Towards Business Process Model Extension with Cost Perspective
Based on Process Mining
Petri Net Model Case
Dhafer Thabet, Sonia Ayachi Ghannouchi and Henda Hajjami Ben Ghézala
RIADI Laboratory, National School of Computer Sciences, Mannouba University, Mannouba, Tunisia
Keywords: Business Process Management, Business Process Improvement, Process Mining, Petri Net Model
Extension, Cost Information.
Abstract: Business process improvement has ever been the major organizations concern to enhance efficiency,
flexibility and competitiveness. Business process management is a contemporary approach which includes
different techniques to support business process improvement along its lifecycle phases. Process mining is a
maturing technology based on event logs analysis giving insight on what is really happening at the
operational level. Process model extension is one of the three process mining types, which provides
different perspectives of the business process. Otherwise, cost perspective is one of the relevant information
needed by organization managers to take the suited process improvement decisions. In this paper, we
propose an approach allowing Petri Net model extension with cost information using process mining
extension technique. Besides, we present the main details about its implementation and the test case results.
Efficiency, flexibility and competitiveness have ever
been the main concerns of all organizations (Briol,
2008). In this context, Business Process
Management (BPM) is a contemporary approach
which has been highly considered for its potential of
enhancing organizations business processes
continuously (Adams, et al., 2010; Rosemann and
vom Brocke, 2010). In our work, we consider the
overall goal of supporting organizations decision
makers to enhance their business processes.
Among the different BPM techniques, process
mining is used to analyze business processes based
on event logs recorded by the systems executing
these processes (Adams, et al., 2010; Rosemann and
vom Brocke, 2010) which makes its results relevant
and accurate for managers and decision makers.
Event logs can be used to conduct three types of
process mining (van der Aalst, 2011; IEEE Task
Force on Process Mining, 2012; Rozinat, 2010): (1)
discovery: produces a business process model using
event logs; (2) conformance: an existing process
model is compared with the corresponding event
logs to identify the eventual deviations; (3)
enhancement: includes two sub-types: repair
(improving the model to better reflect reality) and
extension (using information extracted from event
logs to enrich the model). The extension technique
enables process model enhancement with different
perspectives such as the organizational, the case and
the time perspectives.
Otherwise, organizations are always concerned
with reduction of costs incurred during the execution
of their business processes. Management accounting
is the field dealing with how cost and other
information should be used for planning, controlling,
continuous improvement and decision making
(Weygandt, Kimmel and Kieso, 2010; Hansen and
Mowen, 2006). It includes several techniques such
as: Activity-Based Costing/Management (ABC/M)
(Weygandt, Kimmel and Kieso, 2010; Hansen and
Mowen, 2006); Time-Driven ABC (TDABC)
(Kaplan and Anderson, 2003); and Resource
Consumption Accounting (RCA) (RCA Institute,
2008; Clinton and Webber, 2004). The goal of these
techniques is to measure costs incurred during
process execution and to allocate them to the
business process operations.
These cost information would be easier to be
interpreted and more significant and accurate for
decision makers if they are associated to the
Thabet D., Ayachi Ghannouchi S. and Hajjami Ben Ghézala H..
Towards Business Process Model Extension with Cost Perspective Based on Process Mining - Petri Net Model Case.
DOI: 10.5220/0004883003350342
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 335-342
ISBN: 978-989-758-029-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
corresponding elements of the business process
model. This leaded us to consider the issue of
business process model extension with cost
information based on process mining extension
technique. As a first step of our work, we considered
to start by dealing with the case of Petri Net models.
In this paper, we propose an approach as well as its
implementation for cost extension of Petri Net
models using the process mining extension
In the remainder of this paper, we present the
research questions of our work in Section 2. In
Section 3, we give an overview about related works.
Section 4 presents the basic concepts related to Petri
Nets. Section 5 deals with the description of our
proposed approach. Section 6 presents the
implementation of the proposed approach. Finally,
in Section 7, we summarize our contribution and
present our future works.
On one hand, the process mining extension
technique enriches the business process model with
a wealth of information about the operational level
based on event logs. On the other hand, cost
information related to the business process is crucial
and interesting for decision making support.
Therefore, the main research question of our work is
how to extend the business process model with cost
information using the process mining extension
technique. This leads us to deal with the two
following questions:
(1) Is it possible to provide cost information from
event logs? If so, how?
(2) How to extend the business process model with
the obtained cost information?
The question (1) is about the possibility and then
the way for collecting cost information from event
logs. If we assume that it is possible to do so, the
question (2) deals with the manner by which the
business process model could be extended with the
collected cost information. In this paper, as a starting
point in our work, we propose a solution for the first
research question (1) while we start by dealing with
the second research question (2) for business
processes modelled with Petri Nets. Therefore, the
main contribution of this paper is the proposal of an
approach as well as its implementation providing
accurate cost information as a perspective of Petri
Net models using the process mining extension
Nauta (2011) proposed an architecture to support
cost-awareness in process mining and its first
implementation. The architecture contains two parts:
(1) in the management accounting part, the
accountant provides cost drivers and cost functions.
A cost driver defines how cost is associated with a
process and the cost amount incurred per unit of
activity or time. A cost function defines the content
of a cost report. (2) The Business Process
Management System (BPMS) part consists of 3
main steps. (a) In the first step, cost drivers and
functions, the business process model and the
organizational model are taken as inputs to create a
cost model (Nauta, 2011). (b) During the second
step, event logs together with the cost model are
used to calculate cost information that is used to
annotate the initial event log which is in the XES
(eXtensible Event Stream) format. XES is an XML-
based generic format for event logs (Nauta, 2011;
Wynn, Low and Nauta, 2013). A XES event log
consists of an arbitrary number of traces. Each trace
contains an arbitrary number of events (Hverbeek,
2012). The cost annotation is performed, per cost
type, in the final event of each task instance. The
obtained cost annotated event log is also in the XES
format. (c) In the third step, the cost annotated event
log is used to create cost reports (Nauta, 2011).
The context of this work is a current PhD project
named “Cost-aware BPM” started in 2012 (Wynn,
2012). The author proposes a framework to support
management accounting decisions on cost control
for monitoring, predicting and reporting based on
the work of Nauta (2011). The implemented plug-ins
of this framework allow the generation of different
cost reports (Wynn, Low and Nauta, 2013).
4.1 Definitions
A Petri Net is a directed bipartite graph populated by
three types of objects: places, transitions, and
directed arcs. Directed arcs connect places to
transitions or transitions to places (
Li and Zhou, 2009;
Wang, 2007). Places are graphically represented by
circles and transitions by boxes or bars. A place can
hold tokens denoted by black dots, or a positive
integer representing their number. The distribution
of tokens over the places is called a marking which
corresponds to a state of the modelled system.
The initial token distribution is called the initial
marking. A Petri Net is formally defined as a 5-tuple
N = (P, T, I, O, M
), where:
P = {p
, p
, …, p
} is a finite set of places;
T = {t
, t
, …, t
} is a finite set of transitions,
P T , and P T = ;
I: P × T N is an input function that defines
directed arcs from places to transitions, where N is
a set of non-negative integers;
O: T × P N is an output function that defines
directed arcs from transitions to places;
: P N is the initial marking.
4.2 Properties
Petri Nets have a number of properties which allow
the system designer to identify the presence or
absence of the application domain specific
functional properties of the considered system. Two
types of properties can be distinguished: behavioural
and structural properties. The behavioural properties
depend on the initial marking of a Petri Net while
the structural ones don’t depend on it. The most
important behavioural properties are : reachability,
boundedness, safeness, liveness, reversibility (
and Zhou, 2009; Wang, 2007).
4.3 Types
There are a number of types of Petri Nets which may
be classified in three levels (Trompedeller, 1995): (1)
Petri Nets characterised by places which can
represent boolean values (examples: Elementary Net
Systems, State Machines); (2) Petri Nets
characterised by places which can represent integer
values (examples: Marked Graphs, Free Choice
Nets); (3) Petri Nets characterised by places which
can represent high-level values (Examples: High-
Level Petri Nets, Coloured Petri Nets).
The proposed solution is an approach allowing the
extension of Petri Net models with cost perspective
using process mining extension technique. In the
following, the approach overview and the Petri Net
meta-model cost extension are presented.
5.1 Approach Overview
As shown in Figure 1, the inputs of our proposed
approach are: the Petri Net, that models the business
process, and the event log which was generated by
the BPMS executing this process and then annotated
with cost data by the application of Nauta’s
approach (2011). The main step of our proposed
approach is the extension of the Petri Net with cost
information. This step consists of three main sub-
steps: (1) In the first sub-step, the cost annotated
event log is used to extract cost information. (2)
During the second sub-step, the Petri Net model is
loaded into memory. (3) In the third sub-step, cost
information is computed with respect to the user’s
requirements and is associated to the corresponding
elements of the Petri Net. The output of this step is a
Petri Net extended with cost information. Finally,
the Petri Net is displayed along with the associated
cost perspective.
Figure 1: Overview of our proposed approach.
5.2 Petri Net Meta-Model Extension
with Cost Data Structure
Because of the different types of Petri Nets, several
works focused on the proposal of a standard
specification for Petri Net models to facilitate their
transfer between different tools.
The Petri Net Markup Language (PNML) is a
Extend the Petri Net Model
with Cost Information
Event log annotated
with cost information
Nauta’s a
Petri Net
cost information
Compute and associate
cost information
to the corresponding
Petri Net model elements
Petri Net model
extended with cost perspective
the cost extended Petri Net model
Cost extended Petri Net model
graphically displayed
the Petri Net model
Petri Net model
Figure 2: PNML core model extended with Cost data structure.
proposal of an XML-based interchange format for
Petri Nets and has been defined as an international
standard (ISO/IEC 15909 series) which defines a
meta-model of four packages: PNML core model,
Place/Transition Nets, Symmetric Nets and High-
level Petri Net Graphs. The last three packages are
related to specific versions of Petri Nets while the
first one can represent any kind of Petri Net
(Billington, et al., 2003; LIP6, 2012; 2013; Hillah, et
al., 2009). Therefore, in our work, we consider the
PNML core model package as the Petri Net meta-
model. Figure 2 shows the UML (Unified Modeling
Language) class diagram representing the PNML
core model extended with the cost data structure. A
document that meets the PNML core model is a Petri
Net document which contains one or more Petri
Nets. Each Petri Net has a name and contains one or
more pages. Each page is an object that consists of
objects. Each object has a unique identifier, a name
and may have graphical information. Besides, an
object may be a node or an arc. An arc must connect
nodes of the same page. A node can be whether a
transition node or a place node. A transition node is
whether a transition or a reference transition.
Similarly, a place node is whether a place or a
reference place. Reference transitions and reference
places are used to allow the connection of nodes that
belong to different pages, by an arc. A Petri Net, its
pages and its objects can have labels which may be
annotations or attributes. For some tools, specific
information might be stored for each Petri Net,
object or label (Hillah, et al., 2009).
The cost data structure consists of the two grey
colored classes (CostAnnotation and Cost classes)
and their corresponding relationships as shown in
Figure 2. The Cost class represents the cost concept
which is described by: computation mode, type,
amount (value) and currency. The computation
mode defines how the cost amount is calculated
(average, maximum or minimum). The cost type is
one of the types defined in the cost annotated event
log: fixed cost, labor cost and overhead cost.
Besides, we added a fourth cost type: the total cost
(sum of all the other cost types values). The cost
annotation is a kind of annotation as it represents
information textually displayed. Furthermore, a cost
annotation consists of a set of costs and is associated
to a transition as costs are attributed to tasks in the
cost annotated event log. Moreover, the cost
information of a reference transition is that
associated to its corresponding transition.
In order to test our approach, we implemented a
prototype allowing the extension of a Petri Net
model with cost information extracted from the
corresponding cost annotated event log.
Implementation and test details are presented in the
next sub-sections.
6.1 Tool Architecture Overview
As shown in the left side column of Table 1, the
required inputs for our tool are the following: (1) the
Petri Net model file (PNML format) which meets
the PNML core model structure; and (2) the
Na m e
No d e
Place RefPlace
corresponding cost annotated event log (XES
format) which is produced with respect to the cost
extended XES meta-model (Nauta, 2011; Wynn,
Low and Nauta, 2013). The central part of Table 1
illustrates the internal structure of the implemented
tool which is modelled by an UML component
diagram. The inputs are imported using graphical
user interfaces (GUI package). The extraction of
cost information from the cost annotated event log is
performed using the cost extraction package that
imports the OpenXES (1.9 version) library which is
a reference implementation of the XES standard for
storing and managing event log data (Hverbeek,
2012). Besides, the Petri Net model is loaded using
the cost extended PNML core model package which
uses the PNML framework that is a prototype
implementation of the international standard on Petri
Nets (LIP6, 2012; 2013). In addition to the
orchestration of these functionalities, the other roles
of the main package are the handling of the extracted
cost data, their association to the corresponding
loaded Petri Net elements and the display of the cost
extended Petri Net model using the GUI package.
Then, the output produced by the tool is a Petri Net
model extended with a cost perspective graphically
6.2 Cost Extraction and Extension
Figure 3 presents the algorithm of cost information
extraction from cost annotated event log. When
starting the parse of the cost annotated event log, a
log cost object (lco) is initialized. For each trace in
the event log, a trace cost object (trco) is defined.
Each time an end event is found in the current trace,
a task instance cost object (tico) is initialized. For
each cost type element found in the current end
event, the related cost data is extracted and used to
create an elementary cost object (eco) which will be
added to the current tico. Cost objects related to task
instances of one same task in one same trace are
grouped within a task cost object (taco). Once the
current trace is fully parsed, the current trco is added
to the current lco.
Once the cost data is extracted from the cost
annotated event log and the Petri Net model is
loaded with respect to the PNML core model, the
model extension sub-step is performed. Figure 4
shows the Petri Net model cost extension algorithm.
As the cost extracted data is related to tasks in the
cost annotated event log, we consider simply the
extension of transitions contained in each page of
the Petri Net. A cost annotation object (cao) is
initialized each time a transition is found in the
current page. The cao will contain a list of cost
objects. For each combination of the computation
modes and the cost types, selected by the user, a cost
object is created with the corresponding data
(computation mode, type, amount and currency) and
then it is added to the current cao. After that, the cao
is added in turn to the current transition object. Thus,
these instructions are executed for each transition of
each page of the Petri Net.
Table 1: General architecture of the Petri Net model cost extension tool.
Inputs Tool Architecture (UML Component Diagram) Output
XES meta-model
with cost extension
Cost annotated
event log
Petri Net model
PNML core model
Cost extended
Petri Net model
Data Structure
is instance of
Figure 3: Algorithm of the cost information extraction.
Figure 4: Algorithm of the Petri Net model cost extension.
6.3 Test Example
In order to test our approach, we considered the case
of a simple phone repair process. Figure 5 shows the
Petri Net model representing the considered business
process. The process begins by the registration of the
broken phone and then it is analyzed to determine
the defect type. Depending on the severity of the
defect, a simple repair or a complex repair is carried
out. Then, the phone is tested to check whether it is
fixed. If so, the repair details are archived and it is
returned to the customer. If it is not fixed, the repair
and then the test are restarted again. If the phone is
still broken after the fifth repair test, the repair
details are archived and the phone is returned to the
customer. Otherwise, the customer is informed about
the defect type after the defect analysis and before
archiving the repair details (Nauta, 2011; Process
Mining Group, 2013). This process example was
already used as a test case example in Nauta’s
approach. We used the produced cost annotated
event log together with its corresponding Petri Net
model as inputs in our tool test phase.
Figure 5: Petri Net model of the simple telephone repair
process (Nauta, 2011, p.14).
6.4 Test Results
After launching the Petri Net model cost extension
For each page in the Petri Net
For each transition in the page
Initialize a cost annotation object
For each computation mode selected by the user
For each cost type selected by the user
Create and Add corresponding cost object to the cost annotation object
End For
End For
Add the cost annotation object to the current transition object
End For
End For
Initialize a log cost object
For each trace in the event log
Initialize a trace cost object
For each end event in the trace
Initialize a task instance cost object
For each cost type in the end event
Create an elemental cost object using the extracted cost information
Add the elemental cost object to the task instance cost object
End For
If the corresponding task cost object exists in the trace cost object Then
Add the task instance cost object to the corresponding task cost object
Create the corresponding task cost object
Add the task instance cost object to the created task cost object
Add the created task cost object to the trace cost object
End If
End For
Add the trace cost object to the log cost object
End For
tool, the user selects the cost extension parameters
(Figure 6) including the cost computation mode(s),
the cost type(s), the PNML file (Petri Net model)
and the XES file (cost annotated event log).
Figure 6: Selection of the cost extension parameters.
The user selects one or more of the provided
computation modes: average, maximum and
minimum. Figure 6 shows that the user selected to
compute the average cost. The user also selects one
or more of the provided cost types: fixed, labor,
overhead and total. As shown in Figure 6, the user
selected to get all the provided types of costs. The
Petri Net model and the corresponding cost
annotated event log files are selected by providing
their absolute path. In Figure 6, the selected PNML
and XES files correspond to the simple phone repair
process example. Once the cost extension
parameters are validated by the user, the cost
extended Petri Net is displayed on the main tool
frame (Figure 7). The cost information is displayed
for each transition using tooltips appearing when the
user hovers the mouse over one transition which will
be automatically highlighted. The cost information
related to a transition is described using a table
which entries represent the different combinations
between the computation mode(s) and the cost
type(s) selected by the user. Each entry presents the
corresponding cost value and currency. For instance,
as the user selected to get an average value for each
cost type (Figure 6), each transition of the selected
Petri Net model will be extended with a table
containing an average value of each selected cost
type. Figure 7 shows the cost information related to
the “Analyze Defect” transition which includes an
average total cost of 17.38 AUD (Australian Dollar),
an average fixed cost of 8.20 AUD, an average labor
cost of 3.10 AUD and an average overhead cost of
6.07 AUD.
In this paper, we proposed an approach for Petri
Nets extension with cost information using process
mining extension technique. Besides, we proposed a
cost extension of the general Petri Net meta-model
(PNML core model) to store the cost information
extracted from the cost annotated event log produced
by Nauta’s approach (2011). Furthermore, we
described the implementation details of our Petri Net
cost extension tool which was tested for the case of a
simple phone repair process.
For this moment, the implemented prototype
allows decision makers to have detailed cost
information directly related to the Petri Net which
helps them better understand their business process
Figure 7: Displaying the cost information related to the “Analyze Defect” transition.
from an accurate cost point of view which in turn,
may lead them to detect the eventual cost problems
in their business process. Besides, detection of cost
problems in the business process is a mandatory
phase to be able to take the suited actions for
business process enhancement in terms of cost.
Therefore, the main current contribution of our work
is the assistance of decision makers in the first phase
of business process enhancement in terms of cost.
Currently, we are planning to conduct surveys
with management accounting and business process
management experts to improve and deepen the cost
information handling (structuring, analysis and
presentation) in order to make it more suitable and
useful for decision making. In future works, we
consider the generalization of the proposed approach
to support cost extension of any business process
model notation (not only Petri Nets). Finally, real
world case studies will be carried out in order to
evaluate our approach and tool performances.
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