Storage CloudSim
A Simulation Environment for Cloud Object Storage Infrastructures
Tobias Sturm, Foued Jrad and Achim Streit
Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC)
Department of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Cloud Computing, Storage as a Service, STaaS, Cloud Broker, CloudSim.
Since Cloud services are billed by the pay-as-you-go principle, organizations can save huge investment costs.
Hence, they want to know, what costs will arise by the usage of those services. On the other hand, Cloud
providers want to provide the best-matching hardware configurations for different use-cases. Therefore,
CloudSim a popular event-based framework by Calheiros et al., was developed to model and simulate the
usage of IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) Clouds. Metrics like usage costs, resource utilization and energy
consumption can be also investigated using CloudSim. But this favored simulation framework does not pro-
vide any mechanisms to simulate todays object storage-based Cloud services (STaaS, Storage-as-a-Service).
In this paper, we propose a storage extension for CloudSim to enable the simulations of STaaS-components.
Interactions between users and the modeled STaaS Clouds are inspired by the CDMI (Cloud Data Manage-
ment Interface) standard. In order to validate our extension, we evaluated the resource utilization and costs
that arise by the usage of STaaS Clouds based on different simulation scenarios.
Cloud computing is one of the most emerging tech-
nologies of the past few years. Start-ups, big compa-
nies and the scientific community explore the benefits
of this kind of resource utilization. These Cloud users
exploit the advantages of less configuration overhead,
less investments, less operational costs, highly flexi-
ble systems that scale out to large systems, or scale in
to a minimal resource provisioning, depending on the
current needs.
The main benefit from using Cloud services is to
reduce the cost for computation and storage by sourc-
ing these services out to a third-party provider. The
crucial questions are about the costs and the perfor-
mance of the usage. Users want to know, how much
money they are going to spend, if they switch to a
Cloud solution. On the other side, providers have
to know, what is the best hardware constellation and
configuration for them. These questions can be an-
swered by simulating Cloud environments.
CloudSim (Calheiros et al., 2009) is a popular
simulation environment, which offers capabilities to
simulate computing Clouds that provision computing
infrastructures as a service. The focus of CloudSim
is on the modeling of so-called Cloudlets which are
jobs, that can be scheduled on VMs (Virtual Ma-
chines). Models for hard disks, SAN and files are
already included in CloudSim. However, capable in-
terfaces to simulate object STaaS are missing, as well
as a fine-grained model for the size of files.
Object storage systems pool multiple physical de-
vices together and provide one logical medium to
store and retrieve many different pieces of informa-
tion called objects. Besides user data, an object con-
tains so called metadata, like timestamps or num-
ber of replicas. Objects can be accessed by their
server-wide unique ID and can be created, updated,
read (complete or partially) by all authorized clients
(Azagury et al., 2003). Containers are virtual collec-
tions of objects and may be hierarchical like folders
on conventional file systems (CDMI, 2012).
Considering that there is no known simulation en-
vironment for object STaaS, which includes a proper
modeling of the interfaces, this work extends the ex-
isting framework CloudSim by adding components
for an accurate modeling of object storage.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In
the next section we present the existing simulation
framework CloudSim and review the fundamentals of
object storage, before we discuss prior works related
to STaaS Cloud simulation. In Section 3 we propose
Sturm T., Jrad F. and Streit A..
Storage CloudSim - A Simulation Environment for Cloud Object Storage Infrastructures.
DOI: 10.5220/0004956401860192
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 186-192
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the extension to enable STaaS Cloud simulation, fol-
lowed by Section 4, in which we describe a set of ex-
periments we investigated on the extended simulation
framework. Section 5 concludes the paper with a brief
summary and describes our future research directions.
In this section we describe the existing CloudSim
framework, explain the needed changes to simu-
late STaaS Clouds and then present related works to
STaaS simulation.
2.1 CloudSim
CloudSim is a time discrete simulation frame-
work for Cloud computing. The framework con-
sists of three layers as described by the authors
(Calheiros et al., 2011) (from bottom to top):
1. Core Simulation Engine: Queuing and processing
of events, management of Cloud system entities
such as host, VMs, brokers, etc.
2. CloudSim: Representation of network topology,
message delays, VM provisioning, CPU, storage
and memory allocation, etc.
3. User code: General configuration such as Cloud
scenarios and user requirements, User Broker, etc.
Users of the framework can either modify the top
layer to model simulation scenarios, or extend the
second layer, to test different allocation policies in a
Cloud system. The user code layer defines so-called
cloudlets that define a specific amount of computa-
tion requirements similar to a Cloud job. Datacenter
Brokers forward the cloudlets to Cloud providers and
manage and monitor their execution. These jobs are
dispatched on available VMs by the CloudSim layer.
Communication between the entities is done via mes-
sage events which are sent to the core simulation en-
gine, which handles all events in the correct order
and manages the simulated time. Events between two
remote entities are automatically delayed, if the net-
work topology is predefined (Garg and Buyya, 2011).
CloudSim can simulate SAN storage, hard drives
and files, that are stored on hard drives directly or via
SAN storage. But their modeling lacks support for
object storage as follows:
File size magnitude: CloudSim models the file
size in megabyte, but 90% of all web objects
fit within 16KB (Dukkipati et al., 2010), which
means that a content delivery scenario scenario
can not be modeled accurately.
Hard drive models: The hard drive models do not
provide all metrics that are required to model the
read and write durations accurately.
No storage controller: CloudSim does not offer a
controller that determines the storage location of
No appropriate object storage interface: No
model for any STaaS interface, as for example
2.2 STaaS Simulation
The only work known to us that deals with storage
modeling in CloudSim was performed by Zhao and
Long (Long and Zhao, 2012). Even after intensive
search we have not found any other simulation en-
vironment that suits STaaS. Zhao and Long propose
an extension of the existing Datacenter model by in-
troducing a Replica Catalog and Block Catalog (One
piece of information is striped and distributed on dif-
ferent physical locations to gain a parallelized and
therefore faster access, catalogs can provides a query
interface to retrievethose locations) to benchmark dif-
ferent configurations. All operations are started from
within a Cloudlet, which means that the VM is the re-
questing entity. Overall their work presents a mixture
of datacenters that offer computing power and storage
capacities. This work in contrast focuses on the strict
separation of these two capabilities, as currently done
in real-world IaaS providers.
In a previous paper (Jrad et al., 2012), we inves-
tigated the use of multiple IaaS Compute providers
interfaced by the Open Cloud Computing Interface
(OCCI). One user assigns a Meta Broker to choose
between multiple available Clouds based on Service
Level Agreements (SLA). We provide similar SLA
mechanisms for STaaS providers like: Available ca-
pacity, bandwidth of Cloud interfaces, restrictions on
file sizes, etc.
We extended the existing simulation framework
CloudSim to enable the modeling of STaaS Clouds.
Therefore we provide additional models in the user
code layer and the layer beneath as we can see in Fig-
ure 1. CloudSim consists of three layers. Our addi-
tions to the framework build on top of the CloudSim
Core Engine, which is responsible for the time dis-
crete message passing between simulation entities.
We provide new models for hard disks, servers and
Timeaware Resource Utilization
CloudSim Core Simulation Engine
Object Storage
Policy Enforcement
Host SAN Storage
Storage Server Harddisk
Cloud Scenario
Data Center
Meta Storage
Request / Response
User Code
Figure 1: Storage CloudSim architecture Overview.
a more accurate model resource utilization over time.
Beside data replication and accounting, we imple-
mented different storage policies enforcements. Users
of the simulation framework can generate sequences
of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations
on objects and containers and implement different
multi-Cloud broker policies.
3.1 User Code Extension
The usage of STaaS components is modeled as usage
sequence - a sequence of CRUD operations on both
containers and objects. The order of these operations
is fixed (an object can only be put into a container if
the container was created before), but the execution
of two sequences never interfere or depend on each
other. We provide tools for automatically generating
such sequences in a way that they are random, defined
by statistical distribution constraints
and are repeat-
able by storing them in XML files.
Each sequence is attached to a SLA requirement,
where hard constraints and soft requirements can be
defined. The hard constraints serve to exclude STaaS
Clouds that do not fulfill required features (e.g. capa-
bility to store user metadata, available capacity, etc.),
size of objects, delay between requests, balance be-
tween read and write operations etc.
whereas the soft requirements lead to a scoring of
providers whenever there is more than one provider
that fulfills all hard requirements in order to choose
the one with the highest score (e.g. prefer providers
with the lowest storage cost).
The sequences and their requirements are for-
warded to the Meta StorageBroker, which query char-
acteristics and capabilities of each available STaaS
provider and chooses the best suitable provider for
every sequence and dispatches each one to a Storage
Broker. The former is acting as a proxy for a single
user Cloud interaction by dispatching the requests of
the sequence and storing all responses from the Cloud
for later analysis.
The entire communication between broker and
Cloud is wrapped in CDMI calls, which is an
industry-wide standard for accessing STaaS Clouds.
3.2 STaaS Provider Models
Every Cloud is described by some characteristics as
for example networking capabilities, supported op-
erations, billing information and hardware specifica-
tions or limits as for example maximum size of an
entity or maximum number of objects in one con-
tainer. Each instance features a CDMI endpoint, a
set of servers and a sets of hard disks. On top of the
Table 1: Defined Usage Sequence Patterns.
Name Pattern A Pattern B
Traffic / Sequence 1GB .. 100GB (normal distributed) 1MB .. 16GB (gamma distribution 3,2)
Size / Object 1MB..100GB (normal distributed) 1MB .. 1GB (normal distributed)
Read Write Ratio 0:1 5:11
Hard Constraints
no container size limit
sufficient boundary for object size limit
enough storage capacity
enough storage capacity
Soft Constraints low upload and storage costs all costs low
hardware models is the representation of the logical
organization such as each object might have multi-
ple replica, called blobs. Communication between
brokers and STaaS Clouds is accomplished through
CMDI messages, which organize data as CDMI Ob-
jects whithin Containers (both described as entity in
the following). Every object must be stored in one
container - containers can not be nested. Each user
of the Cloud (represented by a broker) can only see
his entities. They can be accessed via their Cloud-
wide unique CDMI ID or via a human readable name
that was chosen by the user. Entities feature so-called
Metadata, which is a key-value storage, which holds
for example the size of an entity, date of creation,
number of desired replica or date of last-access. De-
pending on the capabilities of a Cloud, a user can
modify or extend these metadata (e.g. the number of
desired replicas).
The storage controller matches certain policies,
such as the physical distribution of blobs that belong
to one object (replica). A blob can only be stored on
a disk, when the disk holds no other blob of the same
object, so that the failure of a single disk does not
cause the loss of data if replication is used.
Since read, write and update operations involve
the transport of data through the internal network, we
modeled the payload size of these operations on the
most fine-grained level (bytes). As we model the stor-
Cloud internal
System Bus
Cloud internal
network interface
Disk Interface
Figure 2: IO limitations on the data path.
age of data to the level of disks, we have to model
also the data transport between hard disks. There-
fore, we assigned a bandwidth to network and disk
connections (see Figure 2) inside the STaaS CLoud.
The complete data path begins with the broker, which
sends a CDMI request to the STaaS provider. The
data is then sent to the storage server and then to the
hard disk. Every segment of the data path has a cer-
tain bandwidth
to introduce a certain delay. In ad-
dition we model the current utilization of these path
The duration of each operation depends on the
bandwidth of the path section that has the lowest
available bandwidth. Since concurrent operations
might interleave or overlap, the available bandwidth
might change during one operation. Thus, the total
duration of each operation depends on the least avail-
able bandwidth on the path over time and thus the fol-
lowing terms must be fulfilled:
payloadSize =
(t) < bandwidthLimit
Read and write operations are dispatched by first-
scheduled-first-served strategy.
4.1 Meta Broker Evaluation
We conducted two sets of experiments, one with only
one StaaS Cloud provider (Amazon S3
) and another
set with three providers, each with a mixture of pat-
terns of usage sequence (see Table 1). Pattern A fea-
tures only uploads of large data chunks. Therefore the
costs for downloads from the Cloud have no impact.
The other pattern features up- and downloads.
uni-directional bandwidth specification is possible.
Table 2: Modeled Cloud Specifications.
S3 Private Swift
Object size
unlimited 16GB unlimited
write rate
read rate
read latency
write latency
capacity 72TB 3TB 32TB
# replica 3 3 1
$/GB stored
$/GB up
$/GB down
We modeled three different Cloud providers Ama-
zon S3, a private Cloud and a Swift Cloud
, see Table
2), each with different pricing, storage capacity and
throughput. The private Cloud has a hard 16GB limit
for objects, but offers the lowest prices.
The meta broker checks all hard constraints
against every available Cloud and then calculates a
score for each potential Cloud. The score in our
example is calculated by the inverse of the relevant
costs, e.g.
score =
for sequences of pattern A. One hard constraint that
is shared among both patterns is the requirement for
sufficient storage capacity. Since users in most use
cases do not know the exact volume of data they want
to store or the size of every single object, we added a
25% uncertainty to these values. A sequence is de-
clined, if no Cloud provider can fulfill all hard re-
We can verify the correct behavior of the meta
broker by plotting the used storage of each Cloud
provider over time, as in Figure 3. Sequences that
do not contain objects that are bigger than 16GB can
be dispatched on the private Cloud, because it is the
cheapest STaaS provider. Sequences that contain ob-
jects that are bigger than 16GB will be dispatched
on the Swift Cloud because it is cheaper than Ama-
zon S3, which is never chosen for any sequence. We
can see that the Swift Cloud usage rises faster since
all big objects (greater than 16GB) are stored there.
We conducted the above described experiments mul-
tiple times and made sure that the randomly generated
input sequences did not contain any artifacts. A mix-
ture of both sequence types was used (2486 sequences
of type A and 2514 of type B). First, we observed
that both experiments (single and multi-Cloud) with
50 and 500 sequences succeeded, but the experiment
with 5000 mixed sequences can not be executed on
the single-Cloud environment completely (4150 se-
quences are declined due to capacity exhaustion). If
we observe the number of succeeded and failed re-
quests as well as the declined sequences, we observe
that at one point of this experiment, the number of
succeeded requests stops to rise, the failed requests
spike and the number of declined sequences starts to
rise. These are declined because the hard requirement
for sufficient storage can not be fulfilled. In total 15
requests fail in the single Cloud experiment with 5000
mixed sequences. Three reasons (or any combination
of them) explain this behavior:
Inaccurate SLA: UsageSequence requests less ca-
pacity than it will consume. Cloud storage may
be used by 99.99%, but it accepts the request, be-
cause the requested size fits into the remaining
Unsatisfiable policies: One reason could be the
policy, that forces the storage controller to lo-
cate StorageBlobs of one object not to be on the
same disk. Maybe there is enough physical stor-
age available, but it is not distributed as required.
Concurrent access: Clouds use the currently
available storage, when respondingto a Cloud dis-
covery request. Requests do not allocate any stor-
age space. Two storage capacity requests can be
met, but one of them fills all of the remaining stor-
age, so the other request can not be fulfilled.
One of the most interesting points are the costs
that are billed when the sequences are run on the dif-
ferent constellations. We see that multi-Cloud experi-
ments generate less costs than the single Cloud exper-
iment for the runs with 50 and 500 sequences (60%
less costs in the 500 sequence experiment, see Table
3). This can be explained by the capacity of the pri-
vate Cloud, which provides resources for a fraction
0 20 40
80 100
Time in minutes
Used storage capacity in GB
Figure 3: Storage usage for the modeled STaaS Clouds.
Table 3: Average Price per accepted Sequence.
# of input Seq. Single Cloud Multi-Cloud
50 0.0150$ 0.0070$
500 0.0149$ 0.0058$
5000 0.0149$ 0.0128$
Table 4: Total Costs for 250 Input Sequences.
Single Cloud Multi-Cloud
Pattern A 2.62$ 2.62$
Pattern B 4.82$ 0.30$
of the costs of the Amazon S3 Cloud. But the total
costs for the 5000 sequence experiment shows that the
multi-Cloud constellation can generate more costs,
which is in the interest of the user, because in this
case more sequences are processed, compared to the
single Cloud experiment. However, the multi-Cloud
setup provides lower prices per accepted sequence in
each experiment, as seen in Table 3.
4.2 Effect of the Used Sequence Type
In order to study the impact of the chosen sequence
type, we conducted four experiments each of them
with a different sequence type and on a single Cloud
or a multi-Cloud environment. As we submitted 250
sequences, no sequence was rejected in any experi-
ment. Table 4 shows that the multi-Cloud variant gen-
erates less or the same costs as the single Cloud vari-
ant. The costs for single and multi-Cloud for the se-
quences of type A is the same, whereas the difference
for sequences of type B is 4.52$ (saving of factor 16).
This can be explained by the fact, that the sequences
of type A have tighter restriction on the SLA: The
minimal accepted value for the maximum object size
depends on the largest object of the sequence, which
can be between 1 and 100GB. Thus, the majority of A
sequences can not be scheduled on the private Cloud,
which is deciding for the costs for B sequences
We extended the popular Cloud simulation framework
CloudSim to enable the simulation of STaaS Clouds.
The concurrentuse of resources is modeled accurately
in order to gain realistic simulation results. Detailed
models for storage disks, servers and storage con-
troller are provided and can be easily extended. Mon-
itoring allows users to investigate a broad spectrum of
metrics from each simulated STaaS Cloud as well as
from the user’s perspective.
Different access patterns can be modeled and used
to generate sequences of requests. These sequences
can be stored and read from file to provide random,
but repeatable experiments. In addition, different
SLAs can be modeled, such as certain capabilities of
a Cloud or some restrictions. A Meta Broker enables
simulations of multiple Clouds, where different us-
age sequences can be dispatched on the best-matching
Clouds. Compared to single Cloud usage users can
save huge costs if the SLAs of the request sequences
are not very strict.
In a future work, we will investigate more realistic
pricing models (no linear price functions) and more
complex SLA mechanisms. The framework will be
extended to enable the simulation of the storage allo-
cation policies and mechanisms used in current STaaS
Clouds, for example mechanisms to prevent bit rot-
ting of failover reactions to outages of hardware. We
will also introduce more heuristic parameters to make
the simulation more realistic. Also brokers could not
only compare requirements against the static SLA but
could also calculate metrics based on previous band-
width usage and then decide which Cloud to use for
further requests.
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