Role-Driven Knowledge Management Implementation
Lessons Learned
Alexander Smirnov
and Nikolay Shilov
SPIIRAS, 39, 14 Line, 199178, St.Petersburg, Russia
ITMO University, 49, Kronverkskiy pr., 197101, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Role, Ontology, Lesson.
Abstract: Today, companies have to deeply transform both their product development structure and the structure of
their business processes. Knowledge management has shown its efficient applicability in this area.
However, implementation of such complex changes in large companies faces many difficulties. The paper
presents lessons learned from implementing knowledge management in two collaboration experiences with
industrial partners. The role-based knowledge management approach used in these collaboration
experiences is described. It relies on the ontological knowledge representation for its sharing and considers
the workflows from perspectives of different roles. The major steps of the approach are described. The
observations made during the implementation of the approach address problems related to the
implementation and generic principles that helped to overcome the problems.
Modern market opportunities require companies to
introduce new strategic objectives and tools. They
have to build strategies that provide maximum
flexibility and can optimally respond to changes in
their environment (Gunasekaran et al., 2008;
Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2005; Christopher and
Towill, 2001). In order to cope with these
requirements, companies need to deeply transform
both their product development structure and the
structure of their business processes.
Knowledge management has shown its efficient
applicability in this area. It is a complex cooperative
network-centric process to support multi-object and
multi-disciplinary areas including modelling, design,
knowledge representation and acquisition, decision
support and supporting environment (Liu et al.,
Due to the modern trends in knowledge-
dominated economy from “capital-intensive
business environment” to “intelligence-intensive
business environment” and from “product push”
strategies to a “consumer pull” management
companies accumulate large volumes of knowledge
usually referred to as corporate knowledge. An
efficient approach was required in order to provide a
mechanism which allows for decision maker to have
required knowledge “at hand” in an appropriate form
for making correct and timely decisions, what in turn
will make possible for a manufacturing system to
quickly react on changes in its environment and to
be flexible enough.
A number of efforts have been done in the area
of sharing information and processes between
applications, people and companies. However
knowledge sharing / exchange required more than
this. It required information coordination and
repository sharing with regard to semantics. This has
led to appearance of the Corporate Knowledge
Management (CKM) that can be defined as a
complex set of relations between people, processes
and technology bound together with the cultural
norms, like mentoring and knowledge sharing.
However, implementation of such complex
changes in large companies faces many difficulties:
business process cannot be stopped to switch
between old and new workflows; old and new
software systems have to be supported at the same
time; the range of products, which are already in the
markets, has to be maintained in parallel with new
products, etc. Another problem is that it is difficult
to estimate in advance which solutions and
workflow would be efficient and convenient for the
employees. Hence, just following existing
knowledge management implementation guidelines
Smirnov A. and Shilov N..
Role-Driven Knowledge Management Implementation - Lessons Learned.
DOI: 10.5220/0005034700360043
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2014), pages 36-43
ISBN: 978-989-758-050-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
is not possible (e.g. Oluikpe, 2012), and this process
has to be and iterative and interactive.
The paper presents lessons learned from
implementing knowledge management in two
collaboration experiences. The first one is a result of
a long-term joint work with Festo AG&Co KG, an
industrial company that has more than 300 000
customers in 176 countries supported by more than
52 companies worldwide with more than 250 branch
offices and authorised agencies in further 36
countries (Oroszi et al., 2009; Smirnov et al.,
2013a). Some early steps of this collaboration
related to implementation of the product codification
system have been reported in (Smirnov et al., 2011).
The other one is a result of project carried out for
Ford Motor Company aimed to describing
production processes and production facilities (Golm
and Smirnov, 2000a; Golm and Smirnov, 2000b).
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
describes the role-driven approach to knowledge
management. Section 3 introduces the
implementation of the approach. The lessons learned
are concluding the paper.
Efficient knowledge management assumes deriving
and processing not only internal knowledge but also
knowledge from various sources including (adapted
from Botkin, 1999):
customer needs, perceptions, and motivations,
expertise within and across the supply chain;
best practices, technology intelligence and
forecasting, systemic innovation, etc.;
products in the marketplace, who is buying
them and why, what prices they are selling at;
what competitors are selling now and what they
are planning to sell in the future.
Knowledge management in a global companies
requires interoperability at both technical and
semantic levels. The interoperability at the technical
level is addressed in a number of research efforts. It
is usually represented by such approaches as e.g.,
SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) (SOA, 2014)
and is based on the appropriate standards like
WSDL and SOAP (Web services explained, 2014).
The semantic level of interoperability in the
production network is also paid significant attention.
As an example (probably the most widely known),
the Semantic Web initiative is worth mentioning
(Semantic Web, 2014). The Semantic Web relies on
application of ontologies for knowledge and
terminology description.
The approach used in the presented work
(Smirnov, Levashova and Shilov, 2009) relies on the
ontological knowledge representation for its sharing.
The ontology describes common entities of the
company’s knowledge and relationships between
them. Besides, the dynamic nature of the company
requires considering the current situation in order to
provide for actual knowledge or information. For
this purpose, the idea of contexts is used. Context
represents additional information that helps to
identify specifics of the current transaction. It
defines a narrow domain that the user of the
knowledge management platform works with. One
more important aspect covered by the approach is
the competence profiling. Profiles contain such
information as the network member’s capabilities
and capacities, terminological specifics, preferred
ways of interaction, etc.
The overall conceptual model of the knowledge
management platform would be formed as follows.
The approach is based on the idea that knowledge of
the company can be represented by two levels for
the purposes of its processing in information
systems. The knowledge of the first level (structural
knowledge) is described by a common ontology.
The ontology forms the core of the platform. In
order for the ontology to be of reasonable size it
includes only most generic common entities.
Ontologies provide a common way of knowledge
representation for its further processing. They have
shown their usability for this type of tasks (e.g.,
Bradfield et al., 2007; Chan and Yu, 2007; Patil et
al., 2005). The common ontology is used to solve
the problem of knowledge heterogeneity and enables
interoperability between heterogeneous information
sources due to provision of their common semantics
and terminology (Uschold and Grüninger, 1996). It
describes all the products (produced and to be
produced), their features (existing and possible),
production processes and production equipment.
This ontology is used in a number of different
workflows. The tools are interoperable due to the
usage of the common ontology and database.
Knowledge map connects the ontology with
different knowledge sources of the company.
Knowledge represented by the second level is an
instantiation of the first level knowledge.
For modern decision support systems,
personalized support is important. Usually, it is
based on application of the profiling technology.
Each user (human or an information system) works
on a particular problem or scenario represented via a
context that may be characterised by a particular
customer order, its time, requirements, etc.
Figure 1: Role-based perspectives of the common ontology.
Figure 2: Approach illustration.
The second idea of the approach is to consider
the workflows from perspectives of different roles.
Research efforts in the area of information
logistics show information and knowledge needs of
a particular emploee depend on his/her tasks and
responsibilities (Lundqvist, 2007). This is also
confirmed in other works, e.g.: “Information demand
depends on the role and tasks an entity has within a
larger organization. If the role and/or the tasks
change, so too will the demand" (Persson and Stirna,
Role-based approaches have shown their
efficiency in such adjacent areas as ontology
modelling (Fox et al., 1995), competence modelling
(Tarasov and Sandkuhl, 2011), etc.
Based on the experiences from two industrial
case studies, the following perspectives have been
identified: product manager & product engineer
(from the first case study), and production manager
and production engineer (from the second case
study). Each of them works with his/her part of the
User 1
(product manager)
User 2
(product engineer)
User 3
(production engineer)
User 4
(production manager)
Workflow 1
Workflow 2
Workflow 3
Workflow 4
User roles
Information / knowled
e flow
Knowledge /
common ontology, with the ontology parts
overlapping (Figure 1).
The approach assumes the following steps for
knowledge management implementation (Figure 2):
1. Structural information about workflows and
the problem domain is collected and described
in the common ontology.
2. User roles are identified and their relevant
parts of the common ontology are defined.
3. Tasks assigned to the identified roles are
4. Knowledge required for performing identified
tasks is defined.
5. Based on the identified roles, tasks and
knowledge, new knowledge-based workflows
are defined.
6. Corresponding role-based knowledge support
of the workflows is provided based on the
usage of the common ontology and
knowledge / information storages.
This process repeats for each particular role,
with some knowledge being reused between roles.
The next section describes the implementation of
the developed approach.
The first step of the approach implementation is
creation of the ontology. This operation was done
automatically based on existing documents and
defined rules of the model building. The resulting
ontology consists of more than 1000 classes
organized into a four level taxonomy, which is based
on the VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen – und
Anlagenbau, German Engineering Federation)
classification (VDMA, 2014). Taxonomical
relationships support inheritance that makes it
possible to define more common attributes for
higher level classes and inherit them for lower level
subclasses. The same taxonomy is used in the
company's PDM and ERP systems.
For each product family (class) a set of
properties (attributes) is defined, and for each
property, its possible values and their codes are
defined as well. The lexicon of properties is
ontology-wide, and as a result, the values can be
reused for different families.
Then, based on the developed ontology, the
complex product modelling design and system has
been implemented. Complex product description
consists of two major parts: product components and
rules. Complex product components can be the
following: simple products, other complex products,
and application data. The set of characteristics of the
complex product is a union of characteristics of its
components. The rules of the complex products are
union of the rules of its components plus extra rules.
Application data is an auxiliary component, which is
used for introduction of some additional
characteristics and requirements to the product (for
example, operating temperatures, certification,
electrical connection, etc.). They affect availability
and compatibility of certain components and
features via defined rules.
At the second step, the major roles, whose
workflows were addressed by knowledge
management implementation, have been identified.
As it was mentioned earlier, the roles are product
manager, product engineer, production manager, and
production engineer.
Then, at steps 3 and 4, their tasks and needs are
analysed. The product manager works with
customers and their needs. Usually, the parameters
and terminology the customer operates with differ
from those, operated by product engineers. For this
reason, a mapping between the customer needs and
internal product requirements is needed. Based on
these requirements new products, product
modifications or new product systems can be
engineered for future production.
For the goal of production process description
the approach distinguishes between virtual and real
modules. In accordance with the approach, the
virtual modules are used for grouping technological
operations from the production engineer’s point of
view. The real modules represent actual production
equipment (machines) at the level of production
At steps 5 and 6 the knowledge-based workflows
are defined and corresponding supporting tools are
A system (called DESO) has been developed for
a structured storage of the knowledge about data
domain, and for its further processing. Depending on
the particular tasks it can be supplemented by other
components (tools) intended for solution of specific
problems using the knowledge, contained in the
common storage. In the time being the tools for the
enterprise production program planning (Goal), for
the production modules designing (Module), and for
the industrial resources distribution and planning
(Goal and Module) have been developed.
The system supporting the levels of production
engineer and production manager was originally
focused on the early stages of planning procedure of
investment calculation and determination for the
(a) derivation of production scenarios,
(b) determination of investment cost, (c) assignment
of locations and (d) estimation of product variable
cost. The system aims at providing a knowledge
platform enabling manufacturing enterprises to
achieve reduced lead time and reduced cost based on
customer requirements through customer satisfaction
by means of improved availability, communication
and quality of product information. It follows a
decentralized method for intelligent knowledge and
solutions access. Configuring process incorporates
the following features: order-free selection, limits of
resources, optimization (minimization or
maximization), default values, freedom to make
changes in global production network model.
This system distinguishes between virtual and
real modules. In accordance with the approach, the
virtual modules are used for grouping technological
operations from the production engineer’s point of
view. The real modules stand for the real equipment
used for the actual production. The production
engineer sets correspondences between the
technological operations of virtual modules and
machines of real modules.
It also includes a tool for sequences of
operations for a part production, possible
alternatives of production distribution etc. This tool
supports inheriting subordinate objects, what allows
creating of complex hierarchical systems of objects,
and using templates automating the user’s work.
The main entities of the approach
implementation and identified roles are presented in
Figure 3. The figure also identifies tools
implemented in the first case study.
The developed so far integrated knowledge
management workflow for the first case study
(addressing roles of product engineer and product
manager) is presented in Figure 4 and is described in
detail in (Smirnov et al., 2013b). At the first stage,
the major product ontology is filled with generic
classifications of products and their components.
This is done via two tools (NOC and CONCode)
since recently developed order code scheme differs
from that used before. However, since multiple
customers are used to operate with the old
classification it has to be maintained.
At the next stage, the product managers and
product engineers design new products and solutions
based on existing products and components (the
CONSys tool). If a new product or component is
needed, its implementation can be requested from
the order code structure team. Together with new
products and solutions, the appropriate rules and
conditions are designed as well (e.g., acceptable
load, size, compatibility constraints, etc.).
When the configuration model is finished it is
proposed to the customers so that they could
configure required products and solutions
themselves or with assistance of product managers
(the CONFig tool).
During the work on the mentioned case studies the
following observations related to knowledge
management implementation in companies have
been made:
Engineers and managers are concentrated on
their work and cannot pay enough attention to
additional tasks related to trying new
knowledge-based workflows. This was in a
higher degree applicable to the product
managers and product engineers. At the levels
of production engineers and production
managers, this issue was less obvious, because
the “experimental” knowledge-based
production planning could be done in parallel
with the actual one.
A potential target knowledge management
group has to be formed. It has to consist of
people volunteering to assist in implementing
knowledge management in the company.
These people have to be experts in their roles
and in several other roles, which would re-use
some of the knowledge of this role. They will
be involved into the processes of building the
initial common ontology and implementing
knowledge-based workflows for their role and
several other roles thus slowly involving other
roles into the process of knowledge
management implementation.
Role-based approach makes it possible to
implement knowledge management
incrementally, with initiative coming from
employees. E.g., an experimental knowledge-
based support of one workflow could be
implemented for one user role letting the users
estimate its efficiency and convenience. Then,
workflows reusing some of the knowledge of
the experimental workflow can be added, etc.
Representatives of other roles seeing the
improvements of the implemented knowledge-
based workflows also wish to join and actively
participate in the identification of the
knowledge needed for their workflows and
further turning their workflows into the
knowledge-based ones.
Figure 3: Role-driven knowledge management implementation.
Figure 4: Integrated knowledge-based workflow.
The research was supported partly by projects
funded by grants # 13-07-13159, # 13-07-12095,
# 14-07-00345, # 12-07-00298, and # 12-07-00302
of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research,
project 213 (program 15) of the Presidium of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, and project #2.2 of
the basic research program “Intelligent information
technologies, system analysis and automation” of the
Nanotechnology and Information technology
Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
This work was also partially financially supported
by Government of Russian Federation, Grant 074-
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