e-Teaching Assistant
A Social Intelligent Platform Supporting
Teachers in the Collaborative Creation of Courses
Marco Mesiti, Stefano Valtolina, Simone Bassis, Francesco Epifania and Bruno Apolloni
Department of Computer Science, University of Milano, Via Comelico 39, Milano, Italy
Social Networks, Materials’ Quality and Reuse, User Reputation, Gamification, Recommendation System.
With the ambition of providing teachers with a concrete tool for worldwide exploiting didactic contents to
feature their courses, we face the problem of creating a social platform with adequate functionalities to satisfy
the teacher expectations. Starting with a well designed architecture we endow it with three key functionalities
that become the stakeholders of the emerging social network: 1) a quality system ensuring the value of the
materials the users put in the platform repository as their contribution to the social business, 2) a recommender
system based on computational intelligence techniques constituting the principal tool to guide teachers along
the assembling of materials into courses, and 3) a gamification system, root of the no-profit business plan of
the platform, to involve teachers in the social network. As a result we delineate an ecosystem where teachers
exploit contents of a repository to which contribute by themselves. They are encouraged in exploiting and con-
tributing because the contents are of high quality; they are wisely assisted in the exploration of the repository
by platform services yet under their full control; and they are variously reworded by this involvement.
In the last few years we have observed the prolifer-
ation of platforms (like Merlot, Connexions, Open-
Learn, ARIADNE, MACE, Share.TEC) that make
available to teachers didactic materials that can be
used for teaching. Moreover, multimedia representa-
tion models like Learning Object – LO (Wiley, 2000),
Open Educational Resources OER (Atkins et al.,
2007), and SCORM (ADL - Advances Distributed
Learning, 2004), have been proposed for enhancing
the interoperability of platforms in representing and
exchanging didactic resources. By means of these
platforms/models and also the materials made avail-
able on the Web by Schools and Universities, a huge
amount of didactic materials is available that could be
adopted (or acquired when subjected to fees) for the
preparation of single lessons or entire courses. In this
overwhelming of information, however, it is not easy
to discover the right materials that meet the prepara-
tion and expectation of the class students. Moreover,
the quality of the resources is not always the same,
the level of detail of the treated topics ranges differ-
ently from elementary to very detailed and advanced
presentations, and the requirements for effectively at-
tending to the materials are not always clear. There-
fore, teachers wishing to reuse already developed ma-
terials spend hours in the retrieval of adequate lec-
tures, exercises and projects for their classes, succeed-
ing only seldomly in finding the right ones.
In this paper we wish to detail the characteristics
of a tool, named e-Teaching Assistant, specifically tai-
lored for helping and supporting teachers in the pro-
cess of preparation and sharing of didactic resources
(either single materials or entire courses). This tool
is designed by considering teachers as “demanding-
users”, namely individuals that, accustomed to pro-
duce educational materials and having clear ideas on
the topics to be taught according to the level of prepa-
ration of the class to which they are intended, do not
expect to receive “pre-defined” instructions on how to
create and organize their courses; rather, they demand
to both interact with the system and discuss and col-
laborate with domain experts. A key characteristic of
e-Teaching Assistant is that users can formally or in-
formally collaborate for the realization of courses by
means of a social network (SN) specifically tailored
for this context. Moreover, intelligent services, de-
noted as “meta-services”, are devised for our demand-
ing users, supporting them in the preparation, retrieval
and exchange of materials. Among them, we point
out: the reviewing service for improving the quality
Mesiti M., Valtolina S., Bassis S., Epifania F. and Apolloni B..
e-Teaching Assistant - A Social Intelligent Platform Supporting Teachers in the Collaborative Creation of Courses.
DOI: 10.5220/0004963505690575
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 569-575
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: e-Teaching Assistant Architecture.
of the published materials by taking into account the
characteristics of the students to which they are de-
voted (language, age, student backgrounds, and ob-
jectives); the recommendation service for the identi-
fication of suitable materials; composition services to
generate new courses by reusing materials developed
by other colleagues, still keeping the provenance of
the materials; gamification services for encouraging
teachers in proactively participating to the platform.
This paper presents our thoughts on how these
meta-services should be integrated to forecast a social
intelligent learning management system for demand-
ing users. We start with an overview of the whole
architecture, giving prominence to the enhancements
w.r.t. state-of-the-art e-learning platforms. Then, we
highlight the features of the proposed recommenda-
tion and gamification systems, in order to face the dis-
tinctive peculiarity of the afforded task.
We are currently experimenting this new paradigm
in the framework of the NETT European project (nett-
project.eu), where these services aim to help teachers
to improve the provision of courses for improving the
entrepreneurship (Valtolina et al., 2014). This disci-
pline is crucial in the education of young generations,
yet not well assessed as a corpus of basic lessons and
those orienting the learner to a given specialization.
We face this immaturity by a cognitive recommenda-
tion system, as for advanced service, and a gamifi-
cation system, as for gathering community members
and their evaluations at the basis of the former. In this
short note we will discuss these tools from a method-
ological perspective, having our experience in NETT
as a workbench.
In recent years many e-learning platforms have been
devised, like Merlot, Connexions, OpenLearn, ARI-
ADNE, MACE and Share.TEC, mainly focused on
handling single resources (like powerpoint presenta-
tions, pdf files, exercises and so on). In Merlot and
Share.TEC the architecture relies on the definition of
ontological structures to support the sharing of digital
content. In particular, Share.TEC proposes an ontol-
ogy called TEO (Teacher Education Ontology) (Ivino
et al., 2009) to provide a powerful tool for cataloging
and classifying materials capable to provide person-
alized access to didactic resources, based on the ac-
tual users needs, their cultural context, and their pro-
fessional profile. Even though these systems provide
some SN capabilities, they are quite limited and not
well integrated in the entire process of production and
use of the developed resources.
The architecture to be devised for e-Teaching As-
sistant should meet the following requirements:
Didactic materials should be handled at differ-
ent levels of aggregation, ranging from single re-
sources to modules and courses, where a module
is an aggregation of single resources and a course
is an aggregation of modules. In this way, teach-
ers can have a more complete overview of how the
course and other ancillary materials (like articles,
exercises, discussion) associated to a module or an
entire course are organized by other colleagues.
Each course, module or single resource is associ-
ated with a set of metadata that describes the di-
dactic materials and give meaning to them. By
starting from the standard LOM (IEEE, 2006) we
consider a small subset that aptly conform to the
context under consideration. Note that: the meta-
data for modules (and in turn those for courses)
can be automatically extracted from the annexed
resources; and, multiple values can be specified
for the same property (e.g. the language of the
module is the union of those used in its contents).
Exploiting the result of the Merlot and Share.TEC
projects, we extend and integrate our metadata
structure using the OAI-PMH protocol for the se-
lective gathering of metadata describing learning
. Through this protocol, our metadata
structure is extended in an ontology able to allow
personalized access to the educational materials
and to offer an effective strategy for integrating
different didactic content sources.
The didactic materials are not forced to be stored
within e-Teaching Assistant. Materials can be
present in other platforms or made available
through web services. However, their metadata
are locally stored and exploited by the metaser-
vices. External materials might also be subjected
to the payment of royalties to their authors or to
the platforms where they are stored.
A SN should be deeply integrated in the system
in order to offer social metaservices for the cre-
ation of communities around the topics covered
by e-Teaching Assistant and the support of peers
in all the phases of the creation, revision, audit
and publication of didactic materials as well. The
actors of the SN are classified in Visitors, Contrib-
utors, Masters (leaders in given topics), and Ex-
perts (contributors with large experiences). These
roles will dynamically change, according to the
level of participation to the network.
Levels of reputations of the SN members, levels of
appreciations of the developed materials, prove-
nance of the developed materials, and their reuse
will be associated to the actors and materials han-
OAI-PMH is the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for
Metadata Harvesting (http://www.openarchives.org/pmh/)
whose aim is to create an independent interoperability
framework based on metadata harvesting.
dled by the system, maintained up-to-date and ex-
ploited by the available metaservices as well.
At any level of the education system, an e-learning
platform needs to face issues concerning the quality of
didactic materials offered to students. In Merlot a re-
viewing system similar to the one adopted in the con-
text of publication of journal papers is used. More-
over, all the cited platforms support the grading of the
materials using different scaling (either from 0 to 5
or from 0 to 10): an information that is only used for
ranking the materials when they are retrieved.
In e-Teaching Assistant we will adopt the afore-
mentioned solutions to guarantee the quality of the
developed materials, enhancing them by:
integrating the reviewing activities with com-
ments and ideas coming from the SN. The SN
should thus become a mean for exchanging ideas,
comments and solutions for better facing the
learning issues of students. Both formal and in-
formal communications will be granted to teach-
ers belonging to the same community;
linking the quality of the developed materials
with the respectability of the teachers producing
them. In this way, teachers are encouraged to pro-
duce high quality materials to improve their re-
spectability in the community. The use of levels
of respectability has also the advantage of identi-
fying masters of given topics and experts that can
help the former in the reviewing processes.
The core business of e-Teaching Assistant is the com-
position of new courses. To this aim teachers are
guided to both organize courses as a wise sequence
of modules and to fill up modules with resources that
comply with their didactic goals and cultural pref-
erences. Thus, besides the traditional tools for re-
trieving didactic materials based on keywords and
metadata matchings, the intelligence of e-Teaching
Assistant is represented by a computationally intelli-
gent recommendation system based on both metadata
and user consensuses variously collected through the
common social tools of the SN.
Actually, Recommendation System (RS) is a rel-
evant component of every modern SN in most dis-
parate fields, ranging from movies, music, books, to
financial services. Usually implemented as a web ap-
plication, it constitutes a class of algorithms aimed
at predicting user responses to options, by generating
meaningful recommendations to a collection of users
for items that might interest them.
In e-Teaching Assistant, RS will focus primarily
on the exploitation of didactic materials available in
already developed platforms that take into account the
characteristics of both teachers and students in terms
of backgrounds, competences, language, and level of
instruction. Moreover, in order to recommend materi-
als with high quality, it will exploit social aspects such
as the interaction between teachers and students, their
reputation, and the respectability they have gained in
the network. Such social context well embraces the
proliferation of open educational resources (OERs)
released under Creative Commons licenses, and the
variability of the characteristics of the community of
users involved in the educational process as well. On
the one hand the heterogeneity of the on-line mate-
rial, developed in different languages and with differ-
ent quality for a variety of target students in differ-
ent contexts of learning, complicates the realization
of useful RSs. On the other hand, teachers are rarely
satisfied by predefined and non-flexible recommenda-
tions when they exploit materials developed by other
colleagues. Moreover, students having different back-
ground, culture and level of instruction need specific
recommendations to support the discovery of suitable
materials according to their aims, interests, and di-
dactic needs. Finally, both teachers and students are
tightly connected by means of SNs through which
they can chat, exchange materials, and give evalua-
tions on the resources available in a recommendation.
Traditionally, RS are classified as:
Collaborative Filtering (CF) Systems, where pre-
dictions about the interests of a user are inferred
on the basis of people having similar interests
and preferences. They are based on k-nearest
neighbor (kNN) methods (Breese et al., 1998) as
for Neighborhood-based approach and paramet-
ric estimation techniques as for Model-based ap-
proach (Bell et al., 2009).
Content-Based (CB) Systems, where recommen-
dations rely on the user’s preference and the
items’ descriptions. They are based on query
and relevance/similarity scores as for IR ap-
proaches (Mooney and Roy, 2000), and on clas-
sifiers of hcontent, user-ratingi pairs, such as
Naive Bayes (Pazzani and Billsus, 1997) and
kNN classifiers, decision trees, and neural net-
works (Melville et al., 2002) as for Classifier.
Hybrid Recommendation Systems, combining the
above approaches in order to mitigate the asso-
ciated limitations, for instance via boosting tech-
niques (Schein et al., 2002) or generative mod-
els (Kim and Ahn, 2012).
Recent studies have attempted to use techniques for
studying social relationships in terms of network the-
ory, the Social Network Analysis (SNA), in com-
bination with RSs. In (Brusilovsky, 1996) the au-
thors got encouraging results by assigning weights
to the content-based attributes used for recommenda-
tions as a function of their importance for users. In
the e-learning context, several RSs have been devel-
oped to propose courses, materials, and relevant top-
ics in forums (Brusilovsky, 2012). Although increas-
ingly popular, so far only few studies such as (Frias-
Martinez et al., 2006; Mulwa et al., 2010) have been
addressed to suggest collaborative learning resources.
These methods are not sufficient to make satisfac-
tory suggestions, mainly for the following reasons:
1. The inability to treat the uncertainty of both the
ratings/suggestions and the resource description
proposed by the SN members. In fact, judgments
collected from a plethora of users with different
habits and cultures may produce contradictions
which in turn result in data having a high degree
of ambiguity. This calls for a granular interpreta-
tion of the information provided by such crisp at-
tributes, for instance in terms of fuzzy sets, rough
and interval sets, and so on (Apolloni et al., 2008).
2. The lack of interpretability of the recommenda-
tion model and, as a consequence, of the recom-
mendation policy.
3. The lack of user interaction. With the advance-
ment of computational techniques, we have the
unprecedented ability to allow machines to assist
users in completing their tasks. Thus, fully auto-
matic suggestions may not be entirely appreciated
by the active user, which risks to get frustrated in
using the RS platform whenever its recommenda-
tions prove to be erroneous.
4. The inability of current RSs to highlight the social
relationships between users. This is especially im-
portant within a SN where each user will certainly
appreciate receiving recommendations from those
considered “closest” to her (classmates, teachers,
etc.) (Shinha and Swearingen, 2001).
We expect e-Teaching Assistant to overcome these
limitations by embedding computational intelligence
into a hybrid system through the following features:
i) a Rule-Based System (RBS), to provide the user
with an interpretable recommendation policy. We
focus on a special instance of a decision tree algo-
rithm, exploiting the one-to-one correspondence
between decision trees and RBSs.
ii) Granular Computing techniques (Apolloni et al.,
2008), which are essential to handle non crisp
judgments. By fuzzifying the sets constituting an-
tecedents and consequents of the RBS, we will in-
troduce a fuzzy reasoning based on fuzzy entropic
criteria and expressed in terms of fuzzy decision
trees. To avoid injecting inconsistencies in the fi-
nal rule set, the tree construction will be compli-
ant with the multivalued attributes characterizing
modules and contents of our repository.
iii) Interactive Machine Learning techniques, to allow
the user to interactively participate in the devel-
opment of the final recommendation. The devel-
opment of a RS guided by the user intervention
translates in dynamic modifications, backtracking
included, of the rule set on the basis of the user
input. In turn, the system will provide the most
valuable suggestions satisfying the (explicit and
implicit) constraints introduced by the user, such
as presence of introductory courses, constraint on
the course duration, and so on.
iv) Social Network Analysis (SNA), to capture so-
cial relationships among users. We will work on
ad hoc clustering techniques for finding groups
within the SN members. In this way, we will re-
place the concept of proximity of the typical CF
algorithm with the corresponding SNA one, intro-
ducing weights on the preferences of the users, so
that well-reputed members of the SN will have a
higher influence in the whole process.
The SN life is made up of social activities, by defi-
nition. This implies that a SN may survive the ini-
tial enthusiastic period where the network is designed
and its mockup is implemented only if the platform
is populated by a community of users who have con-
crete motivations for interacting and sharing knowl-
edge. Having decided for an open platform that is
not rooted on a profit business model, we identified
gamification as a relevant tool for fostering the user
interest. Gamification indeed is a familiar context in
the teaching framework for two reasons:
1. Students are in a continuous competition as a nat-
ural status of their job. It is a competition which is
primarily toward themselves: they try improving
themselves everyday, hence compete and over-
whelm their own abilities. Actually several types
of games are used in classroom activities (eLearn
Magazine Staff and Contributors, 2011; Muntean,
2011; Raymer, 2011) based on typical game el-
ements like time, accuracy, point systems inte-
grated into training programs.
2. Teachers are in continuous competition (Nah
et al., 2013) toward three frontlines: 1) themselves
as former students, 2) students, to whom they can
never yield, and 3) colleagues for both immaterial
(pride) and material (carrier) reasons.
We plan leveraging on this competition for engag-
ing teachers in creating and sharing materials. This
type of metaservice is designed as an incentive sys-
tem based on a set of rules that encourage teachers
to explore and learn the properties of their possibility
space. We adapt the common strategies (Deterding
et al., 2011) to the above competition line in terms of:
Frontline n
1. A layering mechanism which allows teachers
to learn new skills incrementally, and then
practice those skills before demonstrating their
mastery in creating new materials. Hence they
are incrementally challenged to featuring con-
tents, modules and finally entire courses.
2. A character upgrade scenario which provides
feedback to teachers for warning about how
much progress they have made in creating a
course. They gather virtual goods and assets
to change the character in the way they like.
Frontline n
1. Private or closed community groups, which
provide their agreement on the material pro-
duced by teachers according to their acquired
competencies and rules. In fact, the over-
whelming success and influence of social me-
dia in modern society corroborates the power
of other people’s opinion.
2. Objective indexes such as number of downloads
of the single contents by students, cumulated
scores expressed by them, etc, which are a di-
rect way of acknowledging the teachers work.
Frontline n
1. Keeping the authorship of the developed mate-
rials and the acknowledgment of the work done,
that is very relevant for teachers. A contrib-
utor can integrate a module developed by an-
other teacher and decide to keep it “as is” or to
modify it (by adding or removing content). The
system keeps track of the fact that the module is
duplicated from an existing one, and the com-
pliance (or not) with the original form. This
feature is useful for maintaining the provenance
of the material and to ensure the author’ royal-
ties and for incrementing his/her reputation.
2. Making teachers talking to one another, which
gives them common goals and rewards, espe-
cially if that reward is predicated on group par-
ticipation. Teacher’s peers see when they col-
lect these rewards. These extrinsic rewards are
much more effective if people can use them for
bragging rights, rather than just having some
extra trophy graphic that nobody else will see.
A final remark on the game design concerns the
whole presentation of the metaservices. The de-
sign, the look and feel, the interaction style and the
communication process of the e-learning environment
need a specific care and an incremental production of
mock-ups anytime that new users requirements ap-
pear. Moreover, it is import to test our prototype as
early as possible. One of the most repeated mistake
is to make assumptions about how the target audience
will use the product. The only way the designers can
understand it is to put the system in front of them,
watch them use it, and to document the experience in
order to pay attention to how long it takes to make the
correct input, and to watch through teachers’ eyes for
seeing where they look first on the screen mockups.
The main goal of the e-Teaching Assistant is to of-
fer a new opportunity for supporting teachers by ex-
ploiting the contributions of a SN able to enhance
and enrich didactic contents proposed by their mem-
bers. To this aim, the paper proposes a social oriented
solution based on three metaservices for exchang-
ing high quality didactic materials, retrieving content
through a computationally intelligent recommenda-
tion service and stimulating the teachers involvement
through gamification strategies. Other metaservices
are under design for offering a semi-automatic combi-
nation of modules according to the requirements and
skills characterizing them and by fitting the teachers’
expectation according to their profile and background.
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