A New Cloud Computing Governance Framework
Ahmed Shaker Saidah and Nashwa Abdelbaki
School of Information and Communication Technology, Center for Informatics Science, Nile University, Cairo, Egypt
Keywords: Security Framework, Governance Model, Cloud Computing.
Abstract: Nowadays, most service providers adopt Cloud Computing technology. Moving to Cloud creates new risks
and challenges. The Cloud era is to outsource our services to Cloud Service Provider (CSP). However, we
have to develop a strong governance framework to review the service level, to manage risk effectively and
to certify that our critical information is secure. In this paper, we develop an innovative governance model.
It is based on the theoretical Guo, Z., Song, M. and Song, J governance model for Cloud computing. We
distribute Cloud Control Matrix (CCM) on the Guo’s model categories. This turns the theoretical Guo’s
model to a practical model. Governance model alone will not allow us to bridge the gap between control
requirements, technical issues and business risks. As a result, we introduce a new Cloud governance
framework using the processes on the new Cloud governance model.
Cloud Computing is a new term for an old service
with new features. Many of us used to have an e-
mail account during the last two decades. Data
location, storage and processing are usually
unknown to the user. In fact, this was a kind of
Cloud service. Cloud was known as on demand
infrastructure in the 90s and as Grid/Utility
computing in the 2000s. Clouds and Grids are
common in their vision, architecture and technology,
but they differ in security, programming model,
business model, compute model, data model and
applications (Foster and Zhao et al., 2008, pp. 1-10).
Earlier in these days, it was too risky to store our
data outside organization premises; safety was a
Data is the most valuable asset in any
organization. It can be categorized as PI (personal
information) or organizations’ data. Nowadays, all
internet users intensively process and store data on
the Cloud. Cloud Computing depends on sharing of
resources to gain economies of scale. It focuses on
maximizing the effectiveness of the shared
resources. Despite the benefits promised by Cloud
computing, we see that essential improvement on
technologies and operations governance are needed
to enable widely adoption of Cloud services
(Popovic and Hocenski, 2010, pp. 344-349).
The best way to protect data outside
organizationpremises is to define a policy to
organize the relation between the owner and service
provider. Policy definition requires well-developed
information security governance framework
(Borgman and Bahli et al., 2013, pp. 4425-4435).
It is mandatory for any organization to follow a
framework for establishing information security
governance environment. The framework will be
utilized by the business across the organization
(Mukherjee and Sahoo, 2010, pp. 31-34). We create
a new Cloud governance framework for helping
organization to govern the Cloud services. It is a
measurable, sustainable, continually improving and
cost effective framework on an ongoing basis (Li
and Zhou et al., 2010, pp. 2843-2848) (Ahmad and
Janczewski, 2011, pp. 372-379).
The rest of this paper is organized into six
sections. Section II discusses related works in
governance and Cloud computing. We will go
through existing Guo’s Model and show the gap
between its theoretical model and practical world,
and will go through the pros and cons of the model.
We propose our new Cloud Computing definition in
section III. Section IV illustrates our proposed new
model of Cloud Governance. Our new governance
framework is introduced in section V. Finally,
conclusion and future work are presented in section
Shaker Saidah A. and Abdelbaki N..
A New Cloud Computing Governance Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0004970706710678
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (FedCloudGov-2014), pages 671-678
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Cloud Computing is a relatively new term in the
computing world. The definition of Cloud
Computing from NIST (2009) is very common and
almost all other definitions are part of this definition
(Mell and Grance, 2011).
Cloud Computing becomes a huge market.
Relations between services inside the Cloud are
complicated. Virtualization vendors use different
APIs. This creates many obstacles and challenges
when moving between Clouds. Infrastructure inside
the Cloud contains many layers of shared resources.
Software licensing and end users license and
agreement have many parameters and stages (Li and
Chinneck et al., 2009, pp. 33-40). Federations and
access control between service provider premises
and end user premises become vague (Copie and
Fortis et al., 2013, pp. 1229-1234).
The Cloud services become a self-service
through websites. Customers can customize orders
by themselves, which mean that they need to access
the Cloud via all connectivity facilities. The user can
increase or decrease the usage of the resources that
is distributed across all provider premises.
Cloud Computing service models (SaaS, PaaS,
IaaS) can be deployed in public, private or mixed
model. User Control is varying from model to other
and increasing or decreasing depending on the
features and capabilities provided by the service
provider or needed by the customer, (Figure 1)
(NIST Cloud Computing Security Reference
Architecture, 2012).
In SaaS model as an example, the Cloud user
accesses the web service through any type of
connectivity via web browsers, and he does not have
control to the infrastructure or applications running
in the Cloud.
Figure 1: Control Level of Cloud Computing.
All of these features and facilities maximize
security risks on the Cloud, open many doors for
hijacking, and increase possible system
vulnerabilities. Risks will be eliminated or mitigated
by a robust governance framework (Furht and
Escalante, 2010, pp. 3-21) (Buyya and Broberg et
al., 2011, pp. 573-593).
Governance consists of policies, guidance,
processes and decision-rights for a given area of
responsibility. Corporate governance is to align
processes and policies with business to ensure
arrival to the business objectives. IT governance is
part of the corporate governance and focuses on IT
decisions and policies to ensure that IT assets are
used according to the approved policies and
procedures (workshop 116, Security, Openness and
Privacy – Cloud Governance, 2011).
IT assets are huge and distributed between
customer and service provider premises. They are
classified into many types like people, policies, and
equipment. It may be inside the organization or
outsourced. Here, governance is required to control
and maintain assets.
In many organization success stories, there is a
harmony between managing the IT assets and
decisions made by management. DELL Supply
chain success story is an example of this harmony
(Mcwiliams and White, 1999).
IT governance is responsible for aligning the IT
assets with the business goals and strategy to deliver
values to the entity. Cloud Computing Governance
is part of the IT governance in the organization’s
governance hierarchy.
Governance is to control and secure our data
outside our organization premises. It will align
business speed to the Cloud and will cope with
market demands. It helps also to initiate a new IT
operating model (Mather and Kumaraswamy et al.,
2009, pp. 176-202).
Organizations must ensure that the level of
access they request is guaranteed into the Service-
Level Agreement (SLA); uptime must be audited
regularly to ensure that it conforms to the SLA (IT
Control Objectives for Cloud Computing: Controls
and Assurance in the Cloud, 2011). There are many
ways to mitigate risks in the Cloud using
technologies and policies (Guidelines on Security
and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing, 2011).
Cloud governance makes the decision easier and
balances the investments and risks while gaining the
Cloud benefits (Enisa.europa.eu, 2014) (Morin and
Aubert et al., 2012, pp. 5509-5514).
Processes, policies, tools and even organization
personnel will be unified under one framework that
makes the workflow easier and give the business
some elasticity on applying the framework.
A Cloud governance should contain processes to
apply Cloud Computing inside the organizations and
applied controls to facilitate it. Moreover, it must
adopt the organizational roles and responsibilities to
ensure better support of implementing Cloud
Computing governance. Finally, it should use all
available technology tools that will help to apply the
governance framework.
When implementing security governance, we
need well-articulated policies and procedures
including controls. Security controls is the key to
apply security governance. CSA CCM is a well-
defined industrial security control list
(Cloudsecurityalliance.org, 2014). We will distribute
these controls on the theoretical Guo’s model for
aligning the model with the Cloud market. We will
demonstrate CSA CCM and Guo’s model in the next
two subsections (Guo and Song et al., 2010, pp. 1-
2.1 Cloud Control Matrix
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Cloud Controls
Matrix (CCM) is an initiative from CSA to
determine the baseline of security. It leads the Cloud
market and helps customers assessing the risks of all
Cloud domains.
The CSA CCM provides a controls framework
that covers almost all Cloud security domains. CSA
relates it to the standards already in the market for
IT Governance like COBIT. They mapped controls
to the industry and practical life that help during the
process of transferring the Guo’s Model from
theoretical model to practical model.
As a framework, the CSA CCM offers to the
organization the required structure and details
related to information security tailored to the Cloud
industry. It covers all Cloud aspects and controls.
Some controls are covered in IT governance models
and other controls, related to the Cloud system, are
brand new.
By mapping these controls to security standards
that are already implemented in the market like
COBIT and HIPPA, it helps in pointing to
information security control required by business
and management strategy (Sahibudin and Sharifi et
al., 2008, pp. 749-753).
The main target of CSA CCM is to provide a
standard management to security and operational
risk that will face any organization implementing
Cloud Computing in its infrastructure. This matrix is
mitigating and minimizing security threats and
vulnerabilities in the Cloud by providing controls to
each domain that covers almost all Cloud security
related topics.
CSA CCM contains eleven domains that cover
all security issues related to Cloud computing. They
divide it by function. It means that controls related
to legal issues will be a domain and controls related
to data governance will be a domain and so on.
Compliance is the first domain. It has six
controls that cover audits, regulations, and
intellectual property. It also reviews legislative,
regulatory and contractual requirement. Data
governance has eight controls that manage data
objects containing information. It classifies and
assigns responsibilities, communication, labelling,
policies, and data destruction. Facility security has
eight controls that secure working environment like
physical access, site authorization and asset
management. Human resource security has three
controls that cover aspects related to humans like
background screening and employment termination.
Information security is the largest domain in
CSA CCM; it has thirty-four controls that take care
of security management, policy, user access,
training, benchmarking, encryption, security
incidents, infrastructure and auditing. Legal is the
domain that controls agreements and reviews
contracts with the national and international laws. It
has only two controls. Operation management is
taking care of resources planning and managing
procedures and equipment. Risk management is a
very important part of the matrix. It predicts all risks
happening in the Cloud or the project. It delivers a
plan to control and mitigate risks. Release
management controls planned changes in production
environment and set policies and procedures to
apply the new changes. It has five controls.
Resiliency is responsible for business continuity
planning and environmental risks mitigation. It has
eight controls. Security architecture is the last
domain containing fifteen controls that address all
regulatory requirements for customer access, data
security, network security including infrastructure
and applications.
2.2 Guo’s Governance Model
The Guo’s Governance Model can be identified as
the first proposed academic governance model to our
knowledge (Figure 2). It outlines the necessary
components for Cloud governance. It was created
based on four objectives of Cloud governance,
which are service, policy, risk, and compliance
management. It classifies the components of Cloud
governance into three categories; policy, operational
and management activities.
There is a gap between the model and the real
world, which we cover in this paper. We contribute
in this paper to close this gap. The gap in the model
can be identified after we apply controls in the CCM
to the Guo’s model. The CCM is a list of controls
extracted from real Cloud business. We can apply it
to any Cloud Computing system and be sure that
most security aspects are covered. It helps
transferring the theoretical model to an applicable
Figure 2: Guo's Governance Model.
First missing corner in the model is the aligning
with business strategy. The gap between IT and
organizational alignment obstructs the adoption of
Cloud computing. In Cloud Computing system, an
organization’s IT team has to be upgraded from
being only technologists towards being also
information and business experts. Therefore, the
organization should determine how Cloud
Computing could best serve its business needs while
addressing how it may affect its current IT
organization and governance.
In the Cloud, the traditional roles of CIO, IT
support, service provider and even user are changing
dramatically. Organization applying security roles
should align it with the whole organization’s roles. It
has to assure the harmony between controls and
roles governing the organization. This integration
makes implementation easier and changes the way
employees can accept and apply these roles and
responsibilities. This is the second missing corner.
Roles and responsibilities may change during or
after implementation of the Cloud system.
Therefore, change management should have a well-
defined strategy because of the nature of Cloud. It
changes periodically and rapidly more than any
other fixed systems. Replacing defective items,
applying patches, or upgrading firmware are a few
examples of the change procedures needed in Cloud
environments. Taking resources down for change,
applying efficient change management techniques is
a key to survive in the Cloud. Change management
is the third missing corner in the model.
Feedback process in a successful system
improves the efficiency and reliability. Using Cloud
feedback process gives all parties the ability to
ensure that the system performs as expected. Guo’s
model does not clearly state this type of feedback.
Service feedback is the fourth missing point in the
Due to asset distribution in the Cloud
environment, asset management will be an important
part of Cloud governance. It should be stated clearly.
Assets management changes depending on the type
of implementation and the agreements between the
parties. Asset management is another missing point
in the model.
Last missing point is the exit strategy. It contains
contract ending, data and systems maintenance and
it manages assets before and after exit. A Cloud exit
strategy should be as simple as putting data in the
Cloud, but this is far from the case, especially in
case of proprietary public Clouds.
Cloud governance definition is still in the
developing mode. Cloud Computing Use Discussion
Group (2010) defines Cloud governance as "the
controls and processes that make sure policies are
enforced” (Cloudusecases.org, 2010). Many
organizations and groups define the Cloud
Computing governance in a different ways.
According to our definitions, defining policies is
important, but defining processes to apply these
policies is more important. Cloud governance model
should be aligned with corporate governance and IT
governance. Moreover, it has to comply with
organization strategy to accomplish business goals.
In our experience, Cloud governance has to
support business strategy and to ensure service
value, service quality and security irrespective of the
control and locations of the services. Therefore, we
define Cloud governance as:
"Cloud governance is a framework applied to all
related parties and business processes in a secure
way, to guarantee that the organization's Cloud
supports the goals of organization strategies and
Cloud governance is challenging. Technology is
faster than the standards. We have to take into
consideration the future expansion and update.
Building Cloud governance increase the ability
to its technology to grow not to hinder it (workshop
116, Security, Openness and Privacy – Cloud
Governance, 2011). The governance process
guarantees the rights of all stakeholders.
The challenge is the trade-off to achieve a
governance model’s implementation plan agreed by
all parties. The plan should be elastic and
customizable to all models and business cases. The
plan has to tolerate moving between the Service
Providers (SP) and their customers.
The vague nature of information interchange, the
ubiquitous connectivity and the old static controls,
all require new thinking with regard to Cloud
computing. How can we implement the governance
model without knowing the practical controls from
real world and its implementation?
Therefore, what we already did is transforming
the Guo’s model to an applicable framework. We
distribute controls under each model and its
components to illustrate the practical
implementation of the governance. We categorize
the controls into two main categories, normal
controls and key controls. We reserve developing
the criteria to measure each control for future
As we have seen, the Guo’s model is not a
process oriented. To overcome the problem, we
redefine its three models (policy, operational, and
management) to be processes. Then, we correlate the
different CCM controls to each relevant process.
Thereafter, we create new processes for the controls
that are not relevant to any existing process.
We have to go deeply inside each model to
determine the related controls to achieve the goal of
this model. The model should be understandable and
the structure of the model should be logical and
To solve these issues we add, modify and update
few categories of the Guo’s model (Table 1). In the
Management Model, we define clearly the Roles and
Responsibilities under the Security Management.
We use it in aligning Cloud system roles with the
organization’s roles and responsibilities. In addition,
we have added Service improvement to the Service
Management to be used as a key of the feedback to
increase system reliability and efficiency.
Table 1: New Cloud Governance model.
New Governance Model
Data Policy Authentication
Generic Policy
t Policy
Exit Policy Monitoring
Grey cell is
Bullet is a
sub items
IT Assets Access
Roles and
Service Delivery
Errors and
Auditing and
Change Management will be part of the
Management Model due to the rapid changes in the
Cloud service either from the customer side or from
the provider side.
Under the Operational Model, we define the
asset management, configuration management and
capacity planning. It supports the organization to
operate its own Cloud or the Cloud services they
use. Moreover, we have added Capacity planning to
enforce changing the way of thinking inside the
organization regarding the Cloud service. It helps in
the planning phase and it guides the organizations to
meet future changing demands of its services.
Moreover, it supports the organization to take the
right decision about Cloud service.
Finally, we have added the exit policy to be
stated clearly and be defined in any contract
separately to well define the procedures to be done
to maintain user systems and data after ending the
Cloud service or moving to a new provider. It
supports both sides to be secure before or after
service contracting.
Now we have processes in the new model and
each process has its own controls. Each control has
inputs and outputs. Control’s measures and tools
depend on the deployment model. We create a
framework and put each process in its suitable stage.
The new framework is a conceptual structure to
serve and guide organizations in Cloud Computing
adoption process.
The changes being driven by Cloud Computing and
the growing sophistication of attackers do represent
new challenges. We solve these challenges by
creating the Cloud Governance Framework to
control people, data, applications and infrastructure.
Our security framework provides a more integrated,
intelligent approach to Cloud Governance.
An intelligent framework must improve itself
continuously; it has to have a feedback and service
improvement process. We develop a new framework
with five stages to achieve this goal (Figure 3).
It also solves the weakness of organization
strategy alignment. The stages are:
• Strategic trigger
Define and align
Build and implement
Deliver and measure
Operate and feedback
Strategic trigger is the first stage. It is the event
that initiates the need to use the Cloud computing.
Figure 3: New Cloud Governance Framework.
Business need is the main trigger for using the Cloud
services. Other trigger may be gaining market share
due to strong competition in market. The company
needs a competitive edge. We use Cloud services to
comply with a standard or a government rule. The
major trigger is the technical need. An SP delivering
services needs technically a Cloud service (Heier
and Borgman et al., 2012, pp. 4982-4991); for
example, E-mail services.
This stage contains four processes. Business
process management policy defines interrelations
between Cloud-based services. It analyses the
business and considers the service process reuse.
Service discovery finds and discovers the existing
services and available technologies for new services.
Capacity planning reviews the existing environment
and future business extensions to plan the best way
technically and financially to achieve business goals.
Exit policy is mandatory. Business needs changes to
cope with the market. It may require ending the
Cloud service. Exit the Cloud service is more
complicated than joining and entering it. A well-
defined plan is mandatory before starting to use
Cloud service.
Define and align stage is the planning phase of
adopting the Cloud service or transforming the
existing environment to the Cloud. It ensures that the
Cloud services are aligned to the business needs and
actively supports them. Organizations using a Cloud
require their service to be successful. If processes
and services are implemented, managed and
supported in the right way, the business will be more
successful. This means cost reduction, revenue
increase, and achieving its business objectives. It is
the most important phase helping the decision
makers with the economic and technical
preparations for Cloud services.
This stage contains six Processes. Data Policy
defines data’s physical and logical model, in
addition to data performance and stability. Service
policy builds a service dictionary. It analyses the
integration and separation of the service based on
deployment model. Policy management determines
and reviews the service policy. Moreover, it reviews
the violation and solves the policy conflicts in order
to prevent further problems. Risk management
defines risks when moving to the Cloud. It plans a
mitigation process and determines residual risks.
Risk plan has to be reviewed with the organization
and provider policies. Jurisdiction is an important
process. Law and regulations vary from country to
another. Organizations must review country laws
where data is to be stored and processed. Integration
is a mandatory process if you have an existing
infrastructure. It plans the integration between the
existing environment and the Cloud service.
Build and implement stage covers issues related
to people, processes and infrastructure technology. It
ensures cost-effective and the high quality provision
of Cloud service necessary to meet business needs.
The blurred lines between the traditional technology
and Cloud services management means that an
updated approach to managing Cloud
implementation is needed. This stage contains eight
processes. Authentication determines the
authentication mechanism that will be used in the
Cloud and between organization systems and Cloud.
Authorization is the level of access that will be
granted to users from the organization side and from
the provider side as well. Metadata repository is the
storage of policy. It considers the location of polices
and roles. Asset management monitors and
maintains things of value to an organization. It
manages the logical and physical assets and even
human assets. Configuration management and
documentation establishes and maintains
performance, functional and physical attributes. It
also establishes and maintains configurations within
Cloud service throughout its life. Roles and
responsibility is a dictionary, which determines the
roles and the responsibility of each contributor in the
Cloud service. Privacy considers the data encryption
and the location privacy. Access takes care of the
access policy in the Cloud because of using shared
Deliver and measure stage ensures that the
implemented service is aligned with the planned
services. It measures and compares the outputs with
the references that were determined before. This
stage contains four processes. Service delivery is
moving the service to the execution environment.
SLA Management ensures that all service levels are
met. It reviews contract for penalties. Errors and
expectation management reviews the current
environment with the planned one. It analyses the
running systems and reports the existing errors.
Auditing and logging track all the activities and
define whom, when and where this activity was
done. It helps during external and internal auditing.
Operate and feedback stage is the final stage in
the framework. Feedback for many organizations
becomes a temporary project recalled only in case of
malfunction or failure that affects the business. After
resolving the issue, the concept is forgotten until the
next failure occurs. The most important task starts
after implementation. How do we gain benefits of
using the new service? How do we measure, report
and operate the new service to improve the service
delivery? This requires wise decisions to operate and
control feedback. It clearly defines goals,
documented procedures, and identified roles and
This stage contains four processes. Monitoring
collects transaction and access data to present a
service statistics. It helps the management to review
the existing environment and to plan for the future
expansion. Adaptation/transformation manages the
unavoidable consequences and changes in the
running service. Service improvement assesses
measures and improves everything in the system. It
uses all the data collected in the execution phase.
Change management transforms the service to a
desired future state. Due to rapid changes in
technology, the organization must cope with these
changes. All changes have to be approved from all
We can apply this framework to any Cloud
system. We need controls and tools that can activate
each process inside the framework. We have to state
controls under each model and its components. We
classify the controls into two types, key control and
normal control. Key control is the control that will
be mandatory and necessary to apply this process
into the framework. Normal control is the control
that has some inputs but is not mandatory to achieve
the main goals of the process. We have distributed
ninety-eight controls from CSA-CCM on each
process in the framework. Then, we determine the
key and normal control. Due to limited space, we
will publish the details at many future publications.
A Cloud system has different deployment models
and architecture. Although it offers an economy of
scale solution to the market, it creates new risks and
challenges in the IT environment. In this paper, we
introduce our new Cloud Computing governance
model that represents a perspective combination of
theoretical and practical implementation. We turn
the Guo’s theoretical model to a practical model to
enable applying it to the industry. We identify the
gap using CCM, and then identify controls related to
each process and its effect using CCM. We add,
modify and update the missing corners in the model.
We create a new governance framework. It is a five
stages framework with a service feedback. Each
stage has few processes. Each process contains
controls. Each control has inputs, outputs, and tools
to activate and measure it. The framework is suitable
for all Cloud deployment models. In the future, we
will apply the new governance model and
framework to all Cloud models (SaaS, PaaS, and
IaaS). We will specify inputs and outputs to each
control. We will define the RACI (Responsible,
Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) Model and
identify persons that must be informed and
accountable based on the deployment model. In
addition, we will extract and develop SLA from the
new Cloud governance model. We will relate
controls effect directly the SLA.
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