Privacy and Integrity Preserving Secure Data
Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Vivaksha J. Jariwala
and Devesh C. Jinwala
C. K. Pithawalla College of Engineering and Technology, Surat, India
S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, India
Abstract. The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) protocols commonly use in-
network processing to optimize the communication costs. In-network pro-
cessing involves processing of the sensed data on-the-fly during the course of
the communication to the base station. However, due to the fusion of the data
items sourced at different nodes into a single one, the security of the aggregated
data as well as that of the aggregating node, demands critical investigation.One
of the approaches to ensure secure data aggregation is to use encrypted sensor
data for processing, using homomorphic encryption. Our research here is aimed
to propose an approach that uses homomorphic encryption and appropriate data
integrity mechanisms to offer confidentiality, privacy and data integrityfor se-
cure data aggregation in wireless sensor networks.
1 Introduction
Wireless sensor network is used for numerous applications including military surveil-
lance, facility monitoring and environmental monitoring [1]. Wireless sensor net-
works (WSNs) often consist of a large number of inexpensive, low-powered sensing
devices with limited memory, computational and communication capabilities [1].
Wireless sensor networks have number of sensor nodes that are able to communicate
with external node or the base station of network. The sensors communicate between
themselves to form a communication network like single-hop network, multi-hop
network or a hierarchical network with several clusters and cluster heads. Sensor
nodes frequently sense the data, process it and then transmit to the base station. It is
inefficient for all the sensor nodes to transmit the data directly to the base station as
these sensor nodes are energy constrained. If all the sensor nodes transmit their data to
the base station, precious energy of the wireless sensor networks is wasted [2].
Generally, data sensed by neighbouring sensor nodes are always highly correlated
and redundant. In addition to that, the amount of data generated in large sensor net-
works is usually enormous for the base station to process. Hence, we need methods
for combining data into high quality information at the sensors or intermediate nodes
that can reduce the number of packets transmitted to the base station resulting in con-
servation of energy and bandwidth. However, primarily due to the severe constraints
and secondarily due to the inherent increased costs in the communications relative to
that in processing, the WSNs follow in-network processing, wherein the emphasis is
on on-the-fly processing of the data packets before being communicated eventually to
Jariwala V. and Jinwala D..
Privacy and Integrity Preserving Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0004980100490060
In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2014), pages 49-60
ISBN: 978-989-758-031-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the base station [3]. In in-network processing of the data, each sensor node senses the
required measurements and sends the data value to another node up in the hierarchy
called the aggregator node [1]. The aggregator node collects measurements from
different sensor nodes using that it generates a single representational aggregated
value by applying an aggregate function. Subsequently, instead of sending all the
messages towards the base station, the aggregator transmits only one aggregated re-
sult towards the base station [4].
However, while having advantage in a manner described above, the data aggrega-
tion operation certainly gives rise to other consequences. Data aggregator nodes usu-
ally collect data from the sensor nodes, apply aggregation operations on it and even-
tually communicate the processed data to the base station. Obviously, in the presence
of the malicious nodes, neither the aggregated data nor the aggregation operation
remains trustworthy. Thus, it is essential to ensure that the data aggregation opera-
tional paradigm is inherently secure.Thus, protocols for WSNs should be designed to
prevent malicious inside nodes from damaging the whole network’s functionality or at
least constrain their impacts to a reasonable level.
Amongst various security attributes in WSNs, we focus in this discussion on the
most important attributes privacy, confidentiality and data integrity. For privacy and
confidentiality we investigated various algorithms proposed in [5] for WSNs. We
select algorithm EC-OU based on the analysis given in [5]. The approaches to provide
data integrity can be either cryptography-based or non-cryptography-based. Our focus
here is only on cryptographic approaches. As per our literature survey, we categorize
the techniques for supporting data integrity in Secure Data Aggregation into three
classes viz. Signature based, Hash function based and Message Authentication Code
(MAC) based [6]. The digital signature based approach yields non-repudiation proper-
ty, however, entails higher overhead as compared to other approaches. To counter the
overhead due to the digital signature, our focus here is on the message authentication
code based integrity support for secure data aggregation in WSNs.
2 Secure Data Aggregation
Data aggregation functions are improving the bandwidth and energy utilization, it also
affect negatively to other various performance metrics like delay, accuracy, fault-
tolerance and security. As almost all the applications of WSNs demand certain level
of security, it is not possible to sacrifice security of WSNs for data aggregation [7].
There is a strong conflict between security protocols and data aggregation protocols.
Security protocols require encryption and authentication of data by each sensor nodes
to provide security while data aggregation protocols prefer plain data to perform ag-
gregation functions on it, to save energy and bandwidth of WSNs. Moreover, data
aggregation also modifies data by applying various aggregation functions i.e. sum,
average, min, max on it. Due to these, it is a challenging task to provide source and
data authenticity for data aggregation. Therefore, data aggregation and security proto-
cols must be designed together so that data aggregation can be performed without
sacrificing security.
2.1 Privacy Homomorphism
The fundamental basis for data aggregations are cryptographic methods that provide
privacy homomorphism property. A privacy homomorphism (PH) is an encryption
transformation that allows direct computation on encrypted data [8]. With the help of
privacy homormophism, data do not need to be decrypted at the intermediate nodes.
Hence, they are transmitted to the base station in such a way that information con-
tained in the nodes is not visible or accessible to the intermediate nodes. Hence, pri-
vacy of the data is preserved while being transmitted towards the base station. A cryp-
tosystem that supports single operation addition or multiplication is known as partial
homomorphic encryption (PHE).
Let Q and R denote two rings, and + and denote addition operations on the
rings. Let k denotes the key space. We denote an encryption transformation E: K X Q
R and the corresponding decryption transformation D : K X R Q. Given a, b є Q
and k, k
, k
є K,
a + b = Dk (Ek(a) Ek(b))
additively homomorphic with a single secret key and
a + b = Dk (k
) (Ek
(a) Ek
additively homomorphic with multiple secret keys. We denote an asymmetric addi-
tively homomorphic encryption transformation as
a + b = Dp (Ep(a) Eq(b))
with (p,q) being a private, public key pair.
With the help of privacy homomorphism secure data aggregation can be achieved
by either using symmetric key cryptography or public key cryptography. Symmetric
homomorphic encryption requires use of identical key by encryption and decryption
while asymmetric homomorphic encryption requires use of public key-private key for
encryption and decryption.
2.2 Related Work
In [9], the authors propose secure and efficient scheme for data aggregation in WSNs.
The proposed approach uses Castelluccia-Mykletun-Tsudik [10] scheme for encryp-
tion. Castelluccia-Mykletun-Tsudik is a symmetric key cryptography based scheme
and suffers from the key management issues. The attempt in [11] also follows similar
approach of symmetric key cryptography. In [12], the authors propose a scheme for
SDA using elliptic curve cryptography that achieves only confidentiality without
integrity. None of the approaches discussed so far, support confidentiality as well as
message integrity that the authors in [13], attempt to do. In [14], authors propose ECC
based SDA scheme that provides confidentiality and integrity, but use EC-EG for
encryption. However, as per empirical evaluation in [5], energy consumption as well
as decryption time is more for this algorithm. In [15], authors propose scheme for
secure data aggregation that focuses only on confidentiality and privacy not on integ-
rity. In [16], authors propose scheme of secure data aggregation but that do not pre-
serve privacy of the sensed data. In [17], authors propose secure data aggregation
based on data slicing technique but without integrity support.
As mentioned before, we do not observe any research attempt in using such a
benchmarked privacy homormophic encryption algorithm[5] EC-OU in a tree topolo-
gy, to showcase truly securedata aggregation. Thus, we believe ours is the first and
unique attempt in integrating EC-OU in the tree topology for providing privacy and
confidentiality with MAC based integrity support for secure data aggregation in
3 Proposed Approach of Privacy Preserving Secure Data
3.1 Algorithms
In our scheme, we propose two algorithms, first one for the sensor node and the other
one for the base station. We discuss the algorithms with the help of their pseudo code
further. Each sensor node will execute SensorNodeAlgo( ) that takes plain text mes-
sage and private key as input to the algorithm. Next, each sensor node will compute
its public key by multiplying its private key to the base point of elliptic curve E. Sub-
sequently, each sensor node comprise two large prime number p & q and calculate n
as public key and calculate H=nG with point multiplication. Next, sensor node will
compute the cipher text and transmit it to its parent node.
ciphertext C = mG + rH
The parent node receives cipher text from the child nodes, performs the summation
of all the received cipher texts and finally transmits the aggregated cipher text to the
base station.The pseudo code for the proposed algorithm is shown below:
Algorithm 1:SensorNodeAlgo()
// Maps its reading m
on the elliptic curve E
// Elliptic Curve Parameters E = (q, a, b, G, p, h)
// Each sensor node will computes following
1. Public Key: n = p
q, G, H, Q=pG
2. Encryption: plaintext m < 2
,r •
Ciphertext C = mG + rH
3. if sensor is a parent (Aggregator Node)
c = • c
// combines all cipher texts into one cipher text
end if
The base station algorithm takes cipher text as input to the algorithm. Base station
then decrypts the incoming packets and calculates plain text that is the summation of
all the messages from all the sensor nodes.
Algorithm 2: BaseStationAlgo( )
// Maps its reading c
from the elliptic curve E
// Elliptic Curve Parameters E = (q, a, b, G, p, h)
// Base station will computes following
1. Public Key:n = p
q, G, H, Q=pG
2. Private Key: p
3. Computem
(mod p)where, •p(x, y) = -
(mod p
4. Base station can get m=•m
3.2 Example
Example of secure data aggregation of our propose approach is there in figure 1. In
this, nodes 3 and 4, first encrypt messages 3 and 5, respectively using EC-OU privacy
homormophic encryption function and send resultant cipher texts to node 1. Node 1
receives cipher text from nodes 3 and 4, aggregates them using the addition operation
(SUM), and forwards it to node 0 that acts as a base station.
Fig. 1. Example of Privacy Preserving Secure Data Aggregation
In the same manner, nodes 5 and 6 encrypt messages 3 and 4, respectively using
EC-OU privacy homomrophic encryption function and forward them to node 2. Node
2 receives both the encrypted data, perform aggregation function, and send the result-
ant aggregated result to node 0. After receiving both the aggregated result from node
1 and 2, node 0 performs the aggregation operation. After aggregation, node 0 applies
EC-OU decryption function to decrypt the aggregated result. As shown in fig. 1, de-
crypted output is message 15 that is the summation of messages 3,5,3,4 of nodes 3, 4,
5, and 6 respectively. Hence, data are transmitted to the base station in such a way
that their privacy is preserved.
4 Proposed Approach of Integrity Preserving Secure Data
In this section, we discuss MAC based hop-by-hop integrity support for secure data
aggregation in WSNs. In hop-by-hop integrity, if malicious adversary insert any false
data in the networks that will be detected immediately at next hop. Therefore, that
malicious data do not travel towards the base station. In contrast to that, in end-to-end
integrity, false data are detected only at the end i.e. at the base station, wasting energy
and lifetime of sensor networks. Thus, our proposed approach of hop-by-hop integrity
in secure data aggregation save bandwidth of the sensor networks and increase the
lifetime as well as security of the sensor nodes.
4.1 Algorithms
In our proposed approach, algorithm 1 is to be implemented on the leaf node. Each
sensor node computes M
on the outgoing message m
= MAC(m
Parent of sensor node receives M
and m
and computes M
on received m
. If re-
ceived M
is the same as computed M
, parents accept the message and apply aggrega-
tion on the message. After aggregation, parents compute MAC on aggregated mes-
sage and send it further.
Algorithm 1:Leaf Node()
// Each leaf node will computes following
MAC Generation: Each sensor computes
= MAC(m
Append this M
to message and
send it to parent node
Algorithm 2 is to be implemented on the aggregator node and the base station. Ag-
gregator node or base station will receive aggregated message and MAC of sensor
nodes. Aggregator node or base station again compute MAC on the received message
and verify that weather received MAC is same as computed MAC or not. If it is not
same, aggregator node simply discard the message. Thus, our approach ensures hop-
by-hop integrity through MAC.
Algorithm 2: Aggregator Node and Base Station()
// Aggregator Node and Base station will computes following
Verification of MAC:
Aggregator or Base station receive M
and m
Compute M
= MAC(m
Verify Computed M
= received M
Base station can get m = • m
4.2 An Illustration
In our approach of hop-by-hop MAC based integrity, each leaf node shares secret key
with parent and each leaf node generates MAC using SHA-1on the outgoing message
with the help of the shared key. Similarly, after receiving the message and computed
MAC from child, aggregator node or Base station will again compute MAC with the
key shared with child and verify the integrity of the message. For example, in our
approach, node 3 generates MAC on data of node 3 so M3 (MAC 3) is generated that
is received by node 1. Similarly node 4 generate MAC on data of node 4 so M4
(MAC 4) is generated that is also received by node 1. Now node 1 have M3 (MAC 3)
and M4 (MAC 4), so node 1 verify M3 and M4. If it is verified, then only node 1 will
accept message from node 3 and 4 and apply aggregation function on it and generate
m1. Otherwise, node 1 will not accept the messages from node 3 and node 4 and
simply discard the messages. If node 1 has accepted messages from node 3 and node
4 and generated aggregated message, node 1 apply MAC on aggregated message and
generate M1 (MAC 1). Same way node 0 (Base station) accept messages from node 1
and node 2 only if M1 (MAC 1) and M2 (MAC 2) is verified. In fig. 2, this scenario is
Fig. 2. Example of Integrity Preserving Secure Data Aggregation.
5 Combined Approach of Privacy and Integrity Preserving
Secure Data Aggregation
In this section, we discuss integration of MAC based Hop-by-Hop integrity with pri-
vacy and confidentiality.
5.1 Pseudo Code
In our proposed approach of secure data aggregation algorithm 1 is to be implemented
on the sensor node. Each sensor node generates cipher text c
of the message.
In this, each sensor node computes M
on the outgoing message C
Parent of sensor node receives M
and C
and parent computes M
on received C
. If
received C
is same as computed C
, parent accepts the message and applies aggrega-
tion on message. After aggregation, parent compute MAC on aggregated message and
send it further.
Algorithm 1: SensorNodeAlgo()
// Maps its reading m
on the elliptic curve E
// Elliptic Curve Parameters E = (q, a, b, G, p, h)
// Each sensor node will computes following
Public Key: n = p
q, G, H, Q=pG
Private Key: p
Encryption: plaintext m
< 2
Cipher text C
= m
G + rH
MAC Generation: Each sensor computes M
if sensor is a parent (Aggregator Node)
Compute M
Verify Computed M
= received M
if verified go to next step
C = • c
//combines all cipher texts into one cipher text and
send it to parent node
End if
Algorithm 2 is to be implemented on the base station. Base station will receive aggre-
gated cipher text and MACof the sensor nodes. Base station again compute MAC on
the received message and verify that weather received MAC is same as computed
MAC or not. If it is same then apply decryption function on aggregated cipher text
and get the original message that is summation of all the plain text messages. Thus,
our approach ensures confidentiality and privacy through privacy homomorphic en-
cryption and in addition to that, it ensures hop-by-hop integrity through MAC.
Algorithm 2: BaseStationAlgo()
// Maps its reading c
from the elliptic curve E
// Elliptic Curve Parameters E = (q, a, b, G, p, h)
// Base station will computes following
1. Public Key:n = p
q, G, H, Q=pG
2. Private Key:p
3. Verification of MAC: Compute M
Verify Computed M
= received M
if verified go to next step
4. Compute m =
(mod p)
•p(x, y) = -
(mod p
5. Base station can get m = • m
5.2 An Illustration
Example of our framework of secure data aggregation is there in figure 3. The nota-
tions used are as follows:
Msg = Message of sensor node
= MAC computed using SHA-1by i
= Cipher text generated by i
Fig. 3. Example of Privacy and Integrity Preserving Secure Data Aggregation.
6 Implementation Methodology and Results
6.1 Platform and Tools Used
We devise an application testECOUM for ECC based privacy homomorphic encryp-
tion algorithm in the TinyOS 1.x operating environment [18] using TinyECC [19]
library, with nesC [20] as the language for implementation. Our evaluation is based
on a two-step approach: a) we use TOSSIM [21] as the WSN simulator; using that we
also obtain the estimates of the storage requirements of the respective implementa-
tion, b) energy consumption in Joules using the Avrora emulator [22].
6.2 Results
Table 1. % Increase Compared to without SDA.
Framework ROM in
RAM in
Energy Consump-
tion in μJoules
Confidentiality and privacy
preserving SDA
4.45% 7.59% 0.002%
Confidentiality, Privacy and
Integrity preserving SDA
20.06% 36.45% 0.008%
Table 1 shows the summary of our results. It shows percentage increase in results
compared to that of without secure data aggregation. Confidentiality and privacy
preserving approach of SDA requires 4.45 % more ROM and 7.59 % more RAM
compared to that of without SDA. Our MAC based hop-by-hop approach requires
20.06 % more ROM and 36.45 % more RAM.
Figure 4 shows ROM requirements of data aggregation with various options. (A)
without SDA (only data aggregation) (B) data aggregation that supports privacy and
confidentiality (C) data aggregation that supports MAC based hop-by-hop integrity in
addition of privacy and confidentiality.
Fig. 4. ROM Requirements.
Fig. 5. RAM Requirements.
Fig. 6. Energy Consumptions.
Figure 5 shows RAM requirements and figure 6 shows energy consumptions. Figures
clearly shows that if we add integrity in addition of privacy and confidentiality, then
resource consumption and energy consumption increases. This is because the compu-
tation involves in computing MAC on each message but that is at the advantage of
providing support for all the required security attributes.
7 Conclusion
In this research exercise we propose privacy, confidentiality and integrity preserving
secure data aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. From our experimentations, it
is observed that all the necessary security attributes for secure data aggregation are
preserved within life time of the resource constrained environment of WSNs. Our
approach requires less than 21% ROM, less than 37% RAM and less than 1% increase
in energy consumption. Our results show that our approach of integrity, privacy and
confidentiality preserving secure data aggregation is feasible in WSNs.
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