Cell Formation Problem: An Multithreading Tabu Search for Setup
Time Optimization for Limited Machine Magazines
A New Solution for a Classical Problem
Arthur T. Gómez, Felipe R. Ferrary, José V. Canto dos Santos and Leonardo Chiwiacowsky
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – PIPCA, Av. Unisinos, 950, São Leopoldo – RS, Brazil
Keywords: Tabu Search, Machine Setup Time Optimization, Manufacturing Cell Formation.
Abstract: This paper aims to present a solution for the Manufacturing Cell Formation Problem through the use of a
multithreading Tabu Search that uses deterministic methods to effectively explore local optimum areas.
Manufacturing Cell Formation problem involves the process of analysing parts and groups them according
to their similarity. This paper aims maximize the production efficiency, by minimizing the machine setup
time in a limited magazine size through the reduction of tool changes by creating clusters of parts that share
machining tools and present an initial scheduling based on tool changes reduction. In order to valid the
proposed algorithm, the results obtained are compared against other Tabu Search solutions proposed in the
The process of batching and automate
manufacturing processes is an essential process for
companies that want to make competitive products.
The Batch manufacturing is estimated to be the most
common form of production, constituting more than
50% of the total manufacturing activity in the US. In
addition, there is a growing need to make batch
manufacturing more efficient and productive
(Groover, 2001).
In the batching process, Group Technology (GT)
has an important role and offers relevant
contribution helping to increase the efficiency of
production operations and reducing the requirement
of facilities (Xu et al., 2014). As part of GT, the
Manufaturing Cell Formation problem aims to
define an efficient struture to group machines (James
et. al., 2007).
The Manufaturing Cell Formation problem is a
NP-Hard (Spiliopoulos and Sofianopoulou, 2008).
Thus, simple heuristics has the propensity to not
present satisfactory results. Therefore, several
methods making use of artificial intelligence
techniques are proposed to solve the problem. Being
the manufacturing cell formation a problem of
combinatorial optimization, metaheuristic like Ant
Colony (Li et al., 2011; Spiliopoulos and
Sofianopoulou, 2008), Genetic algorithms (Xiaodan
et al., 2007), Tabu Search (Gómez et al., 2011) are
commonly used to find a good solution. On this
paper the metaheuristic Tabu Search is used to solve
the problem.
Beyond that, another resource that currently
receives increasing focus on academic papers is the
parallel processing applied to these methods
(Fiechter, 1994; He et al., 2005). In such cases,
different processors can perform multiple
calculations simultaneously.
Another method gaining increased attention is
the hybridization of metaheuristics (Kaur and
Murugappan, 2008). The success of the hybrid
approach comes from the union factor of the
strategic advantages of each method in a single
metaheuristic; providing a better performance
compared to the pure method (Tsai et al., 2009).
In this paper, a variation of the classical
implementation of Tabu Search is proposed. Being
part of this modification, concepts of hybridization
and parallel programming are used to provide
solutions near promising regions.
This paper is divided into 5 sections. Section 2
presents concepts of the Manufaturing Cell
Formation problem as well as review from its
literature. Section 3 presents details about the Tabu
Gómez A., Ferrary F., Canto Dos Santos J. and Chiwiacowsky L..
Cell Formation Problem: An Multithreading Tabu Search for Setup Time Optimization for Limited Machine Magazines - A New Solution for a Classical
DOI: 10.5220/0005063403320339
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2014), pages 332-339
ISBN: 978-989-758-039-0
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Search proposed to solve the problem, also further
details about the multithreading concept used on this
method are provided. Section 4 presents the methods
used for general testing, as well as the metric used to
compare the result againt other solution found in the
literature. Section 5 presents the conclusions.
The cellular formation for a manufacturing system is
an application of the Group Technology (GT)
which is a tool to identify similar parts and group
them together regarding similarities between them
(Selim et al, 1998). The Cell Formation (CF) aims to
reduce the setup and flow times – minimizing the
inventory and manufacturing lead times
(Wemmerlov and Hyer, 1989; Wu et al., 2010).
CF is a binary matrix machines versus parts
which reorganizes rows and columns with the
intention to group parts (part families) and machines
(machine cell). The binary element in the Figure 1
represents the relationship between part and machine
1 – the part p uses the resource (or machine)
0 – the part p can’t use the resource m;
See the example below:
Machine Number
Part Number
1 2 3 4 5
1 0 1 0 1 1
2 1 0 1 0 0
3 0 1 0 1 0
4 1 0 1 0 0
Figure 1: Relationship between part and machine.
Then, apply the Cluster Identification Algorithm
(Kusiak and Chow, 1987) to find any relationship
between parts and machines – rearranging the cells
and resulting in two cellular formation for
manufacturing systems and two part families, as
described in the Figure 2.
FP-1 FP-2
1 3 2 4 5
2 1 1
4 1 1
1 1 1 1
3 1 1
Figure 2: Cells created by Kusiak Algorithm.
Firstly proposed in 1986, Tabu Search is a method
that can be used to solve different problems on
combinatorial optimization environment (Glover,
1986). According with Glover (1986), Tabu Search
may be viewed as a metaheuristic superimposed on
another heuristic. This method uses a list in order to
forbid movements (“tabu movement”) that drives to
solution areas already explored.
Sumanta Basu (2012) brings a brief and updated
literature review about the Tabu Search being used
as a problem resolution tool related to combinatorial
area. On this paper, the main methods used to
perform movements from one solution to another
movements used to generate the neighbourhood,
Tabu List size and type, search intensification and
diversification, aspiration criteria as well as a couple
of other relevant details pointed along the article.
The diffent methods overviewed by this article
are evaluated qualitatively (through the quality of
the solution) as well as quantitatively (by checking
the number of times this method is used in the
studied articles). The methods employed in the
proposed Multithreading Tabu search take in
account of the methods pointed as the most efficiant
and appropriate to the resolution of combinatorial
The solution quality is evaluated using by metric
named “effective clustering” (Kumar and
Chandrasekharan, 1990). This metric is represented
by the equation(1).
In the given equation, e represents the number of
1’s in the given matrix, e
represents the number of
voids (number o 0’s inside the clusters in the main
diagonal) e
is the number of exception (the number
of 1’s outside the main diagonal).
3.1 Initial Solution
As initial solution, cluster identification is used. This
algorithm is an iterative process that selects rows
and columns in a matrix in order to simultaneously
create Family Parts and Machine Clusters. Kusiak
and Chow (1987) have initially proposed an
algorithm that identifies the similarity between
manufacturing processes and creates separable
groups. This method uses a binary part-machine
incidence matrix A = [a
] and decomposes A into
sub matrices A
, A
, A
. Each sub matrix can be
defined as a machine cell.
However, once this paper aims to control and
reduce the number of tool changes in a limited
magazine, it is necessary taking in account of the
machine magazine limit. For this reason, the
algorithm used on this paper to generate the initial
solution is a method proposed by Gómez (Gómez,
1996) because this method considers the similarity
of tools used in the manufaturing process, as well as
the machine magazine limit.
Despite this kind of method hardly returns the
optimal solution, it is frequently used because it
points to an optimum solution. Usually an exact
algorithm points to a local optimum solution instead
of a global one. However, this algorithm can in some
particular cases point to the optimal solution as well
as it can point to a near-optimal solution that can be
considered an acceptable result (Black, 2005).
3.2 Search Intensification
Proposed by (Croes, 1958) as a method to solve the
travelling salesman problem, the 2-opt is widely
used to modify a current solution and generate a new
neighborhood until the stop criteria requirements are
met (Lim, Yong, Ramli and Khalid, 2011). Also, it
is used as a local search method in many other
combinatorial problems (Kothari and Ghosh, 2013;
Hasegawa, Ikeguchi and Aihara, 1997).
The 2-opt movement occurs through the removal
of two non-adjacent parts or machines from a
cluster. After the removal of these components,
those parts or machines have their position
exchanged thus preventing the need of perform an
evaluation of a subgroup again. In addition to, 2-opt
movement is also used to exchange the families
orders, thus changing the current scheduling. This
proccess helps in reducing the number of tool
change between Family parts, consequently reducing
the setup time.
The intensification occurs due the non-
substantial change of only two parts or machines,
thus creating a solution near of the current solution.
Considering it is a simple movement, consequently
it has a low computational complexity – θ(n
) for 2-
opt algorithm (Croes, 1958). For this reason, this
method can be commonly find in Tabu Search
implementations. In this paper, the 2-opt movement
is used to generate 20 neighbours and potential
solution candidates.
Another mehod used in the implementation and
on search intensification is a column insertion
method. In this method, as initial step an part or
machine is randomly selected and then, this
component is removed from its cluster. In a next
step, the algoritm should find the best cluster to
insert this part or machine back (Semet and Taillard,
Suppose that the Families FP-1, FP-2 and FP-3
(Figure 3(a)) are clusters that represent the current
solution for a machine supports 4 tools and the part
4 that belongs to the Cluster FP-3 is removed.
Considering the, algorithm should find the best
Family to insert this part back aiming to minimize
the associated objective function as well as its
restrictions. On this particular example, once the part
4 shares resources with the FP-1 the part 4 must be
moves this cluster reducing the FP-3(Figure 3(b)). In
a second iteration the part 7 could be moved to FP-2
cutting the FP-3 off.
1 5 3 6 2 8 7
1 1 1 
2 1 1  
3  1
4 1 1 1 
5 1 1 1 
6 11
Figure 3(a): Incidence matrix [aij] before insertion
1 5 3
4 6 2 8 7
1 1  1 
2 1 1 
6   1 1
3   1
4  1 1 1
5  1 1 1
Figure 3(b): Incidence matrix [aij] after insertion
When comparing both proposed intensification
methods, it is possible to notice that both methods
are very similar. More than this, it is possible to
affirm that the insert column method is an improved
2-opt once in both cases a randon part or machine is
selected. However, on insert column algorithm,
when returning this part to a cluster an objective
function must be respected giving always the best
solution. Due the second method requires more
computational resources than the 2-opt method, it is
used to generate only 5 neighbours and potential
solution candidates.
3.3 Search Diversification
Different from the movements proposed in order to
intensify the search (usually have simpler and subtle
movements), in situations where it is necessary
diversify the search and then to reach a solution far
from the current solution then diversification
movements are used. The diversification movements
should perturb the neighbourhood increasing its
candidate solution range consequently reaching
solutions areas not explored before.
In the proposed model, the diversification
movements occur only after a pre-defined number of
iterations without improve of the current value of the
actual solution or the value of the objective
function. By default, this value is set as half of the
value proposed as stopping criteria (The stopping
criteria is defined as a finite number of iteration
without improvement the value of objective
Once the iteration counter reaches half of the
stopping criteria, automatically diversification
movements are made perturbing the current
neighbourhood. In this paper the chosen stopping
criteria is 500 rounds without improvement,
consequently the diversification movements only
creates solution candidates after 250 iterations. Two
different methods are proposed in order to generate
solution candidates.
As previously cited in this paper, the Tabu
Search is a method that improves the results though
several iterations using a list of movements that
should not be repeated and uses these resources to
avoid becoming stuck in local optima area.
However, the performance and the time to obtain an
optimal or near-optimal solution are strongly
affected by the proposed initial solution (Liu, Xiong
and Liu, 2009).
Bearing in mind that the diversification
algorithm is only used after several rounds without
improvements, we can assume that it is pottentially
stucked in a local optimal. If so, the result hardly
will be improved. For this reason, the implemented
Tabu Search proposes the usage of the same
deterministic method previously used to generate the
initial solution again, generating a unique solution
candidate that points to a new optimal or suboptimal
region, region which can possibly be the global
optimal solution (Black, 2005).
It is known that the deterministic algoritm used
to find an initial solution has a higher complexity -
θ(2mn) (Kusiak, 1987) - than the standard algorithm
used during the search intensification like 2-opt
)). Nevertheless, with the advancement from
studies related to the parallel processing area in
addition to technological advancement of the
computer hardware, it becomes possible to use
algorithms with higher complexity instead of save
processing time in combinatorial problems. Thus, it
is proposed the use of the modified kusiak algoritm
in parallel to the Tabu Search algoritm to create a
solution candidate. The Figure 4 shows the
architeture used to run the initial solution method in
parallel to the intensification and diversification
movements. Once it is a multithread processing
method, an iteration should not be finished until both
processes are completely done, otherwise there is a
risk of loose the synchronization between both.
The implemented alternative Kusiak method can
be defined as a deterministic algorithm, being non
deterministic only when selecting the initial part
represented by a row in the matrix. For this reason,
depending of the initial part selected, the same result
matrix can be obtained more than once. It occurs
every time the initial part previously selected is
selected again. For this reason, the implementation
of second Tabu List is proposed in order to prevent
that the same initial part be selected several times.
This secondary Tabu List is responsible for storing a
set of initial parts that were already used. This
special list size is proportional to the problem size
and has a size equivalent to 10% of the prblem size.
3.4 Tabu List
When generating a collection of solutions, it can be
observed that the new neighbourhood can present
only worse solutions in comparison with the best
solution found. The Tabu Search has resources that
can prevent the method to visit these worse solutions
again, as well as it has resources avoid becoming
stuck in a local optimal region (Sorlin and Solnon,
2005). A solution is added to the Tabu List every
time it was already visited.
Figure 4: Multithreading Tabu Search architecture.
The Tabu Search is a method with memory
structures. This memory structure is used in order to
store a finite collection of movementes made during
its processing. Therefore, a list is necessary to store
these movementes, being this list known as the Tabu
List (Glover, 1986). Bearing in mind that whether it
is an finite size list, each movement added to the
Tabu List must remain in this list for a limited and
pre-defined time. This limitation occurs through the
definition of the Tabu List Size (Basu, 2012).
The size of the Tabu List allows the user to
intensify or diversify the search. The Tabu List
memory types can be divided into three different
categories Short-term, Intermediate-term or Long-
The Tabu List size can also be static, dynamic or
random (Tang and Hooks, 2005). According with
(Basu, 2012) survey, lists with static size are the
most common and its size usually varies from 0 to 4
like as proposed in (Crainic, Gendreau, Soriano and
Toulouse, 1993). On the other hand, there are
articles that also present static lists, however with a
larger list allowing more than 30 values (Lau, Sim
and Teo, 2003). In this paper as well as presented by
(Ting, Li and Lee, 2003; Greistorfer, 2003) the Tabu
List size is proportional the number of parts and
machines being analyzed, the chosen proportion on
this implementation is 25% of the problem size.
In order to test the Tabu Search implementation, a
set of 11 problems extracted from the literature is
used. This set of problems was previously tested by
James et. al. (2007) and Gómez et. Al. (2011). The
best solutions found in both papers are compared
against the solutions obtained on this paper. The list
of test instances was extracted from James et. al.
Table 1: Minimum, maximum and average efficiency.
ID Problem Source Min Max Average σ
King and
82,35 82,35 82,35 0,00
Waghodekar and
Sahu (1984)
70,00 80,00 74,08 2,44
79,59 79,59 79,59 0,00
Kusiak and Cho
80,00 80,00 80,00 0,00
Kusiak and
Chow (1987)
58,62 60,71 58,97 0,75
6 Boctor (1991) 70,37 73,08 71,18 1,31
Seifoddini and
Wolfe (1986)
76,00 76,00 76,00 0,00
and Rajagopalan
66,67 67,44 66,89 0,36
and Rajagopalan
18,18 26,77 22,47 4,52
Mosier and
Taube (1985)
70,59 76,00 71,87 2,26
Chan and Milner
92 92 92 0,00
Once the proposed Tabu Search uses
multithreading processing – a multi core processor
must be used to evaluate the processing time gain,
therefore the tests were made in a computer with an
Intel Core i5-3210M processor with 2.5Ghz and
6GB of RAM memory.
Each problem was submitted to 75 executions
considering a machine magazine limited to 4 tools.
In the Table 1 are shown the obtained: worse and
best efficiency result, average efficiency result and
its standard deviation. Like in James et. al. (2007)
the problems are organized by ID and problem
An relevant point observed during the tests are
the low processing time. In most part of the cases,
the processing time have not exceed 2 seconds. The
lowest processing time is observed on problem 1 –
average processing time of 1 second and 200
milisenconds – and the biggest processing time is
observed on problem 8 taking 2 seconds and 79
miliseconds. This low processing time even using
the Kusiak algorithm to diversificate the search
proves that with the new hardware improvements,
methods with a higher complexity can be used in
metaheuristics without performance reduction.
The method proved it self powerful when
grouping machines that do not have to proccess
more parts than the magazine limit. Once we are
imposing a restriction, on this particular case
imposing a magazine limit of 4 tool. Consequently,
if a machine have to process more than 4 parts – it
tends to create a bottleneck because this part have to
be processed in more than one step. This situation is
observed on problem 9, this problem has several
parts that requires 5 tools on its production. For this
reason, it is expected to have a result above the
found on literature where this restriction is not
In other hand, in problems where 4 or less tools
are used during the process, like in problems 1, 2, 3,
4 and 5, the results are better or the same when
compared to the literature. Table 2 shows the results
in the literature in comparison to the obtained on this
paper. Proposed Tabu Search represents the results
found on this paper. Results better than the ones
found in literature are in bold.
Though the Table 2 it is possible to observe that
the solutions found to the problems 2, 4, 6, 7 and 10
are better than the solutions presented by the
literature. On problems 1, 3 and 11 the same result
was found. On problems 5, 8 and 9 the results found
in the literature are better than the ones found by the
proposed Tabu Search.
Table 2: Comparison between literature results and
proposed Tabu Search results.
in source
James et.
al. (2007)
Gómez et.
Al. (2011)
Tabu Search
1 73,68 82,35 82,35
2 68 69,57 69,57
3 79,59 79,59 79,59 79,59
4 76,92 76,92 76,92
5 53,13 60,87 60,87 58,97
6 70,37 70,83 70,83
7 68,3 69,44 69,44
8 85,25 85,25 85,25 66,89
9 58,72 58,72 56,70 22,47
10 72,79 75 70,35 71,87
11 92 92 92 92
This paper aims to present a solution for the
Manufacturing Cell Formation Problem through the
use of a multithreading Tabu Search, that uses
deterministic methods to effctively explore loca
optimum areas. On this paper, the magazine is
considered with limited capacity. The magazine
capacity considered is four tools.
The method obtained better solutions when
compared against other solutions found in the
literature when using 4 or less tools on the
manufaturing proccess. proving to be a powerfull
method to create manufaturing cells for limited
number of tools or resources.
However, due the magazine limit restriction
added to the problem the better results are limited
only to parts that use 4 or less tools on its
processing. Thus, an independent method to deal
with this restriction could be implemented in order
to improve the result effiiency. Consequently
reducing the number of tool changes and setup time.
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Mathematical Modelling, Volume 38, Issue 1, pp. 384-