Towards Individualised Persuasive Technology for Obesity
Prevention in Teenagers
Claudio L. Lafortuna
, Maurizio Caon
, Sarah A. Tabozzi
, Stefano Carrino
, Neil S. Coulson
José C. E. Serrano
, Marco Sacco
, Omar Abou Khaled
, Giovanna Rizzo
and Elena Mugellini
Istituto di Bioimmagini e Fisiologia Molecolare, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, via Cervi 93, Segrate Milano, Italy
HumanTech, Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale, Bd de Perolles 80, Fribourg, Switzerland
Division of Rehabilitation and Ageing, University of Nottingham, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH, U.K.
NUTREN-Nutrigenomics, Dept Medicinal Experimental, Universidad de Lleida, Montserrat Roig, 2 – 25008 Lleida, Spain
Istituto di Tecnologie Industriali ed Automazione, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Via Bassini 15, Milano, Italy
Keywords: Virtual Individual Model, Persuasive Technology, Obesity Prevention.
Abstract: Obesity is a major clinical problem for individuals and health care systems worldwide, alarmingly fuelled
by body mass excess in the juvenile age. In spite of its multi-factorial origin, unhealthy lifestyles relative to
alimentary behaviours and physical activity habits play a major causative role. Thus, an important
preventive action of this condition can be conducted by fostering motivation of young people towards
healthy lifestyles through engagement and inclusion. ICT technologies offer a powerful tool to address
effectively this serious medical and societal issue by the development of persuasive strategies based on an
accurate modelling of individual's characteristics. PEGASO is a technological multidisciplinary project
aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles among teenagers, through assistive technology enhancing motivation
to healthy lifestyles, empowered by a virtual individual model (VIM) for user characterisation. The VIM
intended for the PEGASO project, including functional, physical and psychosocial aspects profiling young
individuals' health status and behaviours relevant in alimentary and physical activity domain, will enable the
development of an individualised assistive technology expected to leverage motivation to healthy lifestyles
through implicit and explicit interaction.
Obesity is a major public health challenge at all ages
in developed countries. According to the 2007 report
of EU Public Health Programme Project "Global
Report on the Status of Health in the European
Union - EUGLOREH" (EUGLOREH, 2007), across
the entire EU, overweight affects almost 1 out of 4
school age children/adolescents, in particular. This
number is likely to increase by more than 400,000
children a year.
Moreover, juvenile obesity is associated with a
number of serious medical conditions and can lead
to increased rates of non-communicable disease in
adulthood, such as cerebro-vascular disease,
diabetes, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, gall
bladder, endocrine disorders and premature death, in
relation with the high probability for obese children
to become obese adults; it is also recognized that
being overweight/obesity in young peole carries
within it a range of psycho-social consequences
including low self-esteem, depression and social
exclusion, all resulting in sizable economic impact
on health care and social systems (Speiser et al.,
2005) (Dent, 2010) (Trasande and Chatterjee, 2009).
From the literature it emerges that although also
for the juvenile age the cause of body mass excess is
multifactorial, including for a small portion genetic
background and neuroendocrine status, in the
greatest majority behavioural aspects related to
lifestyle and diet play an important causative role,
with a relevant interference of socioeconomic
factors (Speiser et al., 2005) (World Health
Organization, 2000) (Commission of European
Community, 2005). Therefore, in order to undertake
an effective action of prevention of the condition of
Lafortuna C., Caon M., Tabozzi S., Carrino S., Coulson N., Serrano J., Sacco M., Abou Khaled O., Rizzo G. and Mugellini E..
Towards Individualised Persuasive Technology for Obesity Prevention in Teenagers.
DOI: 10.5220/0004938805910598
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (SUPERHEAL-2014), pages 591-598
ISBN: 978-989-758-010-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
body mass excess, it is necessary to intervene on
adolescents’ behaviour, through education and
engagement, to enhance motivation towards healthy
diet and active lifestyle.
Thanks to the large diffusion and development of
ICT, time is ripe for a major employment of
persuasive technology to cope with healthcare
challenges. PEGASO is a technological project
aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles among
teenagers, through assistive technology fostering
motivation, enhanced by a virtual model of
individual's characteristics related to health
(PEGASO, 2013). The adoption of a Virtual
Individual Model (VIM) including functional,
physical and psychosocial aspects characterizing
individual’s health status and relevant behaviours,
will lead to a more individualised strategy for the
enhancement of motivation to engage in healthy
lifestyles, particularly with regards physical exercise
and dietary behaviour.
The deeper understanding recently achieved about
the biology of human being, introduces the idea of
the individual as a unique multiple organ system,
overtaking the traditional approach –in force in
medical practice- of the human body as a set of
independent sections Indeed most of the major
diseases affecting world population, one for all
obesity, are recognized to have multi-factorial
causation, spanning from physical to mental and
social factors (World Health Organization, 2000).
Thereof derives that in order to efficiently act on
complex health conditions it is necessary to analyse
the interaction of all the factors involved in that
phenomenon, with in mind that the more
information is provided, the more personalised and
exact the intended actions will be.
These premises led to the outline of the Virtual
Physiological Human (VPH), a methodological and
technological framework for integrated modelling of
a living human body (Fenner et al., 2008). Funded
by European Commission, the initiative hosted the
development of several projects in the recent years,
focused on the modelling of different human body
functions incorporating cross-disciplinary
knowledge from biochemistry, biophysics and
anatomy of cells, tissues and organs.
The models allowed by this framework collect
the results of multiple observations on organism’s
functionalities, disseminate them among experts
from multiple scientific disciplines to build a
collaborative analysis and develop systemic
hypotheses, and finally interconnect integrated data
in models that consolidate the original hypotheses.
The models so far realised in the context of VPH
concern different functional specialisms, including
projects in the cardiovascular, respiratory,
neurological, immunological and oncological
domains, which exploit the current knowledge about
physiological and pathological mechanisms finalised
to medical practice and/or tutorial simulation.
The many projects stemming from the
framework of VPH are substantially aimed at
describing the interaction of all the physiological
components of individuals - referred to as Physiome
-, from molecular to apparatus level. This systemic
approach inherent in VPH modelling conforms to
the holistic approach in the study of body function,
supplying the view of the body as a single multi
organ system.
However, such a holistic architecture of the
many projects, modelling physiology and pathology
of the different body functions to converge into the
Physiome solution, substantially describes the
human being from the perspective of biological
relations without accounting for the behavioural and
social externalities, which may interfere with and
determine the biological balance of functions in
health and disease.
By contrast, the PEGASO VIM aims to include
in individual's characterisation, both biological
specifications and relevantly related behaviour
factors spanning from the physical domain of body
structure to physiological description of functional
interaction, and psychosocial determinants of health
specifically involved in alimentary and physical
activity behaviours in young people.
VIM could be used as a robust support for
tailoring the computer-based multi-level persuasive
interventions. From this point of view in computer
science, research communities in the persuasive
technology domain have taken the first steps towards
exploiting mobile and wearable technologies, which
can gather data about the user’s activity and
behaviour in a real-time and long-term fashion, for
the purposes of developing tailored systems in order
to deal with obesity as a significant health-related
issue (Arteaga et al. 2009). In addition, based on
their wearability, these devices can be used for
active encouragement towards a healthier lifestyle
(Valentin and Howard, 2013). Several studies
demonstrate that a crucial aspect in the realization of
such a system is to design appealing applications for
the final users (Read et al., 2011), in this case young
Figure 1 - The PEGASO virtual individual model assumes
that health status is primarily settled on elements of
physical status, physiological status and psychological
status. Body structure and functionality are influenced by
the individual's behaviours in the domains of alimentation
and physical activity (PA), which are driven by relevant
aspects of motivation. Social status, social behaviour and
psychological status (i.e. the psychosocial factors) are
considered as important determinants of motivation to
engage in healthy lifestyle behaviours. Stippled arrows
denote the presumptive relations among the model's
element which will be defined in the project.
Coupling of multi-domain VIM and persuasive
technology should represent a successful approach
to the user, for adolescents’ engagement in
behaviours preventing overweight and obesity (such
as healthy food and active life), starting from the
quantitative description of relevant individual’s
The PEGASO VIM depicted in Figure 1 points to
integrating biological aspects of human functioning
with lifestyle behaviours and psychosocial
externalities that are relevant for the
development of overweight and obesity
conditions, especially in young people. PEGASO
VIM is based on the concept of the human body as a
single complex system, which already empowers the
several projects referring to VPH, funded by the
European Commission in the recent years (Fenner et
al., 2008).
As shown in Figure 1, PEGASO VIM considers
an individual's health as resulting from the balance
between physical, mental and social well-being,
according to the World Health Organisation
founding definition (World Health Organization,
1948), so that Health Status in the model is the
product of Physical, Functional and Psychological
Status. The elements characterising Physical Status
will be identified among the indicators of body
adiposity and risk factors for the development of the
disease conditions related to overweight and obesity,
as interpreted on the basis of standard reference
values (Dulloo et al., 2010). Similarly, parameters
relevant for the profiling of Functional Status will be
identified from evidence based literature accounting
for the metabolic derangements, which derive from
body mass excess (Zhu et al., 2003). Factors
determining the individual's exercise capacity which
are influenced by body mass excess and associated
conditions will be accounted as well (Lafortuna,
According to collective views of international
groups of experts (World Health Organization,
2000) (Commission of European Community, 2005),
the role of lifestyles as determinants of conditions
such as overweight and obesity has been thoroughly
evidenced, with particular focus to juvenile age.
Studies using motion sensors have shown that
children who spend less time in physical activity are
at higher risk of becoming obese during childhood
and adolescence. Television and video games have
contributed to more sedentary leisure activities and
are associated with the consumption of energy-dense
snacks and beverages, as well as encouraging
inappropriate food choices which are attributable to
television advertising. There is, in fact, a positive
correlation between hours of television viewing and
being overweight, especially in older children and
adolescents, regardless of their levels of physical
activity (Rey-Lopez et al., 2011). In fact, the
findings from the 2009/2010 survey in EU countries
from Health Behaviour in School-aged Children
(HBSC) international report indicate that young
people who are overweight/obese are more likely to
exhibit unhealthy alimentary patterns, are less
physically active and watch television more, an
increased prevalence of being overweight/obesity is
also significantly associated with low family
affluence (Currie et al., 2012). Therefore, the
PEAGASO VIM will identify parameters permitting
the characterisation of Alimentary and Physical
Activity Behaviours expected to have a direct
influence on both Physical and Functional Status.
A central issue in the development of VIM will
concern the specification of the psychosocial factors
Figure 2 - Automatic system architecture.
impacting upon young people’s motivation to
engage in healthy alimentary behaviour and active
lifestyles, which are a major determinant of the
Health Status. These factors have been shown to be
significantly associated with biomedical factors in
the genesis of body mass excess especially in
children and adolescents (Currie et al., 2012)
(Mikolajczyk and Richter, 2008) and obesity carries
with it a number of important psychosocial
consequences (Dent, 2010) (Trasande and
Chatterjee, 2009) (Gortmaker et al., 1993). For
example, body mass excess in children/adolescents
is associated with low self-esteem, depression and
social exclusion, with immediate consequences in
the psychological and social domain, possibly
leading also to concurrent or subsequent psychiatric
pathology. Specifically, social exclusion in
childhood has been associated with reduced
psychological functioning in adulthood, with an
expectation of lower educational attainment, less
money earning, experiencing higher rates of poverty
and having a lower likelihood of marriage
(Gortmaker et al., 1993). Thus, profiling of Social
Status and Social Behaviour along with
Psychological Status will be an important task in
VIM building during PEGASO project, in view of
the critical role played by these elements for the
characterisation of motivation to healthy behaviours.
Addressing the psychosocial determinants and
influences on these behaviours from a range of
domains (including cognitive, interpersonal,
familial, environmental) will in fact provide the
conceptual background for the development of the
assistive technology expected to foster lifestyles
preventing body mass excess in younger people.
The multi-parametric PEGASO VIM is integrated in
an automatic system that helps experts in monitoring
users’ behaviour, and in tailoring system
functionalities. Smartphones and wearable devices
are responsible for interacting with the teenagers.
4.1 Architecture
The main components and their mutual relations
forming the automatic system architecture are
presented in Figure 2. The architecture is structured
in three levels: model, content and presentation.
1. Model level: is the base of the whole system and
contains the contribution brought by VIM,
translated into ontological form. The information
about the user, collected through the explicit and
implicit interaction of the individual with the
system, is entered into the generic VIM, and
processed to structure the Personalised Virtual
Individual Model (PVIM).
2. Content level: couples the user information
contained in PVIM with the system’s content, for
shaping the intervention. It is also the means by
which the PVIM is updated. It contains four
the alarm generator block provides instant
suggestions for short-term actions (e.g., "walk
until the next bus station while going to
the behaviour enhancer block aims at
encouraging long term changes in the user
behaviour, such as practicing physical activity
more regularly;
the motivator block processes PVIM
information to adapt the task presented to the
user in the context of a serious game;
finally, the VIM tailoring block analyses the
feedback resulting from implicit and explicit
interaction of the user with the system to
continuously adapt the PVIM (see section 5 for
a detailed explanation).
3. Presentation level: represents the system
interface to the user and manages dialogue and
interaction tasks.
One of the main advantages offered by the
inclusion of VIM in this architecture is the
possibility to personalize the model based on the
individual behaviour and behavioural changes: on
one hand, based on the VIM as fundamental element
of its architecture, the system provides different
types of information to the user: alarms, games, long
terms actions, etc.; on the other hand, information
acquired from the user is continuously used to
update the PVIM.
4.2 Tailoring
Tailoring is the process by which the automatic
system dynamically tracks the changes in user
parameters and, through the use of reinforcement
learning algorithms, allows the detection of users’
preferences concerning the favourite and most
effective intervention strategies.
Indeed, VIM tailoring has, as direct outcome, the
modification in the execution of actions planned in
the content level (alarm generator, behaviour
enhancer, and motivator blocks).
The tailoring is taken into account along
different axes and with different approaches:
Personal axis
Sociocultural axis
Temporal axis
The personal axis uses the three aspects of the
VIM (functional, physical and psychosocial) to
understand and adapt the therein knowledge to the
user. For example, a PVIM describing a user
performing physical activity in an irregular fashion
can encourage the user to regularize his/her activity;
in contrast, users scarcely inclined to physical
exercise might be compensatively encouraged to
healthy eating. The previous simple scenarios show
how the PVIM can affect the type of feedback
provided to the user.
The European dimension of our study will allow
us to take into account also the different ethnological
specificities impacting on adolescents’ lifestyle. This
will open the possibility to define the socio-cultural
axis of our tailoring approach. During the PEGASO
project, three pilots in different countries will take
place (Italy, Spain and United Kingdom). These
pilots will allow us to examine the cultural
differences that may impact on teenagers' lifestyle
and to adapt the VIM accordingly. Unlike the
personal axis, the socio-cultural tailoring is a static
Finally, the temporal axis will take into account
the evolution of the user behaviour over time. The
goal of this analysis is twofold. Firstly, it will be
possible to associate particular events to the teenager
lifestyle. For example, we can associate eating habits
and stressful events (such as those related with
demanding school duties) or to a specific period of
the year (summer or winter vacations). Combining
this information with the personal axis will also
allow us to explore how the social life of the user
influences such habits. For example, the system
should be able to understand if the user engages in
healthier dietary practices when eating alone or with
peers. Secondly, the temporal axes will allow
analysing the response of the user to the system
The temporal and the personal axes will evolve
with the system and the continuous interaction with
the user. The adaptation of the PVIM is, therefore,
performed dynamically. Machine learning
approaches will use the dynamical information about
the user to adapt such model. Such valued
information is provided by mobile and wearable
technologies as presented in the next paragraph.
4.3 Mobile and Wearable Technologies
Nowadays, smartphones and other wearable devices
have promising sensing and processing capabilities,
also based on the integration of different sensors
with mobile functionalities.
The wearability of sensor devices permits us to
gather data about the user’s activity and behaviour in
a real-time, long-term fashion (Martín, et al., 2013).
If compared with classical approaches, based on
sporadic clinical testing, our approach has well
defined advantages. In particular, while real-time
information can be exploited to conceive instant
feedback to the user, long-term data can be
integrated with conventional information more
sporadically acquired in a clinical setting thus
leading to a more precise estimation of the overall
trends concerning physical and functional
conditions, as well as about changes in behaviour
liable to influence the health status.
In addition, due to the intrinsic possibility to be
always-on and always-connected, smartphones have
the potentiality to become the most appropriate
technological companion (Siewiorek, 2012).
Wearable and mobile technologies allow also
developing pervasive applications, such as pervasive
games, which “are no longer confined to the virtual
domain of the computer, but integrate the physical
and social aspects of the real world” (Magerkurth et
al. 2005). That means that users can interact and
play while moving freely in the real world, thus
fostering physical activity. This concept created a
rift with the traditional concept of playing games
that usually confined the players on their chairs in
their rooms.
Moreover, such devices can also be used to
anonymously gather information about the everyday
life context of the users (such as social habits, meal
frequency, exercise volume and modality). By
gathering these apparently independent data, it is
also possible to obtain information about the
relationship between different parameters of the
VIM model, (e.g., to evaluate if and how the social
context interferes with the user’s alimentary habits
or physical activity behaviours)
However, sensors are not the only source of
information in the PEGASO system. In particular, a
direct interaction of the user with the system will
gain further information to better refine PVIM as
explained in the next section.
In the traditional approaches of human-computer
interaction research, user modelling was a well-
known approach for the design of a usable interface
(Fischer, 2001). In PEGASO, the automatic system
will integrate a VIM that does not aim at only
improving the usability but that will enable the
system to choose the best motivational mechanisms
for an effective intervention on the users’ life style.
The system aims at providing personalised
interventions that take into account the user’s
individual characteristics in order to obtain the
greatest effectiveness. The VIM characterizes the
user’s nutritional habits, physiological status, and
socio-psychological status to provide personalised
motivational mechanisms to help the adoption of a
healthy life-style. Obviously, the interaction between
the system and the user plays a crucial role in the
tailoring process described in the previous section.
In fact, the reinforcement learning algorithm needs
the user’s feedback in order to provide the best
personalised motivational mechanisms. Two kinds
of user’s feedback exist: implicit and explicit.
5.1 Implicit Interaction
Albrecht Schmidt formalised the concept of implicit
interaction and provided its definition: the implicit
human-computer interaction is “an action performed
by the user that is not primarily aimed to interact
with a computerised system but which such a system
understands as input” (Schmidt, 2000). The mobile
and wearable technologies can sense the user’s
activity in an unobtrusive way. The sensors that will
be integrated in mobile devices and in clothes will
collect information while the user is wearing them.
The user can be monitored during his/her everyday
activity and the personal parameters present in the
VIM can be dynamically updated in order to adapt
the system also when the user’s habits change. The
sensed data are used to interpret the user’s activities
and personal behavioural trends, especially about the
nutritional habits and physical exercise.
The implicit interaction is based on the activity
recognition and context-awareness (Lukowicz et al.,
2010). In fact, not only the activity is important but
also the context where it is performed acquires a
very important value for choice of the opportune
motivational mechanism. Knowing that a user is not
doing his/her regular physical exercise in the fixed
time should trigger a memorandum message on the
user’s mobile; but if the GPS localizes the user in
another city or country, the system can interpret this
as the user being on holidays and can avoid the
message since it could be perceived as annoying.
Moreover, the behavioural trends recognition allows
the system to recognize whether the selected
mechanisms actually influenced the user’s
5.2 Explicit Interaction
Users perceive smartphones as personal life
companions (Siewiorek, 2012). For this reason, the
PEGASO system will focus the explicit interaction
through the smartphone. The explicit interaction is
the conscious command and information that the
user gives to the system. This is important for many
reasons. For example, when the system provides a
message to the user, he/she has also the possibility to
communicate directly with his/her companion; in
particular, the user can show to the companion
whether the message and its content have been
appreciated or not. The explicit interaction can be
performed through gestures. One gesture expresses
the appreciation of the feedback (like caressing the
smartphone), another one the dislike (like tapping it
twice). In this way the system can learn how to
provide the best personal message possible thanks to
the context information and the monitored activity.
In this way, the system can adapt not only the
content of the message, but it can choose the best
moment and the best modality thanks to a context
aware reasoning engine.
The feedback provided by the user is important
for the modelling of tailored interventions and to
make the information personally relevant. In fact,
research has demonstrated that computer-tailored
health education is more effective in motivating
people to make dietary changes (Brug et al., 2003)
and to promote physical exercise (den Akker et al.,
2011). The motivational mechanisms will be of
different types. For example, there will be
interventions for short-term efficacy as alarm
messages proposed by the companion when the user
is eating something unhealthy or forget to take
physical exercise. Other long-term mechanisms aim
at changing the user behaviour through serious
gaming and the implication of the social community,
e.g., friends and family (Johnston et al. 2011).
In this paper, we presented the concept of PEGASO
Virtual Individual Model designed for individualised
persuasive technology for obesity prevention in
The adoption of a Virtual Individual Model
(VIM) including functional, physical and
psychosocial aspects allows the development of a
more individualised strategy for the enhancement of
healthy lifestyles through increasing motivation. The
PEGASO VIM considers an individual's health as
resulting from the balance among physical, mental
and social well-being.
For the twofold goal of encouraging and
monitoring the teenager activity, we chose to adopt
mobile and wearable technologies. PEGASO aims at
increasing the encouragement of healthier
behaviours through the use of a tailored ensemble of
alerts, serious games applications developed
following a gamification approach.
The presented automatic system will interact
with the user providing implicit and explicit
interactions. The first approach, which is activity-
driven, does not require an active participation
facilitating the gathering of significant quantity of
data over a long period of time since it does not
annoy the user. The second approach takes into
account the direct, conscious interaction between the
user and the system. On the one hand, explicit
interaction allows retrieving information that is not
possible to interpret through the mere sensing; on
the other hand, it allows a direct connection with the
user that, thanks to a tailored interaction, can
establish an emotional relationship with the
The PEGASO project is co-funded by the European
Commission under the 7th Framework Programme.
The project is compliant with European and National
legislation regarding the user safety and privacy, as
granted by the PEGASO Ethical Advisory Board.
The authors of the paper wish to thank all the
project partners for their contribution to the work.
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