Automated Generation of High School Geometric Questions Involving
Implicit Construction
Rahul Singhal
, Martin Henz
and Kevin McGee
School of computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Department of Commmunications and New Media, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Automated Deduction, Constructive Geometry, Graph-based Knowledge Representation.
We describe a framework that combines a combinatorial approach and automated deduction to generate geom-
etry problems which require implicit constructions for their solution. This is an extension of our framework
developed for generating geometric questions without construction. Such a system would help teachers to
quickly generate large numbers of questions involving implicit construction on a geometry topic. Students can
explore, revise and master specific topics covered in classes and textbooks based on construction-based gener-
ated questions. This system may also help standardize tests such as GMAT and SAT. Our novel methodology
uses (i) a combinatorial approach for generating geometric figures and objects for construction (ii) automated
deduction to generate new questions and solutions. By combining these methods, we are able to generate
questions involving finding or proving relationships between geometric objects based on a specification of the
geometry objects, concepts, theorems and construction object to be covered by the questions. Experimental
results show that a large number of questions can be generated in a short time.
Construction-based Euclidean geometry questions
refers to geometric questions which require construc-
tions, namely, to find proofs with additional lines,
points, or arcs constructed by a compass and a ruler.
Finding a construction is a hard task even for hu-
man problem solvers. Since one can draw many seg-
ments and arcs at any point of a proof, the search
space is enormous. Hence generating construction-
based questions on a user-selected geometric topics is
a more challenging task.
It is important to understand construction-based
geometry when studying a course because it does not
follow any set pattern. In Euclidean geometry, one
can only learn the axioms and results proven from
these axioms. The student must apply these axioms
with no set pattern or list of steps for solving such
questions. Therefore, a question may have (possibly
infinitely) many solutions. To practice the required
problem solving skills, students require a large num-
ber of different types of geometry questions on vari-
ous concepts which requires implicit construction of
various geometric objects. Generally, textbooks and
online sites provide a limited predefined number of
such type of questions for each topic. Once practiced,
these questions lose their purpose of enhancing stu-
dent thinking. The tedious and error-prone task of
generating high-quality questions challenges the re-
sources of teachers. Hence, there is a need for soft-
ware which assists both teachers and students to gen-
erate geometry questions and solutions.
Apart from helping users, the framework of gen-
erating questions has scientific contributions to other
research areas, such as Intelligent tutor systems (ITS)
and Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC).
Various research has been performed in automated
deduction of theorems at high school level in the ge-
ometry domain, although none with the goal of au-
tomatic construction-based question generation. In-
stead, they mainly demand users to generate the ques-
tion with the help of tools. In addition, they mainly
focus on solving and assessment of the questions.
Our survey shows that the currently available geom-
etry systems, such as JGEX, Geogebra, Cinderella
and Sketchpad, are not able to automatically generate
questions of user specified geometry topics. The clos-
est software is GRAMY tool which can solve ques-
tions involving implicit constructions. However it is
unable to generate such questions.
The aim of this paper is to develop a framework
that can be used to generate construction-based geom-
Singhal R., Henz M. and McGee K..
Automated Generation of High School Geometric Questions Involving Implicit Construction.
DOI: 10.5220/0004947904670472
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 467-472
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
etry questions based on specific inputs, such as geom-
etry objects, theorems and construction objects to be
involved in their solution. For a given set of geome-
try objects, the algorithm can generate a large set of
questions along with their solutions. The solutions
will involve user desired theorems directly or indi-
rectly. Hence the framework can generate questions
to test the theorem on various geometry objects and
Generated questions from our framework having
implicit construction may involve algebraic computa-
tions for a solution. Currently, we restrict the rela-
tionships between quantitative entities to linear ones.
Our framework has a predefined database of theo-
rems, concepts and construction objects which can be
used for generating questions. Given a set of user-
selected construction objects, our system can gener-
ate all possible questions using an existing database
of concepts and theorems.
The main contributions of this paper are as fol-
1. Our geometry question generator combines the
complementary strengths of a combinatorial ap-
proach, pattern matching and deductive reason-
ing. Construction-based geometry questions can
be generated which were not possible previously.
2. A substantial evaluation is provided that demon-
strates the effectiveness of our generator. The
question generator was able to generate most
of the questions, involving implicit construc-
tion, covered in the textbooks based on targeted
There are several automated theorem proving system
in the geometric domain such as JGEX (Gao and Lin,
2004), Cinderella and Geometry Explorer (Wilson
and Fleuriot, 2006) that allows users to build proofs
based on geometric constructions. Angle method
(Gao and Lin, 2004), Wu’s method and Grobner basis
method (Chou et al., 1994) are some of the methods
used by the existing geometry systems for automat-
ically proving geometric theorems. However, these
methods are either not suitable for question genera-
tion or the approach used is not suitable for the high
school geometric domain. Hence, the geometric sys-
tems are unable to automatically generate geometric
GRAMY (Matsuda and Vanlehn, 2004) is a ge-
ometric system that can solve geometric questions
which require implicit construction. It uses a for-
ward chaining search followed by a backward step to
suggest a construction. GRAMY can only discover
proofs that do not involve arithmetic operations. For
example, it cannot find proofs that involve inequali-
ties and ratios.
An algorithm developed by Rohit (R. Singh and
Rajamani, 2012) used a numerical approach for solv-
ing geometric questions involving construction. The
algorithm uses the concept of randomness instead of
performing symbolic reasoning. Hence, the solutions
generated by this algorithm are based on numerical
reasoning and out of the scope of high school mathe-
Our original framework can generate geometric
questions based on concepts, theorems and user-
selected geometric objects. However, it cannot gen-
erate construction based questions. Current work is
an extension of the framework developed in (annony-
mous, 2013).
Mathematically a geometry question Q generated by
our system can be represented by a sextuple (Ob-
ject O, Concept C, Theorem T, Construction objects
CObj, Relationship R, Query type Qt) where:
O (lines, triangles, square, circle, ... )
C (perpendicular, parallel, midpoint, angle-
bisector, circumcircle...)
T (Pythagorean theorem, similarity theorem,
various triangle-theorems, ...)
CObj (perpendicular, parallel, midpoint, angle-
R (syntactic, quantitative)
Qt (syntactic, quantitative)
In order to generate geometry questions, the user has
to provide a set of geometry objects O such as tri-
angles, squares, etc., a set of concepts C and a set
of construction objects CObj such as perpendicular,
parallel, midpoint, etc., which the user would like to
cover in the generated question. Optionally the user
may select a set of theorems T to be tested by the
question. The relationship R can be either syntac-
tic such as perpendicular, parallel, etc., or quantita-
tive such as the giving the length of an object, the ra-
tio of two quantities etc. The query type Qt is the
type of generated question that can be asked to find
the hidden relationship which can be calculated from
the given information. The solution of the generated
question would require construction of user-selected
Figure 1: Connection of framework components and knowl-
edge representations.
CObj. Next section describes the framework for gen-
erating such questions.
Our framework comprises three major components
along with the knowledge databases used for stor-
ing geometry figures and a set of predefined theo-
rems. Figure 1 shows the connection of these com-
ponents. The input consists of geometric objects,
concepts, theorems and construction objects selected
by the user. The input is fed into the first com-
ponent, Generating Figure (GF). This component is
used for generation of geometric figures from the in-
put. Each figure constitutes a diagrammatic schema
(DS) (Greeno et al., 1979) and a set of unknown vari-
ables representing the relationship between geometric
objects. User-selected construction objects are added
to the figure generated by GF according to the algo-
rithm described in the section 4.3. The geometric fig-
ure is passed to the second component, Generating
Facts and Solutions (GFS). This component is used
to find values for the unknown variables representing
possible relationships to be covered by the generated
question. GFS makes use of the predefined knowl-
edge database of axioms. It results in the formation
of a configuration (Cfg) containing known values for
some relationships between its objects. New infor-
mation is derived from the configuration Cfg. New
information refers to the generation of suitable ques-
tions. A question is considered suitable if it covers the
essential information such as a new fact and a proper
reasoning for the generated fact. A new fact would not
be related to the construction object CObj. However,
the reasoning of the fact generation would involve the
use of CObj.
Figure 2: Flow diagram of the algorithm for generating
If the suitability conditions for the generated con-
figuration (Cfg) are not met then the configuration is
fed into the last component, Generating data for the
figure (GD). GD assigns values to unknown variables
of relationships. Repeated processing by GD makes
the questions generated from Cfg easier and easier,
because the values assigned by GD appear as given
facts in the generated questions. GD makes use of
a predefined set of theorems and makes sure that the
assignment results in successful generation of geom-
etry questions. The configuration generated from this
component is again passed to the GFS component and
this loop continues until a question is found which
meets suitability conditions.
4.1 Algorithm
Figure 2 represents the flowchart describing the al-
gorithm for generating geometric questions involv-
ing implicit construction. Algorithm 1 describes the
flowchart in further detail.
In this section, Algorithm 1 is explained with the
help of a running example. Figure 3 shows the step
by step execution of the algorithm. We select the fol-
lowing input in our example.
Object: triangle and line segment
Concept: perpendicular
Construction object: Parallel lines
Theorem: Pythagorean Theorem
Number of questions: 1
Area Triangle ABE is 18
Apollonius Theorem
length (A, B, 8) (Given)
length (A, C, 6) (Given)
length (A, F, 5) (Calculated)
Pythagoras Theorem
length (A, E, 4) (Given)
length (F, E, 3) (Given)
Figure 3: (a) The figure generated by using triangle and
perpendicular as the geometry objects using the GF func-
tion. (b) A parallel line is drawn parallel to ”CB” from E
meeting ”AB” at ”F”. (c) The data is generated for (b) us-
ing the GD component. (d) The new fact not involving EF
and its derivation involving EF using the GFS component
generated from the figure shown in (c).
In the next subsections, we will describe each
framework component and its interaction with the
knowledge databases.
Data: User selects object(s), concept(s),
construction-object(s), theorem(s)
and the number of questions to be
Result: Question with single or multiple
1. Generate all possible figures consisting
of geometry objects using GF function
from the given input.
2. Find one figure which has not been
picked earlier. If found, go to next step
else terminate.
3. Add Cobj using the algorithm
mentioned in the section 4.3.
4. If new figure is generated, go to next
step else do backtracking.
5. Save this figure using KF knowledge
6. Assign values to variables of figure
obtained in second step from the
predefined knowledge database of
axioms through GFS function.
Configurations (Cfg) are generated
from this step.
7. Find one Cfg not picked earlier. If
found, goto next step. If not found,
backtracking to step 2.
8. Compare Cfg with the previously
stored figure.
9. If the comparison gives the desired
suitability then the Cfg is declared as a
generated question and the algorithm
stops. If the conditions are not met or
more number of questions are required,
go to the next step.
10. Configuration Cfg obtained from GFS
is fed into the third component, GD, to
assign more unknown variables. It
makes use of KT, a predefined database
of theorems.
11. From the configurations obtained from
GD, find a new configuration Cfg
which has not been chosen earlier. If
found, goto step 3. If all configurations
have been chosen earlier, goto step 5.
Algorithm 1: Algorithm for generating geometry
4.2 Generating Figure Configuration
from the User Input (GF)
This is the first step executed by Algorithm 1 de-
scribed in Section 4.1. This component is further
divided into two sub-components, Figure Genera-
tion and Addition of construction object. First sub-
component generates a figure through the combina-
tion of a predefined number of ways to combine ge-
ometric objects. Currently, we are focusing on trian-
gles and line segments. Hence our algorithm includes
combinations in which various triangles and lines can
intersect. Furthermore, we are currently limiting our
algorithm to the intersection of two triangles. Adding
more objects may make the figure more complex, pos-
sibly leading to unusual questions that are not com-
monly found in textbooks. However there is no limi-
tation on the intersection of lines and triangles.
Adding Construction Object from the Figure
Generated by GF
This component is used for adding geometric objects
which will not be shown in the generated question.
However, the construction of the object would be re-
quired by the user to prove/solve the questions. Gen-
erally, more than one construction object can be added
for generating questions. However, we have limited
our algorithm to addition of single object. Addition
of two or more objects may lead to the generation of
questions very hard to solve and may not solve the
purpose of testing the concepts.
Figure 4 describes the algorithm for adding a con-
struction object in a figure (input) generated by the
first sub-component. The algorithm first checks for
the user-selected construction objects. If the user has
selected an object, the algorithm looks for the pre-
existence of the selected construction object. In case
the object is not present, algorithm adds it in the fig-
ure and terminates. The algorithm does nothing if the
user-selected object is already present in the figure.
Currently, our algorithm is limited to the construc-
tion of a line between two existing points, parallel,
Figure 4: Explains the algorithm for adding construction
objects in a given figure.
perpendicular line and median in a given figure.
4.3 Generating Facts and Solutions
This component is responsible for finding the values
of unknown variables of the generated configuration
from the other components. This component acts as
question generator and solver. The unknown variables
whose values have been found represent the generated
questions. The steps that leads to finding the unknown
variables represent the solution. The algorithm will
consider only those facts which do not include CObj
but make use of CObj for reasoning. Figure 3d shows
an example of such a fact. The new fact is related
to the length of side CB of a triangle. However, it
requires the construction of a perpendicular line from
E to AB.
There may be several ways for finding the val-
ues of the unknown variables. In such cases, this
component shows all solutions. For generating the
new facts, it uses a predefined database of theorems.
The theorems are represented in the form of axioms.
We have used The School Mathematics Study Group
(SMSG) axiomatic system, which is a combination of
Birkhoffs and Hilberts axiom (Francis,2002) systems.
More details can be found in an algorithm (annony-
mous, 2013).
4.4 Generating New Configurations
This component starts with a search for user-selected
theorems. If the user has not chosen any theorem,
a theorem is non-deterministically selected from the
predefined knowledge database of theorems. Our al-
gorithm terminates when all theorems have been se-
lected once for a given figure configuration. After
theorem selection, pattern matching on the theorem
figure is performed. If a matching pattern is found, a
set of input and/or output values are assigned to the
chosen pattern. This assignment is done with the help
of a predefined set of theorems. In case no pattern is
found, a new theorem is chosen from predefined the-
orem database, KT, and the whole process is repeated
until we get the desired configuration. More details
can be found here (annonymous, 2013).
Each component of our tool is implemented indepen-
dently, using state-of-the-art libraries and systems.
DE || BC, Area of
Triangle ADE is 10,
4DE = BC,
Find Area of Triangle
BD = CD, EA = AD, AC = 30
BD = CD, 4EA = ED, AC = 30,
Area of Triangle ABE = 18
BD = CA, AB = CD, BC = 6,
Find Area Triangle OBC
Figure 5: Figure (a) can be solved by drawing a perpendic-
ular from E to AB (b) A perpendicular is drawn from D to
CB (c) A parallel line is drawn from D to AC (d) A parallel
line is drawn from E to BD (e) Three lines are drawn joining
existing points, AR, BP, CQ.
C++ is used for performing calculations and Python
is used for implementation of the algorithm and pre-
defined knowledge databases. Constraint Handling
Rules (CHR) (Fr
uhwirth and Raiser, 2011) are used
for generating new facts from the axioms and the
given facts. For implementing knowledge representa-
tion, the graph database Neo4j (Vicknair and Macias,
2010) is used. Both questions and a set of predefined
theorems are represented using Neo4j.
Our system can generate geometry questions using
the framework described in Section 4. Currently, our
knowledge database of objects contains line segments
and triangles. In addition, we have a predefined set
of more than 100 theorems. The generated questions
cover four construction objects, e.g. perpendicular
line. Figure 5 shows various questions generated by
our system on selecting ”triangle” as object and vari-
ous CObj such as parallel line, perpendicular line and
median. The dashed lines in the Figure 5 represent
construction of the CObj required to solve the ques-
GRAMY (Matsuda and Vanlehn, 2004) is a ge-
ometric system that can solve geometric questions
which require implicit construction. However, due to
inavailability of GRAMY’s source code, we cannot
validate the questions generated by our framework.
In this paper, we provide a framework for the au-
tomatic generation and solving of geometric ques-
tions which require implicit construction of geomet-
ric objects for their solution. Our system is able to
quickly generate large numbers of questions on spe-
cific topics based on construction objects. Such a
system will help teachers reduce the time and effort
spent on the tedious and error-prone task of generat-
ing construction-based questions.
Future work involves conducting experiments in
which the teachers would be asked to differentiate be-
tween the textbook questions and the framework gen-
erated questions. Another major improvement would
be to generate questions according to the required dif-
ficulty level in addition to the implicit construction of
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