Performance Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Ranked Retrieval
Methods and Their Combinations for Query Suggestion
Suthira Plansangket and John Q. Gan
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, Colchester, Essex, U.K.
Keywords: Query Suggestion, Query Expansion, Information Retrieval, Search Engine, Performance Evaluation.
Abstract: This paper investigates several state-of-the-art ranked retrieval methods, adapts and combines them as well
for query suggestion. Four performance criteria plus user evaluation have been adopted to evaluate these
query suggestion methods in terms of ranking and relevance from different perspectives. Extensive
experiments have been conducted using carefully designed eighty test queries which are related to eight
topics. The experimental results show that the method developed in this paper, which combines the TF-IDF
and Jaccard coefficient methods, is the best method for query suggestion among the six methods evaluated,
outperforming the most popularly used TF-IDF method. Furthermore, it is shown that re-ranking query
suggestions using Cosine similarity improves the performance of query suggestions.
Internet search engines play the most important role
in finding information from the web. One of the
great challenges faced by search engines is to
understand precisely users’ information need, since
users usually submit very short (only a couple of
words) and imprecise queries (Fonseca et al., 2003).
Most existing search engines retrieve information by
finding exact keywords. Sometimes, users do not
know the precise vocabulary of the topic to be
searched and they do not know how search
algorithms work so as to produce proper queries
(Delgado et al., 2009).
One solution to these problems is to devise a
query suggestion module in search engines, which
helps users in their searching activities. (Kelly et al.,
2010) pointed out that query suggestions were useful
when users ran out of ideas or faced a cold-start
problem. (Kato et al., 2013) analysed three types of
logs in the Microsoft’s search engine Bing and
found that query suggestions were often used when
the original query is a rare query or a single-term
query or after the user has clicked on several URLs
in the first search result page.
1.1 Query Expansion and
Query expansion is a technique to expand the query
with related words and is widely used for query
suggestion. It aims to improve the overall recall of
the relevant documents (Nallapati and Shah, 2006;
Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 2011). Query
reformulation or dynamic query suggestion is more
complex than query expansion, which forms new
queries using certain models (Nallapati and Shah,
2006; Costa et al., 2013; Kato et al., 2012). This
paper mainly addresses query expansion.
1.2 Explicit and Implicit Feedback
Relevance feedback plays an important role in query
suggestion. There are two major categories of
relevance feedbacks. Explicit feedback is provided
directly by users, which is expensive and time
consuming. On the other hand, implicit feedback is
derived by the system (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-
Neto, 2011). The system derives the feedback
information from several sources of features, such as
log files, web documents, and ontology. This paper
focuses on query suggestion methods based on
implicit relevance feedback.
There are many studies on query suggestion
using log files (Huang et al., 2003; Fonseca et al.,
2003; Baeza-Yates et al.; 2004, Boldi et al, 2008;
Mei et al., 2008; Cao et al., 2008; Boldi et al., 2009;
Kato et al., 2011; Kruschwitz et al., 2013; Zanon et
al., 2012; Liao et al., 2014). Various ontologies have
been applied to create knowledge-driven models for
Plansangket S. and Q. Gan J..
Performance Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Ranked Retrieval Methods and Their Combinations for Query Suggestion.
DOI: 10.5220/0005018401410148
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 141-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
generating query suggestions, such as WordNet
(Gong et al., 2005; Wan et al., 2012), Wikipedia (Hu
et al., 2013), ODP and YAGO (Suchanek et al.,
2007; Hoffart et al., 2011; Biega et al., 2013;
Suchanek et al., 2013). Query suggestions can also
be generated from query related features extracted
from web documents returned by search engines
(Delgado et al., 2009). There are some studies on
query suggestion that combined query log and web
search results (Yang et al., 2008) or combined query
log and ontology (Song et al., 2012).
1.3 Ranked Retrieval Models
In ranked retrieval models, the system returns an
ordered list of top matching documents with respect
to a query. Typical ranked retrieval methods include
Jaccard coefficient, Cosine similarity and TF-IDF
(Jurafsky and Martin, 2008), which will described in
more detail in the next section.
In information retrieval, ranked retrieval methods
are used to order relevant documents with respect to
a query. Similarly, highly relevant query suggestions
are preferable to appear first in query suggestions
(Manning et al., 2008). Therefore, it is reasonable to
adapt ranked retrieval methods for query suggestion.
This paper investigates the state-of-the-art
ranked retrieval methods, namely TF-IDF, Jaccard
coefficient, and Cosine similarity, and adapts and
combines them for query suggestion. These methods
extract query related items or features from the titles
and snippets of the top eight documents returned
from Google search and rank them using different
concepts as query suggestions. This paper conducts
comprehensive performance evaluation of these
methods using multiple criteria emphasizing
different perspectives.
2.1 Query Suggestion Methods
2.1.1 TF-IDF
Term frequency – inverse document frequency (TF-
IDF) (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 2011) is the
most popular term weighting scheme in information
retrieval. The TF-IDF score of a term in a set of
documents is calculated as follows:
0, 
where f
is the frequency of term i in document j, n
is the number of documents in which term i appears,
N is the total number of documents.
TF-IDF has been used to measure word
relatedness (Yih and Qazvinian, 2012). Therefore, it
can be applied to identify terms in the documents
returned from Google search, which are mostly
relevant to the original query, as query suggestions.
2.1.2 Jaccard Coefficient
Jaccard coefficient (Jurafsky and Martin, 2008) is a
measure of overlap of two returned documents D
and D
, which are represented as vectors of terms
and may not have the same size.
The Jaccard coefficient for a length-normalized
model is calculated as follows:
where represents intersection and union. In this
paper, D
and D
are bags of words which contain
query suggestion candidates that are selected from
words which appear in at least two returned
documents. In mathematics, the notion of multiset or
bag is a generalization of the notion of set, in which
members are allowed to appear more than once. The
intersection or union of multisets is a multiset in
general (Blizard, 1989).
If a query suggestion candidate is from more
than two returned documents, its Jaccard coefficient
can be extended as
In this paper, for each query suggestion
candidate, M documents that contain this suggestion
term are identified, and then Jaccard coefficient is
calculated as the score to rank this candidate.
Jaccard coefficient has been used to measure the
similarity between search texts (Zanon et al., 2012).
(Kulkarni and Caragea 2009) used this method to
compute semantic relatedness between two concept
2.1.3 Cosine Similarity
The vector space model using Cosine similarity
(Jurafsky and Martin, 2008) is one of the most
commonly used methods to rank returned documents
according to their proximity (similarity of vectors) to
the query.
In this paper, Cosine similarity is used to
measure the similarity between a query suggestion
candidate and the original query. For length-
normalized vectors, Cosine similarity is simply a dot
where q
is the term frequency of the original query
in returned document i, s
the term frequency of a
query suggestion candidate in returned document i,
and B the number of documents in which both the
original query and the query suggestion candidate
2.1.4 Query Suggestion Methods to Be
By adaptation and combination of the TF-IDF,
Jaccard coefficient, and Cosine similarity methods,
six query suggestion methods as shown in Table 1
are investigated. They use different methods for
feature (or term) extraction and ranking and will be
evaluated using multiple performance criteria.
In the proposed combinations of methods, the
query suggestions are selected from the top ten TF-
IDF scores or Jaccard coefficient scores, depending
on which scores are more important or reflect better
relevance. After that, these suggestions may be re-
ranked in descending order by Cosine similarity
Table 1: Query suggestion methods to be investigated.
Feature extraction
and ranking
1 Tfidf TF-IDF score -
2 Tfcos TF-IDF score
Cosine similarity
3 Jac
Jaccard coefficient
4 Jacos
Jaccard coefficient
Cosine similarity
5 Tfjac
TF-IDF score and
Jaccard coefficient
6 Tfjacos
TF-IDF score and
Jaccard coefficient
Cosine similarity
Our initial experiment found that the TF-IDF
method was capable of producing suggestions
relevant to the user’s original query whilst Jaccard
coefficient was good to rank the suggestions.
Therefore, the Tfjac method was proposed in this
paper, which selects terms from the combination of
the top ten candidate words from the TF-IDF
method and the Jaccard coefficient method. The
process starts with finding duplicate words from
both methods. If the number of these words is less
than ten, more candidate words from the Jaccard
coefficient method are added. If the number of terms
is still less than ten, more candidate words from the
TF-IDF method are added till ten query suggestions
are selected.
For the Tfjacos method, the selection process is
the same as the Tfjac method; however, the selected
query suggestions are re-ranked in descending order
by their Cosine similarity scores.
2.2 Evaluation Methods
2.2.1 Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)
MRR (Dybkjaer et al., 2007; Otegi et al., 2011) is a
statistic measure suitable for query suggestion’s
ranking evaluation. For query j, the reciprocal rank
of a good query suggestion i, RR
, is the
multiplicative inverse of the rank of this suggestion
in the list of potential query suggestions made by a
query suggestion method, r
(0 if no such query
suggestion in the list), i.e.,
MRR is the average of the reciprocal ranks of all
the good suggestions for all the queries:
where Q
is the number of good suggestions for
query j, q is the number of queries.For a query, its
good query suggestions are determined partly by
users’ judgement and partly by the Google query
suggestions in the experiment in this paper. More
detailed explanation is given in Section 3.
2.2.2 Mean Average Precision (MAP)
MAP (Manning et al., 2008; Otegi et al., 2011) is an
average precision across multiple queries and
rankings. MAP assumes that users are interested in
finding many relevant query suggestions and highly
relevant suggestions should appear first in the list of
Let the rank of the ith relevant query suggestion
in the potential query suggestions made by a query
suggestion method for query j be r
. The precision of
the ith suggestion is defined by
For an irrelevant suggestion, the precision is set
to 0. MAP is defined as the average precision of all
the query suggestions for all the queries:
where Q
is the number of relevant query
suggestions for query j and q is the number of
2.2.3 Discounted Cumulated Gain (DCG)
MAP allows only binary relevance assessment
(relevant or irrelevant), which does not distinguish
highly relevant suggestions from mildly relevant
suggestions. Discounted cumulated gain (DCG)
(Jurafsky and Martin, 2008; Manning et al., 2008) is
a metric that combines graded relevance assessments
Cumulative Gain (CG) of the Q
suggestions for query j is defined by
where w
is rating or weighting factor of the rank of
the ith suggestion. Discounted Cumulative Gain
(DCG) is defined by using a discount factor
The average DCG (AvgDCG) over q queries is
2.2.4 Precision at 10 (P@10)
Precision is the ratio of the number of relevant
suggestions to the total number of irrelevant and
relevant suggestions. This is a simple performance
criterion and is often used as a baseline evaluation
@10 (Okabe and Yamada, 2007, Otegi
et al., 2011) is the precision for the top ten query
suggestions, which is calculated as follows:
2.2.5 Integrated Evaluation and User
The above four evaluation criteria emphasize
different aspects of the performance. MRR is used
to measure the performance of ranking, whilst P@10
is used to measure the performance of generating
relevant query suggestions. MAP and DCG can
measure the performance of both ranking and
producing relevant suggestions. Integrating the
evaluation results from these four methods may lead
to more comprehensive evaluation.
In order to check whether the evaluation using
the above criteria is acceptable by real users, user
evaluation will be conducted as well. Questionnaires
are used to obtain users’ evaluative feedback, which
ask the participants to select a top suggestion
respectively from the query suggestions made by
each query suggestion method for each of the eighty
test queries and then rank the six top suggestions
made by the six query suggestion methods for each
test query from one to six.
3.1 Experimental Design
(He and Ounis, 2009) proposed an entropy measure
which estimates how the occurrences of a query
term spread over returned documents. The higher the
entropy is, the more a returned document is related
to the query. Their results show that the entropy in
the top five returned documents is very high, and it
decreases rapidly in the remaining documents.
Therefore, it has been decided that in this
experiment query suggestions are created from
analysing the top eight Google search returned
documents. That would be enough to generate
highly relevant or good suggestions to the original
query from these documents. Each document is pre-
processed as follows. First of all, not the whole
document, but only the title and snippet content in
each document are considered. After that, all HTML
tags are removed and all contents are separated into
tokens. Thirdly, since the most selective terms for
query suggestions should be nouns (Baeza-Yates
and Ribeiro-Neto, 2011; Bordag, 2008), only nouns
are considered for suggestions.
A simple search engine using the Google API
and the six query suggestion methods described in
the previous section have been implemented in this
experiment. From the analysis of titles and snippets
of the top eight Google returned documents using
the query suggestion methods, query suggestions are
generated by each method for each query. For
evaluation purposes, eighty test queries were
selected from eight popular search topics
(categories), as shown in Table 2. Each category
contains ten queries consisting of one to three words
that are commonly known and convenient for user
It is important to know whether a query
suggestion is truly good or not in the performance
evaluation. In this experiment, highly relevant,
mildly relevant and irrelevant suggestions for each
test query were judged by two approaches in order to
reduce subjective bias to expected results and make
the experimental results more reliable. Fifty percent
of the decisions were based on the suggestions by
the Google search engine, which has been widely
recognized, and another fifty percent of the
decisions were made by users who were three PhD
students in this experiment.
Table 2: Categories of test queries.
Category Description
of queries
1 Movies 10
2 Food 10
3 Traveling 10
4 Shopping 10
5 Sports 10
6 Arts 10
7 Flowers 10
8 Animals 10
Total 80
3.2 Experimental Results and
The experimental results are shown in the following
tables, where an asterisk indicates that the related
score differs significantly from the best one with the
p value 0.05. The method for statistical
significance test is t-test.
3.2.1 MRR Results
The results of evaluation using MRR are given in
Table 3, which show that the best query suggestion
methods are Tfjac and Jacos followed by Tfjacos,
and the ranking score of Tfidf is significantly lower
than those of the best methods.
Table 3: MRR results.
Tfidf 0.2934* 6*
Tfcos 0.3254 4
Jac 0.3211 5
Jacos 0.3846 1
Tfjac 0.3846 1
Tfjacos 0.3687 3
3.2.2 MAP Results
The results of evaluation using MAP are given in
Table 4, which show that Tfjac is the best method
for generating query suggestions in terms of ranking
and producing relevant words. However, its score is
not significantly different from the others.
Table 4: MAP results.
Tfidf 0.9544 4
Tfcos 0.9519 5
Jac 0.9485 6
Jacos 0.9695 2
Tfjac 0.9712 1
Tfjacos 0.9609 3
3.2.3 DCG Results
The results of evaluation using DCG are given in
Table 5, which show that Tfjac is the best method
for ranking and producing highly relevant
suggestions followed by Jacos and Tfjacos.
Table 5: DCG results.
Tfidf 8.0339 6
Tfcos 8.0898 5
Jac 8.2880 4
Jacos 8.5578 2
Tfjac 8.5880 1
Tfjacos 8.4120 3
3.2.4 P@10 Results
Table 6: P@10 results.
Tfidf 0.9145* 6*
Tfcos 0.9147* 5*
Jac 0.9524 1
Jacos 0.9524 1
Tfjac 0.9524 1
Tfjacos 0.9232 4
The results of evaluation using P@10 are given in
Table 6, which show that Tfjac, Jac, and Jacos have
the same score and outperform other methods in
terms of generating relevant suggestions. On the
other hand, the scores of Tfidf and Tfcos methods
are significantly lower than those of the best
3.2.5 Integrated Evaluation
The table below shows the rankings of the six query
suggestion methods in terms of the four evaluation
methods respectively. For the two methods whose
rankings are significantly lower than the others, the
ranks are multiplied by two.
The sum of the rankings in Table 7 can be
transferred into MRR scores as shown in Table 8. It
is clear that Tfjac is the best method overall for
generating query suggestions followed by Jacos and
Jac. Tfjacos, Tfcos and Tfidf are significantly worse
than the other three methods.
Table 7: Summary of evaluation results.
Tfidf 6*(12) 4 6*(12) 6 34
Tfcos 4 5 5*(10) 5 24
Jac 5 6 1 4 16
Jacos 1 2 1 2 6
Tfjac 1 1 1 1 4
Tfjacos 3 3 4 3 13
Table 8: Integrated evaluation in MRR scores.
Tfidf 0.1458 6*
Tfcos 0.1875 5*
Jac 0.4042 3
Jacos 0.7500 2
Tfjac 1.0000 1
Tfjacos 0.3125 4*
3.2.6 User Evaluation
Five PhD students studying in different fields
participated in the user evaluation. The results of the
user rankings in MRR scores are given in Table 9,
Table 9: User evaluation in MRR scores.
Tfidf 0.6495 5
Tfcos 0.6549 4
Jac 0.6157 6
Jacos 0.7027 1
Tfjac 0.6732 3
Tfjacos 0.6909 2
which show that the majority of participants
indicated that the query suggestions made by Jacos
were the best followed by Tfjacos and Tfjac, but
they are not significantly different. It should be
noted that only one top suggestion from each query
suggestion was considered in the user evaluation
here, which might lead to biased results and should
be improved in future work.
This paper has investigated several ranked retrieval
methods, adapted and combined them as well for
query suggestion. Six query suggestion methods
including the combined methods developed in this
paper have been evaluated using four performance
criteria and user evaluation as well. The
experimental results show that Tfjac is the best for
generating query suggestions among the six methods
evaluated in terms of relevance and ranking. It is
demonstrated that Tfjac is capable of combining the
good query suggestions from both TF-IDF and
Jaccard coefficient methods. However, this
combined method may deserve further investigation
and there may be room for further improvement by
using better combination strategies.
It is also found that query suggestions re-ranking
using Cosine similarity helps to generate better
query suggestions in general. For example, the
majority of the experimental results show that Jacos
is the second best method which selects the query
suggestion candidates from Jaccard coefficient and
re-ranks the selected query suggestions using Cosine
similarity. Its top query suggestion is better than that
of Tfjac, as shown in the user evaluation results. It
should be noted that in the user evaluation
conducted here only the top suggestion from each
query suggestion was evaluated. This is a limitation
of the user evaluation conducted in this way and
should be further investigated.
Performance evaluation usually depends on the
queries used in the experiment and the judgment on
the relevance of query suggestions with the original
queries. This paper has designed eighty queries
related to eight topics based on Google search
results and users’ suggestions and adopted multiple
evaluation criteria from different perspectives to
ensure fair comparison and evaluation. However,
further work should be conducted to overcome the
limitation in this aspect of the performance
evaluation and in the user evaluation conducted in
this paper, for example, using standard or previously
used benchmarks. Future work in line of this
research would also include improving query
suggestion by using knowledge base and user
feedback, such as click-through data, through
computational intelligence approaches.
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