Modelling Services for Interoperability Negotiation
Carlos Coutinho
, Adina Cretan
and Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves
Caixa Mágica Software, Rua Soeiro Pereira Gomes, Lote 1-4 B, 1600-196, Lisboa, Portugal
“Nicolae Titulescu” University, 185 Calea Văcăreşti, District 4, Bucharest, 040051, Romania
CTS, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, UNINOVA, Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Negotiation, Model-driven Development, Servitisation.
Abstract: The evolution of businesses, driven by the advent of the internet and subsequent globalisation, was very
quick and sudden. Enterprises that had traditional development strategies and that were used to slow
changes are suddenly feeling the urge to evolve or face obsolescence. This fast-paced evolution frequently
leads to mistakes and erroneous decisions, many of which are solely detected after a long period. When this
happens, frequently the only solution is to return to a previous stable business stage before proceeding. The
EU co-funded FP7 TIMBUS project comprises tools and techniques to improve business continuity
featuring an intelligent strategy for digital preservation of business assets and environments based on risk-
management. This paper proposes the modelling of service-based negotiation strategies to help in two
phases: First in the definition of the enterprise business interoperability strategy, and second, in the
reasoning of assets and concepts needed for the capture of digital preservation of business assets.
Technology nowadays seems to surpass all concepts
related with information exchange. The market
demand changed a lot from the first information
systems, when interoperation was determined just by
being able to consistently exchange data. Since then,
Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT) have evolved from little more than wired data
exchange to being capable of providing complex
high-performing systems that already handle data
reliability over a large bandwidth.
Thus, market needs are moving towards the next
step and shifting to Enterprise Interoperability.
Major breakthroughs have been achieved in the near
past on this subject: data networking, the Internet
and web-services have contributed to the collapse of
the concept of enterprise isolation and paved the
way for businesses to communicate and interoperate.
This quickly led to the growth of service-
provider-consumer businesses and directed
companies to specialise and improve their services,
moved by the rising competition. The concept of
service has been generalised, as all interactions (e.g.,
complex computer calculations, graphics design, but
also carpet cleaning, wall painting, hardware
assembly) were able to be virtualised as computer-
based services that companies can evoke to perform
their business. The globalised world has entered the
Service era, where an enterprise produces and
consumes services and goods using the internet,
whether these are simple services that provide
specific calculations to complex platforms like
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems
with distributed databases, to producing cars,
houses, tools and other products. Virtualisation and
service provisioning are common means of
interoperate; however, this interoperability still
relies on sets of agreed message syntax exchanges
and agreements that are fragile and limited in their
Emerging paradigms like the Internet of Things
(IoT) and the Internet of Services (IoS) (“Internet of
Services,” 2012), together with the evolving cloud
computing concepts are gradually transforming the
existing reality into a set of available commoditised
virtual objects, services, enterprises and networks.
The globalised market means companies face the
availability of multiple possibilities in terms of
suppliers and service providers, partners and
customers, but also the growth of competition.
Competitiveness is also pressuring enterprises to
build better solutions with fewer resources,
following new trends and supporting new platforms
Coutinho C., Cretan A. and Jardim-Gonçalves R..
Modelling Services for Interoperability Negotiation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004883206820688
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MDSE-2014), pages 682-688
ISBN: 978-989-758-007-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and methodologies. Business models are recurrently
more complex and detailed. Quality improvements
and standards evolve more frequently, as well as
concerns regarding accessibility, expansion,
continuous improvement and upgrade, compliance
to new technologies and support of new platforms,
frameworks and development paradigms. Local and
global legislation and regulations are updating more
frequently and deeply, and demanding rapid
compliance from enterprises.
The increasing complexity of processes and
interactions between businesses, companies,
providers and customers means interoperability can
no further be seen as a tacit and empiric science, but
needs to be well established and founded, with
detailed definitions, flows, strategies, procedures
and interactions. Plus, the quality standards for
service provisioning have risen, which means the
price of losing interoperability in the current scope
may mean the loss of business and credibility in an
irreparable way. Strategies and decisions are
increasingly more dependent on interoperability and
so are also the investments and the whole business
These frequent business changes shake all the
interoperability links between the enterprises,
leading to periods of adaptation where business
operation is not possible. The urge to rapidly regain
interoperability often leads to unfounded, poorly-
chosen solutions, which lead to inefficiency and
Often these problems are only detected very late
in the interactions of the business enterprises, due to
many factors, either because there are still attempts
to correct bad decisions or because of the inertia
inherent to most businesses to make profound
changes. The fact is that in many cases, when the
decision comes to overcome such situations, the
only solution is to go back to an earlier stage of the
business evolution and start all over again. The
problem is that this is frequently not possible
anymore, due to the environment changes that in the
meantime have occurred.
The EU co-funded FP7 project TIMBUS
(TIMBUS, 2013) faces these problems and proposes
solutions that include a reasoned Digital
Preservation of business assets, where this reasoning
is performed by risk management. The main
innovation of TIMBUS project is therefore its focus
on risk assessment based digital preservation of
business processes, thus not only bringing together
but also advancing traditional digital preservation,
risk management and business process management
disciplines. Preservation is often considered as a set
of activities carried out in isolation within a single
domain, without of taking into account the
dependencies of third-party services, information
and capabilities that will be necessary to validate
digital information in the future. Existing DP
solutions focus on more simple data objects which
are static in nature. The unique aspect of TIMBUS is
that it is attempting to advance state of the art by
figuring out how more complex digital objects can
be preserved and later restored in the same or
different environments.
This paper proposes a solution for two distinct
problems described previously: by establishing a
formal model, framework and strategy for
negotiation, the authors propose a methodology to
improve the definition of new solutions for
interoperability between enterprises, and also to
improve the reasoning behind the risk-management
analysis to select business assets for digital
preservation. These methods and framework are
being evaluated in the scope of the TIMBUS project.
Section 2 presents the background analysis on
literature over the proposed solution. Section 3
presents the proposed solutions and how they are
being applied to the determined scope. Section 4
presents the validation in the proposed use-case, and
Section 5 presents the conclusions and future work.
The proposed methodology is based on the kernel
aspect of negotiations, proposing formal models and
strategies, supported by a framework which includes
several concepts inspired by the work of project
Manufacturing SErvice Ecosystem (MSEE), a
consortium project of the ICT Work Programme, of
the European Community's 7th Framework
Programme (FP7) (“MSEE Project,” 2012),
including Model-Driven engineering, SOA, but
extending it to Cloud-based solutions.
2.1 SSME and MSDE
The term Services Sciences, Management and
Engineering (SSME) was coined by IBM (Maglio et
al., 2006) to deal with an holistic approach stating
that businesses can be the result of a set of services –
the conjunction of people, technology, and
organisations to create value, towards becoming
very adaptive and flexible, reusable and
commoditised. The SSME aims to improve the
sustainability of the development processes,
monitoring and controlling assets e.g., the quality,
productivity and innovation of services and the
exchange and widespread of services.
SSME vision states that to define a business,
more than dealing only with its tangible assets
(hardware, software, and related documentation) –
hence Technology, businesses should also be
analysed according to their processes, environment,
procedures, quality standards, towards achieving the
business optimisation that is needed for being
SSME also notes that an important asset of
businesses is the human factor, i.e. the capabilities of
its human resources and their interactions determine
the agility and flexibility of a business. Issues like
motivation, skills, team building and development,
leadership, personal involvement and achievements
are leading the priorities of enterprises.
All these aspects must be developed in the scope
of a business vision and strategy, which itself can be
analysed, studied and optimised by statistical
methods and Ishikawa (cause-and-effect) diagrams
and analysis towards the creation of servitised
strategies that can be reused as business
development frameworks.
The MSEE project targets to pave the way for
service development in Europe, with the creation of
virtual manufacturing factories (Factories of the
Future), which shall make use of extended
servitisation for the shift from product-centrism to
product-based services, distributed in virtual
organisations and ecosystems.
This project proposed a Model-Driven Service
Engineering (MDSE) architecture, largely inspired
in the concepts of SSME, which accounts enterprise
services to be modelled into three major aspects
(views): IT, Machine (and operation) and Human
Resources. The MDSE models are developed using
various specifications, e.g., the EN/ISO 19440
standard, the GRAI modelling language
(Doumeingts et al., 2006), the POP* language
(Athena Consortium, 2011) and the Unified Service
Description Language (USDL).
2.2 Model-Driven Architectures
The term Model-Driven Architectures (MDA) was
coined by the Object Management Group (OMG),
and promotes the evolution of solutions through
successive transformations of higher-level models
into lower-level models, which eventually may
result in going down to the level of code generation
(OMG, 2011). This represented a change of the
undergoing paradigm that professed that system
architectures are built by designing and maintaining
its code. In this case, the changes are performed in
the models, which are then transformed into code.
This means that interoperability may start from
the very enterprise foundations, where it is easier to
discuss business-related concepts and ideas, and then
the progressive steps of transformation into lower-
level models may also be synchronised to refine this
interoperability, so that the overhead of transforming
the concepts into code is performed by automation
The development paradigm of MDA allows the
definition of multiple levels of abstraction in the
modelling of businesses, using descriptive languages
and schemes e.g., Unified Modelling Language
(UML), Object Constraint Language (OCL), and
Unified Enterprise Modelling Language (UEML) to
define the solution foundations. Applications should
be designed right from a high-level abstract
Computation Independent Model (CIM) where all
business related functionalities, objectives, methods,
context, requirements and definitions are specified
regardless of any implementation (i.e., pure design).
Then, this model shall be subject to
transformations into a more detailed Platform
Independent Model (PIM), where the business
concepts and rules are converted into activities,
tasks, ontologies, structures and algorithms,
although still independently of the underlying
Finally, other vertical transformations and
conversions shall turn the PIM into a Platform
Specific Model (PSM), which provides the
foundations for the development of the application,
now targeted to a specific platform. Using the
proposed framework, changes to any model (CIM,
PIM) may trigger alterations in the other parties’
models, which then, by transformation towards new
PSMs, swiftly change the application towards
compliance with the new model.
2.3 Model-Driven Interoperability
The Model-Driven Interoperability (MDI) concept
derives from MDA: it comprises the same
abstraction layers, but in this case the target to be
modelled is the interoperation between the involved
parties. The idea behind MDI is to define models for
each MDA level that allow the exchange of
information. If the MDA can be described as a set of
vertical transformations from a conceptual high-
level model to a progressively detailed model, then
MDI may be seen as a set of horizontal
transformations to allow interoperability at each
MDA level, e.g., Process, Product and
Organisational models with the System
Requirements at CIM level and transformations of
these models into interoperability models.
Projects like the Advanced Technologies for
Interoperability of Heterogeneous Enterprise
Networks and their Application (ATHENA) defined
a framework that supports interoperability
throughout the various abstraction levels and
business aspects of enterprise software engineering
(Athena Consortium, 2007). (Lemrabet et al., 2010)
provide simplified views over the MDI concept and
the ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)
concepts and solutions on actions to develop each
level of interoperability:
Interviews, workshops and BPMN
choreography diagrams for CIM levels;
Diagrams, definition of business goals and
BPMN collaboration diagrams for PIM
Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and
BPEL implementations at PSM levels.
(Chen et al., 2008) define a roadmap on the
possible approaches towards the development of
enterprise architectures accounting interoperability.
The proposed framework, presented on (Coutinho et
al., 2013), defines three main pillars for its
feasibility: a development methodology, a
negotiation model and an operative framework.
3.1 Methodology
The proposed methodology consists in the steps
described on Figure 1:
Figure 1: Development Methodology.
According to the proposed methodology, the
steps for business enterprise interoperability
development are:
Knowledge: Acquisition of the information
about the target business and interoperability
Modelling: Through the development of
models using MDA and MDI, the enterprise
interoperability becomes predictable,
transparent and flexible to changes;
Servitisation: The resulting artefacts from
the models are shaped in the form of
services, whether to define the foundations
of the business itself or to shape the
interoperability between enterprises;
Flexibility: The deployment of platforms,
infrastructure and services must be highly
flexible to cope with the constant changes
required by the business environment.
The central point of the proposed methodology
however is negotiation. Negotiation will be used
transversely in all the described steps, to reason the
knowledge acquisition into understanding what to
capture and to which extention of detail or
granularity, to be the central element on the MDI
models to perform the enterprise interoperability in
all MDA abstraction levels (CIM, PIM, PSM), and
to determine which are the best solutions for
servitisation and flexibility/deployment, according to
the past experiences.
3.2 Negotiation Model
The proposed negotiation model consists on a set of
entities that will store the granular steps of the
negotiation called negotiation atoms. The
negotiation atoms shall rely on quintuples with the
following information:
M = < T, P, N, R, O >
T denotes the timestamp of the system,
assumed discrete, linear, and uniform;
P denotes the set of participants in the
negotiation framework. The participants
may be involved in one or many
N denotes the set of negotiations that take
place within the negotiation framework;
R denotes the set of coordination rules
among negotiations that take place within
the negotiation framework;
O denotes the common ontology for the set
of definitions of the attributes that are used
in a negotiation.
Hence, this is the basic “state” element that
stores the environment state of each negotiation step.
Negotiations are therefore cycles of actions which
include several strategies to perform the activities,
each consisting on numerous of these quintuples.
Some of the defined strategies for negotiation are:
Subcontracting (resp. Contracting) for
subcontracting jobs by exchanging proposals
among participants known from the
Block component for assuring that a task is
entirely subcontracted by the single partner;
Divide component manages the propagation
of constraints among several slots,
negotiated in parallel and issued from the
split of a single job;
Broker to automate the process of selection
of possible partners to start the negotiation.
For each strategy, multiple steps and quintuples
are defined and stored in the negotiation
infrastructure, in the shape of business rules that
need to be processed by a rule engine (in the
proposed case, the rule engine that is being used is
The use of this formal negotiation model allows
the storage of the historic negotiation data, essential
to infer later and assist in the decisions to be taken in
the future.
3.3 Negotiation Framework
The negotiation framework proposed in (Cretan et
al., 2012) is based on three negotiation levels, as
shown on
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Negotiation Levels.
Firstly, a lower Middleware level implements
communication services and provides support for the
aspects related with the basic infrastructures,
handling the heterogeneity related with multiple
negotiation players, using an Enterprise Service Bus
(ESB) on interactions for dealing with technical
interoperability issues.
On top of it, another negotiation level called
Coordination Services (CS), has the purpose of
assisting the negotiations at a global level (with
different participants on different jobs) and at a
specific level (on the same job with different
participants). It handles the issues regarding
communication at this level (synchronisation
between the CSs of the parties that are taking place
in the negotiation), and manages the on-going
transactions and negotiation data persistence,
controlling the semantic discrepancies between the
negotiating parties.
Finally, at a client-side scope, Finally, the top
negotiation level performs the task of Negotiation
Manager, implementing the business decisions that
need to be taken for the negotiation, e.g., starting a
new negotiation, inviting other parties to join the
negotiation, making proposals to the negotiation,
and accepting or rejecting proposals.
The remaining framework, besides the above
modules that implement the negotiation levels
consists in modules for managing the rule-based
negotiation (rule engine), a reference ontology to
harmonise the terms and concepts existing
throughout the various interoperability steps, and
other support modules, e.g., cloud management
modules, communications, storage using standard
ISO 10303 STEP, and other utility services.
This project is being implemented in the scope of the
TIMBUS project. This project has now finished the
definition of basic tools and is starting to implement
its applicability on a set of use-cases.
As stated on section 1, TIMBUS aims to provide
mechanisms to perform business continuity through
risk analysis and digital preservation of business
environment assets. The part of the project which
serves as use-case for this paper is the one that
relates to the capturing of business interoperation
with external parties. Namingly, the information that
is captured from each business can have multiple
interpretations and meanings. Each asset’s
characteristics is much more than only a perspective
of the target asset; it is related to a set of semantic
interpretations which are distinct, depending on who
performs them. The same objective measurement of
a sensor or the output result of a particular
experiment can have completely semantic meanings,
depending on the sensitivity, scope or even business
strategy or objectives of each analyser.
This is a problem which commonly affects the
proper interoperability between systems. The
negotiation model and framework presented in this
paper have the objective to make these objective
characteristics more transparent, by modelling them
via MDA and MDI, allowing the various
stakeholders to be able to understand not only what
is visible but also the motivation, strategy and
semantics behind each measurement and value.
Additionally, the negotiation mechanisms promote
that these semantics and values do not remain static,
but instead are able to evolve and improve through
time, allowing transformations, enhancements and
the introduction of new ideas, trends, platforms and
One of these use-cases regards the analysis for
business continuity and risk management towards
digital preservation of the network of dams in
Portugal, performed by the National Civil
Engineering Laboratory (“LNEC,” 2013).
A practical example of this framework relates to
the measurements taken on a given set of dam
sensors, related to temperature and pressure. The
interpretation of these measurements varies,
depending on the purpose of the selected set of
sensors and their location. It also varies according to
the objectives and strategies of the teams which are
analysing these results.
The proposed negotiation framework and models
permit the establishment of a common view, an
agreed and compromising interpretation and
semantic view of the results, and the negotiation
model permits the analysis of the outcome of this
negotiation. Whether this outcome is good or bad
will influence the decisions to be taken on future,
similar negotiations, hence promoting best-practices
and reuse of knowledge.
The applicability of this paper may then be
validated using a set of indicators and validation
rules, which include the amount of different
terminologies and processes that need to be
harmonised throughout the different dams or the
different sensor suppliers, the amount, effort and
cost of the rework happening due to semantic
misalignment before and after the application of the
framework, the amount of time spent on
harmonising these semantic issues with and without
formal negotiation, the advantages in amount of time
and cost of having a rich historic record of previous
negotiations and negotiation steps and resulting
Business complexity is rapidly increasing due to
globalisation and, well, evolution. In this fast-pace,
there are options and business decisions that need to
be taken rapidly as well. The lack of maturity of
numerous enterprises leads them to early and poorly
designed solutions for enterprise interoperability,
leading to some obvious mistakes that can be
corrected immediately, and others that are not so
obvious or detectable. When these are finally
detected, some may require a reinstate of some of
the business premises and environment.
While the TIMBUS project is aiming to support
the development of this by performing risk
management and selective digital preservation of
assets, it is also based on the traditional risk
management empirical analysis. This paper
proposed a methodology, a negotiation model and a
framework to support a mature, decision-support
analysis of the business continuity, based on the
modelling of the various entities and aspects related
to enterprise interoperability, supported by a
servitised set of supporting activities which are
defined to perform the interoperability and to
support it. The proposed framework’s future work is
to be validated in the scope of the project TIMBUS’s
use-cases. Additionally, the authors are seeking to
enrich this framework with mechanisms which
enforce contracting and the improvement of formal
negotiation strategies.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the
European Commission through the funding of the
MSEE, UNITE, and ENSEMBLE FP7 projects.
This work is being funded by the TIMBUS project,
co-funded by the European Union under the 7th
Framework Programme for research and
technological development and demonstration
activities (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement
nr. 269940.
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