due to their unpopularity.
A closer look at Table 4 shows that we are performing
particularly well for news articles about highly con-
troversial and highly popular topics, which are sub-
ject to gossiping. For instance, we can clearly see
the difference between the query about the Gun con-
trol and suicide, a highly controversial topic, and the
School academies overspend where opinions are less
diverse. The precision improves for the first query
from 60% using RevRank technique to 100% using
User-sensitive OpinionRank technique, while there is
a slight improvement for the second query.
To summarize, our model works best for topics
with very large number of opinions and debates which
is a very promising step towards our initial goal of
selecting valuable information from the increasing
amount of opinions in news media. It is also clear
that our model does not perform well with categories
and news articles related to unpopular topics. To
cope with that, one solution could be to determine the
prominence of opinions based on how many opinions
are similar to it. This means, we create a graph of
opinions where a link exist between two opinions if
they are similar. In this way, an opinion with many
incoming links will be prominent.
Top 5 Relev ance
Top 5 – Relevance + Prominence
“Immigration reform”
-Opponents use terrorist attacks as a reason
for scuttling efforts to achieve immigration
-Many Latinos, believe that this is
immensely unfair
- Immigration reform would lead to the end
of America: having illegitimate children and
going on welfare.
Figure 5: An Example of Opinion Ranking for immigration
Retrieval and ranking of opinions in product reviews
has received great attention in prior works. In this
paper, we generalized this problem to retrieving and
ranking opinions in news media, and paid particu-
lar attention to the exploitation of users’ debates in
such platforms to retrieve the most prominent opin-
ions. Our experiments showed that these debates,
enhanced by explicit feedbacks, are definitely valu-
able and should be taken into account for ranking
opinions. For pragmatic reasons, our experiments in-
cluded news datasets having similar structures. How-
ever, exploring other datasets of different types of en-
tities, of users, and kinds of opinions is worthwhile in
order to show the wide applicability of our model. To
this end, we are planning to assess the effectiveness of
our approach using a dataset crawled from Youtube,
which is more subject to noise. We are currently in-
vestigating these points for further improvements.
This work was supported by RARE project.
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